spankeddaddy · 4 months
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Not my butt... not yet
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nudedudepatrol · 8 months
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wedgiewhacker · 2 years
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Figured MAL was as good an opportunity as any to start actually posting here, so here are a couple of my experiences in corner time over the course of the weekend and a little introduction.
I'm on twitter under the same name, and that'll probably remain my primary home so long as it doesn't actually collapse. Pre-2018 I was a lurker around these parts. Generally kinky but particularly into spanking and wedgies. Been doing kink things for over a decade but only recently started to put myself out there and feel like part of the community.
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bad-boy-spanker · 4 years
Auster Academy:Chapter Ten
Mak gasped as Green slapped his backside for the first time, was humiliated, Mak was twenty-two years old, a man, & a man of substance at that, not like the petty criminals that resided in this academy, how could this be happening.
Green spanked him again, the impact making Mak lunge forward, regaining his stance, Mak spoke, determined he would not allow this to continue.
“This ridiculous, I demand that you release me at once.”
Callum laughed as Mak whined & struggled, this posh little git thought they were going to let him go, as Green delivered a flurry of spanks, Mak cried out.
Callum loved this, watching this stuck up brat get his bare arse spanked, hearing him cry out, it was music to Callum’s ears, his cock began to stiffen in his tight cotton shorts.
“Ow, you uncouth, ow, swine, ow.”
Green rained down ten hard spanks on Mak’s sit spots, he was intent on thrashing some manners into the boy.
“Name-calling will get you nowhere, Mak.”
Mak struggled against Callum’s grip, his bottom was starting to burn, it wobbled from the impact as Green spanked him again, as sizeable white handprint, appearing on the mass of pink flesh, before blending in, & quickly being replaced by another white handprint, as Mak’s bottom wobbled.
“Ow, it hurts, ow, I demand, ow, that you, ow, stop, ow.”
Whenever the boys complained that it hurt, it made Green chuckle, that was the point it was meant to hurt, it was a punishment, it taught them that their actions had consequences, & surely a sore bottom for a day had to be better than prison for any amount of time.
“It’s meant to hurt Mak, you are being punished.”
Mak found that response unsatisfactory & began kicking his legs wildly in an attempt to catch Green, Green’s response was another flurry of ten hard swats, this time aimed at Mak’s thighs.
“Gah, you fucking brute.”
Mak surged up, causing Callum to shift, but Callum quickly pulled him back into place, Mak braced himself for the next spank, a few seconds passed, but no spank came, only Greens calm voice.
“I have had enough of your out today Mak, there’s going to be a bar of soap coming with me to your bedtime spanking.”
Mak’s eyes widened at what he had just heard, surely this neanderthal Green did no intend to shove some rancid bar of soap in his mouth, what was this place, & what the hell did he mean by bedtime spanking.
“What do you mean bedtime spanking?”
Callum began to laugh again, his cock now slick with precum.
“What he means, Toff, is your getting spanked again before you go to bed, that’s the rules here, if you get spanked during the day, you get spanked again before bed.”
Mak gasped in horror at the prospect.
“That’s barbaric.”
Another laugh escaped from Callum, he couldn’t believe how spoilt this guy was.
“It’s a smacked arse, you’re telling me you’d rather go spend time in Broadmoor than go to bed with a red arse.”
Callum made eye contact with Mak, who looked at him panicked, but said nothing, finally settling into the reality of his situation.
Green resumed spanking hard & fast, covering Mak’s sit spots, crease & the top of his thighs until they were a uniform shade of dark pink.
“Now, Mak, are you going to be more agreeable, or do I need to up the stakes?”
Again, Mak said nothing, just tensed his buttocks for the next spank.
“Very well.”
For the third time today, Green pulled the oval hairbrush out of his drawer, Green could not count the number of times he had had to apply this hairbrush to a wayward young man's bare buttocks, the list of names would have been a mile long, & now Mak’s name was going to be the latest added to that list.
Green took up his place behind Mak again, he rested the hairbrush on Mak’s bottom for a second before raising it high & slamming it down with force, the loud slap made by the impact bounced off every wall.
The fiery impact was immediate, Mak shouted out, he had never felt anything like this, the sting was unbearable, how could a little oval hairbrush cause such a burn.
“That seems to have got your attention.”
Satisfied that he was finally getting through to Mak, Green landed another blow, causing Mak to buck & cry out again.
Callum was getting close to climaxing, his cock throbbed, straining against his boxers, begging to be released, as the hairbrush spanked Mak again.
Tears were beginning to form in the corner of Mak’s eyes, he was feeling sorry for himself another swipe of the hairbrush caused the floodgates to break & the tears started flowing, his writhing caused his massive round bum to wobble, each swipe of the brush was agony.
Callum’s erection strained harder & harder until he couldn’t take it anymore, he let his hand swiftly rub his throbbing erection, Mak took his chance & jumped up, grabbing his raw red bottom jumping up & down, the way spanked young men do.
