#garnet x reader steven universe
maybegays-blog · 6 months
Hi! Could you maybe do garnet x gem reader 🙂
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Garnet x Gem Reader headcanons
Warnings: Short :(
Garnet's trust in you runs deep, a testament to the unwavering bond you share. She relies on your judgment and intuition, valuing your input and perspective in all matters, knowing that together, you make a formidable team.
Despite her never-ending trust in you, she is quite protective of you. Garnet's protectiveness stems from a place of deep love and devotion(so zont worry abt scary stuff :D)
She uses her powers to watch over you like a guardian angel, ready to step in and shield you from harm at a moment's notice. (It honestly doesn’t matter if your capable of protecting yourself, she’ll still protective either way)
Despite her stoic exterior, Garnet isn't afraid to show her vulnerability around you. In moments of doubt or insecurity, she leans on your support, trusting you to lift her up with your unwavering love and understanding.
Garnet respects your autonomy and independence, understanding that you are your own person with your own thoughts and feelings. While she is protective of you, she also trusts you to make your own decisions and carve out your own path in life, standing by your side every step of the way. (What a gentlewoman)
Training sessions with her>>>>
Garnet's training regimen with you is intense yet rewarding. She pushes you to your limits, guiding you through rigorous exercises that test your strength, agility, and combat skills.
She also tailors each training session to your unique strengths and weaknesses.
She challenges you to push past your limits while also providing guidance and support every step of the way, ensuring that you reach your full potential.
Even if it’s challenging, the rewards she grants are so worth it 🤭
When doubts creep in, Garnet is there to offer gentle reassurance (and attack whoever hurt you), reminding you of your worth and inner strength. Her words are like a soothing balm for your soul, easing your fears and insecurities, and filling you with a renewed sense of confidence and determination.
Such a sweetheart overall 🙏🙏
Blog shit
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D, K, and W for Garnet?
Yep! 👍
Character: Garnet
Letters: D,K,W
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D-Double Dating
-You two have definitely double dated with Steven and Connie before. You four would go to some restaurant and chat all together. It’s almost like friends, just two couples.
-She actually enjoys it a lot. Like a lot. She sometimes will unfuse so ruby and sapphire can enjoy it too.
-Definitely one of the best kissers. She loves to kiss your face. That being your cheeks, lips, forehead, jaw, under your eyes, anywhere!
-But she also likes to kiss you on your hands too, she thinks it’s very romantic.
W-Waking You up
-She wakes you up the most gentle ways possible. She’ll shake you lightly and whisper good morning in your ear. Sometimes she’ll kiss you awake.
-She loves to see your sleepy face, and she kisses it every morning you wake up.
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Can I request a yandere Garnet (SU) concept? Thank you
Kept it mostly platonic as I just view her like that. I'll take feedback on this as she is... surprisingly hard to yandere properly.
Yandere! Garnet Concept
(Ruby + Sapphire)
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Controlling behavior, Jealousy, Manipulation, Violence implied, Isolation, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Considering the nature of Garnet already being a relationship, I feel she'd be more platonic to her obsession.
Not only that, but she'd be so stern and protective too.
Garnet isn't always emotive, although some aspects of Ruby and Sapphire show through separately at times.
She tries to think rationally like Sapphire, but sometimes loses her cool like Ruby.
Most of the time Garnet is calm with her obsession.
You could throw a fit at her and she'll take it... only to scold you later.
As long as you don't try to hit her, she can tolerate your outbursts.
The only time I can see Garnet as romantic is a very rare case where she likes another Gem.
In that case she'd want to try fusion with them if it meant she could keep you with her.
She'd wait until you're ready, however.
But let's be honest, based on what we've seen in the show, she isn't interested in that with many.
She'd be more likely to protect you platonically because she sees you as family or a close friend.
Garnet is an unnerving yandere as you can't read her all the time.
She's deadpan towards most around you... including you at times.
There's times you'll want to hang out with others, like friends or maybe a partner of your own, only for Garnet to step in with an unreadable expression just to say one thing.
