#gay newport rhode island
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gaytravelinfo · 1 month ago
Exploring Rhode Island: A Gay-Friendly Travel Destination
By: đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆDesiree Sousa | Gay Travel Information + We Are Gay Friendly Rhode Island, the smallest state in the United States, is often overlooked in favor of larger neighbors like Massachusetts and New York. However, this charming coastal state is rich in history, culture, and vibrant LGBTQ+ communities, making it an ideal destination for gay-friendly travel. From beautiful beaches to lively

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bobdylan-n-jonimitchell · 2 months ago
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Joan Baez & guest, Newport Folk Festival, 1964 © Gai Terrell.
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darrinjoakley · 5 days ago
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Bicycle Bicycle BICYCLE
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aquariumsoap · 1 year ago
I wanted this year to be the year I got tickets for newport folks but unfortunately my friends it is not (tickets sold out immediately and they're too expensive anyway)
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batboyblog · 2 years ago
Jewish American Heritage Month
May is Jewish American Heritage Month, there's no way I can make a post to highlight ALL the ways Jewish Americans have contributed to American life, culture, politics and History but here are a few
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The Touro Synagogue in Newport Rhode Island is the oldest Synagogue in the United States, built in 1763 for a congregation that dates back to 1658 when 15 Sephardic families moved to America. Touro is also famous for a letter sent to them by President George Washington in 1790 where he assured them of freedom of religion in the new United States:
... the Government of the United States ... gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance. ... May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid. May the father of all mercies scatter light and not darkness in our paths, and make us all in our several vocations useful here, and in his own due time and way everlastingly happy.
- Letter of George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island
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Emma Goldman (1869-1940) Born in what is today Lithuania Goldman immigrated to the United States at the age of 16. She would become in the 1890s one of the leading voices of the anarchist movement and remains one of Anarchisms most important thinkers. Goldman also spoke out and was arrested for supporting birth control at a time when it was illegal. She supported Free Love and even gay rights before the dawn of the 20th Century making her the only major figure of her time to speak out in favor of homosexual love.
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Irving Berlin (1888-1989) Born in what is today central Russia, the Berlin family immigrated to America when Irving was 5 years old. Starting with 1911's "Alexander's Ragtime Band" Berlin would go on to write upwards of 1,500 songs over his 60 year music career. He wrote the scores for 20 Broadway shows, 15 Hollywood movies, was nominated for 8 Oscars and had 25 number one songs on the charts. His most famous songs include, Puttin' on the Ritz, Cheek to Cheek, White Christmas, Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better), and There's No Business Like Show Business. Fellow Jewish composer George Gershwin (1898-1937) declared Berlin "the greatest songwriter that has ever lived"
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Louis Brandeis (1856-1941) A towering legal mind Brandeis would in the early 1900s earn the nickname "The People's Lawyer" for refusing payment in cases for "the public interest" Brandeis fought many antitrust cases in court and fought businesses in court in support of early work place safety laws. Brandeis was also the first to articulate the idea of a Right to Privacy in 1890. Brandeis idea would become the basis of rulings supporting the right to birth control, abortion, and gay rights. Nominated to the Supreme Court in 1916 Brandeis was the first Jewish Justice and was vehemently opposed by antisemites. Fellow Justice James Clark McReynolds refused to speak to Brandeis for years, never signed his name to opinions written by Brandeis, and would often openly start reading a news paper when Brandeis read his opinions from the bench. McReynolds, along with Justices Pierce Butler and Willis Van Devanter sent a letter to President Hoover begging him to not "afflict the Court with another Jew" when he appointed the second Jewish Justice, Benjamin Cardozo, in 1932. Brandeis served 23 years on the Court from 1916 till 1939 and is regularly counted as one of the greatest Justices to ever serve championing Free Speech and progressive policies often from opposition to the Conservative majority of the time.
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Stan Lee (1922-2018) and Jack Kirby (1917-1994) Born Stanley Lieber and Jacob Kurtzberg respectively, Lee and Kirby were among countless Jews who adopted less Jewish sounding names in hopes of escaping discrimination. Lee and Kirby along with countless other Jewish artists and writers formed the backbone of the Golden and Sliver ages of comics. Characters such as Batman and Superman had Jewish creators. Kirby and Lee themselves are responsible for such cultural icons as Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Black Panther, Daredevil, and The X-Men. The preponderance of Jews in the early comics was a result of persistent discrimination against Jews. High class advertising agencies didn't want Jewish artists drawing their ads and literary magazines like The New Yorker weren't interested in Jewish staff writers. So young Jewish artists and writers found themselves in the "less respectable" world of pulp and penny comics where they made a huge cultural impact though many, like Kirby, would fight for years to get the money they deserved and many never did.
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Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011) Kirk Douglas (1916-2020) Douglas was born "Issur Danielovitch" but changed his overly Jewish sounding name to make it in the Hollywood of the 1940s and 50s. regarded as one of the greats of classic Hollywood Douglas would be nominated for Oscar for Best Actor 3 times, for Champion (1949), The Bad and the Beautiful (1952) and Lust for Life (1956). He is most well known for his work with Jewish filmmaker Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) who's first two major films Paths of Glory (1957) and Spartacus (1960) starred Douglas who was also a producer, they are still thought of as some of the best films ever made. Kirk Douglas is also the father of actor Michael Douglas(1944-) Elizabeth Taylor was an iconic star of the Golden Age of Hollywood. Best known for Cleopatra (1961), Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) and The Taming of the Shrew (1967). Taylor converted to Judaism in 1959. An iconic beauty, Taylor was married 8 times to 7 different men (she divorced and remarried and divorced again many time co-star Richard Burton) including to the heir of the Hilton fortune and a US Senator. In the 1980s she would become one of the leading celebrities speaking out and raising money to fight AIDS at a time when fellow Hollywood Star, President Reagan, refused to even say the word in public.
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Sammy Davis Jr. (1925-1990) A singer, dancer, performer and actor Davis was one of the most popular acts of the 1950s and 60s. Well known for performing with Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra in what was known as the Rat Pack. Davis would star along side Martin and Sinatra in Ocean's 11 (1960) as well as other Rat Pack films. In the 1980s he toured with Sinatra and Liza Minnelli. Davis was politically active and influential using his fame to push Presidents Kennedy and Nixon on civil rights. Davis' cross over popularity and being booked to co-star with white acts helped break down the color barrier and push integration. After a nearly fatal car accident in which Davis lost his left eye (he wore a glass eye for the rest of his life) in 1954 he began his path to conversion formally converting to Judaism in 1961.
