#garutona chapter 3
garutonaagent · 20 hours
Maika Fantasia - Chapter 3: High School Girl (Part 3 of 5)
(Disclaimer: Using “Bubble Translator” and making slight tweaks in case of broken English, here is a very loose translation! Due to photo limitations per post, only screenshots of specific moments will be present; otherwise, it’s dialogue translated via text-only)
Chapters: Prologue - My Little Star Chapter 1 - Catch Dream Chapter 2 - C'mon, C'mon Chapter 3 - (you are here) Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chosen One Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 -
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Location: Training room
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Eriha: Alright, that's all for today! Be sure not to get sick!
Everyone: Y--yes ma'am!
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Yume: Ha...ha...I'm tired, hah...
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Sarah: Golly, same here...it's been a while we entered the school, but I have a crazy schedule ev'ry day...
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Udzuki: The studying is difficult...and surprisingly demanding...
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Himari: Huh, issat so~? I'm definitely tired, but doesn't it seem like fun every day!?
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Hayu: ...Himari. That's...that's Himari for ya...
Yume: Yeah, it is fun!
Hayu: ...hm.
Himari: Isn't it!~? I feel like I'm doing so much jujitsu every day! It's fun! Super fun♪
Yume: Yeah, that's true...!
Sarah: Ufufun ♪
Hayu: ...
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Location: Hayu's room
Hayu: Hahh, I'm tired~!
Hayu: [ (It's crazy amazing... After that, Himari said she was going to practice on her own, but I wonder if she actually went...) ]
Hayu: I...I just can't seem to get the hang of it...
Hayu: [ (I wanted to become a dancer, too, so I'm glad I was picked...) ]
Hayu: [ (But after time, I've noticed how big of a difference in skills there is between Himari and me...) ]
Hayu: Himari is...so cool.
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Location: Training room
Hayu: [ (Oof, I feel tight... I've been having lessons all morning...) ]
Hayu: [ (My head won't stop spinning, but...) ]
Himari: Wait a sec, stop!
Yume: Haa...haa...what's wrong?
Hayu: Haa...haa...
Himari: Hayu, what's wrong? Are you feeling a lil' under the weather?
Hayu: Huh...?
Himari: It's just like this, y'know? I felt like it wasn't sharp enough!
Himari: Your turning, I mean...
Hayu: ...and what's wrong with that?! It can't be helped, that's just how it is!
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Hayu: I mean, we're doing lessons all day, every day, all the same right? Of course it's exhausting!
Himari: Huh?
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Hayu: Even now, I'm actually "on a break", I guess!? And yet you're gonna insist that we train on our own instead of taking a break!
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Himari: Hayu, then you should've rested--
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Hayu: You really think I should've said that!? Even though I'm the worst at this...!?
Himari: But...
Hayu: [ (You won't tell me what you're leaving behind.) ]
Hayu: I'm different from you, Himari... I can't do any of this, but you're...!
Himari: Wha--Himari!
Yume: Hayu-chan--!
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garutonaagent · 2 months
Maika Fantasia - Chapter 3: High School Girl (Part 2 of ?)
(Disclaimer: Using “Bubble Translator” and making slight tweaks in case of broken English, here is a very loose translation! Due to photo limitations per post, only screenshots of specific moments will be present; otherwise, it’s dialogue translated via text-only)
Chapters: Prologue - My Little Star Chapter 1 - Catch Dream Chapter 2 - C'mon, C'mon Chapter 3 - (you are here) Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chosen One Chapter 7 -
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Location: Main entrance
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Hayu: Whoa...
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Sarah: This is...this is...this is quite a sight.
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Udzuki: It's wonderful...
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Yume: Yeah...!
Hayu: *nervous sound* It's so impressive that it's making me worried.
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Manager: It's okay.
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Eriha: Yes it is, now are we ready to go? I'll explain things briefly while you follow me.
Yume: Y--yes ma'am.
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Location: Inside the school building
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Himari: Wow...so cool, and so pretty!
Udzuki: Is this place new? The school building, I mean.
Eriha: That's right. It's pretty nice, isn't it?
Himari: Mm-hmm! It's soooo nice! I'm so excited!
Hayu: S--same here.
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Sarah: If truth be told, I'm a wee bit hesitant.
Hayu: !
Hayu: Y--yeah...! That's right!
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Sarah: Ufufun ♪
Eriha: Well, how about we head to the courtyard next?
Udzuki: Courtyard...! I wonder if they have any pretty flowers planted.
Yume: I can't wait to see it!
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Location: Courtyard
Hayu: It's pretty here too...
Sarah: Oh look at that, y'all, I see some kids practicing on their own!
Eriha: Everyone attending here practices a lot. I'm sure you'll be like that one day too.
Yume: Wow...
Himari: I wanna do that right now!
Yume: Hey! I wanna do it too!
