#gender bent briderton
sea-owl · 2 years
Give me Colleen Bridgerton laughing with her fellow debutantes (much like in season 2) one of the them points out her attachment to Percy Featherington, her brother Elliot's best friend, and she says "Percy Featherington? Good lord Miss Fife, I would never dream of being courted by Percy Featherington. Not in your wildest dreams." Unseen is a heartbroken Percy walking away. Cue Colleen finding out a week later the Percy has gone off to help his uncle with his shipping business. She shrugs it off but is a bit hurt not to receive any letters while Elliot gets plenty. Cue a time skip to the next season but no Percy. And then another season. Still no Percy. It's when Colleen is 28 that she finally sees her old friend again. Escorting a shy young lady by the name of Phillipa Crane, her deceased cousin's sister-in-law who has been looking after her niece and nephew. Not only are Colleens eyes on him (was he always that tall and his shoulders that broad?) but every other debutantes despite the whispers of a soon to be engagement between Phillipa and Percy.
In my mind, rather than being fat, Percy is built tall and wide (often people joked that he looked more like a future wood cutter than a baron). But working on his uncles ships helped him refine his muscle so while he is still stout, boy is as solid as a tree trunk (one Colleen now finds herself wanting to climb) as it has become muscle. Despite his tough appearance, the boy is a gentle giant.
He's actually protecting Phillipa from fortune hunters who want to marry her since her son is heir to her land. Still, he thinks Elliot might be a good fit for her.
I do see Colleen as being Whistledown who just wants to write about far off places while Percy keeps a journal full of poetry.
You know I ain't gonna lie I was thinking Pen would still be a woman, and Colleen is just Pensexual. But this idea is intresting.
Say we take Pen's age at the end of season 2, 18, and run with it Percy wouldn't really be on the hunt for a wife yet. He would just be starting University and mix that with working with his uncles which would probably be a mixture of him also learning how to run his baroney he would be a busy little lord.
And at some point he meets Pippa Crane (I'm just calling her Pippa so I don't confuse myself with Phillipa Featherington) the two bond over academics when Pippa starts going on a special intrest tangent about the different kinds of wood being used on the ships.
Fast forward to when Colleen is 28 and a spinster. She has yet to marry due to her being allergic to commitment she now sits with the chaperons more often than not.
Rumors have spread of the now 23 year old Lord Featherington returning to town with a newly titled Lady Crane after the death of her brother and sister in-law. Rumors also say that they might be heading towards the altar soon.
Colleen and Elliot were drinking some lemonade when a voice spoke up behind them.
"Ms. Bridgerton, Elliot!"
The siblings looked over, Colleen chocked on her lemonade while Elliot exclaimed, "Percy!"
Percy Featherington certianly had changed. No longer was the awkward 18 year old Colleen had associated with Percy in her mind. The man who stood before her now actually reminded her of a woodcuter.
Colleen had to stop her blush.
Hidding behind Percy was a woman about 25, who looked almost terrifed. Percy had introduced her as Lady Pippa Crane.
So she was the rumored fiance.
"Elliot do you mind dancing with Pippa?" Percy whispered. "She's shy and I hope dancing with someone I trust will help her."
Elliot agrees and leads Pippa off to the dance floor.
"So that is the infamous Lady Crane," Colleen said. She hoped Percy didn't see the way her hand tightened on the glass.
Percy nodded. "She's in need of a husband without a title to help her with Romeny Hall and won't try to run off with her fortune."
That would put you out of the running my lord, Colleen thought, hidding her smile in her drink. Wait, why does that make me happy?
"I was actually hoping to pair Lady Crane off with Elliot."
Colleen chocked on her drink.
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