#gargoyle looking at us in disgust… get a room you two…
hitoshiskitty · 4 days
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i keep forgetting to post here.. this is a pretty self indulgent jason ngl lmao.. jason luvrs come and complete the heart
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lisaas2418 · 9 months
Yuu: Now here we have club demonstration.
Deuce: Here in Track and Field, we run fast like lightning. Take a look at Jack, he is fast rather he is in UM or himself. We even won awards for the best.
Jack: Um...this is our award.
Ace: Deuce's club sounds buddy and disgusting or whatever. The basketball is cool as we throw a hoops and get the higher score and- *He was hit by a basketball by Floyd*
Floyd: Cool shot, Crabby!
Jamil: Sometimes I wonder why there's no sane clubmates.
Yuu: You're one to talk.
Epel: We may not win against our rival school but we are lucky to have Leona in our Spelldrive club. A best club leader we ever have.
Yuu: Didn't Leona and dorm cheated in the dorm spelldrive competition?
Ruggie: You know how OP the Draconia dorm is? There faults not ours.
Yuu: Still not right.
Leona: Just move on the next.
Kalim: Light Music Club is fun club where we practice and play wonderful music.
Cater: We work well in our performance, you should see us in our shows.
Yuu: Yeah but you all mostly just hangout and eat snacks.
Lilia: It is still a fun club.
Trey: Well people would see me in cooking club but I am fascinating with science especially learning about plants.
Rook: Yep, Science club is marvelous. I mean learning about different kinds of animals and plants made me intrigue more.
Scar: I rather been eaten than be in the same room as that guy.
Azul: In our board games club, it may seen just a past time but I like the idea of advancing our skills and improve the development. Like chess and monopoly.
Idia: Just don't be in same game as him, he is a sore winner.
Riddle: The Equesterian club is where we train ourselves to ride a horse and take on rides.
Sebek: As a aide to Lord Malleus, I must do my best to ride a horse.
Silver: And its not just riding, we must care for the horses like a friend.
Sebek: You see all animals as friends!
Vil: Well it is cliche but a celebrity like me takes on film club not just for entertainment but the experience taking on different roles.
Ortho: I'm able to learn emotions and take on roles. We should film a movie here.
Yuu: That's a great idea. Maybe a show called, House of Mouse.
Jade: Well the Mountain club is like camping and collecting wild items like mushrooms. But sadly I am only member.
Malleus: Shame as well, Gargoyles club is where I can give out facts about gargoyles but no seem to want to sign up.
Maleficent: How dare there! Those gargoyles what gives fear and protection.
(LMAO I love how Yuu's comments fit so well)
Yuu: Well I think for one some people are just not interested in Gargoyles, for two they may truly are a bot afraid of them and third....yeah some if not most are intimdeted by Tsunutaro
Maleficent: I...suppose that would make sense
Mickey: In which club are you Yuu?
Grim: Ahem! 😠
Mickey: And you too Grim 😅
Yuu: We kinda switch everyday, since we can't really decide or we just don't show up. Doesnt exactly matter anyway. No offence to your clubs ofcourse
All: None taken
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Hope it’s not to late to request ! I’ve been looking / reading way to many separate aus , and I was wondering do you think our turtle due would act different (even as yanderes ) if their were raised by Draxum instead of splinter ? Bonus imagine if their fallen or grown attached to a human ? Since their whole purpose was to destroy humanity ? Sorry I’m rambling 🤣🀄️
(His face lmao)
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You've come to the right place! I love writing/discussing any type of theory, so if you need to ramble we can ramble together~
I made this a romantic one so it's even more controversial, but the first part is nothing but a theory on Draxy and his psychotic children.
Tw: murder, and in the crazy part kidnapping, brainwashing, forced mutation
Turtles if they were Raised by Baron Draxum
So, Lou Jitsu escapes without the turtles, and Draxum rescues them instead.
His goal is to use them to destroy humanity, but they're babies. He realizes that he has to wait for them to grow up a little before he can even start to train them (he tried but babies can understand only so much at a young age).
He involuntarily becomes a father and now has 4 sons. He does all the necessities but he is not keen on the emotional part of raising children. One of the reasons is how socially awkward this mf is. He might play with them a little but is cringing the entire time.
Once they're a little older than toddlers, he'll start training them, showing them the basics of martial arts and weaponry. Eventually, he notices that Donnie has an interest in science so he gradually develops his interest into a passion. He sees a lot of himself in our purple boy so he's much closer to him than his brothers.
By their pre-teens, he's introducing them to their mystic weapons and lets Donnie tinker with his (Draxum would never admit but he actually loves bby so much). When he does so, Raph gets some attention now because he shows up to training on time and is very skilled in the arts. Which turns into him teaching Raphie more advanced things than the other brothers.
As they turn into their teen stage, he's actually attached to all 4 boys. He's not as expressive in words but maybe through actions. He challenges Leo's jokes and psychological skills, as he has a hard mind barrier himself. Will place expensive art supplies in Mikey's room and lies that it was one of the servants who left them there.
He may be a villain, but we all know he's not heartless. He's just a nerdy dude who has horrible social anxiety.
Throughout their entire childhood, he tells them stories about humans and how bad they are, which engraves into their heads that all humans are bad. He gives details that they will tear up all yokai and those alike, scaring them in the process.
So as expected, they hate humans.
Finally, Draxum lets them go out and do their first killings of humans. Not without packed lunches with a note that says "From Father" with a horrible drawing of him on the side though (his gargoyles drew it). As the four roam the city, they take note that some aspects of the human world are nice, but the vermin that rule it are disgusting.
Then well, the murder happens.
They don't do it all at once, but rather a gradual increase as the days go by. They bring home the bodies to their "Papa", eager for praise.
Draxum will be unsatisfied but knows to wipe out the human race. it's the better method. He gives head pats and maybe a sticker or two (Mikey and Raph love them).
Ok, now the controversial romance.
But then one day the turtles meet a human while they were messing with things at Albertoland.
At first, it's aggression but slowly turns into indifferent behaviour. They realize the human isn't so bad and is an exception to all the other ones out there.
Coincidentally, the group meets them again, and something happened in their hearts.
Not crazy:
Is conflicted.
All his life he's been told humans are monsters who mercilessly murder yokai and similar species. So when a human is kind to him he wants to run away.
As you become closer friends, a crush starts to develop but the feeling of escaping grows stronger.
So he does the unimaginable and tells his papa about the troubles he's facing.
Draxum, who is flabbergasted, immediately assumes the worst.
"Raphael, do you not see the problems that could arise? What if you end up being hurt by them?!"
"But Papa, they haven't even tried to hurt me! They took me to a shop to go buy plushies and ordered human pizza for me!"
Draxum dearly loves his son but loving a human? He didn't raise his son to do such a thing!
After a tense relationship for a while, Draxum asks Raph to bring you over to the palace/lair for judging.
When you enter, it's silent, and all the brothers stand beside their father, eyes staring in curiosity. Mikey doesn't mind it all, as he always believes you shouldn't judge someone based off of stereotypes. Leo is indifferent, just being his gay little self. Donnie, however, is offended, betrayed even. Compared to the other bros, he's always stuck to Draxum's views and never doubts him at all, so seeing his eldest brother in love with a beast like you is horrifying to him.
After a long discussion and an awkward family dinner, they accept you. Draxum is cold at times but doesn't treat you ill (Donnie still complains to him at times. A son must rant to his father in times of need).
You get a happy big boy who gives you many hugs and kisses. Could be considered a helicopter with how fast his tail wags.
Honestly does not give a fuck.
Sure, other humans are bad, but you aren't. So, he's gonna live his life how he wants. He knows your kindness is genuine, as he can detect any lies or deceiving tricks from all the training he's gone through.
Asks you out to go to the Hidden City (reminder that only Baron thought humans are bad, not the other yokai). Shows you his favorite shops and ends up running into Draxum...Who is certainly not pleased.
"Oh. Hey Dad! Just um, on a date and buying a few things!"
"Leonidas. What are you doing with a human?"
You're immediately teleported to the fortress and tied up by purple vines. Meanwhile, Leo's getting a heavy scolding from his father.
The other three turtles walk in and it's just chaos from there.
Mikey will try to poke you, wanting to satiate his curiosity. Raph is telling him to stop while holding back a feral Donnie (he's extremely loyal to Draxum it's almost concerning)
Soon Leo gets pissy and argues with Draxum until the yokai realizes there's no point in arguing as it will only drain his energy.
You guys are just jumping for joy, along with Mikey.
Hates his feelings.
He hates that he's in love with you, he hates that you're so kind, and he hates how fuzzy and warm you make him feel.
We know how when he's with Splinter he's not as close with him as the other brothers are, most likely because Splinter isn't too interested in his passions. But in this AU, Donnie is super attached to Draxum because ever since he was young his parent has expanded his love for science and understands his love for the subject.
So anything in the way of his father's and even his views is a threat. He admits he has feelings, but you are a human, you can't be with him.
Leo, Raph, and especially Mikey have to convince him to take the chance. It's difficult though because again, Donnie loves his father dearly.
If they manage to convince him, then the first thing he does is tell Draxum. He will not betray him any further and come out clean right away!
"Father...I harbour romantic feelings for a human."
Draxum is surprised more than anything, as Donnie has always completely believed the same things he has. He knows he wouldn't do such a foolish thing without some justification so he sits and listens to him.
Donnie doesn't confess without coming prepared. He presents videos, data from lie detectors, and even records of your background.
Draxum believes him and doesn't say much. He loves his little scientist.
(Honestly though, I think Donnie's daddy issues would be so much better if he had Draxum as his dad rather than Splinter)
Treats it like it's the most normal thing ever.
Tells his brothers and Draxum. Leaves and goes straight to you.
No one can stop him, he pays no mind to anything.
"Son, why are you in a relationship with a being that brings harm to our kind?"
"Cuz' I love them and they're so nice~"
He travels with you in the human world, amazed at everything.
Invites you to family dinners without even taking note that his brother and father absolutely resent you.
Over time they treat you like family since there's nothing else they can do.
Draxum gets annoyed often but just huffs and goes back to his experimenting (he's dragging Donnie with him as the boy literally does not want any humans in his home).
Randomly pops to your house with yokai pizza and yokai food in general.
Holy shit this post is long.
Gets clingier as times go by and when he can't stand it anymore he kidnaps you.
It's not just some room either, it's a whole ass house in Draxum's lair.
Cuddles you while knowing very well he's killing other humans outside your encasement.
If his family finds out he's going to say he's curious of your kind and is observing how you live (which is a lie).
You become one of his plushies in a sense.
Manipulates you into thinking the human world is horrible while glorifying the yokai world.
Might even convince Draxum that you could be used as a weapon so that he can keep you all to himself.
If you even speak about your life in the human world he's going to say how you don't need to go back on those memories.
You're basically brainwashed into believing that humanity has betrayed you and that you should stay where you are loved: with him right in his arms.
Does not hesitate to try and turn you into a mutant. Then does he introduce you to his family.
Will give you a harsh glare if you speak of your past life with humanity. They are vermins, you are not to speak of them.
If you keep it up he might be inclined to force memory loss.
Probably the most unhinged and coldest of the four.
After he successfully mutates you, he might even introduce the idea of mutating all of humanity instead of wiping the entire race out.
Starts to preach about you to other yokai, and his family, wanting to change their views for you at least.
Doesn't stop following Draxum's orders to murder humanity.
With each body that drops, there is a heart or note left behind.
Doesn't deprive you of human culture at all. Maybe even tries to popularize it.
Will be flooded with bloodlust if you reference someone else that isn't him (in a loving way I mean).
That was really long.
Ok I'll go to bed now.
- Celina
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television-overload · 4 months
of our own making
(an X-Files fanfic)
Chapter 18/34 - ashes
[Read on AO3]
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“I love what you've done with the place,” a voice speaks as soon as the apartment door closes behind her. She looks up at the darkened shadow in the corner, only partially illuminated by the dim light of Mulder's fish tank. His face lights up with an orange flash as he flicks his lighter on, bringing the flame to the tip of his cigarette. It reflects off the hard edges of his face, giving him the monstrous appearance of a gargoyle for the briefest of moments before fading into black once more.
“What do you want?” Scully asks, no patience for beating around the bush with this man. At least he appears to be incapable of harming anyone. The man looks like he already has one foot in the grave, and she'd love to give him that last little push he needs.
“I want you to stop looking,” he answers simply.
“You've wanted that since 1973, when you ordered an end to the search for Mulder's sister,” she says, unmoved. “Your initials are on the document, I've seen it.”
If he’s surprised that she’s figured that much out on her own, he doesn’t show it. “Yes, I signed that order because I knew then what I know now: No one's going to find her.”
“Why not?”
“Because I believe she's dead.” The words deal a crushing blow, as does the cold, unfeeling way he speaks them. “No reason to believe otherwise,” he says offhandedly, gesturing vaguely with his cigarette.
“You're a liar,” Scully says softly, her hatred of the man simmering just below the surface. “If you knew that she was dead, why didn't you say something earlier? Why now?”
“There was so much to protect before,” he says with a shrug. “It's all gone now.” The Syndicate, reduced to ashes. Their leader obviously barely hanging on by a thread.
“So you just let Mulder believe that she was alive for all these years?” she asks, furious, if that’s the case. It makes her sick, the way he toys with Mulder like a puppet. 
“Out of kindness, Agent Scully,” he says. “Allow him his ignorance. It's what gives him hope.”
Scully rears back in disgust. How dare he talk about hope? How could he dangle the false promise of everything Mulder has ever wanted in front of him, and ask her to do the same?
“That isn't what gives him hope,” she says, glaring at the very embodiment of evil standing in her living room.
He gives a low chuckle, its sound chilling. 
“No, I suppose you're right. He has much better things to hope for now, doesn't he?” The insinuation that he knows what they’re up to terrifies her, but she won’t let it show. “I suppose I ought to thank you for that, Agent Scully,” he continues. “I never could have predicted how sending you to him would turn out, but you're good for him. Despite what you may think, it delights me to see my son so happy. And in the end, I succeeded in my purpose of sending him to you after all.”
“Which was what?” she spits.
“To distract him,” he says calmly. “To get him to quit.”
Well, tough luck, you black-lunged creep. “It didn't work out that way.”
“No, it didn't,” he concedes with a nod. “In fact, he became even more focused with you in the picture. A miscalculation, on my part. But I don't see how that's worth dwelling on now. Everything I built is gone.”
“I want you to leave us alone,” Scully demands. She wants nothing more than to get as far away from this man as possible, but she holds her ground. She won’t give him the satisfaction of spooking her.
“I will, so long as the two of you stay away from my business,” he says, taking another puff of his cigarette. “I trust that won’t be a problem?”
“You don’t know us at all, do you?”
He chuckles again. “Unfortunately, I do.” The shadows on his face shift as he takes a step in her direction. “In any case, I offer my heartfelt congratulations on your future together.”
“I’ll be sure to pass that along,” she says coldly, not even giving him an inch as he moves past her to the doorway.
He drops his cigarette onto the hardwood floor and steps on it to put it out. Its stench burns at her nostrils, and she isn’t sure even her strongest cleaning chemicals will be enough to remove it. “Your snark is noted, Agent Scully,” he says with a sickening half-smile and a nod. 
He opens the door and steps into the hall, then looks back at her one final time.
“Best of luck in your endeavors,” he says.
By the time she goes to shut the door behind him, he’s gone.
Mulder’s ramblings about his sister are nearly incoherent the next time she speaks to him. That, combined with her own experiences since returning to Washington, means she’s booking another ticket back out to California, a move that will certainly have the Bureau accounting people staring her down for the next month or so.
But it proves to be the right decision, because Mulder has found something. The most significant something that’s come his way since all this began.
She doesn’t know what it means.
She’s with him when he finds Samantha’s diary. Drawn there by some otherworldly force, or so he says. She can’t argue with the results, though. Hidden in this house, on an abandoned military base, is the diary of a fourteen year old Samantha Mulder.
Her heart aches for the girl, and for her big brother who drinks in every word scrawled on the page in blue ink.
The diary leads them to a police report. Which leads them to a hospital. Which leads them to the home of a retired nurse.
Which leads to the truth.
The nurse tells a tale of a nameless girl, strange injuries, the fear in her eyes. Mysterious men who came looking for her in a cloud of cigarette smoke, and how she vanished from a locked room before they could get to her.
It almost raises more questions than answers, but Scully hopes it’s enough. Enough to satisfy her dearest friend, so that he can truly begin to live.
He disappears off on his own in the short time she’s away, talking to the nurse on her doorstep of her home. But she feels something too, like he had when they first arrived here.
This is where it ends. This is where the rest of their life together truly begins.
He’s not sure what it is exactly that pulls him further into the woods. But, the second he catches sight of the little boy again, translucent in the moonlight, he knows with a sinking feeling what he will find.
It’s overwhelming.
With each step he takes, he becomes more and more certain. Like the puzzle pieces are all sliding into place, forming the picture of their own accord. The lack of effort required by him, after all this time, leaves him feeling hollow and empty.
He's letting go. He has no choice but to do so now, faced with the facts before him. The place inside him where the mystery of his lost sister festered for so long has become a gaping hole, and he feels lost without it already. Uncertain where to go next, now that his guiding force is gone.
His first glimpse of her stills him, and even though deep down, he'd expected to find her, the actuality of it shakes him. It feels both unbelievable and startlingly real at the same time, and he doesn't know what to do. Does he cry? Close his eyes and reject the reality in front of him? Should he leave, satisfied with this conclusion to his life's mission despite it being not what he expected or hoped for?
In the end, he does none of those things. Her name drips from his lips, an answer to a question that has haunted him for decades. Simple, but unimaginably profound.
His feet carry him toward her in a trance. Her movement is not so restrained. Her beaming smile practically lights up the forest as she dashes to him, her dark waves bouncing over her shoulders.
She's taller than he's ever seen her, and yet, his own height makes her smaller by comparison. He enfolds her in his arms, not expecting much of anything, but he feels her.
There's no breath in her lungs, but she has a solid form. She's surprisingly warm, not like a living body would be, but—he supposes—like light. Electricity buzzes under the surface when her hand lands on his cheek, and though she's different, at heart she's the same.
He can practically hear her voice in his head as she grins happily up at him, her brother.
“Fox!” her eyes say, his name conveyed in the shine of recognition he sees there.
He swallows back the lump in his throat and crouches to his knees, inspecting the changes on her face with the gentle brush of his fingers.
This is what she'd looked like in the end. While he was off in England, beginning his studies at Oxford, this girl was still here, suffering at the hands of her captors, unable to recall anything more than his face.
He'd never forgotten her. Sometimes he'd hoped he might find her, to see her grown up and happy, freed from whoever it was that had abducted her.
Other times, he'd been certain he would never see her again. He convinced himself it would be a mercy if she'd been dead all this time.
Now, he supposes both were right. She was gone, granted the mercy of a peaceful exit from this life by the mysterious inner workings of the universe. But also…
He gets to see her. For what will be the last time, he knows.
And she is happy, he can tell. At peace. Really, that's all he can ask for.
“There's so much I wish I could tell you,” he says, blinking through tear filled eyes to keep her in his vision. 
He thinks of all that has happened to him since she disappeared. In some ways, he’s the same person he was all those years ago. In other ways, he is completely changed. He wants her to know him as he is. To know who her big brother has become.
“I'm going to be a father.”
The words leave his mouth unrestrained, but she seems to understand his need to say them. She smiles softly, tilting her head in what could either be a teasing or truly genuine response.
“I know,” he says with a chuckle. “You think I'll be any good?”
Her answer comes in the featherlight touch of her hand against his, and it feels sincere. He sees flashes of her memories of them together, playing games, walking together to her piano lessons after school, him setting out a TV dinner for her on the nights neither of their parents were home to feed them… He knows what she's trying to say, and it warms his heart, even if he can't hear her reassurance with his own ears.
Her fingers brush over the back of his hand, and he follows their path with his eyes until she lands on his bare ring finger. When he looks up at her, he finds an inquisitive look on her face that almost makes him laugh.
It's strange, to be with his baby sister as an adult. Marriage was the furthest thing from his mind when he'd last seen her. Back then, his only thought was what could happen on the next episode of Star Trek or whether he could convince his father to let him go to summer camp on the mainland that summer. But now, he's all grown up, and in a way, so is she.
“Yeah,” he says, responding to her unspoken question. Smiling quietly to himself, he pulls out the chain that holds his ring from beneath his shirt and dangles it out in front of her. Her eyes instantly light up, and she brings her forefinger up to his chest to touch the cool metal. Gently, like it might shock her.
“Dana,” he says boldly. He's not sure why, but he feels the need to tell her everything. She’s a ghost, or something very like it. The things of this world should no longer concern her. But she should know the name of her sister-in-law. That, at least, he can tell her. “Her name is Dana.”
Samantha looks happy. Relieved, even, which he thinks is strange. If anything, he's the one who should feel relieved, having found her after so long. But maybe she has cause for it, too. Maybe she's spent these years worried about him, just as he has worried for her.
Her small hand splays on his upper chest in a purposeful motion, near his collar bone on the left. He looks down at her hand and then back at her, trying to discern what question she may be asking now.
The scar there tingles, and for the first time, he feels a little guilty that he hasn't taken a little better care of himself. Standing in front of her now, he knows that's not what she would have wanted.
“Oh, uh, yeah,” he says, chuckling softly. “She's the one who shot me. But I’m okay now.”
The corners of Samantha’s lips turn up in a small smile, but she shakes her head. No, that's not what she was wondering.
His brows furrow, and he's about to tell her that he doesn't understand when her fingers start to tap rhythmically against his chest.
Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump.
The question mark at the end of the sentence is written on her face, and he finally makes the connection.
‘Do you love her?’ she's asking.
He grabs her hand, cupping it between his own much larger ones, and stares deep into her eyes. He won't lie, not to her.
“More than anything.”
Samantha gives a satisfied nod, a content smile on her face. He knows they don't have much time left, but there's still so much more he wishes he could say.
“I'm sorry I couldn't protect you,” he speaks, finally releasing the apology he's had stored up for over twenty years. “I'm sorry I couldn't save you.”
‘It's okay. I'm okay, now,’ her peaceful expression says. He feels her forgiveness as if it had been spoken aloud, and it's like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. 
‘You’ll be okay, too?’ she asks him next, the words voiced in the expectant tilt of her head.
He glances heavenward, willing the tears to subside for a few more minutes so he can get through this, but manages to smile and nod in response.
“Yeah. I think I'll be okay.”
She's just about to go looking for him when she sees his figure wandering back toward them. What he'd been doing in the woods, she can't begin to guess, but as he approaches, she levels him with a worried gaze.
His necklace is visible, resting atop his clothes instead of under them for once. It glints in the moonlight, and Scully briefly worries that someone will see, but there is no one here who would care.
“Mulder?” she asks. It takes all that is in her to resist the urge to touch him, to check him for physical injuries or other external signs of damage. He seems fine, but it's what goes on inside his head that really concerns her.
“It's over,” he answers in a calm voice. 
His response doesn't do much to reassure her. Calm on the outside certainly doesn't mean calm on the inside, as she well knows, and she still worries he'll shut her out.
He should know by now that his search for the truth is as much hers as it is his.
“Are you okay?” she asks, prodding deeper in hopes he won't shut down. 
He smiles at that, something about her words amusing him, and that offers her a little relief. The feeling only grows stronger as he pulls her into his arms, resting his head atop hers and swaying slightly on his feet.
“I'm okay,” he assures her, in a quiet voice meant only for her. “I'm free.” 
She feels his arms tighten around her, and his voice drops even further, hardly more than a breath into the still night air when he speaks again, insistent.
“We're free.”
She's laying half asleep on top of the scratchy motel room quilt when his voice penetrates the comfortable silence. Despite what she'd told Skinner, she's not keen on letting him out of her sight. Not after what he'd gone through. He lays beside her, curled up under the covers and facing the wall, only the hum of the clunky air conditioner perched in the window to fill the quiet.
“I told her about you,” he reveals.
She stills. He'd mentioned seeing Samantha in the forest, of course. Talked about ethereal children playing in the clearing, the echoing sounds of their laughter and squeals of delight the only sounds he could hear.
Whether she believes him or not, she's relieved that it brought him closure.
The idea that they'd talked about her, however, has her hoping and praying that it’s true. She wishes she could have been there with him. Could have seen her with her own eyes, this girl who has so completely shaped both Mulder's life and hers.
“What did you say?” she asks calmly, staring fixedly up at the ceiling. Her curiosity in this matter makes her feel vulnerable, and the ensuing silence does nothing to ease her nerves.
With the rustle of sheets, though, he turns over, his knees bumping against her legs under the covers. She fights the compulsion to look at him, knowing that if she did, she’d be faced with the full intensity of the stare she feels prickling the side of her face.
He inches closer, the movements jostling the springy mattress, and he maneuvers his head until it's practically on her pillow. She feels his breath on her neck, the spiky ends of his hair brushing against her cheek, commanding the totality of her attention.
“Someday I'll tell you, Scully,” he whispers, curling deeper into the bed. His forehead nuzzles against her shoulder and her eyes fall shut, lost entirely to the sensation of him beside her. “I promise.”
Lovely tag list ♡: [if you would like to be added or removed, let me know!]
@today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr @agent-troi @angegova @baronessblixen @calimanc @captainsolocide @clo-thespin @cutemothman @danasculls @deathsbestgirl @edierone @enigmaticxbee @figureofdismay @frogsmulder @gillian-anderson-in-the-tardis @hippocampouts @invidiosa @monaiargancoconutsoy @msrafterdark @numinousmysteries @primrose19 @randomfoggytiger @skelavender @skylarksong @stephy-gold @teenie-xf @the-redhead-in-a-dress @vincentsleftear
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I Can't Heal What's Broken (All I Need Is A Change)
This was supposed to come out like a week ago but then I kept having ideas for things that could happen during Rollo’s first day at nrc and then I kept second guessing if the guys were in character and long story short it’s 12k words again, whoops.
We don’t really have too much to go off of given how little time Rollo has had so far (yes I totally expect him to come back I am booboo the fool 🤡) and then there’s the language barrier, but hopefully the guys feel accurate enough.
Also, I allude to the Prefect being a somewhat good painter because I noticed there’s a canvas on the room in-game and I thought ‘hey if I or anyone painted regularly for a few months we’d probably get good at it, right?’ Also because I thought it made for some nice interaction with Rollo.
Trigger Warning: descriptions of anxiety attacks.
The Prefect was trembling slightly, whether from cold or nerves they weren’t sure. Probably a combination of both.
In just a few minutes Rollo would arrive and change everything about how Ramshackle operated. They felt excited yet anxious, what if they didn’t get along? It’d be miserable to share a living space with just one other person and not get along. But worse it’d be if Rollo couldn’t adapt to life in NRC. 
‘Quit shaking henchman! You’re making me dizzy!’ Grim complained from his spot in the Prefect’s arms. They let out a quiet apology and let him down as they saw Crowley approach with someone in tow, Rollo.
The Prefect gulped down their nerves. There was no more time to overthink this, the decision was made. Time to show Rollo the determination and friendliness they were known for here at NRC.
