#geek mom blog
sewgeekmama · 8 months
Pokémon GO: A Little Late but Now I Gotta Catch 'Em All
Shortly after my son was born, Pokémon GO became a thing. So of course I downloaded it, chose my team and gave it a try. I tossed my poke balls and played for about 10 minutes before my newborn son started crying and needed a feeding or diaper change or something that was a million more times important than tossing computerized balls at imaginary monsters. My initial reaction was pretty much:…
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yammpi3 · 26 days
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NOTES— Just some random head cannons about Katsuki Bakugo ;3 Will probably write something on a few of them in the future..
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When he's wearing his hearing aids he will purposely take them off as you ramble and pretend he’s listening by answering like: “mhmm” “no, no yeah” “totally”
I like to think that he's not a natural blonde but actually a brunette who bleaches and tones his hair just to look more like his mom.
He goes into his dorm room to “sleep early” but in reality, he stays up late using his phone.
He's the type to nudge, push, hit you when he actually laughs at one of your jokes
Since his hearing is impaired..whenever he listens to music inside his dorm room its always at maximum volume. Despite the UA dorms being soundproof you can still faintly hear it through the walls.
He HATES celebrating his birthday, he thinks its too corny and unnecessary but you and the rest of the class do it anyways.
When the opportunity is right he makes “that's what she said” jokes since he finds them a bit funny.
He hates physical touch but makes a SMALL exception for you. But when he deems it to be too much for him he’ll gently push you off and roll his eyes. “Okayy..knock it off" "That's enough"
He would invite himself into your dorm room, but god forbid you come into his without his permission.
When he invites you to cook with him he doesn't mean help him prepare the food, he just wants you to sit prettily and watch him cook.
He pretends to act annoyed but secretly loves it when you eat whatever he makes.
Just because he tolerates you doesn't mean you've escaped the name-calling.
He would be a heavy sleeper because of his hearing impairment, so if you wake him up he would get a bit startled but quickly change his demeanor so you won't see view as “weak.”
He has a secret sweet tooth and will secretly indulge in sugary snacks, but he'll get defensive and deny it if you catch him.
Has a strong habit of aggressively correcting others grammar or pronunciation, even if its just a minor mistake.
He's a bit of a germaphobe and would go out of his way to avoid touching things or shaking hands with people.
He hates the rain, not only because of his quirk but because of the thunder that sometimes comes with it. His hearing aids amplify the sound which forces him to take them off completely. Leaving him feeling a bit vulnerable.
He also hates the fact that bad weather makes his hearing aids malfunction. The static and cutting out frustrates him to no end.
He turns into such a geek when you talk about video games, heroes, and manga. When he notices how nerdy he starts to sound he shuts up completly.
Has an inferiority complex but..also a superiority complex somehow..??
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© yammpi3 2024. All work belongs to @yammpi3. You can repost if you want to support my blog/writing! Please don't modify, translate, or plagiarize in any way on ANY platform.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Hello. I ❤️ your blog especially your science kids. May I see where one of them calls Marinette out like how Quagmire does it. Sorry for the awkwardness. This is my first time typing to somebody. 😊😊
Yes, honey! Yes! I have been waiting for this!
Simon, my favorite Irish tech geek, take the stand!
Marinette: Well, you don't need to look for somebody new. I'll hang out with you guys.
Marc: Yeah, you know, I don't think that's gonna work out, Marinette, 'cause of the whole Simon thing.
Marinette: What Simon thing?
Marc: Oh, you know, just that he hates you.
Marinette: Simon hates me?
Marc: Hates you.
Marinette: I... I don't get it. Why... why wouldn't Simon like me?
Marc: Because he thinks you're annoying. Like people who never shut up about their pets.
Marinette: Hey, Simon, what a coincidence. You and me just runnin' into each other. How, how ya doin'?
Simon: Fine.
Marinette: So… *Noticed Simon’s aunt at the checkout* Is that your mom? She’s beautiful.
Simon: That's my aunt, Marinette. My mother is dead to me, as is my father, and I hope they rot in their prison cells.
Marinette: Oh, God. I'm... I'm really sorry.
Simon: I got cousin who beat her husband. Wanna ask me about her, too?
Alya: Hey, what are you getting all dressed up for?
Marinette: I'm treating Simon to a night out.
Alix: Really? I thought he hated you. How'd you convince him to go?
Marinette: I tricked him. Sent him a phony card. He thinks he's going on a romantic date with Denise.
Myléne: But instead, you're going to show up.
Marinette: You got it.
Rose: Yikes.
Juleka: That's a recipe for disappointment.
Marinette: I'll bet you got... how do those things work?
Simon: What? My music videos? How does a music video work?
Marinette: Yeah.
Simon: … You want me to sit here and explain to you how a music video works?
Marinette: I don't know. Yeah.