That's it, nothing else.
She's really good at shutting down things she doesn't want you doing.
There's times you're allowed to be with other people, she wants you to have some other bonds.
But she doesn't want you to ignore her completely.
I have a feeling you can't really argue with her, either.
She'd want her obsession to respect her and her decisions.
Essentially, you listen to her or she makes you if she feels it's for the best.
She's the type of yandere who would "mom" her darling.
She's usually level-headed so most of what you do won't break her composure.
She isn't always stern and stoic, though.
Sometimes she's genuinely caring, wanting to let you know she does care for you.
That she loves you.
She does what she does because she wants to cherish the bond you have with her.
After all, Garnet knows quite a bit about bonds.
Most of her obsession is this protective guardian role.
She tries to be very understanding with her obsession.
Due to the nature of Garnet viewing relationships as sacred, she wouldn't want to rush anything with her obsession.
Doing so would lose your trust.
She is fine with acting like a guardian to you, as a Crystal Gem she's used to such a thing.
She may be protective and stern... but she would want her obsession to come to her when they were ready.
She knows getting you to love her by force will only hurt you both.
Ruby may be overly eager about having you accept them, but Sapphire is careful to keep them both calm.
If you're a Gem then they try to be even more patient... Unstable fusion will hurt you even more.
Garnet, out of most Gems, is one of the more patient yanderes.
Bonds take time to develop and locking you away certainly won't help.
Ruby is no doubt the half that feels the most jealousy when they see you interact so well with others.
Sapphire knows they shouldn't be jealous of you having other people you enjoy.
Sapphire knows you'll come to them at some point and see they care...
They just need patience.
Although... they do fear you'll never come to them...
I can see Ruby and Sapphire splitting because of their differing beliefs throwing them out of sync.
They have different obsession types, which means if they get impatient... they can't be Garnet.
Ruby's scared you'll never love them the same way they do you.
Ruby wants to show you how much they care, to the point she may be too reckless and scare you off.
Meanwhile Sapphire fully believes in waiting.
She wants Ruby to calm down, to give you time.
You may be confused when you see the two out of fusion, concerned even.
Completely unaware that you are the reason they're having a fight.
Eventually the two may make up, both loving you and wanting you happy.
Sapphire has to calm Ruby's jealousy... but soon they'll be Garnet again, ready to give it another shot... hopefully.
Garnet would stick by you regardless of how you feel.
It's really hard for me to view her as toxic as Garnet herself is a pretty healthy relationship in my eyes.
She believes in love being comfortable for both parties and would wait years for you.
Even when she's impatient or jealous, she can usually calm herself down.
She's been around for years as Garnet, she'd wait as long as she had to in order to gain the affection of her obsession.
When you finally think you can be there for her, Garnet would welcome you with open arms.
Her most toxic traits are a subtle jealousy towards others along with being overprotective.
Anything more toxic causes Ruby and Sapphire to split until something resolves the issue.
I am struggling to make her toxic while being in character....
She'd do just about anything if it meant you'd be protected.
Protecting you is her way of loving you.
Her obsession could hate her and she'd probably still try to be encouraging with them.
Garnet may be intimidating... but she's actually one of the better yanderes in my eyes.
She mellows out both Ruby and Sapphire's traits which makes her pleasant to be around.
She seems controlling and overbearing, but genuinely cares for your feelings.
She'll let you take your time.
If you aren't hers in the end, then she'll maybe nudge you in the right direction.
If you're a Gem, she may offer fusion to show she cares for you... that she wants to include you.
If you're human, she protects you in whatever way she can.
She'd do anything to have you happy and protected.
Even breaking her composure if she sees you get hurt.
Garnet can be ruthless when protecting those she cares about.
Imagine if you see her shatter a Gem to protect you... or maybe have blood on her gauntlets.
She sees her overprotective tendencies as caring for you.
You may be scared of her, or maybe even hate her, but she's willing to wait...
If you're in danger, she'll isolate you with the rest of the Crystal Gems.
