#gave him funny bowtie
dovewingkinnie · 1 year
Put William Afton in more dresses IMMEDIATELY!!!
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hes lovely!!!
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catchmewjsn · 1 month
not telling this to anyone I know not on here but
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batsylabs · 1 month
Hey, my sister wanted me to post this and I agree that the world should hear her massive-brained take. From here on out everything is written by her.
So, spoilers for The Book of Bill, but I need literally everyone to know about something that me and my sister have been talking about. On thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com, typing in DIONARAP leads you to THIS image:
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Very specifically I need everyone to look at THIS part of it.
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Very funny reference by itself, but my sister pointed something out to me that I cannot stop thinking about. The implication of this image is that it was either made by Bill himself or a member of his various cults. So, at some point, there was a Bill Cipher imposter that had to be called out by someone within his circle. This has two conclusions:
A delusional person dressed up as Bill and started to believe they ARE Bill, speaking fake bullshit that Bill would never believe. Bill finds this funny, but his cult is dumb enough that they can't tell the difference and he has to make it clear. He's never mentioned in the actual book because Bill just didn't care enough, he was some weird eccentric he probably killed or gave him infinite nightmares or something.
(what I think is the funnier option): There is another god that is visually mistakable for Bill Cipher but is NOT HIM. There is another yellow, top hat and bowtie- wearing god with triangular imagery probably named something cunty like Ash Caesar. This dude goes around doing the same shit that Bill does, but he doesn't want to build the portal and cause the apocalypse or anything, he just wants to lay back and be fed grapes like a king all day.
Bill absolutely HATES this man. With other characters, there's some ulterior emotion that he's trying to suppress, he's angry and embarrassed that Stanley outsmarted him, he's emotionally distraught over losing Ford, but Ash? This lanky, smooth-talking ladies' man that's probably been around as long as him and keeps stealing his thunder? There is no other deeper emotions, he just actually DESPISES him. His first thought with Weirdmageddon is probably "The second I find Ash I'm going to throw him against a wall repeatedly until he splatters into red paint." He is the only person not even mentioned in The Book of Bill because Bill is so unreasonably angry at him that he doesn't want to dignify him by including him in the book.
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katiekatdragon27 · 26 days
Sorry for being cringe, it will happen again.
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In the Flatland discord (and on Tumblr in general lol), I've been seeing a lot of gjinkas, and as someone who made gjinkas a while back of A. Sphere and A. Square, I decided to revamp them for fun plus my oc. Also, now the name reveals are in a drawing now! Live laugh love Angelica, Abel, and Anthony <3
I kept Anthony the same. Still the silly amoeba guy. He just got another arm. Abel got a little wider and rounder in general, he's actually wearing the suspenders this time, gave him his bowtie back, and the glove is on his right hand so he can hold A. Square while doing other things (he's left-handed cuz I said so). Angelica is just based on really shitty AI art but done artistically. I'm so cool guys, reclaiming AI art one 4D gjinka at a time.
Below is progress photos and a sketchy comic:
Here's the old ass comic that I still find funny (it's like almost a year old):
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Transcript: A.S: Madam, may I ask something of you? A.T: Sure! What’s up? A.S: Is it possible that I could maybe see your ina- A.S: -aaaa… (A. square’s speech thing) Square: PLEASE SIR LET ME SEE YOUR INSIDES!! A.S: Uh- Never mind. A.T: Oh. are you sure? A.S: Positive *shutters*
I thought I was so funny for this but I'll let the council decide.
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Have a good one guys!
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tero-ga · 3 months
Aaaaanother TGAA SwapAU stuff and it is my wonderful boy Albert as the prosecutor!!
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I've changed some of the designs in this one like the jacket color to white to make a resemblance of a lab coat and reflecting of Kazuma white school uniform, as well trying to bring more Frankenstein's Monster vibe too hehe (aaand make him look more miserable too). He is also have a locket that have a painting of him and his two brothers, it was given by Andrew during his wedding!
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I also made bunch of character that related to Swap!Albert's life from 10 years ago, like Andrew(Klint's roleswap) and his other brother Michael, university Barok and Albert, etc. more info about the are there down below 👇👇
First of I wanted to say I'm sorry I can't do full render of everyone here, do that with all of them would be death sentence for me so I couldn't do it 😭😭 Anyway without further ado, I'm going right into it! Start from left to right!
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This first one Ryunosuke father replacing as Genshin Asogi. At first while brainstorming I was thinking of maybe do three switch around with Genshin, Jigoku, and Yujin but the it somehow felt weird for me. Then the thought of maybe involving Auchi in this too (like, imagine him being swap with Jigoku wouldn't that be funny and terrifying thought), but discarded that idea out because of Menimemo would have no one to swap with (i have to i'm sorry). Sooo I ended just design him from scratch, he is quite easy to figure out since Genshin doesn't really have much going on with him, but since we don't have any idea of original Ryunosuke's parents at all I have to take idea from something else, and that is his daruma doll for his eyes (he is half blind!! :D) and Phoenix DD/SOJ design (droopy hair and light vest) and everything else is from Genshin. His name is Ryuuki Naruhodo since Ryunosuke is another name for Ryuichi so I want to keep the train going!!
Andrew the screwdriver, oh I missed him- Anyway, I redesign his outfit because tbh his previous outfit is ridiculous 😭 it's funny and fun but I do want to take him seriously now. I'm tried to keep the A shape still but it's less subtle now, I think it turned out okay!! (Oh yeah, his cane is supposed to be a hidden sword but i forgot to put that in the drawing 😭). I was supposed to make his bowtie red like the hair tie but then I realized it will getting rid of the purpose of the hair tie (it referencing the blood on the tip of the screwdriver) so I ended up making it color silver.
The Lady Baskerville, I gave her similar design to Sunny(Herlock!Swap) with the bowtie, color palette to his mascot, and hair on her. I'm not really quite fond with her design, maybe I'll do redesign her again if I got a idea pop up like crazy but in the meantime this is her design.
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Guess who is this?? Another one of Albert's tool is here finally!! Michael the crosshead screwdriver! Since we never see Michael anywhere and only mentioned once in the game he is, I'm just draw simple design for him (I wished I could put M shape in the design but I have no idea WHERE to put it 😭 so I tried used the bowtie for it). I also thought it would be nice to make him a defense attorney so I made the design for the badge too. Since he is sadly not going to be mentioned a lot in this AU since I'm trying to make the storyline same as the original, so I made a backstory of what happened in the fun fact tags. There was supposed to be more tool to be added but my god that would be taxing to design, so I have to make only Andrew and Michael as his only siblings.
The doggie Balmung replacement, Bolt, He is a Irish Setter! Beforehand he was supposed to be Borzoi but then research the background of the breed I don't how difficult it is to actually get one in that era so I have to changed breed :((
Albert and Barok in university days!! I just keep same as before like previous design!! There's a tiny change like the hair and the neckties.
