tokumon · 8 months
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Gebalga from Ultraman Blazar ep. 11
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chipsncookies · 1 year
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Utena parody
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ziodynes098 · 1 year
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Design available on Redbubble!
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macmanx · 1 year
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Ultraman Blazar vs. Gebalga
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tsunflowers · 2 months
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so he’s like a… a gebalga? okaaay… little bit weird, but…
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oh my god! no fucking way!
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he’s actually awesome
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no… dude! no! he’s so cool!
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that’s actually awesome, dude…
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airportsanki · 11 months
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宇宙電磁怪獣ゲバルガ / GEBALGA 『ウルトラマンブレーザー』(2023)
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heartvisor · 1 year
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space electromagnetic kaijuu, gebalga | designed by kawaishi tetsuya (川石テツヤ)
(x x)
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pytonbies · 10 months
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Brood Gebalga & Firdran!
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Firdran Redesign
so i redesigned Firdran as a giant parave kaiju cause i thought it would be cool to design him as an actual flying theropod than just a bird made of fire!
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I really enjoyed Ultraman Blazar it is the best ultra show i've seen and the kaijus in this show are awesome and i love them all! My favorites are Varallon, Gebalga, Nijikagachi, Leviera, Bazanga and Mogusion, i also very much enjoyed the characters in this show especially Gento!
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tokumon · 8 months
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Brood Gebalga from Ultraman Blazar ep. 11
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thekaijudude · 2 months
Taguchi's plans for Blazar kaiju and addressing plothole
So color809 shared a snippet of Taguchi's interview regarding the designs of and future plans for Blazar kaiju
He points out that Bazanga, Gebalga and Valaron weren't actually native kaiju to the V99, but were random wild kaiju captured by the V99 from different planets. This is done so as to not tie in said kaiju to V99, so that it can be used in subsequent series. He also points out the Valaron is different from other final bosses as he isn't an invading force nor a threat to the whole universe but bascially just a "stronger-than-usual" kaiju.
(But then again, Valaron had the potential to wipe out the Earth via a domino effect relatively quickly so...)
This may explain how another Bazanga will show up in the Arc-Blazar crossover episode
This also explains why the V99 weren't able to recall Valaron in the last episode of Blazar which originally confused everyone as we thought it was under their control
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iamthekaijuking · 8 months
What are your thoughts on the Kaijus from the latest episodes of Ultraman Blazar such as Brood Gebalga, Irugo, Firdran, Zugugan and Varallon?
I’m already a fan of Gebalga and Irugo, so Brood Gebalga rocks.
Firdran I’m iffy on.
I’m enamored with the head of Zugugan.
And Varallon is a neat powerful worm dinosaur man.
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toku-explained · 9 months
The Christmas Chemy
Blazar: Deltandal have kept on appearing and being defeated by SKaRD and Blazar, but Gento is being worn out, Blazar even knocks him out to force him to take some rest. Emi meets with an astronomer contact who has managed to detect a large celestial object travelling along the same bath as Bazanga and Gebalga, the brass ignore this report. Multiple Tagangular appear worldwide, targeting Teaterium storage, the largest is in Japan so Earth Garon deploys, while everyone forces Gento to rest. Mod 2 is fighting when an even larger one is detected in the Mojave Desert. There's no chance of them defeating this one, switching to Mod 3 and reaching that one, so Gento feigns a communication breakdown and becomes Blazar to rush there. Emi's contact suddenly calls here having discovered records of Gebalga exploding prior to arriving earth, being hit by a beam fired by Tagangular whilst it was fighting Blazar. As GGF CCP Orders the use of warheads to eliminate Tagangular when is starts consuming Teaterium to prepare it's beam, at the risk of large scale destruction, SKaRD realise the Tagangular are acting to defend earth from the Third Wave. As Emi hacks into the Nevada base speakers to tell Blazar not to destroy it, Earth-kun understands and accepts Teruaki's orders to destroy the warheads before he has finished giving it. All warheads are destroyed, and both Tagangular fire beams into space which hit the incoming Third Wave, only now detected by GGF, causing it to fall to the lunar surface, while the beams are reflected back and destroy their sources with minimal collateral damage, Earth Garon evades but Blazar, exhausted, is caught in the blast. The GGF Commander notes things worked out, but SKaRD still disobeyed orders significantly, but is told by Haruno that he will be accepting full responsibility.