‘Grim, please behave today, we don’t want to make Rollo’s first night here anymore difficult than it already is’ By the way Grim opened his mouth and furrowed his brow, he wanted to retort something but soon chose to shut up and scamper off back to the dorm muttering something about counting how many snacks he had before anyone tried to steal from him.
Rollo was perplexed. Two months after the symposium, when he admitted in front of the student council what he had done during the symposium- no, why he had suggested the symposium in the first place, he expected looks of disgust and betrayal, words of anger and demands of punishment, to be kicked out of the school and thrown in jail. Sure, the other students had looked betrayed, and they had also risen in anger to demand answers but ultimately they didn’t punish him as harshly as he had expected, as he had hoped.
‘Presid- Rollo, please…please tell us this is a joke’ The desperation in Yeshua’s voice was palpable, they all knew Rollo was not one to joke around ‘There has to be an explanation, a reason why you did that? Please just tell us’ Tristan was noticeably quiet, staring at the floor in deep thought. 
Rollo didn’t feel like explaining, not after the way those Night Rave students reacted, like their anger had been tempered by sympathy. Rollo didn’t need sympathy, he needed to atone so that this guilt would finally go away.
So he remained quiet, just looking at Yeshua with a blank stare.
‘The gargoyles said that you were troubled’ Ah, so they talked to other people besides himself ‘That maybe we would manage to reach out to you since we are made of flesh and blood, but it seems you’re not ready yet Rollo’ Tristan’s hand felt warm on his shoulder, reassuring almost.
His eyes told him he was hurt, utterly heartbroken but also ashamed, as if the depth of his fear and sorrow was something they should have been able to know.
Rollo’s stomach twisted and turned, he felt his lungs battle to get the air in, his head spun and suddenly the room was too tiny. He had to get out, now.
He rushed outside, breathing madly in and out, saliva coating the corners of his mouth as he tried to calm himself. The world kept spinning so he closed his eyes, took a deep breath in and tried to remind himself that he was fine, he just had to get this over with so the guilt would disappear. Soon he’d be in jail and all thought of his plans, of his time in this school and of his talks with the people of the city would be erased by time.
He turned around when he heard the click of the door and saw his classmates standing there with troubled looks. Clearly still processing what he said. Rollo hoped they would decide something already.
Instead, Yeshua and Tristan brought the situation to the Headmage who quickly tried to make sense of everything. Naturally he couldn’t just tell the authorities about the Crimson Flowers, it could damage the school’s reputation and in turn the other student’s prospects for the future. There was also the fact that Rollo was a model student, dutiful, serious and responsible and Headmage Tirmont had to also admit that being able to bring a flower back from extinction was a most impressive feat, even if the flower itself was dangerous. Truly Rollo could do great things in the future! But for that he had to have a future.
He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. What to do? In the following weeks he consulted with the rest of the student council, to see the perspective of the students who would be most affected by this going public. 
While heartbroken, they agreed that Rollo had done much too good for their school to just be labeled a criminal for the rest of his life, and they also hoped that he could be reformed since nobody had been permanently hurt in the chaos the flowers wrought. Surely if he had confessed it was because he knew in his heart that he did wrong and wanted to make amends. 
The Headmage then sent letters to a few other schools, hoping to find one that would give him advice on this peculiar situation. It was then that Rollo pointed out that the students from Night Raven College were aware of his actions and chose to not turn him in at the time so they could enjoy the ball. He asked the Headmage to send a letter to their Headmage so they would convince Tirmont that he deserved to be imprisoned.
Yeshua and Tristan once again argued, saying that he didn’t deserve such a severe punishment but he was certain they only said that because they admired him for years, until he let them down.
When all the letters had been sent, Headmage Tirmont admitted that he considered expelling Rollo, much to the chagrin of his classmates. He almost smiled but then the Headmage explained ‘There have been many overblots in Night Raven College this year, and yet all the students who’ve overblotted have reintegrated classes just fine. I think that whatever the reason, Crowley has the key to ensure mister Flamme can atone without ruining his future’ At this, Yeshua smiled brightly and Tristan yelled in elation. 
Rollo was…touched, even if his face showed displeasure. Yet, a part of him still wished for proper punishment. He hated being eaten by guilt every time he cleaned the Bell of Salvation or whenever a student complimented him for his dedication to the school or when the people from the city smiled brightly at him for his help after the disaster. He had done so much in the days after the symposium hoping to quell the guilt growing in his heart, hoping that he would not have to face justice… but he was a Noble Bell student, the student council president in fact, and one does not study here without wanting to emulate the Fair Judge at least in some aspect. 
No, Rollo could not live with himself unless he admitted his crime and faced proper punishment for it, it was only fair. 
This was not fair.
Getting expelled from Noble Bell College extra-officially only to be sent to Night Raven College so he could finish his studies seemed like a slap on the wrist to him. The Headmage assured him that it’d be punishment enough but Rollo kept arguing for more. Deep down he didn’t want to have to face the Night Raven College students again, after the way they stopped his plan and made him face his own demons, it left him feeling worse than guilty, it made him feel vulnerable. 
‘Rollo, you are a great student, ask anyone at Noble Bell College and they will say so. You have done so much since your enrollment, and twice as much since the symposium I assume because you wanted to repent somehow. And even if you weren’t such a reliable student, there was no permanent damage, nobody lost their magic and nobody got seriously injured, so to punish you the way you wish to would be disproportionate, it’d be unfair’
The Headmage’s words were pushing through his carefully placed barriers. Rollo couldn’t voice it but he did want a second chance, the opportunity to regain his classmates' trust and hold his head high when visiting the city. Maybe he should listen to what the Headmage wanted to propose.
‘See my boy, I contacted some other Headmages in hopes of sending you to finish your studies in a different school, because I firmly believe that you must graduate and use your talents for good, but I also think you can’t stay here’ Rollo was no fool, he understood perfectly why that would be best for him but it still hurt ‘Between how the students would feel having you here everyday and how much you love our city, I believe this must be part of your punishment: once you leave for your new school you may not return until we believe you have atoned properly. To that end, the city council and I will grant you an audience on this day five years from now to see how far along you have come. Until then, you are banned from entering the City of Flowers’ Rollo tried to suppress his emotions but…well he wasn’t made of stone, unlike the noisy gargoyles. His face showed the shock and hurt coursing through his heart. He grit his teeth and tried to swallow the knot forming in his throat, for as much as he hated to say it this was what he had wanted when he confessed his crime, a fair punishment. 
So why? Why did he feel like this? Why did he feel like hiding under his bed to cry?
The day had finally come. Rollo’s bags were packed and he stood solemnly in the front gates of Noble Bell College, wearing casual clothing instead of his uniform. The Headmage had given him a few indications to reach Night Raven College safely as well as his tickets to Sage’s Island. He warned him that the trip would be long so he should try to use it to prepare mentally for his new life. 
Throughout his whole explanation, Rollo’s eyes were empty. As much as he knew this was a much better outcome than what he deserved, he still felt awful. To leave his beloved City of Flowers for so long…maybe forever if his guilt remained as strong as it was now. And he didn’t even want to think of what would await him in Night Raven College.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of heels clicking on the cobblestone. The rest of the student council. They looked conflicted to be here, still grappling with someone they respected so much doing something so awful and yet wanting the best for him. Rollo was surprised to see them seeing how early it was, and half expected them to start crying waterfalls amidst their goodbyes. Once again they surprised him. ‘Ex president Rollo…we have come to bid you goodbye’ Yeshua stepped forward with a solemn expression and soon the rest followed ‘We hope that in Night Raven College you may find redemption, not just from others but from yourself. We all agreed to give you this second chance because we believe there is still good in you and we want to see you become that dependable man again, so please do your best’ They all gave a small reverence and Rollo felt guilty all over again. As foolish as they were for being so kind, he still saw in them some of the best students Noble Bell had to offer…and he almost ruined their futures…
‘I will return when I am worthy’ Rollo was never good at goodbyes, or at greetings or at conversations. He wasn’t the most social person but he could make do when it was required of him. Still, the boys in front of him knew him better than most and knew he meant every word. If he didn’t feel worthy of the city, of the Bell’s forgiveness, even if the council deemed him fit he would not return. With that, he entered the carriage and looked one last time at the city that saw him and his brother grow… he saw the stores selling their goods, he smelled the freshly baked croissants and he heard the goats bleating happily and a single tear trailed down his cheek. 
Arriving at Night Raven College had proven to be quite the long trip. Once at the airport he had to take a train, then transfer to a bus, board a ferry, transfer to ANOTHER ferry and once he finally was at Sage’s Island he took another bus to finally reach the imposing gates of the prestigious College. During the long journey, Rollo made use of the Headmage’s advice and thought of what might await him. 
To say he was nervous was an understatement. Rollo fully expected to be received by a group of students still mad at what he had done, ready to lynch him. Instead it was only one man standing imposingly at the front gate. His semblance was grim, with unblinking eyes hidden behind a pointed mask, the feathers on his coat swayed with the wind and for a moment he swore he felt that same breeze run a nail across his cheek. Rollo shook his head to clear his mind and stood as straight as he could. ‘Headmage Crowley, thank you for accepting me amongst your students despite my conduct, I will not waste the opportunity you have given me’ 
Crowley remained unblinking but the movement of his eyes told him he was being studied thoroughly. Naturally Rollo tried to stand taller, to appear more confident and ordered than he was. Finally, the man spoke ‘Why yes! Of course I am happy to give such a bright student a second chance, for I am ever so kind! I’m sure you will fit right in with the students of Night Raven College, mister Flamme. Do follow me now to your new dorm’ With an arrogant smile that hid his previously threatening aura, the man turned around and opened the gate.
The creaking of the metal made a chill run down his spine. For some reason, Rollo felt as if crossing that threshold were an end, to what though? His life? In a way, yes. Once he walked into the campus he would officially be a student of Night Raven College, and while the thought itself wasn’t fastidious, it didn’t feel right. So he took a deep breath and steeled his nerves. This was his punishment, so he had to take it in stride if he ever wanted to return home.
Rollo followed Crowley silently, his steps barely making a sound. Just a few meters away from the gate, the man spoke again ‘Headmage Tirmont tells me you are banned from returning to the City of Flowers until further notice, so I can’t allow you to use the Dark Mirror to visit but if you find yourself wanting to visit some other locations, I’ll be so kind as to open a pathway for you’ He acknowledged his words with a simple thank you and a nod. 
Reaching a crossing, the Headmage turned right and proceeded to explain what some of the buildings were. ‘Opposite of where we’re going is the Coliseum, where the Spelldrive matches are played. Over here is Mister S’ Mystery Shop, where you can restock on almost anything really, Sam always has a good selection of anything you may need’ Rollo glanced in the direction of the shop and noted it’s location in case he ever needed something, but other than that didn’t pay much attention to the details. He would do that come morning.
‘Over there is the Hall of Mirrors, it is the only way to reach the other dormitories as they exist in pocket dimensions. In theory students can come and go as they please but some dorms are more welcoming of visitors than others, so I advise that you use it with discretion’ A small nod was his only answer until he realized they were not going towards the hall but rather around it. Wasn’t he going to live in one of the famed seven dorms? Come to think of it, he didn’t undergo the Mirror Ceremony he has heard about, so where are they going? ‘Headmage, may I ask where will I be staying?’
‘Oh don’t worry about it, we’re almost there. Anyways over here we have the Alchemy Workshop and over there is the Botanical Garden’ The Headmage just kept talking in his chipper tone as if Rollo had never made a question, which irritated the boy a little ‘You are free to visit them on your own time, plenty of students like to maintain a variety of plants both innocuous and dangerous in the Botanical Garden, although I must warn you that everything there is communal so as much as you can make use of plants grown by someone else, they may make use of the plants you grow’ There was a certain glint in his eyes that made Rollo embarrassed. He was teasing him for what he had done with the Crimson Flowers. No matter, spreading the flowers here would be a monumental task and he would rather focus on his studies.
As they kept walking in silence, they approached what seemed to be some abandoned woods in the back of the school. Then, he noticed the building in the distance. Ah, that must be the Ramshackle dorm the Prefect had spoken so fondly about, although it didn’t seem nearly as dilapidated as they had described it. All their effort fixing it up must be paying off, it looked beautiful. Rollo couldn’t help but smile, while they hadn’t talked as much as he wished during their visit, he appreciated how hardworking the Prefect was. The fact that they had to do everything without magic simply added to his admiration. 
‘Well, here we are, your new residence: Ramshackle dorm’ Crowley made a grand gesture towards the gate while the Prefect walked down the staircase smiling all the way. 
Rollo hadn’t forgotten how they looked, but his memory certainly didn’t do them justice.
‘Hi Rollo, welcome to Ramshackle, I hope we can be friends’ Their smile was warm and inviting and Rollo desperately wanted to smile at them too, but he held back, giving instead a polite nod and a handshake that lingered for just a second more than was strictly necessary. 
‘Are you certain that you are okay with me staying here? I would understand it if you would rather I stay somewhere else’ Rollo had to make sure, he didn’t want to impose on them after what he put them through. ‘It’s fine, I’m actually looking forward to sharing the dorm with someone’ He couldn’t tell if they were being sincere or just nice, but whatever the case he had to accept the answer. He wanted to believe they were being sincere.
‘Well then, mister Flamme, I leave you in the very capable hands of the Prefect. If you need anything please don’t be afraid to ask them. Behave’ The threat went unheard by the Prefect but not by its intended target. The swing between the chipper, arrogant Headmage and the powerful, threatening sorcerer was baffling to Rollo…and a little bit intimidating.
It occurred to him that maybe living so far away from the rest of the buildings on campus meant he could easily be disposed of if he angered the wrong people. 
The Prefect seemed to sense his worry for they spoke in a calming manner ‘Ignore him, Crowley tends to not be a very attentive Headmage. In fact, most of the time I’m the one doing his job for him. Anyways, your bags are already inside, I can show you around so you can pick a room to settle for the night’ They led the way to the dorm, making amicable talk on the way. Mostly the Prefect asked about his trip, how he shouldn’t be afraid if he heard odd sounds since it was probably just the dorm’s ghosts playing some prank and how they would help him if he needed anything.
Rollo felt awkward, while he appreciated the Prefect’s kindness, he couldn’t help but feel much like he did back home: filthy and undeserving of their warmth, guilty. 
It wasn’t fair.
Rollo’s first night in Ramshackle was…….interesting, to put it mildly. First there was the loud familiar who kept demanding he bow to him “as the boss of the dorm” and whom the Prefect seemed to entertain. He considered bowing a little but quickly discarded the idea with a noticeable blush. He would feel ridiculous bowing to a familiar like that but he still chose to entertain the little creature to maintain some peace among them and also because the Prefect seemed fond of him.
So, Rollo crouched a little, looked Grim in the eyes intensely for a few seconds and then patted his head tenderly. The monster-cat didn’t wait a second to make his displeasure known, yelling ‘Ngyaaa! What’re you doing?! I am the Great Grim, you must treat me with respect! Not like some common cat!’ Rollo ignored him and kept petting him, hearing the purring underneath all the yelling and sensing the familiar moving his head closer to his hand. The Prefect stifled their giggling at the sight and rolled their eyes, probably used to this behavior by now.
For the first time in what felt like forever, Rollo smiled earnestly, basking in the warmth that spread in his heart.
If only the night had continued like that, maybe he would have been able to sleep. Instead, the Prefect showed him around, explaining that while most of the first floor and some of the second floor bedrooms were clean and ready to use, the dorm still needed quite some fixing. 
‘The plumbing’s working though, so don’t worry about the water running cold. Heh I used to have to rush when I first got here because the hot water would come and go at random’ The Prefect shuddered for dramatic effect in an attempt to make him laugh and Rollo only felt pity. Stranded in this strange new and dangerous world, and the Headmage hadn’t seen fit to at least give them decent living accommodations? Dreadful. At least while he stays here, Rollo should try and help with the cleaning and repairing of the dorm, it’s the least he could do to reciprocate the Prefect’s kindness.
This thought remained in his mind until he finished showering and prepared to go to bed. Sitting on top of the comforter and staring at his hands, there was not a sound to be heard in the whole dorm, not even the creaking of the floors.
Rollo had avoided thinking too much about…well anything really, since his travel began. Yes he had grown used to the idea of studying in Night Raven but that didn’t really strain him much. No, what he had avoided thinking about was everything else.
His brother, playing with his magic and showing him all the tricks he had learned recently. ‘Look! I can make the light change colors!’ ‘Don’t worry, I can get the fruit from the top of the tree with a breeze! Watch out!’ ‘Please Rollo, tell me that story again. I love the way you tell it’
Yeshua running behind him, talking with Tristan and asking for his opinion of everything, be it student council related or not. ‘Should we remind the students that they need to talk with the teachers themselves if they will leave on vacations early?’ ‘Do you think the blue compliments my eyes? Or maybe I should go with the cerulean?’ ‘We were searching for a place to go eat with the rest of the student council, would you join us?’
The people of the city, welcoming him with big smiles and relying on him like a trusted friend. ‘Ah, Rollo! I saved you some croissants, I know they’re your favorite’ ‘There you are Rollo, I just received this package for Laurent, can you give it to him? He said he can’t visit the city until he’s done with his homework’ ‘Dear, would you lend me a hand? My feet are killing me and these bags are much too heavy for these weary old hands’
His breathing quickened with every memory, he felt as if his chest was constricted, heavy. It was impossible to get air into his lungs. He stood up and walked to the bathroom, still trying to control his breathing. He splashed water on his face and when that wasn’t enough he did it again and again and again. 
He stared at his reflection in the mirror, a mess of tears and ragged breathing desperate for respite. He filled the sink with water and, taking one last look at himself, dunk his head in.
He remained there for as long as he could. Around ten seconds later he rose up and dove back in, this time remaining for a good twenty five seconds. He repeated the process until he was sure his breathing was back to normal.
He sat down on the cold tile floor and grabbed his head. These bouts of fear were becoming increasingly common and he didn’t know how to fix it, could barely contain them when they happened. Maybe he should stop thinking about the past. Seven know he won’t be getting anything good from reliving his failures.
After drying his face, he sat back on his bed and closed his eyes, trying to catch some sleep, or at least allow his eyes to rest some.
Rollo’s first day of class was full of…how to put it? Exciting happenings. 
First thing in the morning he was met with the Ramshackle ghosts the Prefect had mentioned the night prior.
They haunted some of his things to make noise and wake him with a jump but since he was warned of their little pranks, he sort of expected it. It didn’t help their attempt to prank him that he was already awake when they began haunting his furniture and bags. 
As he stood there, toothbrush in his mouth, staring at them unimpressed, the ghosts semi-stopped their shenanigans and introduced themselves.
Rollo could tell by the tone of their voice that they were disappointed they couldn’t scare him and he felt slightly bad for them. Sure they were ghosts, and from what the Prefect had told him they were also prone to these sorts of tricks, but they had also said the ghosts cared for them a lot since they had given them so much support during their most uncertain times living here. So he relented a little and pretended to faint to make it seem like he had been processing the sight of actual ghosts.
They yelled in happiness, praising each other for their welcoming prank on the boy and then asked him about himself.
They reminded him of the gargoyles back in the belltower, annoyingly nosy and sentimental… he smiled as they told him to come to them if he ever needed someone to talk to. So similar…
The Bell was shining beautifully today, after Rollo’s careful cleaning. Just below, he could hear the gargoyles moving around, probably trying to predict when he’d come down so they could hound him with their incessant questions about his day, attempts to prank him and offers of games and idle chat. 
Rollo had no time to entertain their childish conversation, he had to prepare study guides for the freshmen, discuss the schedules of the physical exams with the teachers for the students who had to leave early on holidays and he had to talk with the club leaders to see if there was anything they may need for the upcoming semester that may be harder to get into the budget. 
‘Rollo! We were just thinking about how great it’d be if you joined us for a game!’ The gargoyles hopped around him, trying to show him the board game they had acquired -he had gotten it for them at their insistence- and which was their recent obsession seeing how little they had to do around the belltower. 
‘I am afraid I have much to do right now, perhaps next time I can join you’ It was a blatant excuse, and one the gargoyles had heard a few times by now so they responded differently this once ‘But Rollo, you always say you’re busy and then you come back at night just to sit and stare pensive at the horizon. Why not play with us instead? Then maybe you won’t feel so overwhelmed at night’ … Since when were the gargoyles this perceptive? 
Rollo sighed as he allowed the gargoyles to lead him to his seat. He already knew the game, it was the classic Life but with locations specific to the Shaftlands. Still, he said nothing as the gargoyles explained the rules and set the board.
They were so excited for a simple game they kind of reminded him of someone dear to him……… Sighing, Rollo threw the dice and moved his piece. He picked a card and again moved his piece. 
The game continued like this, with the gargoyles trying to make him open up and him avoiding it with simple comments about his school life. 
He could sense his defenses weakening, at some point once the board was all purchased and only three players remained, Rollo caught himself almost confessing to having trouble sleeping due to the guilt. Luckily he managed to shut up before the gargoyles could hear him, who knows what kind of sentimental talk they would give him if they knew he was feeling troubled.
Once the game was over he dusted his clothes, gave a small bow and thanked them for the game. Serious as ever, he made to leave when the gargoyle spoke ‘Rollo, I know you don’t think we can be of much help because we are made of stone and live here on the belltower, but sometimes all you need is someone to listen and we excel at listening, so please don’t forget we are here for you. And if you really don’t want us to listen, at least remember that there’s always someone who cares’ 
Rollo stood there for a few seconds and for a moment the gargoyles thought he would stay and share his burden with them, but soon that fantasy was shattered by his steps growing farther. Rollo would never admit it to the gargoyles directly but their words had given him something to think about.
When he heard the ghost’s laughter disappear down the stairs as they told the Prefect how much they liked this new student and the Prefect responded happy that they were getting along, he knew he made the right decision. Even if it cost him dirtying his clean shirt. 
Going downstairs to meet with the Prefect and Grim, he noticed them staring at him while Grim eyed the uncooked food. Ah right, back during the symposium he was wearing the Noble Bell uniform, today he wore only the school pants and a white shirt since he hadn’t found the school jacket provided by the Headmage. Even so, Rollo felt a little self conscious, was his appearance that different without his robe? The Prefect kept glancing down to his torso and back to his face as if to make sure it was really him and he started to feel like covering up. He steeled his nerves and tried to match the Prefect’s stare. Soon their eyes were locked in a sort of unblinking game. 
When their game lasted for a few seconds too long and Grim heard them giggle slightly, he yelled ‘Hey, henchman! You’re supposed to give him the jacked! Stop playing around! Hyeee!’ The monster-cat grabbed the jacket from their hands, startling them with the volume of the yell, and Rollo saw a little flush on their face. He didn’t have time to notice anything else as Grim handed him the jacked and demanded praise for being such a thoughtful boss.
Rollo looked at the cat, then at the Prefect who simply shrugged, and then back at Grim. With a little embarrassment, Rollo scratched Grim’s ears while muttering a small ‘Thank you, Grim sir’ that made the cat purr, although he pretended to be indignant at being treated like a cat. The Prefect once again commented how happy they were to see them all get along so well and Rollo felt proud at exceeding their expectations.
After sharing a nice breakfast with the Prefect and Grim, consisting of an egg omelet, accompanied by some toast, fruit and coffee, they were on their way to class.
On the way to the main building, the Prefect made good on their word of showing him around the campus so he could actually recognize the buildings he’d have to use for the rest of the year.
Rollo was impressed with the size of the campus now that he could appreciate it in its entirety.
He could understand why Night Raven College was considered such a prestigious school, seeing the quality of its infrastructure and knowing firsthand the proficiency of its students.
‘Anyways… uh… we have different classes since I’m a freshman and you’re a third year but if you need help getting to your next class, come find me. I have potionology with professor Crewel’ The Prefect gave him the directions to their classroom since Rollo didn’t have a phone to contact them in case they wanted to meet up. He repeated the instructions perfectly and headed to his classroom before the bell rang, bidding them a good day.
The class itself was easy enough, history of magic was a subject he didn’t struggle with (not that there was any subject he struggled with) and thankfully there were no group assignments for the time being. Still, he couldn’t help but feel…observed. While the teacher turned around to write on the board, Rollo made a quick survey of the room to try and figure out who was staring at him. Sure enough, he found him sitting just a few rows back.
Rook Hunt, one of the guests for the symposium. Rollo remembered him well enough, what with his extravagant speeches, cheerful disposition and that awful nickname he gave him. He wasn’t sure what to make of him underneath all of that, but he got the feeling he was more dangerous than he seemed, especially with the way his gleaming eyes didn't match his smile. 
Rollo gulped, worrying that he would get in trouble so soon. He could endure the rejection and even hatred he may get from the students here, after all he didn’t really have any attachments to them, but he would rather not make more enemies if that would cause trouble for the Prefect as well.
When class ended, Rollo grabbed his things and left to find the Prefect immediately, not wanting to risk a conversation with the blonde. 
He found the Prefect laughing at a heated argument between two boys about who’s fault it was that their potion took so long to work.
‘I’m telling ya it was all Juice’s fault! He kept stirring way too slow!’ The redhead boy signaled to a blue-haired one who seemed to take issue with his statement.
‘I was stirring at the right speed! You just told me to stir in the wrong direction because you never read the instructions Ace!’ Rollo realized then that these must be the Prefect’s friends, Ace and… Juice? He couldn’t quite remember what his name was but he felt somewhat certain that it wasn’t Juice, maybe it was a nickname? The people of Night Rave College seem to be rather fond of those.
‘Boy ‘m I glad that I don’ have to partner up with either of them’ The Felmier boy said crossing his arms behind his head. The Prefect nodded in agreement and then noticed him standing there, awkwardly.
‘Rollo! Do you need help getting to your next class?’ The Prefect’s voice cut the chatter and at once all eyes were on him. The air grew tense once the boys realized he was here.
Ace and Deuce exchanged looks while Epel took a step in front of the Prefect. They all looked ready to fight, he better diffuse the situation before something bad happens to them ‘I didn’t mean to interrupt but I do not know where the classroom for my’ He checked his schedule ‘“Ancient Curses” class is located’ 
‘Oh, Leona and Rook have the same schedule I think, come on I know where it is’ They tried to tell their friends to go ahead to class without them but the trio refused, claiming that they wanted to keep talking. Rollo knew they were keeping an eye on him.
Good, at least they cared for their friend.
Once the second class was over, the bell rang and Rollo made his way to the cafeteria as per the Prefect’s instructions. He should thank them, their instructions were very clear and succinct so he could remember them easily.
As he entered the cafeteria, he started looking around for the Prefect, not wanting to share a table with some unknown person or worse, a known person. 
After scanning the place for a couple of minutes, he saw them enter the cafeteria with several friends from the other side and took long strides to reach them before they picked a table. With any luck, they could sit by a window in a far away corner.
‘Rollo! Good to see you didn’t get lost, I was a bit worried my instructions were confusing’ The Prefect scratched the back of their head and their friend, Ace, imitated them in a mocking manner. A big muscular boy rolled his eyes at his antics and the other boy, Zigvolt, ignored them both in favor of staring at him.
‘Not at all, in fact your instructions were clear enough that I got here earlier than my classmates’ He motioned for them to sit on a nearby table, away from the others and the group of freshmen complied without fuss though still with some tension in the air.
