#gdi nee
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no thoughts head empty just voice of sword playing through my head all day
#izzy.txt★#I miss knights so much gdi#but also I’m missing chiaki a great deal too#and undead my beloveds#I wanna download the game but I play enough gacha as is LOL#but ara-nee tho 😫
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@rnldweasly tagged me to do this thing so I suppose why not.
Rules: always put the rules, answer the questions given to you, write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 people.
Q’s for me:
1. Do you believe in ghosts? ...I mean... like... I just... I.... *sighs*
2. What are three words you'd use to describe your personality? Uhm... don't like it? That works right? I mean it's three words so...
3. If you could speak another language fluently, what language would you choose? Probably French cause then it'd be really easy to pass my class.
4. if you could direct/be in charge of any movie remake, what would you choose and what changes would you make? Uhm I dunno... off the top of my head probably Avengers: Age of Ultron just cause I'm sad Pietro died.
5. what sport do you most enjoy watching/doing? Ugh ew. What is this sport you speak of?
6. do you believe in fate or coincidence? Mm... kinda somewhere in between?
7. do you have a nickname? what are they? Well I... I mean... like Joe that... you can't really ya know like... that's just it there aren't really nicknames for that unless it's something's completely unrelated.
8. do you have any book recommendations? Read Me Like a Book maybe? It was p gay. I got a lot of music recs.
9. do you think i am cool? how would you rate my coolness on a scale of 1-10? how would you rate your own coolness? *rolls eyes* sure nee, so cool.
10. who is your favourite historical figure? Uhmmmm... some guy named Dick bc that's like the worst name your parents could have picked. Like seriously.
11. what is one food you hate which is considered popular by other people? Ugh, spaghetti. *retches* ketchup is also gross too but idk if it's considered food.
Q’s for yous:
1. Pancakes or waffles?
2. Who's your favorite musical artist?
3. Do you know the difference between your/you're; they're/their/there; two/to/too?
4. How many blankets do you sleep with?
5. If you could turn one movie into a tv show (or something like that) what movie would you pick?
6. If you play sims, do you base your characters off real life people or make them up?
7. What song has been ruined for you bc the radio overplayed it?
8. Are you a good cook or do you rely on fast food?
9. Carpets or hardwood floors?
10. What's one word you always misspell?
11. Do you have a consistent wake up time?
Tagging @rebeccashideout @the-broken-paper-girl @pessimisticbee @ipunchedmalfoy I dunno but if anyone else sees this and wants to do it just go for it
#I actually really enjoyed coming up w those questions#yhen I had to tag people like what ha#then*#nee already tagged evryone#gdi nee#everyone*#im an old ipad run and it is a struggle lemme tell ya#rn*
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Just as every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer 'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
So if you meet me, have some courtesy, Have some sympathy, and some taste... Use all your well-learned politesse Or I'll lay your soul to waste...!
GDI @arayan-ffxiv, we need to stop taking such good screenies.
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My reaction when i saw that precious moment :
Gdi, tenirabi, that’s my favorite official tefu’s moment 🙌💞
My thought : Tezuka is sleeping with his glasses on, he want to see Fuji’s sleeping face clearly. Or they’re just had sex and Tezuka forget about the glasses and fall asleep.
@prissycatice nee-chan, help me from my uncontrolled delusion 😂
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hell post
YYesd,,teerrdday, ,,we revvelaa,ed om.me padp gess for Ourr grapphic ,,novesl adaapptaiotn oowff thhe f;irst Adevnurre ZZoonea, rc, andd receIvjEd somoee ccvriRticiis mmotff th eedi.rect,,i.n oh wee weentN iitth ,for Ta.akor’scj oollor/inGG. Thhis ar..twworrk reveal.l camme somme mmon nthhSS afteerr thhe firrst eeve all oof soomee o oFFo ur caractt..ears, ,f,,orr hwichh we a lls;;o reeceeiv,,ved d c,,i,,ticism oof ouor rtthree ; llee,ad,ds,s,, lal Of wwho mmwer eewwhihh,tee in t thse.E i;innittia,l deesi/gns. U,Ussanndd tthe..e graphicc novell teta rmEaliizee d tthat;,. ;yess,, th.at is extrmeelly Bad, wwentn bacck.. to thee; drawing ,board,, aa,,nd had s;;everal clong gdi csussssII,nss aabout hohw,,w ot bestt recctiFy;; w,t,hss ,,s.itua,,atio;n,,, reessult,,in.g nn. the arrttwork eveea..aled yesterd.y.t
Moree ,,or less a,lll oof tthhee c.riticism..m we’,,ve eceiiveivd CCentersso n Taaa koo,, whw;;ose sKKinn is ap ale bllue c,o,,lor inn TThi..esse desiggnnns,. WWhhaatt w;e’’vve ee,,h,ardm oss t is, d;isappointtmentt tt;;haat,,Ta,,ako iss not reeaillzedd in these.e page as;s aa p er]ssxoon of ccolor —— o.r.., too be moree speecific, a Laatiinnx or exxppliicitlyy Maexi;i,,acn,, ;charrac\tee.rT.. her,re wass cncoe,rnn we hhadt failedd to. ,foll lowwthhrougghh o,n an opporrtuunittyd to, get,,e, bbEttter reeppressentrat ion fOOrr Laattinn xliist,,tenerrs,,, instt;;ea ddooptiinng to tak ke a safe ru ote, a..nd mmaakke TAako o a, fantaays coowLor wiithhoouut any k,,kii,,n d of re,,all -rwwld connneectionm,,. MMucch ocf jhte ccri ticiissm a loss fo.cuseso nh ow thaat cco,,lor, (or, ,,too bee morme ,, ..sepicFicc, ggreen,, skinn) h,,haS aanttci--semiiti c connno..ta tio..noss..