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Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972) with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rabbi Joachim Prinz (1902-1988) with King. Both Heschel and Prinz were Rabbis in Europe before WWII, Prinz in particular had served as a Rabbi in Berlin in the 1930s and was expelled from Germany by the Nazis in 1937 for embarrassing them internationally. Both men settled in the United States after leaving Europe and would become leading lights of American Jewish community. Prinz would serve as the President of the American Jewish Congress from 1958 till 1966, he would help create the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in 1956 and be its President from 1965 till 1967. Heschel wrote a number of highly influential books such as Man Is Not Alone, God in Search of Man, The Sabbath, and The Prophets which are still widely read today. Both men felt called on by their experiences with the Nazis to become involved in the 1960s Civil Rights movement. Heschel was close personal friends with Dr. King and marched with him many times, most famously the 3rd Selma to Montgomery march between Dr King and John Lewis who'd been beaten badly at an earlier march. Prinz served as one of the organizing forces behind the 1963 March on Washington and Prinz gave the speech directly before Dr. King's famous "I Have a Dream" Speech. Heschel acted as a Jewish representative at the Catholic Church's Second Vatican Council where he was able to get the Church to drop centuries old antisemitic lines blaming the Jews for the death of Jesus from the liturgy.
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Andrew Goodman (1943-1964), James Chaney (1943-1964), and Michael Schwerner (1939-1964) In the summer of 1964 The Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) launched a massive effort to register disenfranchised black voters in Mississippi to vote, they called the effort Freedom Summer. Goodman and Schwerner both natives of New York were among the hundreds of CORE volunteers from the North who came south to help local activists like Mississippi native Chaney with the registration drive. Many of the white northern volunteers, like Goodman and Schwerner were Jewish, Jews had also been heavily represented among the white Freedom Riders of 1961. On June 21, 1964 Goodman, Schwerner, and Chaney were pulled over together by a Deputy Sheriff before being set upon by a conspiracy of local KKK members. The 3 were murdered, and their bodies hidden in an earthen dam, there is some evidence that Goodman was still alive when he was buried. Their disappearance set off a massive FBI lead search known as Mississippi Burning. Public outrage particularly fueled by the image of the 3 men's crying mother's arm in arm at Chaney's funeral would help push through the Civil Rights act of 1964.
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Bob Dylan (1941-) Born Robert Zimmerman Dylan lead the American Folk revival of the early 1960s. His songs Blowin' in the Wind (1963) and The Times They Are a-Changin' (1964) became anthems of both the Civil Rights and Anti-War movements of the 1960s. His 1965 transition from Folk to Electric pushed Dylan to the forefront of late 1960s Rock and Roll. Dylan is often ranked as one of the most iconic artists of the 1960s ranked up along side the Beatles. His musical influence is massive and still felt today. In 2016 Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for "for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition"
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Mel Brooks (1926-) and Gene Wilder (1933-2016) born Melvin Kaminsky and Jerome Silberman respectively. Brooks is a comedic legend, writing and directing for film and stage. Brooks is one of only 18 people to complete the EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony Awards). Brooks collaborated with Wilder on a number of his most famous works, The Producers (1967), Blazing Saddles (1974), and Young Frankenstein (1974). Other works include History of the World, Part I (1981), Spaceballs (1987), and Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993). Just this year at the age of 96 Brooks wrote and produced History of the World, Part II a TV series sequel to his 1981 film. Wilder worked closely with Brooks as well as with Richard Pryor. He had a star turn in Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) (1972). Wilder is best known for his iconic role of Willy Wonka in 1971's Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.
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Gloria Steinem (1934-), Bella Abzug (1920-1998), Betty Friedan (1921-2006) with Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm (middle seated). Friedan's 1963 book The Feminine Mystique is widely understood as the spark that started Second Wave Feminism or "Women's liberation". In 1966 Friedan helped start and would be the first President of, National Organization for Women (NOW). NOW remains a major feminist and progressive political organization. Friedan left NOW in 1970 to focus on the fight to pass an equal rights amendment to the US constitution (ERA). Together with Steinem and Abzug Friedan formed the National Women's Political Caucus in 1971. She also helped found the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, known to say simply as "NARAL". Bella Abzug known as "Battling Bella" for her fire breathing progressivism was first elected to the US House in 1970. Her slogan was "This woman's place is in the House—the House of Representatives" a slogan that has been reused by many women candidates since. Abzug was an early pioneer of ecofeminism. She also was a leading figure in the movement to impeach Nixon. Abzug would be one of the first supporters of gay rights in Congress sponsoring the first federal gay rights bill in 1974. Steinem was an influential counter-culture journalist and speaker. Her feminist magazine Ms. served as a voice piece for the Feminist movement of the late 1960s and 1970s. Her connections to the counter culture and her youth caused Steinem to often times act as a bridge between the younger 1960s generation and older activists like Friedan. Steinem remains active in politics and feminism today in her 80s.
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Barbra Streisand (1942-) an EGOT winning actress and singer. Streisand first came to national attention with chart topping hits in the 1960s. Across her career Streisand has had 11 number 1 records the most for a woman on the US charts. In the late 1960s Streisand transitioned to film, winning the Oscar for Best Actress for her first role, 1968's Funny Girl. She followed up with Hello, Dolly! (1969), What's Up Doc? (1972), and The Way We Were (1973) before winning her second Oscar this time for Best Original Song for A Star Is Born (1976) the first time a woman won composing Oscar. Streisand's first try at directing was the Jewish classic Yentl (1983) the first time a woman had written, produced, directed, and starred in a major studio film. She became the first and till 2020 only woman to win the Golden Globe for Best director for Yentl. Streisand has always been politically active from the Civil Rights and anti-War movements of the 1960s, feminism in the 1970s, and LGBT rights in the 2000s as well as being active in Democratic politics going back to the 1972 election.
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Harvey Milk (1930-1978) The first openly Gay man elected to public office in the United States. Originally from New York Milk moved to San Francisco in the early 1970s and settled in nascent gay neighborhood of The Castro. Milk's small business, Castro Camera soon become a hub of the community. Milk organized gay owned businesses and the local gay community to boycott homophobic businesses and support gay owned ones. He soon earned the nickname "Mayor of Castro Street" for his organizing and leadership of the gay community. He launched his first campaign for office, an election for San Francisco Board of Supervisors, in 1973. Despite being openly gay and sporting classic hippy long hair and a bread Milk swept the Castro and other liberal areas, however he fell short citywide. Milk would run again in 1975, and for State Assembly in 1976 getting closer each time till 1977 when San Francisco introduced districts and Milk won the Castro based District seat. Milk's election made him a national figure and the face for Gay Rights across the country. His brief time in office was consumed by the fight against the Briggs Initiative, a ballot initiative that would have automatically fired any gay teacher or teacher who supported gay rights in California. The Briggs Initiative failed, marking the first time gay rights had won at the ballot box. Harvey Milk and his ally Mayor George Moscone were assassinated on November 27, 1978 by disgruntled former Supervisor Dan White. The Police investigation of White, a former cop, was deeply failed and a straight jury sentenced him to just 5 years for the double murder. In the aftermath of the sentencing the gay community rioted in what is known as The White Night Riots. The gay political movement Milk built in San Francisco remains today with the LGBT community having a powerful voice in local politics.
