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lucid-daydreaming-archive · 11 months ago
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theextendedzodiacas · 1 year ago
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The Extended Zodiac as Moodboards: Gemsci ♥️/♠️ Lipia with punk rock
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homestuck-hell · 2 years ago
Sillez Jokela, Sylph of Life, Prospit
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Electrifying to be around
Watch out for when her psionics go on the fritz
Everything in life has meaning
Land of Bolts and Wildflowers
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Tiny transparent Gold signs! Click for better quality.
Feel free to download and use, credit preferred but not required.
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im-stuck-again · 19 days ago
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Day 70: Gemsci, Sign of the Temperer
A friend's fantroll!
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hollow-triad · 5 months ago
RWBY Classpects (Canon-Compliant)
[Team CFVY]
Coco Adel (Doom + Life)
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Gemsces the Prudent | Gemsci the Temperer
Fox Alistair (Void + Light)
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Sagipia the Empirical | Sagipio the Detective
Velvet Scarlatina (Hope + Heart)
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Aquo the Obsessive | Aqualo the Puppeteer
Yatsuhashi Daichi (Rage + Mind)
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Caprira the Unwavering | Capriza the Rigid
[Team RWBY] [Team JNPR]
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its1212 · 6 months ago
Ahnihm Luxure
Based on Anim from AnimLuxure
Sign: Gemsci, sign of The Temperer
Knight of life, Prospit dreamer
Ahnihm is the owner of a successful casino in the Dark carnival where trolls can gamble anything from money to precious artifacts, they employ many Blue and Purple bloods as security and entertainment. Using the knowledge they gain from their patrons they keep ahead of the game even in seemingly no win scenarios. Ahnihm often gambles with their patrons often convincing them to gamble away everything for a chance to beat a rigged game.
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localbardofmind · 2 years ago
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happy 413 (for me at least) yall
heres the extended extended zodiac chart. names under the cut
time: arsein, taursein, gemsein, cansein, lesein, virsein, libsein, scorsein, sagisein, caprisein, aquasein, pisein
space: argi, taurgi, gemgi, cangi, legi, virgi, ligi, scorgi, sagigi, caprigi, aquagi, pigi
heart: arlio, taurlio, gemlio, canlio, lelio, virlio, liblio, scorlio, sagilio, caprilio, aquilio, pilio
mind: arna, taurna, gemna, canna, lena, virna, libna, scorna, sagina, caprina, aquana, pina
light: arpin, taurpin, gempin, canpin, lepin, virpin, libpin, scorpin, sagipin, capripin, aquapin, pipin
void: arittazius, taurittazius, gemittazius, canittazius, leittazius, virittazius, libittazius, scorittazius, sagittazius, caprittazius, aquittazius, pittazius
breath: arui, taurui, gemui, canui, leui, virui, libui, scorui, sagui, caprui, aqui, piui
blood: arcep, taurcep, gemcep, cancep, lecep, vircep, libcep, scorcep, sagicep, capricep, aquacep, picep
hope: arcius, taurcius, gemcius, cancius, lecius, vircius, libcius, scorcius, sagicius, capricius, aquacius, picius
rage: arinorn, taurinorn, geminorn, caninorn, leinorn, virinorn, libinorn, scorinorn, saginorn, caprinorn, aquinorn, pinorn
life: arscies, taurscies, gemscies, canscies, lescies, virscies, libscies, scorscies, sagiscies, capriscies, aquascies, piscies
doom: armina, taurmina, gemmina, canmina, lemina, virmina, libmina, scormina, sagimina, caprimina, aquamina, pimina
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en8y · 1 year ago
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags with eight evenly-sized horizontal stripes each. the first flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: bright yellow, golden yellow, cool yellow, dull yellow, warm green, and light tan. the second flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: light warm yellow, white, bright yellow, golden yellow, cool yellow, and dull yellow. the third flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: bright yellow, golden yellow, cool yellow, dull yellow, warm dark purple, and warm medium purple. END ID.]
