sulliedhalcyon · 11 months
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and i say winning is losing and losing is winning
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insectdragon · 11 months
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Funny zero guy 👍
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searchie · 4 months
also how did the apostles find out about obsifal anyway. was gelidus, as the only one left with the memory of him, the one to inform them somehow? where did berkana even come from in the first place to know all this about zero??
and speaking of gelidus, how much would you say he's changed over ... however many cycles there have been. i can imagine being recreated over and over again in what effectively feels like a time loop would take a toll on a person's integrity and sense of self
Gelidus was indeed the one to inform them. That's why he's the Prophet, after all.
Berkana's origins are one of those loose ends that would be fun to explore some time in the future. They're pretty unclear right now even to me.
One headcanon that I like is that the more evil Gelidus in earlier lore was an earlier time loop version of Gelidus. Aside from that, Gelidus has probably changed to some degree, though has always stayed steady in his mission.
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nyctovenator · 11 months
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"Do as you've done so perfectly for years.
Show him what he's made of you.
Tear him apart.
And then put him back together."
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Gelidus - Seven Knights
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umblrspectrum · 11 months
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i know i posted this on the discord not even 5 minutes ago but go fuck yourself
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starkat-cosmickitty · 6 months
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sekaiju discord is a bad influence on me . gelidus low taper fade
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pinnithin · 5 months
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hes just like me fr
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milkfakearts · 2 months
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Artfight revenge for @dudus-gelidus
You know I got to get my hands on a monochrome creature.
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pinnithin-writes · 6 months
Scene expansion from episode 27 of the Live and Let Fly podcast. 3809 words. Read on Ao3.
The wind on the mountain was cold enough to burn. Roland Mons Gelidus narrowed his eyes and tucked his muzzle into his scarf as he surveyed the horizon. Dusk approached and the sky was a freezing cobalt, the dying sun sinking rapidly out of sight. Behind him trailed nine other vlakas, breaking through the snowdrifts in single file. 
Their journey was tethered by constant contact. Thick pelts of moon and ice, shot through with the bleak blue black of the darkening sky, brushed, connected, parted and met again as they trudged along. It wasn’t a time for speaking, conserving energy for the hike through silence and stilled hands, but each knew how the others felt about their trek. Heads ducked and ears flattened against the chill, emotions sparked between their fur like static in the cold, dry air. The scent of their nerves and exhaustion swirled on the wind. 
The Lajok wilderness in early spring was a dangerous beauty. Its stillness couldn’t be trusted; every motionless mountainside held the promise of an avalanche, every too quiet night the careful inhale before a snowstorm. Soaring peaks of sheer gray stone funneled the pack into a saddle between them, the boughs of spruce and fir offering sparse shelter from the elements. As Roland studied their formations, heavy with ice crystals as they grew into the unforgiving wind, he wondered if he, too, would freeze in a bizarre shape if he stood still for too long. Even in spring, the cold was enough to sting his eyes and crust his eyelashes with frost, the air so frigid it hurt to breathe.
He turned to face his traveling companions. “It’s getting dark,” he said, signing as he spoke. “Let’s find a spot to camp.”
The Lajok Leadership Academy had dropped Roland and his squad in The Space Between approximately twelve hours ago, leaving them with nothing but basic survival essentials and their thick woolen uniform coats. Their assignment was simple: make it back to campus alive. Roland had been excited by the challenge in the beginning, stepping forth as he often did to take charge, as none had officially been assigned as squad leader. Finally, a chance to test themselves in a real life scenario, something he had hungered for after the negligible stakes of so many simulations and exercises.
Roland knew it would take all of them working together to survive the task. Each member of their squad had a unique set of skills and experiences to lend to the collective whole. This particular group he was quite close to; all third year classmates of his, all with intrinsic knowledge of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Where Kedric lacked orienteering skills, Alyn covered him, and where Alyn struggled with trapping, Hoyt covered her, and so on. 