Simon: You want to maybe just go?
Marinette: Simon, come on, I'm really trying hard here.
Simon: Who asked you to try hard?
Marinette: Nobody, but all... I'm trying to establish a friendship with you. All I've done is try to be nice to you, and you still don't like me. How can you not like me?!
Simon: … Okay. I'll tell you…. You are the worst person I know. You simped after Adrien while you were dating Luka and while Adrien was dating Kagami. The guy was writing you a song, gave you his favorite guitar pick, gave you free therapy, and that was how you repaid him? And to add insult to injury, you rubbed your love for Adrien right in his face. And you're so insensitive. You basically tried to kick Luka out of Kitty Section and make Adrien the lead guitarist? What the fuck? And what really bothers me, is you pretend you're this perfect girl who can do no wrong when all you are is a hypocrite, liar, and a word that’d make the Priest blush. Yeah, I lie; who hasn’t? At least I come clean about it in the end. I don't go on about how I hate liars and then stalk Lila trying to lie her way into Adrien’s pants, and then brag about how I’m some perfect angel trying to look out for everyone. You’re not a perfect angel. You’re a spoiled little, manipulative brat. You use those stupid dough eyes, tears, and sob stories about how much you love Adrien to get people to go along with your stupid plans. God, you make me sick! And you only delude yourself by thinking you're the greatest thing since slice bread, when you’re honestly just as bad as Chloé and Lila. Actually, you know, I should have known Denise didn't write me that note. Yeah, they actually have the guts to say things to my face without stammering like you do around Adrien when you’ve known the guy for almost a year! And I think what I hate most about you is your hypocrisy when it comes to Adrien’s love life, how he "deserves better," how Chloé is a spoiled brat only after Adrien for his looks, how Kagami is too controlling. Well, what have you done to prove that you’re not like them? I’ve only heard you obsess over his looks and “perfection.” Never heard you once talk about interests that Gabriel doesn’t force on him. You wanna get to know the guy? Talk to him! And, by the way, knowing Lila is a liar doesn't make you Jesus Christ. Yeah, I know about the Lila situation! And I don’t care! You wanna basically ruin your relationships with your friends by screaming in their faces, “Lila’s a liar!! Believe me, because I’m better than her!” Go ahead! Who the hell are you to act as if though you were in the right? Your impulsiveness in trying to expose her got you expelled, which isn't nearly as bad as how you treated your parents! Did you ever pay them back for what was meant to be a family trip to Shanghai? But you know what? I could forgive all of that, all of it… If you weren't such a bore. That's the worst of it, Marinette. You're just a sad, pathetic bore… *Sighs* Well, see ya, Marinette. Thanks for the fucking steak. *Leaves*
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aboutzatanna · 11 months
Zatanna, Wonder Woman and Barry Allen go undercover in this issue of DC Retroactive: JLA- The 70's #1 (2011) and Diana is absolutely terrible at it:
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For those who don't know DC Retroactive are untold stories set in past continuities mostly by writers from those eras.
This issue was written by Carey Bates with art by Andy Smith.
(Side note: While Diana being 'bad' at going undercover is just a two page gag, it makes more sense for me that Diana, former 'Goddess of Truth' and wielder of the Lasso of True wouldn't be comfortable with secret identities. I never liked the idea of Diana needing a secret identity. )
The plot of this issue mainly revolves around Adam Strange, who is accidentally transported to Earth Prime following a fight with Kanjar Ro so Barry, Diana, Zatanna and Ollie travel to Earth Prime to rescue him while Hawkman and Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) take on the newly empowered Kanjar Ro.
Earth-Prime is basically "our world" where the JLA are all fictional characters and the writers and creators exist on that earth. It's also the world where Superboy Prime originally came from. Since Adam had his mind zapped at a mental institute, the only solution is to find DC editor and Adam Strange super fan Julius Schwartz who can jog Adam's memory.
I'm not really a fan of creators writing themselves or their collegues into the story. It feels very self congratulatory. Especially since WW's lasso could have solved the whole thing. I much prefer how Marvel did it, like an Easter Egg, where Stan and Jack would sometimes appear as themselves in issues of Fantastic Four. But I guess you can look at this issue as Carey's tribute to Schwartz. This issue also came with a reprint of Justice League of America #123 where Carey Bates wrote himself (or rather his Earth Prime counterpart) as the villain of the story.
Adam Strange himself is a character that I have mixed feelings about. He's very much a product of his time but the ordinary guy with a space suit, jetpack and helmet really appeals to the young boy in me who loved the Rocketeer. I don't think anyone has ever quite figured out how to make him relevant today. Tom King tried in his mini but it was the usual trope of 'lets reveal this innocent Silver Age character is actually a horrible person' variety of reinvention.