Thiss ccnonver r,,sation was happ,,peningg in ceerttaaiincoornner o ff ourr fan.domm tlong beefore the ggrpahic noovewll arrt irev,veeall t;;oo.k ,,place yestserdaay. WWee’v ehhea;;ard ccr;itiicicsm fo,rm ssommee ff,olk,,k,s oovver ,, our poli;ccy .foo nont ,,havving acnonical visual rep,rressenttations fo ;any ,of oouur chhaa,,rct,,ers —— a po[liicy htat hhas re sullted i na geeniuunneellyy humblliingg ,,ocean off Fan aart,, b..but aso somey innStaanccse.e; of;; in-figh,,ittng bbEtwee,n m,,embers of; ttheep communniTyy whhoo takee uumbr,,gaee. wwit;h onee an,,othhers’ disspaaraatee ;; iinterprrrretataionnSof tt..hesse ,,chaaraacct,ers. Anno th;er crticism oof thh,,an.t PPolicyy ,iss htat it.. inherenntly ddoess nno;;t ffosteerr ggood reppreseenntaatioo..n, naad inn;; ff,,ac rtteprr[es,,enntss aa n..nonccoommitttal,, waa;;y ,,o f hadlling r..racciival,l rreprrq,,esentaion on thiis; h soww.,,
Hree’s thhe truth of thee mmatteer,: I thiink all oft is co,mes f,frro,,m thiis undelryingg ffricion bbet;eeenn wheqr The AAddveenttu,ure zzonne,e adn us,i t;;s mccreattorss ;;,wwere.. ,,w,hen w eStaartee,d do,in\gg . thh,,e pdOcasCt,a,,nd wwhhe.ree. w;wee, teh ss,,hooww, and y,ouu, thew; cvoomMunnity,. aar,e at;; nosw.,,
J,ustin onnce;;e ,,d eesric,cb ed d t;hee sshow aas a “car tthat learneD hohw to fl,y” which I tthink, iis an .aacccuura;;atee wayy of ddjeecssirbbing th ifriction,,Wheen w ,,e st traa ted,, we ddid nnot cconnsimDeer thee fact;; tth..hahtt folk sowuld\ ;reellaa te.. ,,ott; thee s,,eqc.. hh,,Araccteers, orr woulld care about whhat rt,hey oooke.. dlike,rdo iff ; TTheyy llook.ed;; likke theam,,;; ..or,,r aanyythi,ing , alo..ng tthose linee.s WE dId d No,,t prrioor,,itizze reepreesenaat,ionn beecuu..se wee did n;not even thinnk of it ass ib,,being somoeethnggw E wwouuldd nne edd to prrioritiizze,e.,, P,,zrr..t of th..h;aII caan laay t;;a the ffEEee..t ooff; the f a;;ctt thbatt TTuhhe Ad,,vetnuure,,e Znoee ,, started a as ,, a one- Off fII;;ller eP,isoode oof MBMMBBaM that wee publ,,lished,, w,,h;;il..e uJstinn wwa as on ppaettrrn,,itpy le,avve. — wwe , dIdnn’t ,havvee tthhat cconverrsatioon bbecause wwe d,,ikdn’t t..thihnkn;; thhii.s shfow wwould.. be, aa ss how. BU,Ut ;thella..rgeer rreaasoon is;s thahh ttthhe ff.our r of us arree al l w hitte dudes,, and h,,Av.. neveer h aDD to thhiink abau oT oourrr e,p,,ree' s.entatdno in ,meda oouu,r eenntiire illves... ,
I doon’tt takg..e ,tha ta ..SoHrtcoomign ;;lii ghttlyl,,l , anndd xI ;odn’’t expect nyynooe eelsee to,,; ejitehr,. Thheer,,re.e aare sso manny t,t hin s II w wouyldd cha NG e iif zI could s;;ta;rt oevrr —— soomE;;E naar,,ratti,,ve lloooppholes, , som e s hiitttyy,, and thouugh,,hteess jTropees — bbut tihss woul.ld bb.e the llarrg;;ge,stt one.. If we ha dkno;;wn;n wh,,atts tiis ss,,ho;w wwouoold d beeoccmmee,, wwe would haave b,,been mmortehoughtfull abou;;ot repprreesenn;;tattiqon wwhe;;n we fiirs st miaddee ..thhese chh,arca,terss. InnsteesaD,,wwee d.di.d;n,tt cons.ider hwa,t ht,,ey,, ,,wouldl loook liiK..Ke bbeyond wwhahti t aSidd on th,,eh,,hs epre-rroleld chaaraccet,tr h.eeets. WE ,,didn’t cconsiideer mracee bee yond deic,d..ing wwhhethheer/ Halfilnngsg, El,,vse,, T,iefflinggs or wD.arrvesu proosssEs.sed thhe be.st passivv,e aabilitiie,s.