He rapidly grew disillusioned as he hiked through the snow, realizing that their wilderness assignment was simply beleaguering a point. It was all very pedestrian to him, a lesson taught time and time again since the moment he was born. Cooperation is key, no man is an island, and only a team succeeds. It was inherent to any vlaka anywhere on the planet, an interdependence ingrained in every facet of their society.
Roland knew they shouldn’t be in their third year at the Academy and still learning something so elementary. He hadn’t enrolled to learn teamwork. He was here to learn leadership, and he was beginning to suspect the Lajok definition of leadership was just another way to keep vlakas like him planetside.
As the group dispersed to set up camp, a familiar touch on Roland’s elbow drew him out of his thoughts. At his side was Zuri, a deafblind squadmate he often defaulted to as his deputy. If we keep this pace, they signed, we should reach Lajok in three days’ time.
“Thank you, Zuri,” Roland replied aloud, taking their paw in his and signing his words against their palm. “How are the others faring? Have you noticed anything I should take note of?”
Their eyes, pale pink and wandering, couldn’t see Roland as they conversed, their expressive ears unable to pick up the cadence and timbre of his voice, but Roland knew they understood the intention behind his words better than most. Zuri gathered it in his scent, the pressure of his touch, even the resonance of his footfalls. It was a much needed reassurance, to have someone by his side who not only understood what he meant when his words failed him, but could also mediate between others just as successfully. They had an extrasensory talent for understanding others, as if they could smell the very words their emotions translated to.
So far so good, Zuri signed, though some think we should press on through the night. The Space Between in early spring makes them uneasy. They want to be back within the city’s rings as quickly as possible.
Roland’s snout wrinkled with disagreement. “I told everyone it would be unwise to push ourselves,” he stressed. “We know how to survive in an austere environment, and we won’t come to harm if we take the journey slowly and carefully. Who is saying this?”
Zuri offered a small, sympathetic smile as Roland expressed his concerns into their paw. Skinner and his usual clique, they signed back. Just something to keep an eye on. You know how he can get.
Roland did know how he could get. Gaius Skinner Valens, who went by Skinner amongst his squadmates, was often at odds with Roland Mons Gelidus. He was an irascible, opinionated vlaka whose headstrong leadership style clashed with Roland’s thoughtful, meticulous approach. Troubled, he turned his gaze to the horizon again. The temperatures would drop from dangerous to deadly come nightfall, and they couldn’t afford to lose a single vlaka if they were to survive the journey. Something to keep an eye on, indeed. Perhaps he should speak to Skinner early before this came to a head.
For now, camp setup took priority. Starting a fire, thawing provisions, and divvying rations was the simpler matter, while the majority of the group’s efforts went toward excavating a snow trench to shelter against the elements. Tempers in the camp were tense but subdued, packmates conversing through low whuffs and tactile signing. Occasionally, a brief spat broke out and dissipated in moments - a harmless vent of anxiety.
Regardless of what their opinions might be, everyone contributed to the chore, tolerating Roland’s hovering. While he was confident in the squad’s ability to survive in The Space Between, the unpredictable spring weather made him nervous, and monitoring the particulars helped him maintain a sense of control. Thankfully, he had Zuri to soften things when his orders came out unintentionally abrasive. 
He took his own turn clearing out the trench, his paw pads stinging with cold. He could hear his own labored breathing and the howling wind as he worked, but underneath that was the faint nocturnal call of birds, the sparse patter of prey animal feet. If Lajok’s smallest creatures could survive out here, so could they. Not to mention dozens of lone vlakas survive in The Space Between year round, doing whatever it is they do beyond the city walls. Roland and his classmates had survived their adolescent journeys through the wilderness in valai, after all.
His breath clouded the air as he appraised the work, questioning himself. This was no longer valai, though. And they were no longer children.