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Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994) Born in what is today Ukraine he fled Europe in 1941. In 1951 Schneerson succeed his Father-in-law as the 7th Rebbe of the Chabad-Lubavitch Movement. While all Hassidic movements have Rebbes, Schneerson would become such a towering figure both in Jewish life and outside it to this day nearly 30 years after his death he is still "The Rebbe". During his long reign as the Rebbe Schneerson transformed the Chabad movement into a global Jewish outreach organization. In many parts of the world Chabad houses operate as the sole outpost of Jewish life. It is not uncommon in heavily Jewish areas or events to find Chabadiks asking men if they're Jewish and have wrapped tefillin today. The Rebbe and his movement would be at the center of the 1980s struggle to liberate Soviet Jewry as well as efforts to evacuate Jewish youth from Iran in 1979. The Rebbe started a global Chanukah outreach campaign, trying to assure that individual Jews have their own menorah and candles as well as pushing for public lightings of display menorahs, if your city lights one it's likely a Chabad project. During his life time many of his followers came to believe that he was the awaited Jewish Messiah. After his death the Chabad movement has not elected another Rebbe to replace him and likely never will. His grave in Queens is a major pilgrimage sight not only for Hassidic Jews but seekers of all kinds, Jewish and not. Ever since 1978 Schneerson's birth has been marked in the US by an act of Congress and Presidential decree by every President since Carter as "Education Day" focusing on his life long work for education and learning.
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933-2020) The Second woman to serve on the United States Supreme Court. Ginsburg entered law in the 1950s at a time when very few women did, her Harvard Law Class had 500 men and just 9 women. She graduated first from Columbia. She was denied a Supreme Court Clerkship because of her gender. In 1972 Ginsburg organized and became the head of the Women's Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union. By 1974 the Project had been involved with 300 gender discrimination cases. As general counsel of the project Ginsburg would argue 6 gender discrimination cases before the Supreme Court between 1973 and 1976, winning 5. She was often compared to Thurgood Marshall in her role fighting for women's rights in Court. She would keep working with the ACLU till 1980 when she was appointed to the US Court of Appeals, Second Circuit by President Carter. She was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Clinton in 1993, as only the second women and the first Jewish woman to serve, she is the longest serving Jewish Justice. Ginsburg was allied with the liberal wing of the Court through out her time on the bench. After Justice O'Connor retired and Ginsburg found herself in the unexpected position as the only woman on the court from 2006 till Justice Sotomayor joined in 2009 she became more outspoken. Ginsburg would become known for her powerful dissents often read from the bench. After Justice Stevens retired in 2010 Ginsburg became the de facto head of the liberal wing of the Court and soon reached cultural icon status with the wider American public.
These are just a few of the hugely important Jewish Americans who have impacted and shaped every part of American life and the list if not random is just who I thought of, there were many others I thought about but decided I didn't have room for. Have a good Jewish American Heritage Month this May and learn some Jewish History
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god-breast-america · 8 months ago
Why does he look queer
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Cause he was. Duh /j
Ok but actually these pics are from when Roosevelt was assistant secretary of the navy, and I got a REALLY funny story about his time in that position and queerness, so I’m gonna yap under the cut real quick. Also this story does cover nsfw topics so be warned.
So the year is 1919, and this story begins with two patients at the naval base hospital in Newport Rhode Island, their names are Thomas Brunelle and Ervin Arnold. Now, somewhere in conversation, for one reason or another, Thomas lets it slip to Ervin that gay men, both civilian and navy, regularly meet up at the Army and Navy YMCA and the Newport Art Club to find partners, both romantic and sexual.
So after he hears this, Ervin does his own investigation into Thomas’s claims, and what he finds is, by societal standards back then, absolutely INSANE. These guys are having parties, they’re cross-dressing, they’re doing coke and having sex with eachother, some real wild shit for the time. And once he’s done investigating, Ervin brings a report of his findings to his superiors
Now, Admiral Spencer Wood of the second navy district is involved, and he orders an investigation and has a court review Ervin’s claims, and once they were done with that, they came to the conclusion that an investigation was warranted. Now Roosevelt gets involved, and he approves the courts recommendation, and he asks Attorney General Mitchell Palmer to take on the investigation.
Now, at this point in the story, you’re probably asking, “Mr. B, you said this was a FUNNY story, what’s so funny about this blatant act of homophobia?” And to that I have to say, the funny part comes with the
 rather interesting methods of investigation that they chose, and we’re gonna get to that right now.
So General Palmer assigns Ervin, the guy that brought this whole thing to light, to lead the investigation, as he was a former Connecticut state detective, and he has the idea of an infiltration approach. So he chooses 13 investigators on the basis of looks and age to be his undercover agents. And how exactly did they choose to go through with this investigation?
That’s right, over the course of several weeks, these agents submitted DAILY reports to Ervin, including DETAILED descriptions of the activities they participated in. And, at least according to the Wikipedia article im reading, they quote “rarely reported any hesitancy or qualms about their direct participation.”
So that’s where this story ends, secret agents infiltrating the queer world of the navy by having gay sex, and Roosevelt’s minor involvement in it, though he would definitely get caught up in the drama that followed. The only thing I can say is that, even with the investigation’s homophobic intentions, the whole situation was so ridiculous that I’m genuinely unable to take it seriously even as a gay man myself.
And also that there had to have been at least one sexual awakening from that debacle
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camisoledadparis · 3 months ago
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more 
 November 23
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1876 – Manuel De Falla, Spanish composer, born (d.1946); Pablo Picasso is quoted as saying that he considered de Falla the shyest man he had ever met, "even smaller than myself, and as modest and withdrawn as an oyster shell ..." He was said to have been involved in a mĂ©nage ĂĄ trois with composer Maurice Ravel and pianist Ricardo Viñes.
De Falla became close friends with Diaghalev and Massine, with whom he collaborated on The Three-Cornered Hat. It was, incidentally, immediately after the first performance of this ballet, that Massine announced his engagement to Lydia Sokolova, who had just performed the leading role, and was then dismissed from the Ballet Russes by the enraged Diaghelev.
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1924 – The famed British-American anthropologist Colin Turnbull was born on this date (d.1994). Best known for this groundbreaking books The Forest People & The Mountain People, Turnbull was also one of the first anthropologists to work in the field of ethnomusicology.
Turnbull was an unconventional scholar who rejected neutrality. He idealized the BaMbuti and reviled the Ik, and described the latter as lacking any sense of altruism, in that they force their children out of their homes at the age of three, and gorge on whatever occasional excesses of food they might find until they became sick, rather than save or share. However, several anthropologists have since argued that a particularly serious famine suffered by the Ik during the period of Turnbull's visit may have distorted their normal behavior and customs, and some passages in his book make it clear that the behavior and customs of the Ik during the period he describes were drastically different from what was normal for them before they were uprooted from their original way of life.
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Turnbull with MButi children.
In the US, he lived with his professional collaborator and partner of 30 years, the African American Dr. Joseph Towles, as an openly gay, interracial couple in one of the most conservative areas of the 1960s - rural Virginia.
During this time he also took up the political cause of death row inmates. After his partner's death in 1988, Turnbull, strongly affected, gave all his belongings to the United Negro College Fund. In 1989, he moved to Bloomington, Indiana to participate to the building of Tibetan Cultural Center with his friend Thupten Jigme Norbu, elder brother of the 14th Dalai Lama. In 1991 - 1992, he moved to Dharamsala, India where he took the monks' vow of Tibetan Buddhism, given to him by the Dalai Lama. He was then given a buddhist name.
He died in Virginia in 1994, aged 69. Both Towles and Turnbull died from complications of AIDS.