gemsciextendiac: a gender related to being a gemsci from the extended zodiac; a gender related to being a goldblood, lifebound, and a prospit dreamer.
gemniusextendiac: a gender related to being a gemnius from the extended zodiac; a gender related to being a goldblood, hopebound, and a prospit dreamer.
gemicornextendiac: a gender related to being a gemicorn from the extended zodiac; a gender related to being a goldblood, ragebound, and a prospit dreamer.
based on @neopronouns' classpect + hemospectrum flags!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @acetrappolaswife @honey-makes-mogai
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blusuun · 1 year ago
feeling crazy lately. came up with the mane six as trolls..! this is gonna be hiveswap extended zodiac for the funs !
twighlight- aquapio (violet blood) prospit dreamer, and light bound
applejack- taurcer (bronze blood) prospit dreamer, blood bound
fluttershy- gemsci (gold blood) prospit dreamer, life bound (duh)
rarity- caprio (purple blood) derse dreamer, heart bound
pinkie pie- pittarius (fuchsia blood) derse dreamer, void bound
rainbow dash- libun (teal blood) derse dreamer, breath bound
i based all their signs off of their main color, like obviously rarity is purple and pinkie is pink blah blah blah... but they all strangely fit the characteristics of the ponies.
i had a hard time deciding their aspects. fluttershy was the most obvious, but i think applejack and raritys are weirdly the most fitting to their character and not their elements of harmony.!
i also wanted them all to be equally divided when it came to prospit vs derse, and PINKIE + DASH ARE OOOBVIOUSLY DERSE, right?? if you argue rarity should be prospit or applejack should be derse, i feel like applejack and rainbow are veeerry... similar? characters. but a big difference between them is their alignment in a way. rainbows more chaotic and full of herself while applejack is loyal and stands her ground. so irrationality vs rationality tbh 🤭 and rarity..? shes a derse dreamer dont argue with me.
ill draw them as trolls soon!
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bronzecats · 1 year ago
Hmm, Random AU.
Signswap, Inverse Aspect but not Class, and Moonswap, but not a bloodswap AU??
Aradia Megido: Argo, The Zenith, Prospit, Maid of Space. (Bard if class-swap)
Tavros Nitram: Taurcen, The Connected, Derse, Page of Blood. (Rogue if Class-swap)
Sollux Captor: Gemsci, The Temperer, Prospit&Derse, Mage of Life. (Heir)
Karkat Vantas: Canun, The Vociferous, Derse, Knight of Breath. (Thief)
Nepeta Leijon: Lera, The Chameleon, Prospit, Rogue of Mind. (Page)
Kanaya Maryam: Viries, The Mother, Derse, Sylph of Time. (Prince)
Terezi Pyrope: Libo, The Militant, Derse, Seer of Heart. (Witch)
Vriska Serket: Scorittarius, The Doubtful, Derse, Thief of Void. (Knight)
Equius Zahhak: Sagipio, The Detective, Prospit, Heir of Light. (Mage)
Gamzee Makara: Capririus, The Contender, Derse, Bard of Hope. (Maid)
Eridan Ampora: Aquicorn, The Tempest, Prospit, Prince of Rage. (Sylph)
Feferi Peixes: Pimino, The Empathetic, Prospit, Witch of Doom. (Seer)
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the-earth-refused-to-die · 3 months ago
The silliiiiessss
Name: Speede Waggon Trollian Handle: automatonHatter Sign: Lecer (Sign of the Loyalist) Strife Specibus: Hatkind Fetch Modus: Connect Four Classpect: Sylph of Blood
Name: Four Doctore Pesterchum Handle: timeAnarchist Strife Specibus: Sonickind Fetch Modus: time. Classpect: Lord of Time
Name: Colete Greene Trollian Handle: technicalTroubles Sign: Canries (Sign of the Scrapper) Strife Specibus: Gunkind, Fistkind Fetch Modus: Toss Up Classpect: Rouge of Time