As Rollo sat beside the Prefect, the other boys picked their places around the table. Spade, Felmier and Zigvolt sat together across from him while the wolfman and Ace sat on the other side of the Prefect. Grim took the Prefect’s lap as expected.
‘We better get some food, yo Prefect, come with me Juice is too prone to mess up the orders with his indecision’ Ace grabbed the Prefect by the arm and forced them to go along before they could even answer.
Sitting in front of him, Juice? Spade muttered ‘That happened once’ in an annoyed voice. 
Rollo had known these kids for all of ten minutes combined and already he could gather what their group dynamic was. 
‘So…how’re you liking your classes? I hear you had professor Trein for first period’ Spade made the first move and Rollo was thankful he chose such a neutral subject.
‘It was quite enriching. Professor Trein has vast knowledge and a commanding presence so paying attention to him was no problem’ Both Spade and Felmier looked at him like he had grown two heads, well that couldn’t be good ‘Did I say something wrong?’
The question seemed to awaken them as Felmier spoke up ‘Ah no it’s just- normally people complain that Trein’s classes are boring but they can’t sleep through them because he likes calling out misbehaving students. I suppose we shouldn't be too surprised though, you seem like the studious type’ While Rollo took it as a compliment, he felt slightly offended by the arrogant smile the boy was giving him.
‘Really it’s just them, most people go to class hoping to learn but these two and Ace like to cause trouble, so take whatever they say about the professors with a grain of salt’ The wolfman spoke so suddenly Rollo had almost forgotten he was there since unlike Zigvolt he wasn’t staring at him like he wanted to murder him.
‘Wha- Jack, that’s not true! We pay attention to class, it’s just hard because Trein speaks very slowly and Lucius makes so much noise too it makes it hard to pay attention’ Spade clearly didn’t like being called unattentive by his friend, meanwhile Felmier added in ‘And we aren’t as troublesome as Ace! If anything, you’re talking about Grim! Those two are the real troublemakers of this group’ He seemed to fully stand by his words with how he puffed out his chest.
He deflated as soon as he noticed Ace had returned with the trays of food and was threatening to not give him his unless he apologized for blaming him for their shenanigans.
‘I don’t cause trouble! It’s you two and Grim who can’t keep up with me and my awesome ideas! If you did, then all my plans would work just fine and nobody’d get in trouble’ 
Naturally the boys began arguing on whether he was right or wrong, with Felmier and Spade mostly defending that he was the major contributor to the chaos amongst them ‘And what do you mean we can’t keep up?! We got our Unique Magic before you, if anything it’s you who can’t keep up at all!’ They kept arguing for a little longer until the Prefect finally spoke ‘GUYS!’ They all looked baffled at them ‘Please quiet down, we’re gonna get in trouble and I really want to make Rollo’s first day here better than mine’ They gave Spade and Ace a look which made them blush brightly as they stuttered shut. 
Once Felmier and Spade relented, Ace plopped down next to the Prefect and gave him a curious look ‘Say, I heard from Juice and the others that you were a big deal back in your old school, so how come you didn’t enroll here to begin with?’ His bluntness was surprisingly refreshing after all the strange looks and veiled intentions he had gotten so far.
‘I chose Noble Bell College because of its history. While you all may be proud to be students here, I was proud to be there. The City of Flowers is- was my home, and I was honored to be accepted there. I can only guess it was that disposition that made me ineligible for Night Raven College since the election process is a mystery to all but the Headmage’ Rollo started slicing the steak the Prefect had gotten for him and noticed the rest of the table’s attention was still on him so he tried to say something else so they would go back to their conversations ‘Also I wasn’t a big deal, anyone can become the student council president with enough dedication since the position is for those willing to be responsible and dutiful to the school and its students’ To his dismay, his words had the opposite effect.
‘That’s right! You were the student council president! So that means you probably were an honors student, right? Can you tell me about that? I want to be an honors student myself’ Spade raised his fist in determination and Rollo didn’t know how to answer. He just wanted to eat his steak in silence and pretend he was back at the belltower.
He looked at Spade, trying to figure if he was being polite in asking more things or if he was honest in his goals. Feeling the rest of the boys awaiting for his answer, he spoke ‘Um…well…uh…studying is the hard part I suppose, but if you can pay attention during class then reviewing your notes becomes much easier’ Both Spade and Felmier scooted a bit closer to hear him better in the growing noise of the cafeteria.
‘Some people will tell you to highlight the important information but that’s futile if you think everything is important. Instead you should rewrite your notes in a way you understand and then make a brief summary of the things you struggle to understand so you can ask your classmates or teachers about it’ The way he launched into his helpful senior student self was like a switch had been flipped, so used he was to aiding his own classmates with their studies and questions. 
By the time the cafeteria was clearing out a bit, Epel, Deuce and even Sebek were happily telling him about some of their own tips for studying their favorite subjects. Ace looked at the Prefect confused while they simply shrugged and kept cutting pieces of their meal before Grim swallowed their unattended tray.
As it was, lunch would have been perfect if those were the only noteworthy events of the evening, but of course the animated table was interrupted by someone joining out of nowhere.
‘Roi du Mouchoir! I am so glad to finally find you! And with Monsieur Pommette of all people!’ Rook Hunt was standing right behind the Prefect, looking at him with a big smile and an unsaid threat in his eyes. At once Rollo felt his temperature drop but remained impassive as the Prefect welcomed the blonde to join them on the table.
‘Why were you looking for Rollo, Rook?’ Epel asked in between bites of his steak. Hunt sat beside him and praised his poise while eating, much to the boy’s dismay or was it embarrassment?
‘Oh I simply wanted to talk, see I noticed him during our history of magic class and tried to approach him when it ended but he left so fast I couldn’t catch up’ He gave a small pout that fooled absolutely no one here, they all knew if he wanted to catch someone like Rollo he was perfectly capable of doing so even if he disappeared from his sight. 
‘I needed the Prefect to help me with something. At any rate, whatever you wanted to talk about, I hope you don’t mind the Prefect and their friends listening now’ Rollo wasn’t sure what to expect from this boy. On the one hand he was clearly well trained and powerful enough to be a vice housewarden, on the other hand he seemed to be friendly back when they first met and now too the Prefect wasn’t giving any indication that they worried about this interaction. Maybe he was just assessing him?
‘Oh! Just wanted to see how you are adapting to the school, I know when I transferred from Savanaclaw to Pomefiore I experienced such a noticeable change in atmosphere and that was within the same school, I can only imagine how different things are here compared to Noble Bell College’ Rollo was right, he was assessing him. Hunt kept looking at him with a friendly face but he could feel the faintest aura of danger emanating from the eccentric boy. 
‘So far everything is good, professor Trein gave a wonderful class and I think I learned quite a bit in Ancient Curses. The students haven’t given me any trouble either…yet, and I hope it remains that way. I have no desire to make enemies nor cause any problems for the Prefect with my issues’ The Prefect tried to say that it was no problem but everybody at the table silenced them by saying some form of ‘You already have enough on your plate’. Heh, it was cute how they all cared so aggressively for each other.
Rollo and Hunt maintained eye contact, unblinking. But unlike with the Prefect that morning, this wasn’t lighthearted, oh no, this was a test. Rollo couldn’t look away or Hunt would think him suspicious or insincere. They kept staring without saying a word until the freshmen realized what was going on.
‘Rook…I think you should leave this to us’ Felmier spoke softly to his dormmate ‘We actually have been talking to Rollo and…um I think he’s alright. Even Sebek has been giving him a chance and we’ve learned some neat things from him. So please don’t be so hard on him, let’s give him a chance to show us how he’s changed’ His words made Hunt look at him in surprise.
‘Oh Monsieur Pommette! Your words are so full of kindness and wisdom! I am so proud of you and I’m sure fair Vil will be as well!’ His laughter made the boy blush with a queasy smile, probably happy to make his senior proud ‘Very well, I will leave you alone for now, but Roi du Mouchoir’ Rollo was getting dizzy from all these sudden mood changes, so he just looked at Hunt with a raised brow ‘Please, do talk to me in class, I will be more than glad to partner up with you in any group projects’ Once again Rollo felt a vague threat emanating from the blonde’s high yet dry tone. Was everybody at this school so weird? 
The last period confirmed that indeed, everyone at this school was very weird.
They were to have lab class with the students from class E, which on paper seemed alright, more students meant he was less likely to be paired with Hunt. But then he was actually paired with Trey Clover and all his hopes of having any semblance of a quiet, normal school year went out the window.
At first he introduced himself politely, shaking his hand and welcoming him to Night Raven College, and Rollo felt nothing wrong with this. His attention at first had been grabbed by the intense staring he felt from somewhere in the room.
He turned around to find Hunt working happily with some student from…Octavinelle? So he kept searching but the presence disappeared. Strange.
‘Are you alright? If you need to see the nurse I can take you’ Clover seemed reliable enough so Rollo apologized and got to work on the potion as per the chalkboard’s instructions.
While they worked, Trey made polite conversation to get to know him better. It felt utterly fake, like he would rather be partnered with anyone else but him, but Rollo understood the feeling so he didn’t hold it against him. 
Then he felt it again. That stare. He turned around and saw nothing out of the ordinary, but he could still feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing. Who was staring at him so intently?
He must have said it out loud because Clover actually answered ‘Sometimes Lilia likes staring at people, I swear he can be even sneakier than Rook’ Lilia? As in Lilia Vanrouge, the vice housewarden of Malleus Draconia? Well, that would explain two things. 
‘I see, he must not be happy having me here after what happened’ Rollo still wasn’t sure how much people knew about his actions but he would rather play it safe, no use in exposing himself like that on his first day.
‘Don’t be silly, I am very happy I can meet the boy who helped my boys grow a stronger bond’ When did he get here?! Rollo jumped back with the spoon on his hands, completely startled by the short boy standing upside down beside him.
‘Lilia please don’t do that, he could’ve ruined our potion and this mixture is very volatile’ Clover’s chiding tone was very gentle, like a parent explaining to a toddler why they can’t bite something dangerous. How could someone so normal handle such bizarre situations so easily? Was this just a side effect of studying here, developing mechanisms to deal with the strange?
‘Kee hee, sorry Trey. I just wanted to see the new student Malleus spoke so passionately about. He had a lot of opinions about you transferring here you know’ Of that Rollo had no doubt, but so far he had managed to avoid Draconia and he hoped he would keep it that way for the next few days or weeks if he could ‘But don’t worry, the Prefect made him promise he’d be nice so long as you’re nice’ The boy disappeared and reappeared beside him, standing on the ground this time.
He was handing him his hand to shake, Rollo took it tentatively. ‘Oh ho, don’t be so shy now. I feel like we know each other so well already! Me with all these stories I hear about your doings during the symposium and you with all the hits you took from my boys~ Oh and the singing! I hope you liked the song. I showed it to Malleus so they could sing it as a present’ His smile was childish but his voice and demeanor betrayed his experience. Rollo wasn’t sure where Night Raven got all these walking contradictions but he supposed the Headmage must have a knack for selecting students similar to himself in that regard. 
Rollo was half tempted to retort something smart back to the odd little man but just as quickly as he had come, he went back to his station. Sigh he better focus on the potion before it explodes. He really doesn’t want to get detention on his first day here, the day has been exhausting as is.
He followed Clover’s advice for a while until he noticed the potion changed color, it shouldn’t do that yet. He checked the ingredients they had added and sure enough, they had added a couple in the wrong order. Nothing too terrible for this potion but precision was important in alchemy for a reason: plenty of potions did change drastically if the ingredients weren't added in a certain order. 
He was about to signal to Clover to come over so they would start stirring slower to account for this change when he saw the ghost of a smug smile on his face. Was this another test? Why was he smiling like that? Did he do something wrong or right? Rollo felt a headache incoming from all the overthinking he had done today. Class couldn’t be over soon enough.
‘Ah, Clover we are ready to start stirring, although we seem to have added some ingredients in the wrong order, so we should start slowly to account for that lest the potion explodes’ Clover’s eyes crinkled happily and Rollo knew then that indeed, this was a test. Great. Even the normal students had something suspicious about them. Now he almost feels offended at the Headmage saying he’d fit right in.
They finished the potion without fuss and the professor acknowledged their clean work, allowing them to leave early so long as they cleaned their space. With the practiced hand he acquired from helping maintain the school grounds and the belltower in Noble Bell, Rollo was done in a few moments. Clover didn’t have time to be impressed as just a second later, Rollo left for Ramshackle.
He needed a quick bite, a shower and to sleep for a thousand nights.
Once again night came and with it Rollo’s ugly thoughts came chasing him in his dreams. He couldn’t run fast enough, he couldn’t leap far enough. No matter what he did, there was no way of reaching his brother.
The flames engulfed everything, from the floor to the ceiling. Rollo tried to crawl through them, he knew he could he just had to use his Unique Magic. ‘Crimson flower, scorch my soul-’ It was futile, he couldn't feel the well of magic within. He was empty, completely devoid of magic. 
There was no way to save him. But he had to try. Rollo kept crawling closer, the flames growing hotter every second. Soon he would feel the same pain his brother felt, at least this time he wouldn't abandon him.
‘ROLLO!’ He was jerked awake by the warm hand of the Prefect. Rollo looked at them perplexed, it was a dream? He scrubbed the sleep from his eyes and with it the tears that had fallen in his sleep. Oh. He must have made the Prefect worry if they could tell he was having a nightmare.
‘I’m sorry for waking you, Prefect. Please don’t worry about me, you should go back to sleep’ He tried to sound convincing but his voice had that tremor it did whenever he was about to panic. The Prefect sat by the end of his bed hesitatingly, afraid they may be imposing.
‘When I told you I was here for you, I meant it, not just for the academic stuff’ Their voice was soft and quiet but carried so much weight in the silent space between them he felt compelled to scoot closer. ‘If there’s anything you need to talk about, chances are I can help you…I’ve been through my fair share of bad times myself…’ They left him a choice. He could run like he had done for these past few months- no, for the better part of his life since his brother died. Or he could confide in the Prefect 
‘There's always someone who cares’ The gargoyle’s resigned voice rang behind his head.
‘Maybe we would manage to reach out to you... it seems you’re not ready yet Rollo’ Yeshua and Tristan whispered at each side of him, eyes pleading for an opening.
‘It’s not your brother or the world you want to save...it’s just yourself’ Idia Shroud’s voice echoed loudest, dispassionate yet truthful, heavy with the sentence of someone who understands far better than anyone should be able to. 
‘I just- I don’t know what’s happening to me’ For the first time in forever, Rollo allowed himself to be vulnerable without putting up a fight. All these years he had built his carefully placed walls, hoping to keep the pain outside. Instead all he had done was lock himself in with all of it and no way to ask for help. It was time to stop.
The Prefect cradled him on their chest carefully, rubbing his back in soothing circles and whispering reassurances that he could speak whenever he felt ready. He was crying uncontrollably and he hadn’t even noticed until he felt the dampened shirt of his dormmate. 
They stayed like that for what felt like hours until Rollo could not cry anymore. He felt lighter if a bit embarrassed. Sniffing, he pulled back and looked at them with a thankful nod. He needed a second to recollect himself.
‘.........I feel guilty that I couldn’t save my brother. I was the older brother and it was my duty to protect him……if only I had gotten my magic sooner-’ ‘Don’t do that’ The interruption took him by surprise ‘Blaming yourself like that, that’s a sure way of driving yourself crazy’ They grabbed his hand and made him stand up. 
Near the window, Rollo saw the dim light of the moon ‘We can’t change what’s in the past, but we can choose how those events affect us into the future…how we remember the people we lost’ Their hand squeezed his reassuringly when it trembled ‘You have to decide: do you want to remember him as he was on his last moments? Scared and in pain? Or as he was the rest of the time? As the person you loved so dearly?’ Their words sounded so much like Shroud’s, not just in what they meant but in how their voice had this faint tremor, some barely contained emotion. The Prefect knew what he was feeling, they had lost someone too. Slowly he turned his head to look at them and sure enough they were crying too now.
What a sight they must be, two newly dormmates crying in a dark room in the earliest hours of a saturday morning. Instinctively he draped his arms around their shoulders and pulled them against his chest like they had done earlier, tucking their head under his chin. ‘Thank you’ His breathing was calm, the calmest it had been since the symposium. Equally the Prefect’s breathing slowed down until it evened out completely. Rollo looked down to see them dozing off.
He held his chuckle and brought them to his bed. He tucked them in and sat next to them on top of the covers, waiting for sleep to claim him.
Come morning he would wake up to the Prefect hugging him like a stuffed bear and Grim complaining about him stealing his minion, but for now he enjoyed a good night’s sleep before the chaos of another day at Night Raven College.
It was nearing the end of Rollo’s first week on Ramshackle and things admittedly seemed far better than he expected at first. In just these few days he had ‘squirmed his way in’ into the Prefect’s friend group (according to Ace) by inadvertently joining them on their shenanigans, he got to assist the Prefect in cooking during the weekend and enjoyed exploring the grounds along with the freshmen. He even got to work with Hunt for a class project which gave them great results. All in all, his week had been full of excitement.
Yes, some students had been naturally suspicious of him upon meeting him (the housewardens in particular had been prone to interrupting his time with the Prefect for the most random reasons), but he supposed those feelings came from the retellings of what happened during the symposium. And even if they didn’t know, he couldn’t exactly blame them, what with how unapproachable he seemed (or so the Prefect told him on a few occasions) and the strangeness of his transfer. 
There was the difficulty of how different the schools were, for sure. Noble Bell was full of tradition, with the students following it dutifully and gladly, while Night Raven College was more…innovative. There was tradition as well, certainly but in general the students seemed eager to break the mold and stand out in their uniqueness. Rollo wasn’t used to that.
But in all, his assessment of the school was positive. Maybe Headmage Tirmont had been right in sending him here.
These thoughts occupied his mind as he tossed and turned around on his bed. The clock of his room indicated the hour to be 2 AM. He turned around on his bed again and tried to close his eyes, to force himself to sleep but no matter how long he kept them shut, it didn’t work. For some reason tonight he couldn’t drift into unconsciousness. He blamed the heat wave and the dorm’s poor insulation.
Deciding to not waste his time getting annoyed at his lack of sleep, and fearing another bout of anxiety if he remained stirring in his thoughts, he got up and wandered out to go grab a glass of water. Maybe that would cool him enough to get some restless sleep at least.
Walking on the hallway to the first floor, he noticed a faint light coming from one of the unused rooms. Odd. 
Curiosity piqued, he grabbed the knob and silently opened the door. While he expected the ghosts to be doing something here, he was instead met by the Prefect, shrimp-pajamas covered by a white coat, painting on a big canvas. Far bigger than the one in their room.
They hadn’t noticed him yet, so he debated for a second whether to let them be or approach and inquire about the unknown flower in the canvas. He took a look at the Prefect’s hands stained in purplish-blue and white paint, their clothes equally colorful and a second later he caught the sound of humming. A song. 
As it was more and more common for him, Rollo felt like in a trance as he walked closer until the Prefect noticed his presence.
‘Oh! I’m sorry, did I wake you?’ Ever caring, they were more worried about his comfort than their own. How cute. 
Rollo didn’t reply, instead bringing a thumb to their cheek and smearing some of the purplish-blue paint on it as he tried to clean them. Their eyes widened while his intense stare remained on their face and from this close he could notice so much more about his dormmate than he had in the days prior. The way their breath caught making the smallest gasping sound, the way their mouth opened just a little bit as if unsure of what to say, the way their face heated up to the tip of their ears.
Wait what
‘Prefect, you’re warm. Are you alright?’ That seemed to raise their temperature even more, to the point where he placed his hand on their forehead to make sure they didn’t have a fever. The Prefect squealed and quickly turned around. ‘I’m fine! I’m fine! Just forgot to open the windows!’ Rollo looked around the room and noticed that indeed the windows were closed and with how hot it was tonight, that just wouldn’t do. 
He gave them some space while he went to open the two windows in the room before returning his attention to the Prefect.
‘What is the name of the song you were humming? If I may ask. It didn’t sound familiar’ Rollo had learned in these past few days that while the Prefect could make people open up surprisingly easily, they themselves didn’t share much about their own life. Probably to avoid growing nostalgic for their home, so he didn’t know exactly what the boundaries were for asking personal questions yet. He still felt as if the moment they shared the other night had been a dream, knowing something about them that no one else knew made him feel special.
‘Uh, it's a song from a movie I used to watch, the song is called “my favorite things”, it was very popular to sing it for kids on certain holidays’ They eyed their supplies searching for something or maybe deciding how to proceed with the painting. Rollo didn’t know too much about painting, but he knew this one was coming out beautiful. 
Once they picked a smaller brush and dipped it in paint, Rollo walked closer trying to see if he could recognize the flowers from this distance. He couldn’t.
‘Are those flowers from your world too?’ His voice came out soft and subdued, barely hearable but they answered anyways ‘Oh yeah, they’re called jacarandas. I haven’t seen any of them here, even in the books from the library, so I figured maybe they don’t exist here? So I chose to paint them before I forget what they looked like. What do you think?’ Their voice was happy on the surface but Rollo detected something under that, a tinge of sadness that stroke his heart.
‘I think they are beautiful’ His eyes traced every line, every petal and trunk and came to the conclusion that, if the Prefect’s painting was a fraction of accurate to the real thing then the flowers must be a sight to behold. 
‘I think so too, there are some in pink and white that also are very pretty but I prefer these purple ones’ Their smile grew just the littlest bit and Rollo could tell that the sadness was subsiding. Good, Rollo wasn’t opposed to consoling the Prefect but he much rather preferred to make sure they don’t cry to begin with.
‘Anyways, I’m sorry I woke you up Rollo, I didn’t think my humming and painting would make that much noise. I guess since Grim is such a heavy sleeper and the ghosts have never mentioned this, I assumed I was in the clear’ Rollo saw them clean the brushes as if to finish painting for the night. He didn’t know why but he wanted to keep watching, to keep talking about their world and bask in this quiet moment of intimacy and trust just between the two of them.
‘Please don’t stop on my behalf. I couldn’t sleep on account of my room being so hot so I wandered here for a glass of water. In fact, I am sorry for intruding on you like this’ The Prefect stopped their movements and looked at him, a little taken aback by his apology. They let out a snort that confused Rollo. Usually that reaction was directed at Grim or the freshmen.
‘Oh don’t worry about it, if I wanted to keep my painting private I would’ve locked the door. But it’s good to know I didn’t wake you’ They smiled again, their hand hovering over the brushes hesitantly. Rollo wondered if he could make them smile again. ‘Do you mind if I keep painting then? You don’t have to stay-’
‘I would love to’ Soon as he realized how fast he spoke, his face grew red with embarrassment while the Prefect tried, and failed, to suppress their laughter. Well, it's good to know that his embarrassment can make them smile at least, not that he hadn’t realized that by now with how thoroughly Ace and Epel liked to tease him.
‘Would you consider teaching me how to paint, Prefect?’ Rollo’s question clearly took them by surprise seeing how they almost dropped their brush and did a double take. ‘I have seen some of the paintings in your room, sceneries and people I don’t recognize, I presume they are from your world’ They nodded their head, still looking at him shocked ‘I would like to try that…to paint my home so that I may keep it with me’ 
The Prefect gave him a look of understanding, they both looked to the floor in thought. They both missed home, and while Rollo knew that he could go back one day, the reality was that neither knew what tomorrow would bring. Crowley may never find a way back home for the Prefect, Rollo may die before he sets foot on the City of Flowers again…  
Before any dark thoughts took over their minds, the Prefect spoke again ‘I myself am not the greatest artist out there, but if that’s alright with you then I’d love to teach you what I know’ 
Rollo smiled genuinely at them and they returned it twice as bright. 
The Prefect kept painting and making idle chat for a few more minutes until they came to a relaxing silence. It was nice, having a moment of quiet not be interrupted by talking cats, loud freshmen or paranoid housewardens. Rollo allowed himself to enjoy the moment like he had began to enjoy his stay at Night Raven, remembering how even in Noble Bell he often felt something else under the happiness or relaxation, always some underlying anger at the magic around him, some hatred for his classmates’ carefree use of magic, guilt at himself for depending on it just the littlest bit, always something to rot those memories.
Now, standing here with the Prefect, all he could feel was calm and happy. Sure he missed his home, he missed his family and he missed his classmates, but the Prefect had made such an effort to make him feel welcome here, and even their noisy friends were doing their best to include him in their shenanigans, much to his despair.
In the quiet of the night, accompanied only by the sound of the brush against the canvas and each other’s breathing, Rollo realized that they could choose to make home here. The Prefect had made a family with Grim, the ghosts and the freshmen, always making each other laugh, studying together, causing problems for each other and then trying to solve them as a team… Rollo felt like maybe, just maybe, he could also join that little family. He wanted to have a family again. 
He opened his mouth to say as much when the ghosts decided now was the perfect time to annoy them ‘Ohhhh look at this~ Rollo and the Prefect are having a little night date~’ ‘Oh ho ho Rollo~ and here I thought you were a gentleman, how scandalous!’ ‘You better treat them right, Rollo. Or we will haunt you every night until you graduate hehehe’ The Prefect and Rollo looked at each other, faces flushed from their teasing, and upon realizing how close they were they jumped apart several meters.
‘Awww look at how red they are! We were just trying to tease you but maybe we’re right, hmm? Do you have something to tell us Rollo? Hee hee hee’ As the ghosts flew around them, making more teasing comments, Rollo covered his face with his hand and the Prefect grabbed his other hand to drag him back to the dorms. Once there, they let go and gave him one last look, still flushed, and wished him a good night with a peck on the cheek.
Rollo, stunned from the affection, remained there completely unmoving even as the ghosts came back to tease him some more and made joking threats of telling about this to the freshmen, who would no doubt tease him about it too.
Needless to say, he was in no way getting any sleep soon, but at least now he knew. Transferring to Night Raven College, to Ramshackle Dorm, was the best decision Headmage Tirmont could have made for him.
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anonymousewrites · 2 years
A Good Day for Death (Book 1) Chapter Two
Wednesday Addams x Reaper! Reader
Chapter Two: A Good Day for Plans
            (Y/N) looked up from where they were tucked into an alcove reading Book of Night by Holly Black. A (more than usual) frustrated Wednesday walked by, a fresh cut on her forehead. They stood up and walked over, shielding themself from the rain.
            “Hey, Wednesday. Are you doing okay?” asked (Y/N).
            “I have tasted the bitter tang of defeat for the first time,” said Wednesday gravely. “Bianca Barclay beat me in a fencing match.”
            “Ah, I’m sorry. I’m rooting for you to take her down a peg or two,” said (Y/N), sighing.
            “I shall have my revenge,” assured Wednesday, straightening her posture even more (if that was even possible).
            (Y/N) ducked under her umbrella more to avoid the rain. “Can’t wait to see it! I’ve known you for like a day, but I can safely say that if anyone can manage some revenge, it would be you.”
            “Thank you,” said Wednesday as if that was a compliment she liked to receive. Honestly, for her, it was. At least if she was going to be bothered by company (energetic company), then it was someone who had some sense of who she was.