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1926 – Roger Englander (d.2021) was an American director and producer. He won a Primetime Emmy Award and was nominated for five more in the category Outstanding Directing.
Born in Clevelend, Ohio, Englander attended Cleveland Heights High School where he studied piano, trumpet and French horn; he also conducted the school orchestra. He studied drama, composition and theory at the University of Chicago and graduated in 1945.
Englander produced all 53 episodes for Leonard Bernstein's Young People's Concerts at CBS from 1958 until 1972. Earlier, he was the prop manager for Bernstein's production of Benjamin Britten's Peter Grimes at Tanglewood in 1946. He staged several of Gian Carlo Menotti's operas, including The Telephone and The Medium for WPTZ (Philadelphia).
Englander wrote Opera, What's All the Screaming About? in 1983. He also directed several episodes of Omnibus and produced episodes of The Bell Telephone Hour which earned him a Peabody Award in 1959.
Englander died in February 2021, of pneumonia at the hospital in Newport, Rhode Island, at the age of 94. He was survived by his long-time companionïżœïżœMichael DuprĂ©.
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1933 – The New York tabloid Broadway Brevities, under the headline "Fags Tickle Nudes," published an article warning that "Pansy men of the nation" were invading steam baths and turning them into replicas of the orgy houses in Rome at the time of Nero.
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Joe Zee (R) and husband Rob Younkers
1968 – Joe Zee is a Hong Kong-born Canadian fashion stylist, journalist, and producer, known for Entertainment Tonight (1981), FABLife (2015) and Celebrity Style Story (2012). Zee served as creative director of Elle for seven years. He became editor-in-chief and executive creative officer of Yahoo! Style in April 2014. He resigned from Yahoo in June 2017.
Zee was born in Hong Kong and at the age of one, moved to Toronto where he grew up. He began working in fashion in 1990, at age 22, and ultimately moved to New York City enrolling at the Fashion Institute of Technology.
In the mid-1990s, Zee met stylist Lori Goldstein at an Allure party, and soon became her assistant.
He was described in a New York Times profile as a leader in the mass market and digital transformation of fashion: "a chatty and approachable ambassador of fashion who has aggressively thrust himself in front of hoi polloi using Twitter, blogs, v-logs and—most visibly—television."
Zee was a recurring character as boss of the reality series The City. He has also appeared on episodes of Ugly Betty, Mistresses, and General Hospital as himself. He was one of the co-hosts of the ABC daytime talk show The Fab Life.
In 2010, he made an appearance on Gossip Girl as himself.In 2015, he released his book That's What Fashion Is: Lessons and Stories from My Nonstop, Mostly Glamorous Life in Style. Zee is married to Rob Younkers, host of Logo TV's Secret Guide to Fabulous
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1989 – On this date the Natural Bears Classification System was unveiled on a Usenet group. The NBCS or "bear code" is a set of symbols using letters, numbers and other characters commonly found on modern, Western computer keyboards, and used for the self-identification of those who self-identify as "bears" in the sense of a mature gay or bisexual man with facial or substantial body hair. This classification scheme was created by Bob Donahue and Jeff Stoner, and was based on the way in which star and galaxy classification systems used characteristics of an object to derive a classifying identifier.
The format of the NBCS is a sequence of space-separated descriptions that each take the form, "XMme" where X is a letter indicating some trait; M is an optional magnitude indicated by either a number or a sequence of + or - characters (the former are used for rankings that have a broad, but discrete range while the latter is used for more comparative measurements); m is an optional modifier such as "v" which indicates variability of the trait; and e is any extra (such as a parenthesized magnitude that indicates a range from the magnitude outside the parentheses to the magnitude inside).
The format includes physical traits such as "B" for beard density/length, "f" for body hair (or "fur"), "t" for height (or "tallness"), and "w" for weight. It also includes personality traits such as "d" for "the daddy factor" and sexual preferences such as "k" for "the kinky factor."
A sample bear code is: B4 d+c e+ f+ g++ k+ m w t+ r (+?)
Translation: Reasonably thick beard, definite Daddy, cub tendencies, (endowment) gets attention, above average fur, loves groping/pawing/touching, (Kinkiness) loves most things, (Muscle) some definition, Blue collar, average weight, tall, (sex) plays under special circumstances.
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1998 – The Georgia Supreme Court voted 6-1 to overturn the state's sodomy law. In the majority opinion, Chief Justice Robert Benham wrote, "We cannot think of any other activity that reasonable persons would rank as more private and more deserving of protection from governmental interference than consensual, private, adult sexual activity." Since the decision was based on the Georgia constitution rather than the US constitution, the decision could not be appealed.
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2009 – On this date the city council of Charleston, South Carolina passed ordinances expanding the city's existing policy prohibiting discrimination in housing to include age, sexual orientation and gender identity. How important is this? In American history there is probably no other conservative city than Charleston. The Civil War was virtually born in Charleston and it is a city that was founded on the slave trade and the institutionalization of the most conservative, landowning families.
But that was then and this is now. Although the state is still a conservative hotbed, Charleston is a more cosmopolitan and urbane city. It also has a spirit of liberalism and openness. So this can only be seen as a sign of how far we have come.
The council also passed a public accommodations ordinance prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, disability, age or sexual orientation. Charleston joins a number of other cities in the south with comprehensive anti-discrimination ordinances including Charleston WV, New Orleans LA, Atlanta GA, Covington KY and Columbia SC.
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2014 – In Brazil, the world's first largest same-sex wedding with 160 couples takes place in Rio de Janeiro. It was the fifth time mass same-sex weddings were held in Brazil. (The following year 185 couples married.) Claudio Nascimento of Rio Sem Homophobia (Rio without Homophobia) says, "It is an affirmative action to call attention to all of the achievements and challenges in the area of civil and human rights of the LGBT community." Brazil broke the Guinness World Record for the largest pride parade in 2009 with 4 million attendees. Same-sex marriage has been legal in Brazil since May 16, 2013, though it had already been legally recognized since 2004.
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wanderlustwayadventures1 · 2 years ago
Cape Cod Trip added bonus Maine and Rhode Island
4 Day & 6 Day Adventures
Trip 1 Cape Cod, Plymouth, P-town, Martha’s Vineyard
September Trip 2020 4 days
Stayed in an Air b&b at Yarmouth
Day 1 Plymouth Rock and Pilgrim Memorial State Park.
When the first settlers first stepped onto land here, they did so because of the protected bay. Early in the 18th century, nearly a century after the landing, one of their descendants identified a certain rock as the place of that first landing. The famed rock, which has been broken, moved, and put back together, now sits at the seashore protected under a classical columned canopy.
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The Mayflower II the tall masts of Mayflower II rise above her decks, a reminder of how this all started. Built in England during the early 1950s, the ship arrived in Plymouth in 1957 and today serves as an important way to relate the tale of European settlement in America. As well as can be determined, the ship is a full-scale replica of the original.
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Day 2 Martha’s Vineyard Daytrip
Steamship authority vineyard: ferries to Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard.
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We started at Oak Buffs were we rented an e-bike. The six-mile bike ride from Oak Bluffs to Edgartown is known for being a gorgeous and manageable ride, including riding over Jaws Bridge!
