#genbu temple
lars-canyon · 2 years
SF6 Beta – 12 17 22 – Twenty-Seven [Kimberly] vs Adtimus (Juri)
Ninjastar Pop on Genbu Temple
<footage may not represent a complete set>
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mirrists · 1 year
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street fighter 6 was rlly fun 🫶 doodled my mc tetsu ..
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holespoles · 6 months
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Caricatures of birds and animals (Cyoujyuu-Giga), second scroll.
12th century, Heian period. Ink on paper, scroll 2 of 4 (scroll B). Kozan-ji Temple, Kyoto.
A copy of the B scroll of caricatures of birds, animals and humans painted in the Heian period (12th century). It is said to have been used as an apprenticeship for painters. The first half deals with 'animals native to Japan' and depicts animals that were familiar at the time, such as horses and cows. The second half of the book turns around and depicts 'Animals & Spiritual Beasts that do not live in Japan', with imaginative depictions of imaginary animals such as the Genbu and Qilin, as well as animals that do not live in Japan such as elephants and tigers.
《鳥獣戯画 乙巻 ちょうじゅうぎが おつかん》
12世紀 平安時代 紙に墨・巻物4巻のうち第2巻(乙巻) 京都・高山寺
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s10127470 · 3 months
Video Game Idea: Marvel vs. Capcom 4: Heroes Return
Hey! Marvel vs. Capcom is popular again! And it's all thanks to the recent account of Marvel vs. Capcom: Fighting Collection, a compilation pack of all the arcade MvC games and Marvel arcade games Capcom produced that's being released later this year.
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This has gotten many people excited for three reasons...
This is the first time we've heard anything new about the Marvel vs. Capcom series in almost a decade!
This is the first time the games have been complied together
This possibly means that the Marvel vs. Capcom may actually be returning for a new installment in the near future
And this led many people to speculate and give ideas on what a Marvel vs. Capcom 4 would be like.
And since I like coming up with game ideas, I figured I'd hop on the train.
So sit back, relax, and join me while I take you on a train through my idea for the game....
Marvel vs. Capcom 4: Heroes Return!
(This is gonna be a short one, so bare with me)
Gameplay-wise, Heroes Return would essentially follow the same mechanics as Fate of Two Worlds, from the combat system to even bringing back being able to switch between three characters.
The new gameplay addition would the modified Team Combos.
Here, either two or three of your team can perform a Hyper Combo.
And it would be accompanied by actual names for the Combos, and a cool ass cinematic!
For the look of this game, it would bring back the cel-shaded look of Fate of Two Worlds, but obviously a little more polished with the advanced technology of today’s consoles.
Now we come to undoubtedly the most important part of the game: the roster.
Heroes Return would feature the biggest roster seen in the series by far, with a total of 100 characters (with there being 50 characters evenly for both brands).
And those 50 characters on both sides would be split evenly into two groups: Heroes and Villains.
Let’s start off with Capcom, since they deserve to go first after the bullshit they went through with the last game.
On the Heroes side, returning from the previous games we have….
.Chun Li
.Mega Man
.Viewtiful Joe
.Phoenix Wright
.Strider Hiryu
.Monster Hunter
.Captain Commando
.Jin Saotome
.Frank West
As for the new Heroes, we have….
.Leon Kennedy
.Claire Redfield
.Victor von Gerdenheim
.Apollo Justice
.Masamune Date
.Sissel and Lynne
As for our Villains, the returning baddies would include….
.M. Bison
For the new Villains, we’ll be getting….
.Dr. Wily
.Manfred von Karma 
.Grandmaster Meio
.Strider Hien
.Demitri Maximoff
.Lord Raptor
.Alcina Dimitrescu
.Carlito Keyes
.Tyrone King
.Cyclops (Tyrannosaurus)
.Nobunaga Oda
.Hideyoshi Toyotomi
.Commander Sith
Now we come to the Marvel side of the roster.
On the Heroes side, our returning faces would consist of….
.The Hulk
.Captain America
.Iron Man
.Doctor Strange
.Iron Fist
As for our new Heroes, we have….
.Mr. Fantastic
.The Invisible Woman
.The Human Torch
.The Thing
.Luke Cage
As for the Villains, the returning baddies include….
.Doctor Doom
.The Juggernaut
In terms of new Villains, we have….
.The Green Goblin
.Doctor Octopus
.The Abomination
.Red Skull
.Baron Zemo
.The Mandarin
.Baron Mordo
.Steel Serpent 
.The Kingpin
As for the stages, this game features total of 30: with 15 representing Marvel, while the other 15 represents Capcom.
On the Capcom side, we have….
.Genbu Temple
.Castle Wily
.Movie Land
.The Demon World
.Kamiki Village
.Kazakh City
.The Ghost Town
.Zeltzereich Castle
.Metro City
.Space Fleet
.Fortune City
.Castle Dimitrescu
.Ibis Island
.Odawara Castle
As for the Marvel side, we have....
.The Daily Bugle
.The Weapon X Facility
.The Gamma Base
.HYDRA Island
.The Valley of Spirits
.The Danger Room
.The Sanctum Sanctorum
.The Baxter Building
.Asteroid M
.The Negative Zone
And finally, this game would actually have a Story Mode! Being the first in the franchise to do so.
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The first of actual worth....
Anyway, the story is pretty simple. It's essentially like Marvel Ultimate Alliance, except with Capcom thrown into the mix.
