#gbbo season 15
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mellxncollie · 3 months ago
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Dylan Bachelet The Great British Bake Off — Season 15, Episode 08
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lazy-whistledown · 4 months ago
The name “spotted dick” by itself already conjures images of the salacious nature. But when you follow it with words such as “moist”, “stud(ded)”, “swell” & “shriveled” then we’re dangerously tottering towards NC-17 territory.
Has it always been called spotted dick? Whoever thought of that name? Why not call it steamed pudding?
This episode is like a slightly lighter shade of Fifty Shades of Grey what with the “tying up” and Dylan’s fifty shades of grey box.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 1 year ago
"your top 15 favourite tv shows can say a lot about your personality!"
I got tagged by the lovely @plavoptice! Thank you!
Uhhh... my taste in TV is actually mostly just baking shows. I pretty much only watch GBBO and the various [Seasonal] Baking Championship shows since the pandemic. But I still feel like I love TV? So, ignoring baking shows, my top TV (at least for rewatchability) shows are, in no particular order:
Boy Meets World
Law & Order (original flavor)
The Good Place
Parks & Rec
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Law & Order: SVU (Mostly seasons 1-13, and I haven't watched the last couple at all)
Bob's Burgers
Lizzie McGuire
Cold Case (the drama, not Cold Case Files)
BBC Ghosts
Mystery Inc.
I feel like I'm missing something super obvious. I mean, I also love all of the various Y2K-era weird little shows that no one else remembers, and Full House, and I'm the one person who's liked almost all of the MCU shows. But yeah. That's my list.
I tag @bebeocho, @dracosollicitus, @morethanonepage, @ryebecca, @gloryhalleloujah, @yessoupy, @idontgettechnology, @elismor, and @puzzlebean!
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lady-harrowhark · 1 year ago
9 people you'd like to know better
Tagged by @unplugmefromthematrix 😘😘😘
Three ships: Obviously Royai and Griddlehark are my two greatest loves. And although the fandom isn't really as active on here any more (although please correct me if I'm wrong because I'd love to get back into it!), Todd and Viola from Chaos Walking, my beloved.
First ever ship: The first ship I was ever involved in like actual fandom communities for was Edward and Bella back on a Myspace Twilight group lmao. Probably the earliest actual one I can think of was Harry and Hermione when I was in like, mid-elementary school (so only the first four books were out), although as I got a little older I realized it wasn't actually because I liked them as a couple, it was because I heavily identified with Hermione and I myself liked Harry 💀
Last song: Apologize by OneRepublic off of my Spotify Top 100 (it's a staple of my Alecto playlist which I had on heavy rotation this year)
Last film: The Eras Tour movie! Before that.... I can't even properly remember to be honest. I haven't seen very many movies lately. Maybe Across the Spider-verse? Oh jeez, that was all the way in the summer, wasn't it?
Currently watching: Great British Bake Off! I don't watch a lot of TV and really only turn it on for like 15-20 minutes at a time while I eat meals, so an episode can last me a while lol. Recently if I finish the week's episode before the next Friday, I've been picking through Next in Fashion (the low stakes, relatively low drama, non-narrative structure of these sorts of shows is great for casual piecemeal watching when I'm low on brain power). Open to recs for after this season of GBBO is over though!
Currently reading: I've started the Ao Haru Ride manga (I adored the show and recently bought the full manga set secondhand), and I'm in the middle of a bunch of books that I've paused due to not having enough brain power to devote to them, sadly! I want to read the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes this weekend though so I can see the movie (I got halfway through when it was released and then paused for the above reasons), and I want to polish off The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy and Battle of the Linguist Mages before the end of the year.
Currently consuming: Water with Walmart brand Mio black cherry caffeine mix lol
Currently craving: I have baked spaghetti in the oven for lunch, which I can smell all the way from my bedroom, so that and the garlic bread I'm about to make 😋
Tagging @scalierpepper @sofipitch @chaosprancing @henreyettah @tsaritsa @thewonderfulsticherofoz @den-gamle-kartograf @4phr0d17e @igotofetchthesun
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elfiepike · 2 years ago
@blotthis tagged me in a meme, here we GO
last song: skin of the night - m83
last movie: the thing (1982)
last show: assuming this means like. going to a theater: natasha pierre & the great comet of 1812
currently watching: i always have like 15 different watch parties going lol so uh: older season of gbbo, titans, gundam witch from mercury, baccano, re:mind, kamen rider ghost, chainsaw man, spy x family, one piece, batman the animated series, xena, ouran host club
currently reading: fanfic lol. oh i just finished cats and sugar bowls, a yuri manga compilation. i'm in the 4th volume of scum villain, which is slower going than the first 3 were for me. i've started the audio book for 1491 but i'm not even out of the intro yet?
currently working on: genshin levelling loooool i probably should figure out some craft projects hm
favorite color: i don't have one in particular right now. traditionally hot pinks and royal blues?
sweet/savory/spicy: agreed that this needs a vinegar option. otherwise savory
coffee/tea/cocoa: in that order!!
craving: pretty much always pizza
tagging, but keep in mind i forget even my best friends when put to task like this: @dngrcpckwithmurdericing @dathen @timemachineyeah @onepetal ???