There is going to be more content of them soon because I have a lot of ideas for them sooo stay tuned ;)
Here's the concept designs!!
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#tgaa#barok van zieks#albert harebrayne#tgaa2 spoilers#the great ace attorney#swap au#genshin asogi#klint van zieks#ryuuki naruhodo swap au#andrew harebrayne swap au#michael harebrayne swap au#<- once again i still cannot believe i made Albert's screwdrivers a thing in this au and just says they're both good siblings and ryunosuke#<- father is supposed to be his daruma. i'm having fun with this but also omg#lady baskerville#balmung#fun fact: Albert has a vast knowledge about bugs as he is fascinated by nature. He learned in university day as a side hobby#<- this is my way to replace bats living in his prosecution office. and Kazuma absolutely hated it (he hates bugs in this au)#fun fact: Albert is always sleep deprived and constant migraine 24/7 so because of the he is actually drinking less frequently in court#<- up until Kazuma shows up#fun fact: Albert does read the Randst Magazine of Jane Watson stuffs during his absents and personally enjoys it. But where it comes to#<- Jane herself he absolutely have enough of her bullshit. says that her invention is absolutely bogus and should always just stay in#<- fiction and that made Sunny so mad he ended up called him Grimsy because he says he doesn't deserve the Lord title (but it's okay.#<- later on the grudge is subside and he still called him Grimsy because he likes the nickname he gave him)#fun fact: Andrew actually squint his eyes because he is also nearsighted. He just refused to wear glasses as he kept losing it#fun fact: the only reason why Michael became defense attorney is because Albert suggested it so he could challenge him and argue in#<- the courtroom and he say alright bet and starts learn law stuff. but that never happened as their relationship became sour during Albert#<- wanting to take over the Professor case. Michael have a nag feeling that Ryuuki is not the culprit and they had a fight over it.#fun fact relating to last one: one year later Michael moved in to France as he also got threats and being followed by underlings of#<- defendants that died by the Grim Reaper just because he is related to Albert#this is the longest thing I've ever written about this au so i want to say thank you for reading all of this rambling 💖
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comfycuddles · 1 month
You know what I think...
It's time we start talking about Peter Capaldi.
When we talk about Doctor Who and our favourite modern doctors, we always go round and round in the same circles:
"David Tennant is the greatest Doctor!"
"No way! Matt Smith brought this goofy nature to the character, while maintaining the Doctor's eternal darkness!"
"Please! Nine was funny and sassy and just overall great. He deserved more credit. Eccelston was the best Doctor!"
And sometimes even a:
"I think that although she had to endure poor writing, a female Doctor was refreshing!"
I agree with this of course, and every Doctor brings something with them, you know who we don't post enough about? Or even generally talk about enough?
Peter fucking Capaldi. I seriously think he might be one of the most underrated Doctors of the modern era and It's a WASTE.
From the very beginning he was just amazing. "Do you know how to fly this thing?" ICONIC. His first episode was pure crack in the very best way. (The way he flirted with the dinosaur, anybody?)
Capaldi had this amazing connection with Jenna as Clara (Although I am a Clara stan idc so I might be a little biased about that) and their dynamic was so much fun to watch.
Not unlike David Tennant Peter is such a fan of the show. (As was confirmed by Jenna) But is also nice about it too. He doesn't go around just correcting everyone, but he wants everyone to know what an amazing show it is and wants people to love it just as much as he does.
Also 12 was so iconic??? Fighting fucking Robin Hood with a spoon? Awesome! Rolling into the middle ages on a fucking tank, calling people "Dude", making puns and dumb jokes and above else SLAYING that guitar?! Yes! A thousands times Yes! Just the best space grandpa ever!
Capaldi is so unhinged and has this chaotic energy while still appearing as the sanest person in the room. Just look up some stories about him fucking around on the set.
It was also very refreshing to see an older Doctor. I mean, I think Capaldi wad the oldest guy to play the Doctor since HARTNELL. He still had this youthful energy, but he just seemed so DONE with everyones bullshit. 12 handled things with a certain maturity that I kinda loved.
Like he has life experience, he KNOWS what his actions will cause and that's GOOD to see of the Doctor. And at the same time he's also forgiving himself for all the things he's done, which is even BETTER.
And don't even talk to me about his relationship with his companions and Missy. First of all the latter gives me life. And his relationship with Bill was so good y'all. I mean, he punched a racist in the face for her. (ICON!!!!) And were just adorable.
And my final point, the biggest point: Peter Capaldi is just an AMAZING actor. We all love "Heaven sent" and It's just the greatest episode EVER and this is party because Moffat wrote it so beautifully, but also because of Capaldi's Jaw dropping performance!!! If he wasn't SUCH an amazing actor the episode would have never worked. And I am certain of this fact. He did that y'all! HE. DID. THAT.
Capaldi gave some of the best speeches and performances in Doctor Who history. And everyone sleeps on it, and I say "No more!" Also his line. "Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?" DONE, SOBBING ON THE DAMN FLOOR. I need to say with this that I'm NOT an emotional person at all. But somehow that line hit me right in the feels and never stopped.
So yeah
Eccelston was hilarious and fun and amazing
David was awesome and I think It's definitely deserved that he goes down in history as one of the greatest Doctors.
Matt had some heartwrenging moments that I'll never get over, was as cool as bowties and just lovely
And Jody was unique and ADORABLE!
But y'all are SLEEPING on Peter Capaldi and 12 and that is SO undeserved.
Mister Capaldi Sir, if you ever see this, (You probably won't, but that's okay. I hope it does though) just know, that I love and adore you so much and think you are one of the greatest actors and human beings in the history of everything. And you DESERVE to know that. I will forever be proud to say that 12 that is my favourite Doctor of all time. And I say this without half a doubt in my mind. I'm a proud Peter Capaldi stan until the end of time. And just know that I and so many more people along with me have so much LOVE for you. (Most of us not in a creepy way though) and you are CRIMINALLY underrated.
Thank you so much for reading my rant.
This has been a Peter Capaldi/12th Doctor appreciation post. And I invite you to reblog this and show your love for the best Doctor. Only positivity though, stay nice.
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cosqf · 5 months
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An Alastor redesign!!
alright i have many thoughts abt this funny fella. keep reading for the design process + lots of ideas
ok so. i think he has too many "themes" going on - deer, radio, voodoo, shadow powers, tentacles, deal making, the list goes on. To have a balanced character one must make their "deal" clear and stick to only a few themes! So, based on that i chose to focus on the radio and deer aspect and then sprinkle some of the rest here and there.
To start, i wanted to make the main themes - radio and deer - crystal clear from his appearance. So i gave him some bulky headphones, similar to the ones radio hosts would use when broadcasting (and he's always broadcasting! more on that later) and painted his skin in deer-like patterns (freckles like deer spots!!! cute). i also gave him antenna/radio towers for his deer antlers.
