biowikifacts · 9 months
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figuringoutstill · 9 months
"ON THE SLOPE of the desolate river among tall grasses I asked her, 'Maiden, where do you go shading your lamp with your mantle? My house is all dark and lonesome-lend me your light!' She raised her dark eyes for a moment and looked at my face through the dusk. 'I have come to the river,' she said, 'to float my lamp on the stream when the daylight wanes in the west' I stood alone among tall grasses and watched the timid flame of her lamp uselessly drifting in the tide.
In the silence of gathering night I asked her, 'Maiden, your lights are all lit-then where do you go with your lamp? My house is all dark and lonesome,-lend me your light.' She raised her dark eyes on my face and stood for a moment doubtful. I have come,' she said at last, 'to dedicate my lamp to the sky.' I stood and watched her light uselessly burning in the void.'
In the moonless gloom of midnight I asked her, 'Maiden, what is your quest holding the lamp near your heart? My house is all dark and lonesome,-lend me your light.' She stopped for a minute and thought and gazed at my face in the dark. I have brought my light,' she said, 'to join the carnival of lamps.' I stood and watched her little lamp uselessly lost among lights."
Rabindranath Tagore
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ippnoida · 2 years
Geetanjali Shree's Ret Samadhi brings Hindi literature to the other side
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At the book reading and discussion on 5 July 2022 at the Stein Auditorium at New Delhi's India Habitat Center renowned journalist Poonam Saxena engaged Shree on the characters, themes, and eccentricities of her book Ret Samadhi published by Rajkamal Prakashan in Hindi. The English translation – Tomb of Sand, published by Titled Axis in the UK and Penguin in India, has just won the prestigious award for translations, bringing Hindi and the entire bucket of South Asian languages into the limelight. 
Shree said she hopes Tomb of Sand achieves the recognition that South Asian literature deserves – perhaps creating an opening to the many interesting authors that are writing in its numerous languages and now increasingly finding translation. She then went on to read out a witty and humorous extract from Ret Samadhi allowing the audience to admire and acknowledge the depth and dexterity of her language and work.
Language is an entity by itself
In the conversation with Saxena, Shree explained that she dabbled in theater before taking up writing as a full-time profession and continues to delve into this experience to present her thoughts in her unconventional style. “Language is an entity by itself. It is not something that has to be used as a vehicle to say something. It is the power of language that takes over and makes me write in a certain way,” she said. Playing with words she said helps her unlock new meanings and to think from independent and emerging perspectives.
Ret Samadhi plays with a variety of themes including family dynamics, the partition, mental health, the loss of a loved one, and old age and its associated health issues. The author added that the theme is also about the partitions that emerge in one’s life – “The novel finds its own voice and stories as it goes along, it certainly becomes a novel about partitions, borders, bridges.
While subtly sewing the theme of the partition into the fabric of the novel, Shree challenges the manner in which its brutal realities have been invoked by a previous generation of writers, including the ruthless images evoked by Khushwant Singh’s Train to Pakistan, Amrita Pritam's Pinjar, Bhisham Sahni's Tamas or Saadat Hasan Manto's short stories.
She also paid tribute to her idol and inspiration, the legendary Hindi author Krishna Sobti, who defied the common images of the elderly and was always as fresh as a daisy till her very last days. 
At the conclusion of the hour-long conversation, Shree signed her books and interacted with fans and literary enthusiasts.
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leadertelugunews · 2 years
కీర్తి సురేష్ పెళ్లి... వరుడు ఎవరంటే ?
కీర్తి సురేష్ పెళ్లి… వరుడు ఎవరంటే ?
కీర్తి సురేష్.. తెలుగు ప్రేక్షకుల్లో మహానటితో పాటు.. పలు హిట్ సినిమాల్లో నటించి తనకంటూ ప్రత్యేక గుర్తింపు తెచ్చుకుంది. కీర్తి సురేష్… తెలుగుతో పాటు.. మలయాళం సినిమాల్లో ఎక్కువగా నటంచింది. ఆమె తండ్రి నిర్మాత సురేష్ కుమార్, తల్లి నటి మేనక. 2000 మొదట్లో బాలనటిగా ఇండస్డ్రీకి పరిచయం అయ్యింది కీర్తి. ఫ్యాషన్ డిజైనింగ్ లో డిగ్రీ పూర్తి చేసి, వెండితెరకు తిరిగి వచ్చిన తరువాత హీరోయిన్ ప్రస్తుతం సినిమాల్లో…
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Best real estate company in Gurgaon - Geetanjali Homestate
Geetanjali Homestate is the best real estate company in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR which provides the best real estate services and expert advice to invest in the best areas where the investors get better returns. For More Information Visit: https://geetanjalihomestate.co.in/
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llovelymoonn · 1 year
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geetanjali shree tomb of sand
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aadhiskanmani · 6 months
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elysiumaze · 10 months
Farewell, now you will no longer be you, nor I, I. As if to say, This ebbing night will rise now in such a day that will be new.
Geetanjali Shree in, Tomb of Sand.
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Oh, tell me, what makes a character important? In the tale of a poor home, wealth is an important character, whereas it’s beauty in the lives of the ugly, for India, it is Pakistan and America that play the characters of villain and hero, respectively; the most important character in the tale of a blind man is an eye, it’s a leg for the lame, a home for the homeless, employment for the unemployed, sleep for the sleepless, and if you’ve had enough of this, look: the most important character in every person’s life is the thing that they lack.