As he contemplated this, his ears picked up the low tones of a grumbled conversation. A short distance away, Skinner huddled with a few of his friends, paws jammed in his coat pockets. Even without signing his words, his scent was enough to convey his dissatisfaction. It stained the bitter wind with a thick yellow anxiety. 
“...Wasting time out here digging ditches,” Roland heard him mutter. “He’s going to get us all killed.”
“I’m sorry, Skinner,” Roland interjected, brushing snow from his palms. “If there’s something you’re concerned about, please do tell me.”
The other vlaka scoffed at the interruption, turning from his huddle with a reproachful look. His eyes were the same ice blue as frost in moonlight. “Oh, now he knows there’s a problem,” he sneered.
Roland had no idea what Skinner meant. If he was so bothered by making camp here, why hadn’t he said something about it earlier? Zuri told him Skinner was uneasy, but this level of hostility was unexpected. “I… apologize,” Roland said, “I was unaware you had a grievance. If you have input that would better serve the group, I’d love to hear it.”
“Don’t play ignorant. I didn’t say anything because I knew you’d only pretend to listen,” Skinner snapped back. “Then you’d just go on ahead and do what you were planning on doing anyway. Tyrant.” As he spoke, the two other vlakas with him reflected his attitude, shifting their weight from foot to foot and raising their hackles.
Roland exhaled heavily through his nose. He really tried with Skinner. Even if he didn’t like him, he still respected him for his boldness. When it came to making quick, decisive action, he was the best of them, and Roland had full confidence he would make an excellent battle tactician someday. Matters of caution didn’t suit him, however, and he became agitated at anything that made him wait. He should have expected opposition from the likes of him.
Skinner’s coat, streaked with indigo, bristled as he continued. “The longer we wait out here, the more we risk getting injured or worse. We don’t have enough rations for a three day trip. We’re practically buried in snow. Spring is here, Roland. What if there’s an avalanche?” He gestured to the nearby mountainside, where its sheer face hung heavy with snow. 
Work around the camp ground to a halt as their raised voices drew the others’ attention. Roland caught movement in his periphery, but it was only Zuri, signing to ask a squadmate what was going on. Though Skinner and Roland were only verbally disagreeing, the deaf members could read lips well enough to gather the dispute. Uneasiness rippled through the pack, their fear scent betraying an erosion of faith.
Roland scowled. The name calling was a little juvenile, but he had heard worse. Sowing discord among the squad he wouldn’t stand for. He cut his eyes to Tiber, a classmate whose wilderness skills he trusted the most. “Is there risk of an avalanche?” he asked, signing out the words along with his question. 
Tiber studied the mountainside carefully, checking her own work, then gave a reticent shake of her head. “Snowpacks look stable, no recent displacement, still too early for rapid melting,” she responded, also signing. “There’s risk, but it’s low.”
Her words confirmed aloud the reasoning in his head. If the choice was between an avalanche, which might kill them, and subzero temperatures, which most definitely would, he was picking the avalanche. 
Roland turned a justified stare on his opposition, hoping the public address of Skinner’s concerns would be enough to quell the squad’s anxieties. “Pardon me, Skinner, if I trust the words of our most experienced mountaineer over yours,” he said, unable to keep the disdain from his tone.
Skinner rolled his eyes. “They’ll say whatever you want to hear because they know you’ll walk all over them if they don’t,” he said. “I should be leading this squad, not you. Everyone agrees.”
Did they? Roland wanted to pass a glance at his pack to verify, but he forced himself to hold eye contact with Skinner, even as doubt stormed his heart.
“This is challenging for all of us,” he shot back. “It’s going to be a hard couple of days. If you’re afraid, just admit it.” He meant it without malice, but like many things he said, it came out insultingly. “We’ll get through it together.”
“Afraid?” Skinner repeated. His tail lashed with agitation. “The only thing I’m afraid of is your stupidity. I’m putting an end to this.” He took a challenging step forward, eyes bright and alert. “Duel me. Winner takes charge of the assignment.”
