carsaadi · 4 months
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I hear mermay is pretty fun, but i can't really keep up with daily prompts, so have a mermaid Taika :]]
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Rurue stares at an old person hoping he will do something (he does not).
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kittybiology · 5 months
Beautiful day. Loud sound outside my house interrupted my nap
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swagstar · 8 months
the need to move is so enticing. also my phone autocorrected move to love.
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file-583-comic · 1 year
Welcome, welcome!
Before you go scroll through this blog, I should go on to give some basic information and warnings for the comic. I’ll try to keep it short.
This comic handles some heavy topics, so if any of these trigger you I advise you to not read this comic:
Swearing [there is a lot of it]
Suicidal thoughts
Substance abuse [smoking, drinking, etc.]
Blood & Minor amounts of gore
Death / Murder
With that out of the way, let’s continue with the general plot of FILE-583:
FILE-583 follows Ethan “Feck” Yaker, who has just dropped out of college and moved into a small town named Consdale, Canada. As time goes on, he gets framed for a murder he very much could not and did not commit. He’s proven guilty, but is excused from the murder due to him being deemed too mentally unhealthy to have honestly committed it. He is sent to an asylum to receive electroshock therapy, kicking off a horribly eventful first year home.
If you would like, here’s a post that goes more in depth!
#file-583 comic - for comic, scripting, and writing updates!
#doodles and sketches - as the name implies, doodles and sketches!
#art - more high-effort stuff!
#references - references of characters!
#letters in the mail - asks!
Who is this account run by?
itspronouncedfeckyou and itspronouncedfeckyou only!
Is there some sort of discord server?
Yes! Here it is!
How's progress on the actual comic?
Been on a weird hiatus, posting is super infrequent
That should be just about everything. Happy scrolling!
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tillman · 2 years
I dunno I think this week was made in a blender to absolutely smother me in as much stress as humanly possible
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coolguyontheblock · 3 months
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Whiteboard stuff!! Auggv
I have morebut maybe ill post that later idk
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alien-slushie · 4 months
So I have this little headcanon that Atsushi doesn't like any kind of small, wrapped candies. Like, he doesn't have a panic attack everytime he's around one, but he also doesn't like having them on hand and if he's somehow given some he usually pawns them off to the nearest person as fast as he can. Nobody questions him cause Atsushi is a naturally giving, and rather jumpy person.
But then the more I thought about it, I got a fluffy possibly hurt/comfort idea for Ranpo and Atsushi.
Ranpo doesn't share his snacks, at least not most of the time. It's really rare if he does, and is usually a sign of affection(or he just hates that specific flavor).
Cut to Ranpo and Atsushi doing a case together and Ranpo oh so graciously gives Atsushi a small, round wrapped peice of strawberry candy. Atsushi is touched, but he also doesn't feel comfortable eating it, he doesn't want it to go to waste, but Ranpo so rarely shares his snacks and this feels like an honor and he'd feel bad giving it away.
Atsushi is now at a cross roads, and is overthinking everything.
Idk how this would end. Maybe Ranpo realizes the problem and switches the treat out? Or Atsushi crumbles and tells Ranpo he doesn't like hard candies and ranpo is all 'Why didn't you say anything?' And trades for something else? Idk, I just really like this duo.
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davidhudson · 1 year
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Rainer Werner Fassbinder, May 31, 1945 – June 10, 1982.
Photo by Peter Gauhe.
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ouroborosreilig · 1 year
life series hc where if u are the boogey u turn into this fucked up creature thing when ur about to kill somebody
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kaiko55 · 1 year
Heya!!! I'm kinda new to the tickle community and I really like bfb/tpot! If it's ok with you I'd like to see either Lee two (ler can be anybody) or Lee remote (ler can be anyone)
That's all! Have a good day!! :)
Aww yayaya! Welcome to the tk community:D
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I haven't drawn tk art in a while sheeee
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lyranova · 1 year
Can I request a sfw Greyche with prompt 17, if it's not too late to request for your event?
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Hiya anon! This was one of the first requests I got for my event so no worries, I hope you enjoy 🥰!
Word Count: 1,249
Warnings: None
Gauche was sleeping soundly, well, as soundly as he could given that he was lying on the cold hard ground outside. He, Grey, and Gordon had been sent out on a small mission to take care of some wild beasts that were tormenting a nearby village. Everything was going fine so far, they talked to the villagers and found that the beasts usually came around at night, and so the three agreed they would sleep in the woods and wait for the beasts to show up.
They had all gone to sleep, or at least that’s what Gauche thought, and then he heard some shuffling around and a few whimpers. He frowned, what on earth was that noise? He slowly cracked his eye open and saw that it was Grey. She was sitting up, her blankets wrapped tightly around her, looking around the area with wide and fearful eyes.
“ Grey, what’re you still doing up?” He asked groggily as he sat up to look at her, he watched her jump as he spoke before turning to look at him.
“ G-G-Gauche!” She exclaimed in surprise, but he also heard a bit of relief in her voice as well. He quirked a brow and her face instantly turned red as she looked away in shame. “ I’m sorry for waking you up, It’s just…I-I tried to go to sleep, but I heard something in the woods, and it scared me!” She admitted, with a skittish squeak, Gauche sighed a bit.