Oaks buff is known for its distinctive Victorian architecture with 300 colorful cottages designed to look like gingerbread houses.
We continued to Edgartown, with its quaint harbor complete with an 80-year-old lighthouse. A former hub for the whaling industry, admire the stately Greek revival mansions built by ship captains.
We Traveled along the idyllic countryside and small fishing villages. We then took a taxi the technicolor cliffs of Aquinnah.
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The Aquinnah Cliffs – formerly known as Gay Head – is one of Martha's Vineyard's most-visited tourist spots, with bus and bike tours congesting the paved roads in the peak summer season. But the epic clay cliffs, which were carved by glaciers millions of years ago, are worth the trek. Visitors can explore the lower beach paths to see the cliffs up close and stretch along the sands at Moshup Beach. Or take the upper trails to the top of the cliffs to catch a glimpse of Gay Head Light and nearby Elizabeth Islands.
The Aquinnah Cliffs are part of the island's Wampanoag reservation and under special environmental protections to deter erosion.
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Day 3 Cape cod waterways boat rental on swan river. Swan Pond River is Located right on the banks of the Swan River Cape Cod Waterways boat rentals offer four different boat models to choose from: Kayak, Stand Up Paddle Board, Canoe, and Pedal Boat rentals!
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The Pilgrim Monument in Provincetown, Massachusetts, was built between 1907 and 1910 to commemorate the first landfall of the Pilgrims in 1620 and the signing of the Mayflower Compact in Provincetown Harbor.
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Provincetown is at the northern tip of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. P-town is known as a longtime haven for artists, LGBTQ. Numerous galleries plus restaurants, nightclubs, cabarets and specialty shops are clustered on and around lively Commercial Street.
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Long Point Lighthouse 5mile Trail
Begin at Pilgrim first landing park, walk over a jetty for a mile towards long point. Follow the shoreline towards a lighthouse. The first light was built in 1827 and became automatic in 1952.
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Day 4 Pilmouth Plantation
Plimoth Patuxet is a complex of living history museums in Plymouth, Massachusetts founded in 1947, formerly Plimoth Plantation
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The largest of which is the 17th-century English Village. On ground carefully chosen to reflect the topography of the Pilgrims' original settlement, and following the same street layout, the village authentically recreates the reality of those hard first years in the Plymouth Colony.
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The following year we did a 5 day trip in July 2021
Trip 2 Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, Gloucester, Cadem Hills State Park, Arcadia, Rhode Island (Newport).
July trip 6 days 2021
Day 1 Yarmouth July 10
Plymouth Rock, Provincetown and Plymouth first landing
MacMillan Wharf, 450-foot-long MacMillan Wharf. Aside from setting off on ferries and sightseeing tours, it is a picturesque spot to amble along and gaze out over the bay, boats and coastline.
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Day 2 Martha’s Vineyard July 11
Ferry/bus we took the bus to the bridge that was made famous by the movie Jaws. We rented kayaks and stopped at the bridge to view locals and tourists jumping of the bridge.
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Day 3 July 12 Whale watching Trips to Stellwagon bank marine Sanctuary
It encompasses 842-square-miles of some of the most productive ocean waters anywhere in the northwest Atlantic.
While the frequent presence of Humpback whales, Finback whales, Right whales and sometimes other endangered whale species no doubt gives the sanctuary its public appeal and worldwide recognition, this marine sanctuary was created in order to protect all of the great diversity of marine creatures that depend on these waters for all or part of their life cycle.
The sanctuary was named after its principal geologic feature: a shallow, underwater sandbar known as “Stellwagen Bank.” There is more to the sanctuary than just Stellwagen Bank, however. The sanctuary encompasses many other equally important areas; most notably “Jeffrey’s Ledge” which is just to the north of Stellwagen Bank itself.
You can think of Stellwagen Bank as a huge, underwater sandbar that it is about 24 miles long, 3-5 miles wide at its northern end, and just under 14 miles wide at its southern end. It rises above the surrounding seafloor to a height the equivalent of an 11-story building, with waters on top of the Bank ranging between 65 and 120 feet in depth and surrounding waters being between 250 and 350 feet deep.
Geologically speaking “The Bank” is an underwater extension of Cape Cod and this can clearly be seen in maps of the seafloor. As you can see in the map below, Stellwagen Bank is situated directly between Cape Ann and Cape Cod, a location that led many fishermen to refer to the area as “Middle Bank.”
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Cadem Hills State Park camp out
Located a few minutes north of Camden on U.S. Route 1, the park offers year-round trail activities and camping. Winter camping, in a rustic shelter, is also offered and available by reservation by calling the park. 1.1 out and back trail, renowned for the panoramic view of Camden Harbor and Penobscot Bay from the top of Mt. Battie, which inspired Edna St. Vincent Millay's poem "Renascence," the park still inspires wonder in visitors today.
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Mt Battie
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Day 4 July 13 Hike & Acadia National park
After camping in Camden State park we stayed at an Air b&b right in town in southwest harbor, Me. It was 25 mins from Acadia National Park.
We did 2 trails, the first was a simply path along the coast call Ocean Path.
Ocean Path Distance 4 Miles out and back length of time 1.5-2.5 hours.
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The second was Beehive loop Trail it is 1.4 miles , Strenuous hike, Length 1-2 hours. I do not recommend this for beginner hikers or young kids there are sections of narrow cliffs ledges and non technical climbs up metal rungs. My son was 5 at the time but we hike rock scrambles so he was trained well for this one. Def an amazing hike for advance hikers!
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Day 5 July 14 Rhode Island
The next day we went back to Rode Island we stayed in an air b&b on a boathouse with such an amazing night view.
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Day 6 July 15 Sunset mimosa Sail Newport
The next dat we drive 45 mins to Newport for a 75-minute sail highlighting 5 different lighthouses at the southern end of Narragansett Bay. few other points of interest around Newport Harbor and lower Narragansett Bay. We boarded the Schooner Adirondack II 80 foot turn of the century style pilot schooner.
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For lunch we had reservations at the The morning Restaurant to enjoy New England Lobster. The Restaurant was located right in the wharf, with breath taking views of the harbor. I highlight recommend this restaurant!
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Back home
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anotherdayinbliss · 2 years ago
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Led Zeppelin perform live on stage at the Newport Jazz Festival in Newport, Rhode Island, on July 6, 1969. Photos by Gai Terrell.
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gaytravelinfo · 2 years ago
Lucky Dog Resort - Middletown, RI
Lucky Dog Resort | 599 East Main Road | Middletown, RI 02842 Lucky Dog Resort is Rhode Island’s premier provider of Daycare, Training, Boarding, and Wedding Valet services for Dogs. They have designed their resort as a comfortable haven for Dogs with a goal to make them feel HAPPY, SAFE, and LOVED whether they are there for a day or to spend a vacation! Mission & Values At Lucky Dog Resort,

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ciceroprofacto · 4 years ago
The full plot plan for SOA in Radical Face songs
A self-indulgent thing.