The gall! Roland bared his teeth. “I’m not fighting you, Skinner,” he snarled, “have you lost your senses?”
The hot, impulsive side of him wanted desperately to accept the challenge. Prove his capability, vent his aggression, and put an end to this ridiculous argument all at once, so they could get back to more important matters.
Roland swallowed back the growl in his throat. He shared Skinner’s fear of dying, out here in the Lajok wilderness where the elements leached the very life from your blood, but it was eclipsed by a something greater. The onus of their survival rest upon his leadership. If anyone succumbed to cold, hunger, exhaustion, or injury based on his decisions, it would be no different than if he’d killed them with his own two paws.
He couldn’t risk hurting a packmate, no mater how badly he wanted to. He held his ground. The other vlakas flanking Skinner shifted indecisively, and all around them the temperatures continued to fall. 
Skinner was dauntless. Steam and fear scent rising from his body, he showed no indication of backing down. “I thought you’d say that, coward,” he spat. “It always has to be your way, on your terms.” He pointed defiantly at Roland. “I’m not letting you dig your heels in this time. You aren’t fit to lead this troop. Step down. I won’t say it again.”
Roland was beginning to gather that this stemmed from more than just the present situation, but he couldn’t examine how many times he might have unintentionally slighted the other man that very instant. “These are unacceptable terms-” he tried to protest, and Skinner charged him.
Reflex kicked in and he ducked, unable to fully dodge the claws aimed at his face. The blow came first and then the pain, a stinging, hot gash that ripped down the length of his snout. 
He clapped a paw to his muzzle and staggered back. The scent of his blood drenched the air, soaking through his fur and spattering scarlet on the snow. If he hadn’t moved in time, Skinner could have taken out one of his eyes. Panting, he felt a growl vibrating his chest, his nervous system flooding with the instinct to defend himself.
“Calm yourself, man!” Roland barked, both to himself and the opposition. Skinner was already preparing for another attack, his lithe body low and stanced to strike. 
As Roland braced himself, the pack surged around him, forming a barrier between him and Skinner. Backed up against him was Zuri, as vicious as he had ever seen them, teeth bared, hackles on end, head ducked and ears pinned against their skull. The others snarled and snapped at Skinner, scolding him for disrupting the order of the pack. It was a chastisement beyond words, coming from a primal place before the vlaka had developed language.
Roland was stunned. Both at Skinner’s audacity and the loyalty of his squadmates. He was tempted to resist their protection, to order them to step aside, to tell them this wasn’t their fight. But enveloped as he was by the animal congruence of his team, he allowed their support to wash over him. He realized, with a tiny thrill of vindication, that the pack took Skinner’s challenge as a threat to them all. A leader spoke for the group and the group spoke for him. His successes were their successes, his failures their failures. His squad would not stand for hostility from a wolf who would rather endanger them than trust their collective capability.
Skinner backed off, breathing hard, as his brethren rebuked him. He flicked his eyes questioningly to his usual supporters, but even they were unwilling to take his side against the rest of the squad. Fear and fury billowed off him and curled into the frozen sky; Roland could smell his humiliation even from behind the resolute wall of his squadmates. Skinner let out a snarl and set off, disgraced, away from camp.
“Skinner, wait!” Roland called, watching the indigo coat lose itself amidst the pines and snowdrifts. He tried to shoulder past his team to pursue him, but Zuri caught his arm.
Let him go, they signed, their hand motions quick and sharp with their remaining agitation. You can’t get yourself killed going after him. We need you here.
As much as he hated to admit it, they were right. If he ventured into the polar darkness, he was just as foolish as Skinner. All the bravado and self assurance left him in a rush and he took a step back, reeling from what had just happened. Blood dripped from his wound, glittering rubies congealing in the snow.