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mellxncollie · 3 months ago
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Dylan Bachelet The Great British Bake Off — Season 15, Episode 08
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eveninglottie · 4 years ago
30 questions
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs (lol absolutely not) you are contractually obligated to know better tagged by the ever wonderful @heysales
name/nickname: charlotte but I go by charlie on the Net
gender: female???
star sign: aquarius
height: 5′7″
birthday: 02/15
time: 12:30am
favorite bands: I mean I don’t have favorites as much as I have bands I find and listen to over and over again, right now that’s Nothing But Thieves and Sleeping with Sirens and a channel on yt called Cryo Chamber that does weird ambient mixes with titles like Songs for a Broken World and Dystopian Ambient and they have a series of videos with music for eldritch gods and Hastur is my faaaaaaave
favorite solo artists: evelynn from kda (don’t come for me)
song stuck in my head: right now it’s Unperson by Nothing But Thieves or Devil’s at Your Door by SWARM because of an animatic I saw about mollymauk and had to go walk around for a while because I Felt Things
last movie: just watched die hard with the fam
last show: the latest season of gbbo
when did i create this blog: 2015
what do i post: good question
last thing googled: I just looked up who forthright was because I saw their book on amazon and I wanted to see what fandom they wrote for 
other blogs: a lot but mostly to save titles I like sdkvjbad
do i get asks: I dooooooo and it’s always nice people telling me about my fic and I don’t deserve it truly
why i chose my url: I was originally eveningshadowrising (from the waste land I’m SO CULTURED) but I didn’t like it and I realized I had missed an amazing opportunity for chucklottie as a username but I didn’t want to confuse people by totally switching (which is also why I haven’t changed my icon in 5 years) so we get eveninglottie, which I do like because it sounds like “yes this is the evening version of charlie a chill version who is in pjs and drinking hot chocolate”
following: 132, which I should probably go through and cull because I keep seeing people pop on my dash like “I don’t want this”
followers: 988, which is hilarious to me because I have been in the 960s-980s for like two years, no kidding, despite the fact that I usually get a new follower once every week or two I don’t know what’s going on
average hours of sleep: 8 but it feels like 4
lucky number: 42. I’m basic.
instruments: a tiny violin for me tragic life
what am i wearing: a neon yellow nasa shirt from walmart and a flannel and leggings I’m very Streamer Chic rn
dream job: to write :/ but like, get paid to do it. or honestly at this point I would pay to be able to write again SO
dream trip: scotland and then I would never leave
favorite food: uuhhhhh idk...gnocchi?
nationality: american
favorite song: maybe Dante’s Prayer by Loreena McKennit? her music makes me cry
last book read: currently reading Vengeful by ve schwab but I’ve been reading it for three months because I no longer have the ability to do anything I once loved
top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: UUGGGHHHH I’m gonna steal kel’s answer and say Howl’s Moving Castle, really just the ghibli extended universe WAIT NO I WOULD live as a borrower. I wanna live as a very small person. so either Epic or the Secret Life of Arietty slash that stuff, I was also about to say zootopia but I don’t like what that says about me so I won’t. idk why but the world from the web comic from eliza’s monsters. I still think about that book/world a lot. right now I’d like to be able to live in a universe that lets me write so maybe the sims so I could just sit at my desk all day and fill in the bubble over my head.
I tag @idrelle, @luzial, @esssteee, @salexectria, @swiftofhearts, and @evilbunnyking because I have no idea who else is active on here anymore skadvlhj
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md-admissions · 5 years ago
2019 in review
Yes I’m ALIVE, I’m BACK after several months of being buried in research, applications, and whatnot. So by tradition, it’s time for my annual review!
1 - What did you do in 2019 that you’d never done before?
Apply for a masters program, take a spin class (guys. It was...weird.), finish my first year of fellowship, go to IDWeek, bake a ton of new recipes 2 - Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I kept my resolution for packing lunch 3-4 times a week!
