#gaya pose
Can I ask, why do you love BL romance better than het romance? What makes them better? I did not mean anything negative, and I know everyone have their own like and dislike but I want to know your thoughts....
Also what do you think that made Asian MLM (BL manga/manhwa/manhua/tv series/movies) romances better than western MLM romances?
Hello! Yes you are more than welcome to ask :) I truly, truly love getting asks in my inbox and have been having so much fun with the fact I’ve actually been getting some recently! Warning this is long (but i have TL;DRs for everything)
I think the fastest answer for me is that I am queer, and therefore I find I have a lot more enjoyment and interest in watching queer stories compared to heterosexual ones.
Also, I find a lot of heterosexual romances to be steeped in misogyny, and have low-key or high-key abusive dynamics. And again, do not get me wrong, there are plenty of queer shows where there are abusive dynamics in play, but it is much harder for misogyny to be committed between two men than it is for misogyny to be placed on a male/female pairing. (I love GLs cause, you know…women, but there are a lot more complex dynamics going in to stories written about two women and those can get much trickier for me, and unfortunately many narratives love punishing lesbains with death so.... Anyway, I’m trying to stick mostly to BLs since that is primarily what this ask is about.)
Additionally, I love BLs more than heterosexual romances because of how BLs treat men. Men in heterosexual romances, especially in the West are extremely masculine, often unable to be in touch with their emotions, jaded, misogynistic, they have to be extremely muscular, and we almost never see femme boys or men.
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BLs have such a vast range of men, they have twinks, they have femmes, they have gym bros. They have the clowns, and the super masculine boys. There are shows that let boys be boys, be stupid, and stinky, and fucking gross (hey Pat from Bad Buddy), they let boys be angry and aggressive and express their emotions that way (Sean and Yok’s fight in Not Me, Han Baram and Im Hantae’s conversation in the boxing ring in Sing My Crush, Lom and Nuea in The Wedding Plan, Patts in La Pluie), they let boys fight and wrestle and play (Bad Buddy, My School President, Moonlight Chicken, Only Friends). I love queer stories that let men be gay and ensure through the story that that never undermines their masculinity. I love that there are shows that focus on the progress older men can make in their relationships (What Did You Eat Yesterday?) THEY ARE ALSO ALLOWED TO CRY!!!!
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And though it is still kind of rare, Asian BLs actually do have femme boys, and while I am sure femme boys exist in Western shows, I think Pose and fucking Glee are like…the only two shows with queer people that I have seen in the last decade that have an femme boy representation at all. On the flip side, I love how often GMMTV puts their boys in drag and that doesn’t even have to be in a queer show. I also generally love the fact that most of the male actors in Asian BLs, and again, especially in Thailand embrace their femme sides in photoshoots and whatnot, that they wear earrings, and jewelry, and makeup and they look hot as fuck, because it helps me with my own gender identity. I feel and see myself much more masculine (and have less dysphoria) when I have an earring or a necklace or makeup on, now that I have seen so many boys do the same. 
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TL;DR: I am queer, and heterosexual romances are frequently misogynistic, and men are extremely masculine and rarely allowed to be soft. Asian BLs give us a very broad range of masculinity, but often let boys be boys while also kissing boys. And actors embracing their femme sides helps me feel more masculine when I lean in to my femme side.
As for Asian MLM romances compared to Western MLM romances, obviously this is not a cut and dry thing, not all Asian BLs are going to be better than Western BLs but I find I have a tendency to enjoy Asian BLs/queer media more for a few reasons, generally in order of most to least important for me:
Reason One- Family
This may seem somewhat surprising because the first, and honestly biggest reason I tend to like Asian BLs more than Western BLs has much less to do with the queer aspect. It's actually the family dynamics. I think Western media very frequently has a tendency to be very binary in their portrayal of family dynamics, if family is at all included in Western narratives the relationships that characters have to their family is either almost wholly good, or almost wholly bad. You either have a very abusive household that a character is trying to avoid or flee, or you have a traditional, happy, nuclear family, and when characters have a strained relationship to their family, I have noticed a lot more narrative support for leaving that family behind. But for the most part, family does not play a huge role in most Western shows (and, wild concept to me, it’s part of why I think shows like Succession are so successful, because that is all about complex, fucked up, and loving relationships within a family). 
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Whereas, in Asian media, far more frequently family and family dynamics play a huge role in the character’s lives, behaviors, and can influence the story. And because filial piety is such an important aspect to many Asian cultures, you get a lot more interesting parent/child relationships out of Asian media than you do with Western content. And I am a white Westerner, but I am fundamentally, culturally a Southerner and despite no longer being a woman, I will never shed the mantle of Eldest Daughter. And that has resulted in a sense of family responsibility and piety that ends up making it very very easy for me to understand the motivations of the characters that remain loyal to their family even when their family is asking for things from them that run counter to their own desires or happiness (I’ve actually had this conversation a lot with @waitmyturtles about the intersections of Southern culture and Asian culture).
And similarly, I find that a lot of Western media with queer characters at least in the time frame that I have been able to find content with queer characters is either wholly homophobic, or wholly accepting. And do not get me wrong, we get family dynamics like that in Asian BLs too, but we also get parents who are upset about their child’s queerness, and will voice that, and yet who still take care of their children. I’m thinking of the film I watched just the other day called Margarita with a Straw where the main character’s mother can barely look or talk to her daughter when she comes out, but because she is disabled, her mother is still there preparing food for her, bathing her, etc. because even if she is upset about her child’s queerness she can’t stop taking care of her. And those aren’t dynamics I often see in Western media. 
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I don’t see relationships like Sawismol and Wang in Western media, where a mother can look at her child and say, out loud that she is disappointed, and to be upset, and to still, despite everything, be the person that her son goes to for comfort when he is absolutely devastated, and I don’t see Western parents sitting there and performing that comfort even when they are disappointed in their children’s queerness.
TL;DR: Family dynamics feel a lot more built out, realistic, and complex in many Asian BLs/media that I’ve seen, than they do in many Western shows. Until I started watching Asian media, I had not seen the dynamics I have with my mother or my father played out on screen. 
Reason Two- Casual Trans Inclusion 
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And, as a trans person myself, part of what makes Asian BL shows, Thai shows much more specifically, so important, interesting, and influential to me when compared to Western BLs is the casual inclusion of trans people. Like, that is just something Western media is barely ready for. It’s not non-existent. We have and have had shows like The Fosters, Sense8, Pose, The Owl House, and Heartstopper that have some trans rep. But a lot of those shows have a hefty component to them that shows the struggles of being trans.
In The Fosters we have to watch Cole nearly die trying to get his hands on testosterone, in Sense8 we have to watch Nomi be kept as a medical prisoner and stripped of her autonomy and almost lobotomized, in Pose we are constantly exposed to the very real dangers that trans women of color experience including murder, in Heartstopper we are spared from having to witness the transphobia Elle went through, but it is mentioned. I think the only one of these shows that doesn’t have some element of struggle because a character is trans is The Owl House and let us not forget that Raine Whispers goes through fucking hell in that show. And these conversations, and the demonstrations of struggle to just survive and thrive despite that is vitally important in a society that is pushing closer and closer towards genocide against trans people. Stories that show the struggles of trans people exist for the sake of realism but also serve as an attempt to try to garner empathy towards trans people by cisgender viewers. 
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Thailand does have stories where a trans character experiences transphobia (3 Will Be Free, The Warp Effect, Secret Crush on You), but they also have so many stories where trans people are literally just vibing. Do you know how revolutionary it was for me when I watched KinnPorsche and saw Yok, and she was happy, and beautiful, and fun, and her entire plot centered around her running that bar, flirting with boys, and playing surrogate mother to Porsche? Or just to see trans women existing, who aren’t even central to the plot, but are just there? (Payu’s secretary at the auto shop is a trans woman, Golf Tanwarin was at the inclusive cafe in The Eclipse, Golf Kittipat had an illustrious career as a music producer in My School President). Like that shit is SO important to me, and I never, never see it in Western media. 
TL;DR: There are many Thai shows especially where trans people just exist, and they have plots that aren’t always centered around them being trans. Which is revolutionary, coming in as a trans Western viewer where the majority of trans rep in Western shows makes me eventually have to watch trans people suffer. 
Reason Three- Passion Projects
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The film industry is huge and pervasive in Western culture, and in the US especially, and with that comes big budget projects that stretch out as long as they can squeeze a cent out of a fan base. As a result you get shows that are too long, you get shows that ruin their premise in the last season after five to fifteen years of dragging the shambling corpse of a story along. And again, do not get me wrong, there are plenty plenty of Asian BLs that are cash grabs, that are terrible, where the actors aren’t really in it. But, most BLs in Asia are one season, they get in, they get out, and you forget it if it’s bad, or you hate it forever if it’s objectively bigoted. But the time commitment to terrible pieces is a lot shorter. 
That said, when you have a low budget, and a story you want to tell, it makes my love so much more. Because it means the crew, the writers, the director, and often time the actors are there because they want to be there, because they like the story they are telling, because they have a story they want to tell. It’s part of why I love shows like The Eclipse so much, because that show was made with a budget mainly comprised of pocket lint and hope, because Golf Tanwarin had something they wanted to say.  Most if not all of Aof Nopparnach’s shows give genuinely, inherently queer stories that speak to queer people. Jojo Tichakorn makes pieces that are so full of queer lenses you could never deny the inherent queerness in his shows, even if the story is primarily focused on a straight person/relationship (Mama Gogo). There are so many shows in the Asian BL world where you can just tell that everyone is having fun. LIsten, Fish Upon the Sky is an extremely problematic show, but for me it felt like everyone had a great time goofing off on that set. You can tell EV-ER-Y-BOD-Y in the cast of Mama Gogo  was having the time of their motherfucking lives. 