Essentially, an alliance between various Capcom and Marvel villains have been formed, led by M. Bison and Doctor Doom, who plan on using their combined skills and abilities to conquer the world and further their respective goals.
Luckily, this manages to catch the attention of Dr. Light and Nick Fury, who decide to retaliate by forming their own alliance of heroes to fight against them.
Once again, really simple story, but what will really make it engaging are the world-building and characters iterations.
The world of Marvel vs. Capcom has always been interesting to think about, since it appears to be a world where the Marvel and Capcom characters co-exists with each other.
But we've never really been given an in-depth look on what the world is like or how it works.
From what it seems like, the two brands have always shared this world.
And if that's the case, it would be cool to see how the corners of Marvel and Capcom connect to each other.
Or maybe this could like Battleworld from the Secret Wars event, where their world is the result of the Capcom worlds and the Marvel Universe being merged into one huge world!
As for the characters iterations, I can see so many between the Marvel and Capcom characters.
Some of the ones I can think of the top of my head include....
-Cyclops and Ryu being friendly rivals akin to the latter and Ken. Well, before Ken....ya know, fell off.
-Spider-Man and Morrigan being total besties and often throwing quips together while in battle.
-M.O.D.O.K. and Dr. Wily getting into constant arguments and trying to prove whose the better genius.
-Toad constantly simping for Juri, who as you would expect, isn't having any of it.
-Iron Man being a big brother figure to Mega Man.
-Hulk being an absolute dog person around Amaterasu.
-Deadpool constantly hitting on Chun Li, complimenting her thick legs, only to get his ass kicked every time.
-Magneto and Vergil bonding over their "I'm better than you" personalities, usually talking trash about their fellow villains behind their backs.
-Venom being Claire's big buddy and always telling her to...
Well that's all I have for now!
Let me know what you guys think about idea of mine's.
But most of all, let me know what you all think about the roster, since I believe that's the most important part of any Marvel vs. Capcom.
When making it, I wanted to make sure that both sides were perfectly even.
And for the Marvel side of things, I wanted to include faces from all over their universe rather than just utilizing the ones who are the big names in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
And addition to that, there will be no MCU SYNERGY at all in this game.
Because we all know how much it helped the last game....
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dorothygale123 · 8 months
Raise your hand if you've heard of the 4 Guardian Beasts before. Anyone? If you don't, it's cool. That's what learning is for!
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Now, anime fans like myself may be more than a little familiar with these guys as they've shown up in more than a few properties (ex. Fushigi Yuugi) but the concept, like many things in Asian culture, was originally Chinese. Also called the 4 Symbols, the 4 Gods, and the 4 Cardinal Creatures in English, the 4 Guardian Beasts are very popular in East Asia. We'll be calling them by their Chinese name, the Sixiang, because it's much shorter than any of their English titles because it's shorter. Do excuse me if I call the beasts themselves by their Japanese names, as it's what I know them best by.
The Sixiang are an astrological concept, with each one governing a portion of the sky. Each of these 4 sections had 7 constellations consisting of parts of the beast that when looked at together shows the beast as a whole. Pretty different from Greek constellations, huh? Anyways, these 28 total constellations were very important to Chinese cosmology as each one was seen as housing a different part of the Heavens, where the gods did their business. Let's take a closer look, shall we?
Azure Dragon/Canglong/Seiryuu, Guardian of the East
Fun fact: back in ye olden days azure was used to describe a shade of green, so while there are many depictions of Seiryuu as a blue dragon a lot of really ancient art paints him green. Surprisingly, he's associates with the element of wood rather than water. His constellations house the Heavenly Gates and several parts of the Jade Emperor's palace (including the stables where a certain naughty monkey did a stint). He's generally seen as the most important member of the group as a result.
White Tiger/Baihu/Byakko, Guardian of the West
As the name suggests, Byakko is a massive white tiger that rules over all other beasts with a terrifying roar. He's said to be in tune with all 5 elements (water, fire, earth, wood, metal) but is most associated with metal. He carries the 'essence of heroes' and means business. His constellations mostly have to do with the Heavenly army, with the prison, garrison, and granary all falling under his purview.
Vermillion Bird/Zhuque/Duzaku, Guardian of the South
Often confused with a Phoenix, Suzaku is actually a distinct creature. The fact that Eastern and Western Phoenix's are very different in concept doesn't help matters, especially since cultural osmosis has led to the Eastern Phoenix becoming more and more similar to it's Western counterpart. Suzaku himself is very similar to a Western Phoenix, being associated with fire and elixirs of immortality. His constellations are very functional, housing heavenly the wells, wardrobes, kitchens, and other such things.
Black Turtle/Xuanwu/Genbu, Guardian of the North
Now I say turtle, but Genbu is a bit more of a dual creature. Sometimes they're 2 animals, a turtle with a serpent on it's back, and others it's a turtle with a long snake-like neck. Sometimes it goes full chimera and is a turtle with a snake for a tail, head included. No matter which way you slice it though, Genbu is some mix of snake and turtle. Naturally, it gets associated with the element of water. Sometimes it's even credited as once having been the turtle that carried the floating city of Penglai (which I'll get to eventually). Genbu's constellations seem to be wealth-based, as it presides over the temples, treasury, and non-military granary.