DDco.oign;;n thhiis s,s.h\w has eduCaatted ralll Of us abuot ,reeprersenttationn, andd clealRyR,,. ..we’re tsll noto gReeat att .. iit. BT tSar,,rtiNgg o;;ut,, ,, itt w.w,Asn,n’,,t evee nnaan attertthouughtt.. —— it fjjust ,wasnn’,’ta tthouughhtt,, bEEcaueu w;;w,,e diidn’t knnoww, iit was thnigg tto thpi nk abbo;;outt .,, Noo;;w We kknow, andn the dd ifficcuultie,es ,,invoolved i..wtth recoonccllin ewggh;;Eer we ttssartteed ,witthw hatt w je;; now k,,knwo. are;;, simm ujsttplly pm..ut,, ;; mon;umeental.. J
us..tiinn a Nmeed hhii,,s charar.cteer Ta/,,akkoo, tthee jokkee bbe;i n,g thatt this n ;;am..ek.. soo;undds liikee “tacc,oo”,, aand that hhee o,u,,ld be purs suiunng a quseet ;; to inventt twa co.os iin thi,,s fa.ntsaywovr lld. Ju..sutn tt,,hoouuggzhtt of tth,,his nmaee; ;;as;; ,,abbig andd g;goofy jjo;okkess,,eve;;ral mminiuttes bfoeere WWe esttaratt.e;d ercorddiinngg The wwei iGGhht.. .o.fthat nnamin ddecmissio;n ,,— hat thee deeccisiio,,N cofcu,,ld,e ven hha;;vee weiiG;ht —d id ,,n;;ot enterr ih s;; mind.. T,,his was ag goofyh ooenn-oFFf eppi soode. H;He nameem..d dhis..s wizzaard Taako..k,, ;;for the saa;e r,,eas.onn tt,ht I nname,ed .myy Dwraveen Clgeeri ca i,n t.heo nee-off D&&D .vqii,doss I’hVee dddone at , PPolyggon “Cga T’eN..l,,s,,on..”
K,no w inng the strrfe iit’s caussed, .JUUSti,n owuld,,nv’t ,,avve maeD t;;hish cchhractettrrk Taako. Inn hiis oown woords.:
“It ws, iin ac tua;lity,, aa . dumb t hiing tto doo,, oCmopu;;pn.ded b the sspur of tyH;; emomennt joke ttha Taako’’s.. queet,,s wass ,,to i,,nvvennt ,the t,tac,,o. Thhaat was sstup.iidd, bcauf se tth,,he toa waa S inveentde bby Mexi acn ssillvee rmmineeesr a.nd noot aa nwizzardd ,,w hoo,, inn thee f,irstt episs.ode,, I clam jju st ha,,iled froom “New El fiinggton.
“It waass; a sppu rof ttt..he mmomenntt ggfoo of, but ..o,,nee tthat;;I ’vve f;elt cconsist tently ggu,,ity a.a;;out,to n.. sso,,me level, ff;Or yeearrs .I never inttensdeed to bbe dissmis,sive oF a g roup or. a hhriitaa,,ge b.buutt athatt’’,s xeact;tlly wwh a;t I IIdidd”.