Anyway, enough rambling, since this is a Zatanna blog, here is a few moments with her that I like:
-The League chilling on the tower, Diana looks like she is oogling at Zee plus Hal being a Pink Floyd fan:
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-Zatanna and Barry interactions plus Barry taking a leader ship role:
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-This bit about mind wipes:
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Knowing how much of a nerd Barry is he probably folded inside when she called him boss.
Also while this was most likely an excuse to bring in Julius Schwartz, Zatanna not tampering with minds is more in character for her during this period especially since the arc with her mom also had a subplot of her being mad that her father played with her mind. Another point deducted from Identity Crisis.
Blink and you miss it panels where the artist is clearly showing off their ability to draw human body in perspective:
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And Diana wanting to take a selfie after the League defeats Kanjar Ro:
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(also Diana's clearly a history geek, only a history geeks would drop random facts about Incas completely unprompted):
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Overall, it's an old school issue. Very much a throwback. Still it's noteable that the writer of this issue didn't do the almost obligatory 'Zee gets gagged or taken out early so other characters can shine' plot. Every one has a role and everyone contributes their fair share to help defeat the villain.
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mariaofhatchettown · 6 months
Obligatory Pinned Post!
Yo! I'm Maria Catritzi
(Mah-ree-ah kah-tree-zee)
Couple things to know about me
I am 18 and a senior at Hatchetfield High
Been working at Miss Retro's for the last 2 years! Holloway is the b e s t
I'm in a band! We're Aplsawz and we fuckin rock
The Spankoffski's are "at an arms length" relatives. I think Ted is my Mom's aunt's cousins nephew? I dunno, the family tree is weird but all I know is that MicroPeter is my fuckin cousin somehow (lame.)
I'm definitely not in the smoke club.... definitely not....don't tell my mom
There's an "I survived abstinence Camp" pin on my backpack that I made with Sage. It's pretty sick
My aunt ran for Honey Queen last year, and she won! So proud of her for leaving this shitty town
Family is q u i t e Italian. I live with my Mami, Papa, and Baba :]
OOC stuff will always look like this from me. This OC is in the same timeline as NMT2, so events are concurrent with that. She does forget Holloway after she dies which like....sad... but I wanna have them hanging out at some point so whatever. Also the pfp was a picrew thing, so uh NOT MY ART. I'm replacing it soon I promise
Extra info ab Maria that she won't tell you on her blog
She's got a shameful crush on Ruth Fleming- stemmed from admiration freshman year and grew from there
She actually can sing, she's just scared of embarrassing herself
Max pisses her off, but she still wishes she could have his confidence
Her favorite aunt won Honey Queen, and she misses her dearly, wondering why her texts and letters aren’t being returned
She played quads in marching band for three years before she dropped it all together, not wanting to look like a geek anymore
Child of control freak mom and granddaughter of immigrant Italian, so uh, Catholicism and religious trauma 🫶💕
Blinky devoteeeeee
Well versed in hatchetfields dark undertones :]
Regresses!!! Just sometimes though, to cope with stress and panic attacks
Peace out hoessss 💕
Also! Picrews!
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fitblrgames-2023 · 1 year
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Excellent job everyone!! Way to make it though 8 weeks of the fitblrgames I am so proud of all of you!!
1st Place with 55,667 points is team FIZZLE ME NOTS! They completed the challenge tasks first almost every week... The eigth week was the only time they were tied for finishing!
2nd Place with 50,948 points are the The Glowing Chubby Zombie Pirate Mom Birds by a hair!! Way to take the solo challenge last week, 22round in 20min did the trick!
3rd Place with 50,448 points is team Dumbbells' and Dragons. Wow wow wow wow. Awesome job guys!!!!
4th place with 41,275 points is team Random and Unhinged! Nice job!
5th with 36,485 points is team Hustle and Muscle. Well done!
6th with 34,675 points is team May Contain Nuts. Nicely done!
7th with 17,015 points is team Crique do Sore Legs. Ya'll are fantastique, time to give those legs a well deserved a rest!
A shout out to team Strong Sevens with 7000 points. Thank you for joining us while you could!!
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Favorite moments:
262 Round of Wednesdays by @runrunningrunner
73 Consecutive pushups by @therunnymoonsover
A 5 Minute Plank by @burritobowlz-n-bullshit
1770 combine reps of Pushups, Sit ups, Squats, and pullups by @gospelofbrodin
More than 16,000 total reps completed by each finishing team a for over 100,000 reps.
List other favorite moments in the comments and re-blogs!!