The phalanx dispersed, his packmates murmuring and signing amongst themselves. One of them offered Roland a clean cloth, which he gratefully pressed against his muzzle until the bleeding stopped. Though the cuts stung, resentment found no purchase in his heart as he stared at the place where Skinner had fled. The squad finished digging out their shelter and turned to other matters: eating and drinking, checking their paws for blisters, patching over minor injuries, wrapping hands and taping feet to protect against the next day’s strenuous hike. As night swallowed them, they huddled against the deadly temperatures inside the snow trench.
Roland posted himself at the entrance, watching the darkness, an anxious, guilty dread gnawing at his chest. Ordinarily, he would take this downtime to check on everyone, but the habit escaped him as he stewed in his emotions. He was furious with himself for allowing the argument to happen, for letting it escalate to violence, for losing a member of the team. It didn’t matter that he had successfully avoided a fight. If Skinner died out there, it was Roland’s fault.
He pressed his shoulder against the cold trench wall, listening to his companions slumbering at his back. He talked himself down from searching for Skinner over and over again, and as he did so his gaze wandered heavenward. Cradled by the mountains, away from the light and haze of the capital city, the night sky was a sprawling, starlit invitation. Roland found himself momentarily breathless, entranced by the glimmering cosmic expanse above him. There were entire worlds beyond the Vast, mere pinpoints of light from his small, insignificant vantage on Lajok.
Why he was doing this? Attending the academy, honing his leadership, striving for achievement - it all felt so meaningless under the infinite sky. The Circle of Lajok only fought amongst themselves, wasting time deciding what was best for the planet while Sota continued to die. Did his dispute with Skinner portend his future? Was their assignment supposed to teach him acceptable loss? This couldn’t be the life he was meant for, to lead his people confidently to their end. 
Rest, the stars sang him, and Roland felt a profound quiet overtake his troubled heart. Rest, yes. He needed to rest. He still had to lead the remainder of the squad safely out of the wilderness, and he was doing no one any favors wasting precious energy on penitence. With one last look at the sky, he ducked inside the snow trench, pressing himself amongst the furry bodies of his squadmates. He thought he would be too anxious to sleep, but exhaustion took him the moment he closed his eyes.
He didn’t know how much time had passed - minutes, hours - when movement stirred him awake. Roland startled, expecting an intruder, but the familiar scent of Skinner quelled his alarm. Wordlessly, he moved aside to allow room for his wayward teammate. Skinner settled sullenly against him, shivering from his solitary trek through the cold. Any impulse to scold him for his rashness was erased by a relief so powerful it made Roland dizzy. Together they nestled in close, sharing in the warmth of the pack.
Abruptly, he returned to the present. He was no longer on Lajok, the wound on his muzzle having long since healed over. The mist clouding the hall wasn’t from his breath in the frigid air, but the steam from Morgan’s shower. His hand hovered over their door, his determined knock utterly arrested by their haunting, bittersweet song.
His fear of losing Morgan was what brought him to their quarters in the first place. The necrograft they volunteered for was a point of contention he didn’t wish to escalate, but concern roiled within him all the same. Skinner had survived his recklessness, but would Morgan? He had come to care for and depend on them, even more so than Zuri back in his Academy days. While he couldn’t afford to lose any one of his crew, he knew he would be especially devastated if something happened to Morgan.
Roland had always struggled with his words, even on Lajok with the aid of all his senses. Now, it was even more difficult to convey how he felt, speaking a language that was not his birth tongue, parlaying with people who couldn’t scent the true emotions behind his stilted words. He spoke as clearly and often as he could, for fear of being misinterpreted, but it seemed the more he said, the deeper he dug himself. He had offended everyone on his crew dozens of times over, and still, somehow, they followed him.
It left him with the same shocked assurance he’d felt in The Space Between, with his squad rallied around him. Surely the crew didn’t defer to him based on rank alone at this point, but it was hard to believe everyone had his back when he fumbled his title left and right. This inexplicable cooperation he owed largely to Morgan.