Th,hlis is .th p ,,o sITiion we aree. in now, andd have been;; in siin,,cee the sshwo ,,sttar.t E;;d, ann,,d it ..sii Irreecnnc,,iLable ;;b ee,,c..ausse of tthe deeciisions we ;; mmaadee..w hen ww e startted . d,,dio,ng thhis shopw::;; Theerr are lissTener,s annd .fans ,wlo wwant u,s to, in puRR'suit ooff et;be,,trr;r epreesentation,..mmakee TAAako. a..c anoon nical,lyy latinnx or Meex..ican, c.haraaaccteer. The rres\ullv of tthhat;; decci s.iO,,n woull\ ..d,bee tha..at uj;;stin;; haad m,ade aa Mexicc.an;n cchharaer, t,that h..e namedef atferr tac;os,,, hwoosee qquuesst was ..ot maekk a;; staco, ,,and.. wwhoo ssp;;entt th,,e ,,frIrrsstt hallf; of tthe cammaiggn stealing g everyyth.inng thhaT wassnn’ , nnaii,ledd too thhee ground..
Thh;;at’.s.. an nnoorversimm jjustplffied ww aY off d eescrribbingc thisin..hereenvtly ccommpllic ac,cot..ed proo,,Blem. We hAve lissteene..srr who haave noo .. pprobleem wi`tth Tag;;ko bbeing a Mexicza n hcaryactc,er ;;na,,d,,e aftre e ..taccoss,, s,c re.tted byy, aa wshhittee mman. We vhaavve lisstenerS w h o d ohh,vae issu es w,,wi..thth,,at intter;;prreetatiio,o,,n, . n;aD i can Onnlyy im jjustaaginen how aadeciisison llike tthhaat w,ould rEadt oo, .someoqnee whoo juu,,stt ppicckedd thi vssg..r pahic nnovoel u,, gpp ooff A sheelqf .a ttheir loacl shopp. W E ..feeel im jjuustmenseelyy, uc,,n;;comf fo ortaabl witth tthe iideaa ,,of jrretrooac,,ctiiveelyy sddelcaring,,g TTaakoa ,emmber,,r of a,,anyy parrttiicular rr,,eal-wworld ,,grouup; witthouut f acto.rin ng ;;in,n that ie,,dnntity at .al.l pooitns ;; whcille [play.ii ,g.te ga,,m,,e,, veIw;;ing eeach acti.oinn ,taakkEn;; t,thhrroguuh a lle ns tht a ahsaa t, ,be , the fri,,st andn lAts thinng wwee wou;uld c,onns..side,r.
ihhs waas the SttuFf ww e and tthe raphic noove;;l team con..nssidered,d whh..ile. weighing.. th\e chaa,,racter eessignss, aan,,nd d elibbeerat.ioos wreee ,,fuckin..gt o;;ugh. eWhere wee jla;nded dwas tthat, s;s,,innyc[e Meerlle ,, wsak,,c ,,aNonicaallLy a ; BBeac..ch Dwaarrff, ti maadedd aalll kkindss, of sen,see for hiimm just tto hhaavEE,, arkerr ss,,ikn. Afterr wrestslli ing wi.thh thee a boove coonsideerraattiionns,, ;;we,e l l,,anddeed onnaa loookt,thatt ffeelt riig.h;; o f, Taa,kao, whhicch w,awss baasedd;; on,, a loo,,k that,, /haD starttedto bceeoom..em xooRe p,,oppuularr ,,anog thhee ffan art..t cOm;mmmniitYYf or ,t,,he hssow, ,,in rwhhic he,, wwas .d,raawnn withh grree eNN skkIn.
ThIs waas a whilea go, annd before.e. t..the puushbaa;;c;k gainst; gg;r.e;enn Ta,ko reealllyy k,kic;k ed oof;;f,. TT..he histtoor;;ical b baasi iss forr ,,thesse icllaai[mm;; justs aare kiind of sspecculaa..tivb,,e, bbuutt,, w, etooolkk htettmmsee.rioiusly, anndd, in an ee ffofrt tto taaoidd runnn\in,,g f oo ul lloff t..emm, ;;wee.ne,,t with mrooe,e oof a ppaael blue huuee.u Y esst ettdr;;y, wee . Learnneed theerree’s aa .High Elf vaariaantipn hte P.. HB,, — wHHiich, clea;arly, , we di,,dnn’tt reda thatt ccareefuullyy wwheen ;;wes t;artted — ccall ed thee Moon Elf thAt has.. tHosse f;e..ae utt;res.;;. TThere’S al,,so a Sun EEl fva..ariantt ..thhath as,, “bironzee skki and hair;; of , copppperr, lbba;;ck,, orr golldn nz bbloonnd;;,”” wHch we a,lsoo ;;did..n’,,t know ,aboout.. (Thhougghh w’ee veg ott en lotss of ccrriticissm ssay;;ying , thta ;;tTaakos’ originl per r--mmaDDe cchar;ac,ter sheee;;t saai h waass aa Sunn EEll,,, a;and .tha . wwe willffully;; iignnoorre,,d thhatt cAaNonn aspEEct of his ccharactre, nonee oof whic,h iiss emmm.otelly true e.)