            (Y/N) grinned and was about to respond when there was a creak above them. Wednesday and (Y/N) looked up and saw a stone gargoyle falling from the roof above directly on top of them. (Y/N) tackled Wednesday out of the way as the gargoyle crashed to the ground. Wednesday’s head knocked against the room, and she went unconscious.
            “Shit,” groaned (Y/N).
            “What happened?” called a new voice.
            (Y/N) looked up and saw Xavier running towards them. “The gargoyle almost crushed us. I pushed Wednesday out of the way, but she hit her head. We need to get her to the infirmary.” Poor Wednesday. Just left and going right back in. She’s not going to be happy. “Help me carry her.”
            “Of course,” said Xavier, helping pick up Wednesday.
            “I’ve never seen someone sleep like that,” remarked (Y/N).
            Wednesday had been deposited on an infirmary bed, and once the nurse decided they just needed to wait for her to wake up, she had, somehow, in her sleep, arranged herself in the pose of a corpse.
            “It’s very Wednesday,” said Xavier.
            “Definitely,” agreed (Y/N). As if called by mentions of her, Wednesday’s eyes snapped open. (Y/N) leaned over and said, “Welcome back to the land of the living. I’m sure you don’t want to be here.”
            Wednesday sat up. “The last thing I remember I was walking outside feeling a mixture of rage, pity, and self-disgust. And a certain degree of amusement as someone was trying to…cheer me up?” Wednesday raised an eyebrow, and (Y/N) shrugged.
            “What else was I supposed to do? Let you walk around even more gloomy than usual?” commented (Y/N).
            “I do prefer lurking, like my uncle, instead of sulking,” admitted Wednesday evenly. “Then I looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down, and I thought, ‘At least I’ll have an imaginative death.’ Then you—” Wednesday looked at (Y/N) “—tackled me out of the way.”
            (Y/N) nodded. “And then Xavier came along and helped me bring you back here.”
            “Why help?” asked Wednesday.
            “I’m guessing you don’t want the whole ‘I believe in helping people when they’re about to die’ speech, so I’ll skip to the self-preservation explanation. That gargoyle was gonna crush me, too,” said (Y/N) cheerfully.
            “You know,” interjected Xavier, scooting closer on his chair. “Most people just say thank you.”
            “I didn’t want to be rescued,” responded Wednesday.
            “We—(Y/N) should have just let that thing smash you to mush?” scoffed Xavier.
            “I would have saved myself.” Wednesday considered. “And (Y/N), I suppose, if they didn’t move out of the way.”
            “That’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me,” said (Y/N).
            “You certainly haven’t changed, Wednesday,” said Xavier, trying not to roll his eyes. “If it makes you feel any better, let’s just say I returned the favor.” Wednesday’s stare became more intense, and she looked to the side as she tried to identify if she actually did know Xavier. The boy looked at her incredulously. “Xavier Thorpe? You probably don’t remember me. Last time we met, I was about two feet shorter, forty pounds heavier.”
            “What happened?” asked Wednesday.
            “Puberty, I guess,” said Xavier.
            (Y/N) resisted the urge to groan. “She meant when you guys met.”
            “Oh. Uh.” Xavier shifted in embarrassment. “Yeah, it…it was my godmother’s funeral. She was friends with your grandmother, and they spent their twenties in Europe, swindling the rich and notorious. I don’t know. But we were ten, and we were bored, decided to play hide-and-seek. I had the inspired idea to hide in her casket.”
            “Xavier, that has got to be one of the stupidest ideas I’ve ever heard of,” said (Y/N).
            “Obviously, since I got stuck as it was headed to the crematorium,” said Xavier.
            Wednesday’s eyes lit up in recognition. “I’d heard muffled screams. I just figured your godmother had cheated death and was trying to claw her way out.”
            “My father is not infallible,” admitted (Y/N).
            “Either way, Wednesday hit the big red stop button and saved me from being flame-broiled,” said Xavier. “So—Now we’re even.”
            I don’t think carrying someone to the infirmary is equal with saving them from death, but if he wants to show off, I’m not going to stop it. (Y/N) glanced at Wednesday, who had only been entertained by the memory of thinking someone cheated death. Poor Xavier. Doesn’t seem to be working, either.
            “What time is it?” asked Wednesday, looking at (Y/N) and completely moving on from the discussion with Xavier.
            “Nearly three, why?” responded (Y/N).
            “I am being forced to see a therapist. Court mandated sessions,” explained Wednesday.
            “Ah.” (Y/N) nodded empathetically. “Good luck.”
            “It is the therapist who will need luck.” Wednesday made eye contact with (Y/N). “I sent the last one running.”
            (Y/N) hummed along as Wednesday played her cello from outside the window. Clearly, she was trying to work through the frustration of not being able to escape Nevermore yet. It was a nice way to work through her feelings though, the music was very precise and Wednesday’s skills was clear.
            Not to mention, it created the right atmosphere for (Y/N) to write some poetry. Sure, it was a little more dramatic and darker than their usual work, but hey, it wasn’t like Wednesday was going to inspire “happy-happy” topics.
            The air howls in pain around me,
            And I am left to bow to the world against my will.
            They finished the last two lines and contemplated. It wasn’t exactly Poe, but it was alright. Shrugging, they stood up and jumped down to the dorm room. Pulling their sweater tighter around themself, (Y/N) pushed open the window and walked out to where Wednesday was playing.
            “Hey, Wednesday. You sounded good,” they said.
            Wednesday didn’t turn around but responded, “I entertained the idea of enslaving the minds of men with music like the sirens of old for many years.”
            (Y/N) nodded as if that was a normal career to consider and then held out the poem they had written. “Here. It’s not my best work, but your music inspired it.”
            Wednesday glanced from their face to their extended hand before taking the poem. She tucked it into her jacket’s pocket. “I hope it is morbid and depressing as I expect my music to inspire such feelings.”
            “It’s definitely melancholier than some of my other work,” said (Y/N).
            “That’s acceptable,” said Wednesday.
            Behind them, Enid opened the window and walked out. “Listen, that sounded good, but how did you get that oversized violin out the window?” she asked.
            “I had a hand.” Wednesday looked at her music stand where disembodied hand waved at them all. Enid gaped while (Y/N) waved back.
            “Where’s the rest of him?” asked Enid.
            “It’s one of the great Addams family mysteries,” said Wednesday, setting her bow down.
            Throughout the school, the sound of howling began to echo through the air. (Y/N) moved to their friend’s side as Enid cast her eyes to the ground. They often told her it would only feel worse to listen to the other furs wolf out, but Enid could not help herself and listened to them each night.
            “Why aren’t you wolfing out?” asked Wednesday.
            “Because I can’t,” murmured Enid. She lifted her hand and showed off her claws. “It’s all I got.” She sighed and walked to the edge of the balcony. “My mom says some wolves are late bloomers, but I’ve been to the best lycanologist. I had to fly to Milwaukee, can you believe it? Yeah. She says there’s a chance I may never…you know. And then I become a lone wolf.”
            “Sounds perfect,” said Wednesday, walking up next to them.
            “Are you kidding me? My life would officially be over,” said Enid. “I’d be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate.”
            (Y/N) leaned closer to Enid. “You’d always have a home with me.” Enid smiled at them. They were tempted to reach out and hug Enid, but their fear of using their abilities and draining Enid’s energy at all was too strong
            “I fail to see the problem here,” said Wednesday.
            “She could die alone,” said (Y/N), sighing.
            “We all die alone,” said Wednesday.
            “Living alone isn’t fun, though,” said (Y/N), making eye contact with Wednesday. “I have to keep contact with people to a minimum due to my abilities. I can’t risk accidentally hurting people. I’m bad luck to them.” They looked up at the sky. “And it’s not fun. Lonely outcasts among outcasts, that’s what we are,” they murmured.
            Wednesday looked at them appraisingly. For her, not having to touch people was wonderful. She didn’t understand why someone would complain about that. But Wednesday did understand the idea of being an outcast among outcasts. Her mother wanted her to find her place at Nevermore, and yet she had found no place to belong yet. To her, it didn’t matter, obviously, but she understood the idea of still feeling out of place.
            Enid smiled at (Y/N). “At least you’re good at cheering people up. You’re a good friend.” She glanced at Wednesday, not really angry. “Unlike some people.” As the werewolf howls began again, she hurriedly wiped her tears away.
            “Why are you crying?” asked Wednesday.
             “Because I’m upset,” muttered Enid.
            Trying to divert attention from Enid so she could work through her emotions without Wednesday being a tad insensitive, (Y/N) said, “Haven’t you ever cried?”
            Wednesday glanced to the side before looking back at them. “It was the week after Halloween. I was six years old. I took my pet scorpion, Nero, out for his afternoon stroll, and we were ambushed. They wondered what kind of freak would have a scorpion for a pet. Two of them held me down and made me watch while the others ran Nero over. It was snowing when I buried what was left of him. I cried my little black heart out. But tears don’t fix anything. So I vowed to never do it again.”
            “I’m sorry that happened to you,” said (Y/N). “Your secret’s safe with us.” They smiled empathetically. “And if it helps, we still thing you’re no nonsense and scary.”
            “Good,” said Wednesday. She was silent for a moment before saying, “How would you two like your room back? You just need to show me how to use your computer or phone.”
            “Still trying to make your escape?” (Y/N) pulled out their phone. “I guessed you wouldn’t give up that easily. I think you’re pretty cool, but who am I to keep you here against your will?”
            “I would break out of your hold easily,” said Wednesday imperiously.
            “I can’t wait to see you go,” sighed Enid. “Hurry up and show her how to use a phone, (Y/N).”
            “Who do you need to contact?” asked (Y/N).
            “I will give your number to Tyler Galpin with Thing’s help. He has a car and agreed to drive me to the train station,” said Wednesday.
            “The sheriff’s kid?” (Y/N) made a face. They remembered what the towns kids had done in the past to the students of Nevermore, but if Wednesday of all people had decided she could trust (more likely use) Tyler, they’d let it go. “Alright.” They wrote down their number and handed it to Thing, who skittered away.
            Enid stretched and yawned. “I’m heading to bed. Good luck with calling the normie.”
            “Night, Enid,” said (Y/N). They sat down on the edge of the balcony and looked out over the academy. “So, how long do you think it’ll take Thing to get to Tyler?”
            “Thing is stealing a ride on a delivery truck,” said Wednesday. “So not too long.”
            (Y/N) hummed. “And can you trust Tyler?”
            “I don’t need to trust him,” said Wednesday. “I just need his car.”
            “Fair enough,” said (Y/N). They pulled out their phone and offered it to Wednesday. “Do you want me to leave this with you?”
            Wednesday took it. “You may stay. I trust you know what will happen to you if you try to reveal my plans to Weems.”
            (Y/N) smiled. “Sure do.”
            “Good,” said Wednesday.
            From the phone, Hell by the Squirrel Nut Zippers began playing. (Y/N) grinned sheepishly. “My ringtone. Just press the green button to answer.” Wednesday pressed it hesitantly and watched as Tyler’s face appeared on the screen.
            “Uh…hi,” said Tyler. He glanced offscreen at Thing.
            “That’s Thing,” said Wednesday.
            “Is he, like, your pet?” asked Tyler.
            “He’s sensitive,” said Wednesday.
            “Look, I know Nevermore is ground zero for all things weird, but this is next level,” said Tyler. “So, what happened to not wanting to be a slave to technology?”
            “Desperate times.” Wednesday tilted a phone, and (Y/N) waved from the background. “I’m borrowing from someone. Are you still willing to help me escape?”
            “After what happened today, I figured they’d have you in solitary,” said Tyler.
            “There’s the Harvest Festival this weekend. Attendance is mandatory,” said Wednesday. “I’m going to use it as cover. If you’re willing to drive me to the station, I can make it worth your while.”
            Tyler was quiet for a moment. “I’m in. And no charge. Consider it a freebie.”
            Wednesday face was perfectly impassive except for the smallest narrowing of her eyes. “Why?”
            “’Cause I wish I was going with you,” said Tyler. “At least one of us will get out of this hellhole town.”
            “Fine. I’ll see you at the festival, then,” said Wednesday. She looked at (Y/N). “How do I turn this off?”
            “Red button,” said (Y/N). Wednesday hung up. “Well, you’ve got your escape plan. Good luck.”
            “An Addams never needs luck,” said Wednesday.
            “All the same.”
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starchildren220 · 5 months
Eyes Don't Lie X
Eyes Don't Lie Masterlist
Severus Snape x OC x Lucius Malfoy
After a few minutes the two of them left the cold classroom to inform Dumbledore about Lockhart. Snape and Charlotte were cautious when walking the halls, making sure they were not spotted by Lockhart.
Finally making it to the large bronze bird like gargoyle that guarded Dumbledore's office. Snape whispered the password to the gargoyle, and it twisted to show a staircase.
Making their way up the stairs they finally made it to the office. The stairs closed behind them, and they entered. "What may I ask is the reason of this unannounced visit Severus." Dumbledore looked through his half-moon glasses. His eyes flickered over to the girl that stood behind Snape. "And Ms. Bren."
Snape casted a spell a light blue swirl went through the air and landed on Dumbledore's temple. When this happened his normally cheery face turned into one of grimace and disgust. Charlotte looked down at the ground thinking that look was for her. She was completely wrong, Dumbledore was furious, furious that he let this man into his school.
"Severus you will substitute defense against the dark arts until I find an actually good professor." Snape nodded and Dumbledore walked past them presumably to Lockhart's office. Snape motioned his hands for them to leave.
The two of them arrived outside the Slytherin common room and Snape turned to leave when Charlotte started to enter. "Hey, professor?"  He hummed turning to look at the girl. "Thank you." She gave him a smile one full of appreciation but had a small sadness lurking in the depths. He gave a small smile back and the two of them turned around to go their separate ways.
Charlotte had been laying on her bed since she entered her room. Turning her head, she looked at the clock on the nightstand next to her bed. '11:27 Damn.' Charlotte pushed herself up and off the bed. Walking over to her wooden desk she pulled the chair that sat in front of it, Charlotte sat down and grabbed her schoolbag that was hanging off the back of it.
Pushing books out of the way she grabbed the smaller bag inside, and putting her schoolbag where it was before. Setting the bag down on the wooden surface she unzipped it and pulled out the leather journal. Flipping though it she stopped on the first empty page. Reaching back into the small bag she grabbed her pencil and eraser.
Bringing the pencil lead down on the paper she scrapped it against the paper. She didn't know what she wanted to draw she kind of let her hands guide themselves. She fell into her thoughts again, the storm in her mind didn't stop, and it fought her every step of the way. Something hitting the window broke her out of the trance she was in.
Looking down at the page she realized she started drawing Snape again she groaned and snapped the journal closed and put it and the materials she used back into the small bag. 'I wonder what he's doing?' Charlotte knew it was past the curfew, but she couldn't stop herself from getting up and walking to the door. She had changed into a skirt and button up when she got back to her dorm so all she needed to do was put on her heeled loafers and leave.
Stopping in front of the classroom Charlotte knocked hoping he was still there grading. She heard a few footsteps and then the door opened in front of her. "Ms. Bren." Snape drawled. "And what do I owe the pleasure when its after curfew." Snape was blocking most of the doorway except of the small area under the arm that was leaning against the doorway. Slipping through the opening Charlotte answered the man. "I didn't want to be alone and I kinda guessed you would still be awake." Walking up to the desk she looks at what he was doing.
"Whatcha doing?" Charlotte picked up on of the papers, Snape who speedwalked over snatched the paper from her. "It's called Nonya." "None of my business? How clever." She mocked. Snape placed the paper back down on the desk. "It seems you have come here to annoy me." Snape sat back down at his desk and Charlotte sat on the edge of the desk.
"Nah, just don't want to be alone as I said before." She tilted her head to look at Snape who gave her a glare but to her it looked more playful. He turned back to his work and Charlotte adjusted her position to look at the papers easier. Being tired it was harder to see so she leaned in a little while watching his hand gripping the quill and quickly marking things down.
"I can't see the papers if your heads in the way." Charlotte backed away embarrassed. "I didn't hear my apology, use your words." Charlotte praised Merlin he couldn't see her face as it turned a bright red at his words. "What? Cat got your tongue?" Snape smirked resting his chin on the back of his hand.
"S-sorry." Charlotte wanted to disappear; she hated stuttering though it was just something that happened to her when she was under pressure. Though the stutter made the man's smirk deepen as he turned back to his work. "Do want help with that?" Charlotte offered getting a little bit bored.
"No, I'm almost done." Charlotte groaned and pushed herself off the desk making her way to the bookshelf in the back of the classroom. Looking though the books, most being textbooks, she found a muggle fantasy book. She grabbed the book and read the back cover.
Charlotte read through half the summary before she got startled by Snape's voice in her ear. "That one's okay, I don't normally read those type of books though." How did she not hear his footsteps. She turned around and looked up at the brooding man.
They were almost chest to chest, Charlotte tried to back up noticing the distance, not even a step back and she hit the bookshelf behind her. She looked down at his lips and back up to his enchanting eyes, he did the same moments later.
"You can borrow it if you want, be careful with it though I like to keep my books in good condition." Charlotte nodded and Snape started taking a step back before Charlotte stopped him by grabbing his robes on either side of his chest. She pulled him in and interlocked their lips.
He held her lower back and thread his fingers into her hair. Charlotte moved her hands from gripping his lapels to hang around his neck. Snape's lips were chapped but they were soft against her lips, Charlottes lips were just soft. They molded their mouth's together, a few moans slipped through but were muted by the other one's mouth.
Running out of air the two of them separated, they were both breathing heavy trying to restore the oxygen they lacked at the time. They looked into each other's eyes and pulled back in for a second bruising kiss.
Charlotte started kissing down his jaw; she laid a few kisses in his jawline as she unbuttoned his robes. Placing kissed in a trail down to his adams apple she stuck to a spot and abused it with bites. When she was done with a spot, she licked the area to soothe it and moved to another spot to repeat.
Snape let a few grunts and whined come out but was mainly quiet with his face contorting in pleasure. Charlotte found a spot that made his stifle a loud moan to not draw attention. He felt her smirk against his skin, and she practically attacked that spot for what seemed like hours. Charlotte violently turned the both of them so that Snape's back was against the bookshelf, he grunted when his back came in contact with the hard wood digging into his skin.
Charlotte started unbuttoning his robes more and more giving love bites to the now exposed skin. When she finished unbuttoning his top robe and undershirt, she pushed the top robe off leaving the undershirt on. As she dragged kisses lower, she lowered herself onto her knees and when she got to the hem of this black pants Charlotte unbuttoned and unzipped his pants pulling them down to show his erection through his boxers.
Kissing it over the fabric, a spark ran up Snape's spine making him shiver and let out a moan. "Fuck." Charlotte smirked at the reaction she got. Pulling down his boxers his dick sprang out and Charlotte's mouth watered at the size. She licked her lips and grasped it at the base, she licked from the base to the tip then she kissed the pulsing tip. She started to take him into her mouth, Snape bite his left hand to stifle the moans, the other hand tangled itself into Charlotte's hair. She bobbed her head on his dick one hands pumped what she couldn't fit in her mouth and the other started to massage his balls.
Snape could barely hold back his moans, his hips stuttered, and his dick twitched. After a few more pumps he released inside her mouth, Charlotte swallowed it and licked up the rest from his dick. After Charlotte stood up Snape held her by the back of the neck bringing her back in tasting himself on her tongue. Snaking his hand down under her skirt pressing on her clothes slit. Her moans were swallowed by his mouth as they roughly made out. Snape walked her back until she rested against the desk.
Pulling back, he lowered himself down to his knees. Reaching up he pulled down the tights and her baby blue underwear, the clothes pooled at her ankle. Holding her thighs, he pushed her up to sit fully on the edge of the desk. His mouth trailed up Charlottes right thigh and back down her left completely ignoring the area she needed him in. "P-please~ fuck! I want, I need you. Please~" Charlotte practically sobbed, tear held in her eyes. Obeying he licked a stripe at the entrance and flicked over her clit. "Ngh, shit yesss." She hissed threading her fingers into his hair again.
Prodding his tongue into her Charlotte threw her head back in ecstasy. Finally pushing through her folds, he entered her. Gripping harshly at his hair Charlotte bucked into his mouth, on his tongue. "Ah~ shit, your tongue feels so god damned good." Snape was already hard again, his dick straining under his boxers, the praise didn't do much to help stop that as he felt his dick twitched after she said those words.
He moved his focus to her clit, flicking his tongue over the bean over and over again. "Fuck! Yesss~ just like that keep going." Charlotte kept the praise going. "Gonna make me cum if you keep going like this." The harsh grip on his scalp nudged him inwards a little. He brought his right hand up dragged up on her entrance collecting her arousal on his finger.
Using it as a lube he pushed his fingers into her. He pumped in and out at a constant pace, Charlotte couldn't get words out only small noises and moans. He added a second finger, switching his motions between pumping and scissoring you. "F-uck. I'm gonna cum!" Charlotte just about screamed. At this Snape speed his fingers and his tongue up pushing Charlotte over the edge.
She covered her mouth and gritted her teeth her orgasm flowing through her. Her thighs clamped down on his head and he continued working at her pussy riding her orgasm out. He pulled back when he legs loosened, and her breathing regulated. "You ok?" Snape asked.
"Yea," Charlotte breathed out. "just give me a second." She leaned back, her hands on the top of the cold desk. "We don't have to continue if you don't want to." Snape told her, he leaned against the desk next to Charlotte. "No I want to, I just haven't had an orgasm like that before." She turned her head to look at him.
When he turned to look at her she placed her hand against his cheek pulling him into a soft kiss. She straddled his hips and deepened the kiss. Snape held her lower back and behind her head. He took his dick back out from his boxers and started to push his tip into her. She pulled back and bite her own lip leaning her forehead on his shoulder. He pushed in more and he heard a whimper coming from her.
Her wall's fluttering on his dick making him close his eyes and groan. He pushed in more and finished bottomed out. While Charlotte adjusted to his girth, she licked at his ear biting the lobe. She started to kiss down his jaw from his ear. Her lips contacted his and he bucked up into her, moans came from both of them.
Snape grabbed her hips and turned them over sitting Charlotte against the desk. He thrusted in and out while Charlotte clawed at his loose dress shirt, Snapes bruising grip wrinkled Charlotte's skirt. He used his grip to move her up and down on his cock, her soft walls compressing him. He switched the angle of his hips, as he thrusts his tip hits deep inside Charlotte, he dragged against her clit with knew positioning.
Charlotte wrapped her legs around his torso and her arms connected behind his neck. She rested her head on his shoulder letting out small moans and whimpers from the overstimulation. The small noised in his ear spurred Snape on to thrusting harder and faster. "Fuck! Please I'm gonna cum. Baby please make me cum~" He continued his pace, but he pushed his lips onto yours interlocking them.
You bucked up in a last thrust and moaned loud into his mouth, you juices gushed over his large cock. Your walls pulsed around him, causing him to pull out and cum on your skirts and button up. The two of you didn't move the both of you breathed hard. All that was to be heard was panting, and the contrasting temperatures cause the air around their mouths to be visible.
"Wow." Charlotte decided to say something first to break the kind of awkward silence. "Yea... wow." Snape repeated. Charlotte waved her hand and her and Snapes cum was cleaned off her. Charlotte helped Snape button his shirt while he fixed his pants. When she got to the last button at the top, she gave him a peck on the cheek.
His face heated up and a blush rose up his neck. Charlotte patted her hair down and run her fingers through it. "This isn't gonna change anything about your grades you know that right?" Snape was making sure that this was established in the beginning. Charlotte stopped fixing herself.
"I didn't think that." She moved closer to his face, smirking. "Plus I don't the help." She pulled back fixing her collar. Snape bend over to grab his cloak and a harsh slap lands on his ass. He yelped and stood straight up. Rubbing his hand on his ass he turned to look at Charlotte. "What the fuck?!"
"What?" Charlotte pushed herself back to sitting on the desk. "Why would you do that?" He bent back over grabbing his cloak and throwing over her forearm. "Cause, it looked so smackable, you know?" Snape walked up to Charlotte placing his hands on each side of her, his cloak falling from his arm.
"No I don't." He got really close their lips inches away from each other. Charlotte moved her arms to rest on his shoulders interlocking her hands behind his head. She leaned in connecting their lips in a slow kiss. Slowly it turned into a make out until breathing got increasingly harder to do.
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percontaion-points · 2 years
Covet (Crave #3) prologue, chapters 1-3
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But as my eyes meet Jaxon’s cold, dark ones, I can’t help acknowledging that while one thing hasn’t changed, everything else has. 
And I have no idea what to do about any of it.
Prologue summary: As Grace gets ready for Xavier’s memorial, she thinks about the plot of the previous two books. Macy comes out from the bathroom, and she’s so stricken with grief that Grace has no idea what to even say to her. Macy usually uses magic to make her hair bright pink or any number of unnatural colors, but now, she’s turned it black. As they leave their room, they find that all of the other named characters are waiting for them. And things are stupid awkward between her and Jaxon now. 
Chapter 1
“I still don’t know how I ended up mated to Hudson,” I say dully. “I thought you had to be interested in being mated, or at least ‘open’ to it, for it to happen in the first place?” 
Macy grins at me. “Clearly you feel something for him.” 
I roll my eyes. “Gratitude. I feel gratitude for him. And I’m pretty sure that’s a terrible reason to hook up.”
Look, I’ve read my fair share of both YA and romance novels. On the list of “terrible reasons to hook up”, feeling grateful for them is a lot better than half of the books that I’ve read. 
In fact, she’s actually one of the few people who blames Jaxon for our mating bond being severed, and she’s let it be known she is firmly Team Hudson.
To be honest, I’m team Hudson. Jaxon is a horrible, toxic person, and I felt actual relief once Grace was freed from being forever bonded to him. 
“Oh, right. One. Of course.” Macy shoots me a sly look. “Sooooo, just to be clear. Which vampire is that exactly?
Chapter 1 summary: 3 weeks have passed since the prologue, and everybody is real mopy about that. Macy lounges around and teases Grace about her love triangle drama, by way of reminding the readers of it. Then Grace bitches about not only being a gargoyle, but also winning a spot on the council… also by way of reminding the readers. Having finished catching everybody up on the things that actually matter, Grace sinks into moping. Not about Xavier, but about the drama about her, Jaxon, and Hudson. 
Finally, Macy tells Grace that she doesn’t have to do this alone. Especially not while she’s juggling 2 boyfriends. Grace says that she’s only got one, but Macy demands to know which one. 
Chapter 2
…and missing four months while I did my best impression of a waterspout…
I’m sorry, but this is fucking hilarious. 
“She says it’s so that we all get a more well-rounded knowledge of the different parts of history, but I think she’s just trying to torture us.”
Oh no. How dare a teacher try to make you into well-rounded individuals. 
“Yes, but you’re the only one to ever have a mating bond severed by something other than death.”
I get that Jaxon got it from the Bloodletter… But at the same time, how did that other boy look at it and know exactly what it was if it’s such a rare, old spell?
“But if that’s true, and mating bonds never break, why exactly was there a spell to break mine? And how did the Bloodletter just happen to know it?”