@thisismetryingx @evolution-ofa-geek @smollestbun @justhiitit @the-chubby-crossfitter @coffeeandmuscles @runrunningrunner @fitscientist
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queen-scribbles · 5 months
15 Questions for 15 (?) Friends
Tagged by @keldae
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: Nope. Middle name was suggested by an aunt, but it's all just bc my parents like the sound/meaning
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Uhhhh... can't remember.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: Not of my own, but I love the kids I watch(ed)
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: There was a very quickly failed attempted at basketball in middle school, and a single tennis lesson that "showed promise", but the place was too far away to make it a thing
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Sarcasm? From me? What on earth would give you that idea? *quietly hides Patron Saint of Snark blog title*
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: Clothes, especially anything that I can clock as geeky for a shared interest(I do in fact geek out when I see people wearing N7 hoodies in the grocery store, and I'm 99% sure one worker was wearing the CR TravelerCon hoodie)
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR?: Green. (Supposedly, according to one definition I read, they count as heterochomic bc I have a light brown ring around my pupil then the rest is green, so since it's two colors... but to me heterochromia is each eye being a different color so Idk how much I believe that article)
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: Happy endings ftw, I'm a total wuss when it comes to movies. No scary, please and thank you. I still look away for certain parts of The Mummy(1999)
ANY TALENTS?: Writing, unpicking knots, picking up (written) languages, recognizing actors/voices
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: Pretty close to where I currently live
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: I have a Yorkie-poo(Imani) and then her mama(Callie) also lives in the house. She belongs half to my mom, half my sister, but I do most of the dog walking xD
DREAM JOB?: What I do now, actually, nannying.
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its-been-rose · 5 months
May I ask who your headcannon couples are(or like who you think can work together?) and what trope they all are? AHHHHHHH I very much love your art btw!
Okay so I’m going to assume you’re referring to my Killer Frequency headcanons because I’m a KF blog so here goes
Also THANK YOU!! That means so much!!! I really do appreciate the support!
My headcanon couples range from practically canon to lmao what if.
The first couple is Marie and George. Yes, they’re canon, but lemme explain my headcanons for their dynamic. So basically they were originally the jock x nerd stereotype, but instead of Marie being that quiet geeky stereotype, Marie was excitable, energetic and peppy. George was quite shy around most other people except for people he knew, and really came out of his shell around her (and also around Jason whom he knew well). She was big into theater and suggested he try out for the play and he did and he found out he loved it so they just became a pair of little geeks in love doing everything together and not caring what other people were doing. But he still loved sports obviously and we all know how that ended up.
Next down is Leslie x Sara (the Deputy). Y’all you cannot tell me they do not have a thing. The way Leslie got flustered when she got caught calling Sara by her first name—— aaaaaaaaa. Ok so I think their dynamic would be like they’d both try to act super cool and professional but would just end up flirting constantly at work like a bunch of idiots lol. They’d each try to impress the other and they’d find it super cute.
Further down in the lmao what if category we’ve got Forrest and Sandra. This is only here because I thought the scene of Forrest aggressively trying to slide into Sandra’s DMs was HILARIOUS and they’re both older and I think they deserve each other lmao. Their dynamic would be like Forrest is the black cat and Sandra is the golden retriever. She needs someone to chill her out and he needs someone to put some fun in his life that’s NOT just sarcastically quipping at everything lol.
Next down is Eugene and Carrie. I don’t really have much evidence for this except for the fact that they both got hunted and maybe could like bond over their experiences lol. Idk I just think Eugene deserves a nice girl who will give him the time of day, and Carrie deserves a nice boy who won’t prank her (or go along with said prank) and will treat her RIGHT.
Other than that uhhhh maybe like Peggy and Ricky??? Maybe??? I don’t really see much of a romance there but like at least platonically they’d DEFINITELY be buddies. Also the age gap is a little big but also they’re both well into adulthood and it’s not CRAZY big like Forrest and Peggy would be and also there’s no power imbalance cuz they’re both kinda doing their own thing. Idk. Would Max like a step mom?
Feel free to chime in with your headcanons or pairings either anonymously in the asks or in the comments and we can chat about it lollll
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Meet My OC: Asa De Leon x Raphael
🗣️: @akesdraws-blog @m1dnyt3-w0lf @tinkabelle19 @sharpwindow @pheradream-15 @fyreball66 @shinzowosasageyoooo @miss-andromeda
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Face claim: Ylona Garcia
Name: Asa De Leon
Age: 21
Sex: F
Nationality: Filipino-American
Race: Asian
Family. Asa was born to parents Malaya De Leon and Anthony De Leon in Manila, Philippines. Asa had very few memories of her father, most of them tainted by his acts of infidelity and abuse towards her mother, Malaya. When Asa was five-years-old, Malaya left her husband and took Asa with her to immigrate to the U.S. and join her mother, who had already established herself as a geriatric nurse working in a nursing home. Asa was raised by mother and her grandmother in their little home in Albany.