I will definitely make more resolutions for the upcoming year, including hitting 5000 steps a day or more for 5 out of 7 days.
3 - Did anyone close to you give birth?
No but next year I have like three close friends who will be giving birth
4 - Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, my grandma :(
5 - What countries did you visit?
 Hong Kong, a couple parts of China
6 - What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019?
Improved confidence and skill in infectious diseases (I said it last year but I’m saying it again) and I’m adding infection control to that. More confidence in my intuition, more time to care for myself 7 - What date from 2019 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
4/17/2019. The day I delivered my big fellowship presentation and immediately got on a Lyft to go to the airport to get on a plane for my grandmother’s funeral. The fact that I was forced to stay an extra week to do this presentation is something I’m never really going to be okay with. 
8 - What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Completing a 6 week biostats bootcamp over the summer
9 - What was your biggest failure?
Not putting my foot down sooner when I had concerns about my research project, which resulted in a several month delay and drag on getting things going 10 - Did you suffer illness or injury?
Little things, like the flu but otherwise I was okay! 11 - What was the best thing you bought?
My new MVMT watch. It’s professional, classy, and a little rock n roll. Just my style. 12 - Whose behavior merited celebration?
The female leadership in academic ID. I heard and went to some phenomenal talks by women in academic ID. It was, at most times, hard to hear about the things they’ve endured. But also educational and inspiring. 13 - Whose behavior made you appalled or depressed?
14 - Where did most of your money go?
Plane tickets and rent
15 - What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The Witcher, His Dark Materials, the Game of Thrones finale, the NADDPOD live show I went to, IDWeek, the cookbooks I bought, the finale of TAZ: Amnesty 16 - What song(s) will always remind you of 2019?
Marry Me--Betty Who 17 - Compared to this time last year, are you: I. Happier or sadder?
Happier. II. Thinner or fatter?
Thinner, by 15 pounds!
III. Richer or poorer?
18 - What do you wish you’d done more of?
Take time for mindfulness and centering myself. 19 - What do you wish you’d done less of?
Let my anxiety and imposter syndrome overrule my judgement 20 - How will you be spending/spent Christmas?
Watching Disney+, making food, napping
21 - Did you fall in love in 2019?
Nah 22 - How many one-night stands?
Zero. 23 - What was your favorite tv program?
The Great British Bake Off, probably. If only gauged by the sheer number of times I watched all the seasons and spin-offs
24 - Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Yeah, that’s natural. Of course. 25 - What was the best book you read?
Guys. Guys. Gideon the Ninth. Go read it. Go read it NOW. I STILL THINK ABOUT IT. Slow burn romance between space lesbian necromancers exploring an ancient, kinda-abandoned palace. GO GO GO. So that I can cry with someone about it. 26 - What was your greatest musical discovery?
The Band Camino.  27 - What did you want and get?
To save money, explore my new surroundings, lose weight that was making me feel physically exhausted and sick 28 - What was your favorite film of this year?
The Farewell.
29 - What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
31. I did biostats and epi homework. No joke. 30 - What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Less negative self talk
31 - How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2019?
Office wear with punk and rock details 32 - What kept you sane?
MBMBaM podcasts, GBBO episodes 33 - Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Keanu Reeves. Listen, I’ve loved him since I was twelve years old. I still love him.
34 - What political/social issue stirred you the most?
Healthcare access in the corrections system, anti-vaccination, women in medicine 35 - Who did you miss?
My grandma and my best friend. 36 - Who was the best new person you met?
The new associate hospital epidemiologist
37 - Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2019:
I can trust in myself.
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berestweys · 5 years ago
stories from my hiatus
stranger things season 3 was not only the best season of that show so far, but alongside good omens and always be my maybe was the best thing i watched this summer. let’s go team scoops troop
remember woohyun’s comeback? it was so great! so were the glimpses i got of his solo concerts. now what i really need from him is to get his cute butt to army and get it over with. please and thank you.
comebacks imminent for bolppalgan4, KARD, choa & way, AND AKMU OMG. i cannot describe my excitement for akmu’s return!!! and profound relief that yg’s implosion didn’t mean the end of my favorite baby geniuses. thank goodness chanhyuk is done with enlistment and we can get on with excellent music.