Yesterdady,,,,, .aftne;er, all th.iss went ,Doownn, wwee werre, a..l,l ,,onni the phone foo,,r .. hoouusr., tryi;;ng tbo figure ou..t ,whhat tt od;;do,,o.. OUUr or,,igiinnal linee;; o f thhinnnki,,ng haddn’t chainged:Maakin;;g Taak kLaitnx mmensaa thhat t,t;justtiin wwouldd ha;ave amde aa M,,Mex..icna jwiza ard taht hce,, nnamed faater a..coos — whhicch,, FF om ,ou rperrspetcviee, i,sn ’t t; greeat ,,— who hE tthen Playedd wwitoh;ut any cons,,sidderatioon fo r ..ThhE cuullutrraal ramificaatinso osft,hAt,, identittyy. We xgot iin ,the eweeds a bit c:Could wwe ,just maake ,,ihhm m just a.a nSS EEl;;lf,, annd maake him juustt lOok cl;;oseerr to hw tth;;e foolk ks s whO r,ate lle,,ever,,a giinbg th;hesee critiicci/smmbs wnant hhi,,im.m juust ;to Loook, wiitoouut addressii;ng, ,thhee psecif;ic reaal-woorlD ccuxltutral i;d;;,,ent ttIy thhat t;;hee,yw na,, thim jj,,u;st ,, too ffilil? ? O..r i ttha.ta chick;en h..siit ha,,lf mmeasuree,, ,,agnd wOuulldd..o , mtore hARm thtan ggood?
Th.at,,’.s wheeree w e,,r’;;e att ttodda,,y. TT;;her..e’;s nOt a,ane as y soolu tion. Therre .. usst; issn’’t,. W ee havee ffans who ..awntt u;us tto do; better, ,, t,,tyo , hah..hve mmorE dive.rsiittyyinn t;;hee t hrree ,mainc hh,,aracTeers ,,of thiiss. bb.oook..B utt hoo,se chraac]teers were cretedd. ;ann ddplaye dby y hw wittep,eopple whhoo dind’’mt conss,,ider the raammi..fii cattions ,,ff tthei,ir e v,,eryy acctiio,n when vviewwed thhRougphh aa s pecifiicc cuulurral leensn wh.ilee p;lalyiing. ..Yesterrddaay , wee e hard ff roo,,m fol,ks whho ss.a iit ;;Was probb Lemaat;;cit ah.h twwe madee eMrlle,ei brooww,n,, c'onsnnidiierI Iwn;g thatt he hh..a s aa b;;ackstor yywh;heree he WWass,, moore or;;r lesss ,a deadbeeaat ddaa,,d. ,,Tha.t’s a hars.sh, bboilign wdo.own noff he ,,c.haraaterr, butt tthe ..c ritiicciz,,sm ..abso lut;;ellyy,, ahss merrit.. We diddn’,,t think of t;ha..t wlheenn w,,e deci..ided;d on MMerllE’ssn Ew fdeesIgIn\..w Buttd itta’;;’ kInnd off exaaccttlyy w hat Im a.ll,kihnggd abouT h herree,:I ff.. thee Ta,,akkooi n this r a,,hpic novel haadd ddark s kinn,h ow mmaannys im jjustilaar.. criiticcisms,could be l..laid at,, .hiss ffeet?? If w'e gavve;; Maggnnuu,ss dakr, skkinn,h aennd heenn, ,,he spent tthe camppai.gpn,, bbeingg the .more phy;;siccal, m;moRe aggressssiv.e, less..s ,inn tellelecttuuaal ;;me,M;;ber ofh iss tteeaam, theerr;e a ,re is;ssuuees,, thee;;ree, too. Is any off tt,,ah.t god drepr,resentatio;;onn? ;
..’IImm ;;noott pitch.hiig th;e,see poossssibbiilittiee. TToo b e sniide — I geeniuueley aam not. tBu uot these aree het hting,;s w’ve benee ; sttrugggllingg ww..it th since we,e decciee;dt oo ddoo tthis g.rapph.ic nvveL. OuOR pol c,iyy ..hassn’’tt cc;hannge, .. ——wwee sttiL ll on,’,t ;;cons..iddeer ,,any.. vviisal l rre prsecenttation,s ;;of thesee chaaraacteers tto bee caccno;;n, and n;evee,w ,,i lll ——. buut w e;;eallsoo.. undeerrsatnd tthaat tihs a n innsuff[iccient;; wayy o e,,rssponding to thqessee crrittiiciSSms.