“ I-I’ll try to go to sleep, and I won’t bother you anymore. I’m sorry!” She quickly apologized as she tried to lay back down to go to sleep, Gauche shook his head as he did the same.
Just as he was drifting off to sleep, he heard something shuffle closer to him, he frowned and was going to just brush the sound off as a small gust of wind. But the shuffling grew closer, and closer, and closer. He sat up quickly and pulled out his grimoire, when he blinked in surprise.
“ Grey, what’re you doing?” He asked, his voice sounding like a mixture of annoyed, confused, and tired. Grey sat in front of him, her hands still gripping the blankets tightly in her hands as her body trembled in fright.
“ I was going to see if you were still awake,” Grey muttered sheepishly, her eyes closed tightly. “ And I was g-going to ask you for a small…favor.” She added softly as her cheeks turned an even brighter red then they already were, Gauche sighed softly before he sat up fully to look at her.
“ What is it Grey?” He asked, his voice becoming softer and the annoyance dissipated. She kept her eyes closed tightly as she took a deep breath.
“ Can I sleep with you?!” She said so quickly that the words were jumbled together, he blinked as the confusion returned to his face.
“ Can…you what?”
“ I-I asked, Can I…sleep with you…please?” She asked a little slower this time, and he noticed her tone became more embarrassed than fearful.
Gauche rubbed the back of his head as he thought about it, it was no secret that he had a crush on her, well, it was no secret to him. But no one else knew it, not even Grey suspected he had feelings for her, otherwise she wouldn’t have dared to ask to sleep with him.
“ What’re you, a little kid?” He muttered as his cheeks turned a bright pink before he moved over on his mat to make room for her. “ Here, you can sleep with me, but just this once.”
“ T-Thank you!” She quickly exclaimed as she moved next to him and lied down beside him, still wrapped up in her blankets. Gauche shook his head before he laid down next to her and closed his eyes.
But he couldn’t fall asleep!
His mind raced, and his heart pounded nervously against his chest, the girl he liked was laying next to him, and she was so close that he could smell what kind of shampoo she used earlier that morning! He glanced down at her, her back was facing him, but he could still see her shoulders trembling. From the fear of the beasts in the woods, or from the nervousness she was probably feeling while laying next to him, he wasn’t sure. But no matter which one it was, he wanted to reach out and try to comfort her.
But he refrained.
“ A-Are you awake?” Grey suddenly asked softly, and Gauche opened his eyes and turned to look at her.
“ Yeah, what’s wrong?” Gauche asked softly, and he heard her hum a bit before she began to speak again.
“ I’m sorry for causing you all this trouble,” She said as she pulled the blankets tighter against her. “ I’m just like a child, scared of the dark and all the noises in it.” She added, her tone almost so quiet that he nearly missed it, Gauche sighed before he rolled onto his side to face her.
“ It’s fine Grey, Marie used to be the same way, so…I get it,” He told her softly. “ Besides, there are a lot of scary things in the dark, you never know who or what’s in it waiting for the right moment to attack you.”
“ A-Attack you?!” Grey exclaimed nervously as she rolled over and moved closer to him, her body pressing up against his, making both of their faces turn bright red at the proximity.
Neither one said a word for at least a solid minute, they just stared at each other, both trying to figure out whether they should move back, or stay right where they were.
“ Nothing’s gonna attack you, Grey,” Gauche muttered softly. “ Even if something were to try to attack you, they would have to go through me first.”
“ G-Gauche?” Grey stammered, her face somehow getting even redder. She watched as Gauche grabbed one of her blankets that had fallen off her shoulder and quickly put it back, muttering something about her not needing to catch a cold.
“ I’m just saying, as long as I’m around…you’ll always be safe,” Gauche told her with a small sigh, the faint blush returning to his cheeks. “ So just close your eyes, go to sleep, and you’ll be alright. When morning comes, you and I’ll be safe and sound.” He added, as he began to close his eyes, Grey blinked a bit.
“ P-Promise?”
“ Promise.”
Grey slowly nodded before she closed her eyes and snuggled into his chest. Gauche’s eyes flew open at the action and his heart begin to pound fast and hard against his chest again, he swore Grey could probably hear it because it felt like it was beating so loud. But he remained still, he didn’t want to move away, and he didn’t want to push her away. So he felt it was better that he just…not move at all.
“ So warm…and comforting…” Grey muttered sleepy as a soft sigh escaped her lips before she went to sleep, Gauche blinked a bit as he glanced down at her, warm and comforting? Him? She had to be dreaming about her bed or something, there was no way she was talking about him…right?
Later that evening, when Gordon woke up to get a glass of water, he noticed Grey and Gauche sleeping side by side, hugging one another. He smiled, he was very happy that his friends were getting along, and quietly hoped this would make them become more than friends someday soon!
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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femrobespierre · 3 months
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1tsjusty0u · 4 months
hm. how do i talk about oc more …,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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mars-ipan · 6 months
man the internet is so lovely. i’m able to make and keep friendships with people i never would have even begun to know otherwise. i’m friends with people who live or have lived across the world from me, and we’re friends the same way i would be with people i’ve met in real life. in some cases we get close FASTER than i would with irl friendships!! that’s crazy and awesome :]
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newts-and-sharks · 2 years
I need to draw Akrí more
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