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I also think the West is very self-congratulatory and tends to hold themselves as the standard of televisions and acting, when I am over here watching Asian BLs with some of the strongest acting from young people I have ever seen, and having it be written off because its a) low budget b) gay and c) in another language. Like, when I try to get people in to BL I start with shows like KinnPorsche (which I know drives @bnegiyo mad) cause it has a much higher production value than many other Asian BLs without being prestige and therefore can’t radically alter the perception of what BL is (hello ITSAY/IPYTM and 180 Degrees), Thai BLs especially. And I figure that is the only way to show someone the level of absurdity and camp that comes from a lot of BLs, while also maintaining their interest because it has a higher production value, so that if they end up enjoying that they are more willing to watch the low budget shows. 
TL;DR: Many Asian BLs are pretty low budget, compared to like any Western show, which I find to mean we have more stories in Asian BL that people actually want to tell. (there are still very many shows that people seem to just kinda show up for, or get bored with partway through [looking at you Tee] but.)
Reason Four- Abundance
There are 
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Here's a fraction of my watch list
I have watched 81 in roughly the last year, and there are so many more on my Plan to Watch list, and there are more coming out all the time. The West has given me like…two, maybe three. And when we do get good queer shows in the West, they are frequently canceled before completion. Especially if they are on Netflix. 
We lost Sense8, fans had to fight for Out Flag Means Death to get renewed, The Owl House got cancelled by Disney after giving their main character a girlfriend, ND Stevenson had to write two ending to She-Ra and fought tooth and fucking nail to get the gay one, Legend of Korra had to save the gay kiss until the end just like She-Ra had to. If you want to get depressed here is a link to an article ‘50 TV shows with Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer characters cancelled after one season’. Because most Asian BLs are meant to be only one season, we actually get complete stories, rather than ending with unresolved tension, or cliffhangers. 
TL;DR: there is a metric fuck ton of Asian BLs
Reason Five- Sex
The West, especially the US, tends to have a very puritanical view of sex (which makes sense because the Puritans were some of the first colonizers…I mean colonials…to murder everyone and occupy…uh, I mean settle the United States (I would also like to place blame on the Italians and Spanish [hey Columbus] and their Catholicism AND PROTESTANT CALVINISM that also influenced the pervasive societal views of sex and especially gay sex in the United States).  
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With ever increasing homophobia and transphobia, so many shows are trying, in my own personal opinion, to garner empathy, sympathy, and acceptance for queer characters by cisgender and/or heterosexual viewers by making their queer characters flat, two-dimensional, virginal, perfect people. But homophobes and transphobes consider holding hands to be just as grotesque and inappropriate as full on porn. With Western, and especially US based, views of sex, many queer characters are sanitized, sex scenes are rare, and if they do exist at all they are usually in shows that have mature ratings. 
That is not the case with Asian BLs. Like, do not get me wrong, there are plenty of pure, virginal, don’t kiss, barely touch BLs out there, but because there are so many BLs, there are also plenty of shows with lots of physical intimacy and multiple make out scenes that aren’t maturely rated, as well as plenty of maturely rated shows that have multiple sex scenes AND CAN INCLUDE KINK WHICH LIKE!!!!! I rarely see in the Western media I’ve watched. Hell, Sense8 is a sexual liberation show that includes multiple orgies, but there is not even a hint of any other kink (besides whatever Dani, Lito, and Hernando have going on).
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gif by @radishayuan
Meanwhile, The Warp Effect has fucking puppy play, Bed Friend has pet play, Laws of Attraction which has a couple pretty chaste kisses shows handcuffs to at least imply kink, there’s a ball gag and a fucking leash in Big Dragon, I haven’t seen it but Unforgotten Night has a lot of BDSM themes in it, Rain and Payu have a dom/sub dynamic going on, we have daddy kinks abound, I also haven’t seen this one but I know there is some belt bondage in War of Y. And even if it isn’t shown, kink and bondage specifically are often referenced in passing in shows with sex.
Also, there are very very very few Western shows I have seen that treat sex workers kindly, and Jojo Tichakorn is right there giving us sex workers as main characters multiple times in a row. Taiwan has great physical chemistry, the very few things I have seen from the Phillipines are so fucking queer, Japan even when they aren’t including sex at all have some extremely queer narratives, and when they are including sex? Holy fuck. South Korea is developing, but I have liked what I’ve seen so far, and it’s been fun seeing very rapid progressions in the level of physical intimacy characters are allowed to have, Thailand has been making a name for itself.  
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TL;DR: There is a very broad range of physical intimacy in Asian BLs from no sex to lots of sex, but the abundance of content means I am seeing more shows with gay sex in them in like…a month or two, than shows I have seen in the West with gay characters at all in like…the past year. (This is of course, subjective, don’t ask me for real numbers). 
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And, you know, in case this response wasn’t long enough, the amount of queer content, the types of stories being told, the rapid and continued development of BL is super interesting to observe in its own right. Sure, it may be driven by marketability and sales, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some truly important, realistic, vital, and beautiful pieces of queer media being created and shared with the world, a lot of which is much more accessible to audiences than Western media. I go heavy on the Thai shows in part because they are available for free on YouTube. 
I also think the West seems to think that having gay marriage is the be all, end all of queer inclusivity, and that they do not realize that countries without gay marriage are creating some of the most realistic queer content out there right now. The West has a lot it can learn from Asian BLs, but in my opinion, we’ve got our heads too far up our asses to be following their lead.
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hymnoire · 6 months
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 Wanted plot :    It is not comprehensible by reason. Abandon my ship to the mercy of the waves.
Looking for a soulmate for Gaya.
"Heartless. Empty of all emotions. Do you feel human anymore? I know I don't. Unless I am with you. Does that count? Or are we just not humans together?""
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mylancap1 · 10 months
Aku dah share dengan fappers macam mana best dan nikmat fapping Tasha sebagai hotwife kepada celebs. Tasha pulak ada bestfriend nama Alisha. Story berkembang apabila Alisha ada seorang adik dan seorang kakak yang sangat padu untuk dilenjan.
Bila dah jadi bff, ke hulu ke hilir bersama memang perasaan horny nak rasa pussy berbeza tu tetap ada. Tipu la cakap tak nak rasa nikmat boobs & pussy girl berbeza bila dah ada depan mata.
Adik Alisha ni nama dia Atul. Atul masih nerdy dan tak macam kakak dia 2 orang tu. Walaupun kategori nerdy, aku tetap bernafsu tengok Atul. Dia jenis yang tak terlalu show off body dia. Tapi aura & body cutting dia dah mula nampak dari awal.
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Still virgin dan menjadi tumpuan kepada ipar-ipar yang ada. Siapa yang akan pecahkan virgin tu? Dengan muka yang nice, body cutting power, aku rasa tak lama lagi virgin dia akan hilang. Paha dia tu jenis besar elok. Best nak letak dick dekat situ untuk bagi dia ghairah dan pussy tu terbuka. Last bila dah dapat, sperm pancut dekat muka sampai meleleh.
Disebabkan Atul tak show off dan masih low profile, susah untuk nak bagi rating. Tapi aku bagi cara yang ringkas.
Face 8/10
Memang stok cumtribute.
Boobs 5/10
Boobs dia masih peringkat show off sikit-sikit. Tapi aku percaya di sebalik tudung tu, ada tetek padu.
Butt 7/10
Butt yang masih cover. Tak tunjuk sangat. Tapi markah aku tinggi sebab tengok part paha dia. Paha yang sexy mesti akan relate dengan bontot power.
Body Cutting 8/10
Body cutting yang boleh buat fappers turn on.
Sexual Attractiveness 6.5/10
Still nerdy. Kena ada guide dan starter untuk dia masuk ke alam sexual. Bila dah masuk, dia akan mula mencari dan explore.
Nerdy selalunya high libido. Aku percaya kalau dia makin meningkat umur, nafsu sex dia akan berkembang.
Dalam semua siblings Alisha, yang paling sulung paling top. Paling power dan berada di level tersendiri untuk para fappers berjuang menaburkan sperm masing-masing. Aku yakin ramai fappers yang dah kenal dengan Bella ni. Pernah menjadi kegilaan ramai. Tapi bila dia mula bertudung, populariti dia mula ditelan zaman. Padahal aura sex dia tak pernah berubah malah meningkat.
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Arghhhh buat sapa yang masih tak kenal Bella, tengok la betapa perfect seorang girl. Pakej lengkap. Kulit putih, kaki sexy, muka lawa stok cumttribute, tetek bontot 1st class, notty... nak apa lagi dari seorang girl?
Sebab tu aku teringat bila husband dia AI nak married dia cakap dekat wartawan, dia kawin Bella sebab nak elak buat benda tak elok. Actually masa tu pun Bella dah tak ada virgin. Dah kena fuck habis habisan pun. Cuma untuk nampak formal tu je.
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Even dah hijab, Bella masih tak dapat sorok aura sex dia. Dia masih obses dengan diri sendiri. Dia memang suka selfie naked body of her. Dia akan posing dengan cara paling sexy. Bella memang tak mengecewakan. Boobs, bontot besar gedabak. Damnnn 1 level dengan European. Antara calon perfect untuk Malaysian porn star. Memang best partner dia dapat sucking nipples & boobs Bella hari hari. Foreplay dekat boobs je dah dekat 1 jam sebab too perfect. Titsfuck, sucking, licking... sampai la Bella dapat rasakan boobs orgasm yang maximum. Very premium boobs.
Masa dia freehair dulu lagi padu. Setiap inci tubuh dia jadi igauan fappers. Damn hot. Sebab tu AI pilih untuk kawin cepat-cepat. Bella pun best dapat pucuk muda. Bella lagi senior, so yeahhh memang pucuk muda tu la idaman dia.
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Arghhh setiap curve dan lekuk body Bella memang susah nak explain. Biar la pics berbicara. Memang AI lenjan Bella berkali-kali setiap hari. Apa lagi nafsu AI sangat tinggi. Memang dia dikelilingi girls lawa. So memang untung dapat rasakan pelbagai pussy. Cuma Bella is the ultimate one. Lepas rasakan semua, Bella tetap pemuas nafsu paling unggul.
