#gayle how's the brainrot
sweaterkittensahoy · 10 months
Back on the WeeHands story!
They might actually get to their date sometime in the next 5k. How wild.
Izzy nods, feeling dizzy from Wee John's touch. "You can…you can always go into my quarters," he says. "Whenever you like." Wee John sips his coffee and squeezes Izzy's arm for a moment. "Thank you. That's very kind."  And, oh, but Izzy feels seen in a way he's never felt. In a way that is only good and lovely and soft. He can only nod, then take Wee John's hand in his own for a moment before stepping away. "Is seven o'clock late enough?" he asks. "Seven o'clock is fine," Wee John says. "Are we staying over on land?" "If you'd like," Izzy replies, taking another step back because otherwise he will take a step forward and completely forget himself. "I know a quiet inn." Wee John beams. "In the Republic of Pirates? That's not possible." "With clean sheets," Izzy says. "And large beds." "I don't believe you, so I guess we'll have to stay so you can prove it." "Yes," Izzy says. "Yes, we will."  "Seven o'clock, then," Wee John says. "I'll meet you on deck." "Good," Izzy replies, feeling thick-tongued and clumsy, but it feels nice in its own way. "Good," he says a second time because he has no more words.
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starsapphire · 8 months
"who the hell is voting tim" well i dont go there but i assume fanon brainrot people like omg hes sooo unhinged or whatever. how high was he at?
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it's so over gayle. it's so over
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lestweforget5 · 3 months
🌌 and/or💧!!
Hello, Nonnie! Thank you for the ask!
Answers to both questions are under the cut, given the length of my answers. For 💧, it references the outgrowth of some of what happened to Millie prior to her arrival at Stalag Luft III, as discussed in Chapter 18, so those trigger warnings apply here by extension.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Well, the main characters of my stories are always OC because I have an easier time consistently getting into their heads than canon characters when I’m writing an entire long story/series primarily from one POV. And @precious-little-scoundrel's early thoughts for her Those Who Can Integrated AU gave me brainrot and impetus to start plotting out how I would handle an Integrated AU with women in the USAAF during WW2. This quote by General Kuter was also very influential, “‘We just closed our minds to [long-range escorts]; we couldn’t be stopped; the bomber was invincible’" (MOTA, 42, emphasis added). Given the social customs of that day, it gives a very plausible place that women in the military might have ended up.
Then I needed a character for my AU. I don't remember what the first thing I decided about her was, but from the beginning, Millie was always related to Kenny, always an engineer (a likely career for a farm kid who grew up helping with mechanical work like Kenny did), and always on Curt and Dickie's crew. But she was not originally named Millie and her relationship with Brady was actually a very late addition. My first idea for a name was "Gayle," which would have given her an interesting point of connection with Buck Cleven (like her last name does now with John Brady), but "Gayle" was quite rare as a first name for women c. 1920, so I abandoned that idea.
Early on in my planning process for this fic, I flirted with the idea of Millie being on Escape Kit and whether there was a way to get Dickie off the plane. My research into parachutes told me that one parachute probably could have carried the weight of both Millie and Dickie, but there was no good way for them to be strapped together, especially given the time crunch to get off the plane. So eventually, Millie ended up on a different plane at Regensburg, and the scene with Millie and Curt and Meatball on Stymie's hardstand in the fog was actually one of the first scenes I wrote for this fic.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Okay, this is sort of two angst headcanons in one, but they fit together. So Millie has a deep-seated and very understandable fear of male doctors, and I think this continues well past the end of the war, even when she's back in America, and maybe for the rest of her life to some extent. I was scanning through an article on female doctors in the USA in the first half of the twentieth century, and female doctors in the USA had fallen from around 10% of doctors nationwide c. 1900 to only around 4% c. 1940. So I've been thinking about how difficult it would have been for her, dealing with that fear of doctors and yet having to deal with mostly/entirely male doctors during her recovery from being a POW and afterwards. And, to make it worse, many women have been victims of rape/sexual assault can also deal with infertility issues afterwards, and combine that with her fear of doctors generally, and it's like ... poor Millie.
These answers are rather rambling, but hopefully, they give you some of the answers you were looking for. Thanks again for the ask!
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
The thing that gets me about this fandom is how everyone demands you fight for some faction lol. Even beyond team green vs team black, which feels very silly to argue like they’re real people, you have strange chatacter wars and ship wars. Is it not possible for someone to like both Rhaenyra and Alicent as characters? Or to be interested in two ships that include the same character? This leads to so many useless arguments not only over source material and interpretation, but over real life harassment. A recent example I’m sure everyone is tired of: has to be a single group of people who are hating on Gayle Rankin’s casting. It’s the alysmonds or it’s the helaemonds. It’s neither! It’s some nasty individuals who want to make fun of an actress. That’s it. The tribalism is so exhausting when you just want to discuss the show and speculate 😔
you might not be able to tell judging by my combative personality, but i do agree. i think that, after the initial bout of ranting and making your arguments, getting that frenzied brainrot out of your system (which can feel pretty cathartic ngl), you should reach a point of reasonable equilibrium where you don't have to get so cantankerous over every little thing. the way the ~disk horse has evolved in this fandom is so wild and tiresome.
like you said, even with gayle's casting, it's like some people are standing on the edge of their seats to gather anecdotal evidence and use it as "proof" that either this or that subgroup is nasty with her and it means that they have been planning this all along actually and this is some master plan to promote THEIR ship. when, in fact, these are two separate things entirely - preferred ships vs casting thoughts. fans of all allegiances can be crude towards gayle, in truth.
also happy international labour day 🔨
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sweaterkittensahoy · 11 months
"Gayle, how's the Izzy Hands brainrot?"
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