Okay, so I know I said 4 beasts, but the Sixiang are sometimes shown with a 5th member that takes it's place in the center of the group. Occasionally it's a yellow dragon to represent the Yellow Emperor, but personally I prefer when it's the qilin/kirin, the Chinese Unicorn. Now it's called a unicorn, but like many Chinese creatures it's a bit of a chimera. With the head of a ram, the hooves of a horse, legs of a wolf, body of a deer, scales of a snake, tail of an ox, and horns of a dragon. Calm and intelligent, it is often seen as a symbol of nobility and scholars. Another fun fact: the Japanese word for giraffe is kirin because of their remarkable resemblance to the mythical beast.
This was a bit of a long one, but I had fun! What about you guys?
Sh*tpost Masterlist
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blackcatruse · 3 months
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𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔰
«prev. ❃ next» ❃ first chapter ❃ m.list ❃ ao3 pairing: r. haitani/fem!reader ↳ she/her, fem descriptors, nickname ❃ chapter synopsis: i don't need friends, they disappoint me. but wouldn't it be nice to have someone to depend on during the chaos of now? word count: 2.5k chapter cw(s): swearing, possible ooc, implied/mentioned abuse a/n: i love writing the Four Symbols. they're all horrible people :) also sorry for the overload of OCs i'm just yeeting in there, but i guess that happens when you make up a gang.
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“Hey, are you with me? Lotus?”
You felt a flick to your forehead and blinked, focusing on the person sitting across from you. You couldn’t hide that you’d been spacier than usual, your brain was a blender, swirling and liquefying all your thoughts. Between the job with Rokuhara and the announcement Suzaku had made at the division meeting and the fact that Genbu asked for you made your barely recovered head spin even more.
You lightly shook your head. “Sorry, just thinking about stuff.”
Nezumi leaned on the table with his chin in his hand. “Clearly, but honestly I don’t blame you. You’ve kind of been through a lot lately.”
“Something like that,” you laughed weakly. “I’m sorry you’re stuck babysitting me.”
“It’s not a big deal. Suzaku said runners were required to work in pairs for the foreseeable future, and honestly, I don’t mind being paired with the best.” Nezumi flashed a genuine smile and you didn’t know how to respond.
Nobody in your division liked you, or at least that’s what you figured based on the stares and whispers. You didn’t let it get to you and you played into the unlikeable persona because people would leave you alone. Unfortunately, after the incident that left you with a concussion, Suzaku declared that no runner was allowed to do a job alone. Top runners had priority, so it would be you, Nezumi, Shika, and probably-Hato. The four of you naturally gravitated towards each other and decided you’d pair up that way. It was going to be inconvenient though.
“You don’t have to lie to me,” you mumbled, pushing your food around your plate.
Nezumi sighed. “You’re weird,” he said. “But you’re not as bad as you make yourself out to be.”
“But I’m still some degree of bad,” you said, accenting your words with a jab of your fork in his direction.
“We all are,” Nezumi pointed out. “None of us are exactly doing clean work. Anyway, stop being so grumpy. You need friends.”
“And you’re offering?” You raised an eyebrow. “I thought we were just supposed to be discussing our usual jobs and how to make things work with our schedules.”
“Stop dodging the question,” Nezumi said, on the verge of whining. “But yeah, we do need to work out when our runs are happening and any other jobs Suzaku gives us.”
“I make my weekly runs to Kabukicho on Sunday,” you told him. “There’s no set time, except for the guy that owns Byakko’s space. Gotta get to him before 5pm.”
“Noted. I run Ōtemachi and Marunouchi on Wednesdays and Fridays. Both during the day, preferably in the morning.”
You nodded, mapping out the locations in your mind. “I can’t say I’m fond of any time before noon, but I’d rather not get my face beat in again. Either by Suzaku or the other guys.”
Nezumi’s face twisted into something uncomfortable. He rubbed his temples. “Can you have a normal conversation with anyone?”
“Nope!” You grinned. “It’s part of my charm.”
“Right,” Nezumi said flatly. “Charm.”
“I’m sensing sarcasm from you.”
“Hmm, I’ll try harder to mask it next time. Anyway, what’s your current burner number? It would be best if we can get into contact outside of division meetings.” Nezumi held out his own burner phone.
“Huh? Oh yeah sure.” You took it from his hand and punched in the number you had just memorized. It would be changed by the end of the month, since it made it a little harder for the cops to sniff out Wuxing’s trail.
Adding a little ‘<3’ to the end of your contact name, you finally handed the phone back to Nezumi. He looked at it, sighed, and looked at you with dull eyes. You just waved like nothing had transpired. He shook his head and stood. “I’ll get in touch soon,” he promised. He gave you a lazy wave before heading out and you put your head down on the table.
It was going to be a little harder to traipse around with the Haitanis like this, but you’d figure it out. Right now you had more pressing problems, like why the hell Genbu needed to see you. You did your part of the operation and you weren’t important enough to be part of the circle that knew. 
You couldn’t even think about why these people were so obsessed with you. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, remarkable about you. You spent the first thirteen years of your life raised in an area where nobody would care if you or your family disappeared. Your father wasn’t in the picture. You didn’t know who he was and your mother refused to talk about him. You quickly learned to stop asking about him when she threw a ceramic tea cup at your head. The memories of your mother were fairly fuzzy, thanks to the years working for Wuxing that shaved time from your lifespan. You remembered the day you found your mother dead, and it was something that you could never forget. You didn’t think you ever could.
Of course, after your mother’s death, your brother spiraled deeper and deeper into gambling. He lost his job. He spent all day most days drunk and wasted instead of sober. You were still too young to get a part-time job, but you were certain that your brother would burn any money you brought in.