The song ended, but its echoes rippled around him like ghosts. He lowered his hand, feeling unsettled and wistful and vaguely itchy, his fur saturated with ambient humidity. Morgan’s lyrics had slammed him back in time, back to the mountains of his namesake. A tremendous homesickness overwhelmed him. Rather than tamp it down as he usually did, he took a moment to sit with it, his throat tightening and his eyes prickling with tears.
One day the sun would set on his homeworld for the last time. How cruel it was, to love something so doomed. 
He had left his circles - his family - behind on Lajok. The crew he captained now was a naive replacement, a product of fleeing failure. Still, something within him ached for this to work. His leadership was tested and tested again, yet he felt a peculiar fondness for it, every impulse to run outweighed by a deeper desire for connection. This crew was just as hungry for life as he was. He felt privileged to lead them.
Roland drew in a shaky breath. Only after sunset could he see the stars.
He raised his hand and knocked.
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daemonsquarters · 4 months
Ma'am you've literally been stuttering IN TEXT when stuff like the Grand Spirals & Gelidus is mentioned you could not make it more obvious you know stuff even if you tried. i mean stuttering in speech is reasonable but IN TEXT WHERE YOU CAN EASILY REMOVE IT? SERIOUSLY DAEMON GET IT TOGETHER
No, I am talking. An intermediate translator device simply converts it into text. That's definitely it.
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halesiarpg · 6 months
En Halesia tenemos nuestro propio calendario y manera de llamar a los días y meses.
Lumora (Lunes) - Inspirado en la luz, simboliza el renacimiento y el inicio de nuevas empresas.
Verdena (Martes) - Día dedicado a la vegetación y el crecimiento, reflejando la vitalidad de la naturaleza.
Fluvis (Miércoles) - Centrado en la fluidez y el movimiento, como el agua que recorre el mundo.
Candor (Jueves) - Representa el calor y la claridad, tanto literal como metafórica, en la búsqueda de la verdad.
Zephyra (Viernes) - Día para honrar el viento, el cambio y la adaptabilidad en la vida.
Natura (Sábado) - Celebración de la vida en su esencia, un día para apreciar el entorno natural y sus criaturas.
Mystara (Domingo) - Dedicado a lo desconocido, la magia y la exploración de los misterios del mundo.
Cada mes está vinculado a un dios y en ese mes se le suele rendir más culto a esos dioses donde los veneran. Brumalix se considera el inicio y Nocturnis el fin, por eso son los únicos meses sin un dios asignado.
Las estaciones empiezan directamente en el mismo mes, es decir, el invierno empieza el 1 de Gelidus y así sucesivamente. Además, todos los meses tienen 30 días exactos.
En el Reino de Azgeda, Wyrm y Starhaven, el día 1 de Gelidus no amanece en todo el norte, es el día más oscuro. El sol sale a partir del día 2 de Gelidus. Se cree que es porque es el momento en que Zythor da paso a Zarnak.
Brumalix (Enero) - El frío profundo, cuando las leyendas dicen que los espíritus del invierno caminan la tierra. El mes del inicio del ciclo. Se celebra principalmente el venir del nuevo año, se suelen iniciar con él nuevas empresas.
Frostara (Febrero) - Sylenia - Marcado por las escarchas matinales que cubren la tierra, anunciando el final del invierno. Se vincula a Sylenia puesto que se reza por un año próspero y lleno de bondades y buena suerte.
Verdantis (Marzo) - Isandra - Cuando el verde vuelve a dominar los bosques, y la vida renace en toda su plenitud. Se vincula a Isandra puesto que es cuando empiezan a presentarse de nuevo las flores, el verdor del bosque, y la vida en general.
Aestas (Abril) - Aelius - El brillo del sol es fuerte, trayendo luz y calidez, es el apogeo de la primavera. Es el mes donde las flores están en su apogeo y por su belleza se suelen emprender a las artes y festividades.
