#gellocat anon
radsaurus-q · 6 months
psst there’s this gellocat base https://www.tumblr.com/y00t/746575735302537216
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zimqueer · 5 months
Hot take: The radqueer community should seriously consider making other illegal closed species instead of just gellocats. I personally own a transjapanese sushiling along with a few para chimerons. There are so many closed species that exist, why focus on just one?
I agree with you, anon! I've been thinking abt making an illegal TransZim(TransCharacter) themed cinnadog! :3
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csmingy · 6 months
[Don't post if not on anon]
The gellocats discord is so fucking uncomfortable, dear lord. People will quite literally start venting in the general chat out of nowhere, and the rules encourage this! Rule 3.5, exactly as it's written:
> 3.5 Please refrain from interrupting someone's vent/discussion with off-topic messages, either move to a different channel or wait until they have finished talking
"Don't interupt ongoing discussions" is one thing, but venting? That inevitably turns 90% of servers into toxic cesspits. Jesus Christ.
Additionally, here's rule 4:
4 Please use tone tags when joking or being sarcastic (as well as other tone tags when needed)
..which is nice, and another thing that should be encouraged! Not necessarily tone tags, as there's a lot of those and it's hard to tell the difference between some (I have had people tell me with equal sincerity that /s is both sarcastic and serious) but some form of indicator is a good thing!
..except that people USE THESE FOR JOKES and haven't actually been using them when they'd be genuinely helpful. (See: there was an entire half hour the other day where people were adding slash j to the end of EVERY message they sent, regardless of content. Meanwhile, paranoia inducing phrases and straight up lies are free to go unmarked while mods are in the chat..)
Congratulations: way to ensure your server sucks and only you and your friends + mods feel comfortable :/
That sounds horrendous, CS servers are not somewhere you should be venting in. It just brings out the most toxic people and creates an overall just toxic environment.
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feralradicalbastards · 4 months
TransGellocat anon again, wait really?
yes, idk where tho. In the gellocat surge I remember seeing transgellocat.
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radsaurus-q · 6 months
if anyone else asks you for the gellocat images, i have them reposted to @anotherthrowawa-y for convenience!
Gellocat anon coming in clutch. The Radqueer community thanks you. 👑
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