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Friend can leave you once but bff will always there for you like #doremon . @instalogocreativity . . . Tell this to bff 👭 . . . ✔Tag ✔Share ✔Comment ✔Turn On post notifications 🔔 .. . . If you like #instalogocreativity follow @instalogocreativity #creativeentertainment . . . #baghieworld#100likes#kerala#india#malayalam#mallu#kochi#photography#love#keralagram#instagram#goodsowncountry#gainwithbaghie#malayali#keralatourism#garrybruh#keralagodsowncountry#kozhikode #100#likeforfollow#likeforlikes#gaintrain#graintrick#sdvtodos#sdv#gainwithcartz (at Ukraine Europe:)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFZ2G-CFCRq/?igshid=1n0yodm6mg5ie
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😗😗 . #100 #likeforfollow #likeforlikes #gaintrain #gaintrick #sdvtodos #sdv #gainwithcarlz #gainwithmchina # gainparty #followtrain #chuvadelikes#baghieworld #100likes#kerala #india #malayalam #mallu #kochi # photography #love #keralagram #instagram #godsowncountry #gainwithbaghie#malayali #keralatourism #garrybruh #keralagodsowncountry #kozhikode @techonbeatofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ8gZYqsx3U/?igshid=1g9cn5pkjaebe
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Don’t compare me with others. I’m one of my own kind ;) #100 #likeforfollow #likeforlikes #gaintrain #gaintrick #sdvtodos #sdv #gainwithcarlz #gainwithmchina # gainparty #followtrain #chuvadelikes#baghieworld #100likes#kerala #india #malayalam #mallu #kochi # photography #love #keralagram #instagram #godsowncountry #gainwithbaghie#malayali #keralatourism#instagram #garrybruh#keepgoing #keralagodsowncountry #kozhikode (at Jharsugudha) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG29NrHp9PM/?igshid=7wf1bbv1xyes
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Maintain distance to save life ❤ ____________ Share your views in comment section. 👇 Don't Forget to FOLLOW @instalogocreativity For more awesome Post . . . You can learn new thing in just 1 min creative crafts video. @instalogocreativity . Niches: #baghieworld#100likes#kerala#india#malayalam#kochi#photography#love#keralagram#instagram#goodsowncountry#gainwithbaghie#malayali#keralatourism#garrybruh#keralagodsowncountry#kozhikode #100#likeforfollow#likeforlikes#gaintrain#graintrick#sdvtodos#sdv#gainwithcartz#gainwithmchina#gainparty#followtrain . ✅We Get Order to Create Your ✔️Ads Poster ✔️Flyer ✔️Name Poster ✔️Cover Pages ✔️Invitation Card Design ✔️Business card ✔️Customise Logos ✔️Memes . . . ✅COMMENT /FOLLOW/SHARE🙂 ✅TURN ON POST NOTIFICATIONS🔔 ✅TAG YOUR FRIEND🤝🏻 . . . YOU ARE FREE TO TAG @instalogocreativity #creativeentertainment ON SHARING. . . . ©️Image credit to their respective owners DM FOR CREDIT or REMOVE. (at Explore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJXYYClUph/?igshid=16ns6n324ooel
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“What's one question you have about low light photography you'd like me to answer?” #likeforfollow #likeforlikes #gaintrain #gaintrick #sdvtodos #sdv #gainwithcarlz #gainwithmchina # gainparty #followtrain #chuvadelikes#baghieworld #100likes#kerala #india #malayalam #mallu #kochi # photography #love #keralagram #instagram #godsowncountry #gainwithbaghi #keralatourism #garrybruh #keralagodsowncountry #kozhikode #shotoniphone #punjabi iras #haryana (at Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha Hospital and College.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFVRo75n04u/?igshid=1go2exx2lahls