Auroris (Mayo) - En este mes se puede ver una aurora boreal que recubre el cielo nocturno algunas de las noches del año, durante este suceso astronómico se cree que nacen quienes guardan una gran responsabilidad para con el mundo. No posee una deidad vinculada.
Solarae (Junio) - Solara - El comienzo del verano, cuando el calor acuna la tierra y las grandes festividades tienen lugar. Casi con envidia, Solara tomó el siguiente mes en donde brilla con más fuerza y hace sentir a todos el peso de su poder (calor).
Luminae (Julio) - Lunaria - Los días son largos y llenos de luz, un mes donde la magia se siente más potente. El mes donde la magia más fuerte se encuentra, donde la luna más trabaja con los hechiceros; por ello está relacionado a Lunaria.
Searis (Agosto) - Aetherion - El comienzo de la cosecha, cuando el sol dorado madura los frutos y granos. Se relaciona a Aetherion dado que es el mes en donde se suelen ver los frutos naciendo y las cosechas emergen; él como padre creador siendo el responsable de velar por todos sus hijos.
Autumnox (Septiembre) - Valthor - Llega el otoño, cuando el equilibrio del día y la noche se encuentra. Esto se relaciona a los cambios del temperamento de Valthor, habiendo fallado en crear y dar como el resto, sólo para secar ese verdor.
Crepuscula (Octubre) - Kaldor - Los días se acortan y las sombras crecen, el otoño en su máxima expresión y ha tomado completo control del mundo y en cada rincón se puede ver las sombras que acechan y comienzan a acrecentarse. Dado que la gente suele entristecer y quedarse más encerrado, se relaciona a Kaldor
Nocturnis (Noviembre) - Zythor - La bruma de la muerte termina por cubrir todo el mundo, empezando a escucharse los susurros del otro mundo. Este es el mes dedicado a Zythor. El frío se intensifica, un preludio al invierno, cuando las historias se cuentan junto al fuego. El mundo de los muertos cobra más fuerza y las apariciones son más frecuentes.
Gelidus (Diciembre) - Zarnak - La noche más larga, un tiempo de reflexión y celebración de lo etéreo y desconocido. El frío se hace más presente y se nota más la presencia de Zarnak en el mundo, dando comienzo al invierno y dejando el mundo entero cubierto de nieve, excepto el desierto.
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insectdragon · 11 months
gelidus. gelidus? can i get a frosty (lore) baby?
fun fact. he has six parents. you heard me. six
I will draw this but first somebody please send me a hint or something. I. do not know where he is 😔😔
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searchie · 4 months
gelidus air conditioning
8/10 a bit too cold
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nyctovenator · 10 months
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aw jeez rick! you tried to bury me alive. (bonus doodles below, cw for gore/blood)
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444names · 7 months
Names generated from Irish and French forenames, plus Latin given names
Abanor Aberin Acaphialus Acron Adabhán Adellicus Adentius Adháill Adrathnus Aegabione Aegnaches Aette Agair Agnesicius Aiden Ailbiarte Aimích Aithalbhí Alaitra Albhla Albien Aline Amach Amait Amhailín Ampsa Amélius Andefre Anesse Angalus Angréalio Annome Anobeal Ansuzantes Anthanus Antiaglán Aoiio Aoine Apocéabhán Arbhileu Arione Arisses Artighrás Artius Aspades Aspas Atatríd Augus Aurcis Aurel Auxis Auxiser...
