#my precious baby kitty. rest in peace 💕
mystreet-liveblog · 2 months
I'd love to hear about your ship.
And yeah, if Ein somehow did get redeemed it would have to be a LONG arc. Not like Zane opening up to a single person and then slowly acting more like himself around more people. That worked for him and I think also Gene somewhat in love-love paradise?
Gene is a fun guy in the mystreet part of his life.
Still workin on Gene, haven’t finished S2 yet
I did however have a dream last night that I saw all of S3 in a day and then went right on to S4, which took place in a winter wonderland full of secret trap doors and rooms with hidden cameras and it was run by evil clones of Aph and Aaron and the Aph clone was part demon and the Aaron clone was obviously a werewolf and it was wild
Anyway now that I’m awake lemmie tell you about Garein:
There’s a blooper episode where Ein and Garroth take off their shirts and start making out. I’m not even going to pretend there’s context, it doesn’t even take place on the show’s timeline:
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But it started a whole ship, even making its way onto one of Aphmau’s channel banners
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Which apparently she still uses according to this tumblr post
Anyway my kid brain saw that and went SHIP SHIP SHIP and it never stopped into adulthood
So now I will be watching every Garroth and Ein scene with shipping goggles on. Even the bad ones. Even the evil ones. I’m not sorry
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