Even if you aren't in danger, she may still isolate you to prevent any potential danger.
She'll still give you your space, She'll even say she loves you... but you can't go out on your own.
She feels bad that you aren't happy all the time with her... If at all...
She hopes it will change... but...
As long as she has you in the end... and you're safe...
Then she'll accept loving you from afar... until she can't take it anymore, that is.
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bitter-coffeecup · 11 months
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universellie · 1 year
What if you were new to Beach City, and the first person you met was Pink Steven?
[Steven Universe x gn reader]
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You’d be in Beach City on the hunt for a sense of self. Trying to figure out what and who you are, an identity. The unassuming small town would be the most perfect place to begin.
You’d be walking along the beach, pondering life in general, maybe what you would have for dinner when an almost 7ft glowing pink man would hurtle towards you.
He’d be making frustrated sounds as sand lifted with every step he took. Gripping his head, muttering nonsense. It was a simultaneously terrifying and intriguing at the same time.
You thought if this wasn’t a chance to make your life interesting, then what the hell was?
You’d wave a hand, calling out “Hey, you okay?” as he was about to barrel past. He’d slide to a halt, turning to look at you. “Who are you?” he’d question, tilting his head to the side.
You’d introduce yourself, he’d stomp closer, bending down to be at your eye level. His eyes would be wide and curious as they studied you. You’d notice the diamond shape pupil.
After the introductions, he would nervously apologise, explaining to you that he was just stressed out.
“You can talk to me if you need to Steven, I’ve got a free evening and an un-judgemental ear.” You’d affirm, sitting on the sand opposite him, idly scribbling nonsense.
He’d explain he’d had some past… issues, things he never worked through. He never went into detail about it but instead avoided eye contact.
You would both talk about your hobbies, where you came from, your families etc. Stevens mood would alter every now and then with his pink glow varying between it’s intensity.
Eventually he come to a soft dim glow, he’d turn, pulling you into a tight bear hug. You would feel him shrink around you back to what must be his normal size. His massive arms crushing you in their grip, huge hands splayed across your back. He would bury his face in the space between your face and shoulder. Taking a deep breath, he would breath you in.
“Thank you.”
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moon-thething · 1 year
Heyy, how about a platonic garent+ child! Reader headcanons? Reader sees her as a mother figure and lieks clinging to her, have a nice day yo
Hello anon :) I'm a bit confused by your request, I don't know if you ment to type in garnet or not
But since I don't want to leave you hanging I'll write headcanons for garnet, and if you ment someone else, you can send in another request:)
So sorry for the inconvenience
But, to give some background info
Reader is 5 - 7 years old and doesn't have a mom 👍
Romantic or platonic?: Platonic/romantic
Readers gender: gender neutral
Type: Fluff
Hope you enjoy this :)
You two met at the beach, no questions asked
You were just burying your dad in the sand, giggling happily as your dad slowly regretted his life choices
While the gems were not so far away. Amethyst was joking around with Steven while Pearl was desperately trying to find napkins in her bag, and Garnet was just chilling
When Pearl had finally found the napkins she quickly pulled them out if her bag and held them up proudly, but a strong ghust of wind blew the napkins away. Garnet just stood up and went to collect the napkins without another word
While your younger self was looking at your sand masterpiece, you suddenly had the bright idea to run around the beach to find seashells, and so you did
While you ran not that far away from where your dad was, not having enough braincells to look for seashells near the sea, a flying napkin decided to hit your face
You fell down on your butt and pulled the napkin off of your face. And you were shocked to see a woman standing in front of you
She just waved with an awkward smile as you stared at her in awe. You then giggled and stood up as you grabbed her hand and jumped up and down
Garnet looked at you with a confused expression but started to laugh along with you
Then the two of you decided to have a little chat and you explained that you needed seashells to fancy up your dad, or your dad's head
Garnet was more than happy to help you find seashells and so she took you near the sea. Every time a wave would arrive she would lift you up in the air as if you were flying and you would giggle