Personality. ISTP (Virtuoso). Asa is an ambivert, comfortable both around people and by herself. Unlike Sayuri, Asa has a more bold temperament and has a tendency to be defiant. Like Sayuri, she takes her principles very seriously and is unafraid to stand up for them. Asa is the type of girl who’s willing to throw hands and rip hairs the second you insult someone she cares about. Although she can be quite impulsive, she is also known to be sly, ambitious, and quick-witted. Her sarcasm and dark humor are a part of her charm. Be her friend, and you have an ally loyal to a fault.
Character Conflict. Being Asian — being Filipino meant a lot expectations, especially from family and at school. Asa was not really the studious academic. She’s not very proficient at math or science. She wasn’t part of any debate team or won gold at athletic events. She was an artist. A musician. A writer. A dreamer. The nonsense that her mother absolutely abhorred. Asa thinks sometimes that she’s the daughter her mother doesn’t need and will never measure up to be.
Trauma. When Asa was five-years-old, she saw her mom being beaten by dad severely. Asa will never forget what happened. Malaya was pressed against the floor, bleeding and bruised, as she raised her arms feebly to shield herself from the blows. Before Asa knew it, she took an empty bottle from the dining table and slammed against her father’s head, knocking him unconscious. That night, Malaya fled with Asa.
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Talents and Interests. Asa can write, compose, sing, play the guitar and piano, and draw. She likes to run and box. She’s a geek for Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, and one of her life’s mission is to bring OPM (original pinoy music) to the States.
Present Situation. Asa now lives in New York City by herself goes to NYU Manhattan majoring in computer science. During the day she takes her classes, and at night she plays at gigs and networks.
Mood Board inserted here.
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the-cannibal · 25 days
Got to watch The Lost Boys in theaters today with my mom and it was so awesome seeing the boys on the big screen
Also it was so fun to hear so many people giggling and geeking over my favorite movie with me! I was only expecting like 15 people to be there but there was like 30! (Small theater)
Anyway! Just thought it was a lot of fun! I could not stop smiling the whole time, I seriously gotta get back into posting/re blogging lost boys stuff because omgggg I FUCKING LOVE THAT MOVIE SO MUCHHHH
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sewgeekmama · 10 months
Unboxing: Kids Reveal Book Box Gets Geeky
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lynxmoonrising · 2 months
An Introduction Post
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Hello hello! ♡ This is my blog about my practice and journey. Scroll below for the blog, posts, reblogs and chaos.
🌿 About Me Debs | She/her | Slavic | Living in Ireland
Aside from the magical and spiritual I am also a big bookworm, friend of nature, 90s Geocities Internet nostalgee, husky mom, cat mom, chinchilla mom, music nerd, singer, pianist writer, occasional artist, obsessive tea drinker, wannabe scientist, behaviorist, dog trainer, pet care advisor, lover of travel, dragon enthusiast, carebear collector, Heroes of Might and Magic devotee-- I mean fan, comic book geek, Halloween queen, knitter/crocheter, amateur genealogist, polyglot, a fun lesbian aunt(I have no nieces or nephew. I'm your aunt now), Duolingo streak bragging person, crafty crafter, and an autistic wreck whose sensory issues all go away as soon as it's grey and rainy outside, or better yet, as soon as Autumn arrives. (I dislike Summer with a passion.)
You can usually find me straying off a path and heading deeper into the forest, reading a book, doing magical wibbly-wobbly stuff, listening to or playing music that ranges from 80s glam metal through classical through Dutch rap to symphonic metal, studying an outrageous topic the average person has no interest in hearing of, writing, or having a breakdown over having to clean the house. (Hey, breakdowns are healthy. I promise. They are. I promisewhydoesittakeme5hourstocleanmykitchen?!)
I'm super-duper-Alice-Cooper friendly, and a real chatterbox, so if you want to ask me anything, talk to me about your own practice, ask me for advice or info, get a reading, get help with your own reading, or literally just talk, I'm a message away!
I used to be on Tumblr years ago and organized a yearly Pagan/Witchcraft Themed Gift Exchange for a couple of years. Keep you eyes peeled as I am going to bring this back this year!
Oh, and I kind of really love dragons.
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🕸️ My practice I have had a pull to the divine and spiritual since I was a child, being approached by Kemetic deities when I was very young but have been actively practicing for 13 years. As you can see from my personal blurb above, I'm a pretty mixed and positively chaotic person, and my spiritual practice is no different. I love to help in any and all aspects that I'm familiar with, and I'm also always constantly learning myself(I'm kind of obsessed with continuous learning). I'm a spiritual sponge and absorb whatever I work with and get happily attached to my deities, spirits and practices, so I don't ever really stop practicing something. Here are some but not all branches of my path:
Kemetic devotee
Slavic polytheist
Freja & Skadi Follower (Restarting my relationship with Them after some years)
Solitary eclectic hedge witch (Ask me to elaborate if you wish)
Hecate Follower (Beginner)
Spirit work
Ancestry/communication with the dead
Nature work
Draconic magic
Constant personal study of mythology, history, language and culture of the paths I follow and others.