Dengan gaya sangat kinky, Bella memang suka roleplay. Bella akan berlakon macam-macam watak sebelum fucking. Dorang suka hardcore and rough sex. Memang dick sampai ke hujung. Laju dan kuat. Hentak sampai Bella cum berkali-kali. Moaning sampai tak ingat dunia. Dirty talk yang buatkan dick lagi tegang.
Bertahun-tahun dorang fucking tanpa henti sampai la Bella preggy. Damnnn kalau tak nafsu tinggi, macam mana dorang dapat twins. Memang dorang sex dengan kuantiti yang banyak dan sangat kualiti. Level dorang sampai tahap porn star dah. Kalau la Malaysia tak taboo, memang scene dorang dah layak gila masuk P**h*b.
Semakin preggy semakin Bella bernafsu tinggi. Bella akan ride laju-laju sampai dia squirt. Shaking habis 1 body. Bila dah bersalin baru la pantang sekejap, tapi masih oral sex. Blowjob, deepthroat, etc. Bila dah habis pantang, sambung balik fucking. Tetek makin membengkak besar gila. 7, 8 round lenjan setiap hari, sampai pussy lunyai. Sucking tetek sampai keluar susu. Picit habis lepas tu swallow. Arghhhhh damn hot.
I wanna fuck you so hard, Bella.
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Damnnn. Bontot lawa nak mampus. Memang tak boleh cover langsung even dah rasa sopan. Part ni kalau la digandingkan dengan Tasha memang best. Dua-dua specialist dekat bontot. Doggy, anal doggy dan level Bella ni dah tahap boleh fisting. Masukkan semua jari dalam bontot dan pussy dia. Fucking hot.
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Bella memang rindu nak sexy macam zaman kegemilangan dia dulu. Tapi fasa sekarang dia dah explore sexual journey yang tinggi. Dia masuk ke dunia open relationship. Target dia Alisha & her partner dan juga adik dia yang nerdy lepas tu semua kawan-kawan dorang yang ada. Girls sekeliling AI dengan partner dorang pun akan jadi fokus. Arghhhhh... very wild.
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Fuckkkkk, i'm cumming... fuck you Bella.
Face 9/10
Menghampiri perfect. Ada 1 markah yang kurang, aku tak tau dekat mana. Maybe aku rasa muka dia kadang-kadang bergantung dengan makeup. Level Bella patutnya tanpa makeup pun dah sangat-sangat power.
Boobs 10/10
Speechless. Boobs idaman semua fappers. Besar, European shape, nipples padu. Nak apa lagi? Memang level porn star.
Butt 10/10
Bontot tonggok yang layak untuk anal sex. Hardcore. Spanking sampai merah. BDSM level pun sesuai. Boleh layan guna machine yang kinky. Arghhh.
Body Cutting 10/10
Perfecto. Kalau la Bella banyakkan lagi outfit ketat tradisional yang modern. Macam yang selalu girl pakai dekat dinner tu memang next level. Semuanya dari atas sampai bawah perfect. Lekuk-lekuk body dia jadi mimpi semua fappers.
Sexual Attractiveness 10/10
Very kinky. Aura sex dia melimpah-ruah. Susah nak dipuaskan kalau setakat celup beberapa kali. Minimum 1 jam. Boleh layan beround-round. Hanya lelaki perkasa boleh puaskan Bella. Maybe European cock boleh try.
Kulit dia melepakkkk. Damn hot. Kalau pakai bra yang bold & striking color, aku memang fapping terus.
Nikmati la syurga dunia Bella... fuckkk...
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hum-suffer · 10 months
Rivals? Who, us?
(Set in future, IPL 2024)
Shubhman knows they're fighting an uphill battle. His team is doing all they can but Rohit Bhaiya and Ishan are on the crease and obviously washing out all the efforts.
(And isn't that surreal to think? His team. Oh, god, his team. They've already won a lot of matches and are already qualified for the semis. He can't believe this. It feels like a dream. He thinks he will wake up in his house in Mohali at any moment now and—
And he doesn't. He blinks. He's still here.)
Shubhman adjusts his tshirts superstitiously, studiously ignoring the crowd chanting about Sara Tendulkar. And really, he doesn't regret any friendship as he does his acquaintance with her. She might be fun to be around at some times but she is definately not worth the trouble that his name and reputation gets because of some coincidental twinning.
He focuses on the match.
Ishan is at strike and he's at 49* of 21 right now. As much of a challenge Ishan is posing, Shubhman feels a surge of immeasurable pride in his chest for his boyfriend. Rashid Bhai is bowling, and even if it's selfish, Shubhman wishes that Ishan scores at least one more run— gets one more milestone. He's allowed to be selfish this time, damn it, because it's clear to him that Ishan won't do it. Ishan will play to make sure Rohit Bhai stays on the ground and he will care only to chase the score, not for his own score.
Ishan hits a six, the ball goes flying in the stands and even from the mid off area of the ground, Shubhman can see the way Rohit Bhai is beaming at Ishan in pride and barely controls his own smile. Ishan removes his helmet and holds it up as if it's an award and Shubhman knows that for him, it is. His cricket is the biggest award he has.
It was the last bowl of the over and it's time to change the bowler and Shubhman has already told Shami Bhai to go for it. He's just checking the scoreboard when he sees the board showing off Ishan's six. Warmth fills him, seeing the potential Ishan has.
The video shows Arya Rajput abruptly, the model celebrating Ishan's half century. And Shubhman. He stares.
What the fuck.
Because he can tolerate people yelling about Sara at him but he knows for a fact that Ishan only knows Arya from a fucking jio ad and doesn't even like her all that much.
Ishan made that goddamn half century. They didn't show his celebration but cut to the woman who wasn't playing? What the fuck. No, what the fuck.
The crowd cheers and the chants start again. "Humari bhabhi kaisi ho?Arya bhabhi jaisi ho!"
Shubhman has the savage urge to cuss the crowd. He knows they're only having fun but he doesn't want it to be at his relationship's expense. He takes a deep breath and relaxes his body, the chewing mint in his mouth now feels bland.
He forces his facial features to relax as well and cracks his knuckles, focusing back on the match.
Shubhman comes across Ishan back again after the match, for the obligatory 'well played' handshakes.
Ishan grins up at him, sparkles in his big eyes and hair matted to his sweaty forehead. "Kyu bhai, aa gaya swad?" He quotes the meme and laughs, throwing his head back to be a complete douche.
Shubhman can't help but smile at him. "Beta utna hi udo jitna seh sako. Abhi you have to still fight the semis."
"So do you," he retaliates. Shubhman knows they're holding up the line and steps away and Ishan follows him, as if on total instinct.
Shubhman smirks,"Ghar jaa ke points table dekhna."
And Shubhman knows what Ishan would have said but is holding back from saying.
They're both going to go to the same home, after all. After the tournament, they're gonna go back to Mohali for a month and then to Patna. After all, they're gonna go back to each other's arms. They're going to the same home— each other.
Ishan doesn't say it, raises an eyebrow and Shubhman smirks back. Ishan retaliates by lightly punching Shubhman's stomach and Shubhman gets back to him by pinching his nose, hard.
Before the thing escalates, Rohit bhaiya is here. "That's enough from you two," he says with a grin, pulling the two away from each other. "Merko zindagi me shaanti se kab rehne doge tum log dono?"
"Aise impossible wish nahi manga karte Rohit bhaiya," Ishan says, that little shit,"You'll only be disappointed."
Rohit bhaiya flicks the back of Ishan's head. Shubhman grins in victory until he too is swatted on his shoulder.
The dressing rooms are extremely near to eachother, so the both teams create a ruckus as they move to the upper floors, almost everyone laughing and talking. The tension created in the ground disappears.
Shubhman and Ishan are trailing at the end of the entrouge and Ishan has his hand around Shubhman's waist. He's very tactile, not only with Shubhman, and that reputation of his has helped them keep their relationship a secret. Till now.
They're stopped by a girl's voice calling for Ishan with so much familiarity, for a moment Shubhman thinks it must be some old friend, before they turn around and see Arya. Oh.
She jogs upto them with a big smile and her hand is instantly on Ishan's bicep as she gushes about how much she enjoyed seeing his innings. Ishan flinches away from her touch but she doesn't falter, stepping closer. Shubhman grits his teeth and tolerates it for about a minute before he rests his hand on Ishan's shoulder and digs his elbow there. Ishan turns stiff and Shubhman knows he has his attention.
"I'm so sorry," Ishan says,"but we have to meet Rohit bhaiya now and he said it's urgent."
Arya's face falls but she nods, squeezing Ishan's arm one last time as she says goodnight, not having enough manners to even greet Shubhman. He doesn't care either way, he's barely holding back from cussing and he knows his parents raised him better than to cuss at people. Even if they were annoying. And intrusive. And debatably worthy. And pushy. And—
Ishan reaches up to grab Shubhman's hand and pulls it around his shoulders, ensuring that his elbow is no longer digging into Ishan's shoulder.
Shubhman moves his hand to the back of Ishan's neck and squeezes lightly, willing away his urge to kiss his boyfriend silly in a common area. The grasp he has on Ishan's nape is possessive enough, enough so that he remembers that Ishan choses him everyday, that Ishan wants to be with him and not anyone else. That Ishan is his.
He feels Ishan shudder under his hold and squirm.
They've already reached the dressing room areas and Kane raises his eyebrows at them in concern. "You two okay, guys?"
Shubhman nods,"Yeah, don't worry about it."
"Mhm," Ishan hums, almost distracted,"Got held up by a fan. You know how it is."
Kane doesnt look convinced but he doesn't press. He gives them both a smile. "Yes, of course. Anyways, I'm going to go and change. Cap, come back whenever."
Shubhman feels overwhelmed that a man as great in cricket as Kane is, calls Shubhman his captain. He's never gonna get over it. He gives Kane a bashful grin and nods.
Ishan squirms under his hand again as Kane leaves, drawing attention to himself.