By the time you collected a good amount of seashells you completely forgot why you collected them in the first place. That is untill you heard your dad's cry's of help
You turned around to see a pelican standing hear him as he just screamed in fear. You giggled and ran towards him, waving goodbye to Garnet as she waved back
And from that point on, every time you'd see Garnet, either it be at the center or at the beach you would run to her nd hug her leg and Garnet was more than happy to hug you back
While the gems, Steven and your dad were all looking at you two with confused expressions although your dad was more panicked, they eventually got used to it
It wasn't any more than a slight interaction, that is untill your dad recognized Steven from somewhere and realized that he was friends with his dad (for the sake of the plot)
And when your dad did realize, you were with Garnet practically every second of the day. And you've gotta say, you do share some amazing memories with her
(I'm only giving one example)
Y/n sat on the couch, rocking back and forth as they impatiently waited for Garnet to return
Footsteps could be heard approaching the living room as Y/n looked towards the door, eventually seeing Garnet walk in with her hands behind her back
Y/n jumped up and down as they stared at Garnet. Garnet smiled warmly as she removed her hands from her back to see her holding three colouring books and a pack of crayon's
Y/n squealed in excitement as they towards her and hugged her leg
"Thank you so much mom!" They yelled, Garnet's heart practically melted t hearing the word 'mom' as she resisted the urge to cry then and there. She suqeazed everything into one hand as she picked you up with her now free one
"No problem." She smiled, kissing their forehead as Y/n let out fits of giggles. They then slowly started to walk towards the kitchen, colouring for the rest of the evening
Good memories indeed. Garnet totally doesn't replay them in her mind half of the time, no she doesn't yes she does
Garnet probably cried when she saw you slowly growing up, not being used to such 'fast growth' since Steven stayed the same
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ts4ritsa · 1 year
Crystal Gems + Steven with a daredevil reader? (Romantic or Platonic)
₊˚ପ⊹ daredevil s/o hcs ;
ft. steven, garnet, amethyst, & pearl from steven universe * ˚ ✦
tags / cw: gn!reader
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- steven would likely be excited by the idea of dating you. he enjoys trying new things and facing challenges, so he would usually be up for joining you on your daring adventures too. however, he does sometimes worry for your safety whenever you pull something a bit too extreme
- garnet would embrace both sides and find a way to appreciate the thrill-seeking nature of yours while ensuring your safety. since she can see the future, she can be prepared for all the situations you could find yourself in serious trouble. unless there’s an actual threat, she’ll leave you to do as you please — but if she says that it will not end well, she can only hope you can trust her judgement
- amethyst would absolutely find your daredevil lifestyle fascinating and exciting. she would most definitely enjoy the thrill of your adventures and might even try to outdo you in some daring stunts of her own! but as your relationship grows, she will make sure to remind you to make sure you don’t hurt yourself and to stay safe
- pearl might initially be hesitant and worried about the risks involved in dating you. but, she might also find your fearlessness intriguing and be willing to support you, as long as you know when to prioritize yourself
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a/n: hello!!! sorry if this is short, I accidentally posted it when I barely started writing it and I panicked so I finished this in a hurry so nbd would see my mistake 😭… oh also, if you’d like me to do peridot, lapis, and bismuth too, feel free to lmk!
© ts4ritsa (do not repost w/o credits)
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sincerely-astra · 6 months
Hiii <3
can i request Garnet with a s/o who uses ASL? like they can hear it's just their first/home language lol
☁️Garnet x reader who uses ASL☁️
As someone learning ASL, this request got me so excited! :)
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Garnet first met you in a party supply store, Garnet getting party decorations for Steven's birthday party.
You were trying your best to communicate with the cashier, trying to return an item you had accidentally bought the day prior, but no matter what you did the cashier was still left utterly confused.
Nonetheless, you continued trying to communicate with them even over their growing frustrations. They kept asking for you to, "Just tell me what you want!" Refusing to look at any note you wrote to them.
The tension kept rising as the cashier was about to kick you out, thankfully though, Garnet was there just in time to stop a potential fight.
