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giuliav91 · 4 years ago
Oggi condivido con voi il primo episodio del progetto "Storie di Speranza" a cui ho partecipato. È la prima volta che mi approccio alla post-produzione audio per il video, ma nel mio piccolo ho cercato di rendere ancora più bello questo lavoro. "Storie di Speranza” è un ciclo di video proposti dal Progetto Giovani Cristiani LGBT e racconta storie di fede e omosessualità: racconta il credere, supportati anche da segni concreti, che essere giovani credenti e LGBTQ* non sia una contraddizione ma un cammino da compiere assieme. A cadenza settimanale, a partire da martedì 1° dicembre 2020, verranno presentati sul canale YouTube del Progetto Giovani Cristiani LGBT otto video: si parte da Genova con la storia di Luca, nato in una famiglia lontana dalla religione e di come ha scoperto Dio grazie alla storia d’amore vissuta con Claudio. Video: Edoardo "Edoz" Zenone
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ronnieveliz · 11 years ago
The man sitting next to me in the bus heard my entire phone conversation with a Brazilian friend in San Francisco about LGBTQ youth of faith. As soon as the call was over, he said to me: "Hi, I'm Manny. I am from Italia and my wife is from Iraq. And I want to wish you success in life. We have a son. He is different than the rest of the boys in his class. His name is Joseph. I chose that name for him because it means 'God will increase'. Joseph is a kid with Autism. He is a silent lover. He won't talk to us much, but we feel his love through his body language and his energy is very much like yours. He is very special. I used to feel ashamed of him. I used to feel it was my fault that he was born that way. It has been difficult to deal with bad teachers and bullying because when he is not liked, I am not liked; when he is not welcome, I feel not welcome. But I know people like you are making things better for kids who are bullied and punished for being different." They are moving to Modesto from Chicago. After working for ten years for UPS, he says his hands hurt all the time. He also shared with me that they are moving to California because of the weather. Interesting talk.
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