You were able to keep you and your brother afloat because sometimes he would come home from gambling with cold hard cash. You’d take some from him when he finally blacked out. He never remembered how much he won, so as long as you left something, you could at least get groceries and pay rent and bills. Even when he caught you and beat you within an inch of your life, you still kept stealing from him. You weren’t going to let yourself be thrown onto the streets. Trying times made you consider learning to pickpocket, but before that could come to a head, Wuxing came knocking.
At that point, you weren’t even sure you were human anymore. You had lost weight. You were covered with bruises that could easily be hidden under school uniforms. Anyone who saw you turned a blind eye, because it wasn’t their business what happened in your home. You hated every second of it, and it all culminated when your brother sold you in an attempt to ease his debts. Your brother’s blood was still warm on your face when Genbu’s men grabbed you. They whispered terrible things in your ear, telling you in explicit detail how they planned to make you pay “your” debt.
Your first few years with Wuxing were something you wished you could scrub from your mind. Yet, you would never be clean of the things done to you and what you had done. Even now you felt like there was a disconnect between you and your body. Just a permanent state of detachment that would rear its head if you weren’t cracking jokes or making a conscious effort.
Fuck, you had to get your shit together before you went to Genbu. Throwing a wad of yen on the table, you stood and headed out. Everything around you was a blur as you made your way to the abandoned police station where Genbu did his business.
There was a specific knock you were supposed to use, but you couldn’t be bothered to remember it. You popped a stick of gum in your mouth before loudly banging on the door and yelling. It had the same effect of getting attention and before you could even strike the door a third time, a disgruntled looking Genbu had opened the door.
“You tryna make trouble?” he grunted.
Your smile was devilishly saccharine. “It’s what I do best.”
Genbu snorted before stepping back and letting you walk in. You hadn’t been to this part of Wuxing’s domain. Each of the Four Symbols had their own regions where they conducted business and very rarely did these overlap. You were one of the few that had seen Seiryu’s underground fighting ring and Byakko’s brothels. Now having visited Genbu’s hideout, you were familiar with each of the Four Symbols’ kingdoms. Probably one of the only lower status members, now that you thought about it.
Wuxing’s upper echelons may spit on you, but even they couldn’t argue that you weren’t good at what you do.
“What couldn’t wait until the big meeting that made you call for me now?” you asked as Genbu closed the door.
“Whoever we caught,” Genbu started, “they know who you are.”
You stared at Genbu. “Yeah, I’m Suzaku’s Lot—”
“No, they know your real name.”
“That doesn’t make sense,” you said, stumbling over your words. You couldn’t hide how shaken you were. Any mention of who you were before sent you into a horrifying spiral. “Nobody should know who I am.”
“That’s what we thought too,” Genbu said.
“Follow me.” Genbu didn’t wait for a response before he started walking away. You jogged a little to catch up with him and he walked into a room. Stepping inside you saw Suzaku, Byakko, and Seiryu. Your eyes quickly scanned the room for any sign that you were going to be murdered, but they stopped when they landed on the one way mirror to the adjacent room.
There were four men, each handcuffed to a chair and displaying a variety of bruises and bloodied faces.
“What the hell?” you asked, voice barely a whisper.
“They haven’t given us any useful information,” Genbu said. “But they know who you are, who your mother was, and who your brother was. When we asked further, they said nothing. Just laughed. Said they’d only talk if it was to  you.”
Fuck, it was exactly like the guy you and Rindou had run into. Almost as if they could tell you were staring at them, their heads snapped up and they looked straight at you. Even the Four Symbols stiffened at the sudden movement.
“Did you bring her?” the one third from the right asked. Maybe he was the leader? He sounded familiar, like the one you had met in that warehouse.
They had been locked up here so long you doubted they were high, unless Genbu drugged them during the interrogation. But the unnerving smiles they wore... This was too much for you.
Genbu moved forward and spoke into an old microphone on the desk. “She’s here.”
“No, let her speak.”
Genbu stepped away and motioned you to come forward. You weren’t entirely sure what to say, but you knew you were close to snapping. “I’m here. What do you want?”
You prayed they didn’t hear the waver of your voice, but if they did they gave no indication. “Do you remember your mother?” the leader asked, using your real name.
You shuddered. “Not really,” you lied.
“I see,” he hummed. “Do you know anything about your family?”
Even though they couldn’t see it, you shrugged. “Just that my sperm donor was a deadbeat, Mom hated when we asked about him, and my brother was a bastard.”
That got a chuckle out of the four men in the interrogation room.
“Would you like to know?”
“What?” Your blood froze. Behind you the Four Symbols exchanged confused glances.
“Everything you need to know,” the man said. “You will learn if you—”
“I’m not interested.”
The man frowned. Was he expecting you to give a shit about the people who made your life go from worse to absolute hell? All you cared about was getting out of Wuxing, maybe even the country, and never coming back.
“Just seems like a lot of trouble,” you drawled. “I don’t particularly care about my family history.”
“Are you loyal to Wuxing? Did he convince you to join them?”
You didn’t ask for clarification because if they knew who you were, then surely they knew your brother got you into this mess. “Something like that,” you said, keeping the answer neutral. The last thing you wanted was any of the Four Symbols to think you were betraying them. Well, you supposed your record wasn’t exactly clean in that aspect, but it didn’t include these sorry bastards in front of you.
