mystreet-liveblog · 2 months
I'd love to hear about your ship.
And yeah, if Ein somehow did get redeemed it would have to be a LONG arc. Not like Zane opening up to a single person and then slowly acting more like himself around more people. That worked for him and I think also Gene somewhat in love-love paradise?
Gene is a fun guy in the mystreet part of his life.
Still workin on Gene, haven’t finished S2 yet
I did however have a dream last night that I saw all of S3 in a day and then went right on to S4, which took place in a winter wonderland full of secret trap doors and rooms with hidden cameras and it was run by evil clones of Aph and Aaron and the Aph clone was part demon and the Aaron clone was obviously a werewolf and it was wild
Anyway now that I’m awake lemmie tell you about Garein:
There’s a blooper episode where Ein and Garroth take off their shirts and start making out. I’m not even going to pretend there’s context, it doesn’t even take place on the show’s timeline:
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But it started a whole ship, even making its way onto one of Aphmau’s channel banners
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Which apparently she still uses according to this tumblr post
Anyway my kid brain saw that and went SHIP SHIP SHIP and it never stopped into adulthood
So now I will be watching every Garroth and Ein scene with shipping goggles on. Even the bad ones. Even the evil ones. I’m not sorry
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crayonverse · 2 months
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shoots them with my yaoi beam THEY NEED TO MAKE OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!
ein the type of guy to have blush on the tip of his werewolf ears . ein the type of guy to deny having a crush on a dude but his tail hasnt stopped wagging for 30 minutes. ein the type of guy to get drunk and try and kiss the guy he denied having a crush on
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fabio-the-camel-god · 6 years
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drbibliophile · 3 years
Sunday Romance 05-30-21
Prompt:  Invisible strings 
Word count:  1364 
Tagging:  @sunday-romance @sophiaroe @viawrites-andacts 
Not a lot of romance in this one, but if I ever flesh it out, perhaps there could be.  I was caught by the idea of strings and knitting and yarn and this happened.  There is some yearning, though.  
The knitting was going well.  She had the pattern established enough that she didn’t need to look at it.  The cables told her what to do.  Since it was in the round she didn’t even need to bother with the back side.  She could settle back in her rocking chair, enjoy her tea, and listen to her fire crack and pop contentedly.  It was rather lovely.  She could relax and just enjoy herself.  
That was until she noticed the pattern going awry.  She frowned, staring at the cables that should have laid perfectly flat, but didn’t.  It was like an invisible string pulled the knitting too tight or too loose.  She studied the sweater again, realizing with growing irritation that there were more problems in the pattern, more places where invisible strings had made the knitting wrong.  Blessed Eldona, she was going to have to undo at least the past hour’s work if not more.  
She growled, thumping the knitting onto her lap.  She glared into the fire.  This was his sweater and she had been thinking of how the bright yellow would contrast well against his brown skin.  If the pattern was off it meant that something was off with him.  From how the pattern was off, it meant he was in bad trouble.  Good trouble?  She’d just have undone the knitting and left him to his own devices.  However this was bad trouble and bad trouble meant she had to help.  
“Blasted balrogs,” she muttered as she stood.  “There goes the thrice damned day.”  She shot the sweater another glare.  “You owe me,”  she snapped.  “You owe me good.”  
Tucker held his sword out in front of him.  Not that it was going to do much good.  After all, there were eight of them and one of him.  Once again he questioned the choices that had brought him to this moment.  With equal frustration and resignation, he recognized that he would have made the same choices if he could wind back time.  It had seemed like such a good idea at the time.  His ideas usually did start out well until they stopped being good.  Like now.  Blessed Eldona, how was he going to get out of this one?    
The leader… what was his name… Garein?  Gar?... yes, Gar… glanced at the people with him.  A sneer crossed his face, making his half-orc features that much more terrible.  Tucker sighed.  He probably shouldn’t have thrown that parting shot about Gar’s parentage when he’d taken the box.  That was unnecessary provocation.  