Glory I was born when they took my name When the world turned wicked, when I joined their game But I turned and fought them Like you always knew I'd do
Laurens returns to America to fight in the war but is limited to a staff position because of his family name. He befriends the members of Washington’s staff and participates in the Battle of Brandywine, the Battle of the Clouds, Germantown, and Whitemarsh. He struggles with his guilt, his personal history, and his own inclinations. His beliefs are still a contradiction of idealism and ignorance.
Servants and Kings And quiet evenings you told me what you thought about Servants and kings and how everyone is bought
Hamilton’s perspective of the same events in Glory- nearly drowning in the Schuylkill and then nearly dying in Albany. (Last verse is foreshadowing the consequences of falling in love that Hamilton loses sight of)
The Ship in Port If a coward dies a thousand times Then there's a graveyard in my head 'Cause it took me years to say the words that you did not even need said
Laurens struggles to accept his sexuality while steadily leading Hamilton on to the point of nearly destroying their friendship. Hamilton resists every instinct he has to pull away and guard his own feelings, and they manage to grow closer.
Midnight And I hear your heart by its broken beat Then I smell the sickness you've got in you And I understand the reason why you came to me And I understand why you're not afraid
Laurens knows the role Hamilton played in maneuvering him onto Washington’s staff, but he doesn’t understand the full scale of his work with spies or how that makes him dispensable to Washington. With their sensual, romantic relationship growing deeper, Hamilton worries that his more-covert roles on Washington’s staff are not compatible with that relationship, and for the sake of keeping Laurens safe, hesitates to let him commit to that relationship.
Everything Costs And I ain't gonna hang my head for them, for them And I ain't gonna let them paint the truth as sin
Laurens senses Hamilton’s internal conflict about the nature of his work- stuck between wanting to be useful by continuing his work with intelligence collection in the shadows and wanting to be safe and secure in his position. It mirrors Laurens’s internal conflict about the nature of his own goals- stuck between wanting to make his father proud by serving his role on Washington’s staff well and wanting to pursue his beliefs and press his battalion plan.
Monmouth Campaign. The full scope of intelligence gathering, planning, prepping the battlespace, movement to the field, contact, Lee’s betrayal. The opportunity that presents for Laurens and Hamilton to exploit his trial to secure their positions at Washington’s side.
Laurens leaves to meet the French fleet in Rhode Island to convey Washington’s orders for Sullivan’s siege of Newport. Tensions between the French and Americans nearly cause d’Estang to recall his fleet. Hamilton rides to assist in the negotiations and d’Estang agrees to remain in support but will sail to the West Indies. Laurens and Lafayette have a falling out.
The Crooked Kind I hear their voices somewhere in my bones I feel them sing along when I'm alone When I'm not too frightened that is when I know
Francis Kinloch’s return to America and reunion with Laurens marks the end of Laurens’s arc, coming to terms with his sexuality. He now finds himself at-odds with the way Francis treated his desires, fully-accepting and embracing the way he feels. By this point, he’s found community with the Baron von Steuben’s staff and he identifies with the gay military tradition that Steuben represents.
(Replay for the duel) Laurens’s efforts to fully-secure his and Hamilton’s favor with Washington deepen his feud with Lee, and when Steuben challenges Lee for his own honor, in a callback to Gate’s duel with Wilkinson, Laurens insists on dueling Lee instead. It’s a greater embarrassment for a Major General to face a young Lieutenant Colonel.
Ashes in the Wind
Word arrives that the British are moving on Savannah and Washington travels to Philadelphia to meet with Congress and determine their next steps if the war is moving South again. Laurens goes with him, saying goodbye to Hamilton for- what they don’t know at the time- will be nearly a year.  
Welcome Home, Son You were never supposed to leave Now my head's splitting at the seams
Laurens reunites with his father and falls back into some old habits of getting caught up in Henry’s political rivalries as the Silas Deane affair tears through Congress. John isn’t sure if he supports his father’s opinions, but doing so publicly earns his father’s support for his Battalion. The plan is approved by Congress and he receives leave from Washington to go South. Hamilton writes the infamous ‘By Actions rather than Words letter’, initially intending to convey his support for Laurens’s commission, but then obviously embittered by learning about his Martha and Frances. Laurens’s excitement to travel south and join the army there is soured by fear that he’s lost some of Hamilton’s trust.
The Gilded Hand And you know, somewhere in there you know There will be a price to pay 'til all this goes away
General Lincoln is struggling to operate without Continentals and a militia that’s more focused on capturing escaped slaves than fighting the British. Laurens develops a deep-seated hatred for General Moultrie for encouraging that effort and for firmly opposing his idea to arm slaves, and for pulling back his force when they were the last stand before the British would march on Charlestown (and then blaming Laurens’s last-ditch effort to stand for their overall failure). Rather than agree to Laurens’s plan to arm slaves, Governor Rutledge nearly surrenders to the British without a fight. Laurens just barely keeps Moultrie from giving up the army that’s defending Charlestown.
Bad Blood Took a river of bad blood But now I see where we came from Can't grow a proper branch when half the trunk is rotten
In the face of repeated defeat in the southern campaign that General Lincoln is carrying out, Laurens’s countrymen stalwartly oppose his plan. Even those few contemporaries who support him politically don’t believe in the purpose behind the plan and Laurens grows disillusioned with the idea of Liberty that his own countrymen are fighting for.
We All Fall Down
At The Battle of Savannah, Laurens courts death.
Let the River In I closed my eyes and saw my father's sins They covered me like a second skin I peeled them off and sure I bled a bit And now I'm free to sink my own damn ship
Congress unanimously votes Laurens to be secretary to Benjamin Franklin. Henry resumes his correspondence with his son to urge him not to accept, but John knows he’s only saying that because of what happened to Deane, assuming that John will agree because of that. John is bitter about that- and everything else. He insists on staying in Charlestown to defend the city, and falls back into old patterns with Francis. 
Small Hands And all the angers that they hid inside your chest We will unravel all of the chains
Laurens travels to headquarters to have Washington support his request to Congress for Continental troops to head South by sea to get to Charlestown in time. He reunites with Hamilton while there, and in his absence from headquarters, Hamilton has fully-convinced Washington of his plan. With Washington’s support, Laurens will receive a Line Commission so he can formally command a Battalion. Laurens is touched, but he’s also worried about how much Hamilton’s still invested in him- and in their relationship.
A Pound of Flesh Could never tip the scale that I've made I should have stayed But I was never wise
In Philadelphia, Laurens suggests Hamilton for the Secretary to the Minister Plenipotentiary position he just turned down, and rather than sail south, he decides to ride so that he can visit camp again on his way back. As he leaves, Laurens suggests Hamilton find a woman to commit himself to- for both their sakes.
The Road to Nowhere The thing that I've learned from unusual blood Is never touch a person's comfort
Laurens’s roles as a soldier and a politician merge as he simultaneously uses his new Line commission to lead in efforts of fortifying the city from a naval attack- and attends meetings of the House of Representatives. General Lincoln helps him press his proposal to arm slaves and Henry Laurens chairs the committee that will consider it. But, Henry doesn’t voice his support out loud. And, John can’t even bring himself to be hurt by it anymore.
Fall of Charlestown.