Shubhman narrows his eyes at Ishan and leans down to whisper in his ear. "Stay back in the dressing room after everyone leaves."
Ishan nods, no questions asked. Shubhman smiles at him and struts back to his dressing room, knowing how dazed Ishan is.
Ishan doesn't know what's going on with Shubhman but it's delicious.
He's pressed against the wall near the lockers as Shubhman kisses him, moaning and groaning. Ishan doesn't think he's ever seen Shubhman this uncaring to keep their relationship secret.
"You've got no idea how much I've wanted to do that," he says and Ishan grins at him.
He grabs Shubhman's wrist and presses his hand into Ishan's waist even more than it's already pressed. "I think I do." Ishan says, closing his eyes and resting his head against Shubhman's chest.
His boyfriend isn't anything less than eager today, though. He ducks down to kiss Ishan's cheek and trails a line of kisses down his throat. The collar of Ishan's uniform tshirt is hindering his path so Shubhman uses his free hand to wrap it around Ishan's throat, subtly pushing away the collar and oh, Ishan doesn't want to examine the things the gesture does to him.
It makes Ishan keen and Shubhman, that little fucker, grins. Ishan can feel it against his throat. He raises his hand and grabs the back of Shubhman's neck. "Talk."
"What about?"
Ishan pulls Shubhman off of him with narrowed eyes. "You've been too tense and you're acting different. Talk, before I make you."
Shubhman doesn't speak anything for a while and Ishan thinks he will have to pull out the annoying puppy eyes routine but before that, Shubhman sighs and mutters,"I don't like her."
Ishan frowns. "Who?"
A flash of victory flashes in his eyes before Shubhman looks down again. "Arya. I don't like her. Or the way people scream her name when you score. Or the way the board shows her. Or the way the people comment about her. Or the way people make edits of you and her. Or the way she touches you. Or the way she speaks your name. I don't like her."
Ishan nods understandingly. He's amused, but he knows what Shubhman feels, he's felt that everytime they attach his name to Sara or Raveena. More Raveena, perhaps, she's...weird. At least Sara knows personal space.
He drags Shubhman to sit down on a bench that's unofficially his. As Shubhman sits down, Ishan draps himself over his lap, knees on either side of Shubhman's thighs, essentially trapping him.
He holds Shubhman's face in his hands tenderly, staring into his big eyes that are so vulnerable right now. He begins peppering kisses over his face as he murmurs. "Shubhman. I like you. Or the way people merge our names together. Or the way everyone knows we are a package deal. Or the way people comment about the two of us and call you jiju. Or the way people make those gorgeous edits of us. I adore the way you touch me. I love the way you say my name, half, full, angry, sad, desperate. Anyway you speak it, I love my name in your mouth."
He's nipping at Shubhman's jaw by the time he finishes speaking and he leans fractionally to murmur in his ear,"You are mine. I am yours. Anyone else will never matter."
Shubhman shudders under him and his hands on Ishan's thighs flex and tighten. "I know," he says,"but, I just can't—"
Ishan nods, kissing Shubhman to shut him up,"I know." He whispers against Shubhman's lips. "But I'm yours, aren't I?"
Shubhman nods jerkily, almost like his nods are forcing the truth in him. "Yeah," he rasps,"you're mine. And I'm yours."
He kisses Ishan, like his life depends on it. It's bloody and ferocious and everything that they are and more. He squeezes Ishan's thighs and pulls him nearer, as close to meshing themselves as possible.
Hysterically, Ishan thinks of a song lyric. Phool bhi ho darmiyaan toh faasle hue. He's never understood it better before this moment.
Ishan's heart is beating fast, one of his hands is under Shubhman's tshirt and other hand is tangled in his ever perfect hair. Shubhman moves his hands from Ishan's thighs to his hips and the other one to his throat.
He digs his thumb just under Ishan's chin and Ishan moans in his mouth, his hips stuttering on their own accord.
"I'm gonna mark you up," Shubhman says, voice croaky. "That fine, Jaana?"
Ishan nods, dazed as all hell as he focuses on the way Shubhman feels under him, the friction delicious and his hold addictive.
Ishan only realises that he's had his eyes closed when Shubhman changes the position of the hand on his throat and Ishan whines. It's something he knows Shubhman will tease him later but right now, he dives to bite at Ishan's collarbone.
The sting makes him hiss but Shubhman blows air on it and presses a chaste kiss on the spot, following the ritual all over Ishan's collarbone.
Ishan has to wear high collared tshirts for the next two days.
Tagging: @mayakimayahai @kyayaarkiraa @ronika-writes-stuff @onthecloudseven @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou
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his-heart-hymns · 7 months
When Arthur Golden wrote:
The heart dies a slow death, shedding each hope like leaves until one day there are none. No hopes. Nothing remains.
And when Ahmed Faraz recited this couplet in a hopeless tone:
ab lahu rone ki khwahish na lahu hone ki
dil-e-zinda tire mar jaane ka mausam aaya.
And when Juan Elia posed this question, his eyes brimming with tears, his voice steeped in melancholy:
Aap ab puchhne ko aaye hain???
dil meri jaan mar gaya kab ka.
I was left speechless; all I could do was agree with all three of them.
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raat ke saare bara baje me mama sunte sunte pace kar rha hu aur khirki ke bahar ek ladki safed saari pehenke pose de rhi hai. can't even make shit up. das minute ho gaya yeh modelling kar rhi hai.
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mintusblog · 2 years
Didi, Main Aur Chudai - Part 3
by muna69 January 4, 2018 3,483
Pichhle parts padhne ke baad ye padhiye.
Kal jhimididi chali jaegi, uski pati aa rahaa thaa usko lene. Hum dono chah rahe the ki kese v karke atleast ek baar lund chut ko milaa den.
Whatsapp messages me :
Jhimididi – muna kahan par hai??.
Time 8 baje the.
Maine – bathroom me.
Jhimididi – kya kar rahaa hai wahan par?
Maine – tujhe chod rahaa hun man me , hilaa rahaa hun.
Jhimididi – aajaa ab mere room jaldi binaa der karke.
Main suddenly chalaa wahan se nikal ke. Room me pahunchte hi unhone mera khada hua lund jo ki sirf half pant me thaa tambu banaa rahaa thaa use pakad li n pant ke andar dono haath se lund pakadne lagi, mere muhn me jiv dalke kiss kar rahi thiii(( room ki light off thi, khulaa thi, lock nehin kar sakte , doubt karenge))
Tavi usne room ki darwaja ke paas aayi n aage dekhte hue khadi hui n whispering tone me boli.
Jhimididi – chod mujhe pichhe se lund daal. Itna keh ke thodaa bend ho gaii, aage dekh rahi hai, apni nighty upar kar li pichhe se kamar tak.
Maine uske chutardon ke bich lund thodaa fasaa upar niche huaa n uske upar jhuk ke boobs maslaayaa jo ki sirf nighty me the with out bra.
Jhimididi – pagal wo sab karegaa to lund nehin daal paayegaa.
Maine–mene ek hath se lund pakad ke uske chut ki chhed dhund rahaa thaa tavi jhimididi ne pichhe haath karke lund apni chut me set kar di.
Jhimididi – ab daal andar.
Maine – ab dhire se dhakaa dene lagaa uski chut thodi gili ho chuki thi, meraa lund do tin baar jor lagaane se puraa andar chalaa gayaa.
Jhimididi – aaahh whispering tone me, kitnaa motta kitnaa badaa hai salaa meraa pet tak aa gayaa, mar gayaa mee..
Maine- – ab uski kamar ko di hath se pakd ke lund peltaa rahaa, me to satve asman me thaaa, chodne me kyaa majaa lund dalte hi pataa chal gayaa. Ye kahani aap desi kahani dot net par padh rhe hai.
Mai – koi aa v jaae to v me chodne me nehin rukungaa,chaahe aage ji hogaa dekhaa jaaegaa..
Main jor jor se dhakaa marne lagaa..
Jhimididi – aur jor se madarchod, aur jor se aaahhuiiiii ahhhhhh, whispering tone me
Maine raftaaar bahot jor kar di didi v gaand hilaati rahi..hum karib 10 min wese karte rahe fir me jhadne wala thaa, didi ko ya kaha mene, didi ruk ke mujhe aage kari n mere lund muhn me leli ghutno par baith ke..
Jhimididi – aage dekh saale, koi aa jaegaa, whispering tone me.
Meraa saraa maal wo pi gaiii..fir didi khadi hoke mujhe kiss karne lagi n meraa haath ko leke uski chut me rakh ke do unglian mere andar kari li, saale me jhadaa nehin hun abtak. Kuchh time me ungli se chodne lagaa karib do min tak ( didi khadi hoke mere lund ko pakad ke sehlaa rahi thi n chut mera hath pakad ke jor jor se ungli dal rahi thi))
Fir maine turant didi ko aage kar di.
Main – chodunga tujhe tere jhadne tak.
Jhimididi – waah saale bahot staminaa hai to tere me. Chal suru ho jaa. Usne pehle jesi pose me aa gai. Maine didi ki ek pair uthaai n dure hath se uski kamar ko achhe se pakdaa thaa taaki wo gire naa didi v darwaja ko pakdi thi. Maine jhatke marne shuru kar dii karib 5 min baad hum dono ek saath paani chhod diye, didi meraa lund hataa liyaa thaa jab me jhadne wala thaa taki mera sperm uske andar naa jaaen.
Humdono fir alag ho gaye, dhire se ek ek baari baari karke nikal gaye.
Didi subah ready ho gayi thi uskaa pati aa gaya tha, hum dono kaafi naaraaj the usne isharon me kahaa sirf 5din baad,n mere phone ko ishara kiya taaki hum videi calling karen..
Fir didi aa jaati thi live nude ho ke puraa, me kavi chhat par chalaa jaata tha n kahin bahar jahan koi nehin hotaa thaa..