Of course, he hadn’t expected to get cornered in this alleyway.  No.  He had fully expected to make his escape over the rooftops, but he had stepped on the loose tile.  He managed to not fall to his death or a broken leg, but it had meant crashing into the kitchens.  The servants there were not pleased to see him.  He had tried for the stables, but those were not the means of escape he’d hoped for.  He had managed to scramble over the wall, but it had delayed him.  His pursuers had found him and here he was.  Back against a wall and looking at a world of hurt.  
Gar took a step towards him.  The zing of an arrow followed by the thwack embedding itself in the space between the cobblestones at his feet stopped him.  The half-orc frowned.  In quick succession seven other arrows landed with precision at the feet of the others.  Tucker studied the arrows.  Black shaft with black and red fletching.  The Wraithling’s arrows.  Her arrows.  Elation lifted him at the same moment dread filled him.  She was not going to be happy with him.  
Gar snarled and took another step towards him.  The arrow grazed his face to embed in the doorway behind him.  He stopped.  She silently dropped down next to him, a swirl of black.  She had her bow held before her, an arrow already in place.  
“Back off.”  Her voice was low, dangerous.  “Do not test me.”  Gar growled something long in Orcish.  She snorted.  “True but such is his nature.”  
“Hey,” he protested.  
She snapped a sharp look at him, fire in her fathomless black eyes.  He swallowed hard.  She turned back to the people before them.  “However, he is not for you,” she repeated.  
“He stole from me!”  Gar roared.  
She leveled a hard look at Tucker.  “Return it.”  
He frowned.  “But…” he started.  
“Return it.”  The hard edge in her voice brooked no argument.  
He wanted to argue.  He did.  He’d gone through a lot of work and trouble to get the box.  However, he knew that look, that tone in her voice.  If he wanted to walk away from this encounter alive, he would do as she demanded.  
“Fine,” he snapped.  He removed the small ebony box from its place under his tunic.  He tossed it to Gar who caught it easily.  “No hard feelings?”  
Gar’s response was a string of what he could only imagine were orc curses.  “You have your property,” she said.  “Now go.”  
Gar glared at him one more time, but departed.  His people followed him.  She kept her bow up until they could no longer hear their footsteps.  She eased her stance and went to collect her arrows.  He started to speak, but she silenced him with a glare.  He contented himself with helping her collect her arrows.  
She pulled the last arrow out of the doorway and replaced them all into her quiver.  “We better go before they come back.”  
“They’re coming back?”  
She rolled her eyes.  “Yes.  Come on.”  
She led him out of the alleyway.  “Thanks for saving me,”  he said.  
“Again.”  She moved briskly, sticking to the shadows that suited them both.   
“Again,” he conceded.  “How did you know I would need rescuing?”  
She snorted.  “The yarn told me.”  
He frowned.  “The yarn?”  
She made an exasperated noise low in her throat.  “I was knitting your sweater and the pattern went awry.”  
“Oh.”  She stopped, pressing them both against a wall.  Angry voices passed ahead of them.  “But…”  
She faced him.  She lifted his left arm and pulled down his sleeve to expose his wrist.  Her fingers touched his skin.  Shimmering silvery thread woven into a simple bracelet appeared.  She looked up at him.    
“We are bound, Tucker.  I will always know when you're in trouble.”  
He nodded, having stopped breathing when her bare fingertips had touched his skin.  She had that effect on him.  She released him and his breath returned.  With it came a rather disconcerting thought.  
“Always?”  She nodded as she started down the street.  “But you didn’t rescue me in Cardenia.”  
She threw a smirk over her shoulder.  “No, I did not.”  
“Why? She turned to him.  “Because sometimes you deserve the consequences of your trouble.”  Her smirk faded.  “But I will keep you from death if I can.”  