- ‘Tomb of Sand’ by Geetanjali Shree translated from the original Hindi by Daisy Rockwell
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intellectures · 1 month
Leuchtende Prosa: Jenny Erpenbeck gewinnt International Booker Prize
Erstmals in der Geschichte des International Booker Prize gewinnt mit Jenny Erpenbeck eine deutschsprachige Autorin den renommierten Booker Prize für internationale Literatur.
Erstmals in der Geschichte des International Booker Prize gewinnt eine deutschsprachige Autorin den renommierten Booker Prize für internationale Literatur. Die Jury unter dem Vorsitz der kanadischen Schriftstellerin Eleanor Wachtel zeichnet die englische Übersetzung von Erpenbecks letztem Roman »Kairos« aus. Die Hälfte des mit 50.000 Euro dotierten Preises geht an den Übersetzer Michael…
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areeb02 · 1 year
Unleashing the Power Within: Women Empowerment
Ladies strengthening is an imperative idea that recognizes the inborn strength, versatility, and capability of ladies. It is a development pointed toward giving ladies the instruments, assets, and potential open doors important to profoundly mold their lives, challenge cultural standards, and contribute genuinely to their networks. The strengthening of ladies isn't just an ethical objective yet additionally a basic step towards accomplishing orientation balance and reasonable turn of events. In this article, we investigate the significance of ladies strengthening and the extraordinary effect it has on people, families, and society all in all.
Instruction as the Establishment:
Schooling goes about as the bedrock of ladies strengthening. By guaranteeing admittance to quality schooling for young ladies and ladies, we furnish them with information, abilities, and certainty to get through cultural boundaries. Training assists ladies with creating decisive abilities to reason, state their privileges, and imagine a future where they can seek after their interests and desires. It enables them to challenge conventional orientation jobs and partake effectively in dynamic cycles, in this way reshaping the elements of force and impact.
Financial Strengthening:
Financial strengthening is a critical part of ladies strengthening. At the point when ladies are monetarily engaged, they gain monetary autonomy, which cultivates confidence, supports confidence, and lessens reliance on others. Through admittance to pay producing open doors, business venture, and professional preparation, ladies can get better work possibilities, higher wages, and worked on working circumstances. Monetary strengthening empowers ladies to accommodate their families, put resources into their youngsters' schooling, and add to the generally speaking financial development of their networks.
Political Support and Authority:
Ladies' dynamic support in legislative issues and influential positions is a basic driver of progress. At the point when ladies pull up a chair at the dynamic table, their viewpoints, encounters, and special experiences improve strategy conversations and lead to additional comprehensive and evenhanded results. Expanding ladies' portrayal in political bodies and administrative roles fortifies a majority rules government as well as difficulties prejudicial practices and predispositions that upset advancement. Ladies pioneers act as good examples, moving people in the future of ladies to step forward and assume responsibility.
Wellbeing and Prosperity:
Ladies' strengthening additionally involves guaranteeing their wellbeing and prosperity. Admittance to quality medical care administrations, including conceptive wellbeing, maternal consideration, and directing, is fundamental for ladies to pursue informed decisions about their bodies and carry on with solid existences. Engaging ladies to pursue choices connected with their regenerative privileges advances orientation balance, lessens maternal death rates, and further develops the general prosperity of ladies and their families.
Really impacting Outlooks and Social Standards:
To accomplish enduring ladies strengthening, it is pivotal to challenge and change well established cultural mentalities, social standards, and orientation generalizations. Separating obstructions that limit ladies' true capacity requires making mindfulness, drawing in men as partners, and advancing orientation uniformity in all circles of life. By empowering comprehensive nurturing, advancing orientation delicate schooling, and featuring ladies' accomplishments, we can reshape cultural insights and encourage a climate that enables ladies to flourish.
Ladies strengthening is a strong power that drives social advancement, cultivates correspondence, and opens human potential. By putting resources into schooling, monetary open doors, political investment, wellbeing, and prosperity, we empower ladies to beat affliction, break unattainable ranks, and contribute definitively to society. Enabled ladies engage others, making an expanding influence of positive change that arrives at a long ways past individual lives. It is our aggregate liability to support ladies' freedoms, destroy boundaries, and make an existence where each lady can release her maximum capacity. Allow us to take a stab at a future where ladies' strengthening isn't only a goal yet a reality for all.
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inmyworldblr · 1 year
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Court (2014)  //  dir. Chaitanya Tamhane
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bookschharming · 1 year
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ancientmariner13 · 2 years
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look what I got my hands on!
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obsessioncollector · 2 years
Each person is a reflection of their own time, but also separate from it. A mirror has so many angles and bends and corners, so many unthinkables, one has no idea whose reflection one sees and how it came to appear there; if you don’t know how to look at it crooked, you’ll never guess. In the silver of a mirror shines a sliver of time, and in a snap of the fingers there’s the span of time, and where the image seems to steady, there, another snippet, another wrinkle, another baggy bit. 
Geetanjali Shree, Tomb of Sand, trans. Daisy Rockwell
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mahenderkumar · 2 years
Kabir is God #gyanganga
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