Gotchard: Despite the recent chaos with X-Wizard, the DGP, and the Rider Chemies, there are still a lot of Chemies not caught. Ichinose wishes Santa will bring him more friends, Renge points out it's the holiday, but he has to help at Kitchen Ichinose, and begs Kudoh to help. Clotho is weak from the battle, Atropos tells them Gruyon is making his move, and he gifts Lachesis by coating her with gold, she is in pain, Clotho concerned, before starting her experiment. At Kitchen Ichinose, Hopper1 keeps trying to appear, as does UniCon while Hotaro's mother notices Kudoh's ring, "given" by her father, is a different colour to Hotaro's, and Rinne tells Hotaro she plans to be on the front lines now. Spanner thanks Professor Kyouka for her work on on the Valvariser, she apologises for telling him to get the Dreadriver, but needs him to continue monitoring Rinne in case Fuga turns up, she is also working on creating a new Driver to replicate Fuga's sure it will far exceed Ichinose's abilities. Kajiki doesn't care for Christmas much until he thinks he hears Santa's bells, but it turns out to be a giant snake Malgam, which petrifies Kajiki and scares Ichinose. TsuppariHebi, the obvious culprit, is already captured, but the Malgam appears again, petrifying multitudes, including Renge and Sabimaru. Spanner recalls Kyouka telling him how well he works reflects in his tools, and becomes Valvarade to fight, Gotchard leaps in to defend him using MiteMirror, then uses LightningJungle to attempt to defeat it, bur fails to capture. Realising the heads were different, Ichinose realises the Chemy is JyamatonoOrochi, and Kudoh uses TheSun to light the sky, reversing the full horror, Gruyon's voice makes clear Ichinose is his target. Ichinose requests Kudoh evacuate and Spanner help, Spanner refuses initially, but accepts as Ichinose is the target and can protect others this way. Gotchard NeedleHawk flies out, but cannot defeat all the heads, seeing Ichinose is the protecting type, Gruyon targets Kudoh and Spanner, petrifying then and stopping Gotchard from defending them. Ichinose refuses to give up, and is suddenly saved by the appearance of a flaming orange Gotchard, whose driver has a strange attachment, and possesses flaming versions of 100 Chemies, he uses BulletBaang to fight off the Malgam, then defeat it using SteamHopper. The main body, sounding alot more like Lachesis, survives, and the other Gotchard challenges Hotaro to either leave things to him or seize his own future, Hotaro chooses the latter, using first X-Rex then UFO-X, to defeat the Malgam and recover JyamatonoOrochi, before collapsing. Spanner congratulates him on a job well, when Hotaro tries to thank the other Gotchard he finds they're gone. Everyone is saved, Ichinose gives his mother her present. Seeing the state her sister has been left in, Atropos asks Gruyon who the new Kamen Rider is, he merely emerges to say the fun will start soon. Minato grimly notes the time is coming, as the other Gotchard contemplates his attachment.
Kingohger: Racles tells Gira there is no time to talk, they have to fight now. Kaguragi tells Suzume there is nothing they can of to help the brothers right now, instead calling the others, in their way to give him a piece of their minds, to inform them that Racles and Gira are about to defeat Dugded, and relay a long story. 17 years ago, UchuO Dugded Dujardin has made his position clear to the boy Racles, using the Fury of the Gods to kill his father and many others, Racles decided that day that Dugded had to die, even of he must become a monster himself. He formed the Quintet Alliance to monopolise his power, willing to wipe out the Bugnarok and appear loyal to Dugded as he built his strength, but then Gira showed up, and while he recognised his brother instantly, he had not expected it, but as Gira used his abilities to awaken God Kueagata, Racles knew then there was no turning back. He had King-Ohger ZERO, a man made Shugod Dugded couldn't control completed, only for Gira to destroy it. As KuwagataOhger and OhKuwagataOhger together fight Dugded, Racles reflects how Gira ruined his plans at every turn, but he also knew Gira's strength was what he needed to defeat Dugded, he needed Gira to take God Kabuto, the OngerCrownLance and God Caucasus Kabuto from him so he could match Dugded's might, and Kaguragi and Suzume were the means to do so. Kaguragi explains to the others he didn't realise this until after Suzume and Racles' wedding, when Suzume told him he would see they were in the same side some day. In fact, her wedding ring contained a message from Racles, asking if she would be willing to bear torment for her people. By the time Gira requested the second trial by combat, Racles was prepared to relinquish the throne, and this everything he would need, to Gira, but intended to win, as he knew Dugded had a spy in his midst, fortunately, in the battle Boshimar was exposed as Kamejim, and thus he was free to expose himself as a tyrant and bank on Gira not truly wanting to kill him, Suzume found him in the woods after, and gave him the tranquilizer Kaguragi gave him for the first trial by combat, having perhaps the one genuine moment as husband and wife they ever managed to have. As Suzume returned to play her role, Racles made contact with Dugded, playing the loyal servant, as Kaguragi told Kuroda to be prepared to dirt their hands more. At last he achieved what he needed, and was finally able to stand against Dugded. Dugded overpowers Racles, but he is able to throw the OhgerCalibur ZERO to KuwagataOhger and then pin Dugded with the OhgerCrownLance so Gira could defeat him. After, Racles made Gira swear to do all he could to defend the people, and on being assured, collapsed. The other kings arrived, and began work to try and keep him alive. They are the Ohsama Sentai, and they will save everyone they can, even Shugoddom's most evil king.
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macmanx · 10 months
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Ultraman Blazar and Earth Garon vs. Brood Gebalga
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lusynthiaa · 1 year
yeah the connections they highlighted between V99 bazanga and gebalga is cool and all but the highlight of this episode so far is the constant fish eye lens they keep using when the characters look at the computer
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