Green gripped Mak, sat on the desk & threw the boy over his knee, his spanking was nowhere near done, he pinned his legs around Mak’s & spanked hard & fast.
Mak’s singular cries soon became one prolonged wail, as his poor bottom jiggled & burned under Greens punishing blows, Green continued his non-stop assault on Mak’s bottom for five more minutes before standing him up.
“Callum, come take a seat.”
Callum couldn’t believe what he was hearing, neither could Mak, he’d already been thrashed to tears, he couldn’t take anymore, before Mak could protest, Callum had already sat.
“Make sure to drive the lesson home, Callum.”
Callum dragged Mak over his knee, Mak settled in, waiting for his second thrashing, feeling Callum’s erection dig into him.
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slaesc · 4 years
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riley-sharp · 4 years
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spankeddaddy · 1 month
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nudedudepatrol · 8 months
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aimeehayden · 4 years
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adrianbarber · 4 years
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daddyandhisbabyboy · 3 years
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65 followers so far!!! Only 35 to go before daddy gives me a hard spanking and he shares it with all of you. #gaydiaperboy #diaperboy #abdl #diapers #gay #littleboy #justatoddler #spanking #gayspanking #punishment
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bad-boy-spanker · 4 years
Austere Academy-Chapter Four
Callum was unmoved by Green's threat.
“Suffice to say you’re getting caned”
Callum smirked as his fate was announced, Green had caned him dozens of times, it was nothing new.
“I’ve been told there was two of you, who were you with, it’s only fair he is caned as well”
Callum scoffed, like fuck he was grass on Chris.
“Let’s just get this over with”
Green pulled a size thirteen slipper out of his drawer, it was well worn but had only ever been used across the bare bottoms of unruly young men.
“We can do this the easy way, or the hard way”
Callum grinned at Green, he loved the whole cat & mouse game, winding Green up, pushing his luck.
“Callum, leaving academy grounds is serious, normally I would spank you & be done with it, but this isn’t like your normal teenage antics”
Green wasn’t taking the bait, Callum upped his cocky attitude.
“Teenage antics, I’m thirty-two, I’m an adult for fuck sake”
Green could see there was no point arguing with Callum, he didn’t want to listen.
“Bend over”
Finally, Callum thought, he wasn’t going to make this easy for Green, Callum didn’t move, effectively challenging Green, not a wise idea, Green grabbed Callum’s ear & bent him over the desk, Callum’s shorts tightened around his round bottom, Green gave each of Callum’s cheeks a pat & a squeeze.
“The hard way it is”
Green lifted the slipper & brought it down fiercely, Callum felt the familiar sting burn its way across the left side of his arse, followed by an identical sting on the right as Green slapped down another blow, Callum peered over his shoulder at Green, smiling smugly, earning him after another five stingers, Callum huffed across the desk, five more slaps followed, across the center of his arse this time, he shifted his feet, Green paused & stood beside Callum, Callum was confused, was that it, Green must be off his game.
“That all you got”
Green pointed the slipper at Callum.
“I mean it, Callum, stop pissing me about, tell me who it was”
Callum made eye contact with Green & shook his head.
“Get up”
Green lowered Callum’s shirts to just below his thick grey socks, Callum’s tight boxers left little to the imagination, Green couldn’t help but notice Callum’s sizeable bulge, he knew that Callum had an affinity for being spanked, that’s what made him so tough to break, but Green wouldn’t be beaten, Callum always caved in the end.
“Back down”
Callum stayed in place, Green grabbed his shirt collar & forced him back down into his bent-over position, he lifted Callum’s shirttail, & raised the slipper, Callum grunted as the slipper connected with his left cheek, a second slap landed twice as hard, on his right, the third in the centre, four, five & six repeated the same pattern, causing Callum to wince, his cock throbbed in his boxers, Green was rather enjoying this, he, like Callum, appreciated the cat & mouse game.
“Come on, Callum, just tell me”
Callum still wasn’t talking, Green slapped the slipper down six more times, alternating cheeks, Callum began inwardly groaning, that was more like it, Green was starting to get in the swing of it.
“I already know who it is”
Callum was only slightly starting to feel uncomfortable, but he wasn’t quite ready to break, his cock throbbed as it began dripping precum.
“If you know who it is, why the fuck am I here”
Green knew he would have to up the stakes, as much as he appreciated the game they played, this was beginning to get disrespectful.
“I want you to tell me, you need to learn I am in charge here Callum, & you will not disrespect me, stand-up”
Callum stood again, his hands caressed his sore arse, they were quickly slapped out of the way by Green, who slowly pulled down Callum’s boxers, exposing his bare red bottom & throbbing erection, he bent Callum back over the desk, & stood behind him eying up his target, Callum was peeved, he did respect Green, & resented the insinuation that he didn’t, he treasured the unspoken understanding between them, why would Green say that, even in his vulnerable he couldn’t help but take a jab at Green, out of hurt & anger.