“That is unfortunate,” the man hummed. “Well, if you ever want answers, consider seeking Nirvana.”
You looked back at Suzaku and Genbu, avoiding eye contact with Byakko and ignoring Seiryu. They were blank faced and likely as confused as you were. Genbu stepped forward and pulled you away from the mic. “What do you mean?” he demanded. “Who are you people? How do you know these—”
Suzaku jerked Genbu back and the man’s words were cut off. Then, like a switch was flipped, the captives dropped their heads and refused to answer any more questions or demands. You were confused to start with, but now it was even worse. You weren’t anyone of importance. You knew you weren’t.
It seemed like the Four Symbols had an idea of what was going on, but they weren’t going to tell you. Rarely did you ever need to know what was happening, and truthfully you didn’t want to. The less you knew about the situation the better.
Ignorance was bliss and you refused to let go of that. “I don’t know what the hell they want from me,” you said. There wasn’t anything defensive about your tone, just confusion and fear.
Genbu ran a hand down his face. “Yeah, we gathered that.” He sighed. “We’re going to have to report this to Kirin.”
You could almost feel the collective groan they didn’t let out. So they hated reporting to their boss too. You would almost feel sympathy if you hadn’t been tormented by every single one of them.
“You’re not coming,” Suzaku said immediately.
“Huh?!” You were genuinely taken aback at how quickly Suzaku snapped that out. “I didn’t say anything and I don’t want to!”
“That’s a first,” Byakko snorted.
You wanted to turn around and snarl at him but you didn’t. “I don’t want to be tangled up in this shit any more than I have to. I don’t know a goddamn thing about what they were saying. I’m not important. You all know this! The only reason you haven’t killed me yet is because of my stupid brother’s debt and because I’m maybe a good runner.”
You didn’t want to break down in front of the Four Symbols, but they said nothing as tears streamed down your face. If they were kinder, they would have taken pity on your confusion and anxiety, but they didn’t care. They had seen enough that you breaking down wasn’t going to faze them.
“Seiryu, take Lotus home,” Suzaku ordered. “I’m going to get in touch with Kirin and figure out what we’re going to do next. Genbu, keep digging for information. Byakko, keep an eye out in your territory.” Suzaku looked you in your stinging, teary eyes, “And Lotus, you don’t fucking go anywhere alone.”
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Please do not reupload, translate, or steal my work! If it isn't here or on my ao3, it's not me! Likes & reblogs appreciated! <3 Dividers courtesy of @/cafekitsune & @/firefly-graphics
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youkaigakkou-tl · 2 years
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The Kyoto Arc Analysis Post (Part 4)
I've run out of color spreads from this arc to put with the title of posts! Can't believe this took more than 3 posts!
This part covers the loose ends left in this arc, and a conclusion.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
This page singlehandedly ruined my life
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I am in shambles! I am inconsolable! What, your heart is still intact? Here, try these.
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(chapter 6 and 8)
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(chapter 93)
Thank you Tanamai sensei for the knife to the heart. I will cherish this dearly.
Loose Ends
That brings us to nearly the end of this essay, just one section left.
But before that, one loose end/detail we actually get to see: Why Genbu said “gods shouldn’t go near human remains”
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…Yeah! (And also there’s what Sano did to Haruaki’s soul)
Well, first loose end: Seimei’s death scene.
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Some extra info: The swords appear to be shinto ritual daggers, though I imagine they’re not intended to be used for murder lmao
Notably, why is there a sword stabbed into the ground? Also notably, Seimei is smiling. We also don’t know why the gods were yelling and running to Seimei. We don’t actually get to see the lead up to this scene, not from any perspective.
Chapter 90 is just one giant loose end. Of note is that at this point Douman already has “seimei’s curse” whatever that is. Remember, this was also information we learned from Ranmaru. In fact, I think this is what Ranmaru realizes in this scene.
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Another loose end: What is Seimei???? Suzaku says Douman is “only human, don’t push yourself”, then what is Seimei???
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And then there’s this sus scene. What’s with the stars, Seimei’s whole brand?? Before actually reading the chapter, I thought it’s because Seimei possessed him, but that doesn’t seem likely with the dialogue (unless???)
Also, what else did he do to Seimei that let him steal his powers for a bit? I don’t imagine just killing someone lets you do that. (Granted it’s highly likely Douman didn’t even kill Seimei, or if he did there was more to the story than jealousy or whatever)
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Also, this curse is pretty weird. It for sure has to do with Seimei, considering we’re getting this info from Ranmaru, and also the stars that show up. But isn’t it odd, that Seimei would “curse” him? He just doesn’t seem like that type of guy. My theory, hypothesis even, is that this is Seimei possessing him or something of the sort. (probably not lmaooo but can you imagine. also if this does turn out to be the case I want to be able to say I called it)
And also, some supporting evidence that Douman didn’t kill Seimei:
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He says this, almost as if he didn’t have a say in Seimei dying.
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And then there’s the gods considering him “sinless”.
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And now, finally, we don’t know Seimei’s motive for saying this, nor Ranmaru’s own secret motives.
(Wild guess, Ranmaru probably wants to take down the gods. Takamagahara arc when)
Last Tangent
In the process of writing this, I remembered blue exorcist (another manga I’m insane about) also had a “Kyoto arc” and was kind of wondering why it had a totally different vibe from this. I mean, obviously different stuff can happen in Kyoto, but the vibe of the location was totally different. So I spent a week rereading blue exorcist. As it turns out, its because they spend about 2 seconds in Kyoto city and then fuck off into a temple in the mountains for the rest of the arc.