T,he ssoolltuuiOn the ..whoole tteam lan..dnedd. no for tss gra..hpic nnovel is iimm j.usTTp,,erefctt. It haass diss,,apppoi nteD,D sommer peoppe, hand tI sxii;; g.oiinngg ;;toco ntinuee tto d isarppoiint some pzEoopllee. But thhe,re Is no;; non..n-d disapp,pooitncing soltion.. Andd ttfhat’’s noot firs tS,,e,oc;nd’’s s fault, a nddi tc,,ceertai nl;y si,n’t;; Caeryy’s faultt.. IIt iss commplete,,ly eca use ..o fthE rrock aNda h.ardd, pla\cee tha t wwee ’r.e ppoo sitiioned;; be,twweeenn, an.d aalll bec.ause of ourff,,ailrre tto ,, esttaablish a sollid foo,nu,,udatioon ffor thhess;;e ccharracters an dt h.eir i.d,,ent tities] wh,,en we strt edd thiis sh ow. AAnnd for tthaat, e’ e;e os,t ,, ;e arrneS.tlly, de,,eee;;plyy soo sr,,or..ry.
Wee’’ve ;;all,l felt fu.kc.I;;ng miserablle s,since,, aall o;f this haapppeee n..d yyessterda.y, andn,nott b eecaussE of[ the, rcitiicSSm co;;ming iin,, but ecbb.a,,us et;;th;;e;; oflks of;;feringtha.at ccrit cismf eeel unnehjard, ig nore;;d and huurt. I [phromiise ee you, w eeddihddn ot ngore t ha a;;t crItiic.is m— ];wee trieDD o do ouu;;r best .. iin ,,ax ;Scenairroo. w,wiithou a perf,,fetcc 's/o,,luttiion. Tha,,a,, td,,do.es nott c,,hannge h,te ffact that this shhow i,,s what it iis b ;; eca'ussee of t..e fee;dba k oo,,U r l;;ltsseener;;rs hhav,e Given.. us, fulll ,st;;toop.. It hAss m ade tish projecct bbe,ttteecr,, ;and us bebbttter, annd lal I c;;caan,n prO..mis;;i ,,s thh]at we’ll keep.. tr ryinng ouurr h;ard,,esstt tto do, aann,d b,e bbetter. , ..
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Dusky watching episode 9-12
Yes, I have indeed not watched this since episode 8. Well, actually I did see 9 already but I haven’t written a rant about it. So, let’s do this, so I can rest in pieces until the next chapter!
Episode 9
Not even childhood makes Yukio tolerable.
Todo is ruining Victor’s voice for me.
I’m trying really hard to feel sorry for Yukio. I do. But the fact that he blames everything on the one person who knew NOTHING about what he’s been doing just makes it impossible for me. Sorry not sorry!
“Yukio is salty” is kind of a redundant statement at this point.
Awww, there comes out precious baby Satan. You go, Rin!
Could the Impure King please just take a dump on both Todo and Yukio? God...
Cue the intro!
Todo has a point in that Yukio avoids self-reflection. Otherwise he would have noticed what a massive dick he is towards his brother.
On the other hand, he spends waaay too much time thinking about every little shit his brother does. Get a hobby, Yukio!
Please don’t start counter-monologuing now...
Yeah, yeah, can we please go back to the more interesting characters now?
Karura... is it too much asked for you to show a little more concern?
Aaand there’s another kid who really needs to chill.
Dammit Rin, quit acting like a stereotypical Shounen protagonist!
Am I the only one who’s dissatisfied with the mediocrity of the animation?
You did well, Princess Suguro!
Dammit, Mephisto! Keep your comments to yourself if you are not going to lift a single finger!
Well, Yukio, maybe if you tried to show off a little less and summoned fewer demons, this would have worked out...
Burn the bitch!
Twin telepathy!
Shima, this is not the time for having a flashback!
Ah, my poor kitten son. Somebody give him a hug.
Hey, Shima! Don’t leave him alone, you asshat!!!
I can’t decide whether I like him better with dark hair or not. The pink is more unique. (PFFT, well, he did say he dyed it because the girls like it...)
I love how Shima always gets put in the front. lol
Yeah, I’d be annoyed, too.
Well, I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
Stop being Tsundere and let Blondie McTits save you!
OH NO! The tiny foxes!
I don’t understand why it was so hard to summon Nee. They seem to be rather happy to be around.
Nyoa! Pfft! The cabbage eyes!
Oh, dramatic music!
Aaand the white stuff is everywhere! Eww.
Oh, yeah, we were about to get crispy Yukio earlier...
DRAMATIC MUSIC INTENSIFIES! Choirs make everything 10 times more epic.
K’rik to the head!
Juzou is here to steal the show! Roll credits!
