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You know who deserved a Star Guardian skin? Aurelion Sol. You know who did NOT deserve a Star Guardian skin? Ahri. You know who would be a better option than Ahri for more skins? ANY OTHER FUCKING CHAMPION.
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I wanna read all the lore but I'm lazy ;(
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I got my friend into League, and he absolutely loves it! But... he couldn't decide what champion to save for. He really loves playing support while I ADC, so he had a problem: save for Nami or Vel'Koz? I saw him being really upset about it, since he's lvl 15 and doesn't have much IP yet, only about 6k to buy one champ soon. So I decided to surprise him, buying him Vel'Koz and Rakan to go with my Xayah. A moment after I sent them, I heard the happiest scream ever. I'm glad I made him happy :3
Confession by @noia-n
Artwork by @te4moon
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A lot of people are complaining about the skin tone of SG Soraka for not being diverse or darker and calling Riot racist over it... but it's the same skin tone they used for her Divine skin which was how she looked according to her old lore before losing her divinity. I just figured that was how a human Soraka would look lol. Plus I'd rather them make Illaoi a Star Guardian than to make Soraka dark skinned for the sake of diversity. Real diversity is making new things, not changing what you already have.
Artwork by @black-co
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If you're a support main, you understand everything that comes with the role of the underdog. Being the foundation of your team while hardly ever receiving any thanks or appreciation for it. We support mains don't do this because we have to, but because we want to. Please understand, we are not your bitch. We are the vision givers, the initiators, and the protectors. So next time you win that bot-lane fight, ADCs, maybe consider giving a little credit to the champion standing beside you.
Artwork by @guciowata-desu
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For those people who call camps like MF “sluts” simply because of her clothes. When you’re in game, do you legit just stare at their splashart on a second monitor or something? Or like do you just zoom in on their cleavage while farming? Um, just because you’re a pervert that doesn’t make a character a “slut”. Maybe you should go “her playstyle/kit/lore is nice” instead of “wow, I didn’t sign up for League of Porn”. Seriously, grow up. Old champions’ designs aren’t gonna just magically change.
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I actually like the Star Guardian Ahri skin and her 'mean girl' attitude, it's fun and interesting!
Artwork by Steve Z
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I used to have a two other friends I played League of Legends with. They were a couple and would play champs like Orianna, Thresh, Leona, Twitch, and Quinn. I would jungle for them most of them time or I would support/ADC with one of them. It's been 3/4 years now and I lost touch with them. Tried to reconnect but no luck. I have this subconscious feeling when I see those champs or ones I would use with them and it prevents me from picking them because it reminds me of them. It's weird. I miss them.
Confession by @regretfulhealthpotion
Artwork by @mimi-loves-foxes
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For me Ornn is like Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec. Loves food, craftmanship and sometimes is so done with the world. Basically, Ron Swanson.
Confession by @rasninja
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Where do people get all their confidence in this game from? I have like zero trust in my skills.
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Is it just me, or is there any other ADC main out there who's very obsessed with Jhin? And with "obsession" I mean you're totally in his role, from the first second till the very end of the game. And whenever you have the possibility to get a Pentakill, you refuse to do so and you're even happier with just the Quadra, simply because it's Jhin. (My random teammates are literally like "WTF is wrong with you? Go get him dude!" every time.) I can't be the only one, right? ...Right?
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I don't know why some people feel like announcing their gender in games or making fun of someone else's gender. For me the most important is to just do my job the best I can, and I don't give a single fuck if you're a guy or a girl or genderless - do good and I'll honor you, shit on me then you get muted. I don't care about you enough to be interested in your gender or sexual preferences. You can even be a snail, I don't care, just play and do your best!
Artwork by @wandakun
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If you're the type of player who keeps stealing the health relic in ARAM even if you see me heading towards it, expect me to simply watch you die and do nothing to help you.
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A friend of mine wants me to go support and almost forces me to have that role just because I'm a girl. Because of his pressures I ended up hating playing one of my favourite champions (Rakan), also because I always wanted to play top or Jungle, maybe ADC too. One day, I want him to show that even if I'm a girl I can use champions like Jhin or Kayn, and force him to forget that "you're a girl so you must go support" shit.
Artwork by @galaxyhorses
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So, I recently tried Viktor mid (something dangerous since I used to be a support main and don’t know how to mid without being a noob) and my team was like 200% okay with my 2/22? It was one hour long and they managed to almost win even with our 3 inhibitors destroyed! There was zero rage and they were all super super nice and played so well. Our Master Yi felt really bad because stuff happened in his life on that same day and I managed to cheer him up. Basically, my team was the most positive and nice team I’d ever seen and they are true heroes.
Confession by @valkyrio-p
Artwork by @melancholic-herald
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From one girl to another: nobody cares if you're a girl and play League. We play for the game, not for someone to throw their gender identity around. If I wanted to know about you, I'd ask, but I really don't care. The only reason people actually respond to the "I'm a girl statement" is because they're fucking tired of it, even I am tired of it. We just want to play the damn game and hopefully win.
Artwork by @mcdobo
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