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किल्ले अंकाई टंकाई🚩 . . अंकाई हे या किल्ल्याचे पायथ्याचे गाव आहे. हे गाव मनमाड शहरापासून ८ किमी. अंतरावर, मनमाड-नगर रस्त्यावर आहे. किल्ला अंकाई हे एक छोटे रेल्वे स्थानक असून तेथे काही निवडक प्रवासी गाड्या थांबतात. सातमाळ रांगेच्या दक्षिणेकडील फाट्यावर जेथून अजिंठा डोंगर रांगेची सुरुवात होते, तेथे अंकाई टंकाई किल्ले आहेत. हे जोड किल्ले दोन स्वतंत्र डोंगरावर बांधलेले असून हे दोन डोंगर एका चिंचोळ्या खिंडीने जोडले गेलेले आहेत. अंकाई गावातून या जोडकिल्ल्यांकडे पाहिले असता डाव्या बाजूचा सर्वांत उंच डोंगर म्हणजे अंकाई किल्ला, तर उजव्या बाजूचा सपाट माथा असलेला डोंगर म्हणजे टंकाई किल्ला होय. अंकाई किल्ल्याची समुद्रसपाटीपासूनची उंची ३१५२ फूट, तर टंकाई किल्ल्याची उंची २८०२ फूट आहे. या किल्ल्यांची चढाई सोपी असून वाट मळलेली आहे. मनमाड शहरातून कोणत्याही खासगी वाहनाने अंकाई गावात सहज पोहचता येते.. १७५२ च्या मराठे-निजाम यांच्यात भालकीचा तह झाला. या तहानुसार अनकाई मराठ्यांच्या ताब्यात आला. त्यानंतर अनकाई १८१८ पर्यंत मराठ्यांच्या ताब्यात होता. पेशवाईचा अस्त झाल्याने ४ एप्रिल १८१८ रोजी कॅ. मॅकडॉवेल यांनी अनकाईच्या किल्लेदाराशी वाटाघाटी सुरू केल्या; त्यात यश येत नसल्याचे पाहून मॅकडॉवेलने ५ एप्रिलला सहा पौंडी तोफांचा मारा किल्ल्यावर सुरू केला. या हल्ल्याने किल्लेदार शरण आल्याने अनकाई इंग्रजांच्या हाती आला... Reposted from @travel_freak_.01 . . #100 #likeforfollow #likeforlikes #gaintrain #gaintrick #sdvtodos #sdv #gainwithcarlz #gainwithmchina #gainparty #followtrain #chuvadelikes#baghieworld #100likes#kerala #india #malayalam #mallu #kochi #photography #love #keralagram #instagram #godsowncountry #gainwithbaghie#malayali #keralatourism #garrybruh #keralagodsowncountry (at Ankai Killa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaqrneZptXc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Marina beach 🏖️ . . . . ✨✨✨ . . . . . #100 #likeforfollow #likeforlikes #gaintrain #gaintrick #sdvtodos #sdv #gainwithcarlz #gainwithmchina # gainparty #followtrain #chuvadelikes#baghieworld #100likes#kerala #india #malayalam #mallu #kochi # photography #love #keralagram #instagram #godsowncountry #gainwithbaghie#malayali #keralatourism #garrybruh #keralagodsowncountry #kozhikode (at Marina Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CafJA6zP1HZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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If person correct your mistake you should respect her. Share your views in comment section. 👇 Don't Forget to FOLLOW @instalogocreativity For more awesome Post . . . You can learn new thing in just 1 min creative crafts video. @instalogocreativity . . . ✅We Get Order to Create Your ✔️Ads Poster ✔️Flyer ✔️Name Poster ✔️Cover Pages ✔️Invitation Card Design ✔️Business card ✔️Customise Logos ✔️Memes . . . ✅COMMENT /FOLLOW/SHARE🙂 ✅TURN ON POST NOTIFICATIONS🔔 ✅TAG YOUR FRIEND🤝🏻 . #baghieworld#100likes#kerala#india#malayalam#mallu#kochi#photography#love#keralagram#instagram#goodsowncountry#gainwithbaghie#malayali#keralatourism#garrybruh#keralagodsowncountry#kozhikode #100#likeforfollow#likeforlikes#gaintrain#graintrick#sdvtodos#sdv#gainwithcartz#gainwithmchina#gainparty#followtrain . YOU ARE FREE TO TAG @instalogocreativity #creativeentertainment ON SHARING. . . . ©️Image credit to their respective owners DM FOR CREDIT or REMOVE. (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CElZL7ul09P/?igshid=1a6kzf2b4agkd
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good morning @itz_aryan_jha . . . . #100 #likeforfollow #likeforlikes #gaintrain #gaintrick@_hi_ma_ns_hu_48 #sdvtodos #sdv @_hi_ma_ns_hu_48#gainwithcarlz #gainwithmchina #gainparty #followtrain#chuvadelikes #baghieworld #100likes #kerala #india#malayalam #mallu #harsh_patel_505 #photography #love#keralagram #instagram @harsh_patel_505 #godsowncountry#gainwithbaghie #keralatourism #garrybruh#keralagodsowncountry #harsh_patel_505 (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaYq55RFeH-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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