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original url http://www.geocities.com/gayandchristian/ last modified 2006-12-02 07:38:39
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Saying homosexuality is a sin, is like saying the earth is flat. You may think you can prove it from the Bible, but in reality it isn't true and only serves to make you look silly. - Floyd Poenitz, 7/11/2020
#gay pride#gayandchristian#gay christian#gayisbeautiful#lgbtq#god loves gays#lgbt#born this way#borngay#beautiful creation#createdgay
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Just in case anyone needs to hear it in plain terms:
If you came out/got outed to your religious family and were met with any sort of dismissive, violent, manipulative, or harsh reaction: that is SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL ABUSE.
If these are people you love and had a good relationship with before you came out/were outed, they are still capable of emotional/spiritual abuse. GOOD PEOPLE DO SHITTY THINGS EVERY DAY.
If your relationships with your church/religious people were damaged and you feel a sense of loss: You had something TAKEN from you. You did not do anything to deserve this loss.
It is OKAY to be queer and still have a relationship with god/a higher being/a religious community.
You are valid, and not one goddamn thing about you is "wrong." PERIOD
It is okay to be PROUD of who you are, no matter how quietly.
You are LOVED.
#lgbt#lgbtpride#gayisokay#spiritualabuse#gayandchristian#spiritualhealing#gaygirls#gayboy#Christianandgay#jesuslovesthegays#spiritual trauma#coming out#lesbian#gay#bisexual#pansexual#trans#bi
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Oggi condivido con voi il primo episodio del progetto "Storie di Speranza" a cui ho partecipato. È la prima volta che mi approccio alla post-produzione audio per il video, ma nel mio piccolo ho cercato di rendere ancora più bello questo lavoro. "Storie di Speranza” è un ciclo di video proposti dal Progetto Giovani Cristiani LGBT e racconta storie di fede e omosessualità: racconta il credere, supportati anche da segni concreti, che essere giovani credenti e LGBTQ* non sia una contraddizione ma un cammino da compiere assieme. A cadenza settimanale, a partire da martedì 1° dicembre 2020, verranno presentati sul canale YouTube del Progetto Giovani Cristiani LGBT otto video: si parte da Genova con la storia di Luca, nato in una famiglia lontana dalla religione e di come ha scoperto Dio grazie alla storia d’amore vissuta con Claudio. Video: Edoardo "Edoz" Zenone
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✝️❤️🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ Reposted from @mcclubbock 🏳️🌈🙏 . . . . . . . . #mccchurch #metropolitancommunitychurch #lgbtchristian #lgbtchristians #lgbtqchristian #lgbtqchristians #gayreligion #gaychristianity #gaychristians #gaychristian #translove #gayandchristian #queerchristians #queerchristian #transchristian #transchristians #bichristian #godlovesgays #lgbtchristiansdoexist #lgbtqsupport #lgbtsupport #transgender #transpride🌈 #lgbtqia🌈 #lgbtqlove #lgbtlove #lgbtcommunity🌈 #lgbtqcommunity #lgbtq🌈 #bisexuality https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdly3o5vRiJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reminder that God does not hate you if you fall in love with somebody of your same gender! God hates liars, God hates hypocrites, God hates dirty politicians. But people who love, regardless of orientation or gender? He loves you the same as all of his other children. Be true to yourself, be true to God. Don’t try to change this beautiful part that God has put inside of you.
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Victoria Swangin Lawrence aka @lilbizmom_one_love is a beautiful sisterfriend from way back at Woodrow Wilson High School in DC! Thankful that love and social media have kept us connected. THANKS VICKI!!! #NeverTooMuchTheMemoir #ThisIsMyStory #LiftEveryVoice #Activism #Action #Advocacy #SGL #StandUp #SpeakUp #BET #LGBTQ #GayAndChristian #FaithWithoutWorksIsDead #Aaliyah #RockTheBoat #Septemeber11th #WashingtonDC #AccessGranted #BETTonight #autobiography #KevinETaylor
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQOBxY-iNAc)
I grew up really religious and my faith is something that really got to me when it came to living authentically and the decision to transition. Can you transition and keep your faith?If this is something you are struggling with then I hope this explanation of my faith now vs. then can be of help!
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We have always been taught that Christianity and anything other than traditional heterosexuality cannot co-exist. That dilemma can be devastating to anyone going through the torment of reconciling their sexual orientation or gender identity with their religious identity.
I believe LGBTIQ individuals are wholly loved and accepted as they are by our Creator. This is not a message of mere convenience; it is a message well-studied in the original language of the Bible (Hebrew and Greek) and consistent with scripture.
#lgbtq#gayandchristian#god loves gays#lgbt pride#pride forever#gay christian#gay pride#lgbt#born this way#createdgay
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How hard it is to be still and know that You are God! How easy it is to forget that You can and are doing a new work in me! But how amazing it is to remember your forgiving love!
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hihi!! do you know any other lgbt friendly christian blogs like yourself?? :3
omg yes! I got you fam ❤️🧡����💚💙💜
I’m just gonna @ the people like that I follow, ppl who I @ just ignore me
@queerlychristianprayerrequests @religiouslgbt @hymnsofahermit @lightamidstthestorm @boykeats @queerlychristian @jesuschristtheprinceofpeace @thebichristian @the-christian-closet @letlovemeetlove @christocentricqueer @christian-wlw @christoqueer @reclaiming-god @jesusmovement @gay-there @bi-ble-girl @christowitch @hymnsofheresy @thechristianlesbian @believe-out-loud @acecatholic
@ablogaboutgodandlove @queerchristianaffirmations @lesbian-christians @gaystian @gayandchristian @shybiviolet @lgbt-catholics-exist @sapphicchristain @thelittleorganistwhojustcanteven @queerstianity @lgbt-christian-safe-haven @christianandqueer @lgbtqafaith @allgodschildrenlgbtchristian @mattykinsel @queer-grace @bisexualchristian
@mj4469 @honeyandwormwood @millennialgospel @sarahtaylorgibson
I also have a blog in this realm @godknowsitriedthencried it’s a religous/ discourse mess of a blog that you may enjoy :3c
Some of these may be nsfw at times but they are all christian & all (at least last time I checked) lgbtq+ supporting!
Also feel free to reach out to me if you want or need to talk! I love knowing other christians~
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#gayandchristian #blackandgay #gaybygod #purpose ✝️❤️🏳️🌈 Reposted from @obioojones God created “you.” https://www.instagram.com/p/CbnfBpQgiR4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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THIS IS MY STORY! THIS IS MY SONG! @KEVINETAYLOR.COM #NeverTooMuchTheMemoir #ThisIsMyStory #LiftEveryVoice #BET #LGBTQ #GayAndChristian #FaithWithoutWorksIsDead #Boooooooom #BlessingsAbound #bestoftheday #AccessGranted #autobiography #KevinETaylor #TellingOurStories #BlackHistoryEveryday #Forward #Instaration #LivingWithAuthority
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Be the change you want to see!
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