gbbo continues to be the most wonderful show ever made, and i am made of smiles while watching it. my early fave this season is michelle, followed closely by michael and helena. and henry’s tie. < *spoilers* > i never expected fig newtons to be featured as a technical challenge and am delighted by the pretentious silliness of it. thank god jamie’s gone what a nincompoop < /*spoilers* >
lee taemin has come into his own as a pretty amazing solo artist. kudos to his japan tour it was awesome. also he appears to have started an instagram solely for the purpose of telling his hyungs he misses them over and over. they in turn have been slobbering over him from afar, and sending him coffee trucks because minho is always doing the most. as for my thoughts on superm? well, i like many others thought the group was called “sperm” at first. frankly, that would have been a better name. avengers of kpop indeed. honestly... is any of this really... necessary?
f(x) ended with a whimper instead of a bang, which is the greatest injustice of our modern times. i pray my favorite girls will have nothing but success in their future careers now that they are finally free of sm. krystal too, assuming she leaves once her contract expires. i’ll never stop being mad about f(x). and i’ll never stop listening to their albums.
authors who write mpreg ending only in c-sections are cowards. nature designed baby humans to come out the same way they go in, so unless all male pregnancies ended in death for parent and fetus prior to the advent of modern surgical medicine, then you’d better damn well be writing some ass babies. this has bugged me for YEARS. get it together, fandom. (i read a lot of fic. i have opinions and i need to get them off my chest)
last month kim junsu became the mayor of seoul (wait. my sources tell me he only received an award from the mayor. unacceptable. JUNSU FOR MAYOR 2K19)
i’ve been rereading the harry potter series in full, not just bits here and there, for the first time since the books originally came out, and i still have so many emotions about these characters. also i am perplexed to discover that this time around draco malfoy is my shipping bicycle. that was definitely not part of my read the first time. 
fans of hala will be pleased to hear that the vet recently proclaimed her “the youngest 12-year-old cat he’s ever met.” still hale and hearty, still plucky as a kitten, still fluffy and cute as a button, still puking up hairballs approximately every 15 minutes. she may be an old lady, but she can’t discern the passage of time and so forgot to act geriatric.
myungsoo leaving woollim was a surprise. when hoya left it seemed like the most natural decision for him (even if his post-infinite activities were decidedly lackluster prior to his enlistment) (except for his high school dance team. that was transcendent). but myungsoo’s departure took me aback. i suppose it’s time, if he wants to only act from now on. but somehow i thought it wouldn’t happen until after enlistment was done for everybody. i experienced sadness. he’ll always be my pudding, and he takes my heart with him forever as he goes.
do this if you like veggie juice and bubbly things: mix vegetable (like V-8) or tomato juice 50/50 with club soda and squeeze a little lemon into it. 
jaejoong spent the summer giving love advice on a dating show. a real thing that happened in the real world. 
my nephews, aged 6 to 10, have started making movies in their backyard, with the eldest adding the sound effects and music. i was recently treated to a movie night starring four little boys in blanket capes battling an evil crow to save the kingdom. it had five parts. there was popcorn. i don’t think i’ve ever been more delighted.
nothing stays the same, but it’s alright. we’ll just keep swimming.
is sunggyu back yet? it’s time.
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fiftyshadesofsleigh · 6 years ago
The Princess Switch (2018)
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Starring: Vanessa Hudgens (High School Musical) pulling double duty as Stacey and Lady Margaret, Sam Palladio (Nashville) as Prince Edward, and Nick Sagar (Shadowhunters) as Kevin, Stacey’s best friend/worker bee and Margaret’s love interest.
Street Cred: 4/10 Hudgens is a Disney kid, so I have faith she can pull off this type of film, but her leading men have mostly dramatic TV series background and it could go either way.
Official Synopsis: A Chicago baker (V.Hudgens) is competing in a Christmas baking competition in Belgravia. There she bumps into the prince's fiancee. They look alike and switch for 2 days. "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
What Really Happens: Stacy is a hardworking and perfectly scheduled baker with a great cardigan and a shitty company logo. She employs her best friend, Kevin who, along with his ‘adorable’ young daughter, try to convince her to drop everything and close the doors during the busiest season of the year to run off to Belgravia (a small Monarchial country I assume is sandwiched between Genovia and Aldonia) to compete in an international baking competition. Because that’s totally a viable business strategy.
Stacy is all “that’s ridiculous, we’re not doing that” until she runs into her ex boyfriend and his new lady and in order to one up their perfect existence, she blurts out that she’s going to Belgravia. Because that’s a real place people would be impressed by. This is also the first appearance of Creepy Magic Man, who serves as a holiday pusher and nudges the main characters onto the path of true love, or real Christmas trees, or whatever the goal of the movie is.