Secondly, i got rid of his hairstyle and ears. but those are his main thing! i know but look it just doesnt fit much. Alastor is a mixed polite gentleman radio host in the 30's, and his hairstyle should if not directly reflect his past life, at the very least it should hint at it, and that bob cut is way too modern. what about the ears then? personal biased choice, really.
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i played around with multiple ideas, throwing shit at the wall and seeing what stuck. i liked the idea of his hair having some curls like an old telephone wire and tried to mix that somehow with popular hairstyles for men in the 30's. don't mind the quality of the sketches
Next, his outfit! (the picture has the outdated hairstyle, which i changed cause i thought it didn't fit his gentleman vibe, despite really liking how it looked)
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most of the changes i did were either because of personal opinion or because i had an interesting idea. i also wanted to keep the red suit going so that i did.
i gave his little mic little antlers and also a little "screen" that shows the radio waves it's recording, cause i think that's a neat look. some stripped pants cause it seems it was popular in his time, and his buttons are actually radio dials! i also kept the bowtie.
Alright, for the fun part now! when compared to Vox, who's the tv demon and quite literally a tv, Alastor sure didn't enough radio elements in his own body. so i had this idea, what if he had a radio built into his chest? instead of his voice (or whatever sounds he wants) coming out of his mouth, it would emanate from this radio, still with that old-timey effect he has. i also gave him a radio frequency dial that would change on it's own, maybe depending on his mood or when he's using his powers in a certain way, i havent fully decided yet.
Now, about his powers. most of them would work the same way, with a few tweaks. Since he's mouth-mute and is broadcasting his voice through the radio, i think it'd be cool if he made his voice echo from all nearby speakers - phones, tvs, whatever, he'd hijack them to ensure he's properly heard and grab everyone's attention, using the power his mic grants him. he could also be able to eavesdrop on audio transmitted through radio waves, so no phone calls or tv signals would be safe or private near him. when he wants to reach more people or crank up the volume his antlers would grow, extending the signal's range. with this, when he's angry or wants to look threatening, his antlers would shoot up, feeling like he's shouting at you from every direction. he'd fill the air with static, making your hair (literally) stand on end, and distort the sound around him to make sure only his voice is heard if he wants it to. these moments are when i imagine his frequency tune dial and button-dials spinning erratically on his body.
now onto his shadow and tentacle powers. i felt they didn't quite match his overall vibe BUT since they're such a core part of him i couldn't get rid of them. so i figured they could be like extra power granted to him after he struck the deal for his soul, very convenient and powerful but not entirely his own. breaking the deal would also mean losing that power which could be interesting for him considering how power-hungry he usually is and how truly desperate he would have to be to break the deal anyways. And so, since his shadow puppets (the ones he uses to fight adam and have the wall fixed) wouldn't be his this way, i changed it so they'd look like deer instead! and its part of his own power set. when the souls he owns and he "teared apart" aren't screaming on the broadcast he could summon them in and they'd help his fights out, just like normal.
heres some more sketches!
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as some final notes, after his battle with adam some fun things would happen. with his mic broke and his wound fucking up the radio he has on his chest he'd have no way to broadcast his voice out, which would mean our beloved radio host would be unable to speak until he either fixed his mic or managed to heal up completely. fun stuff :)
thank you if u read all of this or just scrolled for the pictures, im grateful anyway. i want to make it clear i didnt make this redesign to "be better" than the original but rather as a fun creative assignment i gave myself, to enhance what i like about Alastor and smooth out the hard edges. i also wanna say i took inspiration from many things in the community - other redesigns, theories, rambles, they all helped me come up with this one. shoutouts to u all too
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aerkame · 1 year
I really love your finfolk au and the amount of care you have put into the world building and characters.
If it's okay, can I ask some questions about the story?
In one post, you mentioned that Frank seemed to not mind being tricked into coming to the island, and "maybe at some point he gave up" (or something to that affect?). You also mentioned that he keeps his bowtie as a reminder of his old life.
So, how did Frank first react to being trapped on Home? Did he resist like the Selkei OC? Was he tricked into transforming, or did he he know what the potion was for? How long has he been on the island?
(This has nothing to do with anything you've already shared. Just a 'what if' that's been bouncing around in my head)
If Sally had gone on one of her killing sprees while a neighbor-- lets say Eddie-- was trying to woo someone from the mainland, would there have been a way for her to know that, hey, maybe leave that one grey nerd alone?
Thank you so much for the kind words! I really love folklore and I thought finfolk folklore was just perfect for the kind of writing I want to experiment with. :)
Frank had knowingly came to the island with Eddie and actually willingly allowed himself to be transformed. It was from curiosity but mainly done because he loves Eddie enough to give up his old life as a marine biologist. Even though he does miss some parts of his previous life, he wouldn't change what he has now. It's because of this that Home and the others didn't even try to force Frank to stay, they already knew he never wanted to leave any of them to begin with.
So of course, he won't run, not ever. Not when the love of his life and best friends are here.
It took time to get used to things, yes, but it was worth it in the end. Something that Frank found to be intriguing was not only the magical abilities of finfolk, but also the many forms they could take on. For example, he and the others could take on any face, shape, or form of another puppet, sometimes even making a whole now identity unique to themselves...but when it came to being in a finfolk form only finwomen could transform themselves into what look like mermaids. Full tail and everything. Finmen could only grow fins along their bodies.
The magic that Frank was allowed to use wasn't his own. Only true finfolk could use their own magic so he had to 'borrow' Home's magic in the form of a seashell. He always kept the shell clipped to his bowtie or vest whenever he wore it. It not only allowed him to use some magic (it was weak, but it got the job done when used), but it looked quite fitting with his outfit.
He likes to visit the mainland with Eddie sometimes even if he no longer lives there. It felt so nice to see new and old faces pass by. Frank also loved to revisit the places that Eddie often takes him to for dates. It was truly a dream.
It was almost funny really.
Back when Frank was just a normal puppet he honestly thought Sally was going to kill him or Eddie as either a jealous ex or some murderer wandering the streets. The yellow star had been caught stalking the both of them and on one night while he was alone, she came to him talking about how head over heels Eddie was in love.
"You know, it'd be a shame if something were to happen to you...poor Dear would be heartbroken."
The finwomen examined her claws while speaking, it left Frank terrified and unsure of his own safety, he was not quite understanding if whether or not Sally was a fiend or a siren judging by her finned head and arms. Either way she looked ready to kill something. It wasn't going to be him though.
Turns out Sally just had a sick sense of humor or she tended to word things poorly. She had really just showed up to make sure Frank remained safe for the night after Eddie had some business to take care of.
It took a few minutes of awkward silence for Frank to realize Sally wasn't here to kill him. Of course she clarified what she meant only after Frank had the third panic attack that night. She had a good laugh about it and he had a good pout about it.
