itlivesproject · 2 years
JUST FINISHED THE CHAPTER AND SRDTFYGUHJ the implications??? the parallels??? for each of the lis if mc is power personified?? like first you have Jocelyn who's lost her best friends to the power and unlike ilitw mc didn't have a support system way back then so all this anger has stemmed into a huge need for revenge and now you're saying the one person who calms her down or clashes with her just right is the one thing she swore to destroy? then you have Abel who's had this immense burden he's carried because of the necklace and the power and the ghosts to the extent he's lost family and now you'e telling him the one person that gives him a respite from all the work is the very thing that can endanger everything he's worked so hard to protect those near to him for? then you have Lincoln who's been introduced to the power too early and too young and has seen outright the horrible toll the power takes from others and hence he's vowed to end this one way or another and now you're telling him the one person who's come closer is the very thing that he swore to protect himself from ever again coming near? and!! AMALIA!!!! who's spent her entire life just searching for something normal and acquainting herself with someone who despite all the struggle they go through is still someone she holds near and dear to her heart and has vowed to stop the power from messing from her and anyone else again - and now you're telling her the one person who's understood her the longest and knows her more intimately than herself is the very force that has led to her destruction? how do you tell your best friend that you are nothing but a memory of death? how do you tell the person you love you're the very thing they hate?
which is to say I'm so glad the heterochromia had implications (like I knew they changed but this. this change is actually insane /pos) and I hope the break is effervescent and the plot twists continue
these musings... top notch, really. so many implications, so little time!!
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