“Small comfort,” he muttered as he kept pace with her.  
Her smirk returned.  “But comfort enough.”  
He wanted to argue the point.  Yet he couldn’t.  Knowing that she’d keep him from death was a good comfort.  Not that he would admit it nor that he’d long ago lost his heart to her.  That definitely would not do.  One did not fall for the Wraithling.  At least she didn’t chide him for his choices.  She just would appear, rescuing him when he truly needed it.  He studied her, memorizing again the lines and curves of her face.  He’d heard of others being bound like she was and resenting the bondage.  Yet she had accepted it with good enough grace.  She even had been knitting him a sweater. 
That thought brought puzzlement to his face.  “You were knitting me a sweater?”  he asked.  
She shrugged.  “It is one way to keep track of you.”  
“Oh.”  He hoped his disappointment didn’t reach his voice.  “If you say.”   
“I do.”  She paused, black eyes sliding back to him.  He couldn’t read her expression before it cleared to something more amused.  “Come.  I hear the Blue Carmelian has Zanteri fantasy cake and you owe me for rescuing you.  Again.”  
He nodded.  “Yes, yes, I do.”  He waved his hand.  “Lead on.” 
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ichbinnurneugierig · 5 years
garein, garaus
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esh-q · 7 years
Bara ehsaan hm farma rahay hain
K unke khat unhein lotaa rahay hain
Nahi tark e muhabbat pr wo razi
Qiyamat hai k hm samjha rahay hain
Yaqeen ka rasta teh krnay walay
Bari tezi se waapis aa rahay hain
Yr mat bholo k ye lamhaat humko
bicharnay k liey milwa rahay hain
Ta'Ajub hai k ishq o aashqi se
Abhi kuch log dhoka kha rahay hain
Tmhein chahein gy jab chin jao gy
Abhi hum tumko arzaan paa rahay hain
Kisi soorat unhein nafrat ho humse
Hum apnay aib khud ginwa rahAy hain
Wo pagal mast hai apni wafa mein
Mere aankhon mein aanso aa rahay hain
Daleelon se usay qaail kia tha
Dalelein de k ab pichta rahay hain
Tere baanhon se hijrat karnay waalay
Naey mahol mein ghabra rahay hain
Ye jazba e ishq hai ya jazba e reham
Tere aanso mujhe rulwa rahay hain
Ajab kuch rabt hai tum se humko
Hum apna jaan kr thukra rahay hain
Wafa ki yaad garein tk na hn gy
Mere jaan bs koi din jaa rahay hain
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mystreet-liveblog · 2 months
I am not sure on all the details since it has been years and I haven't seen specifically Aphmua talking about it herself
But they had this plan, I think, to redo Eins story so he was better written since his motivation was strange. But one of those things was saying he was half siblings with someone. I don't know how much to tell you since I don't know if it's spoilers anymore when they backtracked from that idea. But yeah it fell through because of the past actions that happened with the characters interactions.
It's weird trying to talk about when I am not that well informed....
I’m not informed at all so I don’t really know what I can contribute
Sounds interesting though, so if you find out more about that scrapped idea feel free to share if you want!
I remember as a kid I really liked Ein as a twist villain who did bad things for his own selfish desires, like if Hans from Frozen was written like Big Jack Horner from Puss In Boots 2
I don’t want him to have a redemption arc, though. I hope he either stays evil or falls in love with Garroth. Or both
Don’t give him a Zane arc where he becomes a better person through the power of friendship and ponies, no just keep him evil but he’s also dating Garroth for some reason
Cause while I ship Garein semi-sarcastically I also ship Garein semi-seriously, and I have exactly two pieces of canonical evidence backing it up, but honestly I think Garroth could fix him just saying-
Not redeem him, just fix him—
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mystreet-liveblog · 2 months
Confession time I don’t actually ship Garrance
I’m very neutral about it, really
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mystreet-liveblog · 3 months
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