Chapter 2 summary: Since Grace missed so much school, she’s scrambling to catch up and graduate on time. Which means doing a lot of extra credit assignments. She says that one teacher assigned them to research something not discussed in class, and make a presentation about it. Macy says that Grace could talk about herself, and Grace thinks that she’s talking about being a gargoyle. But Macy points out about how in the history of 5ever, not one single person has had a mating bond broken like that. Grace thinks that it doesn’t add up, since Jaxon got the spell from the Bloodletter… and where did that spell even come from? How did she know it would work?
Chapter 3
 I mean, what could they possibly serve to engender this kind of disgust in my cousin? Eye of newt? Toe of frog?
I really want to make sure that the author understands that stuff like “eye of newt” was ye olde tyme-y code. “Eye of newt” is mustard seed, and “toe of frog” is buttercup. 
They give me identical looks of horror as they both answer at the same time. “The vampires.”
Chapter 3 summary: On the way down to dinner, Macy complains that it’s “Wingo” night, so the kitchen witches are off for the night. She then has to explain what the fresh hell “Wingo” even is. 
It’s basically witch bingo, but instead of putting a stamp on your bingo card, you drink a MYSTERY POTION. Some of them will turn you into a chicken, others will make you dance nonstop, etc etc. 
Flint interrupts Macy’s explanation, and is kind of upset to hear that it’s Wingo night. It’s apparently a big deal to the students, since the food in the kitchen is really gross on those nights. Macy insists that he has to go with them. As the three of them go, Grace asks what could possibly be worse than canned green beans served in a public high school cafeteria. Macy and Flint answer in unison that the vampires do the cooking tonight. Which… okay, but why?
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softlilacmoonlight · 2 years
Who Does The Prefect Like? (Female Reader)
It was like any other day at Night Raven College. The birds were chirping, the gargoyles were glistening with the water they spouted from the previous night's rain, and mayhem was afoot. Today's form of trouble came in the shape of two cats. Leona was currently chasing Grim around the halls of the school, much to the surprise of the other students. It is historically more likely to find Leona lazing off somewhere trying to avoid his classes, but on this rare occasion, he was exerting enough energy to dead sprint after a certain resident of the Ramshackle dorm. This was, of course, noticed by the squad of first years that had become friends with the prefect, (Y/N). Leona almost bowled over Ace and Deuce in his haste with a fierce growl to move or they'd be fresh meat.
Turning to the others, Jack raised a single eyebrow, "I wonder what that's about?"
"I have no idea," stated Epel, his huge boyish eyes tracing the scene in shock, "What do you think (Y/N)? (Y/N)?!"
Looking around, there was no sight of the prefect who, just a moment prior, was with the group. Shaking his, Ace shrugged his shoulders and heaved a heavy sigh, "Where has she gone to?"
"She has been disappearing a lot lately. Skipping lunch plans we made, always texting someone, even disappearing over the weekends for extended periods... Do you think she has a boyfriend?" questions Deuce, gathering his scattered paperwork. 
Looking up from his apple carving, Epel blanches in disgust at the thought that just entered his head, "As long as it isn't Vil, I don't care who she's seeing."
"I swear," starts Ace, "if it's Riddle I will puke up everything in my stomach and then some."
Jack seemingly nods along with the conversation but his eyes show him to be in his own thoughts, "She does attend all of the unbirthday parties; however, she is strangely close to Jade Leech isn't she? I'll admit, that's one person that makes me wonder if her taste in relationships is... safe to say the least."
"Well, I think we should ask Sebek when we see him. After all, he's always attached to Malleus's side, except for supper. I'm sure we could find him during supper in the cafeteria and ask him what he knows. Maybe even Grim knows and will tell us. After all, he does live with her," states Ace as the group of friends continue their walk down the long hallway. 
Little to their knowledge, the clubroom door behind them was not locked. Normally it was school policy to lock the clubroom doors when the clubs are over, but this club never locked their door. A handy thing to know when you're in a pinch. Posters and other book-inspired illustrations adorned the literature clubroom's walls. Desks placed in a circle sat in the middle of the club room, while the pulled blinds kept the room dark and cool. An ideal location for any nerdy meetup or secret meetings.
"I think they're gone." whispers (Y/N), her voice piercing the tense silence that had filled the room.
Pulling her close, the man who abruptly and secretly yanked her into the room pulled her to him, "Yes, I suppose so. They are surprisingly unobservant."
"Vil... can you blame them?" she softly chuckles, worry and a twinge of guilt lacing her angelic voice. "I mean, Grim and Leona did almost bowl them over a couple of minutes ago."
Kissing her forehead, Vil gently smoothes (Y/N)'s hair while holding her in his arms, "Well, in the end, it helped us. I'm sure we'll be able to get out of the school what with the end of the day and clubs letting out it will be chaotic, but why don't I text Rook and have him meet up with us in the Pomefiore courtyard, hmmm?"
"While I don't put it past Rook to cause a big distraction," begins (Y/N) with a chuckle, "I'm pretty sure Leona and Grim have that handled all on their own for the majority. How about we see when we get there."
"Mmmmm... I'd believe so. Alright, my love, we'll plan as we go, and when we get there I'll order some food from my room for us to share. How does that sound to you?" whispers Vil, his mouth dangerously close to (Y/N)'s ear. 
Cupping Vil's perfect face, (Y/N) lets out a dreamy sigh, "Sounds perfect my love."
With a soft smile, Vil gently detaches from (Y/N) AND carefully pokes his head out the door. Once sure the coast is clear, he motions to (Y/N) quickly. Sprinting through the halls, the pair of lovers quickly make it out of the school and to the entrance of Pomefiore. They weren't so lucky as to avoid the evening throng of students coming in after their clubs. As predicted, Vil was right and Rook was exactly who they needed at this precise moment. Hiding, behind an apple tree in the open-air courtyard, and while letting out some tired laughs, the pair quickly dial Rook. 
"Ah! I had a feeling when you both disappeared you'd show up here. It seems my intuition was correct yet again." comes Rook's excited voice through the phone. 
While (Y/N) got a good laugh out of Rook's normal antics, Vil quickly explained the situation to the vice-housewarden. After a couple of seconds, Rook's voice comes back through the phone's speaker, "So you want me to stir up the little students Roi de Poison? Sounds like a challenge. Give me five minutes!"
As Rook said, five minutes was all it took for the dorm to be in a tizzy over some useless matter and for Vil and (Y/N) to sneak right past the Pomefiore student body, Epel included. Quietly slipping into Vil's room, the couple flops down onto the plush bed to cuddle each other. Pulling out his phone, Vil orders the normal meal for the two of you while you scour the internet for an interesting movie. 
"(Y/N) dear?" whispers Vil, gently pulling you away from the screen and down onto the bed with him. You quickly snuggle into his awaiting side while he plays with your beautiful locks of hair. "We've been dating for a while now, and I was wondering if... maybe, you would, uhm, consider going on an official date with me?"
"Vil, I thought you wanted to keep this quiet to shield me from fan hate. The whole reason we're hiding in the first place is that you wanted to." whispers (Y/N), nervously into Vil's side. "I don't know if I can handle it yet, and I don't want to make you feel like you have to go public,"
Grabbing his phone, Vil opens it to a certain site while continuing to massage down (Y/N)'s arms. "I was thinking about that. We could go public and if needed I would hire you a personal security agent. You wouldn't even know they're there, and I can get you a specially made phone. This site has enough information that I could find whoever I need. I'll look through and block all of the hate mail before you even look at it. I promise I'll protect you my darling. Regardless of the outcome, we'll handle it together side by side. As for me, I'm ready. I don't want this to make you feel like I'm keeping you tucked away like some secret. I just wanted time for the two of us before we got hounded by the fans and paparazzi."
"Alright, Vil... if that's how you feel, then I suppose I should roll with it and love you no matter the situation, after all, I love you Vil Schoenheit," whispers (Y/N), tiredly as her hunger starts to invade her body and mind. 
Gently running his finger over his cheek, Vil places a soft kiss on your forehead, "And I love you more, (Y/N) (L/N)."
Suddenly the door banged open, "I don't know why you ordered in food Vil, but I don't really care, just be grateful I brought it to you warm instead of letting it get... (Y/N)?!"
"H-Hey E-E-Epel..." stutters out (Y/N) nervously, afraid of the younger student's reaction to the situation. 
Swiftly, Vil is gracefully and meticulously in front of Epel, "Epel, thank you for running up the food but please remember that a gentle knock is always appreciated. I do believe this is our personal space and I'm spending some quiet time with my girlfriend, so I'd kindly appreciate it if you could give us some space now. Thank you very much."
Brighter than a red apple at harvest, Epel swiftly runs out of the room and disappears from our line of sight. Probably running to the nearest toilet available to puke up that ruby red apple he was eating earlier. With a sigh, Vil gently closes the door, and this time he turns the lock. Turning around, he walks back over and climbs back into the bed starting to take the food out of their to-go bags. 
"I'm sorry my dear," he whispers out eventually, "I should have taken better precautions and remembered to lock the door."
Chuckling, (Y/N) wraps her arms around Vil's waist after resurfacing from the throng of blankets that she had dived under, "Well, I suppose the cat's out of the bag now. It's okay my love. It was bound to happen eventually be it us going public or someone catching us. I suspect Rook kept it a secret for the mere fact that he could make bursts of organized chaos on the occasion."
"Maybe so," laughs out Vil, "so how is that phone sounding now?"
"Uhm... well, maybe a little better than not," chuckles out (Y/N) nervously.
Setting her food in front of her, Vil gently holds (Y/N)'s hand, "I'll get started on it first thing in the morning then."
"Alright, thanks Vil," whispers (Y/N) before kissing Vil quickly and diving in on the food.
In another part of Pomefiore, a very different night was unfolding during Vil and (Y/N)'s date...
"What happened again?" asks Ace, his and Deuce's faces crammed onto one phone's video call. 
Frustratedly, Epel slams down onto his dorm bed with his phone in his hand. After taking the food to Vil's room and subsequently puking up his supper, he rushed to dial their immediate circle of first-year friends; however, the situation quickly escalated after that. Upon seeing the odd behavior of their younger classmates and dormmates, the upperclassmen ended up joining the hectic video chat. Leona, getting thorough entertainment out of this matter, ended up calling Floyd, who subsequently dragged Azul and Jade into the mix. Floyd, then after hearing the story, called Jamil; hence Jamil and Kalim's involvement. Adding to the already growing fire, Kalim decided that they shouldn't just disclude Idia, and so both Idia and Ortho are now involved; bringing the entirety of the friend groups into this crowded and very loud video call. 
"Just quiet down and listen!" exclaims Epel frustratedly, "Vil ordered take-out and I happened to be the one to grab it, so I figured I might as well just take it to his room. On my way up there I walked by Rook, who at the time laughed and gave me a wink. I thought it was odd, but then again it was Rook and he has some really weird moments. Vil normally works on his potionology experiments after school on Thursday especially and makes a point of telling us to leave him be. Despite that, he had ordered food, and I figured I better get it to him warm instead of cold and one thing led to another. I ended up in the room and (Y/N) was there and they were snuggling in bed scrolling through movie selections. He just got up and told me that he appreciated me bringing the food but to knock first and to please leave him and his girlfriend alone so that they could enjoy their personal space. Taking the opportunity, I sprinted out of the room and to the nearest toilet. Then I video called the first-year group which ended up having the entire group of everybody in here listening.
Silence came across the phone until finally, Leona decided to break the silence, "Well, the herbivore has a boyfriend so give up boys. Abort mission because the star has shot, went overhead, and is gone so save your pathetic hearts the heartbreak. I, however, am going to go take a nap. Thanks for the entertainment though, I'm sure there'll be more to come."
Oh and was Leona right, because sure enough, the video call blew up after that. Somehow at some point, someone dragged Rook into the call; which only made the call explode even more. In the end, the friends found out who (Y/N) was dating, and the happy couple woke up to many many text messages in the morning. All was good... well it's NRC so there's plenty of mischief yet to come!
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esamastation · 3 years
Roy doesn't know exactly when the new alchemist joins them on the field.
It's a bad time - they're establishing a new camp in the town and the area is under constant assault, it seems. Small strikes on all sides, seemingly from nowhere, taking out a man there, another there, crippling a truck, taking out a road… The Ishvalans are using some sort of network of tunnels, the brass thinks, and it's Roy's job to smoke them out. So that's what he's been doing, seemingly all week… smoking out the supposed tunnels.
There are no tunnels, though. The Ishvalans are just getting desperate and in their desperation they're figuring out new methods. They have home field advantage and new tricks of camouflaging themselves in the rubble that used to be their home. Ruins of a people, blending in the ruins the Amestrians had made of their houses. They're learning to live with it, to work with it, because it's all they have - and they're getting good because they have little choice in the matter.
No one is listening to Roy when he points it out, though. There's a dismissiveness to the higher ups, when it comes to the evolution of Ishvalan tactics. "What are they doing now, praying for better guns?" As though this war, hasn't already gone on three times as long as originally projected.
Roy is thinking about it, staring at a crooked, unlit cigarette someone had put into his shaking hands, when he's introduced to the new alchemist.
"Good news, Mustang," Hughes says, with absolutely no joy in his cheerful smile, and less so in his cheerful voice. It sounds like he's chewing charcoal. "You're getting partner."
Roy looks up, his mind still in the meeting room, thinking about numbers on a map, how they didn't quite capture the reality of charred skeletons. It takes a moment for what he sees in front of him to sink in.
Another blue uniform, still pressed sharp and bright new under the beige overcoat that's supposed to protect it and it's wearer from the dust and heat of Ishval. What stands before him isn't a soldier though - it's barely a man. It's a short blond boy, no older than sixteen at most, with heavy non-regulation boots and silver watch chain at his hip.
The horror and disgust that wells up it's barely a blip before it's smothered under, oh, of course, and shit, are we here already? Then Roy stands up, puts the unlit cigarette away and holds out his right hand.
"Major Roy Mustang - the Flame Alchemist."
The blond boy smiles, crooked and sharp and just as mirthless as Hughes beside him. "Nick Flamel - the Fullmetal Alchemist." His grip is tight and brief, his hand gloved.
He'd be the newest youngest State Alchemist then. Roy had heard his record had been beaten, though he hadn't really paid attention to who or how.
Hughes looks between them and for a moment his eyes show a certain desperation. Then he covers it up and pats Flamel's shoulder. "Fullmetal here is stationed under you until he gets a hang of things - you'll show him the ropes, teach him what's what."
Keep him alive, is what Hughes' eyes say, and no wonder. Being as young as he is, the kid can't have much in the way of training. Alchemists don't need to go through basic, after all - they're not there to march or shoot guns or stand in lines. Flamel had probably just gotten his watch, his uniform, and a one way ticket to Ishval. To one of the worst, most contested zones at that. Shit.
Did the brass send the kid here to die?
"What's your specialty - metallurgical transmutation?" Roy asks.
"I don't have a speciality, really," Flamel says and pushes his hands into the pockets of his overcoat. It doesn't quite fit him right - too wide across shoulders, a bit too long. They'd either left some growing room, or they just didn't have a uniform small enough. "But I'm damn good at environmental alchemy, which I figure is what I'll be doing the most around here."
Roy blinks. "Environmental alchemy," he repeats.
"I can make the battleground my bitch," Flamel says, his crooked smile sharpening.
And abruptly Roy is already exhausted with the kid. He's one of those, then, a cocky little sumbitch, top of his class and talk of the town, so used to being the top dog of his little bubble that he has no concept of what the real world is like outside that little bubble. Guys like him come swaggering in all the time, all big talk and smug grins, so sure they're going to be carrying their little superiority complexes spotlessly over the finish line that they walk into the first fucking landmine that comes across.
Roy sees himself holding the kid's hand after he gets gunned down, still thinking himself invulnerable, and it's exhausting.
"What?" Flamel asks, suspicious at his silence.
Hughes, giving the kid the exact same look Roy must be, clears his throat. "How about you show us?" he suggests. "So we'll have an idea what we're working with here."
Flamel arches a brow at that and then looks around, light brown - or are they burnished gold? - eyes narrowing in thought.
Their camp is still a mess from the last attack - they're fixing the fences and filling the holes in the road that got busted in the smattering of mortar fire from two days ago. The perimeter is more secure now, for a given value of secure. They'd chosen the highest spot in the town, the temple mount, to give them a high vantage point - better than being penned into a valley. It leaves them pretty damn open though.
Flamel looks over the houses they'd taken over, the tents pitched in the streets and the flag of Amestris hung over the prayer hall, and clicks his tongue. Then he claps his hands together, and crouches down.
For a split of a second, barely a blink, it looks like he's praying.
Then he slaps his hands on the street beneath their feet - and in a crackle of alchemical energy and rumble of displaced earth, the street reforms. The dirt flattens, grows perfect paving stones, shifts to form neat walkways on the sides, even forming gutters. Between one breath and the next, they have a perfect Amestrian city street, formed from the dust of Ishval, surrounded by Ishvalan buildings.
While the soldiers on the newly reformed street let out shouts of shock, Roy just stares, his mind trying to jump hoops figuring out how the kid just did that. Circles in his skin, under his sleeves, inside his gloves…?
Hughes whistles, hiding his wild eyes in a squint. "Nice. You know, it doesn't rain much around here," he comments.
"So?" Flamel asks.
"The gutters aren't really necessary."
Flamel looks at the street he'd made, hands resting on his hips, and shrugs. "Eh, can't hurt," he says and motions at the street. "Anyway, imagine that, but spikes instead of paving stones."
Roy swallows and looks at the kid, who's just standing there, seemingly in no way bothered. Fullmetal doesn't look smug or proud of what he'd done, only grinning a little bit at the way the soldiers throw away their shovels, no longer needed. If this isn't something for the him to even brag about, then…
Roy has in his head an image of the kid doing a field of spikes under a charging assault force, eviscerating people by the dozens, and it's clearly not Flamel's only trick. It's probably not even in his top five.
Fuck, the kid would end up with a three digit death toll by his first engagement.
"Right," Roy says. He isn't sure what his face is doing but going Hughes' expression, it's probably not good. "You can make gutters. How about trenches?"
Flamel grins, his eyes like molten metal. "Try me."
By the end of the week - no, by the end of the day their camp is hugely improved by Flamel. The fence is turned into a solid stone wall, constructed within minutes from the remains of bombed out houses. Another pile of rubble is turned into a watch tower. They have trenches, they have pits, Flamel even adds a moat and spikes around the camp, like they're in an ancient fortress or something. Hell, there's even gargoyles in the corners of the wall.
They go from one of the least secure camps to one of the most heavily fortified seemingly overnight. It's a huge boost to troop morale - not so for Roy's sanity. Flamel doesn't even look winded by the end of his improvements.
"How are you doing the circles?" Roy asks finally - bit of a social Faux Pas among alchemists, especially military alchemists, but he has to ask. Flamel made entire buildings, and he hadn't stopped to draw a single sigil.
"In my head," Flamel says, shrugging. Like that makes any sense.
Roy looks at him and then at the changes he's made, and can't say it's impossible - he can see the results with his own eyes. And they're more than impressive, they're…
Flamel isn't going to be here long, he realises. Whether the brass send the kid here to get rid of him or not, the moment word about Flamel's real abilities spread, he'd be snagged by the first general with any fucking sense. The kid's a powerhouse. Roy is too, of course, that's why he's here - but Fullmetal is a different kind of powerhouse. Just by himself, he would be able to establish a secure foothold in the middle of enemy territory and that's not someone you just let sit idle.
Roy looks at the kid and feels torn between feeling sorry, jealous and a little bit bitter. If only he was a bit higher in rank, he could keep Flamel and make a full use his abilities - and maybe keep him from becoming a mass murderer in the process.
"What was your exam like?" Roy asks. There's no way the kid showed even a fraction of these abilities, he wouldn't be here at all if he had. "How'd you end up with a name like Fullmetal?" From what he'd seen something like Earth Moving or Groundbreaking would've been more apt.
"I made a spear in my exam," Flamel says, not looking at him. "And pointed it at Bradley."
"... And they didn't arrest you?"
Flamel smirks a little and looks at him. "What did you do?" he asks. "I bet you scorched something."
Roy had. He'd been welcomed in on the spot. "Training dummies," he agrees, giving him a pointed look. "Because I don't have a death wish."
Flamel shrugs. "It got me what I wanted," he says and stretches his arms. "So, what comes next?"
Roy looks at their newly secure camp. "Depends on the Colonel, but I bet you'll be doing more road work. We need a clear path in and out of the town."
Even though the town is officially theirs, that doesn't stop the guerilla attacks - but now, with a secure camp, all they needed was a clear path for troops to move in and then it'd be only a matter of time. If the two of them weren't already reassigned by then, they'd be after the supply line was secure. Alchemists weren't wasted in safe stations.
"But that's tomorrow's problem," Roy decides. "Come in, kid - let's get something to eat."
- - -
Nostalgia is doing rounds in my brain.
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escapetodreamworld · 3 years
I’ll protect you. Angie x fem!reader
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Request: Can you write a one shot where reader saves Angie from the Collins? Requested by anon.
Words 4,259
Warnings: Angst Hurt/Comfort Character's we don’t care about die.
Thank you to the groupchat, we really do share a mind sometimes, you'll know what I'm talking about. There's also i little nod at the end about something we talked about.
A special thank you @arewecoolio who helped me a lot with this story. Thank you for hyping me up when I thought this was going to be a terrible fic, thank for giving me tips to help it run more smoothly. Ily.
You didn't even think twice when your powerful hearing picked up on her cries. You pushed yourself off your knees where you were scrubbing the tile floors, and sprinted as fast as you could through the manor. You finally reached the servants quarters, and didn't bother knocking on her door, barging right in. What you see makes your heartbreak and anger rise and burn in your throat.
Angelique’s curled into a ball sitting on the floor in between her bed and dresser. Tears rolling down her face, as a big bruise forms on her cheek, dried stream of her blood running from her lip down her chin.
You enter her room, closing the door behind you, you take a few steps towards Angelique before stopping. You drop to your knees and crawl the last couple feet towards her, stopping a foot away. Angelique hasn't acknowledged your presents, so you're careful not to touch her, you don't want to scare her.
"Angelique." You say softly, trying to get her attention. She continues to stare ahead, straight through you. "Angie, please, talk to me." You try again, voice cracking. You used your nickname for her, hoping it will snap her out of her trance.
She continues to stare at nothing, after a few moments of silence she speaks, so quiet that someone with normal hearing would have had a hard time understanding it.
"Master Collins caught me staring at Barnabas"
"Is that why you got that bruise? Because you stared at his son." You ask, your voice so low it comes out more as a growl. Angelique nods. "Angie, you can't keep doing this, the man is going to get you killed." You explain, hoping she finally listens to you. She doesn't.
"I just need to get his parents out of the way, then we can be together." She says, completely ignoring what you said. She stands up eruptly, moving through her room, grabbing a spell book from her hiding place. she turns back to you, her bruise and dried blood gone from her face. "Cover for me?" She asks.
You want to say "No way!" Tell her he's not worth it, tell her she's not thinking clearly. But you don't, you just nod your head. She grins and leaves the room, leaving you completely alone. Just like every other time she ditches you for Barnabas. You used to be inseparable, always following each other around, well you followed Angelique around. But there wasn't a day you weren't together. 
At least until Barnabas Collins started showing interest in Angelique, after that, they were always sneaking around, doing things that could get Angie beaten if anyone found out. And you had to just sit there, praying the day they get caught would never come. A small part of yourself, hopes they do get caught, because then Angie would have to stop seeing him, and spend time with you again. You hate that part of yourself.
You admitted to yourself a long time ago that your feelings for Angie went way beyond friendship. Many times you catch yourself watching Angie while she watches Barnabas. Wishing she'd look at you like that. That intense stare, following wherever he goes.
It makes your blood boil knowing he doesn't love her, he only uses her, and Angie is to blind with love to see it. If they ever got caught, nothing would happen to him, he would go about his life like nothing happened, never sparing Angelique another thought.
And his parents, they would see that Angelique disappeared, you'd never see her again. And it would be all his fault, all because he was a man whore. The time that they get caught will come sooner or later. Angelique's right, his parents have to go. It's the only way she'll be safe. You can't wait for Angie to find a way, it could take days, weeks even, and the chances of getting caught are higher every day. You have to help her, you can't stand the thought of never seeing her again.
You sit there, on Angie's floor, trying to think of ways to ensure Angie's safety. There's only one thing that comes to mind, and you hate it, it disgusts you, makes you feel ill, but it's the only way, you'll have to kill them yourself, tonight. during the full moon.
Rising from the floor, you leave to find master Collins and lady Collins. It's getting dark, and the full moon is starting to rise. And every night master and lady Collins take an evening stroll. Everything's coming together perfectly. You would never do what you're about to do, but it's for Angie, you tell yourself. You hide in the trees near the manor, all you have to do is wait. And try not to chicken out.
 The moon finally reaches peak position, you realize with dread. You step further into the shadows, letting the transformation take its hold on you. You've learned not to fight it, it only hurts if you do. After a few moments it's done, your legs and feet are longer and you're covered in hair.
A noise alerts you to two people approaching. the Collins on their walk, You  crouch down to not alert their dog, and wait for them to get closer. Oddly before they can get close enough, a giant seahorse gargoyle falls onto them, killing them. You stand there, shocked before realizing Angelique must have found a way of getting rid of them. You run further into the wood, knowing the sound that statue made will make a servant or two investigate.
By the morning when you transform back into your human form, everyone knows of master and lady Collins passing. On your way to bed you're practically tackled by Angelique, she throws her arms around you. You're surprised but hug her back, when she finally pulls away she drags you into her room. 
"Where were you last night? I came to your room last night to tell you something important but you weren't there." Angelique asks. Worried.
"Oh, I was out again, you know, watching the stars and full moon. I fell asleep out there again." You lie. You're a terrible liar but you know how to distract Angie so she forgets about it. "What did you have to tell me?" You ask quickly when it looked like Angelique was going to comment on your lie.
It works. Angie forgets, she immediately starts grinning. "I did it, I killed them." She whispers, so proud of what she's accomplished.
"I thought you might've had something to do with that accident." You say, even though you knew she had everything to do with it. Her grin gets wider.
"This means Barnabas and I can be together." She says, excitedly. Your heart drops, you forgot why she wanted them gone, so she could continue sleeping with Barnabas. Your heartbreaks, you don't hear what Angie's saying, it all sounds underwater to you. But you do notice that she starts to leave, practically skipping to the door. She turns around to say something else to you before she leaves.
"Oh, and (y/n), maybe don't fall asleep outdoors anymore. There could be werewolves." She says, jokingly. Before smiling and leaving you alone in her room once again. Her joke ringing in your ears, you never told her what you were. You didn't want her to know, the thought of her ever seeing you in that ugly form disgusts you. You feel bad for hiding it, but it's for the best.
Despite two of the Collins dying, everything continues on like normal, do your chores, then do whatever you want as long as you're not in the Collins family's way. Of course, it's only Barnabas now. Which means more freedom, but it comes at a price, that price for you is you never see Angie, and when you do all she does is complain that Barnabas isn't spending time with her. You want to be annoyed, but at least you're seeing her when she's complaining.