Pagan: There's a lot, I know. If you struggle with describing my practice when talking about me, you can just call me "pagan".
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🔮 What I Do
Divination (Cards, runes, tea leaves, incense smoke, candle flame and wax, crystals, Slavic divination, and others)
Herbal Recipes*
Crystal prescriptions*
Rituals (Ask me for details)
Devotional writing (Prayers, poetry, hymns)
Devotional art (of any deity, even if I don't follow Them)
Animal/pet healing*
* Important disclaimer = * = I do not give medical healing or medical prescriptions. I am NOT a licensed medical professional. I have education and extensive work experience in animal health/illness/first aid and care but I am NOT a vet. None of my prescriptions or healing include medical diagnoses or the use of medicine. Please consult with a medical professional for physical ailments, disease, injury, mental health. My crystal and herbal prescriptions and healing are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical/mental health help. They are there to be used as a boost and cleansing of energy and spirit, and can be used in conjunction with already-prescribed professional treatments. For herbal recipes, please ensure you are aware of any contraindications and interactions with anything you may already be taking.
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DNI if you're a cun- please be nice. We're a respectful bunch. Don't talk shit about mental illnesses, I have some too. (A whole alphabet of abbreviations, I'm at a point where I'm anticipating a diagnosis of PhD.) See? We can laugh about our own mental health for the sake of healing, but don't be a judgy bitch. If you're in any way a homophobe, transphobe, acephobe, arophobe, anyone else who falls under the category of LGBTQI+phobe, racist, ableist, and insert any other shitty quality here. Also, I'm an adult, I talk about adult things, I don't post explicit things but there may be mentions of adult stuff or sexyjokes. So if you're a minor, well, I can't stop you from using the internet so it's your own risk what you do on the web, but be safe, and I'll tag anything that mentions that kind of stuff as "ac mention"(stands for adult content mention) - you might wanna block that tag. Also if I follow anyone and you don't want me to follow you let me know and I'll unfollow.
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realmythsmoved · 2 months
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘: August 21st
𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 5'2"
𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒: reading, writing, watching TV/movies, listening to music
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊: The ASOIAF series by GRRM and also Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde and way way more.
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆: idk tbh
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄 / 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖: I rewatched The Incredibly True Adventures of Two Girls In Love
𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃: still reading The Ballad of Songbirds and snakes;
𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: for my canon muses? their canon. Mostly. I do like to put my own spin on them, though. For my OCs? IDEK, I just come up with them LOL.
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐔𝐑𝐋: I wanted a new URL and so I started turning around the lyrics "made myself mythical; tried to be real" from the song Daffodil by Florence & the Machine in my head and came up with realmyths. I was surprised it wasn't taken already. Well, technically it was but the blog wasn't active so I got it. <3
𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓: I have family in another country, besides the one I live in, on both my mom's and dad's side of the family.
Stolen from @shdwtouch
Steal it from me, IDC <3
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Fenton's hero-worship of Gyro in 'Astro 'B.O.Y.D.'
(In honor of the upcoming three-year anniversary of my favorite Ducktales episode 'Astro B.O.Y.D.', I'm going to be reposting some of my old posts about that episode from my defunct blog)
So, this was something interesting I always noticed in 'Astro B.O.Y.D.' Fenton's hero-worship of him and Gyro's complexity...
Starting with Fenton’s debut episode in season 1’s ‘Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. System’, it was strongly implied that he thought very highly of Gyro and considered it an honor to work under him, despite the way Gyro treated him and despite his inventions always going horribly wrong. He was probably one of the only ones who didn’t regard Gyro as a dangerous crackpot. Indeed, Fenton was very loyal, very eager to please, and always at his beck-and-call. And when he was talking to his mom in his next episode (‘Who is Gizmoduck?’), he referred to Gyro as "the best scientist in town." As a young, scrappy, and hungry (fun little reference for all you Lin fans XD) scientist himself, passionate and eager to make the world a better place with his own creations, he greatly looked up to Gyro and desperately yearned for his approval.
In ‘Astro B.O.Y.D.’, when Fenton learned from Gyro that he was once a “lowly intern”, he seemed to overlook the “lowly” part and take pure fascination in the fact that the great Gyro Gearloose started out as an intern just like him. I believe this was for three reasons: (1) he found it very inspiring that he shared the same humble beginnings as his brilliant mentor and idol, (2) he was thrilled to actually learn something about the private, closed-off man who likely never discussed any part of his actual life, and (3) it’s my headcanon that Fenton wanted to consider Gyro a friend after all that time, despite Gyro’s cold, disdainful treatment, so it was another reason he was so intrigued to learn they shared something like that in common. “You were an intern like me?” he asked with awe in his tone. To which Gyro muttered, “Nothing like you.” If Fenton was discouraged by this response, he didn’t show it.