Frank isn't upset about it anymore really. If anything, he's glad Sally showed up the way she did otherwise he never would have found out about finfolk or what Eddie really was. Even when he did find out he wasn't mad, disgusted, or upset. He was curious, intrigued, and falling deeper in love for his fin man.
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illsuiteddowner · 6 months
When Arthur lost his job at the "O" Courant, he was hired on as a writer at the Wellington Wells Broadcast Corporation. Over the years, he ended up doing many things other than writing, but technically, his job was to come up with the fun, light topics Uncle Jack talked about. This segment was on the uses of a common flower in Wellington Wells, the Rose of Gilead.
Arthur was alone in the writers' room when he started working on it. He was often alone in the writers' room. Getting work done wasn't a strong suit for the people of Wellington Wells. It was one of the most quiet places in the studio and he often popped in there to get some ideas for upcoming shows written down.
That was the case with this Rose of Gilead show. Arthur usually had to do more research for these sort of segments, Arthur found that the words came easily. Soon he had written down a recipe for a medicinal balm that soothed minor wounds without even thinking.
Funny that he still remembered it. He'd never been much interested in flowers, but Percy had told him so many times he could never forget it. He would repeat it over and over again, any time he was thinking about it, and Arthur could hear every word of the instructions he'd written down in Percy's voice, clear as day. And with it came the memory of that same voice screaming out Arthur's name, over and over again, and Arthur became urgently aware that he needed to take his Joy.
But he didn't.
He still hadn't taken his Joy when one of his coworkers rushed in, demanding to know where he'd been. Arthur started some excuse about having his nose to the grindstone, and she interrupted him to say it didn't matter, didn't he know that filming was going to start any minute now? Uncle Jack would be furious if no one was operating the teleprompter, she said, and Arthur knew very well that that was his job, because Jack snapped when people took too long, and he wasn't going to put his colleagues like her through that, was he? Of course not.
She was so focused on her own ranting that she didn't seem to notice Arthur's haggard appearance. It was a good thing that no one would be looking at Arthur behind the teleprompter. When Jack was around, all eyes were on him. It was a small blessing. The last thing he wanted was to get chased out of the Broadcast Tower for being a Downer.
Was he a Downer now? Well, here he was, deliberately not taking his Joy. There weren't any other words for it.
Arthur managed to get behind the teleprompter controls just as Jack was coming out of his dressing room. Arthur was breathing a little too hard, partially from rushing but mostly from anxiety. He wasn't making any noise, but if someone looked at him, he didn't know what they'd see. For once it paid off that no one ever gave him a second glance.
Arthur operated the teleprompter so automatically he didn't even comprehend what the topic was until Jack was already reading it. Jack was wearing his Humor Hour costume. Arthur had time to think that the giant bowtie was really too ridiculous when you weren't on Joy when his eyes scanned ahead on the teleprompter and he realized the segment was a fan-favorite recurring topic. Downer jokes.
What's the difference between a Downer and an onion? read the first one. No one cries when you chop up a Downer.
Arthur was fairly certain all the color drained from his face. These jokes were about him, now. It made him seriously question whether it was the right decision to stop taking his Joy. The smart thing would be to go back on it and pop a Joy the instant he could leave the teleprompter.
But he wasn't going to do that, was he? He wanted too badly to remember. As Uncle Jack started to read the jokes and laugh too hard at them, Arthur began to shake. Had Jack always been that... Threatening? Was being off Joy making everything feel a lot more dangerous than it had a few hours prior, or had it always been that terrifying, and Arthur just didn't notice?
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traincrashs · 3 months
What are your headcanons for Mr. Puzzles x SMG3?
As the creator of this ship BOY DO I HAVE SOME!!!
TLDR: My puzzl3/adwar3 ship is 100% not for canon they would be AWFUL paired up in canon with the actual trauma puzzles has caused SMG3 and his friends. /srs and this is strictly for an au/fanon where SMG3 is still in his yt arc phase and is still very much evil/does not like smg4 and puzzles is well puzzles wtf bro is still himself. thank you! :3 AGAIN THIS IS FOR ALWAYS YT ARC SMG3 X CURRENT PUZZLES NOT CURRENT SMG3 X CURRENT PUZZLES.
They fucking would dance together and listen to music, 3 would get puzzles into current time music and puzzles would get 3 into old timing songs
I think they would adore each other, 3 would hold puzzles hand often for comfort and closeness and he wants people to know puzzles is his, and puzzles would want to hold 3 all the time like spooning him during sleep and holding his hand, he likes having somebody with him and who loves him after years of not having that.
Puzzles and 3 would lay in each other's arms after they both have a melt down over shared trauma experiences becoming to much, they both share very similar trauma and experiences mainly with yt arc 3 having like same plotline as puzzles arc wise.
Smg3 holding puzzles after he trauma dumps on him. Realizing he doesn't have to escape into a place we're he's loved anymore and can be accepted by another person who experienced the same thing for years. (I dont think ppl realize that in canon 3 was a fucking loner for 6+ years)
I personally think their both autistic in their own ways and often stim in front of each other, puzzles usually rips apart leaf's for stimming or messing with his bowtie/outfit. smg3 often scratches his arms or flaps his hands at random (puzzles does too but at random or when he's excited) or pets eggdog.
Smg3 often pulls at puzzles suspenders to get him down to his height to tell him how much he loves him or to re-direct him when he's being a bitch.
Puzzles calling smg3 shining star or starlight, Smg3 calls him idiot tv and smartscreen.
I often think they plot plans together against smg4 and his friends, and puzzles lets smg3 ramble about his plans and puzzles forms them into more reasonable plans. They do argue a bit but usually puzzles helps smg3 comes to his senses and be realistic.
I feel like 3 lifting up puzzles is so funny just carry him around, Puzzles just so fucking confused he's hella tall but weights less than 3 so 3 can pick him up
I personally do see them both as pansexual lol.
I think puzzles rambles to smg3 about new shows he's been watching and 3 listens to him and same time rambles about how much he hates smg4 and his new intrests in mainly memes (puzzles has no idea how to understand a meme) or shows they both like.
I think Smg3 gave puzzles a new bowtie it being red and puzzles has yet to take it off, has never taken it off unless its washing which is at night when he's powered off.
I think Smg3 dresses up Puzzles in new outfits instead of his same outfit. Often buying him clothes that are in puzzles style but still in style and not to old looking. Puzzles prefers 3's outfit choices because he would personally keep wearing the same outfit for the rest of his days.
Puzzles often brings smg3 roses on random occasions and they go on dates usually restaurants and half the time their just admiring each others sitting across from the other.
Smg3 does kiss puzzles screen and often makes puzzles screen turn to a light pink color and he gets all giggly, he's so love starved bro leave him alonee
I do think they have their fights because their both villians, but none of them have yet to end up with violence or hitting the other. Just a long session of not talking until one of them apologizes or the other lays down with the other as a sorry.