She stopped the cashier mid sentence and turned to you, calmly asking, "What excatly do you need?" Then quickly taking the note you handed to her, reading it, and turning back to the cashier.
"They are looking to return this item."
And after one frustrated grumble later, you managed to get your money back! ...In store credit-
A win is a win you suppose.
Garnet led you out of the store, having bought her supplies while the cashier processed the return.
The automatic doors closed behind you two, and you turned to face Garnet, signing, "Thank you!" And although Garnet didn't understand what the sign meant, she replied with a, "No problem." Before walking off to the temple.
After that, you hadn't seen eachother for a while. Garnet had missions, and you had life to deal with.
Garnet being busy didn't stop her from thinking about you though, infact, your interactions intrigued her. Of course, she's met deaf and hard of hearing people before, but something about you stuck out to her...
Maybe, it's because she thought you were cute.
When she came to this revelation, she thought it was as good as a time if any to learn ASL.
' It's an important skill. ' She tried to rationalize, just a tad in denial.
When you guys met again, this time at the Big Donut, you can only imagine your suprise when you asked Garnet about her day in ASL, and she signed back-
You were rightfully ecstatic!
Only a few people in Beach City knew ASL, so it was nice to actually be able to communicate with someone else. Not to mention, Garnet was a fast learner too!
You rapidly signed back to Garnet, asking when she learnt ASL and if there was anything like sign language for gems.
Garnet and you grew expectionally close in one afternoon.
From then on, you would visit the temple to hang out with Garnet. This, of course, meant you met the other gems, Steven, and eventually Connie, you all got along well though.
Steven and Amethyst love to go on adventures with you, Pearl enjoys having you help out around the temple, and Connie is actually learning ASL from you.
You make sure to reserve some time with Garnet too amid the shenanigans.
As Garnet grew closer to you, it was getting harder and harder to deny her feelings for you. The inner Ruby and Sapphire in her were urging for Garnet to confess to you, in the most cheesy ways possible...
Garnet knew how she'd confess to you, and she didn't even need future vision for it.
Garnet invited you to go on patrol with her during the evening, which was really just strolling on the beach.
And as the sun set hit the tide, the temple back in the distance, Garnet turned to you and signed, "I love you." A simple gesture, but something she really hope you would love.
How could you say no to that???
You guys were now officially dating, And Garnet is absolutely in love. Ruby and Sapphire are not helping, as they urge her to hurry up and get a ring-
Garnet loves to get you any kind of ASL related thing she can find, shirts, mugs, pins, bumper stickers, all of it.
She also teaches the Crystal Gems (minus Pearl) ASL so they can communicate easier with you.
It was while you were dating that you told Garnet why you use ASL and it's cultural significance to you, which she is extremely supportive of. It really doesn't matter if you can or can't hear, she loves you for you.
And if you want to open up about your voice and actually speaking, then she's more than happy to help you. Definitely makes sure you are completely comfortable with it and makes sure you won't push yourself too hard, she doesn't want you to feel forced to do anything.
The first time Garnet heard your voice her jaw dropped, her thought process was literally, ' How can someone be so perfect? '
Loves your voice, 10/10, would 100% listen to it again, only if you want to though.
It really doesn't matter how often she uses her future vision, you always leave her breathless.
God help any bullies that try and mess with you, Garnet is not having it. She might seem calm, cool, and collected, but inside, she is seething.
How can they bully someone for such an arbitrary thing like using another language??
Personal bodyguard Garnet❤️💙
Now, when Garnet unfuses and you get to meet Sapphire and Ruby, you best believe they are all over you.
Ruby is determined to learn ASL from you and no one else!
Sapphire is just giddy to meet the person Garnet loves so much. She would also love to learn ASL too though.
Ruby and Sapphire would practice with eachother and go on dates while only communicating in ASL-
Garnet would also love to meet your family if you'd let her, being able to see your family and culture is definitely on her bucket list.