That's how it goes for weeks, only seeing her when she complains to you about Barnabas not sleeping with her. You're getting mad about it, all she does is tell you how she threw herself at him again and he just sends her away. But today is different.
She storms into your room while you're reading, she's angry, something about seeing Barnabas with some girl. How they were kissing and confessing their love for each other, you know Barnabas told Angie he didn't love her, you can see how mad Angie is. It makes you angry, but not for the reason she wants.
"Maybe you should just let him be happy, he clearly loves this girl." You snap, you couldn't hold it in anymore. All that anger is finally coming out.
"Excuse me! I tell you he's cheating on me and your suggestion if I let him!" Angelique yells, her anger now focusing on you. You don't care, you're going to say what needs to be said anyways.
"He's not cheating on you! He was never courting you! He was just using you, and you let him!" You yelled, frustrated. Why couldn't she just see that he doesn't love her.
"Whose side are you on?" She asks, angrily. You growl and grit out "yours" "are you sure? Cause it sounds like you don't care about me." She says, and that weakens you. Your shoulders slump, and you try your best to take deep breaths, releasing all your anger.
Once you've calmed down you address her. "I'm sorry Angie, I do care about you. It's just, miss you, i never see you anymore." You say sadly, look down at your hands, hoping she accepts your apology. 
You hear her sigh, and feel her hand on your face, lifting your head up  to look at her. Once you look at her she rubs her thumb over your cheek. You close your eyes, relaxing into her touch. "I am sorry too, you must have felt abandoned. I promise not to do it again. I just need to figure out how to get rid of this whore that's trying to take Barnabas away from me." She says, still rubbing circles in your cheek. 
"I don't know Ang, push her off a cliff." You say, not really thinking about it, still caught up in the feeling and her warm hand on your face. But when she stops drawing patterns in your face, you open your eyes. Angelique has a wicked grin on her face, you've never seen her like this before, it scares you.
"You're a genius, my dear." She says, and you blush at the praise and pet name. But before you can say anything, she's withdrawing her hands and walks away. Once again leaving you. You sit there, staring at the door, you can't believe it happened again. She left you again, after promising. You close your door and cry.
You don't leave your room for two days, And no one checks on you. You know you'll have to leave your room before tonight, you can't risk changing into a werewolf while in the manor. But you stay in bed till you know you can't wait any longer, finally you sneak out, towards the servants staircase. But when you hear people on the stairwell, you quickly decide you don't want to see anyone and get asked questions, so you turn on your heels, heading for the main stairwell. 
You hear a commotion from below, it sounds like a man shouting. You peer over the railing, listening to what was happening. You can't see anyone but you can hear them. 
"You're a wretched woman, you're vile and evil, you killed the woman I love, you cursed me to be this monster, and you have the audacity to try and place your lips upon me!" You hear Barnabas shout, and he finally comes onto view. You're shocked by what you see, Barnabas is paler than you've ever thought possible, his fingernails are longer and sharper, almost like yours when you change. And the most terrifying part about him, he's covered in blood. "What did you do Angie?" You whisper to yourself.
You see Angelique following after him, a frown on her face, she grabs Barnabas's arm, spinning him to look at her. "Don't you see, I did this for us. So we could finally be together." She says, touching his face. Just like she did with you. A growl tries to escape your throat, you clasp your hands over your mouth. You realize in horror that you stayed too long, that the moon has risen. Backing away from the railing you hunch over, transforming, you try to stop it, hold it off just a little longer, but it's too strong.
Suddenly you hear a crash coming from below. Rushing back to the railing you see Angelique crumbled on the floor, on the complete opposite side of the room, from where she stood earlier. Barnabas slowly approaches, glaring down at Angelique, it's clear what happened, Barnabas threw her off of himself.
Barnabas lifts Angie up by her throat, you can see her struggling to breathe. And the next thing you know you're running full speed towards the two of them, slamming into Barnabas. You and him go tumbling to the floor, you hear Angie drop to the floor behind you, coughing and gasping for air.
You and Barnabas get up quickly, he stares at you in shock, you glare back. Your tense, ready to attack, "(y/n)? What has this witch done to you?" Barnabas asks, looking you over, deeply concerned about the state you're in. He reaches out to touch You, you growl and he pulls back. You can hear the coughing subside behind you, then a strained voice. 
"(Y/n)?" Angelique says, shock clear in her voice, despite how rough it was. You send Barnabas another glare before turning to Angelique, dropping to your knees before her. 
"Angie, are you alright?" You ask, carefully reaching to touch the bruising on her neck. You ignore Angie's eyes burning into your face, and focus on searching her for broken bones.
You touch her wrist, feeling for breaks. Angelique clasps her hand around your wrist, not painful, just enough to get your attention. you look at her, and you wish you could look away. "Why didn't you tell me?" her eyes bore into you so intensely, almost searching your very soul for the information she wants.
"I, I didn't want you to see me like this." You say, finally breaking eye contact. Staring at her bruises instead, until the familiar feeling of her hand on your cheek pulls you back in.
"I could have helped you." She says sadly, eyes showing the hurt she feels. You shake your head, pulling her hand away. "No spell can fix me Angie, you know that." You tell her, crying. Saddened by her concern for you. Stepping away from her, you turn back to Barnabas.
Barnabas was still standing there, watching your interaction. You send him another glare as you slowly advance on him. You can see the concern in his eyes, concern for his safety. He starts talking, rambling about what Angie did, how she deserves to burn for her crimes. You strike, your back hand to his face sends him into the wall. You ignore the gasp you hear coming from Angelique. You advance on him again, this time, once he gets back up, the fear in his eyes is gone, replaced with hate and determination.
He charges at you, and you're in a fight of teeth and claws, both trying to rip the other apart. You'll be damned if he's the survivor of the battle, you'll be the one winning this, even if it means Angelique never looks at you again, at least she'll be safe. 
Barnabas throws a nasty punch to your stomach and in your moment of weakness, he grabs you, throwing you across the room. You hit the floor, sliding, you use your claws on the tile to slow you down, the sound is terrible but it stops you from hitting the wall behind you. Your back up, running at Barnabas, he charges you too, you leap up, striking in from the air. The blow causes him to be knocked over. You are on him, hands wrapped under his neck, trying to get it to break. He shoves you off, pushing you away a few feet, you run back towards him, only to get kicked. Thrown into the statue pillar, a sickening crack is heard and you're not sure if it came from you of the statue, too disoriented to tell.
 You struggle to your feet when you hear Barnabas approaching, but he's next to you before you can, lifting you into the air by your throat. You struggle, trying to pry his hands away with your own, kicking him. You know the kicks hurt but he stays strong, choking you out. "I'm sorry about this (y/n)" he says, remorsefully, squeezing tighter. It's become very hard to see, you really just want to close your eyes. You can barely make out the scream coming from somewhere in the room.
Suddenly you drop to the floor, pain shooting through your knees from the impact, you gasp for air, struggling to inhale any. Your vision slowly comes back, you're able to see Barnabas, floating in mid air struggling to get out of the invisible hold he's in. You continue taking deep breaths, focusing your very limited vision on Barnabas, worried he'll drop at any second.
You flinch when you feel someone touch you, you jerk away from the touch, only to be pulled back into it. The smell of vanilla, and the unmistakable stench of magic hit your nose, you relax into it. Welcoming the touch you've been pulled into. You finally take your eyes off Barnabas, and focus on Angie. Taking in the tears on her cheeks, and the slight quiver of her lip.
"You idiot, you almost got killed, why should you do something so stupid?" Angelique asks, furiously. But you can see the concern all over her face. You smile, sheepishly. "You're welcome." Angie didn't like that answer, not one bit. Glaring at you, her way of saying "Don't joke." You stop smiling, You clear your throat, wincing in pain when you do. Angelique frowns, moving her hand over your throat, barely grazing it, you flinch when you feel it, causing her to pull back slightly.
Angelique carefully moves her hand back towards you, keeping eye contact. You don't flinch when she touches you this time, your neck feels tingly, then the pain in your throat is gone. "Now, tell me why you thought fighting a vampire was a good idea." Angie says, sternly. removing her hand from your throat.
"He hurt you, I couldn't stand by and watch him choke you to death." You explain to her, causing Angie to sigh.  "So you thought you'd kill him. Sweetie, that's not like you." Angie says, running her hand through your messy hair, you wince when she touches a spot on the back of your head, both of you realizing you must have hit it, Angelique starts healing it. "I would do it for you, I would have killed his parents that night if you didn't beat me to it." You say, revealing that information caused Angelique to frown.
"You were going to kill Barnabas's parents for me? Why would you do something like that for me?" Angie asks, her brows scrunching in confusion. "Why are you so willing to hurt people or get hurt for me?" She questioned, and you realize this is the best opportunity to tell her.
"I would do anything for you, I love you." You tell Angelique, looking at every little detail on her face, memorizing it. When you meet her eyes you shiver, she's looking at you the way she does Barnabas, that intense possessive stare, the look you always wished was directed at you. You can help looking at her lips, Angie notices, her lips forming into a smirk.
She uses the hand still holding the back of your head to slowly pull your head towards hers, you're so excited, you're about to kiss the girl you've been dreaming about. But before you can press your lips to hers, you remember something and pull back. It confuses Angelique, but you quickly explain.
"My teeth are a lot sharper in this form, I could hurt you." You tell her, showing her your sharpened teeth. She looks at them and laughs. "I'll be careful." She says, leaning back into. You pull back again. "That's great but I might forget and cut you. Maybe we should wait till the sun rises?" You say, glancing towards the window. Angie pouts but nods, understanding your concern.
"Thank gods, I didn't want to see that disgusting display" you hear Barnabas growl. Angie's and your heads snap up to Barnabas, glaring daggers. You growl back but Angie acts quick, Barnabas is slammed into the ground, the tile shattering upon his impact. He's then thrown into the wall opposite the two of you, and finally he's positioned again in the spot he was hanging from earlier, his unconscious body above you.
Your eyes are brought back to Angie by the always familiar hand on your cheek, you lean against her hand, a content sigh leaving your lips. Angie smiles at you. "I love you." She whispers, kissing your cheek, very close to your lips. You're so happy, but one fear looms over you, along with his body.
"What are you going to do about Barnabas?" You ask Angie, you're deeply worried about her response. Her soft smile turns into a wicked grin, the same one you witnessed after telling her to push that girl off a cliff, it's worries you but gives you hope at the same time.
"I think the town's people would be very interested in knowing about our local vampire." She says, eyes wild. She grins at you then sneers at Barnabas's body.
The plan was simple. Angie tells the town's people about Barnabas, leads the angry mob to the manor, and you stay hidden so no one sees you, and she'll be back to you by sunrise. So far it's went well, they came for Barnabas dragging him out of the house, you've been hiding in Angie's spell room, the one place no one can find, unless Angie wants them to find it. The sun is almost risen, you'll turn back soon, but Angie isn't here yet. You're worried, what if Barnabas told everyone she was a witch and they believed him, what if he broke free and killed her. What if she just doesn't want to come back to you.
You've paced the room for what feels like forever, worrying yourself into a panic. You're about to sneak upstairs to see if there's any sign of Angie when you hear footsteps echo down the stone steps. The latch on the door clicks open and the door swings open, Angie strides in, a smirk plastered on her face. She closes the door behind her with a flick of her wrist. 
"I'm sorry, those idiots wanted to try stoning him first, they didn't realize it would work, finally, they decided to bury him deep in the woods in a chained up coffin." She explains, washing the dirt from her hands in a wash bowl. "I marked the place he was buried, just to make sure we remember and so no one can unearth him." She continues saying.
You've listened silently, just content on watching her. You're so relieved she's back, safe, not one scorch mark on her. She turns around, catching you staring, she smirks and winks at you. You blush at being caught. Angelique stalks towards you, like she's hunting her prey. As she reaches you the sunlight shines through the window, basking the room in a golden color, all you can think about is how beautiful the color makes Angie look. But her grin makes you know she's thinking something very different.
Angie reaches out, grabbing your skirts pulling you closer to her, you gasp at the feeling of her body pressing against yours. Angie leans in to whisper something in your ear. "As cute as you look in the other form, this one's my favorite." She says, then kisses below your ear.
You gasp, both at the feeling of her lips and breathe on your ear and because you forgot what the sunrise meant. You're human again. You pull back so you can see Angie's face, and you can tell she can't hold off anymore. You lean forward, and Angie surges forwards meeting your lips, it doesn't take long for a whimper to leave your lips, but Angie swallows it, pressing further into you.
It's bliss, pure bliss, you've never been happier than in this moment, and you know, it'll feel like this for a very long time to come. You'll do anything to keep Angie happy, and in the following centuries, you do just that. Sure Angie is happy with you, your relationship hasn't lost any if it's intensity or love. But you're in love with a devious little witch, and she thinks it's fun to mess with the Collins family, she even asks you to help sometimes, so when she begs and seduces you into going to bite the Collins kid. You do it.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA vampire soulmate scenario: you see them again/ they introduce themselves.
 They find you and don't leave you alone.
Dabi: It had been almost a month since the 7/11 incident, Dabi kept his distance watching and protecting you from the shadows, That all change today, he was watching your house from the old abandoned grocery store-across the road from your bar (your house is on top of the bar). He noticed you haven't step outside for almost two days, Dabi frowned as he step out of his hideout and as soon as he got close enough to your home his nose scrunched up as he was hit by a fowl stench: he made a disgusted noise... it was like mix of rotten milk and cantaloupe...
You were sick! but that wouldn't explain your lack of activity...unless- Dabi felt his stomach drop into his feet he checked the gargoyle you keep by the door for your spare key, he unlocked the door and walked inside your house and found you passed out on the floor at the bottom of your stairs! he rush over crouched down to check on you... he put his hand on your neck, Fuck your skin was like a furnace. "What the fuck do I do?" he hissed picking you up of the floor and putting you on the couch in your living room.
You wheezed in protest feeling your body being lifted away from the nice cold floor, your eyes opened straining to see who had moved you? but all you could see was a black and purple blob looking down at you; before moving away from sight as your overheated mind tried to comprehend what was happening, Who was that? How did they get in... but soon you drifted back into unconsciousness, and felt something cold on the back of your head...
You woke up disoriented and very confuse you looked around and you were still in your Livingroom... with half melted bag of frozen carrots resting behind your neck and another bag of frozen corn shoved down your shirt, which bewildered you the last thing you remembered was trying to crawl upstairs and go to your room, than nothing. You heard someone clear their throat and looked next to you to find a man who looked like a ragdoll was sitting in your recliner watching you...
"Who the fuc-" you croaked only for the guy to thrust a yellow pill and a glass of water towards you. "Take this first.." he muttered as you eyed the pill suspiciously "patchy" rolled his eyes at your wariness. "It's just Tylenol." he put the glass on the coffee table and showed you the box, "If I wanted to hurt you, wouldn't I have done it already?" he stated as you hesitantly took the pill and the water from him and swallowed it trying not to gag as it went down your throat. "Who are you?" you hissed voice still hoarse trying not to show fear, which was in vain as Patchy's cerulean eyes lit up in amusement seeing through your bluff. "I have several names, but these days I go by Dabi." he said waiting for your reaction but, to his utter astonishment you clearly had no idea who he was... "ok..."Dabi" How did you get into my house?" you huffed as Dabi gave you this unimpressed look. 
"Y'know the whole reason for hiding a key, is to not make it obvious."
"What are you talking about? What key?"
"Yeah, good one...the key under the gargoyle."
"...I don't keep a key under my gargoyle."
You say watching Dabi's expression shift to confusion as the scarred man pulled the the duplicate key from his pocket, he showed it to you and your stomach felt like it was full of rocks... that was definitely your house key!... But, it looked newer, shinier then the one in your purse. "You don't recognize this?" Dabi asked feeling your fear which caused his instincts go haywire wanting to remove whatever caused the distress, as you shook your head insisting you've never owned a spare key!
Dabi took a sharp breath through his nose, taking it in all the scents around the house before picking up faint traces of a another male... Dabi let out a low inhuman growl as he relaxed against into the recliner. "Good news doll, you gotta a new roommate." Your mouth opened to protest, but something in the deep crevices of your soul was telling you to trust the scarred man as he played around with the duplicate key. with a feral glint in his eye. "Bad news is... It's gonna suck for whoever the hell pissed me off." his purred flashing his fangs at you.  
Hawks: You were at work it had been to weeks since Hawks showed up on your doorstep, let's just it didn't go so well... It was like in the movies you opened the door saw the blond vampire standing there, you gasped, screamed and fainted scaring the crap out of the poor guy! At the moment he was currently loitering outside the gym you were teaching at, he could hear some of your students parents talking about you.
"It's waste I tell you, someone with her Quirk should've gone pro!" A woman said in a snarky tone the man next to her nodded. " I agree. if I had a Quirk like L/n-san I would be saving lives and kicking ass, instead of teaching kids how to dog paddle!" Keigo growled looking up from his phone and spoke up. 
"Yeah...She could've gone pro, but instead she's here teaching your kids not to drown..." 
Both adults froze and saw the number 2 hero glowering at them his wings slightly puffed and raised making him look bigger, They sheepishly apologized and scurried off, Just as you walked out, with an unreadable expression it was obvious you had heard everything just now, but were relucted to say anything as the two of you started the routine of walking home together, you were still on the ropes about Hawks. 
When he first showed up (after you woke up) you freaked out thinking he was there to to silence you and keep his secret, however after calming you down, he started going on about soulmates, blood-bonds and you being his other half, you were very reluctant to believe him after all... the first time you saw him, he was covered in blood feeding off a woman who looked half dead! Hawks seemed genuinely remorseful about you seeing that, it wasn't his intention to scare you, he explained how the woman was fine. 
She wasn't dead like Y/n had thought! he just used his venom to put her into a state of ecstasy... she likely has no idea the winged blond had been drinking her blood, She was at home most likely believing she had a wild night with the number 2 hero. He even showed you the girl's social media account to prove it; There she was doing a bathroom selfie bragging about the wicked "hickey" Hawks had given her...
Now here you are a month later and the vampire hasn't left your side since! Well... Except for when he has to go on patrol, then he has one of his feathers following you, and you have this sinking suspicion that Hawks has been sleeping on your roof at night...though you're never sure, you could hear something rolling around up there but whatever it is, is usually gone by the time you go check it out, later that night Hawks texted you inviting you to dinner, you read the restaurant's name... Dang that's pretty swanky place, you didn't even know if you had a dress or whatever to wear! luckily in the far reaches of your closet you found an old black dress that seemed suitable enough for the job... and sighed. " I only wore this once, to a funeral..." you muttered before getting ready.
You wished you had taken a shot of whiskey before you left the house, you were a ball of shaking anxiety as you entered the restaurant, the hostess eyed you with a unpleasant sneer. "Can I help you?" she said in fake sweet tone. "Y-Y/n L/n, I-I'm here to meet a Mr. T.K.?" you stammered the hostess scrunched her nose as she gave you a once over snorted. 
"I don't know how you found out about his reservation... but I can assure you the number 2 hero doesn't associate with your type." she with sneer your face would would've been flushed with anger if you weren't holding back every fiber in your body to slap that smug smile off that bitch's face. "Well can you go check?" you snapped standing up to your full height which threw the hostess off, she curt nod and walked off into the back...
(Hawks knew you were here he could smell you the second you walked in, his eyes briefly skimmed over the menu as he herd hostess approach, without you... "Sorry about that Hawks." the redhead cooed as the blonde looked at her bemused she snorted. "Some fake (h/c) slut tried to say you were waiting on her-" she continued talking as Keigo talked over her. " I am waiting for Y/n." he stated firmly as the hostess finished what she was saying. "Just let me ask my boss to let me off and we ca..." she trailed off and blinked not believing what she just heard.
"w-What?" she chortled thinking this was a joke as Hawks deadpanned repeating what he said. "I am waiting for Y/n, go get her." it wasn't request the hostess looked like a fish as she stared at the No. 2 slack-jawed. "Bu...You.. I- what about me?!" she sputtered lip quivering like a child who'd been denied candy, the winged man just eyed her incredulously making it clear he doesn't know her. "What are you talking about?" Hostess didn't answer she just stomped away to go get you.)    
A few minutes later she came back all red in the face. "Please follow me ma'am." she huffed now it was your turn to be smug. "Oh?... But I thought the No. 2 hero didn’t associate with my type?" you hissed as she snapped her head up to look at you eyes her brown eyes filled with jealous rage and you realized....It was her. The girl from the park. "My apologies ma'am." she said with a forced cheery tone as she led you to a private booth where Hawks was waiting his wings stood up at full attention as you sat down.
"Hey did you have any trouble?" he asked nodded towards the front desk where the hostess was giving both of of you the stink-eye. "You don't recognize her?" you whispered as Keigo's brow furrowed as he tried to piece it together.... had.. they slept together?...Hmm no, signed her tits? that was a possibility, He hummed scratching his beard You could tell he was drawing blanks. "She's the woman from the night...when we met?" His gold eyes widened.
 "Oh... the blood that tasted like charcoal and moldy bread." he grimaced in disgusted as he finally pieced it together you tilted your head as him bemused. "That’s what smoker's blood taste like...to me anyways, other Vamps have told me it varies." he stated you hummed nodding your head both intrigue and worried that you were getting use to this odd situation.
While you two were going over the menu, Keigo couldn't help but notice how off you were acting, you were fidgeting and looking around almost like you were...scared. why would you scared? all the other girls he'd brough.... Then it hit Keigo like ton of bricks. 
He was treating you like one of his fans! and not his...hopefully soon to be lover, Dammit! He didn't even think about your comfort zones or asked if you wanted to go out and where did you want to go, he just assumed you would jump at the chance, because what girl doesn't want to go on a date with the number two hero?
After a few moments Keigo put the menu down. "Hey...wanna get out of here?" You were about to protest but the blond put his hand up. "Let me rephrase that; Do you want go somewhere else?" you shyly nodded Keigo called the waiter paid for the drink he had earlier and the two of you went on a very simple and impromptu park date involving pizza and an outdoor movie theater that Keigo had no idea existed; all in all he actually had fun! 
And so did you given the joy and admiration he was sensing coming off you in waves. as opposed the fear and defensiveness you usually gave off around him, which made Hawks hopeful for the future... but for now he'll just settle on being friends, He smiled staring at the spare key you gave him, the blond let out a tiny churr feeling giddy as he fell asleep on your couch, as you caught him outside earlier.  
…..Yes, he was totally sleeping on your roof.
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missvifdor · 3 years
My MC /OC /YUU, in the doorframe of the entrance to Ramshackle:
My MC /OC /YUU: W -Why ..? Grimm, I'm not crazy, it's not my birthday. Or yours yet?
Grimm: No but I'm not going to complain, it smells so good! * Dive into the assembly of packages and gift packages in pink and red *
* The First Year Gang arrives to look for MC for classes like every morning *
Deuce: Eh! I didn't know you were so popular MC!
My MC /OC /YUU: Me? Popular? I reassure you right away, in my world I was considered as the weird and silent child of the class. So popular I have never been very popular.
Ace: Do you know at least what day we have?
My MC /OC /YUU: No ...?
Jack: It's Valentine's Day * Sniff the air * Ugh! All this sugar gives me stomach ache and toothache ...
Grimm: It's so good MC! * Eyes that glow * Free chocolate! I'm going to be happy to eat it all!
Epel: Easy, Grimm, they're at MC you should ask her before you binge without permission.
Grimm: * Touching eyes and adorable gaze *
My MC /OC /YUU: * Sigh * Isn't that risking your health at least? I mean .. you really look like a cat and chocolate is poison to them.
Grimm: Who do you take me for? A vulgar animal? I'm a monster, obviously I can eat anything!
My MC /OC /YUU: Alright. You can take it but out of the question that you abuse it and fall ill afterwards, understand?
Grimm: You are the best Dorm Leader! Yahoou! * Plunges back among the packages happily *
My MC /OC /YUU: Sorry, Sebek, I'm making you late ... Go ahead I'll take the packages inside and I'll join you!
Jack: Do not be ridiculous, we will help you it will go faster.
* Our happy group of friends are going to their first class of the day *
* My MC /OC /YUU going to sit in his usual place *
My MC /OC /YUU: Is it really happening ...? * Turns all red * I even get flowers, now.
Ace: * Smirk * You look so shocked, like this is the first time this has happened to you, Hehe!
My MC /OC /YUU: ....
Deuce: Is this the first time this has happened to you ?!
My MC /OC /YUU: I told you before, I was not very popular and not very pretty. Boys and girls aren't really used to looking around in my path and neither am I.
Ace and Deuce: * Mumbles * His world must be filled with blind people ...
* Later that day they pass Cater, Trey and Riddle *
Cater: * Put his arm around MC's shoulders * Hello lovely young lady! What are you planning to give me for Valentine's Day? Although, you know I prefer the salty.
Riddle: Cater! This is inappropriate!
My MC /OC /YUU: Don't worry, Riddle. Well Cater, I completely forgot that it was today and I don't have a present for you, I'm sorry. Besides, why do I have to offer you one, we are not in a relationship?
Trey: Tradition has it that girls give chocolates to their friends and loved one. Doesn't that work in your world?
My MC /OC /YUU: Actually, no. Valentine's Day is only a day for couples, at least that's how it is in my country but I know that in Japan, another country, it works the same as Twisted Wonderland. But if you really want chocolates, I can make some for you, that makes me happy! I'm only sorry I didn't give them to you on the right date ...
Riddle: Don't bother if you don't want to, MC!
My MC /OC /YUU: I really don't mind, I would only need to borrow the kitchens from Heatslabyul. That of Ramshackle is not sufficiently equipped or even in good condition to work in good conditions. Dust is falling from the ceiling all the time, I wouldn't want that to end up in the preparation.
Trey: It works, come see me after class when you finish I'll give you the keys to the kitchen.
* Later that day, in Heatslabyul's kitchen *
My MC /OC /YUU: Well let's see ... Rose and violet chocolates are for Riddle. The orange and blood citrus ones are for Trey. The spicy beef and chicken mini skewers are for Cater. Ace has his pastry cream strawberries. Deuce to his red berry and chocolate pancakes. Leona ... Her filet mignon meal basket with sweet and salty honey. Ruggie his donuts and donuts are ready, all they need to do is garnish and fill them. Jack doesn't like things that are too sweet or unhealthy ... so a mango and coconut sorbet. Azul pays close attention to her figure, so poached pears in honey. Jade un Canteloupe and blueberries with green tea and lime. Floyd strawberry chocolates in the shape of shrimp and sea animals. Kalim and Jamil hot chili chocolates and rhubarb and date jam that they can put on homemade brioche toast. Vil, Rook and Epel fresh fruit salad, French pancakes with rum and apple clafoutis. Idia ... chocolate and peanut butter pop cake with a Bubble Tea with tapioca pearls and mango and candies for Ortho. Malleus popsicles in the shape of a gargoyle and a bouquet of chocolate in the shape of roses, Lilia macaroons with mint and vanilla in the shape of a bat, Sebek ... A mini figurine of Malleus in dark chocolate and food coloring, for Silver it will be passion fruit Pasteis De Nata. And Grimm ... Squid with seafood and vegetables. Lord! I've never cooked for so many people! I'll put it all in the fridge and go home!