I think at random puzzles face does go to static and it happens in the middle of the night and 3 often bonks puzzles head out of annoyance because it scares him. Like middle of the night all you hear is loud ass static, 3 just jumps up a bit and just hits puzzles tv head to get it to stop. he swears puzzles does it on purpose.
They both often talk to each other about villian plans and places they want to destroy, often blowing up places like towns etc out of boredem. puzzles can spawn in pipebombs/bombs (this is in canon look back at the blue clues video lmao) and smg3 is way to easily skilled to throw bombs and cause havoc and opening portals to new places to destroy.
I do think they got to the dark web together for safety reasons, 3 never minded going their alone but always had this underlying feelings people were out to get him but with puzzles there it makes him feel a lot more safer going their with him.
I do think they often go to big events all dressed up and everything usually smg3 has gotten comfortable to be in dresses at times and puzzles as well at random times.
I do think smg3 detach's puzzles head to give it kisses or to just carry it around, he'll hide puzzles head and it pisses off puzzles put its in the most random places ever. its a game to him and puzzles hates this game.
I do think that puzzles likes to mess with smg3's long hair and often puts it at random into buns. smg3 hates him touching his hair and often grabs his hand before he can touch him.
Also I do think eggdog was overly aggressive to puzzles the first seeing him in the house and kept barking at him and bite his leg, but than after time settled down. Eggpup loves puzzles and would often sleep on puzzles lap.
Im not sorry I love this ship so much they have rotted my brain so badly, I'm happy I made this ship grahhhh :3
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thefuchsianeko · 1 year
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As a "fun" design exercise I decided to mess with the Hazbin characters' designs... Not really "redesigns," but more so "refined-designs"-- Keeping their overall look or "essence" while trying to simplify them and clean up their colour palettes, as well as making sure they all look distinct from one another.
I tried to stick close to the original's style but I couldn't help using thick lines, lol. Along with the simplified shapes, it gives them an early 2000s cartoon vibe I think.
For the colours I tried giving them more unique palettes, as well as making sure that they had enough contrast (the colour value of this show tends to be... not great). Also the lineup at the bottom isn't my final selection, it's just a selection to get a better idea of how they all might look together side-by-side.
Eh, tell me what you think. I could keep editing these but like, I'm tired of looking at them lol. More info on each design (plus a speedpaint) under the cut. It gets wordy, sorry.
Charlie: Not much to say besides she needs more contrast in her colours. I changed her shirt to the same colour as her corneas (yellow) so it doesn't blend in with her skin. I wish her eyes were still black (not only does it bring better attention to her face, but it works better with the idea that she's a doll-- yknow, painted on eyes? Does that make sense lol). In retrospect, maybe it would've been good to try some browns with her colours? Idk. I kept her red since she's the princess of Hell, and Hell's main colour seems to be red. Oh also, I gave her some lines on her face and hands just to make her look more like a puppet/doll. The rest of her body would have the same kind of joints/segments.
Vaggie: Ok I know her hair technically looks more moth-like in her og redesign but... it just seems like too much? Yknow? It's kind of outrageous. Idk how well my solution works but I tried simplifying it. I simplified her bow as well and made her stockings more like leggings. Her X-eye now hides behind her hair. Her gloves are shorter. Also I took away that thing around her waist that.... seems to be a different colour than everything else??? Idk what's up with that. Sorry I took away her feet. I tried out some blue and purple with her, I think it looks nice. Only thought about keeping the red bow because I thought maybe it'll match her with Charlie. Also sorry I took away her boobs 💀💀💀
Angel Dust: So unsure about how I drew him... Specifically, his 2nd set of arms looks so floppy and tacked on, and his legs... Idk I'm not great at digitigrade legs but I'm pretty sure that's officially what kind of legs he has. His head is weird. I think I got the idea of giving him big feet from Meppity's redesign video (her redesigns are some of my faves). I took away his bowtie because... too many of these guys have bowties, and he already has a choker too. Also I had the funny idea of all the Hotel employees wearing bowties/bows of some sort, and Angel is a patron but not an employee... Anyway. Kept his gold tooth to link him to Val (who also has a gold tooth), and kept the dots under his eyes since I THINK they're supposed to be representative of his spider eyes? They can be taken away if need be, though. His gloves don't go all the way up and kind of look like dish-washing gloves again but, the way his gloves go all the way up and his sleeves go into them... it just looks so weird to me. Idk, maybe I should've just given him shorter sleeves, or even no sleeves at all 🤔 And honestly I still have no idea what's going on with his pants. Are they short-shorts? Underwear? Didn't change them anyway. For the colours, I made sure all his gloves were the same colour (still don't know WHY they decided to make his 2nd set not only a different colour, but the SAME colour as his skin/fur????). Turned down the saturation on his hot-pink, and gave his right eye the light pink instead of that almost-black colour (still kept his eyes different colours because I remember seeing a really old sketch page of Angel that insinuated that there was a reason for his eye being black). Made some of the darker parts straight-black just because I've been using that in all the other character's palettes, but this can be changed to his almost-black colour. Also tried a more purple palette to get away from all the pink, kinda really like it.
Alastor: I originally tried his coat with coattails, but wasn't sure about it and made it the original shape. Took away his monocle because fuck that it's unnecessary and clutters his face. Made his antlers bigger. Swapped out his shirt collar to be like the one Charlie's og redesign has, because the way it goes all the way up like that gets on my nerves? Idk maybe I just don't know anything about fashion design but it doesn't scream 30's-suit to me. You could probably take away the collar, though. I wanted to try a lot of darker colours for his palette since he's like... kinda the bad guy. Dark colours would work well for him. I'm worried about his arms getting lost in the black of his coat, but that's why his cuffs and hands are a different colour. Really wanted to give him more than just red so I spread out the yellow of his teeth; I like how it looks for his shirt, it also works well with his eyes to draw you towards his face. I also tried to (again) lessen the saturation of his reds and pushed them more towards orange to better match the yellow. Kept all the brighter colours to his upper body to keep your eyes there, too.
Husk: I think Husk was one of my least favorite designs when the pilot came out because he's a real mess of detail. His wings are the worst. His redesign isn't much better (like dawg why's he got these random-ass hearts everywhere). Simplified his wings to just have some circles and rounded shapes. Kept some heart shapes (like his nose, bowtie, and paws) but added a couple diamond shapes, too (mainly his suspender buttons and the shape of his white chest-fur). Really wanted to have more blatant club and spade shapes too (to add to the poker theme), but didn't want it to get crowed and decided the rest of the rounded and heart shapes worked well enough. Made his eyebrows shorter and more square-shaped. Didn't have many ideas for colours but knew that I wanted to try some oranges and yellows. Made his eyebrows a darker colour, and changed his eyes to yellow corneas with black pupils. Stands out more that way, I think.