Sorry that this is so long, I just love Garnet-
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crystalgemgirl · 7 months
Obey Me Mammon x reader: Incorrect Quotes 4
Mammon: Did they hurt you?
(y/n): No, no, I'm fine. Did they hurt YOU?
Mammon: Who cares?
(y/n): I do.
They kiss, as he hugs her close.
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I swear Ruby is shorter than Y/n-
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stevenuniversexreader · 8 months
steven with E G L S and W
Character- Steven
Letters- E,G,L,S, W
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E- Eating dinner
- once you start dating this guy, your expected to be eating with him often. Not expected, more like he moved on pretty fast and wants you too, he won’t force you of course.
-You’d also eat with some of the gems (mainly amethyst) sometimes but not too often.
-I feel like he’s a great chef. I mean we’ve seen the food he’s made before, I wouldn’t turn that down
-Sometimes if he’s feeling romantic he will make some candlelight dinner for you and him, roses and all. But that’s not often due to his tight schedule
G- Getting protective over you
-I feel like he’ll be very protective over you (like most of his friends, but more).
-He’s been through a lot and would rather not lose someone he loves dearly.
-He’ll get protective over you whether it’s another corruption(somehow), or human, gem, (Kevin too) or just anyone that seems like they could harm or take you away
-Of course he’s not some obsessive Yandere boyfriend, he just is worried about you. After all he feels safe and comfortable around you and loves you, he wouldn’t want to have you gone
L- Lounging around on a lazy day
-Rare, but fun. Due to his tight schedule for the week he doesn’t have much time to lunge around with you.
-But it’s fun when he does. You two would just be watching some cartoons he liked as kids and eating snacks (together breakfast/cookie cats).
-Also if you guys don’t want to watch tv then you’d play video games all day long, once pearl had to tell you two to go to bed since you were up till 3am playing the Legend of Zelda together
-Sometimes you’ll just cuddle. Just simply cuddle with a few kisses from time to time.
S- Sleeping over with you
-He was really excited to sleep over with you. He wasn’t the most nervous person about it but definitely a little anxious
-He’s like a big comforting Golden retriever. Hugging him and cuddling him is so comforting and helps you relax. He’s really gentle too
-It was a little awkward at first but you both got use to it after like 2 hours.
-You both will switch beds. Like sometimes he’ll sleep over either you and sometimes you’d sleep over at his place, mainly you like sleeping at his place cause his bed is very comfy*
W- Waking you up
-I think it’s a 50/50 he’s gentle and playful.
-Half the time he’ll gently shake you or kiss you over and over again softly, whispering for you to wake up
-Them other times he’ll scare the shit out of you to wake up, push you off the bed(not to hard), shake you, poke you, and all that.
-Sometimes you actually thank him for waking you up playfully since it really wakes you up for the day, though you definitely rather have Steven’s softer side wake you up
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deathmetalangel · 2 years
Helo! It's me again '^^
I loved your "Bad Joke" hcs so much that I want to request another bunch of headcanons for this cartoon! (Only if you want tho-)
What about some platonic headcanons of Rose Quartz, garnet, pearl, amethist and Steven (sepparetly if it's possible) reacting to a fem!gem! reader who is 13 years old (yeah, I'm obsessed with fem early teen readers) puffing herself for 3 weeks due to sadness because she felt unwanted.
You can totally ignore this request if it makes you uncomfortable or if the topic is triggering! Have a nice day/night!
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warnings: slightly depressive talk, abandonment issues if you squint, kind of angsty but not really?
y/n wasn’t as strong as her older companions, and thus wasn’t involved in as many missions or brought along all the time. that feeling can make anyone feel very unwanted. and sometimes desolated.
tysm for liking my writings and requesting. i’m really glad you liked the last headcanons :3 i hope these are just as good.
- when y/n first poofed rose thought she had just run off
- perhaps she wanted a break from everyone
- eventually after not long of looking she finds her gem hidden away
- rose is so worried! how could she not have noticed
- keeps her gem with her at all times waiting for her to reform
- when she does rose’s motherly instincts kick in and she just hugs her so tight
- “i’m so sorry! why on earth would you do such a thing.”