The trio arrives in Belgravia and its strategically placed piles of snow and explore their Martha-Stewart-magazine-inspired cottage that actually hurt my eyes to look at. It’s all blindingly white and I’m 77% sure it’s a metaphor for the afterlife. Kevin and daughter make fun of Stacy’s precise scheduling because they clearly don’t actually care about winning. Baking competitions are A LOT of work and require serious scheduling, have these people never watched GBBO?
Creepy Magic Man makes another appearance (this time with an accent!) and Stacy discovers that her nemesis is also in the competition. Out of all the bakers in the world, two of the top five (10? 15? We know almost nothing about the actual competition) are from Chicago? But there’s no time for a battle plan because that’s when Stacy runs into Lady Margaret, her doppleganger.
Shock! Awe! Are they related? Is it magic? Who knows, I got distracted by the glimpse of Hudgen’s tattoo while her and girl-child do their secret handshake. Later that day, Margaret lures Stacy to the Palace and with the help of her lady’s maid (companion? secretary?), convinces Stacy that they can totally pull off switching places.
I was pleasantly surprised by Hudgen’s character work in this. She’s very definitely two different characters and those small nuances aren’t lost when they “switch”. I also love that when men are the focus of these types of movies it takes them days to “learn” to be each other while these broads get it done in an afternoon. There is a theme of girl power through the whole movie and I approve.
I kept expecting Stacy to go all “Eliza Doolittle” while faking her way through Margaret’s life, but she remains adorably awkward and commits to a truly spectacular fall off a horse. Seriously, it’s amazing and you should watch the movie just for that scene. Plus, her and Palladio both look smoking hot in riding gear.
Another appearance of Creepy Magic Guy transitions us over to Margaret and Kevin, where Kevin seems very confused to be falling for his best friend. His daughter on the other hand, knows what’s up and is working it to full advantage. The child asks for a mother for Christmas; you don’t get more devious than that.
Meanwhile, Stacy takes the Prince to the local orphanage because all these movies exist in places with no seatbelt laws or something, and discovers that there will be no presents for the children despite all the money raised by the Royal Family and IT WILL NOT STAND!!!
By the time they return to give the kids (dressed in 1950’s orphan chic) their presents, Stacy is falling for the Prince and he’s already naming their future children in his head. Flash over to Margaret and Kevin, who get all cozy after dirtying ALL THE PLATES while making spaghetti, and Margaret having her “I love him” moments after watching a sappy holiday movie on Netflix (so meta).
I love all the women in this film, and I won’t spoil the how, but everyone gets what they want in the end. There is some faux angst during the baking competition, but by then I (along with the screenwriter, I’m sure) had forgotten that was even a plotpoint.
Teacup’s Tidbits:
Are holiday bell ringers ever not from the Salvation Army? The use of bell ringers in almost all these movies disturbs me
Margaret is just going to disappear and leave Stacy holding the bag, isn’t she?
There are how many rooms in Margaret’s suite and she chooses to hide behind a couch? Bitch is not a natural at this
Oh my god, a lazy eye! Props to the writer because that was funny
He wants you to ride a horse and you don’t actually know how? Sweety, tell him you’ve got your period and he’ll leave you the hell alone!
I’m so glad someone has noticed how weird “Stacey” is because I’d be thinking she’d had a stroke by now
The backdrop while they’re riding is terrible. I guess all the money went into wardrobe because there are some amazing outfits for “Margaret”
Creepy Magic guy is back!
The palace is basically Hogwarts, no joke
Ohh, mistletoe and banter? Foreplay in front of all those people!
I would have fucked up those four notes on the piano
“Margaret” is going to be the Lady Di of Hogwarts
The Prince really likes that lightsaber…
Twister isn’t as fun as they make it seem
The Queen’s jacket matches the drapes!
The mistletoe is stalking them. It must be an agent of Creepy Magic Man
That necklace is symmetry, did you catch that?
The nemesis cut the power cord! Gasp!
How many ornate boxes does one Lady need?
Return Of The Shitty Backdrop
I swear to dog, they use the backdrop again at the cooking show
Wait. She was going to puree berries in the mixer? And wouldn’t they have needed the mixer for the cake batter first? This baking competition is a hoax!
I love how the Prince and Margaret are just like, “Should we switch? Let’s just switch.”
How I Would Fix This With Fic: It was silly, and sweet, and I’m good with it.
Fics Like This: Everyone Around Here Gets a Little Strange by skoosiepants (Teen Wolf, Sterek), I could not find even one fic that was tagged with both royalty and doppleganger so if you know of one let me know and I’ll add it! Clearly this is what I should be writing next.