Niffty: Did you know her name is spelled with two Fs? I didn't. I don't like it... Anywayyyy. Swirled her hair a little more, and took the yellow streak out. Added some fluff under her dress just to match her apron. Kept the dots on her shirt (though there are only two now instead of three) because I'm assuming it'll make sense later (like idk maybe she was shot to death and that's what they represent), but I wonder if you can take those away for a cleaner design? Gave her more rounded shapes. I said before that all the Hotel employees would have bows/bowties of some sort for these designs: Niffty's would be her handkerchief (yknow, it's tied into a bow in the back? That works right...? Eh.) I took away her cheekmarks 1) to clear up her face and 2) to make Charlie's cheek marks seem more unique and doll-like. For Niffty's colours, I (again) turned down the saturation on her pink. I wanted to try using some green and purple on her, since her inspirations include B-movie aliens and the song One-Eyed, One-Horned, Flying Purple People Eater. Tried using different colours for her skin, since a lot of characters in Hazbin have white skin, and for Niffty specifically I think the white skin along with her white apron dries-out her look (if that makes sense?) Though I do agree her having yellow skin is NOT good if she really does end up being Japanese. I think pink skin works well for her, though. Oh! And again, it helps make Charlie's design more unique with her white skin, making her seem more porcelain. I made Niffty's eyes yellow like her teeth, and then used the same colour for her apron to unify the palette.
Cherri: Ok Cherri's design was my ABSOLUTE least favorite from the pilot, too many senseless details I HATE her ripped pants. So hard to look at. Idk if you noticed in the time lapse but I had to re-sketch Cherri because 1) her pose was too similar to Niffty's (I was making their poses similar to their official art) and 2) her hair was giving me trouble... I kinda hate how her hair hovers to the side like that? Tried re-shaping her hair and now it looks like she uses a TON of hairspray or something, lol. Took away her tattoo but kept her freckles. Took away the skirt thing(?) she's got on her pants. Took the symbol off her shirt, but added an X to her pants (can be taken away, though). Simplified the rips on her pants to just be ripped knees. put a heel on her left shoe so she doesn't look unbalanced/uncomfortable. Made her gloves shorter. For colours, I again took away her white skin for the same reason I took away Niffty's white skin (less "dried out" palette and makes Charlie look more unique/porcelain). Afaik Cherri's not Asian so yellow skin could work for her, though I also tried green skin. Since one of her themes is cherries I wanted to use reds, pinks, greens, and blacks. I tried some green for her clothes (and again her skin), and also turned some of her pinks more red. Made her hair darker for more contrast, and tried using some red for her hair instead of pink (I like the pink hair, but again... red like cherries). In general her colour palette was the hardest to figure out but I think I found some interesting things.
Sir Pentious: Sir Pent was my 2nd least-favorite pilot design by only a little 🤏. It's all his eyes. He's very hard to look at. I took away all the eyes on his tail, and turned down the saturation on the rest of the eyes EXCEPT the ones on his face (maybe I should have just made those reds much different colours, but it still looks a lot better with just the saturation down). Took away his stupid-ass goggles and made the face on his hat a lot simpler (combined the mouth with the hat band; it can still emote btw). Replaced his bowtie with... *quick google search* A jabot? It's supposed to be a jabot I think. I think that's what it's called. More 1700s than 1800s, but eh. Maybe I should've given him *quick google search* a cravat maybe??? Eh, eh, not a fashion expert but anyway. I thickened his mid-section so it eases into his tail better because, the way it is in the official design it always made him look like a slug to me? I looks too... squishy. Banana-slug-lookin' ass Also took away his red-tipped claws and made them straight black. For his colours, I think the grey and yellow works for him already, though I do wanna see how he'd look with more green or blue. Most of what I did colour-wise was the eyes, but also his suit; still grey, but trying both darker colours and pushing it more towards blue and purple. I wonder if I made his skin a little too dark? Is it kinda hard to see his features? Idk. Idk how I feel about these colours. Bleh.
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lunalycana · 1 year
Barry x Ian Jr 👀
This ship is SO funny to me for a million reasons, but the best reason is that Ian Jr. literally looks like that.
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Just?? The idea that Barry saw this absolute freak of nature. This weird wolf guy in a "GAMER" hat and crocs with human hands and a bowtie, and for some reason thought "Wow what a dreamy guy I should ask him out" LIKE ARE KIDDING ITS SO GOOD.
I genuinely feel like Barry's romantic standards are sometimes skewed down to "this person gave me positive attention wow that's pretty cool I think I have a crush now", so the idea of this bug-eyed nightmare doing something kind for Barry and now all they can do is dream of kissing him under the moonlight is EASILY one of the best things ever to me. 😭
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Newest Asides: Reaction Post [Part II]
Part II of the reaction post.
Trigger/Content Warning: wine mention
Beware of spoilers of the new Asides video (Virgil Reacts to...)
[Part I here]
==Actual Content, Part II==
his book is Crosswords for 365 Days by Will Shortz (prob published by New York Times)
^it's smaller text says A year of easy-to-hard puzzles
his tie. omg, his tie.
that is either a red and blue tie OR a dark-orange and blue tie
^either one fits
ANGER - Logan as anger? oh f*ck, the foreboding set in
"and people start acting funny when it comes to rules" -> why does this stick with me. why.
"Lo-gan" -> very nice, Roman
"here he goes again" -> this happens often, doesn't it?
HEY YEAH. Uno wtf
loving Logan's portrayal as Anger (fits him a little too well)
"poo-poo everything I suggest" -> feels a little too canon there, buddy (angst angst angst)
REMUS, MY RAT BASTARD (affectionate)
"that gave me an idea" // "no-"
^f*ckin ded
FEAR - Remus as Fear? hmm, I see, I see…
Remus as Fear is just a YUS from me, omg <3
his white hair streak/fluff, his greenish mustache, his green sweater vest, YUS I LOVE HIM
the bowtie, lmao
"snake, spider, or rat-" oh hey, my three fav Sides -> Snake Boi, Anxious Spider F*ck, and Rat Man
needs to check for snake, spider, or rat? why would he need to check as if they were out to get him or something? hmm?
^thoughts formulating, theories materializing
we are literally talking about sh*t rn
Roman looks so done with Remus - average sibling behaviour
loving the Janus-Remus interactions
"it's very gross- and terrifying" -> yep, that's. that's Fear. Yep.
"are we going to do that?" // "NO, nO-"
^mm, sibling interaction gives me life
oh wait, Remus also has no orange
It appears that the only two without orange on them are Remus & Patton. hmm.