Didi bahot kuchh xpression dikhati thi horny type ki sexy, apni striping karti thi n uski chut me ungli daal ke mastrubate kart thi, uski pati jab v nehin hota thaa usne saara time imo par mere sath,nangi hoke apni bete ko dudh pilati thi.
kuchh rod type ke pakad ke mera lund keh ke use muhn me leti thi n kehti thi ki tu feel kar, imagine kar ki tera lund ye hai. Par me jyadatar use apna lund nehin dikhaa paata, bich bich me bathroom jaake dikhaa taa tha n uss time hilaake sare sperms mobile par daal detaa tha kyun wo us time muhn khol ke video par hoti thi pine ki role play kartii.
Hum dono kaafi kuchh kiye mobile par, call karke gandi gandi baaten gaali di ek dusre ko. Usne to ek baar kaahaa ki aaj tujhe bataunga ki meraa pati kitnaa nikamaa hai.
Raat ko usne mobile video recording on karke chhupake rakh di n use mujhe forward ki.
Uskaa pati saalaa aaya bed par baith ke uski boobs ko thodaa dabaayaa n usko nangi kar di n khud v nangaa ho gayaa. Saale kaa meraa half size puraa chhotaa saa, pet v bahar hai uska. Usne lund ko chut me daala didi ko sulake uski upar ho ke n aap believe nehin karoge maximum 10 ya 15 baar lund ko upar niche karte hi jhad gayaa n wo side hoke so gayaa saalaa didi ko binaa kuchh kahe.
Didi uss raat mujhe cl karke ye video veji bathroom aake n imo par apni chut dikhaake ungli ki main v apnaa lund bathroom me jaake dikhaayaa n hilaayaa use dekh ke.
Ese hi time aa gayaa jiskaa mujhe kab se intejar thaa. Uski pati chalaa gaya. Fir didi ne uski maa ko phone karke kaahaa ki maa munaa ko vej de yahan, mera pati chalaa gayaa aaj.. Fir uski maa ne mujhe kaha ki betaa teri jhimididi bulaa rahi hai usko akela bahot kast ho rahaa hai apne chhote bete kaa sath rehne me, kaam kuchh nehin kar paati tu chalaa jaa.
Main – didi ko bolo ki wo mujhe phone karke bole ( natak kiyaa thodaa, ichha naa hone ki face ki upar se)). Fir uski maa ne kaha avi tu phone lagaa to use.
Main phone lagaayaa loudspeaker diya, uski maa ne baat kari fir didi ne plz aajaa ree keh ke boli ( wo to maahir hai acting me).
Time kuchh 10 baje hoge, maine subah se nahaa liyaa thaa jaan bujh ke kahin ready hone kliye time naa waste ho isliye. Fir adhe ghante me main nikal gayaa. Bus me baithte hi didi ko call kiya n bolaa ki mai baith gayaa hun bus me. Didi aajaa mere raja tere liye bahot kuchh banaa rahaa hun v khaane kliye, maine kahaa ki me to kuchh aur hi khaungaa.
Jhimididi – abey tu bus me hai, kya bol rahaa hai. Whtsp par aa
Main aur didi baate karne lage kon kyaa karenge aur kese kese , meraa lund paani chhod chukaa thaa excitement me, udhar didi v bahot excited thi mere se jyaadaa( wo bahot hi hornyyy hai).
Karib 1.20pm baje maine phone karke bataya ki bus stop se jaa raaha hun main. Main 15 min main didi ki quarter par aa pahunchaa, gate khulaa thaa n ghar ki darwaja v.
Main jute bahar rakhe n jameen par paaon ko dabate dabate dhire dhire enter kiyaa,bag ko dhire rakhaa n darwaja band kar di andar se, didi ko dhund ne lagaa uska bete soyaa thaa, didi kitchen me rasoi kar rahi thi, ek nighty daali thi, is side ko uski gaand thi jo bahot badi lag rahi thi. Main wese hi dhire dhire paaon ko dabate dabaate gayaa n didi ke paas aa pahunchha puraa n niche baith gayaa. Didi ki nighty ko niche se uthaayaa thodaa..
Didi – kab aa gayaa re mujhe pataa nehin chalaa.
Maine binaa kuchh kahe nighty me muhn dalke upar kamar ko pakdi ((nighty ke andar se sabkuchh ho rahaa hai))n uski chut (( panty pehni thi wo)) ko daant se kaatne lagaa panty ke upar se jor se.
Jhimididi – kya kar rahaa hai mar gaiii aaaaahhhhhhhhh
Main – tujhe to kahaa thaa ki tu panty nehin pehenegi.
Jhimididi – are baba use utaar de naa, avi ruk thodaa mera khane kaa dish ban jaaegaa thode hi der me fir humlog khaake sab kuchh karenge.
Main–mujhe or kuchh khaanaa nehin ye iske siwah kehke maine panty nikall diya. Didi per upar niche kari taaki panty nikal jaae, fir didi ne apne peron ko thoda filaayaa. Faad ke khadi hui
Jhimididi – ruk jaa naa aur thodaa, sabr kaa fal mithaa hai kehke hasi.
Main – ek v second miss nehin karungaa teri pati aane tak.
Jhimididi – saale itni jaldi hai. Kehke usne mere head ko dabane lagi n gaand hilaa hilaa ke side to side, round round karke uski chut ko khilaa rahi thi. Me uski nighty ke andr thaa, tavi didi ne mere muhn par baithne lagi gaand niche niche karke, chut ko chatwaa rahi thi achhe se. Me jiv se chhat rahaa thaa chaaro aur.
Jhimididi – ahiiii uuuiiiiiii ahhhhhhhh mmmmmm aaahhhh siskariyan varne lagi. Me to ye sun ke pagal ho rahaa thaa
Jhimididi – saale room ke darwaja ander se lock hai kya.
Main – didi ki chut ki daano ko daant se kaat te hue haan kahaa.
Jhimididi uthi mere head ko pakad ke wese hi n upar dekhne lagi khaana kahin lagaa to nahin, didi ki nighty puraa patli si thi upar dekhaa andar se to dono boobs jhule hue hain, kyaa najaaraa thi dosto puchho mat. Didi ki height mere se thodaa hi kam hai n uski nighty bahot dhili thi maine andar se hi ghtno par baithaa na haath badhaa ke do falon ko pakda, ese lag rahaa thaa ki pedon par do fal.
Fir main dabayaa n uski nipple ko ragdaa.. Meraa muhn thik uske chut par tha par me busy thaa upar . Didi ne apni chut ko aage karke mere muhn se chipkaa di n left hath se meraa head dabaai, wo right haat se khaanaa banaa rahi thi. Ye kahani aap desi kahani dot net par padh rhe hai.
Didi – aur do min sirf. Khanaa ho jaegaa. Main jor jor se chaata, upar boobs dabaa rahaa thaa dono haath se, chut ki baalon se me khel rahaa hun bahot achha lag rahaa thaa me use apne face par ragad rahaa thaa, nak ko side to side ghumake khelaa thodaa.
Jhimididi – uthhhh bee, khaanaa khatm, teraa ho gayaa ab meri baari.
Main – kyaaaa ho gayaaa???????..
Jhimididi ne nighty ko niche se upar kar ke kaadh di puraa. Ab wo puri nangi thi. Didi ko achhe se dekhaa tak nehin maine aake to direct chut ki darsan. Fir didi ne meraa baal pakad ke uthaayaa upar,me khadaa ho gayaa.
Didi 2min kliye mere aankhin me aankhen daalke khadi rahi.
Jhimididi – mujhe dekh be meri aankhon ko, saale luchi chhipi me hum log pyar karnaa vul gaye the, sex ki asli majaa vul gaye the. Didi ki baat mujhe achhi lagi me use dekhtaa rahaa. Fir didi ne aage badh ke meraa hoth ko ek kiss kiya n pichhe le li muhn suddenly jab maine use karne jaa rahaa thaa. Fir didi kuchh samay ese sataayaa.
Fir jhimididi ne meraa hoth ko kiss karne lagi hum log ek dusre ki head pakad ke kiss karne lage jiv andar daalke, mujhe bahot hi achha lag rahaa thaa didi jese kiss kar rahi thi. Mere muhn me jiv dalke wo apni laal (saliva)v andar dali n paglon ki tarah kiss karne lagi.
Uska ek hath mere jeans par tha lund ko masal raha tha. Fir usne mere neck par chumaa jiv lagaake chaataa. Main uski baalon ko dono haath se pakdaa thaa, fir meraa hath uski dono boobs par chale gaye,
Jhimididi – mere head ko pakad ke kaha apni jiv puraa baahar nikal ke rakhnaa, kuchh karnaa mat. Maine jitnaa ho sake nikaalaa.
Didi ne mere jiv ko lolipop ki tarah chusaa apni jiv uske upar lagake upar se niche lati thi to kavi chusti tho hoth se.
Mera hath uski gaand ko chalaa gayaa, didi ki chut or mere jeans me jo dastance thi maine use puraa laagaa diyaa, mera lund jeans me hote hue v bahot aage tak thaa tambu hoke, didi ki chut ko wo ragad rahaa thaa.
Maine pichhe se uski gaand ko masalta, chutardon ke bich haath leke maalish kartaa thaa. Didi upar mere jiv par lagi thi. Uski ye sab mujhe puraa pagal banaa rakhaa thaa. Fir didi ne mera pant ki chain niche khol di n lund ko nikalne ki kosis kari. Didi – saale khol ise.
Maine jeans kaa buttom kholaa, didi jeans ko thodaa niche kar li n mera chadi ko v niche kar li. Ab wo upar kiss kar rahi thi n niche lund ko hilaa rahi thi.
Fir suddenly didi niche baith gayi n meraa lund chusne lagi puraa randi ki tarah chus rahi thi paglon ki tarah, puraa andar leti thi n bahar karti thi maine v uski mouth ko chodaa jor jor se mujhse rahaa nehin gayaa, didi ki binaa sune jor jor se jhatkaa maara, didi ki head ko pkdaa thaa maine.