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skullsandfairylights · 2 years ago
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I posted 1,921 times in 2022
32 posts created (2%)
1,889 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 49 of my posts in 2022
#i made something - 8 posts
#crochet - 5 posts
#cats - 4 posts
#my babies grizzabella and skimbleshanks - 3 posts
#grizzabella - 2 posts
#crochet pouch - 2 posts
#the site doesnt try and throw anything at you - 1 post
#gbbo 2022 - 1 post
#great british bake off - 1 post
#ill take it she's cool - 1 post
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#but hey i havent been fired or asked to leave and by the sounds of it they may want me back after the holidays so that good right 🤷‍♀️
My Top Posts in 2022:
I am a little in love with my latest crochet project!
I made it over the course of a few hours and I think it came out so well!
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I've been playing Kirby and the Forgotten Land a lot recently (my first Kirby game and I'm really enjoying it!) So I thought I'd make a wee Kirby drawstring bag!
See the full post
7 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
I just finished season 1 of The Secret of St Kilda. . .
Now I need a lie down in a dark room to recover
7 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
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I think someone fell asleep, watching her brother get his zoomies out, at the top of the kitty tower
20 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Relistening to RQG and in episode 34, when they're talking about their plans to visit Prague and Cairo and when Svalbard, Sasha says something about going on an "air ship through a storm" and how amazing it will be
And I suddenly remembered that there was a storm while they were on the air ship to Svalbard and what the consequences of that storm were and how Sasha wasn't there to see it.
26 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Really feeling my ace-ness
Family all talking about bake off and saying how they don't think there's many "attractive" contestants this year and how some of them don't really wanna watch not attractive people bake
And I genuinely have 0 thoughts about any of the contestants looks
Is this something allos do? Decide if you wanna watch something purely based on the look of the contestants? Cause I usually decide based on personality and how people act/behave?
41 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thesimplyluxuriouslife · 4 years ago
306: 25 British Petit Plaisirs (and a new category for all of TSLL's Simple Pleasures)
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The French define le Petit Plaisir as a simple indulgence that brings great pleasure and enjoyment. In English, the translation is easy to note - small pleasures, yet significant in their ability to elevate the everyday.
This week on the blog is TSLL's 3rd Annual British Week, and while yes, the term Petit Plaisirs is notably French, my affinity for the British culture is grounded in so many of the Brits' daily rituals, appreciation for nature which surrounds each waking day, and the dogged determination to keep calm and carry on coined and released to the public in 1939 in an effort to steel the nerves and assuage the fears of the impeding war.
As I sat down this past Saturday, savoring a weekend to spent entirely at home, I took a moment and glanced about. So much of how I structure my own everydays welcomes British influences. Most seemingly simple, but others which have come about intentionally, with patience and clear-eyed understanding of the comfort they would bring into my life and sanctuary.
Today I would like to share with you 25 British-inspired Petit Plaisirs, and please do share in the comments, rituals or routines you welcome into your own life which are inspired by your Anglophile predilections.
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Quickly, on the topic of Petit Plaisirs, I have added something to the blog I think readers and listeners alike will appreciate. First, I want to give a tremendous thank you to listener of the podcast and long-time reader of TSLL blog Margaret for suggesting I create a specific category for Petit Plaisirs. While most are shared on a Podcast episode's show notes, readers have had a difficult time finding the Petit Plaisirs they wish to further explore from episodes passed. I don't know why I didn't think of the idea sooner, but it has finally been created!
Now you will find in the Archives here on TSLL blog, a category titled Petit Plaisirs. You will find all of the Petit Plaisir posts which began what eventually came to be part of the podcast, as well as moving forward, each Petit Plaisir from each podcast episode will have its own post (linked directly in the Show Notes for each episode).
Now to the list of British-inspired Petit Plaisirs!
1.A knitted or quilted tea cosy for the teapot
2. The fresh scent of rain, and then the much anticipated breaking through of the sunshine
3. A sweet treat from the Great British Baking Show's finalist Jane Beedle's recipe archives
4. Enjoying a cuppa and your favorite pairings - newspapers, breakfast, etc. - in bed
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18 Ways to Enjoy a Good Cuppa
5. Sitting in a pub enjoying a beer with good company (yes, I said it - a beer! But when in Britain! :))
6. Birdwatching, listening to birdsong, anything to do with birds and appreciating their gifts of delicate, amazing beauty and melodious music.
7. An umbrella at the ready which has stood the test of time - handmade or wooden stick if possible.
8. Snuggling up in a down and feather stuffed sofa or armchair, listening to the rain, whilst sipping a hot cuppa.
9. Nigel Slater recipes - how they are written - whether you make the dish or not, you are lulled into a state of calm
10. Meandering on the country roads lined with dry stone walls whether on foot or in a vehicle - the sight took my breath away when I saw it for the first time, and I long to return again.