"Fearmus" // "Joyman" -> both these names are amazing
"Kill-Joyman" lmao
"yeah, that's accurate" -> NOT PATTON AGREEING
aw, now Joyman refrains and holds himself back, nooo
^mm, wonderful angst material tho
Joyman dramatizing Virgil/Other-Anxiety's arrival
I had to stop the dang vid to stim cause skfskafslfjal- no I am not normal about this
the anticipation, oh god why
"Anxiety~" // no one shows up
^lmao, Joyman must've had a "bruh" moment there
"-I can't do this" -> in the deepest voice ever, Virgil wtf
Everyone's reactions, lmao
"Speak for yourself, sweetie" -> f*cking love Janus
OTHER ANXIETY - poor Virgil, he looks so off with the orange
love how angry Virgil is over people thinking Anxiety would look like it's portrayed in the movie
everyone's reactions ksdfaskdf
Remus laughing at him - the Dukexiety content we needed
"sorry, you look stupid" -> Remus omg LMAO (they're besties, your honour)
"isn't that not how he always looks?" -> mm, classic Janus & Virgil hostility, my fav <3
Virgil shutting it down gives me the idea that all of them [the Sides], not only the twins (Creativity), can end Daydream Mode or whatever this is
"oh, buddy" -> reminds of when Virgil said he didn't like being called 'kiddo' so Patton was like "okay" and now calls him 'buddy'
loving all of their interactions with each other, just the Sides being a mess of a family
^hey, does this signify that c!Thomas has accepted them as parts of himself? just saying.
^^he doesn't have to like them to accept them, btw
the map behind Remus? yus, love that for his spot cause he's Creativity and thus can create worlds (the map fits that aspect) [this was a bit of stretch - leave me be]
"I was told there would be wine" -> ah makes sense, Janus was bribed
"…told I could kill Bing-Bong" -> yep checks out, Remus was also bribed
Headcanon: Patton bribed those two Dork Sides
love how those two were frickin bribed into this, lmao
"has the vibe shifted" -> idk why but this killed me (laughing)
"oh good, you reminded me of that scene" -> sad Patton; he plays Sadness so well (even when not Sadness - oh no)
"I always played Fear" -> not only have they done this before, but roles were pre-established and got switched because of the sequel (and Virgil playing Fear makes Biggo Sense, cause fear and anxiety kinda intertwine themselves [in a way])
^it seems like maybe Jan & Re don't usually play games with them like this, and maybe this is their first times as a group of six? Like, this is Jan's & Re's first time just hanging out with the other four?? cause of dialogue and how things are worded
"similar energies" -> why is so Remus GenZ-coded? (I say as a GenZ) (it's funny to me)
"no, he's right" -> besties besties besties (Jan & Re)
Roman Misunderstands Janus counter, anyone?
yep, floral-designed hoodie. the motif never ends
"Hi Bud" -> Pat's face is like :D
"Oh god, yes" -> he sounds so relieved to see Thomas, aw
"aesthetic-based casting" -> explains why Patton was Sadness and Janus was Disgust; but why Remus as Fear? and Ro as Joy?? hmm, must form some thoughts…
^wait, what does that mean for Logan? FOREBODING
maybe Ro was Joy cause he desperately wants control of a situation because with everything happening in canon, he's lost control of things and f*cked up and- angst angst angst
Virgil and Other Anxiety are so different, jfc
"Doctor Who is stupid" // "FALSEHOOD"
^and that's why he was Anger, yep, I see now
why does Logan express actual emotion but only ever through anger (and sass)? TIME TO THEORIZE
maybe because Logan was usually dismissed/not taken seriously whenever he expressed emotion, so now all he has is sass & anger & a cold-exterior mask to hide behind? (evident from earlier videos)
aww, Ro being kind to Vi and platonic Prinxiety being friends slkffslkfdlsafjkd
"is that really how some people would think Anxiety would like?" -> the Others' reactions - oh no, the silence
"they all wanna say yes" -> Remus, this is why you're my fav character
love how Remus is kinda chill/domestic this episode <3
Remus be forcing others to confront things they're trying to avoid, and that's my fav thing about him
can you tell I'm a Remus stan yet
"nope" -> yeah, that's Remus [lmao]
Remus and Virgil are such besties in this, and I LOVE IT
==More IRL Thomas==
mm, promo
stickers, I wish I could have ye
yay, famous outro
==End Card==
Sadton Tries To Pun but gets Pun-Blocked by Anger-Logan
"interrupting cow" -> he's so sad, noooo
Joyman horribly singing to musicals is not something I expected, but I love it anyway
"it has been THREE. HOURS. I will murder you with a butterknife!" OtherAnxiety-Virgil is a whole mood
Him calling Remus "buddy" is everything to me
^Janus sounds like a frickin wine mom, omg
"idk, I just let him play" -> explains so much about Jan & Re, dear frickin god
why does the wine look like Kool Aid-
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wri0thesley · 9 months
Oh Sir Lancelot looks so angry in his cone of shame lol. I wish him a speedy recovery and am sending him plenty of kisses ❤️
Anonymous asked: Would your cat like…. A few more kisses to make up for his lack of bowtie
he's getting used to it! he still hasn't quite gotten used to the width of it (he got litter from his litter tray stuck in it recently, and . . . something else from his litter tray on it that needed to be cleaned!) and he's walking a little funny because i assume his balance is being thrown off, but he's doing SO WELL!! and he was such a good good boy about having the medicine the vet gave him for pain i wanted to CRY! he is taking all of your kisses and feeling very sorry for himself but also like he is the most important kitty in the world fbgkjngfbjnk
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yallemagne · 1 month
We be out here.
Okay so, I was away for the weekend on a little vacation. It was presented to me as a beach vacation where we'd be doing a DnD oneshot. And then we got there and it turns out the rest of the group perceived it as a DnD trip where "eh, fuck the beach actually". We did fortunately go to the beach, I got to return to my home the ocean. And then I was buried in a deep hole. I got out obv.
For the oneshot, it was posed as we were attending the Hero Olympics. That was a front. The House of Heroes was actually a House of Horrors. What did I play? Well, for context, I don't do DnD. This is the second time I have done it ever. After my friend mentioned cowboys in conversation, I decided to play Quincey Morris. One of the requirements was to give your PC's greatest fear and greatest motivation. Quincey's fear? Bats (they ate his damn horse). Quincey's motivation? Friendship (the state motto of Texas). Fortunately and unfortunately I killed it on all the wisdom saving throws so we didn't get Quincey under the influence of fear toxin. Which is sad bc the DM actually thanked me for giving him such a funny fear.
Anyhow, the game had overall more faults than strengths, but the thing is that my friend was also playing a cowboy >:))) so Quincey was of course drawn to him, and we had a little bit of role play. The DM was intrigued and put us in a room together. There were two small beds and Quincey had the idea to stack them on top of each other to make bunk beds. When we told the DM, she asked us to roll to see if we were successful. For context, we gave Quincey a proficiency in woodworking bc I figured he'd be good at whittling, so I was asked to roll with advantage.
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(I had the purple dice and was briefly confused by the symbol when my friend said "that's a nat 20" and the table went absolutely wild)
So, impossibly, we were able to take this very sparsely decorated room and make a perfect bunk bed adorned with those fancy bed curtains and fairy lights, it was amazing. We also built a table somehow, and as we kept passing our wisdom saving throws, we just played a game of cards.