Fir main jhad gayaa didi ne saari maal pili ek bund v nehin chhodi wo mera gotion ko v sehlaa rahaa thaa. Tavi didi ne upar uthke meraa t shirt khol di ab hum dono puraa nange the.
Didi – chal hum khaa lete hai tu utni dur se aai hai n tera lund v ek baar paain chhid di hai chal tujhe energy detaa hun. Didi itnaa keh ke mudi kitchen ki self par, kyaa kahun yaar didi nangi kesi pag rahi thi, kisise v compare nehin kar sakte ho tum. ” pamela sanchez” pornstar jesi meri didi ki figure hai usse se v jyada achhi, face cutting ek heroine jesi.
Fir hum dono ne kese nange khaana khaaye n uske baad kyaa kiya, ye next part mein bataunga, tab tak apko meri didi ki chudai kesi lagi mujhe jarur batana, Meri mail id hai “[email protected]”.
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Abadikan momen spesial Anda dengan jasa foto pernikahan profesional NainsMedia. Hubungi kami di Surabaya untuk hasil terbaik! Selain foto pernikahan, NainsMedia juga menawarkan berbagai layanan yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dokumentasi acara Anda:
1. Foto Prewedding
Sesi prewedding adalah kesempatan bagi pasangan untuk menunjukkan sisi lain dari hubungan mereka. Dalam sesi ini, NainsMedia akan membantu Anda memilih lokasi yang paling sesuai dan memberikan arahan untuk pose yang alami. Hasil dari sesi ini akan menjadi koleksi foto yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk undangan atau sebagai bagian dari dekorasi pada hari pernikahan.
2. Video Pernikahan
Selain foto, video juga sangat penting untuk mengabadikan momen spesial. Tim NainsMedia menyediakan layanan videografi untuk memastikan bahwa semua momen dari awal hingga akhir hari pernikahan Anda terabadikan dengan baik. Dengan editing yang profesional, video pernikahan Anda akan bercerita dan menghidupkan kembali kenangan indah setiap kali Anda menontonnya.
3. Dokumentasi Acara Bisnis
NainsMedia juga menawarkan jasa foto produk kreatif untuk bisnis di Surabaya. Dokumentasi acara bisnis sangat penting untuk memperkuat citra perusahaan dan mengkomunikasikan brand kepada audiens. Kami membantu perusahaan dalam menangkap momen-momen penting, seperti seminar, konferensi, peluncuran produk, dan acara tahunan. Hasil dokumentasi ini dapat digunakan untuk promosi dan pemasaran di berbagai platform.
4. Foto Produk
Bagi Anda yang memiliki bisnis, foto produk yang menarik dan berkualitas sangatlah penting. Hub : 0811-3328-445 NainsMedia jasa foto produk kreatif untuk bisnis di Surabaya memberikan layanan fotografi produk yang dapat membantu Anda menampilkan produk dengan cara yang paling menarik. Kami mengerti betapa pentingnya visual dalam menarik pelanggan, sehingga kami berusaha untuk menghasilkan foto yang menonjolkan keunggulan dan fitur produk Anda.
Proses Kerja NainsMedia
Setiap proyek dimulai dengan konsultasi awal. Kami ingin memahami apa yang Anda harapkan dari layanan kami, baik untuk pernikahan maupun acara bisnis. Proses kerja kami terdiri dari beberapa tahap:
Konsultasi Awal Tim kami akan bertemu dengan Anda untuk mendiskusikan rincian acara, tema, dan gaya yang diinginkan. Ini adalah kesempatan untuk bertanya dan menjelaskan semua yang Anda inginkan.
Perencanaan Setelah mendapatkan pemahaman yang baik tentang kebutuhan Anda, kami akan merencanakan sesi foto dan video. Ini termasuk lokasi, waktu, dan konsep pemotretan.
Pelaksanaan Pada hari acara, tim kami akan hadir lebih awal untuk memastikan segala sesuatunya berjalan lancar. Kami akan bergerak dengan sigap untuk menangkap setiap momen, tanpa mengganggu jalannya acara.
Editing dan Penyampaian Hasil Setelah acara selesai, tim editing kami akan bekerja untuk memproses foto dan video. Kami akan memastikan setiap hasil akhir memenuhi standar tinggi kami sebelum diserahkan kepada Anda.
Lokasi dan Kontak
Visit our Website: https://nainsmedia.com/ untuk melihat portofolio kami dan informasi lebih lanjut tentang layanan yang kami tawarkan. Jika Anda berada di Surabaya dan membutuhkan jasa foto pernikahan, Anda dapat mengunjungi kami di Lokasi: Jl. Gunung Anyar Tambak IV No. 50, Surabaya. Untuk pertanyaan atau pemesanan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di Hub : 0811-3328-445 NainsMedia jasa foto pernikahan profesional di Surabaya.
Testimoni Pelanggan
Salah satu cara terbaik untuk menilai kualitas layanan adalah melalui pengalaman pelanggan sebelumnya. Berikut adalah beberapa testimoni dari klien yang puas dengan layanan NainsMedia:
“Kami sangat senang dengan hasil foto pernikahan kami. Tim NainsMedia sangat profesional dan mampu menangkap setiap momen dengan indah.”
“Sesi prewedding kami sangat menyenangkan dan hasilnya luar biasa. Kami mendapatkan banyak pujian dari keluarga dan teman-teman.”
“Dokumentasi acara bisnis kami terlihat sangat profesional. Kami akan bekerja sama dengan NainsMedia lagi di masa depan!”
Memilih jasa fotografi pernikahan yang tepat adalah langkah penting dalam merencanakan hari besar Anda. Dengan Hub : 0811-3328-445 NainsMedia jasa foto pernikahan profesional di Surabaya, Anda tidak hanya mendapatkan foto berkualitas tinggi, tetapi juga pengalaman yang menyenangkan selama proses pemotretan. Dari sesi prewedding hingga dokumentasi acara bisnis, NainsMedia siap membantu Anda mengabadikan setiap momen berharga dalam hidup Anda. Abadikan momen spesial Anda dengan jasa foto pernikahan profesional NainsMedia. Hubungi kami di Surabaya untuk hasil terbaik!
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hymnoire · 2 months
     — ꣼ 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑤𝑎𝑛.
chapter. 06. A new era.
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Kaeleena was born a few minutes after her twin, Gaya, the records say. Both grew up as orphans in the all girls orphanage The Swans of Misericorde, in Buckinghamshire in the United Kingdom. The orphanage, bathed in religious beliefs, aimed to raise and shape girls, considering them promising of a bright future, calling them gifted, chosen ones. Once they have completed their educations, they are sent to power families in order for the hidden faces behind the orphanage to establish a web accross the world. Each country, each powerful family has a Swan. Gaya was sent to Seoul Korea in the Kang family, posing as the daughter of the Minister of Justice and future member of the government. As for Kaeleena, she stayed, separated from her Gaya and the other swans. Kaeleena was different, silent, observent, gilfted of an intellect above her sisters. This one... Never let her go. Would say their Mother Supreme, Libitina.
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After graduation, Kaeleena is sent to Oxford to pursue her education in medicine. Excelling, she becomes a neuro surgeon, neuro specialist, reknown and admired. Her lectures and conferences are fought over to simply have the chance to attend, a conversation with her is highly praised. Brilliant, one of the erudit of her generations as many of her researches on the human brain as been inspiring for the neurosciences communitee. Her smile, her eloquence, the softness of her voice however hides the loss of humanity as day by day she goes furthur, succesfully developping what she calls The Rebirth, for human to transcend itself. As Libitina chooses Kaeleena as her successor as Mother Supreme, Kaeleena's day has come, to use the House of Misericorde to do better and embrace her dreams of Rebirth.
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The world is evolving with new pathways opening up. The convergence of the human brain and technology is on the rise, blurring the lines between human and machine. transhumanism/ Kaeleena sees this as an opportunity and prioritizes the alliance between the House of Misericorde and Transhumanist Laboratories, place where are modified and enhanced human cognition and bodily function, expanding abilities and capacities beyond current biological constraints.. Renowned for her expertise, she frequently contributes to designing brain maps and performing brain surgery in case of damage for what they create in these laboratories : groundbreaking weapons.
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mylancap1 · 3 months
Amyra Rosli, Fucking with Stilettos
Aku rindu Amyra Rosli yang dulu. Versi dia freehair. Celebs yang selalu aku lenjan masa dia freehair Amyra ni lah. Masa dia dah hijab aku dah slow down. Amyra ni cukup pakej kategori rare. Bagi aku muka dia special sebab rare. Banyak kali aku lancap tanpa sedar dick aku dah lunyai. Dia punya muka dengan bibir cun. Memang aku terbayangkan dia BJ dan deepthroat aku sambil jaga eye contact. Boleh terpancut awal sial. Shittt. Outfit dia sebelum bertudung pun buat aku gila. Selalu dia pakai heels dan posing dengan gaya bernafsu. Aku memang geram nak fuck dia dekat situ jugak. Fuckkk.
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Photobooth untuk Festival Daya Tarik Unik yang Wajib Ada
Festival adalah momen yang dinantikan oleh banyak orang, tempat berkumpulnya komunitas untuk merayakan musik, seni, budaya, dan banyak lagi. Di tengah keramaian dan keseruan, ada satu daya tarik yang semakin populer dan dicari oleh pengunjung—photobooth. Tidak hanya sebagai spot untuk berfoto, photobooth telah menjadi elemen penting dalam meningkatkan pengalaman festival. Berikut adalah alasan mengapa photobooth wajib ada di setiap festival.
1. Menciptakan Kenangan yang Tak Terlupakan
Festival adalah tentang menciptakan kenangan, dan photobooth adalah cara sempurna untuk mengabadikan momen-momen spesial. Pengunjung dapat mengambil foto dengan teman-teman, keluarga, atau bahkan orang asing yang baru dikenal. Dengan latar belakang yang dirancang khusus sesuai tema festival, setiap foto menjadi lebih berarti dan unik.