Eriha: Doesn't seem to be a bad idea to do it now? After all, I still have places I haven't taken you to.
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???: Hey, it's a bargain! It's a bargain~
Sarah: What the...?
Himari: Huh? Is there a voice coming from somewhere?
Yume: Let's go!
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Location: Department of Purchase (1)
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Hualin: If you buy this, your physical strength will be fully recovered in no time! It's 20 yen off right now~ It's cheap! It's cheap~!
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Yume: Ah...
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Hualin: Ah...
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Hualin: ...
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Hualin: What can I say, running an office isn't always easy.
Yume: O--oh.
Hualin: It's a bargain~ It's a hyuuge bargain~!
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Sarah: Like a wild horse that can't be tamed*...
Udzuki: ...um, but, it certainly seems like a bargain.
Hualin: You have great eyes!
Eriha: Miss Hualin sometimes sells things like this on campus, so if you want something, please talk to her.
Yume: Okay!
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Himari: Hee hee hee~, Hayu~!
Hayu: ...wh--what is it?
Himari: I'm kinda in a daze...
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Himari: This school looks like fun! Hayu is with me, and Himari is relieved and ready to have a blast!
Hayu: ...heh heh, I'm ready to do that.
Himari: Eh? Is that so? Let's have a blast together ♪
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Hayu: [ (I can't, I can't let you worry about me, you seem to be having so much fun.) ]
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Hayu: [ (...just because I'm insecure...I can't let that be a problem. Don't do this, me.) ]
Hayu: Yeah, let's do it.
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(1) = literal text: ( 購賀部 ). On DeepL, it's translated as "Department of State Affairs (Tang-dynasty China)"
(2) = Sarah originally said, according to translation, "It's an abyss that must not be tapped." I just wanted to do something random with this line in relation to how I try to type her accent.
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garutonaagent · 2 months
Maika Fantasia - Chapter 3: High School Girl (Part 1 of ?)
(Disclaimer: Using “Bubble Translator” and making slight tweaks in case of broken English, here is a very loose translation! Due to photo limitations per post, only screenshots of specific moments will be present; otherwise, it’s dialogue translated via text-only)
Chapters: Prologue - My Little Star Chapter 1 - Catch Dream Chapter 2 - C'mon, C'mon Chapter 3 - (you are here) Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chosen One Chapter 7 -
Scroll to the bottom for the next part ( next--> )
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Location: Training Room
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Eriha: Well, without further ado, I'm going to ask you guys to do a live show next month.
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Yume: Huh?!
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Udzuki: A live, you say?
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Hayu: ...what, really?
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Himari: A...a live...!
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Sarah: Golly, that's pretty soon.
Eriha: Though, it might be cutting it close. But, this is something we have to do sooner or later, right?
Eriha: Not only that, but I need you to become full-fledged dancers as soon as possible.
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Hayu: But it's so sudden...! ...doing a live already, I...
Eriha: Can you handle it?
Hayu: ...uh...
Eriha: Hey, it's not like you weren't thinking about what happens after one becomes an idol, right?
Yume: That's not true...
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Eriha: The most important thing for us dancers is to hold live concerts on a regular basis. If we don't gather a lot of support, it will become increasingly difficult to continue our activities.
Udzuki: It's important to be popular, is that right?
Eriha: Right. ...ah, well...I feel like I'm talking about something very ordinary.
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Eriha: But, please remember that the reality is much more difficult than you think.
Yume: Y--yes, ma'am!
Himari: Good luck, everyone!
Yume: Yeah, I need to get into the spirit!
Uduzki: That's true, I have to practice dancing and singing seriously.
Sarah: Ufufun ♪
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Hayu: ...guys! No way...it's gonna be easy...
Hayu: Amazing...
Hayu: I...I'm not sure if I can do it, though...
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Himari: Hayu? Were you saying something?
Hayu: N--n--no, it's nothing!
Himari: Really? Okay, I'm looking forward to this~ ♪
Hayu: ...yeah.
Himari: Right, Yume~!
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Yume: Yeah, that's right!
Hayu: ...
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Eriha: Oh yeah, there was another important thing.
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Sarah: What could that be?
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Eriha: Summer vacation will be over soon.
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Eriha: There are some students who live in rural areas and have difficulty commuting to school, so we can obtain their parents' permission to transfer them to a school run by our office.
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Yume: What--!?
Eriha: However, it's not really different from a regular school, other than living in a dormitory.
Himari: Whoooa! It's a dormitory! That's definitely a lot of fun!
Sarah: Ufufun, let's bloom together.
Yume: Of course!
Udzuki: Ufufu, I'm getting excited.
Eriha: I'll show you around the school right away, please follow me.
Yume: Yes ma'am!
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Hayu: ...
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Himari: C'mon, Hayu!
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Hayu: O--okay...
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