11. Roses, simply cut from the shrub or the climber or rambler in the garden and brought into the home to add a summer fragrance from the garden.
12. Watching a cosy mystery set in the countryside of Britain (view a long list of favorites here)
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The Art of the British Cosy Mystery: 16 British Cosy Mysteries to Enjoy
13. Enjoy a good hearty chuckle whilst watching a British comedy - The Vicar of Dibley comes to mind (thank you to TSLL reader Kameela for bringing this series from the 1990s to my attention)
14. Sitting next to a roaring fire after stepping in from the cold or rainy outdoors
15. Savoring an afternoon tea ritual in your own company and from time to time with others as well, but regular, often and without exception.
16. Slipping into a hot bath as the rain whips against the window and the house
17. Anything with Mary Berry (Simple Comforts, Country House Secrets, Mary Barry Cooks, GBBO, Everyday)
18. Walking along the sand at anytime of the year for its restorative fresh air and soothing sound
19. Time with pups or cats or horses or any other animal which is considered part of the family
20. Vintage or charity or thrift shop perusing and finding something you didn't know you needed until you saw it
21. Spending time in one's garden and losing it as well (time, that is)
22. Watching episodes of The Great British Baking Show or GBBO (Great British Bake-Off)
23. Enjoying a meal made with your own garden-grown vegetables, herbs, or fruit
24. Spending Friday evening or Saturday morning watching the latest episode of Gardeners' World on BritBox (BBC2)
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7 Reasons to Watch Gardeners' World w/Monty Don (whether you are a gardener or not)
25. Enjoy tea or breakfast (as shown in the image at the top of the post) outside in the garden or on the garden terrace or porch letting the birdsong be your background music, your pets be your companions and whatever you are savoring, doing so with a cuppa and a pot of tea snuggled in a tea cosy.
Wishing you many moments to savor everyday life, elevated by inspiration from the British culture.
Petit Plaisir
~Leonardo, series (Amazon Prime, UK), soon to be released in the US
Starring Aidan Turner from Poldark fame
8 episodes in Season 1 (released in the UK in March 2021)
Each episode will examine one of da Vinci’s artworks for hidden clues about a tortured artist struggling for perfection.
View the individual post for this week's Petit Plaisir here.
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15 British-based Books Worth Reading for a Variety of Reading Interests
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The 1st Giveaway of British Week 2021 - A British Magazine Subscription of Your Choice
Become a TOP Tier subscriber to enter all six giveaways being shared during this week's British Week celebration. Learn more about the options for subscribing here.
~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #306
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mellxncollie · 3 months ago
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Dylan Bachelet The Great British Bake Off — Season 15, Episode 08
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captivekinqs · 7 years ago
gbbo seasons 1-7 signature bake: make 12 breadsticks. they can be any size, shape and flavour you like. you have 4 hours.
gbbo season 8 signature bake: make 3 cakes! one has to have at least 23 layers and be 3ft tall! one should be in the shape of your favourite michelangelo sculpture! one needs to contain at least 5 different vegetables you never normally put in cakes! you have 45 minutes!
gbbo seasons 1-7 technical: here's a thing you've almost certainly heard of before. you may not have made it, but you've likely seen it and maybe even eaten it. it's tricky, but the recipe has basic instructions and measurements for all your ingredients. you have 3 hours.
gbbo season 8 technical: here's something mentioned once in a history book so obscure you must be a high priest of the free masons to read it! the recipe is in ancient japanese! ingredients can only be found deep in the amazonian rainforest and you must forage for them yourselves! you have 15 minutes!
gbbo seasons 1-7 show stopper: make a 3-tier chocolate cake. the theme can be anything you want. the type of sponge and decoration is up to you. you have 6 hours.
gbbo season 8 show stopper: we would like a croquembouche made of 2 different types of choux with at least 10 different flavours. decorate with 5 different types of caramel work. next make 72 biscuits with 6 different flavours, 3 savoury and 3 sweet. also a fruit tart that can feed 100 hungry miners and macarons that can fill two bakery windows. finally bake a 7-tier wedding cake decorated with tempered chocolate, glazed fruit, edible flowers, 24k diamonds mined by a 90-year-old russian witch in siberia and souls of 3 ancient pharaohs! you have half an hour including the time it took to explain the challenge and now you should be ready present your bakes!
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berkeleystudies · 8 years ago
92 question tag!
92 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @etudiant-en-rose :)
RULES: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: sparkling water! 