- and when y/n explains her feelings rose is on the brink of tears
- how could she have failed as a leader to make her youngest recruit feel unwanted
- goes on for hours explaining why y/n is wanted and why she’s a valuable part of the team
- “you’re so strong and funny! what would we do without you y/n? not even just battle, what would we do around the temple without you. i love seeing you everyday y/n. i want to help you grow and change and embrace earth!”
- rose is a sap and they both cry together (she mostly cried because y/n was crying and she was wanted her to feel better)
- of course she noticed her change in behavior
- how dejected she would get when her and steven had to stay behind
- but the infinite possibilities sapphire foretold never considered this path
- steven had found y/n’s gem and quickly brought it to garnet
- she is so so worried how could her future vision fail her
- she had become your mother in a way and this just broke her heart
- carefully kept her gem in her room, which no one ever entered, and counted the days she remained in her gem
- when she inevitably reformed garnet was struggling to hold herself together because she immediately began crying
- sapphire was scolding herself while ruby just wanted to help
- allows her to take her time before coaxing her out of the ball she had curled into
- when y/n explains garnet carefully removes her visor
- “i don’t care what you think, you are never unwanted here. you’re apart of the crystal gems even if we can’t always bring you along. i was only trying to protect you. i’m sorry y/n.”
- when she hugs her garnet cries even more
- she was so worried, but she was so glad y/n was back
- “you and steven are important to all of us, so please keep yourself safe. when you’ve trained more you’ll be on every single one of our missions i promise.”
- pearl had a busy schedule almost all the time
- but she did take notice of y/n’s absence rather quickly
- pearl panics when steven is out of her eyes sight for a minute, but she really gets anxious when she hasn’t seen her in hours
- when she finds y/n’s gem she freaks out
- places it on a pillow and watches anxiously sort of like steven did when she got poofed
- pearl genuinely stayed in her room almost the whole time waiting for y/n to reform
- when she does she cries so much
- “y/n! what happened?”
- explaining everything made pearl feel so guilty
- “why would you ever think that? we all love you so much y/n. i’m sorry if i get sidetracked or overly indulged in my work, but i promise you that you’re never unwanted.”
- she cries in pearls arms while pearl ugly cries
- she was just genuinely afraid of loosing y/n like she did rose
- amethyst would never say she was worried about y/n, but yeah she was always concerned
- she just always seemed distant
- amethyst tried her best to make her feel included
- when she finds her gem amethyst is so mad
- not at y/n, but at everyone else
- “how could you guys not see what was happening? even i seen it! this happened because you guys failed to make her feel like she was apart of the team!”
- she knows the feeling of not being wanted very well
- amethyst was very anxious waiting for y/n to reform
- especially as the weeks started to drag on and on
- when she does reform amethyst does not let her out of her bear hug
- “i’m not gonna say i don’t get it, i do. but y/n, you gotta believe me when i say that you are wanted here. the other gems just get busy with dumb stuff they forget about us sometimes. but even if pearl and garnet are busy, you still have me.”
- they are inseparable from then on
- steven is very oblivious, he’s a kid obviously
- but when he finds y/n’s gem he doesn’t stop crying
- worse than when he cried over snakes
- “pearl bring her back. please.”
- when the gems tell him that he has to wait on her to reform he cries more
- does not leave her gem alone
- even when garnet tries to tell him to give y/n space and time he refuses
- when she reforms steven starts crying again
- “what happened?!”
- hugs her so tight while he cries
- “what do you mean you feel unwanted, i want you here all the time y/n.”
- he doesn’t fully get it, he’s used to feeling belittled but not unwanted yk
- “i promise y/n you will never ever feel like that again. i’m so sorry.”