Balbie Balium Bartinnéar Batríon Beach Belles Berballas Berine Berion Berras Bettatias Bislairtie Blach Blaithghar Blartus Braiderus Braithaen Brathnainn Breim Brichtna Brigín Bronn Brononaed Bruadis Brund Bróseoger Budox Caibh Caliamhóg Callaic Camarpigi Camirín Caratus Cargyrin Casidesid Castim Catadhan Cebones Chlaois Chomar Chrius Ciarms Ciaroph Ciend Cinus Clent Clentines Clesca Colmán Conachus Coninne Corote Coruadh Crasichal Creniant Creno Crobhán Cronain Crídín Críonnes Curean Cédérime Cúchellinn Daemus Damaodhus Danealus Daras Deliel Della Delle Demal Denie Denéad Diargario Didipho Dindam Dinín Diodhaël Dionn Dirghall Dolybus Domes Dorgusta Doriacus Doruar Dorus Dratradh Dubhrinus Dáilín Dúnait Eacheann Eadhán Ealis Ealus Eançoilus Edoria Edwar Egettate Eidagloco Eidentius Eigionne Eiliettes Eillewinn Einse Einus Eline Elion Elionearna Emonne Enghane Epium Erann Estium Estoce Ethall Eucille Eucio Eutimhe Fabriarix Fachus Fannes Fanniasa Faoibel Fearber Feathus Feibhghius Fertia Fertiach Fiarla Fineabhán Fionador Flaul Flavus Frane Frissius Féimesis Gabeaninn Geibhna Geigium Geimeic Geindán Gelidus Georuasius Gerte Getilor Gidon Glinm Grannín Gricain Grinn Grédéamir Halvid Hamortine Hassaricus Helaina Heliasius Helinnione Iamhán Ianno Iannán Iaphyll Iapolinne Iaptilus Ignach Ioses Isamaoghse Iulfus Iósel Jeamir Jeandán Jeanghear Jeriud Joseus Joseál Jostriú Joëllaurbh Julfho Julfhín Julugus Juntavus Karanne Kevanain Kevetus Kylis Kylus Labhine Ladhn Laeles Laitrus Lamhán Lauredus Lavus Leagaltán Learal Lemain Lemana Lemarie Lenodilín Lenotemo Leonaith Levalus Leverocle Lochestilt Lodón Lycharius Lysid Machere Machín Maeber Maegyr Maenimh Maglairean Maibhg Maind Mainsium Maith Malaurus Mandulinue Mannelpho Manus Maodhane Marianlac Marippus Marna Marne Marry Martus Maureanus Meina Mician Milann Milin Milique Modosia Monaine Munorus Myrie Myrissa Mysium Máiciann Máinnus Míchear Namhán Neanus Nechan Neclis Niadippole Niandáin Nierrath Noeacht Noracheach Nórah Oirus Onides Padine Pancia Papolcel Parolyclen Parrdippus Pasán Patascas Pathum Perach Phachestus Phaette Phiadhem Phielphie Phier Philistio Philín Phinnianne Phius Phony Phrisca Phrán Pilín Pisíofáin Plettela Polmus Polus Polán Pomanadh Pompene Poscatius Posclise Prisiustia Ptoine Ptoric Pádrius Radhardra Radhna Raphaith Ricuissad Riethallin Rocra Rocricus Rodisearla Rogeid Rolisaorms Romth Román Ronius Rosersium Ruaignaith Rubhlar Rédre Régous Rélirifer Rémilisanm Ríofáir Sconghemia Semippa Semmac Senidan Seárdus Sidam Simhóg Slancheri Solie Sonnch Sophine Sopim Sopolytus Stache Stesius Striannd Sulas Sulius Suzanus Sycleodh Sylisachan Sylviles Syndaitre Syrimus Séandubhán Sébhán Séver Tandus Tanysius Tatus Tephaglás Terre Tertiarpus Tervé Theach Theacha Thelus Thelypho Thende Theogertel Therin Thoberig Tobra Tophus Trolas Téphoberus Uades Uannius Vairfhle Vanus Verionne Vesidus Vincis Vinus Vlagham Wilainue Wilín Wislán Woilt Woirín Ysephaemus Zence Zenina Zennt Zentiú Zenzo Áilocra Árdubhín Éadalevia Éadhne Éanníle Éibhales Éignorgio Élille Élippolle Érèse Órduliocen Órlaus Órles Únadhán Únloïc
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