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It’s interesting to note that Fenton’s loyalty to Gyro was also shown by his willingness to stick up for him when others spoke ill of him or his inventions, namely in ‘Astro B.O.Y.D.’ when Inspector Tezuka bluntly told him an evil robot of Gyro’s once destroyed Tokyolk. Even though Fenton very well knew Gyro's track record with his inventions, Fenton adamantly started to protest that any robot of his would turn evil and go on a rampage. (And although I don’t think Fenton was actually shown defending Gyro at any other time in the show, I really like to think that he did).
But what's neat is that in Fenton's haste to loyally defend Gyro to Tezuka, he almost forget all about Gyro's machines always turning evil, and I think that's because he had much more confidence in Gyro than most people did; he always looked past his flaws- both personality-wise and his inventions- and mostly saw a genius with an unquenchable passion for science and a desire to make the world a better place.
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When they reached the abandoned lab Gyro used to intern at, Gyro informed them this was Tokyolk’s leading research facility and where 2-BO was built. Fanboy Fenton is positively in his element, exclaiming “And where Gyro Gearloose was born!” as he rushes ahead to eagerly geek out over the artifacts that marked the start of his hero’s journey toward becoming the man he is today:
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“Was this your lab coat?!”
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“Was this your stool?!”
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“Was this your trinocular inverted metallurgical telescope?!”
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"Argh, dust in my eye! The dust- haha- of GENUIS!”
But instead of allowing his ego to be fed, Gyro snapped “All right, knock it off, intern!”
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There's a deeper reason for Gyro’s irritated reaction if you really think about it. Ok, naturally, Gyro’s mind was focused strictly on the serious task-at-hand of shutting down Boyd once-and-for-all and finally putting his greatest nightmare to rest (Gyro lead the others to believe he intended to simply fix him with the specialized equipment located only at the lab where he was created). And of course it was very triggering for him to be in the same place he once endured so much trauma- from both the whole ‘2-BO' disaster (which cost him his reputation and changed him for the worst) and suffering Akita’s cruelty.
…And that’s where part of his disgust with Fenton’s hero-worship likely came from in that scene. Not only impatience with Fenton’s fooling around, but personal shame because: (1) Despite his seemingly huge ego (which I believe was always a cover for his true insecurities), he saw himself as the worthless failure Akita probably always gaslit him into believing he was, and (2) the above scene might be when he started to realize for the first time just how much he’d turned out like Akita, how similarly he treated his own intern (but I don’t think he fully realized this until much later in the episode when he learned Akita was responsible for reprogramming Boyd to go evil and furiously confronted him over it/faced his cruelty again).
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"An intern with his own intern. Now I've seen everything."
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"Face it, intern! You'll never invent anything worthwhile."
And it's Fenton's reverence of him that probably made Fenton even more like Gyro was in his own intern days (and part of what Gyro meant when he confessed at the end of the episode, "Yes, intern, I was once like you. Of course, I was a naive idiot back then. But if I had somebody actually listen to me, I might not have been so hopeless" a.k.a. might not have turned out so bitter, cold, and distant). Gyro probably once looked up to Akita as a brilliant scientist whose footsteps he hoped to follow in too, despite the way he treated him.
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Deep down, he was likely disgusted with Fenton’s admiration of him because it made him disgusted with himself. He thought, Knock it off with the blind hero-worship, I don’t deserve it. Why do you even continue working under me? What do you see in me? Why do you want to be like me? Not only am I a terrible person, I’m an absolute failure as a scientist!
One of my favorite things Frank Angones said about Gyro is that Fenton always reminded him of his younger self, and that the inventor both liked and hated that. Gyro liked it because he appreciated and enjoyed seeing the best in Fenton- his innocence and optimism and desire to make the world a better place through science. But he hated it because not only did it likely bring back bad memories, but he probably thought Fenton was as sickeningly naïve and idealistic as he'd once been (and it led to Gyro getting hurt).
In fact (and maybe this is a stretch), it's my headcanon that Gyro always cared about Fenton deep-down and that- subconsciously- part of the reason he was always so tough on him, aside from the whole cycle of abuse and bitterness from a lifetime of failures, is because he saw so much potential in Fenton and didn't want the real world to crush him like it had done to Gyro... not consciously realizing that even though he may have been trying to toughen him up, he was only hurting him (because like I said, I don't think he realized until he confronted Akita and his past in 'Astro B.O.Y.D.' just how much like him he'd become).
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pixeldistractions · 6 months
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Grad school is happening at Magnolia Graduate College.
Leading our group is Dr. Heather Thompson, Dean of Students. She specializes in biology. (Hi, Ingrid’s mom!)
Our students this year:
Andre, Calvin, and Steven are all working on their medical degrees, and Amy is doing her nursing clinicals.