The doors were locked and so we both decided to shoot at it. Quincey lacks proficiency with his gun, so I rolled a 4-1=3. Shrugged it off and said "eh, that is what usually happens" and the table laughed :))).
But after that point, all I really got to do was shoot once at an enemy (a skin bat). I got a nat 20 again. But I didn't kill the bat, so dang. And then combat ended and a member of the group straight up left to take his gf on a date so we couldn't continue ijoergjp literally what the hell.
Next day we went to a Medieval Torture Museum and I was with another friend, different friend, and they said that as we went further down the hall, the torture devices probably got worse. I mused that "I just hope they don't have the Judas Cradle". And we turn around and what is behind us? A display of the Judas Cradle. It was a magical moment. Lost our damn minds.
Then we got done, I found friend who also played a cowboy, we went into a steampunk store and I got a BAT!!
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And a bowtie and my friend got me a vampire pin. And that was the highlight of the day, we could have just left immediately after, but we unfortunately stayed for too long, it grew painful, we finally went home, ditching the rest of the vacation group.
It was overall a bad trip. I got overwhelmed and pissed way more often than I had fun, the cons outnumber the pros. There were too many people and too many of those people I found I positively disliked. But I can just choose to linger more on the good things, to place the few moments of joy higher than the several moments of GRAGHHAAAA. One of the highlights of the trip was when we (me, cowboy friend, torture museum friend, and a quiet acquaintance) went to the fucking grocery store on the first day for groceries. We were on vacation and one of my favourite parts was literally a chore because I was doing the chore with people I liked.
That's some old people shit, I'm old now ojpier.
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daandyli0n · 10 months
so. hey fnaf fans. i had A Thought.
do y'all think that any of the MCI kids + Charlie and the Crying Child (i call him Adrian) just hung out with lonely kids in the restaurants? do you think they ever said or did anything odd that the living kids just kinda brushed off at the time?
like, hear me out:
- Charlie letting overwhelmed or bullied kids spend time in the Prize Corner during the quieter times, away from the loud music near the stage and away from other kids. they'd draw, vent about their problems, or even just talk about their days. all while Charlie would just quietly listen and nod, giving advice where she believes it's appropriate.
and sure, she looks like she's wearing makeup to look similar to the Puppet, but hey, they aren't gonna judge! it looks nice on her anyway.
- Susie watching others play games in the arcades, sometimes telling them how to win. she looks and acts like a bubbly six-year-old who just wants someone to talk to and play with. she even rambles on about her dog when she's allowed to.
sometimes she seems really sad and quiet, talking about how she wants to go home, how she still hurts, and how she doesn't understand why she cant leave. some kids try to help her find her parents, to convince hem to take her home, but they don't have any luck. she seems to disappear into the crowds shortly afterwards, though.
- Gabriel always wants to watch the band, and sometimes kids will see him sitting near the stage, still watching and listening. other times they see him, he's always hiding behind corners, in the shadows.
sometimes, he doesn't even say anything. if people interact with him, he'll run off into other rooms, only to mysteriously vanish.
- Jeremy, the prankster he was in life, constantly makes funny faces at other kids, sometimes making them laugh, other times annoying them. he jokes with scared, sad kids, playing games with them.
the kids do wonder, though, why adults ask who they're laughing at. can't they see the boy making silly faces at them?
- Fritz, usually off by himself while watching Foxy's shows, generally attracts other lonely kids to him like moths to a flame. they sit near him, trying to give him company. sometimes they'd talk about pirates with him.
however, when people would ask who they were talking to, they'd try to introduce him, only for him to be gone. what's more, he'd always seem to disappear when Foxy was done performing...
- sometimes, kids are just assholes. they find keys to the Backstage area, dare their friends to go back there, only to lock them in. those kids find two oddities back there, after they manage to calm down enough, obviously. one was a weird golden bear, looking eerily similar to Freddy, only his bowtie and hat were purple and he wore a purple vest. the other oddity? this weird kid who called themself Cassidy. they'd keep the kids company, talking with them, giving them a nice distraction until an employee came to get them out.
however...one little girl tells a weird story. in her case, the man who came to get her was some guy with the name "Dave." upon him unlocking the door, Cassidy had gone from calm, happy to talk, to almost dead silent, a death grip on her arm. "Mr. Dave," as she'd called him, could clearly see her and Cassidy...but he almost seemed more shocked to see Cassidy. as she tried to get up to leave, Cassidy wouldn't get up from the floor, still holding onto her arm for dear life, still giving "Dave" a death stare. eventually, they let her go, but she felt panicked as "Dave" took her out and locked the door, Cassidy still inside. she stared at the door for a couple of more hours until she left, and then...Cassidy was outside again. she just remembers them hugging her, muttering something about just being worried that she'd get hurt, and then declining as she offered to let them come home with her. her mom got worried about the clear as day bruise on her arm, but more concerned about the fact that she said that another kid gave it to her. she never saw Cassidy again after that day.
(Afton knows he could've done something that day. the opportunity was practically handed to him on a silver platter; a young child, alone, in the backroom, on a day the cameras were malfunctioning. it would've been far too easy.
but, well, Cassidy was right there too, and they clearly weren't going to let him remotely hurt her. they had her arm in a grip so hard that he's shocked it only left a bruise, not outright broken it. he knows that Cassidy was holding back. had he tried to even tried hurting her? whatever restraint Cassidy had would've gone right out the window.)
- kids would find Adrian off on his own, crying. some kids would offer to sit with him, or show him the animatronics. upon seeing how scared he was, some would either decide to sit with him, just to give him company, or promise to stand between him and the animatronics, so that he wouldn't have to see them. other times, he'd approach kids who were scared, upset, or crying, and sit with them. some of them would talk about how they were called "crybabies" or "scaredy-cats." he would just nod. "It's okay. I've been called those things, too." sometimes he suggests that maybe they could hold hands and watch the animatronics together, so maybe they'd both be less scared (he remembers Cassidy doing it with him, all the way back then. he wants to help other kids like Cassidy helped him).
some kids do have to wonder, though...why is he always crying? and why does he always wear bandages on his head? did he get hurt?
of course, years go by, and memories fade, but not always completely. those with more odd experiences would look up the names of the kids they met, wondering where those kids ended up.
they find newspaper articles, kids who vanished years before they would be encountered, missing children posters with smiling photos of kids, taken in the days, weeks, months before they disappeared. they still looked the exact same as they did when they went missing. they find two other articles: one on a girl who was slain and then left for dead in the alley at Freddy's, and a boy who lost his life in a tragic prank gone wrong. suddenly, other details line up for the now-adults, remembering those odd kids they met. their pale skin. their oddly quiet nature. adults and other kids not seeing them. the vanishing into the shadows within seconds.
and it makes these adults wonder, with a growing feeling of dread in their guts:
what exactly had they encountered at Freddy's when they were kids? odd children, or spirits that roamed Freddy's halls?
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