(By the way, blue exorcist is a really good manga, if you like yohaji you’ll probably enjoy that too.)
(Sometimes I catch myself thinking “maaaaan I wish Haruaki would fight more” and then I remember this isn’t an action manga. Action shounen brainrot is real. What can I say I love swordboys)
So, this has been nearly 7000 words! Congratulations on making it this far, and thank you for reading all of this, I mean it!
I hope you learned something from this. I learned a whole lot researching this, this is probably only 20% of what I actually read up on, but didn’t decide to write about/cut out because it was too irrelevant. (At one point I was researching the history of ginkgo trees)
In fact, researching this actually caused me to reevaluate my opinion on history and sociology, and like, studying and learning as a whole. I should have put citations on this to begin with, but if you want citations for anything I’m sure I’ll be able to find it again.
Doing something like this also makes you realise some things. I had to be so careful with the english sources I looked at, because there’s often this pretentiousness in amping up the “mystical east”. (Which is why, as much as possible, I tried to also look at chinese sources on chinese topics, same with japanese) Of course, there are people writing articles without such attitudes as well, after all, I am one such person writing about this subject matter in english, and I would hope I’ve done it properly. (Though, obviously, as a human I’ve got my own biases too)
And then there’s also the conflicting information, particularly about minute details. (How do people who do research not go insane? Video essayists are a whole different species) Stuff about Ebisu, just off the top of my head. There’s really not much info about him out there, given he’s one of the biggest luck gods out there.
I probably should have split this up into multiple essays, since I knew the student arc post, despite only being 2 chapters, ended up being nearly 4000 words. But everything in every chapter was so interconnected….man….
If you liked this, you might like my other analysis/trivia posts:
Renren arc
Haruaki student arc
Douman analysis
This essay about numbering a yoseito chapter
I don’t know if I have it in me to do something like this for the chapters before I started translating (i.e. anything before Renren arc) for the sole reason that I didn’t spend days poring over every word choice in japanese and chinese, every english word choice, every detail on the page, haha
Maybe I will maybe I won’t. Maybe I’ve gotten better at understanding and writing from writing this.
See you next time something inspires me to write something long like this again. If you send me interesting asks you might be able to trick me into writing 2k words out of nowhere.
(A confession since you read all of this: Sometimes I don’t answer asks because I feel like I don’t have anything interesting to say. Sometimes it’s because I want to keep it in my askbox to look at later. Sometimes I just forget, and then it feels like I’ve taken too long and it’s too awkward to answer it now. I love to read every single one, though. Thank you for reading all of this, thank you for sending asks, and thank you for reading yohaji <3)
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on our fates alight--on guard
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Mathye exhaled lowly.
"The Mitsirugis are circling then?" He asked. "You really believe that Hien will betray us?"
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"He may not have a choice." Augustine said. "Not if he wants immediate stability once the Garleans are broken. Hingashi has the ability to become a major problem for Doma--or a welcome ally. What would be more preferable to a people that have been traumatized like how the Domans have been? Food, money, supplies or having another war show up on their doorstep? Not to mention this region already has a history of turning over their Dominants to the Mitsirugis."
"But he knows that if something happens to us..." Mathye trailed off. He inhaled, exhaled, and then continued.
"If something happens to us, he'll not only have the wrath of the Scions to deal with, but more than likely the Eorzean Alliance as well." Honestly on that one Mathye wasn't too certain, but from all indicators during the now-disastrous campaign in Ala Mhigo, the Alliance's leaders had been thrown themselves whole-heartedly into keeping their word--freedom for Dominants and treating with them as equal men and women.
"The Scions are only us, Lyse and Alisaie at the moment. The Eorzean Alliance is on the other side of the world. The closest support we have in that quarter is Hancock, and even then it's very easy to prevent us from getting to him." Augustine replied. "Hien is young. He's going to be new to his throne, and he has zero experience. Any advisors he obtains are going to be telling him to get rid of us. We're being tolerated right now only because we're helping liberate the country. The moment we're no longer needed, we'll have targets on our backs." Mathye exhaled lowly, listening to his sibling.
"So what would you suggest, then?" He began, feeling a cold breeze blow over him. The Dawn Throne had a beautiful view of the Steppe, but the Oronir wore their furs for a reason.
"We get word to the other Scions." Augustine began. "I'm fully prepared to be wrong--and I want to be wrong. If Hien doesn't listen to the Mitsirugis, he'll find he's got strong allies in the form of Genbu and the other Lords. They're willing to turn themselves into Eikons to support him and help Doma."
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"But if he does listen..." Mathye prompted.
"If he does listen, we leave. Immediately. We're more than likely be dragging Lyse and Alisaie on the way out, but that's preferable than to telling them about this and watching one of them go off half-cocked to confront Hien on our behalf." Augustine finished. "We make for Reisen Temple, and from there--back to Eorzea."
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kaihihanto-art · 1 year
new headcanon; honda visited genbu temple once with his dad on vacation back in his childhood
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Street Fighter 6 - Open Beta Announce Trailer
Capcom will host an open beta test for Street Fighter 6 from May 19 at 12:00 a.m. PT / 3:00 a.m. PT to May 22 at 00:00 a.m. PT / 3:00 a.m. PT across PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
The content of the open beta test is the same as the second closed beta test, meaning it will feature eight playable characters, and the following modes: Ranked Match, Casual Match, Battle Hub Match, Open Tournament, Extreme Battle, Game Center, and Training Mode.