“Still not telling you”
Green rewarded his petulance immediately, ten blows quickly landed on Callum’s sit spot, Callum yelled, but he wasn’t going to let Green win, the slipper landed another ten times, Callum felt a tear prick the corner of his eye, his erection began to fade, Green really wasn’t playing anymore, Callum’s arse was throbbing, it had now become a real battle of wills & Callum was adamant on winning, Green put his hand on the small of Callum’s back & crashed the slipper down another ten times.
Callum wriggled over the desk, his arse bounced as he gyrated, he had tears running down his face, Green determined to break Callum, brought the slipper down twenty times on the lads sore red bottom, Callum cried loudly, as the burning in his stinging arse brought him closer to caving in.
“I admire your loyalty, Callum, even though it’s misplaced”
That hit home with Callum, was his upset really worth it, all for the sake of an off-grounds pint with Chris, he wanted to give Chris up, but his pride wouldn’t let him, if he could just get through this, maybe Green would let him off, he’d let him off with somethings before, just get through it, he thought to himself, Green laid on five slaps within seconds, Callum was suffering, but he remained tight-lipped, the worst part of all this was, Green was really mad at him, & that hurt nearly as much as his arse did, another five, still nothing, Green was getting tired, there was no need for this, even after another ten Callum said nothing.
“Give me his name”
Callum was ready to break, his arse throbbed, Green flicked the size thirteen slipper down hard on the sore red bottom before him.
Callum wailed, Green had had enough, he repeatedly slapped the slipper into Callum’s burning arse as hard as he could, in a wild flurry, striking every inch of the sore arse he could, over & over, hard, fast, & relentless.
“Chris Griffiths”
Callum shouted as he broke.
Green let the slipper fall onto his desk, Callum just cried, his bottom was so sore & he had upset Green, all for the sake of a pint, Green allowed Callum a few minutes to cry it out, softly rubbing his back as he pulled himself together, Callum appreciated the caring touch, he could tell Green didn’t enjoy punishing him like that.
“Come on, get yourself dressed, & wipe your face”
Callum slowly lifted himself from the desk & gave his sore bottom a rub, he pulled up his boxers & shorts, wincing as they tightened around his raw bottom, he made eye contact with Green, taking the tissue Green handed him, Green sat down as Callum dried his eyes.
“Why do you have to be so stubborn, Callum, I haven’t had to punish you like that since you first arrived”
Callum said nothing, just sniffled, staring at the floor.
“Normally, I’d be giving you another spanking tonight”
Panic flashed across Callum’s face.
“But, in light of the thrashing I’ve just given you, I’ll let you off”
The panic on Callum’s face was quickly replaced with relief.
“Thank you, sir”
Green smiled, Callum was a good lad, he just let his attitude rule his head.
“Don’t thank me just yet, you & Chris are still getting caned for your pub visit, & you’re still on punishment parade”
Callum’s shoulders dropped, any hope he had of escaping a caning had dissipated.
“But we’ll delay your caning until Thursday, give you a day or two to recover”
Callum smiled.
“Thank you, sir”
Green was relieved, Callum had found his manners again, he realised Callum didn’t mean any real disrespect, but sometimes he pushed it a bit too far, they were back on good terms now, but Green issued Callum a warning, so there could be no confusion going forward.
“But if you ever disrespect me like that again, I won’t hesitate to drag you back in & give you a repeat performance”
Callum shuffled uncomfortably at the prospect, he didn’t want another spanking like that, his bottom was incredibly tender, he wouldn’t be sitting comfortably for a while, but he knew he deserved it, not just for the pub visit, but for disrespecting his friend.
“I’m I disrespected you Gaz, I just wasn’t thinking, I know you sometimes let me get away with things you probably shouldn’t, & I appreciate it, & you”
Green walked over & gave Callum a hug, Callum hugged the younger man tightly, there was an unspoken camaraderie between them, although they butted heads, they had respect for each other, Green released Callum from the hug & patted him on the back.
“I appreciate you too when you’re behaving, & you get away with so much, cause you’re a nice guy, you’re a good senior, you keep the buggers in line when they need it, not to mention the amount of wresting cup & football trophy’s you won for Austere, it’s just you’ve got a shit attitude sometimes, luckily, I have a remedy for that”
Green patted Callum’s arse playfully.
“Now get yourself to class, & for fuck sake behave”
Callum let out a small laugh & turned to leave, rubbing his sore bottom as he left, causing Green to chuckle, he stood up & put away his cane, he left his slipper out to deal with Chris, he’d be caned with Callum on Thursday, but it was only fair he faced the same consequences Callum did, but unlike Callum, Chris would be going over his knee before bed.
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randigaskinkor-blog · 4 years
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nudedudepatrol · 8 months
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