Name: Acer McShane Pesterchum handle: apocalypseTown Strife Specibus: BBatkind Fetch Modus: Playing Card Classpect: Heir of Time
Name: Quil Sunset Pesterchum Handle: tenderApology Strife Specibus: Bottlekind, Fistkind Fetch Modus: Briefcase Classpect: Prince of Mind
Name: Star Radioh Pesterchum Handle: tunelessApathy Strife Specibus: Microphonekind (Mphonekind), Recordkind Fetch Modus: Playback Classpect: Knight of Life
Name: Edgarr Dreams Trollian Handle: computingAffection Sign: Gemsci (Sing of the Temperer) Strife Specibus: Wirekind Fetch Modus: File Classpect: Page of Life
Name: Webbie Queene Trollian Handle: alabasterTitan Sign: Virsces (Sign of the Roborant) Strife Specibus: Webkind Fetch Modus: Faith Classpect: Sylph of Life
Name: Leslie Dollma Trollian Handle: callbackGame Sign: Aquo (Sing of the Obsessive) Strife Specibus: Needlekind Fetch Modus: Dollhouse Classpect: Sylph of Heart
Name: Redd Scout Pesterchum Handle: catchersGambit Strife Specibus: BBatkind, Gunkind Fetch Modus: Quick Grab Classpect: Page of Breath
Name: Scarab Auditt Trollian Handle: godComplex Sign: Libicorn (Sign of the Dismantler) Strife Specibus: Canekind Fetch Modus: Tarot Classpect: Knight of Rage
Name: Miss Pauling Pesterchum Handle: contractAtrocities Strife Specibus: Knifekind, Sawkind Fetch Modus: Clipboard Classpect: Heir of Rage
Name: Cyn-tax Desnig Trollian Handle: toyCollector Sign: Ariborn (Sign of the Escapee) Strife Specibus: Clawkind, Toothkind Fetch Modus: Miracle Classpect: Muse of Rage
Name: Ruby Stigator Pesterchum Handle: tangledControl Strife Specibus: Radiokind Fetch Modus: Toolbox Classpect: Heir of Doom
Name: Inland Empire Trollian Handle: allTogether Sign: Origa (Sign of the Storyteller) Strife Specibus: Cballkind Fetch Modus: Hammerspace Classpect: Seer of Space
Name: Karnak Mazing Trollian Handle: astroTechnician Sign: Caprittarius (Sign of the Rift) Strife Specibus: Cballkind Fetch Modus: Tarot Classpect: Seer of Void
OH THIS ARE SO GOOD!! I LOVE THEN!! i liked the Speedwagon better — J (Host)
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theextendedzodiacas · 2 years ago
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The Extended Zodiac as Moodboards: Gemsci Prince with Greek statues, light academia, and murder
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roll-a-troll · 9 months ago
Name: M. Ardata Xoloto Ancestor: The Wildling Strife Specibus: knifekind Blood Color and Sign: Gold; Gemsci Handle: tepidCreative Lusus: aperent Pronouns: they/them Age: 12 sweeps Interests: metalworking and mineral collecting Sexuality: situational Class: Seer Land: Land of Rays and Sugar, a tame place, with cute Mangrove Monitor consorts. It is a place full of spider shaped ponds and spider shaped ponds. Echidna seeks rest. Quirk: have a bad habit of tailing off... and use 0's where your O's should be via roll-a-troll https://ift.tt/Bx1eSrs, do as you please
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vagevurig · 2 years ago
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Venti for memyflaps Lily for KylakittycatOwO Sophia for Just_Peachy Surrih Gemsci for @rainflowdraws Adriel for ArchBallist Valorie for Post_M0rdem Elo Tiddalik for @xmooncanary Dusk for HopesSilverLight
I am taking commissions! Check my pinned post.
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clowns-wine · 2 years ago
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Not nepeta content but have some oc I made this week because I'm going to be busy all month
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