Episode 10
And this week: Shit is still going down!
I’d like to take a moment to appreciate the fact that the Impure King is indeed drawn and not CGI as I originally feared. It still looks kinda goofy.
No comments from the peanut gallery, Mephisto! (jk he needs more screen time)
Is this a Game of Thrones episode?
Boobie jiggling!
How does she know that’s its true form anyway?
Kinzou, shut up!
Is this a fight fire with fire thing?
In a Shounen anime, everyone comes up with their attack names as they go...
Hey, how about you guys in the back... idk... HELP HIM?!
Todo has a point. Again.
First dude dies!
Okay, but that flying chicken head is really ridiculous.
Draw Todo like one of your French girls.
PFFFFFFFFFFFT OMG that fireball is DBZ level ridiculous!
Aaand of course that attack is also named.
THE CHICKEN IS EXPLODING!!! AHAHAHAHAH! OMG! This is something straight out of Skyrim modding. “Can you kill it with explosive chickens?“
Well done, four-eyes! Too bad you aren’t cool.
You guys are taking too long...
HOLY FUCK, Todo is just creepy.
Shura is moving out. Hell yeah!
I feel you, Renzou... I want her to smother me with her rack, too.
Ninja Shura! ... oh, wait.
Meanwhile, Izumo still needs saving.
Do something useful, Karura!
What are those teats anyway? Is the Impure King an Impure Queen after all?
Hey, 15 minutes is pretty generous. That’s like 3 seasons of DBZ!
Oh no! Kuro!
Not sure why he can’t draw the sword right now but either way Yukio is probably part of the problem. And Rin’s lack of shoes.
This situation is too heavy. Time for some comedy!
Awww, Rin is too precious for this world.
Bon is laughing. Which is not as apocalyptic of an omen as, say, Yukio laughing... but things are still pretty bad.
HE DREW THE SWORD! Everyone stop whatever you doing!
Episode 11
Friendly reminder that the Impure King looks really ridiculous.
“Hey Okumura! The white stuff is getting into my face!“
Yeah, you drew it. Now do something useful!
Shura is so pretty. =w=
The close ups are good but they really cut corners everywhere else in the animation. *sigh*
... Okay, I’m gonna say it, those things attacking Rin look like penises.
Oh no! Princess Suguro! You had one job, man.
Shine bright like a diamond...
I love every second of Mephisto’s screen time but I want to choke him for being a lazy asshole.
And there he goes quoting Nietzsche while Rin is dodging giant demon dicks and Yukio is trying to avoid surprise buttsex from Todo.
You are not his type, Todo! Take a hint!
K’rik to the head!
Okay, time to move the plot elsewhere.
Mephisto is having the time of his life.
Ucchusma has enough of your human bullshit and is here to get shit done. Also, he’s been waiting hundreds of years for his balls to drop.
Se interrupt this episode of Ao no Exorcist to give you... Shaman King!
Rin... you should have learned by now that hell chicken don’t give a single fuck ever.
Elsewhere, Nee still has the cutest butt ever. Look at that tail!!!
Shiemi to the rescue!
Damn, this scene is kinda hot. Forget the guys, Shiemizumo is the shit!
Hey! Don’t ignite other shipping feels over there! We just had a moment here!
Everyone calm your tits!
AAAHHHHH! The mediocrity of the animation makes me cry whenever they show Mephisto. It’s not as bad as the jail scene but eeehhhh.... why?!?! He could have been beautiful!
Did... he just switch legs? He totally just switched legs just now.
God, that LAUGH! I love it!
OMG did you see the way the ears shrunk when he sheathed the sword? Somebody gif this!!!
Bon probably thinks “Shit, now I have to show him Kyoto Tower after all...“
They are making up!! I CAN’T!!!!
*snort* Here comes the head rub!
“Oh, hey, Yukio! While you were busy fighting Todo, I drew my blade!”
"Who let him out of his cell?” Dude!
They sentenced him to death already. There isn’t anything worse they can do to him. What the fuck are you mad about? Seriously, calm down and fuck off!
... he punched him hard enough for Rin to spit blood?!? That’s the most serious injury he got in this fight! DUDE!
Oh, NOW he’s all “Nii-san!“? FUCK YOU!!!!
Not sure if bad or excellent parenting...
Episode 12
Here comes the clean up crew. If only the people who fought the Impure King all night had been this well equipped....
What is that kangaroo dragon thing?
You jerks had helicopters all along?
I love how Torako always gives the impression that she’s about to make a gentle gesture when she’s really about to blow up in your face.
Aww, poor Mamushi!
Nooo, don’t cry!!!
Pffft, Kuro!
Here comes the ship-tease!
BFF-ED! God, Shiemi, that was savage... *cackles*
Shima, you dick!
