#genderbend Ariadna
eldiariodeariadna · 5 years
Genderbend Ariadna: Adrián
Me etiquetó @lunaangel1010universe ¡muchas gracias!
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Decidí hacer un cambio en Adrián desde la última vez que lo hice, la apariencia de chico lindo está ahí pero ahora lo hice un poco más…¿guapo? jajajaa no sé pero se ve más atractivo :3
Yo etiqueto a: @diabolikal-eve / @bloodymeadow / @d-disparate-c-couple / @diabolical-couple / @l-cherryblossom-l / @diabolikal-white-ouzel / @nanitakawaiii / @love-between-idles / @subaslut / @mino-diabolik   / @my-sins-of-love / @diabolik-shizzy / @astral-dream / @supersweetlyuniquebouquetstuff / @invampirehellorheaven y todo aquel que quiera hacerlo y por accidente haya olvidado ^^'
Aquí esta el link: https://picrew.me/image_maker/3011
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ariadnasdiary · 5 years
Genderbend tag #??
Mun Ari: I was tagged by @barashikki-dialoversoc thank you very much!!
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Here we go (again): Adrián (male!Ariadna) and Áaron (Arino’s future child) :3
Here’s the link for the game
I tag: @diabolikal-eve / @bloodymeadow / @d-disparate-c-couple / @diabolical-couple / @l-cherryblossom-l / @diabolikal-white-ouzel / @nanitakawaiii / @love-between-idles / @subaslut / @mino-diabolik / @my-sins-of-love / @invampirehellorheaven / @lunaangel1010universe / @diabolik-shizzy / @imperialviridian / @the-sloth-woman / @supersweetlyuniquebouquetstuff / @diabolik-wolves / @spellboundsonnet and everyone that wants to do it and I accidentally forgot 😅
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ariadnasdiary · 6 years
“Small” headcanon: Adrian’s friendship with Lilly
Continuation from this post from @the-sloth-woman
It’s a little embarrassing, but they first met when Adrián crashed into Lilly.
He apologize fearful he had hurt her, but he was the one that ended in the floor not Lilly
After that he felt so bad he bought her a small rose with a written apology
After that Adrián start talking to her regularly during school.
In school they think Lilly is “flirting” with a younger student (the height difference is the reason)
Adrián met Alrick soon after and let’s be honest: Alrick made fun of the tiny guy that he heard rumors “was stealing what is his”
Adrián didn’t feel amused after Alrick threatened him to stay away from Lilly.
“You need to chill~ I’m already taken~” was his answer “In fact I think is one of your nieces~”
Retrieve! Alrick let him go not before warning him not to try something funny with Lilly
Adrián likes to make Lilly laugh, he wants her to get distracted at least during school
He wishes he would be the one to protect her...but is always the other way around
Once in a while he’ll politely ask her to get some stuff from him...he can’t reach
“Don’t you dare” he always tell her whenever she tries containing her laugh
He sincerely compliments Lilly constantly
“You look great today Lilly!” “Your perfume smell really nice!” “Your hair looks different today~ I like it though~”
One time Adriá arrived late to their meeting point, something unusual.
“It was that silly Kira (fem!Kino), felt jealous and I had to make it for her” yep Lilly noticed how many hickey he had on his clavicle, he doesn’t seem to mind it though?
Maybe is the difference from ideology/nationality/race but every now and then he brings Lilly some little presents (mostly chocolates or candy), open the door for her and he’s even willing to give her his coat if she feels cold (Kira is not happy about this but he doesn’t care~)
If Lilly ever were to feel lonely or the need to talk...he’s always up to lend her his shoulder or maybe listen to her.
If she sends him a SMS his there as soon as he can
Adrián likes making some “savage” comments to Alrick once in a while or maybe he’ll try confusing him by talking to him in Spanish~
Although is funny whenever Adrián stop abruptly during a conversation
“I don’t know how to say that in Japanese” or “wait...is isn’t said like that? Don’t laugh!” Language barriers are a pain sometimes.
Adrián is your compact friendly soft-funny boi
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eldiariodeariadna · 6 years
¡Hola gente preciosa!
Recuerden que mañana es el último día en el que Adrián estará en el blog~ así que si gustan preguntarle algo es ahora o nunca :3
¡Oh! También quisiera decirles que si están participando en lo de Genderbend con sus OCs mañana en la tarde estaré activa y visitando otros blogs (yo Mun o Adrián~), solo me avisan si están activas (que luego me dejan con la duda de si sí se envío la pregunta ^^’)
Si no quieren preguntarle a Adrián algo: ¡no hay problema! Dejen sus preguntas para Ariadna y las responderá el Sábado sin problemas~
¡Bonita noche!
Mun Ari~
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