The others are non-medical graduate programs. Justin (architecture) and Natty, (teaching).
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Justin may be a workaholic, but he’s still a geek. He’s studying on nights and weekends while maintaining his home renovation business and blogs, and being a newlywed husband and father of three. Overachieving much? That’s nothing new for Justin, the workaholic that he is. Workaholic except for when the video games are calling him.
— from “postcards from grad school” (1/4)
some gameplay notes on grad school:
The way I’m doing university in my game is that nobody is allowed to do a distinguished degree until they’ve completed a regular degree first. Regular degrees are undergraduate programs where my sims will usually reach level 3-6 in their core skills, while distinguished degrees are considered graduate programs and they are expected to reach levels 6-10. 
I play all three of my own colleges and all of my students are living “at home” in residential lots, so it doesn’t matter which in-game college they attend. So, for undergraduate students, it sometimes requires picking the “wrong” college so that it won’t be a distinguished degree. 
Because I only have one grad school for everyone to attend, I’m not too picky about travel distances being realistic. Many of them are commuters. The med school students need to be residents, but Justin lives in Michigan, and Natty is in Nevada, and Amy is in Washington DC. Considering most of these grad students are in their mid-late twenties, some will be even older, they would have families, jobs, or serious relationships at home. Since this grad school is their only option, I won’t make them spend long times away from their life to go here. They will do most of the semester from home, then commute to campus for a couple of days to take their exams. 
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1eos · 1 year
hello ms kendra! first off just wanted to say i hope you're doing well and i love your blog theme. also that i hope only good things come to you and those you love 💗
i don't know if you feel comfortable sharing, so please don't worry if you don't want to answer, but how did you know you were a lesbian? sorry if this seems out of the blue ahfjfkal but i've been kind of questioning myself lately and i trust your thoughts and opinions and i was just... looking for some thoughts/feelings i guess? once again please don't feel pressured to answer. thank you for reading 💗 have a sexy day ms leos!
omg its not too much at all 😭😭😭 how i realized i was a lesbian was obvious in retrospect but i was surrounded by so much comphet i didnt realize it was an option until one day i was like ohhhhhhh i can just like women lol
anyways when i was a kid i felt a bit left out bc ive always been a girls girl and only rarely found boys worth hanging out with but when all my girl friends were starting to be boy crazy i just had. no interest. none at all. when i was in elementary school the one boy everyone liked he did nothing for me but i started to fantasize abt him liking me so all the GIRLS would like me 😭😭😭 like i said obvious
but it didnt click bc i had crushes on 2 guys. one was gay so 😶😂 LOL and for a while i was like so im not gay bc i liked 2 guys but then i realized those 'crushes' were just how i am with ppl i like and want to be friends with. this all encompassing desire to be with them 24/7. i didnt want to do anything w my friends i just wanted to but stuck on them and im the same way to this day just toned down (scorpio vedic moon)
and then i started having intense and tumultuous friendships with other girls who similarly didn't like boys at all. and i would be consumed in wanting to be with her all the time and got jealous. it was how i was w close friends but even more intense bc it tended to be mutual. YOU KNOW HOW IT GOES. like i was in a toxic lesbian not relationship in middle school looking back
and then in high school when my mom left me alone at home i would runnnnn to the dvd player and rewatch the sex scene in monster's ball bc halle berry was topless 😭😭😭 i was kinda obsessed w sex but again had NO interest in the men? and if boys approached me irl i would just be like 🧍🏾‍♀️ what the hell did u want. and i was learning that u can be other things than just straight so even tho i was fucking sneaking away at my grandma house (we didnt have internet at our house) to scroll thru playboy and look at pics of half-naked WOMEN bc i didn't want to be desired by men i was like 'ohhhh ok so im asexual'
I WAS SO CLOSE TO THE TRUTH but comphet was fucking beating my ass bruh. andddd in college i branched out started meeting more girls like me (black and gay) and i was like oh ok. so im NOT abnormal there are ppl like me. met more men still didnt want to do anything w them. met more girls i wanted to fucking build a house with after geeking out after dragon age once. anyways i got a girlfriend...sophomore year and magically turned from sexless nun to disgusting horny beast and also i met this very sexy butch girl who i wanted to [redacted] so bad and wouldve if not for girl code. and it finally clicked that girls just do it for me 😭😭😭😭severely. all the romance and sex things i was all ick abt fell into place bc i finally beat the comphet. ofc i found sex disgusting bc i didnt like men and it put alllllllllllllll previous relationships into perspective
so for me what helped was to just not try to force myself into any label or worry oh what if im actually this or that? i just lived my life liked who i liked and slowly the reality that i want girls to [redacted entry] me very nastily fell into place!
and thank you so muchhhhh wishing good things on you too. good things and clarity 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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