Selain itu, photobooth sering dilengkapi dengan berbagai properti yang lucu dan menarik. Topi, kacamata, papan tulisan, hingga aksesori konyol lainnya, semuanya menambah keseruan saat berfoto. Pengunjung dapat bereksperimen dengan berbagai pose dan gaya, menciptakan kenangan yang akan mereka bawa pulang dan bagikan di media sosial.
2. Meningkatkan Interaksi Pengunjung
Photobooth tidak hanya tentang berfoto; ini adalah tempat di mana pengunjung bisa berinteraksi satu sama lain. Dalam suasana yang santai dan penuh keceriaan, orang-orang cenderung lebih terbuka untuk berkomunikasi dan berbaur. Mereka mungkin mulai berfoto dengan sekelompok teman dan berakhir dengan mengajak orang lain yang mereka temui di sana untuk berfoto bersama.
Interaksi ini dapat menciptakan ikatan baru dan memperkuat rasa kebersamaan di antara peserta festival. Photobooth, dengan suasana yang menyenangkan, berfungsi sebagai katalis yang mendekatkan orang-orang.
3. Alat Promosi yang Efektif
Dari sudut pandang penyelenggara festival, photobooth adalah alat promosi yang sangat efektif. Dengan menambahkan logo festival atau sponsor pada setiap foto, festival dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan promosi gratis saat foto-foto tersebut dibagikan di media sosial. Ini tidak hanya meningkatkan visibilitas acara, tetapi juga memberikan pengunjung alasan tambahan untuk membagikan pengalaman mereka.
Bahkan, beberapa photobooth kini dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur canggih seperti instant sharing ke media sosial, GIF animasi, hingga filter-filter khusus yang bisa disesuaikan dengan tema festival. Semua ini membuat photobooth menjadi daya tarik yang selalu ramai dikunjungi pengunjung.
4. Menghadirkan Hiburan di Tengah Festival
Festival yang besar sering kali membuat pengunjung merasa lelah atau membutuhkan istirahat sejenak dari keramaian. Photobooth menyediakan tempat yang sempurna untuk itu. Pengunjung dapat bersantai sejenak sambil bersenang-senang berfoto. Ini juga menjadi alternatif hiburan yang berbeda dari panggung utama, memberikan variasi aktivitas yang bisa dinikmati pengunjung.
5. Memperkuat Identitas Festival
Terakhir, photobooth dapat disesuaikan dengan tema festival, memperkuat identitas dan pesan yang ingin disampaikan. Baik itu festival musik dengan tema retro, atau festival budaya dengan nuansa tradisional, photobooth dapat dirancang sedemikian rupa untuk menonjolkan karakteristik unik dari festival tersebut.
Dengan menghadirkan photobooth, festival tidak hanya memberikan hiburan tambahan bagi pengunjung tetapi juga menciptakan nilai lebih yang akan dikenang dalam waktu yang lama.
Photobooth telah menjadi elemen penting dalam berbagai acara, termasuk festival. Dari menciptakan kenangan indah, meningkatkan interaksi, hingga berfungsi sebagai alat promosi, photobooth menawarkan banyak manfaat. Jadi, jika Anda sedang merencanakan festival, jangan lupa untuk menambahkan photobooth sebagai salah satu daya tarik utama. Ini adalah investasi kecil yang dapat memberikan dampak besar pada pengalaman pengunjung.
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kailash-parikrama · 6 months
Places to visit around Kailash Mansarovar Yatra
There are numerous sightseeing places near Mount Kailash and Mansorvar Lake making the entire yatra a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Below are some of the places near Kailash Mansorvar
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Mount Kailash
Mount Kailash is a mountain that rises 21,778 feet above sea level. Every year tourists flock to this place to catch a glimpse of the marvel and splendour of the place. Mount Kailash is one of the world’s highest peak points in the southwest corner of Tibet among the mighty Himalayan ranges. 
Apart from that it is a source of four main rivers that include the Brahmaputra, Sutlej, Ganges and Indus. Apart from that the spiritual significance of the place draws in a lot of people this is a magnificent pilgrimage site that is visited by people of all religious groups
Nandi Parvat
Nandi is Lord Shiva’s Wahan and it is believed that Nandi exists in the form of Nandi Parvat This is shaped like the Nandi and is located Near Mount Kailash. Nandi is worshipped as Lords messenger as devotees believe that they can communicate with Lord Shiva by whispering message into Nandi’s ears. When visiting Nandi, you can come across numerous spiritual sites.
Kailash Parikrama
Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva are said to live on Mount Kailash. According to Shiva Purana, circumambulating the mountain aids in the purification of all sins. The journey is 53 km long and it does take 3 days to complete. The journey is a thrill in itself with many challenges posed by extreme weather with a scarcity of oxygen.
One of the hallowed temples for the Hindus and Buddhists the temple is situated at the foot of Thorong La Mountain Pass in Mushang, Nepal. The temple is situated at an altitude of 3710 metres and is one of the 51 Shakti Peetha goddess sites. For the Hindus, the holy site of MuktiNath is referred to as Mukti Shetra which means the place of liberation. Hindus believe that Lord Vishnu attained liberation from the curse of Brinda
Yam Dwar
It is placed at a height of 15,000 feet approx. this is one of the important destinations of Mount Kailash. This takes around 30 minutes to drive from Darchen to reach Yam Dwar. This is the starting point of the circumnutation of Mount Kailash. According to many Tibetans, the holy deity Demchok resides at  Mount Kailash. Every year a religious ceremony takes place where a new flag pole is established at Tarboche.
Siwasthal is located 3 km away from Deraphuk Enroute to Dolma La Pass. It is referred to as the replication of the funeral ground in Budh Gaya in Bihar. The general assumption is that those who visit the place experience a metaphorical death and enter the presence of Yama. The rebirth takes place at Dola La. Clothes, shoes along with bags are scattered there. There are offerings made by pilgrims who visit the place. Some unusual forms of offerings like bones, hair and blood are also made by the people here.
Tarboche is a popular flag pole that stands great on Mount Kailash. The flagpole remains draped in a colourful Tibetan shade. One of the crucial aspects of the festival is replacing the Taboche flag. As part of the ceremony, the flag is erected and a new flag is put in its place. The festival is celebrated commensurate with Sakyamuni’s enlightenment.
To sum up things these are some of the tourist attractions around Kailash Mansorvar that you can visit. It is suggested that you plan your trip properly so that you can cover all these places.
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t-jfh · 7 months
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Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has died in jail.
Alexei Navalny mocked Vladimir Putin regularly — in Russia, dissent can come with lethal consequences
Alexei Navalny, who was found dead in prison on Friday, got under the skin of Vladimir Putin like no-one else.
The 47-year-old exposed the so-called "strongman" of Russian politics for what he really was — an authoritarian president fearful of free elections, free speech and a free press.
An insecure man who is terrified of the truth and of justice, who crushes any form of dissent through violence and incarceration.
By Europe bureau chief Steve Cannane in London
ABC News - 18 February 2024
PLEASE NOTE: The following article ‘Navalny’s Lesson For The World’ was published on April 22, 2021 by The Atlantic. Its inclusion here reflects an historical perspective in relation to current geopolitical developments and the ongoing quest for evolutionary democracy >>
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Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny gestures behind a glass enclosure during his trial at the Babuskinsky District Court. (Photo: AP)
Navalny’s Lesson For The World
The Russian opposition leader showed what courage means.
By Anne Applebaum
The Atlantic - April 22, 2021 p p pop
Shared from Apple News
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Aleksei Navalny during his campaign for mayor of Moscow in 2013. (Photo: Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times)
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Mr. Navalny’s wife Yulia Navalnaya, daughter Daria (aka Dasha) and son Zahar accept the award for best documentary feature film with the creators of “Navalny” at the 2023 Oscars.
(Photo: Todd Heisler / The New York Times)
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Mr. Navalny in an image from a video link during a court hearing in Kovrov, Russia, in 2022.
(Photo: Yulia Morozova / Reuters)
Who was Aleksei Navalny?
Aleksei A. Navalny, the outspoken activist who died in prison on Friday, was born on June 4, 1976, according to his website, and grew up outside Moscow to liberal parents who opposed Soviet rule.
Starting his political career as an anticorruption blogger who organized street protests, Mr. Navalny mobilized a generation of young Russians through social media and rose to prominence for investigations into Russia’s elite.
Here’s a look at Mr. Navalny’s career:
By Gaya Gupta
The New York Times - February 16, 2024
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Flowers and a photo of Alexei Navalny at a memorial near the Russian consulate in Frankfurt, Germany on Saturday.
In Russia, such tributes to Alexei Navalny - typically laid at improvised memorial sites - not only serve as a symbol of mourning but also as a form of protest in a country where even the mildest dissent can risk police beatings, arrest and detention.
(Photo: Michael Probst / AP)
Alexei Navalny had a vision of a democratic Russia. That terrified Vladimir Putin to the core.
Alexei Navalny was a giant figure in Russian politics. No other individual rivalled the threat he posed to the Putin regime. His death in an Arctic labour camp is a blow to all those who dreamed he might emerge as the leader of a future democratic Russia.
By Robert Horvath
The Conversation - February 18, 2024
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aynatsblogger · 8 months
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Desert Combat by The Bearded Guy
Land Impact 
📌The Bearded Guy Mainstore
174 Bad Girls - Fatpack by Break
[✔] 4 Single Pose
[✔] Gun Included
[✔] Static Bento Pose 
[✔] Facial Expressions Achieved With Head Huds Hand Poses Bents
Open: 27/Jan/2024
Close: 19/Feb/2024
Moon Dress by JR Wolf Creations
Bodies Fitted For
- Reborn
- Reborn Juicy Boobs
- Kupra
- Kupra Kups
- Maitreya
- Maitreya Petite
- Legacy 
- Legacy Perky 
- GenX Classic
- GenX Curvy
Open: 22/Jan/2024
Close: 12/Feb/2024
📌Ritual Event
Hair: Gaya by [All Divas] ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Forehead Piercing: Dune Chains by Wicca's Originals
Choker: Cross Chain by ::Gabriel::
Eyeshadows: Imff by Jackspoon. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Mask: Hades Gasmask - Black/Gold by [The Forge] ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Garter On Right: Eyecandy Leather by F.E.C ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Garter On Left: Marli by [G-Shot] ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Boots: Eugenia Boots by ~Lavu
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catatanjanisworld · 8 months
Hari itu, dingin sekali. Sampai air untuk berwudhu terasa seperti air dari lemari es. Hingga akhirnya matahari menampakkan sinarnya. Tidak terang, tapi cukup memberi cahaya bagi keindahan danau yang ku datangi ini.