- now she starts crying because he’s crying so much
- but it did make her feel better after
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maybegays-blog · 10 months
Welcome to my blog 🙏 🫡
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What I WILL write:
X (Fem!) Reader (anything but male)
What I WONT write:
Heavy saw level gore. (It’s hard to write and it makes me a lil sick 😔😵‍💫)
Character x Character (nothin wrong w it, I just personally don’t really like ships)
X Male reader
If you request something that’s not on here, I will look into. (If I do not respond then I will probably not write)
Please specify what you want me to write, I’m not good at coming up with things :(
Also, a small disclaimer. English isn’t my first language.
La Zarra
Lady Gaga
Charlize Theron
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Gwedoline Christie
Trolls 3
The Conjuring
Lorraine Warren
Wednesday (2022)
Morticia Addams
Larissa Weems
Marilyn Thornhill
The School For Good And Evil
Lady Leonora Lesso
Clarissa Dovey
Black Panther
Queen Ramonda
Shuri Udaku
Riri Williams
Steven Universe
The FEMALE Crystal Gems
The Diamonds
Resident Evil: Village
Lady Dimitrescu
Mother Miranda
Donna Beneviento
Bela Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Total Drama
(Not that far in the show, sorry!😔)
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divachan · 2 months
kinda wish invader zim was in there BUT uhhhh any platonic things with garnet pleaseeee, pretty please. she is so cool
AN :: oh em gee yessss! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Garnet!! (Probably bc my mom isn’t a very good person and I have a thing for motherly characters bc of that but erm anyways..🧍‍♀️) and if enough people want it, I’m MORE than glad to add Invader Zim to my masterlist! I’ll probably have to rewatch the show and movie first since I haven’t watched either since I was like 10 I think??
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Pairing :: platonic Garnet x Reader (mother and child dynamic)
She high key treats you like her own child
she DEFINITELY picks you up and carries you around with ease if you guys are on a mission or doing anything that requires walking around for a long time
You, Amethyst, and Steven are pretty much siblings now since you spend a LOT of time with the crystal gems
Similar to Pearl with Connie, Garnet taught you how to defend yourself with gauntlets for when you wanted to go on missions
She loves playing board games you. Sure you lose 83% of the time, but you still get lucky every now and then 
“That’s checkmate.”
“What?? how? that was your THIRD move!”
“Psst, y/n. I think she’s cheating..”
“Thank you Amethyst. 🙄”
When you see her unfuse for the first time during you were like “wait what the fu-“
You thought it was pretty cool nevertheless
You like to pick up ruby and sapphire and spin around with them 
They like it too don’t worry :)
If they ever unfuse after an argument or anything you and Steven are trying y’all’s hardest to help resolve the conflict
Spoiler: it works
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cherryxsapphic · 6 months
I'm taking requests!! 💕
I know, I'm technically supposed to make a masterlist for these thing but I'm lazy so....
Here's who I will write for atm <33
Also fair warning I'm a very slow writer because of mental health issues and life. But I see your requests and I am writing them it's just, I like to take my time so I'm not giving "I'm selling you to one direction whattpad"
(to the people that used to write those and still do, I find them funny, keep doing what you're doing, I appreciate you 💐✨)
Poppy playtime 🧸
Miss delight, Mommy long legs, and kissy missy!!
That's not my neighbor ☣️
Selene Sverchzt, Elenois Sverchzt, and Mia stone for now...
Steven universe ⭐
Opal, Sardonyx, Garnet, Pearl, and obviously the diamonds (excluding pink/rose atm) <33
Outlast trials 💀
mother gooseberry, Emily Barlow, Dorris
Wednesday 🥀
Marilyn thornhill/Laurel gates, Larissa weems... for now
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Also if any of y'all request anything please make sure to like at least give me a prompt, like come on pookies don't give me the bare minimum (I love y'all to pieces dw) ♡
I do write fluff, angst, I am capable of writing smut but I'm not the best at it, but I'll try my best!! 💖
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american-idiot21 · 2 years
I may or may not be having a gay panic attack over Garnet right now…
Season one episode 18.
The beach day outfit she’s in-
I mean she’s always hot but she’s hotter like that-
AHHHHHHHH 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
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