Open Beta Overview
Note: Playable characters and content will be the same as in Closed Beta Test 2 held in December 2022.
The following Battle Hub features will be playable.
Playable Content
Character Creation (only possible to create once)
Ranked Matches
Casual Matches
Battle Hub Matches
Open Tournaments
Training Mode
Hub Goods Shop
Extreme Battles (updates daily)
Game Center (updates daily)
Challenges (updates daily)
DJ Booth
Photo Spot
Playable Characters
Playable Stages
Carrier Byron Taylor
Genbu Temple
Metro City Downtown
The Macho Ring
Tian Hong Yuan
Training Room
Avatar Creation
You can customize your avatar that appears in the Battle Hub when you play the game for the first time.
Please note that you cannot save or load avatar recipes, or remake your avatar during the Closed Beta.
Available Features
Cross-platform play
Control types (Modern / Classic)
**Play-by-Play Commentators: Vicious / Tasty Steve / Aru / Kosuke Hiraiwa
**Color Commentators: James Chen / Demon Kakka
CFN (Fighters List / Replays / Rankings),
Online Match Fight Request function
Battle tutorials,
Battle settings
Photo mode
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Street Fighter 6 will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam on June 2, 2023.
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Idol Scandalous Hot Topics
Ken Masters and Ryu are husbands or just lovers?
According to the sources, Ken Masters went to the Genbu Temple to see Ryu on the 21st of May this year
Ken was known to be a little bit friendly with his best friend/rival/love interest
Ryu was known to reciprocate Ken's flirtatious advance
The two are famously known to be very touchy-feely with each other
According to sources, Gulie was so aghast and yet surprised by the relationship between Ryu and Ken
Who knows
Ken and Ryu are definitely husbands
Luke Sullivan and Jamie Siu are dating or not?
On April 28th, Luke and Jamie were spotted at a niche cafe
Luke was known as the Golden Boy in the entertainment industry
Jamie was known as the pretty boy in the entertainment industry
So that's why people compare them to Ryu and Ken
Apparently, the pair have known each other since childhood, and many people said they make a great couple
According to sources, Luke and Jamie were very flirtatious around each other to the point even some of the servers noticed it
The pair was very flirtatious and friendly towards one another
Maybe their romance is blooming
Who knows
But #lukejamie is the real thing
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lars-canyon · 4 months
SF6 – 05-28-24 – Venks [Akuma] vs Fennel (AKI)
Various Songs on Genbu Temple
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indragonsaur · 1 year
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Name: Gamera (ガメラ) Alternate Names: ROGGame, Gammera, Gamela, Gamara, Genbu Height: 110 meters Weight: 230,000 tons Abilities: Hard Slap, Lashing Claw, Break Fang, Shell Cutter, Plasma Fireball, High Plasma, Ultimate Plasma, Oil Bag, Coal Sack, Melting Furnaces, Thermal Energy Conversion Intestines, Thermal Energy Heart, High Fever Muscled, Firebreath Class: Earth defenders
Bio: In ancient times, People worship gamera as an Primordial Turtle god that’s protects people from their evil monsters like, Gyaos, Garasharp, Mogu, and Zarkorr. When the war begin, the ancestors of Gamera clashes to wiped out bunches of Gyaos and Mogus and were faced to face Garasharp and Zarkorr and wiped out his ancestors to pieces. Gamera and the other were the only two who survived until the elder turtle god destroyed Garasharp but Zarkorr has Retreated far away and never come back. When the centuries passed, gamera and the other one went to their new home was Hollow earth and found the ancient temple and lived here from very long time.
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i’m sorry but i like street fighter 6′s soundtrack. it’s not really something i would listen to outside of playing the game (and i don’t think every theme is great - guile’s is pretty forgettable) but with the way the music shifts with each round i think it works really well.
i wouldn’t really throw genbu temple into my phone to listen to whenever but in the context of a match this round 3 mix gets me pumped up.
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rygoespop · 1 month
The King of Street Fighters: Temple Showdown (Chapter 23)
Ryu: What brings you here to Genbu Temple?
Akuma: On the run from Shadaloo
Ryu: So, looks like your not the only one fighting from Shadaloo
Akuma: Hmph
Ryu: Well, I don’t mind one match
Akuma: Very well *gets in a fighting stance*
Ryu: *gets in a stance* I’m ready if you are
Akuma; Then it begins! *uses Goshoryuken on Ryu*
Ryu: *slides back* Not bad, but talk is cheap! Shoryuken! *uses Shoryuken on Akuma*
Akuma: *lands back down* Not bad! I guess you have over come the Satsui no Hado
Ryu: I have, in order to stop Bison long ago
Akuma: Fascinating
Ryu: But enough talk *runs up to throw 3 punches to Akuma*
Akuma: *stumbles* Not bad, but survive this, GoHadoken! *uses GoHadoken on Ryu*
Ryu: I don’t think so, Hadoken! *uses Hadoken to combat against Gohadoken*
Both the Hadoken and Gohadoken have clash
Akuma: Tch, let’s finish the fight!
Ryu: And so be it
Akuma: Die 1000 Deaths! *prepares Wrath of The Raging Demon*
Ryu: I don’t think so! *uses Shin Shoryuken to combat against Akuma* SHORYUKEN!!!