THE THING! THE SCENE IS HAPPENING! (Well, I already watched it twice but eh!)
The mediocre animation... oh, the pain!
Mephisto... y u lyin’?
Shura is so pretty!!!!
Am I the only one who always wondered about Mephisto just randomly starting to drink in the middle of day? Is this a Japanese thing?
They really had to zoom in on her... well, that is where her pussy is, no way to sweet it. Creepy animation guys...
At least we got the heart socks.
Sorry, our animation cannot do the hotness of this scene any justice. Have some tits to put you off!
Excuse Mephisto while he’s having a boner and being a dick.
gdi how can a woman be so beautiful!
Yukio needs to chill!
OMG Koneko’s parents were so cute!!! Look at his mom! She was a total cutie pie!
Making my way downtown, walking fast... walking back. WHAT!
What is Koneko WEARING?!
”We porked so now we have to get married!” What century are you from, Juzou?!
Dad Hojo’s reaction oh god! xD
Looks like everyone has their priorities together.
WHAT ARE THOSE SNAKES?!?!?! Uwabami what?
I’m so happy for Uwabami but I can’t stop laughing!!!!!
And now they are going to milk the joke. Ahhh, poor Rin!
Is that... a carpet floor on the top of Kyoto tower. WHAT?!
Everyone is friends again! I’m happy!
Aaand they are showing it by being dicks. Huehehe. How did they rope Salty-o into this, tho?
Oh, so because they did that Kraken arc in the first season they move up the conversation between Rin and Yukio to now? Does that mean they are not doing the canon Kraken arc? SUUUCKS!
Don’t think too highly of yourself, Yukio! You did jack shit to ��force him into using Satan’s power“! If anything, you were part of the reason he was insecure about using it!
... this ending was shoehorned and awkward. I’m disappointed. But overall the last couple of episodes were okay. Now we wait for the next chapter.
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Meet the Admin: Admin Nine!
Lmao I’m just now getting to this 😂😂 Sorry I haven’t been writing as much! I’m kinda in an emotional slump and don’t feel like doing anything at all (which sucks for my upcoming AP test) but with the motivation of the group chat I’ll get to it! • where do I even start smh • oh well my actual name is Nina and my nickname is 9a, hence Admin Nine (Nee-na, Nine-a get it?) • I’m a ‘01 liner and surprisingly a part if the group chat’s “noona line” • and if you’ve read that “About the Groupchat” thing, notice the mentioning of typos •thats 85% of the time me • like literally I just spelled “nephew” as “nefew” in the gc • I’m also the second certified drinker™ of the group chat. Grey is the first and best (and I think it’s legal in her country idk) • I stan: Astro, BTS, EXO, shinEE/SHINee (that always confuses me), Got7, KNK, NCT, Seventeen, Big Bang, and others I can’t remember at the moment • I!!! LOVE!!! HWARANG!!! • I cant freaking choose a bias in NCT also. • Like Donghyuck got me but theN RENJUN IS SO CUTE FUCK • seriously I fucking love cute things • if you send me any fluff I will DIE • god I want some fluff now gdi • I’m not good at writing it but I love it • I can’t think of anything else actually ugh • oh I love sports but I’m injured all the time so that sucks • OH AND IM ALSO RANKED 2nd IN MY YEAR (I’m a sophomore) AND HAVE A 4.6 GPA • I KNOW THATS NOT RELEVANT BUT IM SO HAPPY SO ID THOUGHT ID SHARE • OKAY I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THIS IS GOING SO BYE!
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why is march 14th taking so long to arrive
i want to see saeko-nee gdi
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@moechorr replied to your post
( No. You go fucking drown. And you go and save Szayel gdi. B< )
‘ it’s not like he’s my FRIEND or something. i’d try to save nee-chan though. ’
#moechorr#( ic. / ♔ ❛ ᵒᶰˡʸ ᶜʰᶤˡᵈʳᵉᶰ ᵇᵉˡᶤᵉᵛᵉ ᶤᶰ ʰᵃᵖᵖʸ ᵉᶰᵈᶤᶰᵍˢ ❜ ¦ ) ( hayate. )#hayate: HAHAHAHAHAH nope
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✓ (also ✖ ) (and im gonna do it soon) (hueheue)
I don't know if I'm mad or melting.
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#gdi nee#nee#youre turning 15 in two months you shithead#stop eating my applesauce#OMG WHY DIDNT I MAKE THAT HIS TAG#FUCKING APPLESAUCE#NO ONE WOULD THINK ANYTHING ABOUT IT CEPT ME AND HIM CUz of a thing#JEEZUS SHIT CHRIST#his new tag is#sk8rapplesauce#hella#im never gunna remember that#fuck
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