Black Eyes All roads they are one now, each choice is the same I won't show my hands now, I know this ain't a game
The reinforcements that Laurens had requested didn’t arrive in time because Washington didn’t press hard enough, and Hamilton used the quartermaster department’s continued mismanagement as the excuse. Bitter with the fall of his city, and on the terms of his parole, Laurens stayed in Philadelphia where he helped Henry prepare and leave for his post as Minister in the Netherlands. There, he got the letter where Hamilton admitted he’s engaged to Elizabeth Schuyler. That engagement and Hamilton’s apparent happiness with it cause a major rift between the lovers, and when his plans to head South again are interrupted by another appointment to a post in France- this time to be a Minister himself, Laurens adamantly suggests Hamilton instead.
I’ll Be There Soon
While Laurens is fighting for his advancement in Congress, Hamilton attends his wedding. After Laurens’s suggestion is shot down and he accepts the appointment, he and Lafayette return to headquarters together where they run into the Pennsylvania line in mutiny. Their travel is delayed long enough for Lafayette to tell Hamilton they’re traveling to headquarters and Hamilton rushes to meet them there before Laurens departs for France.
Waltzing in the Ashes
Laurens is delayed in Boston and receives a few visitors.
Reminders Gotta take what you can 'Cause anything I don't steal Just winds up in someone else's hands
In France, Laurens faces frustrating negotiations and unflattering self-reflection.
From the Mouth of an Injured Head And I know that I miss you But I don't even know your name Oh, when you're near me I feel OK Yeah, when you're near me I'm not ashamed
Back with the army, Laurens learns that Hamilton quit Washington’s staff. They reunite as Washington closes in on Cornwallis’s army at Yorktown. They’re both irrevocably changed by their time apart, but they come together to lead the fight. Then, as soon as it’s over, Hamilton is focused on leaving to be with Eliza and Laurens is still focused on the fight.
Chains We were thick as thieves 'Til I became the one who always went too far And I couldn't hear you
Following the Battle of Yorktown, Laurens negotiates the surrender, pressing for harsh terms. Then he heads south again. He and ‘Light-horse’ Harry Lee are at each others’ throats, unable to share command.
Ode to My Family (Cranberries cover) My father, my father, he liked me Oh he liked me, does anyone care? Understand what I've become It wasn't my design
Taking a seat on the House of Representatives in South Carolina, Laurens still can’t convince his contemporaries to use an adjusted plan to take slaves from confiscated loyalist properties. He’s staying on Mepkin again and starts unraveling family secrets. News arrives that Martha has died, trying to see him in France. He sinks into depression.
I See Roads And now I'm lost, and I'm divided A civil war inside my head I don't know why you still haunt me I only know your ghost will follow me to bed
Hamilton is elected as the Congressional delegate for New York and starts his political career.
The Missing Road those days were gold And a heart always holds Onto missing roads
Laurens picks up work as General Greene’s spymaster. It’s a throwback to the early days with Hamilton. He’s alone and changed, but not entirely for the worse. He accepts a position out of the public eye.
Dead Ends Yeah, you will never arrive  Unless you make peace with your dead ends
The window of opportunity for his battalion plan has closed. Hamilton pleads with him to join him in Congress, but Laurens is wildly unpopular politically. And, he has no desire for public life. Without a war to fight, he’s at a dead end.
Leaving the Ground
All is Well (Goodbye, goodbye) So I collected all our plans and crimes And set them all alight The only thing that bound me to this place You took with you when you died
Hamilton struggles to move on in the aftermath of hearing that Laurens is gone. He has everything he thought he ever wanted- family and comfort and power. He should be celebrating and happy, but he can’t- and he isn’t. Won’t ever be in the same way.
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queerpyracy · 5 years ago
One particular moment stood out when The Highwomen—an all-star project featuring Brandi Carlile, Amanda Shires, Natalie Hemby, and Maren Morris—debuted at the 2019 Newport Folk Festival in Rhode Island. Carlile, a queer Grammy-winning singer-songwriter and producer, introduced the group’s song “If She Ever Leaves Me,” a sweet, sly homage to a pair of women who prefer perfume to cologne, as “the first gay country song.” Though the crowd whooped in response, Carlile got one thing wrong. Queer country artists have been making their voices known for decades, stretching back to the 1970s (and depending on how you read Vernon Dalhart’s banned-from-the-radio 1939 tune, “Lavender Cowboy,” much earlier).
As Willie Nelson sang in 2006 when he covered Latin country musician Ned Sublette’s 1981 hit, “Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond of Each Other,” “What did you think all them saddles and boots was about?” “There is so much in country music for us to draw on,” Karen Pittelman, who fronts Karen & the Sorrows, says. “There’s a tradition of powerfully grappling with gender and sexuality ever since Kitty Wells’s callout that it wasn’t God who made honky-tonk angels. There are men weeping and wearing rhinestones. There are women getting in fistfights, singing about birth control, and murdering their abusers. There’s this call to be true to yourself, no matter what anyone else says.”
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jurassic-snark1889 · 4 years ago
did i ever tell you about the time i let a girl do my makeup in the sample section of the airport? no? well, here you go:
ok, so back when i was in the school’s church choir, all holy and shit, we went on a trip/tour if we’re feeling fancy to NY. we sang in a few churches, then to round it off, we went to newport, rhode island. it was great. rlly nice.
and so we’re on the way home, and our plane decides to fuck us all up and stop in ireland on the way there. we’re trying to find a plane that has tickets that can seat us all together because my teacher did not trust 30 teenagers on a plane together. we are all EXHAUSTED, when the only peppy girl walks up to me and says “hey, can i do your makeup? none of my friends are willing to let me because they’re all tired”
me, unable to say no to this girl, says yes, and i find myself in the sample section of chanel, a really pretty girl putting baby pink lipstick and blush on my cheeks without using a brush. needless to say, that was another gay awakening.
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outweek30 · 6 years ago
In the Newport, Rhode Island naval base in 1919, the US Navy decided to investigate an outbreak of "cocaine and cocksucking" among naval personnel. Inexperienced young naval investigators, many in their teens, were ordered to go out to gay cruising areas, get picked up by "fairies" and allow their cocks to be "sucked until emission" if necessary in order to obtain evidence against "vice." The subsequent trials, first of the entrapped gays, then of the military investigators themselves, resulted in the most widely publicized gay scandal in US history. The affair almost destroyed the career of the man in overall charge of the inquiry, Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
This is the remarkable story told in Perverts By Official Order, Lawrence R. Murphy's meticulously researched account of one of the most significant episodes of gay repression in American history. The "perverts" of his title are not the gays of Newport, but the young investigators who were the focus of the scandal.
Newport at the close of WWI was a bustling naval depot as well as a social center of high society. It also had developed an active gay society, with drag shows, cruising areas, a cocaine drug subculture, a distinctive lingo and a widely recognized focal point at the local YMCA. There young sailors were rather openly approached by older men who rented upstairs rooms for their sexual liaisons.