* My MC /OC /YUU coming home exhausted *
My MC /OC /YUU collapsing on Ramshackle's living room couch: Lord! I am so tired!
Grimm: Your hands smell full of delicious smells! Am I going to have some too?
My MC /OC /YUU: * Smells his hands and grimaces * Ugh! It especially smells like chocolate fish! It makes me sick ... I'm coming back I'll try to make this smell available, by all the gods ...
* Grimm who decides to wait for him while eating another packet of chocolate intended for MC *
Grimm: * Starts at coughed, disgusted * Yuck! These taste too weird !!
My MC /OC /YUU who comes back with his hands washed aggressively: You make a funny face, what's happening to you?
Grimm: These chocolates are too weird, I don't like them.
My MC /OC /YUU : Let me see? * Frowns and takes a chocolate to eat it * * Chew gently * Hmm ... it's true they have a weird aftertaste ... I feel weird ... M-My head spinning ... I can't feel my legs anymore ... * Fainted on the ground *
Grimm: Nyah! MC! Don't move, I'll get help!
* A few hours after taking MC to the infirmary, the strange chocolates were analyzed and an emergency meeting of the leaders and vice-dormitory leaders be given *
Professor Crewel: The results are clear ... The chocolates contained a love potion prepared in the most mediocre manner I have ever seen. So this has the effect on the Prefect of Ramshackle that she is falling into a deep sleep.
Kalim, with tears in his eyes: Is there no cure ?!
Crewel: Yes.
Leona, hiding her concern with aggression: And ?!
Crowley: The only solution for my dear MC to wake up is the ... The kiss of true love ...
Azul: I thought it only existed in children's books .. What if it doesn't work? How is it supposed to work?
Trein: That's the problem. The person kissing MC must be the person they love.
Ace who holds Grimm in his arms because the poor thing is absolutely devastated: Does MC at least love someone ?!
Jade: You are his closest friends, you should know that.
Deuce: MC never talks to us about that kind of thing and neither do we, she says all the time that it's her private life and that it's none of our business .... Oh MC ...
Jamil: Grimm, do you know?
Grimm who sniffs and holds back his tears: NOOooOoo ...!
Ace: Don't worry Grimm, we'll find the person who did this to her and she better be sorry for even entering this school.
Azul: Floyd will certainly be happy to help you find him, he has a special affection for MC.
Riddle: You can count on us too! We will make him regret acting in a manner so disrespectful and dangerous towards MC and the school rules!
Crowley: Come on gentlemen, let's try to act in a neutral and professional manner * Whisper to himself * If I find this little fool I'll be happy to kick him out of this school forever!
Malleus: If you let me deal with this man's case personally, I can assure you that he will never return to this school. Because he won't have any legs at all.
Idia: I'm still going to do some research approach to find out if there are no other solutions with MC!
Ortho: Big Bro, you'll have to come and try to wake MC up with a kiss first.
Idia panics immediately: I- I don't think it will work w-with me! How could MC love a geek like m-me ?!
Ortho, happily: Don't devalue yourself, Big Bro ! You have all your chances!
Rook: Oui, Mon cher, you have every chance! MC must obviously have noticed your unique charm!
Ruggie: * Whispers mockingly * Ah that, to be unique, he is! Shishishishi!
Lilia: * Laugh slightly * Let's see if our dear Idia has the courage to come out of his den.
Vil: That's enough you two, what we're talking about is serious. It is not time for jokes!
Trey, whispering sadly to himself: And to think that a few hours ago MC and I were talking in the kitchen and cooking like nothing had happened ... She had put so much heart into her preparations...
* Everyone is gathered in the infirmary plus the rest of the boys *
Riddle who blushes a lot: So uh ... how do we do it? Are we in line?
Crewel: The best is if you all wait outside and come one by one to Miss MC. If either of you ever wakes her up, I think you both need to discuss it.
The boys went by one by one and finally ....
Twisted boy: Okay ... It's my turn. * Enter the infirmary and approach MC * Hi MC. I'm sorry to kiss you without your consent but ... we have no other solutions at this time. Please forgive me .. * Kiss her *
My MC /OC YUU: * Wakes up coughing very hard until spitting out a piece of half-melted chocolate * WHAT THE HELL ?!
Twisted boy: You're awake! * Hugs her *
My MC /OC /YUU: * hugs him back * What's going on ?!
Twisted boy: * Explain everything to her * That's why I kissed you. Aren't you angry?
My MC /OC /YUU: No, no! I understand that was the only solution, thank you for freeing me from the negligence of the fool who gave me these cursed chocolates!
* My MC /OC /YUU finally realizes what it means *
My MC /OC /YUU: So uh .. Yeah I love you I guess ... But if you don't feel anything for me I totally understand and we can stay like we are now! I promise not to make this awkward or weird!
Twisted boy: Actually, it's good because ... I also feel the same way but I didn't know how to tell you.
My MC /OC /YUU: ... So ... you wanna go on a date with me?
Twisted boy: I would love that!
* Grimm who goes into the infirmary like a cannonball *
Grimm: MC! YOU ARE ALIVE ! MY HANDMAN, YOU WON'T EAT ANY MORE WITHOUT I TASTING IT FIRST! * Hopped into MC's arms to give her a hug *
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It took some time but everyone slowly awoke each one told the same thing.
“Explanations will be dealt when everyone is awake.”
Some whined while others simply nodded finding the person they were closest to for comfort. Tom and Sabine took a seat closer to their daughter but did not crowd around her. Both content with her spot between Luka and Adrien. Juleka and Rose woke at the same time, and for a short while thought they were simply enjoying another sleepover. Until Luka tickled Juleka under her chin gently, Juleka let out a soft squeal curling closer to Rose to escape her brother. She glared at her brother, eyes softening when she saw Marinette sleeping with her head on his thigh.
“What’s going on?” Juleka asked softly, not letting go of Rose who was shaking as she looked around the room.
“We don’t really know yet, but we’re all safe. And our...captors I guess, their songs are long but they show we can trust them.” Adrien leaned over from his place sitting besides Gorilla’s chair.
“We’re just trying to stay positive Juleka, Rose. Nino and I keep joking that we’re all having one big movie night.” Nino grinned from his spot beside Alya who was currently typing out their entire experience into her phone. Lila sat on her other side looking around warily but smiling to keep up appearances. Juleka gave Adrien a gentle smile as her and Rose sat up. Juleka took her chance to look around and blinked in slight shock as Jagged and Penny walked over to them.
“Hey there Little Rockstars! Mind if Penny and I join you guys? We only know the Rockin’ Dupain-Chengs, and unfortunately the Bourgeois!” Penny slapped his arm gently, glancing over and sighing in relief that the family didn’t hear them.
“A little lower Jagged, they own the hotel we currently reside at.” Jagged looked at her like a kicked puppy before grinning mischievously and leaning closer to the group.
“Just between us, I’d rather live in the zoo than anywhere near the Bourgeois. Their daughter was constantly trying to invite herself into my room when we first came.” Penny slapped his arm a couple times with her notebook causing the group to laugh softly.
“Give her some credit.” Penny glanced at said girl as she made Jagged sit down. “Since the Queen Bee incident she has been...better?” Adrien frowned softly looking at his old friend about to protest until Gorilla put a hand on his shoulder squeezing it gently. Adrien glanced up at him before sighing softly and nodding.
“Chloe can be a good person, she really can. She just...she changed when her mom left.” Jagged was silent as he stared at the boy before looking over at Chloe who was trying to get her mother’s attention. A soft ‘oh’ leaving him as he watched them, his gaze turning sad as he remembered problems with his own family. Jagged coughed into his hand wanting to change the topic as he kicked out his legs crossing them at the knees.
“Well who else are we waiting to wake up?” He asked looking over to Adrien with a gentle smile. His tone calmer than usual as Penny settled near him. Adrien returned the smile glancing down at Marinette.
“Just Marinette and Kim, although I think Alix is ready to smack Kim awake at this point.”
“I am!”
Alix announced loudly from her spot beside Nathaniel. Laughter rang through the room from their classmates and Jagged. Only Luka noticed when Marinette woke up and had to hold back laughter at the disgruntled glare crossing her still sleep filled face. Luka smiled when their eyes met tilting his head to the side.
“Hello Melody.” He said softly, helping her sit up as she rubbed her eyes. “Now we are just waiting on Kim.” he said to Jagged and a second later a loud slap rang through the room. Kim jerked awake holding his right cheek as he glared up at Alix. It only took seconds for the two to be rolling around wrestling on the floor.
The man stood up walking to the front of the room. He waited for a few seconds before deciding to say something.
He said booking no room for argument and the room went silent with all eyes on the man. He nodded looking over them all.
“I have brought you here today to show you not just what your lives could be, but what your lives are in other universes. I am doing this because one of you is very close to setting themselves on a path for death, and if they die your universe will follow.” He looked at all of them before continuing on.
“Depending on how you act will determine who will remember this in full. Identities will be exposed, you will see happy and sad Universes. Time outside this room is frozen, food and drink will be provided. I will let you know when it’s over. Now, would you like to start?” Adrien hesitantly raised his hand looking at the man.
“So you aren’t going to hurt us?” The man gave a gentle smile, his gaze softening.
“No, I am here to save you.”
Jagged looked around the room before deciding to speak up.
“Fine, let's get this show rockin’ an’ rollin’..”
The man nodded before returning to his seat, the tv turning on.
Multi-Mouse: A Different Ladybug
Marinette is shown running through the school heading towards the janitor's closet, loud bangs and crashes heard in the background as she rips the door open practically throwing herself inside.
“Oh is Marinette hiding from an Akuma attack. I hope she stays safe!” Rose gasped huddling closer to Juleka, covering her mouth as she glanced at Marinette. Assuring herself her friend was still there, Marinette gave her a gentle smile before turning back to the screen.
Marinette pressed her back against the door as she looked around the closet making sure she was alone. “Alright Mullo let’s go! Bridgette is half way across Paris right now on a field trip. We need to distract the Akuma until she and Chat arrive. Mullo flew out of her purse grinning at her as he circled her head.
“You know what to say Marinette!”
Marinette grinned, grabbing the pendent and raising her head confidently.
“Mullo! Let’s get Squeaky!”
Everyone watched her transformation amazed, except for Gabriel who glared at the screen turning to look at the Marinette in the room with them. Nathalie glanced at her boss before looking back at the screen.
“Time to get to work!” Muti-Mouse said, running out of the closet and making her way towards the Akuma in the quart yard. Said Akuma looked like a Gargoyle with glowing red eyes and long sharp talons. Every time it hit someone with its talons they turned to stone. Mutli-Mouse watched from a distance before using her rope, wrapping it around one of the talons and yanking back hard, stopping them from swiping at civilians caught in the way. “Now, attacking civilians that's pathetic. But then again everything Hawkmoth does is pathetic so I shouldn’t expect much.” She pulled her rope back grinning as it made the Akuma stumble. Multi-Mouse’s grin grew as the purple outline of a butterfly appeared. She launched herself back performing a backhand spring dodging a swipe.
“Multi-Mouse! You disgusting vermin! You will hand your Miraculous over to me this instant, or I will turn you into a beautiful statue too!” Marinette hummed tapping her chin as she rocked back and forth on her feet almost playfully.
“How about, no.” She said grinning and shaking her hand in a jazz hands fashion. Laughter rang from the building across from her, and the supposed camera on them moved showing Ladybug.
“A different Ladybug? So that means this Ladybug isn’t our own, interesting and look at her costume! Mari isn’t that a cheongsam? It looks amazing!” Alya exclaimed, bouncing in her seat before turning to her bestie for confirmation. Marinette froze as all eyes were on her, she gave them all a shaky smile glancing at her mom before nodding her head.
“Yes it is Alya. It’s very common in China that Ladybug must be really in touch with her heritage! It is very beautiful and if I’m looking correctly, it looks to be made of something similar to Kevlar. The same with her leggings underneath.” Marinette smiled as she took in the heroine of that Universe wondering if she could convince Tikki to change her own outfit to something similar.
This Ladybug wore a red and black spotted Cheongsam with two slits along the side ending at her hips. Giving her plenty of range to move, underneath she had leggings that dipped into red combat boots with black laces. Her mask and yo-yo remained the same but her hair was pulled into a long fishtail braid that ended just past her knee cap.
Though one thought plagued Marinette’s mind as she looked at this Ladybug, who was she?
“I agree with her. You’ll never get our Miraculous!” Ladybug said as she began to spin her yo-yo dropping into a defensive stance.
“My name is Sculptor, and you better remember it because I will be the one taking those earrings from you!” Ladybug smirked as Sculptor launched himself at her. She threw her yo-yo out wrapping it around his outstretched wrist and pulled hard using her foot to pivot. She circled around twice then yanked her yo-yo back sending the Akuma flying towards Multi-Mouse. Who in return wrapped her rope around his waist yanking him to her faster delivering a hard punch to his face causing both to yelp in pain. Multi-Mouse was quick to jump back holding her injured hand to her chest as Sculptor recovered faster than her, nearly catching her with his talons.
“No, no, no!” Alya said fast as she grabbed Marinette’s ankle cementing the fact that her Marinette was with her not facing the Akuma. Marinette reached out grabbing Alya’s hand, squeezing it.
“Breathe Alya, remember that’s not me out there. That’s not me.”
“Ya, not you.” Alya said, keeping her eyes on Marinette’s before turning back to the screen. Marinette let out a relieved sigh before turning to look at her parents giving them a reassuring smile.
“Multi-Mouse!” Ladybug cried out her yo-yo spinning as she got ready to save one of her partners. She stopped herself as Chat Noir dropped down, wrapping an arm around Multi-Mouse’s waist using his baton to launch them to the same rooftop. “Well now we know he is actually made of stone.” Ladybug said as the three hid around the corner. Multi-Mouse gave her an ‘oh really’ look as she tenderly touched her hand. “Let me see.” Ladybug said, taking her hand gently before turning to Chat. “Please distract him for a bit, I need to make sure her fingers aren’t broken.” Chat nodded standing up straight as he twirled his baton.
“On it my Lady, Princess.” He nodded to both before throwing himself back into the Sculptor’s line of sight. Ladybug turned back carefully, touching Multi-Mouse's hand while watching her reactions. After a few moments she stopped nodding with a smile.
“It is hurt but not broken, be careful with it. The Miraculous cure will heal it enough that it’ll bruise slightly. Ready to get back out there?” Ladybug questioned, causing Multi-Mouse to grin. She stood up peaking around the corner watching. Hat dodge Sculptor’s every swipe.
“I am but we need a plan and fast. I believe the Akuma is in his necklace, it looks hand crafted.” Ladybug peeked around the corner, eyes zeroing in on the necklace before both of them pulled back out of sight. “We need to get the necklace off him without being hit with his talons. The question is how?” She turned to Ladybug one hand cupping her chin as she thought. “I think it’s time for you lucky charm. Ladybug spun her yo-yo nodding with a grin.
“I think you’re right, Lucky Charm!” Ladybug cried out groaning when a small statue landed in her arms. “A statue? Really?” Multi-Mouse giggled softly covering her mouth as the two heroines leaned out of their cover again. Ladybug was silent as her eyes shifted from blue to a swirl of red and black, darting back and forth rapidly. “Alright Multi-Mouse, here’s the plan. I am going to leave the statue with you and take over distraction from Chat. You are going to take the statue and make your way to the basketball hoop. Chat will meet you there, give him the statue and tell him to get ready to use Cataclysm. Make sure to stress that he is to not use it on the statue but is going to make Sculptor think he is. I want you to use Multitude and be ready on the flag poles. I am going to hook my yo-yo around both so that you have a platformish surface to get to him. All of you must use your ropes and wrap them around the necklace. Once it is off him Chat will throw the statue to me and use his staff to land on my yo-yo string besides you. He will use cataclysm on the necklace, so either climb on him or cancel Multitude. Understand?” Ladybug said after her eyes returned to her normal blue. Multi-Mouse nodded as she thought the plan through. She grabbed the statue giving Ladybug a bright smile before making her way to the basketball hoop. Ladybug was quick to jump down, taking Chat’s place. “Go to the basketball hoop.” She said and Chat set off for the hoop causing her to smirk. After a few moments Chat’s voice rang out, catching their attention.
“Man I bet this would look cat-astrophic if my hand just grazed it.” He moved his charges up hand towards the statue causing Sculptor to roar in anger. Ladybug uses the moment to wrap around the flag poles grinning as mini Multi-Mouses run across her string rope in hand. Sculptor used his wings to launch himself at Chat, not even noticing when Multi-Mouse ripped the necklace from him.
“Now!” Ladybug cried out bracing herself to catch the statue. Chat grinned, throwing it to her using his staff to propel him to the rope, immediately grabbing the necklace in his powered up hand. Multi-Mouse canceled Multitude wrapping an arm around Chat shoulder. Chat used his staff to get them to the ground as Ladybug pulled her yo-yo back swinging it up to catch the butterfly.
“It’s always amazing to see Ladybug hatch a plan. Even if it isn’t our Ladybug, she is just as amazing as ours is.” Adrien said with practical stars in his eyes, not noticing the slight blush on Marinette’s face, or the snort that left Fu as he looked between the two. “I wonder if we know this other Ladybug? Also it’s so cool that Marinette is a hero in that universe! She’s already out everyday Ladybug, and there she is their literal Multi-Mouse!” Marinette blushed even more not meeting anyone’s eyes and Adrien rambled on. “If only she could be Multi-Mouse in our universe too, she’d be amazing. Her and Ladybug working together I’m sure they’d defeat Hawkmoth in no time.” Alya grinned looking at Marinette, then Adrien decided to join in on the Marinette hype band wagon.
“I know right! Marinette would be the best hero!” Marinette sent Alya a slightly glare as she waved her hands frantically.
“Enough, enough, enough! Let’s-ah-let’s just get back to the...show? Episode??? Universe?? Agh, let’s just call these episodes, this is so confusing.”
“See ya later little butterfly.” She said softly before grabbing the statue. Spinning twice, throwing it into the air after the second spin. Ladybugs spread across the city fixing everything. Ladybug turned to her two partners with a grin on her face as she held out her fist.
“Pound it!” They cried out together soon after Chat’s ring beeped causing him to blanche slightly before giving the two a grin.
“Well my two favorite ladies, that is my que to go. Patrol tonight?” He asked as he pulled Multi-Mouse into a side hug doing the same to Ladybug. The two nodded, voicing their conformation waving as he jumped away.
“Five on both our classes being canceled.” Ladybug said a mischievous look on her face as she gazed down on the shorter hero, who rolled her eyes as the two began leaping across rooftops. “Oh come on Multi, you used to love placing bets with me.” Ladybug pouted as the two landed on the bakeries balcony glancing around before dropping transformation.
“That was when you didn’t try and get me in sucker's bets Bridgette.” Marinette said with a grin as the masks disappeared, she pulled her cousin down through the trap door both landing on her bed with a bounce causing giggles to glow through the room. Soon two Kwami were flying around them tiredly.
“Mari, my pretty pretty Mari. Give. Me. CRACKERS!” The mouse Kwami squeaked out grabbing the front of her bangs tugging, causing the girls and Tikki to giggle.
“Alright alright, Papa probably has food ready for us, Kwami included.” Marinette said, standing up and pulling Bridgette with her.
“Food, food, food!” Bridgette said excitedly, pumping her arms up and down.
“Well, it seems our niece is still as excitable as ever. Oh I miss her.” Sabine said softly leaning against Tom’s side resting her hand on his chest looking at her niece and daughter lovingly. “We should have her spend the summer with us again since she had to leave early last summer.”
The two girls slid down the ladder surprisingly gracefully as they walked to the kitchen teasing and pushing each other.
“Girls…” Sabine said hands on her waist as she eyed the two with a disappointed look. The two simply grinned at her with mischief in their eyes. Sabine’s frown cracked as she walked over to them brushing their hair down. “No training tonight relax I know school has been tough this week. You both did amazing in the fight, Chat as well. Speaking of Chat he has patrol tonight, yes?” Marinette nodded as she sat down at the breakfast table offering Mullo a cracker. “Good good, make sure to leave his box on the balcony for him.” Sabine said, placing the box in the middle of the table.
“I’ll make sure it’s there Auntie, you know he is obsessed with the family pastries.” Bridgette snorted as she bit into a chocolate croissant. She chewed softly waiting till she swallowed to speak again. “Besides thanks to that stupid diet of his, poor kitten isn’t getting the proper amount of calories. Honestly if he followed it he’d be a skeleton!”
“Speaking of my favorite kitty, we have the plan set in motion! Nino, Alya, Chloe, Sabrina, Bridgette, even Jagged Stone, and I all have the proof needed compiled! Sooo Rien is going to start Operation Rebellion!” Sabine hummed amused as she checked on the roast she was making. She shared a look with her niece before looking back at her daughter. “Starting with, unfortunately, his hair, I will miss it’s beautiful sunny blondeness but he will look amazing with bubblegum pink!” Marinette said with a gentle smile, her eyes shining. “I also convinced him to at least wear the cheesy shirts that I make him. After ya know, promising to let him have an actual say in what he wears.” Sabine snorted softly, shaking her head as Marinette gushed on about her Kitty. She turned to Bridgette tapping her wrist as they made eye contact. Bridgette gasped as she stood up quickly looking at the clock.
“Oh no! I’m going to be late if I don’t leave now! I can’t miss practice again! Dimitria will have my head!” Bridgette grabbed her bag running out the door barely giving Tikki time to hide in her pocket. Marinette and Sabine laughed before Marinette went over to the window, opening it and leaning out carefully. She watched Bridgette exit the bakery and start running down the street.
“Have a good practice, Brid!”
“Alright so in this universe Mari’s cousin is Ladybug.” Alya said as she finished typing, placing her phone on Nino’s thigh. “Obviously she’s not our Ladybug as the title screen said. So does that mean someone else related to Marinette is?” Sabine gave Alya a soft slightly pity filled look before turning her gaze back to her daughter. Marinette shoulders were slumped, relief shining in her eyes. Sabine knew why, after all her daughter was never good at keeping secrets from her. Or masking her fighting style and it was her mother who taught her after all.
“Ladybug isn’t someone related to Marinette in our world.” Lila interjected as her confidence slowly came back, if she played her cards right they’d sink even further into her snake pit. “I would know after all, she’s my best friend.” Sabine’s eyes narrowed as she stared at this girl, tightening her grip on Tom’s arm as she realized who it was. Guilt settling in her stomach for not taking her baby girl's side fully in the whole debacle with Rossi and Dramocles.
“Oh I can’t believe we forgot that!” Rose said, looking apologetically at her not moving from her spot against Juleka. “It must be weird for Lila to not see her bestie as Ladybug.” Lila nodded, pulling out crocodile tears as she looked back at the screen showing Marinette’s smiling face. She had to quickly stamp down her anger before wiping her eyes gently.
“I’m more worried about why my friend isn’t Ladybug. After all, she is the only one truly compatible with the Ladybug Miraculous. On top of Marinette’s cousin not being a true holder she is damaging the Miraculous the more she uses it.” Lila sniffled, hiding her face in her hands. Marinette glared down at a corner pillow forcing herself not to say anything, she startled when Luka’s hand intertwined with her and Adrien’s arm wrapped around her shoulder. Her face bright red in slight embarrassment not even noticing the two boys giving each other dirty looks over her head. Gabriel coughed gaining the rooms’ attention before gesturing back to the screen.
“I think we should continue with the next episode…” He said ignoring the few glares he was reviving. Soon the tv was black again, the words appearing once again.
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leonameowzz · 4 years
Happy Birthday OC!MC 🎉🎊🎂🎁
Since it’s my birthday, I had to do a HC of what the TW boys would give my OC as a birthday present & how they feel about them. FYI, some parts are more specific towards my OC as I wanted this to be more personalized to myself. This is gonna be a long one but please enjoy~
Crowley held a dorm leader meeting to discuss how to handle her birthday, even Malleus was present for once without having to be reminded.
The dorm leaders were surprisingly eager to participate: Riddle wanted a birthday party at Heartslabyul, Kalim wanted an entire parade at Scarabia and Azul was actually willing to close Mostro Lounge temporarily.
In the end, Crowley opted to have the celebration at Ramshackle Dorm so as not to pick favourites.
On the faithful day, the first-year squad was tasked with distracting her while their seniors would decorate the venue, even the Ramshackle ghosts chipped in to help.
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Riddle gives her a bouquet of roses, freshly grown from the bushes in the dorm. He thanks them for always looking after his dorm members (aka the chaotic duo). He even allows them the first strike during the next croquet match.
Ace puts on a magic show during the party, he even learnt some new card tricks just for her! He even bought an extra card deck for them so they could practice together.
Deuce shyly hands her a plush chicken keychain since the whole chicken fiasco was a fond memory for him. He finds them to be a good influence on him if he is to be a future honor student.  
Trey baked her favourite strawberry shortcake as well as the other desserts at their party. He also thanked them for taking care of his juniors but he’s grateful they were friends with Riddle too.
Cater takes lots and lots and lots of selfies with her, captioned #ramshackledormparty. He also slips her a rose gold liquid glitter smartphone cover as a gift. Don’t worry, it’s the latest, trendiest design to make up for that shopping date he promised.
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Leona nonchalantly passes her a jewelry box which they open to reveal a fanged necklace similar to the one he wears. He pats their head, wishing them happy birthday before leaving to nap somewhere quiet.
Ruggie was not able to afford anything too fancy, but he did share some of his favourite donuts with her. He was glad that he could depend on them when handling Leona’s demands.
Jack gives her a mini cactus/succulent garden he grew and arranged himself since he knew they loved tending to the plants in the greenhouse. “It’s not like I made this specially for you! I just had some spare plants leftover and didn’t want them to go to waste!” He would quickly reason.
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Azul offers her a deal a discount at Mostro Lounge. What, that’s it? Just kidding, he hands them several test notebooks to help with studies, though he instructs them not to share with anyone else. Only her gets them free-of-charge~
Floyd had planned to squeeze his Shrimpy as a birthday gift but was stopped by Azul & Jade. In the end, he managed to find an extremely rare rainbow seashell while exploring Coral Sea, so that’s what he’s giving her. Azul probably wanted to sell that for 💰💰 but too late now.
Jade presented her with some mushrooms & herbs he gathered during his daily mountain trek as well as some recipes to cook them. Floyd gives a disgusted look behind his back though his brother chooses to ignore it. 
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Kalim knows where to obtain all sorts of animals for his parades and actually procures a light brown eagle owl for her. He knew how much they adored said animal so here they go! Wait... Kalim, you can’t just give someone an actual pet so suddenly?!?!
Jamil got her a pair of sport shoes since they both love dancing. They’re the same brand he uses so they’re super comfortable. The two of them may have started off on the wrong foot, but turns out they share many interests. Plus, he’s glad she’s there to help him with Kalim’s antics.
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Vil straight up hands her an entire box of cosmetics from his skincare line (it’s even in limited edition packaging), stating how important it is for his little potato to maintain healthy skin especially since they live in less-than-desirable conditions at Ramshackle.  
Rook gifts her a bird whistle. Since her new pet owl is a bird of prey perhaps she could train it to hunt small critters? It would also be yet another thing of beauty for him to take pictures of.