2. Phone call: my mom lol 
3. Text message: a group chat in which we are currently doing sea puns
4. Song you listened to: some song in gossip girl lol
5. Time you cried: about 3 weeks ago 
6. Dated someone twice? nah 
7. Kissed someone and regretted it? haven’t kissed anybody yet? 
8. Been cheated on? haha no 
9. Lost someone special? wellll yeah my grandma 
10. Been depressed? yup 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up? I don’t drink
12: Maroon
13: Dark Blue
14: Grey 
15. Made new friends? yup
16. Fallen out of love? nope haven’t fallen in love 
17. Laughed until you cried? yup
18. Found out someone was talking about you? haha when a group of guys talk shit about you being a feminist behind your back, you’re doing it right 
19. Met someone who changed you? hmm..... no 
20. Found out who your friends are? yup
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list? nope
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life? all of them!
23. Do you have any pets? im gonna get a puppy! 
24. Do you want to change your name? nope kuhu forever and always :)
25. What did you do for your last birthday (party)? uhhhh it was the day of homecoming (and the psat) so i stayed home and hung out with my friends 
26. What time did you wake up? 9 am 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night? Finishing up a tv show, Young and Hungry 
28. Name something you can’t wait for: for a certain person to text back. 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom? an hour or so ago! 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life? my weight 
31. What are you listening to right now? the delirious monotony of the AC system 
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? i wish. tom holland holla at me anytime 
33. Name something that is getting on your nerves: my apathy for the summer classes im taking :/ 
34. Most visited websites: tumblr, youtube, netflix (like a basic bitch) 
35. Mole(s): arms and legs, and face
36. Mark(s): only birthmarks, on my arms and stomach! 
37: Childhood dream: becoming a librarian. i work in a library right now! :)
38: Hair color: black/brunette (depends on the season)
39: Long or short hair: i have long hair but im planning to chop it off (the act of going from long to short is what i love, i don’t care about my hair length) 
40: Do you have a crush on someone? yup, it’s kind of awkward especially since we’re friends and we talk about romantic stuff a lot 
41. What do you like about yourself? i can get up and go into a world that’s against me every single day without backing down 
42: Piercings: my ears 
43: Blood type: A+ (aka my desired gpa too)
44. Nickname: none, people just call me whatever (its unique to every individual)
45: Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: Libra
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV show: merlin! or voltron! or gbbo 
49. Tattoos: none
50. Right- or left-handed: right-handed
51. Surgery: only oral surgeries for this gal 
52. Hair dyed in different color: i really want to die my ends pink!
53. Sport(s): badminton n swimming 
54. Favorite subject: biology
55. Vacation: my bedroom lbr 
56. Pair of trainers: actually i loved a specific pair of combat boots i owned, but i wear high top converse a lot more now
57. Eating: nothing (rn)
58. Drinking: nothing (rn)
59. I’m about to: get down to business (school business)
60. (this was deleted idk what it was) 
61. Waiting for: the job i applied for today to respond back 
62: Want: to get into college 
63: Get married: yup, in the future 
64. Career: doctor, college professor when im hella old 
65. Hugs or kisses? both (hugs platonically, kisses ~romantically~)
66. Lips or eyes? boooooothhh 
67. Shorter or taller? taller :) but i dont care about how tall, just taller than me 
68. Older or younger? same age or older 
69. this was deleted too so lolol the sex number hahahahaha 
70. Nice arms or nice stomach? arms 
71. Sensitive or loud? a combination of both - they can have the opportunity to be either or at times 
72. Hook up or relationship? relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant? neither, i like a guy who’s firm in his beliefs but can have fun too
74. Kissed a stranger? nope
75. Drank hard liquor? nope
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses? only on my house floor 
77. Turned someone down? not directly but indirectly 
78. Had sex on the first date? nope
79. Broken someone’s heart? hopefully not! 
80. Had your heart broken? haha yes
81. Been arrested? no
82. Cried when someone died? yes
83. Fallen for a friend? yes. 
84. Yourself? yes
85. Miracles? yes
86. Love at first sight? attraction at first sight** 
87. Santa Claus? no, im not christian and i dont celebrate christmas so 
88. Kissing on the first date?: honestly i dont really care 
90. Current best friend’s name: me myself and i (ashley!) 
91. Eye color: brown
92. Favorite movie: Anastasia, i get chills everytime i watch it
NOW, TAG 20 PEOPLE: i actually cant as i dont know 20 people on here yet! so if you see this, consider this as your tag and do it! (and tag me in it too i’ll follow you if youre a studyblr)
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