Ya, kala itu aku berada di sebuah danau, berlibur bersama teman-teman yang lebih terasa seperti keluarga. Jalan menujunya tidak terjal atau berbatu, hanya sedikit curam dan licin belokannya, dengan lereng tebing yang mudah longsor dan jurang di kanan kirinya. Ngeri ya? Tapi katanya, jika jalannya sulit, maka akan berakhir indah.
Ternyata kata pepatah itu benar. Danau itu sangat indah dengan kabut putih yang terbang rendah diatasnya. Dengan tanaman hijau yang jadi hiasan di pinggirannya. Dengan jembatan yang jadi pesona untuk mengabadikan momen oleh para manusia yang sengaja datang kesana.
Namun, sebelum aku mendekat ke danau itu ada seseorang yang tak sengaja kutemui di luar tendaku dan teman-teman. Aku ingat dia pernah bertemu denganku beberapa bulan yang lalu, di suatu tempat, yang jauh. Ku ingat wajahnya, dan tiba-tiba aku panggil nama yang terlintas di kepalaku. Beruntungnya nama yang ku sebut tidak keliru. Aku bertanya seakan kita sudah lama mengenal. Ya, tidak aneh melihatku bisa tiba-tiba akrab pada seseorang. Karena tabiatku mencari sebanyak-banyaknya teman di dunia yang terkadang membuatku kesepian ini.
Kami berbincang hampir banyak hal, sedikit ngalor ngidul memang. Memang itulah aku, kata temanku aku ini SKSD (sok kenal sok dekat) meskipun kita baru dua kali ini bertemu. Tapi kurasa dia baik baik saja, tidak terganggu dengan banyaknya omongku (semoga saja dugaanku ini benar).
Kami berbincang lagi di dekat danau, dia bertanya aku naik apa, jam berapa. Aku hanya menjawab sambil menambahkan hal lucu dalam ceritaku. Tentang pintu belakang mobil yang terbuka sendiri saat di tanjakan, hingga membuatku harus memegangnya dengan teman-teman agar barang bawaan kita tidak jatuh. Tentang ujian yang ku kerjakan dengan cepat karena liburan ini lebih penting bagiku. Dia hanya mendengar, terkekeh sedikit, dan mungkin dia baru tahu bahwa aku bisa sebanyak-omong ini. Yang ku sesalkan, aku tak bertanya banyak hal padanya.
Setelah perbincangan itu aku mendekat ke jembatan yang merupakan icon dari tempat itu. Mengantre diantara banyaknya pengunjung, karena melihatku sendirian, dia menawarkan diri untuk mengambil gambarku berlatar danau itu. Aku minta dia mengarahkan aku untuk berpose karena aku sungguh mati gaya saat berfoto. Tapi dia malah menyuruh temannya untuk mengarahkan aku, yah sama saja ternyata dia juga tak tau pose yang bagus untukku. Entah bagaimanapun hasilnya, sungguh, foto itu akan jadi foto yang spesial di galeriku. Aku ucapkan terima kasih padanya, karena sudah membantu anak gadis ini punya foto diri sendiri di tempat seindah itu. Karena terkadang aku terlalu menikmati sebuah tempat, suasananya, pemandangannya, sampai aku lupa untuk mengabadikan kehadiranku disana. Tidak hanya memfotokan diriku, aku mengajaknya berselfie dengan beberapa temanku yang lain. Sebagai tanda kita pernah bertemu, dan sebagai satu-satunya kenangan tentangnya yang bisa aku bawa pulang.
Setelah terima kasih itu, aku bergegas kembali ke tendaku. Dan waktu kita bertemu-pun telah berakhir, dia berpamitan. Aku melihatnya dari kejauhan. Tanpa melihatku, dia hanya mengucap "Semoga selamat sampai tujuan" yang dia tujukan tidak hanya untukku. Namun yang tak pernah dia tahu, sejak hari itu aku tak pernah selamat dari angan-angan dan kenangan tentangnya.
Akankah kita bertemu lagi?
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filingmataas · 9 months
Kaya bang lumaki kahit hindi lalaki?
Isang komentaryo na isinulat nina Taylor Swift at Joel Little ang “The Man”. Gumagamit ito ng simbolismo upang bigyang-diin at ipaliwanag ang hindi pagkakapantay-pantay ng kasarian, pagbibigay-liwanag sa mga pagkiling sa lipunan at dobleng pamantayan sa pamamagitan ng tinatawag na "patriarchy". Partikular na nagpapakita ang kanta ng mga kultural na kaugalian na nagpapahintulot, at kung minsan, hinihikayat ang mga lalaki na bumuo ng labis na mga ego.
Matalinong isinulat ang kantang ito gamit ang pangunahing-taong pananaw dahil ipinapakita nito na maaari pa ring maapektuhan ng mga bias ng kasarian ang isang malaking icon sa industriya ng musika gaya ni Taylor. Ginagamit niya ang kanta para ituro kung paano kinukuwestiyon, minamaliit, at pinapawalang-halaga ang lahat ng kanyang pagsusumikap dahil lang babae siya. Partikular na ipinapakita ang mga ito sa mga liriko na “They'd say I hustled / Put in the work / They wouldn't shake their heads and question how much of this I deserve / What I was wearing / If I was rude / Could all be separated from my good ideas and power moves?” Ginamit rin niya ang kanta upang ipakita kung gaano kaiba ang pakikitungo sa kanya kung isang lalaki siya dahil sa mga kalamangang iniaalok sa kanila sa buhay.
Direktang sinabi ni Taylor Swift sa chorus ng kanta, "I'm so sick of running as fast as I can / Wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man," na nagbibigay-diin sa mga hamon na tinitiis ng mga babae na hindi nakakaapekto sa mga lalaki. Nagpinta siya ng larawan ng mga kababaihan sa mga sitwasyon kung saan nasa industriyang pinangungunahan ng mga lalaki sila, kaya kailangan nilang maglagay ng higit na pagsisikap at patunayan ang kanilang mga sarili sa lahat ng oras upang seryosohin.
Gumagamit pa siya ng mga simbolo tulad ng "manspreading pose" sa opisyal na music video na sumasagisag kung paano itinuturing na normal sa lipunan ang mga lalaking sumusubok na kumuha ng mas maraming espasyo hangga't maaari bagama't hindi sila gusto ng mga tao, at iilan lamang ang nagsisikap para baguhin ito. Kasama rin sa susunod na eksena si Tyler, ang hypothetical na lalaking bersyon ni Taylor Swift, na kaswal na humihithit ng sigarilyo at hindi nirerespeto ang babaeng nasa tabi niya sa pamamagitan ng pagpatak ng abo sa kanyang kandungan. Isa lamang ito sa maraming eksenang kasama sa kanyang music video na nagpapakita kung gaano kayabang ang iilang lalaki.
Pumukaw sa aking atensyon ang stanza na ginamit ni Taylor Swift upang ipakita ang dobleng pamantayan at kung paano tinatrato at pinagiisipan nang masama ang kababaihan kapag sinusubukan nilang gawin ang palaging ginagawa ng mga lalaki. Ang stanza na ito ang may lirikong “What's it like to brag about / Raking in dollars / And getting bitches and models / And it's all good if you're bad / And it's okay if you're mad / If I was out flashing my dollars / I'd be a bitch, not a baller / They paint me out to be bad / So it's okay that I'm mad"
Ang paggamit ng pariralang "the man" ang higit na nagpapalakas sa kanta. Lumikha ng isang idyoma ang lipunan para sa pariralang ito na binibigyang kahulugan bilang isang taong magaling sa kanyang mga ginagawa. Paulit-ulit itong ginagamit ni Taylor, at ito ang pinaka-di-diin sa lyrics na "If I was a man / Then I'd be the man". Ibig sabihin, kung lalaki siya, hindi kailanman pagsisiraan ang lahat ng kanyang pagsusumikap at kapangyarihan at papalakpakan at ipagdidiriwang siya para sa lahat ng mga tagumpay na mayroon siya. Nilalayon ng kanta na ipaalam sa mga tagapakinig ang mga dobleng pamantayang ito, at umaasa si Taylor Swift na mababago o maalis ang mga ito sa hinaharap.
Noong 2020, nagkaroon ng pag-aaral ang United Nations kung saan natagpuan nila na may kinikilingan laban sa kababaihan ang 90% ng mga tao sa mundo. Nangyayari pa rin ito ngayon sa 2023, ngunit nakikita ang dobleng pamantayan sa mga bagay gaya ng (1)inaasahan sa isang ama kumpara sa isang ina ng bata, (2) ang "pink tax" kung saan nagbabayad ng mas mataas ang mga kababaihan para sa mga produktong pangkalinisan kumpara sa katumbas ng mga lalaki, (3) hindi pantay na bayad para sa parehong mga trabaho, at (4) kung paano pinapalakpakan ang mga lalaki kapag "heartthrobs" sila habang "sluts" ang mga babae. Isa sa mga misyon at layunin sa buhay ng mga celebrity tulad nina Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Emma Watson, at Lady Gaga na ipaalam ito sa mundo at lumikha ng mas magandang kinabukasan para sa mga batang babae sa kinabukasan.
Kung nais na magbasa pa nang karagdagang impormasyon tungkol sa mga kaganapang nabanggit, maaaring magpatuloy sa mga link na ito:
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