Epel created an entire apple carving centerpiece for the dining table, even Vil was impressed. There were all sorts of shapes, ranging from swans to butterflies, it was definitely Magicam worthy.
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Idia made a custom game controller with her initials engraved on them. She regularly joins them for gaming nights during the weekend after all. He had not intended to come to the birthday party but Ortho basically forced him to attend for his sake.  
The young robot had also grown close to her and the other first years. He was very grateful to her for taking the initiative to befriend Idia despite his reclusive nature.
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Malleus was glad to be included in something for once. He had a soft spot for this particular Child of Man who had approached him so bravely and eventually befriended him. His gift to her is a gargoyle paperweight, it’s functional and makes a great table decoration.
Lilia had planned to cook for the party but Silver immediately suggested giving MC a musical instrument instead since both of them were in the light music club. After rummaging around his room, Lilia settled on giving her an ocarina, which reminded him of a certain game protagonist clad in green clothes.  
Silver enjoyed fencing and he had practiced with her several times to know she was capable of wielding a weapon, thus he presented her with a silver small sword. Besides, having the extra bit of protection in school wouldn’t hurt.
Sebek handed her a book shouting “NINGEN, YOU’RE OK I GUESS, SO TAKE THIS!” It was an extra copy of one of his favourite books about a powerful swordsman who bravely protected his master while travelling alongside him.
Grim’s present is a striped hair bow that matches his collar. “The great Grim-sama is capable of showing gratitude even if I’m a monster”, he proudly declares.
Also Ace decided to throw a pie at her face which escalated into the other first years joining in, followed by Floyd, Lilia and Kalim. 
Jade, Jamil and Silver attempted to stop them, Cater was filming the entire thing while Ruggie used the distraction to horde as much food as possible.
At the end of the day, the troublemakers were punished by having to clean up after the party.
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four-loose-screws · 3 years
FE8 Novelization Translation - Chapter 10, Section 2
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I call this a “section” because it is not a separate part of the chapter in the book, but divided from the rest of the chapter by a scene break.
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Chapter 10: The Secluded Sage (con’t)
Everyone pulled out torches from within the convoy.
Because they did not want to have too much luggage, they’d prepared as few supplies as possible. Their thought was that it would be best to stock up on what they lacked in towns along the way, but that plan had now backfired.
Still, a little was better than nothing. A few soldiers grabbed the torches they had, and were tasked with maintaining a consistent field of vision.
The dim light shone throughout the fort and revealed the disgusting sight of vines snaking up its crumbling walls.
‘If only we had just a few more torches….’ As if someone had read Eirika’s thoughts, a bright light suddenly shone from behind her.
She whirled around in surprise, and was blinded. When she raised a hand over her eyes, she was able to confirm that the light was shining from the tip of Natasha’s staff.
“I apologize for surprising you…”
“Natasha, what is that staff…?”
“I thought maybe it might be helpful… Um, is it perhaps bothering you?”
“No, on the contrary, it’s very useful!”
It was a much appreciated staff that made up completely for their lack of torches. Because Natasha couldn’t go out on the front, it was decided that she would light up the rear line, and the army ventured inside of the fort.
The inside looked exactly as they’d predicted. While it had been originally built to fight against monsters, ironically, now it was a monster den.
Ewan darted around while shouting, “Whoa… it wasn’t like this in here when I explored it at all! It was totally empty and abandoned… How could this have happened in so little time!?”
“Ewan!” Tethys had heard what he was saying and ran up to him. She looked terrified, and grabbed his arm. “What are you doing!? You know it's dangerous to be out this far on the front, right!? Stay with me on the rear line…"
"I’m going to fight! I want to show everyone the magic my teacher taught me!”
“You can’t! It’s still too dangerous!”
“No it’s not! Just watch me, Big Sister!”
“Can’t you hear what I’m telling you? When did you turn into such a bad child? If anything ever happened to you, I…”
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Tethys buried her face in her hands, and her shoulders started shaking. Any observer would know that she was faking it, but Ewan took her very seriously. 
He was horrified, and hugged her tightly. “I’m sorry, Big Sister! I understand. I’ll do as you say. I’ll stay on the rear line with you.”
Ewan guarded Tethys, who was still pretending to cry, as they retreated to the rear line.
Eirika was surprised at this unexpected side of Tethys. When she was with Gerik, she seemed so carefree. She didn’t seem like the type to be so concerned about family, but she completely spoiled her little brother.
Gerik saw her expression, and laughed. “You look surprised. Didn’t think she was so kind… did ya?”
“No, that’s not it…”
“You don’t have to be polite. I was taken aback the first time I saw her like this, too. It felt like the woman I’d seen dancing at the bar was a different person. It seems that they lost both of their parents very suddenly, and were living all on their own. Ewan’s all the family she has left.”
The young sister and brother, surviving by protecting one another, had no doubt struggled through a lot together. She must have worked so hard to develop her exceptional dancing skills so that she could raise him. And perhaps he’d decided to study magic at such a young age because he wanted, from the very bottom of his heart, to help out his sister however he could.
Eirika was silent, so Gerik worriedly whispered to her, “Hey, don’t look so sad! Tethys’ll rip me a new one if she figures out that I blabbed about her tragic past! She hates it most of all when people pity her.”
“I understand. I’ll pretend I didn’t hear anything.”
The battle had already begun on the front line. The nauseating and rotten smell of the monsters was all around them, and the monsters’ shrieking cries of death pierced their ears. Eirika and Gerik both withdrew their swords and started slicing up the monsters coming towards them.
The group nesting here at this fort was far stronger than that in the Za’ha Forest. 
This time, even Gargoyles, a pure black, winged creature, was among them. They wielded iron weapons likely stolen from people they’d previously fought with, and attacked at terrifying speeds. 
As Eirika had expected, both Lute and Artur played a huge role in this battle. They rushed around to back up all the soldiers who were having difficulty fighting. The effects of Artur’s light magic were particularly great. He defeated almost all of the monsters he fought with one spell.
“Lady Eirika, I have troubling news!” Franz, who'd been fighting on the front line, rushed up to her in a panic. 
'No… is someone injured?' Eirika wondered, but that was not it.
“There appear to be people inside of this building!”
"Yes. They are blocked off from us by monsters and we cannot get close, but we can hear their voices. They seem to be travelers who lost their way and were then attacked...”
"Understood. Let's make saving them our top priority."
When Eirika went in the direction Franz had told her, she also heard voices.
"Aaaaargh! There's no end to these monsters! What in the world happened to this fort!?"
“Please rest, Lady L’Arachel! I’ll take care of them from here!”
“No, Dozla. I will not be the only one to save myself from this danger! This is yet another trial sent to me by the gods!”
The voices were ones that Eirika did not expect, but remembered hearing before, causing her to stop in her tracks.
They belonged to a very odd lady and her retainer.
‘That’s right, she said she was going to take the land route to Rausten.’ She must have chosen to take the same route through the mountains as Eirika’s army.
L’Arachel sounded annoyed, but also like she still had strength to spare. Eirika and her army followed their voices as they cut down the monsters.
L’Arachel and Dozla were fighting in a small room, though it was more accurate to say that Dozla was the only one in direct combat with the monsters. L’Arachel rushed around behind him, waving her staff around. She seemed to be the same as Natasha, a healer who only knew how to wield staves.
They were one person short, so Eirika couldn’t help but wonder if Rennac had been killed. This made her even more worried, and she shouted out, “Miss L’Arachel! Are you alright!?”
“Oh my, that voice…? Aren’t you the person from the other day? So we meet again! We seem to be bound by fate!”
“Please retreat to a safe place! We’ll take it from here…!”
“Oh, you have no reason to be that worried! We are still on our journey to cast judgement upon all monsters! This lot is no trouble at all! Now see how magnificently we fight!”
“Miss L’Arachel, there are injured people on the rear line. If possible, I’d like you to please use your staff to heal them. They need you.”
Eirika’s plea immediately got through to L’Arachel. She cheered up and rushed straight to the back line, allowing Eirika to fight without worry.
L’Arachel’s companion Dozla was exactly as strong as one would imagine he was at the sight of his hulking body. He swung around a huge battle axe that any normal person would have trouble lifting with ease, and sliced through each and every monster with all his strength. He could even shrug off minor attacks with his muscles of steel, and took little damage from them. He was truly a warrior to be feared. 
The fog slowly thinned out as they fought, so the battle did not go on for long.
L’Arachel played a huge role in caring for the injured. She was a bit rough compared to Natasha, and even yelled at them a few times, but aside from that, her healing abilities were the real deal.
When the battle was over, Eirika sheathed her sword and called over to L’Arachel. “Thank you, Miss L’Arachel.”
“You can just call me L’Arachel… Um…” She tried to call Eirika by name, but cut her words short and tilted her head to the side. “Oh dear, now that I think about it, I haven’t asked you for your name yet. What is it?”
Eirika laughed. It already seemed like L’Arachel was an acquaintance, so it was strange that she didn’t even know her name yet. 
In a case like this, Eirika always used the alias “Eilis the Mercenary,” but she didn’t want to lie to these two, so she didn’t feel the need to do that. “My name is Eirika.”
Seth looked like he wanted to say something, but Eirika cut him off. “It’s okay, Seth. These two aren’t bad people. I don’t think we have to hide anything from them.”
L’Arachel stared straight at Eirika for a moment, then whispered, “I’ve been told that the princess of Renais’ name is Eirika! And that after the palace fell, she fled to Frelia, has been fighting ever since, and…”
“Yes. That is me.”
“Oh my, you’re the princess of Renais!? That is only logical. I knew all along that you were someone very refined. Didn’t you think so too, Dozla?”
“I did indeed think the exact same thing, Lady L’Arachel!”
“It is an honor to meet you! When I heard of another princess like I, traveling to each country while battling the evil rampaging the world, I wanted to meet her at least once!” L’Arachel took Eirika’s hands in her own, and squeezed them tightly.
“N-Not at all. I didn’t necessarily start traveling for that reason…”
“And we even got lost on the same rugged mountain, bringing us even closer together!"
It seemed that L'Arachel hadn't planned to climb the mountain, rather, she'd simply gotten lost. No ordinary person would climb such a steep mountain simply because they'd gone the wrong way.
"No, we didn't get lost. Actually…"
Eirika told her everything that had happened since they split up in Carcino, including Carcino’s betrayal, Pablo's surprise attack, the battle at the previous fort, and the village Ewan had told them about, Caer Pelyn. 
L'Arachel was deeply interested in the story from start to finish, and when Eirika was done talking, she said with conviction, "We were guided to meet here by fate! Please let us go with you, Eirika."
"Huh…?" Eirika had no idea what to say to the enthusiastic L'Arachel, and simply stared at her.
She'd seen L'Arachel and Dozla's abilities in action firsthand during the last battle, leading Eirika to very much want them to lend her their strength. However, they had no connection to neither Renais nor Frelia, and did not seem to be victims of Grado's violence, either. They were different from Eirika and her army, and had no reason to go on a dangerous journey.
L'Arachel noticed Eirika’s sigh, then pleaded passionately, "Please consider it! We're on completely different journeys, yet have met three times already! It is no coincidence! It is our fate to fight together!"
 “But as I just explained to you, Miss L’Arachel, we are being pursued by both the Grado Army, and now Pablo’s men. If you travel with us, I can’t even imagine just how much danger you’ll be put in…”
“Ha, do you think I fear danger? Since the day I decided to devote myself to the extermination of all monsters, I have been ready for anything! No matter how dangerous it is, everything is a trial sent to me by the gods. Helping you is a duty they have bestowed upon me!”
“I… I see…” 
As someone who was not a very devout religious believer, she couldn’t understand what L’Arachel’s excitement was about at all, but it moved Dozla to tears, which he wiped away with his giant fists.
And that is how it was decided that L’Arachel and Dozla would travel with Eirika’s army.
Eirika then asked about something that had concerned her since she first saw them in the fort.
“There was someone else traveling with you, correct? I believe you called him Rennac…”
“Yes. We lost him.” L’Arachel shook her head in disappointment. “He has no sense of direction, so he must have gone down the wrong path. It’s such a shame…”
She was completely blind to the fact that she herself had gotten lost. But knowing that he hadn’t been killed by a monster gave Eirika a sense of relief. “I hope you’ll be able to meet back up with him soon.”
“I really hope so too! It’s very inconvenient not to have him with us. He may be lazy, but because he’s greedy, if there’s a reward in it for him, then he’s excited to do anything. He’s as adept with his hands and as cunning as a thief, so he’s been very helpful to me…”
L’Arachel clearly had no qualms about speaking her mind. Although Eirika felt bad for Rennac, she didn’t feel that L’Arachel meant any harm, so it made her smile. “How do you three all know each other? Dozla seems to be devoted to serving you, but…”
“Yes, you are right. I am actually…”
“Lady L’Arachel!” Dozla placed one of his short fingers on his lips, signaling to her not to tell.
“But I’ve already become allies with Eirika! She is a kindred spirit, fighting to rid the world of evil, and bring peace! I’m sure everything will be fine if I tell her…”
“Do you forget what the bard Saga said? According to him…” Dozla whispered something in her ear.
L’Arachel nodded deeply in agreement. “You’re right. The truth is a secret that I cannot speak of casually, even to my allies… And that is much sweeter in times such as these! Thank you for reminding me, Dozla!”
“‘Tis nothing, Milady!”
“And that’s the situation, Eirika. I am an envoy of justice sent by the gods to exterminate evil, Dozla is my faithful servant, and.... Rennac is a lazy, greedy employee of mine… please accept that for now.”
“I will… I suppose…” She was probably in a position where she did not want to tell anyone. Eirika decided not to question L’Arachel any further.
Eirika’s army quickly left the fort, and headed for the sage Saleh’s house.
The remaining path was as steep as it had been the entire way up, but the fog had cleared. They no longer had to worry about not knowing what might be under their feet, so they were able to climb faster than before.
They arrived at Ewan's teacher's house before sunset. It was a simple house hidden among the trees on the mountainside.
Ewan ran in excitedly and slammed the door open without knocking. “Good afternoon, Teacher!” He seemed to always be this energetic, no matter the situation. However, no one answered.
Eirika peeked in from behind him. The only furniture inside was a small desk and a bed. His teacher seemed to live a simple life.
And, as far as she could tell, he had left without locking the door. It was unlikely that any thieves were ever in the area, and even if a bandit did get in, there wasn't a single thing they could take, so there was really no need to do so.
Ewan turned around with a disappointed look on his face. "I think he's out."
"Perhaps he's close by? We can wait here, in case he might come back soon…"
"Hmmmmm… I dunno. He travels a lot."
"He travels a lot!?" Colm exclaimed so loudly that his voice echoed through the house. He continued on, shouting at Ewan, who drooped his head, “We worked our butts off climbing all the way up here, and he’s out on a trip!? Give me a break! You can lead us the rest of the way on your own, right!?”
“I do know the road, but… I won’t be able to convince the people of the village on my own…”
“So we won’t be able to get through to them? Then what are we gonna do? Come back the way we came?”
“I’m sorry…”
“You sure talked big, but you just made a fool of us all! Seriously, after all this, he’s not here…!?”
“Colm!” Neimi nudged him.
While it got him to stop yelling, he still looked very displeased.
Ewan was so sad and dejected that it was nearly impossible not to feel pity for him.
Tethys said kindly to Colm, “I’m so sorry. He was just trying his hardest to help everyone… He’s always been treated like a child, so he wanted to do something all by himself, but instead, he made things more difficult for everyone. I don’t know what to say…”
“No… it’s okay. I didn’t really mean to attack him… Not even a little! I swear! I-I mean, it’s nice to go mountain climbing every once in a while, right?” When the bewitching Tethys apologized to him, Colm completely lost the last of his composure, even forcing a smile that was entirely unlike him.
Neimi still looked sad, so she didn’t seem to notice at all.
Eirika comforted the disheartened Ewan. “It’s too bad, but there’s nothing we can do about it. It wasn’t your fault, so please don’t look so sad. For now, let’s talk to everyone about what we’re going to do next…”
He looked up at her, tears in his eyes. But when his eyes darted past her, he gasped. “Teacher! Yay, you came back!”
“I told you not to come here, remember? I’m usually out.” A man appeared and scolded him in a harsh tone.
Eirika turned around and was so surprised that she couldn’t respond immediately, because she had seen Ewan’s teacher before.
The man did not notice her, instead trying to go around Ewan and enter his house. “I will leave again soon. If you want to master magic, then please find another teacher.”
When Eirika started to talk to him, he turned around with a stern look still on his face. He seemed to remember her as well, as he looked like he was trying to remember something.
“We met before. In the border town Serafew… You were looking for a lost child, if I remember correctly.”
He seemed to remember now, as he was nodding his head. She wanted to ask him if he’d found the child, but he didn’t seem to be in the mood for casual conversation. 
He was probably still very young, but had a calm composure that did not fit someone of that age. To Eirika’s eyes, used to seeing unusual mages like Lute, he seemed to have a much more mysterious aura, one that most anyone would expect from a mage.
‘So this is the sage Saleh.’ For Innes to have known his name, he must possess such great power that even Frelia’s spies could not ignore gathering intel on him.
But Ewan clung to his teacher. He completely disobeyed what Saleh had told him to do, and said in his same tone as always, “So, uh, um, Teacher! All of these people want to cross the mountain to reach the country on the other side. So I decided to take them to Caer Pelyn! I can get there okay on my own, but I think it would be even better if you were with us!”
Judging by how disappointed Ewan had been before, it hadn’t seemed that he was confident he would be able to guide them the rest of the way. But now, he sounded completely confident in himself. 
Eirika thought that Saleh’s response would confirm he was a grouchy person, but contrary to her expectations, he nodded immediately. “That should be fine. I was about to return there myself. You can all come with me.”
“Really? It’s okay!?” Ewan asked without thinking.
Saleh replied bluntly, “We do not aim to keep outsiders from getting in. People simply do not try to interact with us. However, the sun is already setting. Let’s rest here for the night, then depart once it is light out.”
“He’s right.” Innes nodded. “Everyone is tired. And if a large horde of monsters like the one we just fought appeared, then there would be nothing we could do. It would be best for us to rest and focus on keeping our morale up.”
Everyone followed his suggestion, and it was decided that the soldiers would camp around Saleh’s house for the night.
While the soldiers were setting up their tents, Ewan said, "Should I go ahead and explain everything to the elder? If we suddenly show up with a group this big, we'll probably surprise everyone in the village."
"But it's already getting dark, Ewan…” Eirika tried to stop him, however, the speedy boy had already run off. He turned around once, said, "I'll be fine!" with a wave, and soon disappeared between the trees.
"Grrr, he's so naughty.. !" Tethys was worried, and tried to run after him.
But Saleh said, "Ewan knows these roads very well. You should let him go."
Tethys still looked concerned, so Innes said, "It’s not that I don't understand how much he wants to help. He cannot fight so well on the battlefield yet, so he wants to make up for it in other ways."
Ewan had teased him the entire way up the mountain, putting him in a bad mood the whole time. For him to say that he understood how Ewan felt was unexpected.
But Eirika put herself in Prince Innes shoes and imagined how he felt. He was proud enough for two people, and hated losing. He probably hated the memories of whenever someone took him lightly as a child.
The soldiers had removed their armor, and quickly set up camp. Now, those on cooking duty were making a hot meal, and those who were hungry hovered around the pot. Their grueling climb up the mountain became a funny story, and the entire area was filled with cheerful laughter.
When it came time to sit in a circle around the campfire, as they always did after dinner, everyone was far too tired. They all decided to quickly retire for the night.
Eirika’s army set out early the next morning. At almost the exact moment that the sun began to rise, Saleh came out of his house, ready to start moving.
When he saw Eirika's army was still fast asleep, he frowned. The soldiers on guard duty all shook everyone awake in a panic. The commotion also caused Eirika, sleeping in the same tent as Tana, to awaken.
"Wow, mages sure get up really early. Oh, but Lute usually sleeps in. I guess that means there's mages of all types?" Tana grumbled, still sleepy. 
Because Saleh was the one who would guide them to their next destination, they had no choice but to go with him. Everyone was still rubbing sleep out of their eyes when they started following Saleh further up the mountain.
Before they had even made any progress, Colm suddenly yelled, "Hey, something's coming this way! But it's not a pegasus. Its wings sound much stronger than that."
Eirika looked up. She saw three shadows in the sky. "Are they…?"
The shadows gradually became larger and larger, until everyone could tell what they were.
Seth whispered, "Dragons! I can't believe it… They’re imperial dragon knights…”
The knights atop the dragons were undoubtedly dressed in the empire’s colors. They were both more powerful than pegasus knights, and harder to damage. It was likely that they had been flying around the area to search for Eirika’s army. 
They’d decided to climb the mountain to avoid any enemies, but had been found even in a place like this.
The group only seemed to consist of the three knights. No matter how strong they were, it was far too reckless for just three knights alone to take on Eirika’s entire army. It was too difficult for her to judge what their true intentions were, so all she could do was stare at them as they approached her.
The dragons quickly descended. Seth stood in front of Eirika to guard her.
The knight leading the other two jumped down from his mount, then glared at Seth with a stern look on his face.
He was a young man with bright blond hair and a strong, masculine face. 
The moment she could make out his face clearly, Eirika gasped. “General Glen? It is you, isn’t it!? Everyone, I’ve met him in the Grado capital before…!”
The young man nodded lightly, the stern expression still on his face.
She had met him before, however, it was only once during a trip to Grado’s capital city. He sometimes passed by when Eirika and Ephraim were chatting with Prince Lyon, but one day, Lyon called him over, and introduced him to the twins. 
Glen had a very serious personality, and it showed in his greeting to them. Ephraim tried to joke with him, but Glen, standing at attention, did not even smile. That amused Ephraim all the more, etching the event into Eirika's memory.
He wasn’t very sociable, but politely answered a few questions she had about dragons. His manner of speaking was very boorish, but within his voice seemed to be hiding a very kind personality, so Eirika liked him.
When Glen left, Lyon whispered a secret to Eirika and Ephraim. “He’s really strong, and works very hard. If I was as tough as him, I’m sure I would enjoy combat training too, but...”
When Eirika remembered how Lyon felt about his frail body, she still didn’t know what to say.
Ephraim’s teacher General Duessel had also considered Glen like a son, and praised him as one of the youths who were Grado’s future. At that time, Ephraim was bitter that General Duessel would tell him his spearmanship couldn’t yet compete with Glen’s, and declared Glen his rival. When Ephraim told them he would kill Glen one day in a fit of rage, both Lyon and Eirika found it amusing, and looked at each other and laughed.
When Ephraim said “kill,” he of course actually meant that he would defeat Glen in a duel with set rules. None of them thought that a day would ever come where they must go to war and divide people into allies and enemies.
The feelings of nostalgia were still warm in Eirika’s heart as she looked up at Glen. “I never thought I would meet you here like this...”
“I didn’t want our second meeting to be like this, either. However, His Majesty has ordered it. Eirika, for the crime of massacring Carcino citizens, I must punish you.”
“What…!?” The next words to come out of Glen’s mouth were the last she ever would have expected from him. “I massacred…? What do you mean, I…”
“If you can explain yourself, then I will listen. However, your actions were unjustifiably cruel. You suddenly attacked the port town of Kiris, and slaughtered a great number of the citizens who were desperately trying to escape. You and your army were supposed to be Frelia’s allies! How could you unleash such cruelty upon the people of Carcino, who trusted you!?”
Eirika stared at him, mouth wide open. She didn’t know how to respond to a story that was so completely different from the truth. And he was not making false accusations against her. He really seemed to believe that Eirika’s army had committed a massacre. His chiseled face was twisted in a look of anger and hatred.
The one who answered for the bewildered Eirika was Innes. He chuckled and said, “Don’t be stupid. I thought you were General Glen, one of Grado’s famed Three Imperial Generals. You cannot be this foolish.”
“...What?” Glen furrowed his eyebrows. 
Innes’ tone became even more and more scathing as he continued, “We were the ones betrayed by Carcino. They hired mercenaries to attack us, so we had no choice but to fight back. None of the ordinary citizens should have been harmed. Try investigating on your own before you open your mouth next time! How dare you say something so foolish as Eirika committing a massacre! This was all orchestrated by the Grado Empire, was it not?”
“What did you just say!?”
“Amazing! So you did really believe those idiotic lies! I'm amazed you managed to become one of the Three Imperial Generals…"
“Stop it, Innes!” Eirika finally regained her ability to speak, and scolded him for provoking Glen. She then looked back at Glen, who seemed to be understandably offended. “Sir Glen, what Prince Innes just said is correct. We did not harm the villagers. But if you believe the emperor’s words over ours, then there is nothing we can do. I don’t want to fight because of a misunderstanding like this, however…”
Confusion appeared in Glen’s eyes. His intent to fight vanished entirely, and he became lost in thought.
Eirika waited. Glen was a smart person. She believed that he would surely reconsider everything.
Finally, he opened his mouth. His voice was much softer now. “I understand. You’re right. I don’t know anything about the damage in Carcino. I will come again after I have confirmed what happened. If what you are saying is correct… then what His Majesty told me is a lie. I must ask him what his true motives are.”
“So you believe us?” Eirika breathed a sigh of relief.
Glen looked at her again. He still had a harsh look on his face, but the anger he’d originally showed was gone. “No, this doesn’t mean I believe you. I will simply withhold judgement until I can confirm the truth. If I find out that what you told me is the lie, then prepare yourselves.”
“We will.”
“Sorry for bothering you.” Glen climbed back atop his dragon. 
The other two dragons following behind him also softly spread their wings and flew upwards. Their powerful wings sliced through the sky, and in the blink of an eye, they became tiny specks.
“I can’t believe the emperor would tell such a lie…”
Eirika heard a voice say from beside her. She looked to see who it was, and saw Amelia staring up at the dragons. On her innocent face was an expression full of regret. “Maybe… Pablo was the one who spread the lie, and tricked His Majesty… Yeah! I’m sure that’s what happened!” Amelia said to convince herself, then nodded.
Seeing Amelia like this hurt Eirika’s heart. She may be a member of their army, but she was originally from Grado. Her respect for the emperor was likely to still be very strong. Eirika understood her desire to think there was some sort of misunderstanding.
But Eirika was sure that this wasn’t some plot of Pablo’s, but a path the emperor had chosen for himself. He was the one who’d ordered the sudden invasion of Renais. No matter how horrible his methods became, nothing would surprise Eirika any more.
“Amelia, this actually gives me a sense of relief.” Eirika said.
Amelia looked at her with her mouth wide open. “What… do you mean?”
“General Glen said that he was going to go confirm the truth. So long as there are people like him, then there’s still a possibility that we can talk this through. There’s also the rumor going around that General Duessel is against this war, correct? They’re both central figures to the empire, so everything can still be okay.”
Because the emperor had planned his strategy poorly, he may have actually dug his own grave. Anyone who investigated into the truth could quickly figure out that Eirika and her army had not committed a massacre. Glen was unlikely to trust an emperor that lied to him. If they were able to convince someone like him, who had such a huge influence over the military, there was even a chance that it would mean the beginning of the end of the war.
Amelia’s expression also brightened.
And so, Eirika’s army continued to follow Saleh, beginning to walk even higher up the mountain.
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