Into this early gay paradise stumbled one Evin Arnold, an intensely homophobic naval investigator. He assembled a team of 20 naval "operators," who were all "good-looking young men from the ages of 19 to 24." Arnold later explained that he couldn't have used more experienced investigators because "once a man passed 30 and lost his good looks [gays] usually will not...bother them." Arnold's young sailors were ordered to "obtain evidence pertaining to cocksuckers and rectum receivers" by practicing entrapment. Such was, and in some cases still is, standard operating procedure for obtaining evidence against gays. In this case, however, the operators were ordered to "go the limit," and herein lay the crux of what became a huge national scandal.
The forgotten victims of this forgotten scandal are the gay men of Newport, who built a rare and brave ghetto society in a hostile environment and were harshly punished for daring to be ahead of their time. Their gay clubs and associations were disbanded after the trials, and Newport ceased to be a mecca for gays. As one Naval investigator testified in a later trial, "I never saw such a clean city" as Newport after the purge. "Every pervert took a train to San Francisco."
— Gabriel Rotello, “Last Train to Frisco,” a review of Perverts by Official Order: The Campaign Against Homosexuals by the United States Navy by Lawrence R. Murphy, OutWeek Magazine No. 9, August 21, 1989, p. 53.
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chatjp545 · 3 years ago
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bulletproofsupport · 6 years ago
[ARTÍCULO] |05.10.2018| NAVER: BTS EstĂĄ Arrasando en AmĂ©rica, "Ellos Cantaron que EstĂĄbamos bien, tal como Ă©ramos"
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En USA el kpop fue aceptado más como una subcultura. Desde principio de los 2000s, algunos cantantes surcoreanos han recibido atencion en los Estados Unidos pero eran muy poco conocidos. El K-pop era más como “una tormenta En un vaso de agua” era identificado como una subcultura que los estudiantes coreanos en Estados Unidos o algunos Asiáticos escuchaban. De hecho, los fans jóvenes eran a veces molestados sólo porque les gustaba el K-pop.
Pero BTS fue diferente a otros cantantes de K-pop. En los Estados Unidos ARMY, el nombre del fandom de BTS ha sabido manejarlo siendo forĂĄneos por lo menos en tĂ©rminos culturales. BTS dio un impresionante discurso en las Naciones Unidas, despues que la banda ha dominado los charts de Billboard. Esto atrajo la atenciĂłn de incluso “nuevos seguidores” que no tenĂ­an interĂ©s en su mĂșsica .
Miembros de ARMY que el periodico Coreano Kyunghyang Shinmun conociĂł en los Estados Unidos citaron el “mensaje” y porque les gusta la banda de chicos.  Justin de 24 años, de Rhode Island dijo, "Me gusta  su mensaje. Algunas personas se rieron de mi porque a un chico le gusta una banda de chicos. Pero BTS es popular ahora, muy poca gente se sigue burlando de mi”
Los miembros de BTS son muy talentosos en cuanto a canto y baile, y ellos escriben sus propias canciones. Son mas que un objeto de curiosidad, ellos son Ă­dolos para sus fans.
BTS no es una banda de chicos que se convirtió en una estrella de la noche a la mañana. Para entender la razón fundamental de su popularidad, primero debemos mirar a la sociedad estadounidense.
Los Estados Unidos, que se enorgullecen de una población que abarca un amplio espectro en raza, religión y circunstancias económicas, es un país donde existe una gran variedad de clases. Algunos pueden recibir la atención como la corriente principal, pero hay aquellos excluidos de esa corriente desde el nacimiento debido a la raza, los antecedentes y la identidad de género. Creen que BTS transmitió un mensaje que nadie ha compartido antes y son confortados por sus  canciones.
Barry Lee (22), un diseñador de moda de Nueva Jersey que se aceptĂł gay despuĂ©s de salir cuando tenĂ­a ocho años, dijo: "Mi familia es una mezcla de japoneses y negros, y me molestaron por no ser como un 'hombre negro'. Estaba bajo una presiĂłn constante incluso despuĂ©s de salir. Pero el miembro de BTS, Suga continuĂł diciĂ©ndonos a travĂ©s de varios mensajes que "no importa si eres un niño o una niña". AsĂ­ que pude recuperar mi autoestima ". Sutan (22), un estudiante de ciencias biomĂ©dicas en la Universidad de Hudson, tambiĂ©n dijo: "NingĂșn cantante nos habĂ­a dicho que estaba bien ser gay".
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Todos los fans de BTS dijeron con una sola voz que se sintieron reconfortados por las canciones a pesar de los desafĂ­os que enfrentaron. Eilyn (18), una estudiante de arte que conocimos en Manhattan, Nueva York, es hija de una familia inmigrante de Colombia.
Se dio cuenta de que sufría de depresión severa y trastorno de ansiedad cuando tenía once años y sus síntomas empeoraban cada invierno. El verano pasado, las cosas se pusieron serias.
Cuando se estaba desmoronando en esa oscuridad, escuchó “Spring Day” de BTS, y se curó al escuchar sus palabras desgarradoras: "Hasta que este frío invierno termina y llega la primavera nuevamente ... Por favor espera un poco más”
Dominique Jack (23) de Brooklyn, Nueva York superĂł la intimidaciĂłn y Molly (25) de Ohio recuperĂł su autoestima, que se habĂ­a encogido en su cuerpo obeso, escuchando las canciones de BTS.
Las personas que llegaron a gustar de BTS por motivos personales se encontraron en sitios de redes sociales. Los que vinieron a ver BTS en YouTube siguieron cuentas de grupo dispersas en Twitter, Instagram y Facebook.
Cuentas grupales con entusiastas miembros de ARMY entregaron noticias de BTS recopiladas en todo el mundo y compartieron eventos organizados en sus regiones.
Los ARMYs estadounidenses  se mueven esporĂĄdicamente. Se conocen y comparten intereses en varios sitios de redes sociales. TambiĂ©n se reĂșnen fuera de lĂ­nea organizando reuniones utilizando aplicaciones como Meetup. Para acceder a mĂĄs noticias "refinadas", usan comunidades como Reddit o Soompi. 
Elisa (18) de Boston, a quien conocimos frente al Prudential Center en Newark, Nueva Jersey, dijo: "Es fácil animarse porque hay muchos fans de Twitter en las redes sociales así que nos avisamos mutuamente para estar alerta”
Conocimos a Nora (22), una estudiante universitaria que estudia ciencias del cerebro, en Newport, Nueva Jersey. Ella dijo: "Cuando surgen noticias sobre varias comunidades en lĂ­nea, los fanĂĄticos hacen personalmente una verificaciĂłn de los hechos y exigen que corrijan cualquier informaciĂłn errĂłnea".
Los estadounidenses se despertaron por primera vez a los mensajes enviados por BTS. Y el mensaje de la banda, que debes amarte y revelarte con orgullo y honestidad quienquiera que seas, tocĂł a los que estĂĄn en situaciones difĂ­ciles.
Se reunieron en sitios de redes sociales y compartieron sus sentimientos, y pusieron en acción el mensaje de BTS a través de varias donaciones y actividades grupales.
BTS conmoviĂł los corazones de los estadounidenses de una forma que nadie, ningĂșn otro cantante o cantante coreano de otro paĂ­s, habĂ­a hecho.
Fuente: NAVER
Trad ESP: Bulletproof Support
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