Akuma: Ugh, Noooooo! *defeated*
Ryu: This time Akuma, victory is mine
Akuma: *gets back up, this time, impressed* Hmmm, I am impressed
Ryu: Till we meet again Akuma
Akuma: Till we meet again *walks up and jumps up, heading back to Enma’s Hollow*
Ryu: Hmmmm, it’s time I keep traveling *walks off to resume wandering around the world*
Meanwhile, at King Street in the UK
Juri: So, you and I have a lot in common, we defy both Bison and Seth
Ed: *now donning his Outfit 2 appearance* Yeah so?
Juri; It’s time we form a new allegiance, to ourselves and to anyone who has defied either Bison or Seth
Ed: R-right
Scene cuts to black
To be continued
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sonyclasica · 7 months
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Eleva tu experiencia SF 6 con la Banda Sonora Original de Street Fighter 6 Edición Coleccionista en Vinilo. Sumérgete en ritmos palpitantes en cuatro discos transparentes de 180 g, con 180 minutos de música. Disponible el 23 de febrero.
Resérvalo AQUÍ
Esta excepcional colección incluye los mejores temas de la banda sonora original de Street Fighter 6, incluyendo el épico tema principal y temas específicos de los personajes que definen el universo Street Fighter.
Este conjunto de ensueño para coleccionistas viene en una caja premium, con cada LP en su propia funda. Este set incluye un libro de arte visualmente cautivador con ilustraciones de los personajes, exclusivas del libro de 24 páginas, que destacan a los 18 personajes iniciales de SF6. Una exclusiva alfombrilla para el tocadiscos con un diseño de zoótropos de Drew Tetz y un paquete de pegatinas con seis diseños exclusivos de Street Fighter completan el contenido.
Esta obra maestra de edición limitada, perfecta para los fans de élite de Street Fighter, es una pieza imprescindible de la historia de los videojuegos.
Yoshiya Terayama
La banda sonora de Street Fighter 6, influenciada por el hip-hop, está compuesta por Yoshiya Terayama y el grupo CAP-JAMS. Entre los colaboradores se encuentran GRP, Shigeyuki Kameda, Daniel K. Solovitz, Chris B. Harris, Yasumasa Kitagawa, The Sound Room, Haruki Yamada y Katsuhisa Asari.
La carrera de Terayama tomó vuelo con el lanzamiento en 2016 de Monster: Hunt Stories para Nintendo, pero es conocido por su trabajo en Street Fighter 6. Terayama también ha trabajado en Devil May Cry 5 y Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition (2020). Con créditos en seis juegos y una reputación cada vez mayor, Terayama se erige como una estrella emergente en el mundo de la música de videojuegos.
Contenido del Set:
1.    Not On The Sidelines - Street Fighter 6 Main Theme
2.    Reinvent the Game - Variation A
3.    Fighting Ground - Menu
4.    Fighting Ground - Menu Composure Remix
5.    Fighting Ground - Menu Burning Remix
6.    Genbu Temple - Stage Battle
7.    Down & Out - Extreme Battle
8.    Back & Forth - Extreme Battle
9.    Rules & Regulations - Extreme Battle
10.  Heaven & Hell - Extreme Battle
11.  Smash & Grab - Extreme Battle
12.  Normal Battle - Extreme Battle
1.    World Tour - Menu Hit The Streets
2.    Body Shop
3.    World Tour - Tutorial
4.    Metro City (Day)
5.    Metro City Downtown - Stage Battle
6.    One and Only
7.    All Over the World
8.    Colliding Forces - Bosch's Theme
1.    Taking Aim - Luke's Theme
2.    Mr. Top Player - Jamie's Theme
3.    Walk With Grace - Manon's Theme
4.    Ninjastar Pop - Kimberly's Theme
5.    Bushin Ninjastar Cypher - Kimberly's Super Art
6.    Pankration - Marisa's Theme
7.    Diosa Del Sol - Lily's Theme
1.    The Plunderer - JP's Theme
2.    ÅrachniD** - Juri's Theme
3.    All Right! - Dee Jay's Theme
4.    R.E.D. - Zangief's Theme
5.    Kumadori - E. Honda's Theme
6.    zilra zilra - Blanka's Theme
1.    Viator - Ryu's Theme
2.    Sharpened Sonic - Guile's Theme
3.    OverTrip - Cammy's Theme
4.    Spirit Of The Flame - Ken's Theme
5.    Not A Little Girl - Chun-Li's Theme
6.    The Great Sunlight - Dhalsim's Theme
7.    Training Room - Stage Battle
1.    Battle Hub
2.    Battle Hub - Stage Battle
3.    Carrier Byron Taylor - Stage Battle
4.    Ranger's Hut - Stage Battle
5.    Barmaley Steelworks - Stage Battle
1.    Bathers Beach - Stage Battle
2.    Dhalsimer Temple - Stage Battle
3.    Old Town Market - Stage Battle
4.    King Street - Stage Battle
5.    Tian Hong Yuan - Stage Battle
6.    Thunderfoot Settlement - Stage Battle
1.    Fête Foraine - Stage Battle
2.    Colosseo - Stage Battle
3.    The Macho Ring - Stage Battle
4.    Suval'hal Arena - Stage Battle
5.    Bushin Ninjastar Cypher - Instrumental
6.    Not On The Sidelines - Instrumental
7.    Reinvent the Game - Instrumental
8.    All Over the World – Instrumental
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