#gardenia answers
gardenofvoid · 2 months
explodes in ur inbox
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tabaquis-barking · 4 months
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Whew, I've gotten a lot of suggestions for orange Pokemon characters! With a franchise as massive as Pokemon you'd think it'd be easier to find at least one decisively orange character, huh?
Once again I think I'll leave it to the people! Here is every character that was suggested to me, and the three most voted will be queued!
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swampstew · 8 months
A flower for my flower (my rose with vicious thorns 🥰 🥀)
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🥰 if you were a flower, I'd say you're a gardenia! Beautiful, magnificent, smell like pure love, blooming with unrestricted confidence, and my all time favorite flower!
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stareulogy · 1 month
“Helloooo, Sunny!! It’s been a while since I talked to you. Or.. anyone, really.. ☆”
“Are you having a good day? Even if you aren’t, I wanted to give you something-“
“It’s one of Basil’s!! Sometimes, if you’re having a bad day… it’s nice to think about the good times you’ve had!!”
“Well, that’s all for now!! Take care— ♪”
( @opal-gardenias-secretaskblogwoah )
day could be better. but it’s eventful, better than my daily solitude.
... thank you for the gift, though. i hope you’re having a good day too, opal. hopefully we get to know each other in the upcoming future.
[ the photograph has been deposited into blackspace. sunny observes it. ]
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zora-ark-067 · 2 months
Also juust an aside… we can
Magic anon!
Shiny. As in you have glitter all over you now.
Damn you!!!!!!!
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autumnalarchives · 4 months
ooooh 7 for as many people as you feel like
"7.) What is your oc's most defining physical trait?"
Gonna try to answer for some ocs that I don't talk about a lot:
Rosa Escobar Moniz Silva (Through Thick and Thin): Her smile! She has a big, bright smile that people almost immediately notice when they see her because she's a gal who loves to smile.
Benjamin (Benjie) Cooper (Through Thick and Thin): His piercings! He has a lot, which is especially notable because he's a satyr and satyrs tend to steer away from body modifications like that.
Niron Gardenia (Starclove): Most people immediately note their generally blank face, but if they don't notice that, they notice the odd claw scar across their muzzle.
Nyx Wisteria (Starclove): Likely their teeth! Two of their canines are longer than average, which makes them visible even when their mouth is closed.
Kimon Kaake (Hometown Blues): Xeir freckles! Kimon has a lot of freckles, especially on xeir face.
Maitho Asker (Uprooted Morals): Her bright green eyes in contrast to her jet black hair.
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belueberries · 5 months
@intriguant sent:
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about? ( for kahili and arlo! )
🎨 - What’s their favorite color? ( for gardenia and brier! )
miscellaneous ask meme
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🤡 Why is she so pale? Why can't she tan? She doesn't even freckle! It's like the sun reflects off her skin and that's it. Self tanners look orange and fake and she's made that mistake. She's doomed to look like this.
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🤡 This poor man. Existence is awkwardness. The biggest (or smallest) one are his feet. Whyyyyy are they so small? Tiny, dainty footed man! They're normal. They're average. He's just weird.
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🎨 Miss Vivid Plant Master herself! She likes green, go figure. Bright, healthy, grass green.
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🎨 Sweet Brier likes blue. Vibrant, brilliant, sky blue. Smoky emerald green is a close second.
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redhairedgirl95 · 2 years
Could you write a prompt about Stella and Brandon talking after the mess with Mitzi? Maybe giving us your own take about what happened there
Three words
Set after season 4 episode 13
“I miss you.”
Three words. The only ones they had directed at each other since they had sat down at the restaurant. Well, he at Stella, at least. Yes, they’d given the waiter their respective orders, but that didn’t count, especially because the little they’d eaten they had done so while avoiding the other’s gaze. Stella was doing most of the avoiding, while Brandon actively tried to meet her eyes.
“Should we have dessert? I’m not that hungry.” She replied instead, taking back the menu and practically hiding behind it.
Brandon sighed. He had thought that after their latest fight with the wizards things would be easier between them. He was wrong.
“Whatever you want, Stel. I know they make that ice cream you like …”
“I guess I’ll have a coffee to go. Tomorrow I’ve gotta get up early for work.” She closed the menu and opened her bag to look for her purse.
That bad, eh? Stella hated getting up early, especially for work.
“Okay.” He called the waiter and ordered two coffees to go, together with the bill. “I’ve got it, don’t worry.” Brandon left some money on the table and got up, taking his jacket.
“Thanks.” She got up too and closed her purse back again.
The waiter reached them and handed them their cups, then said goodbye with a smile. He looked pretty cute, not that Stella cared. Lately she never even saw guys. That little game she and Brandon played with them counting how many people flirted with them? Forgotten. Stupid game. Maybe it was because of it that Brandon had felt entitled to kiss Mitzi. Still, he kept repeating he hadn’t. Yeah, liar.
“Are you cold?”
“Is the coffee good?”
“Yes.” She hadn’t touched it yet.
“Did you finish painting the apartment?”
He asked her simple questions, hoping that she’d offer something more than her yeses and noes, but she wouldn’t, so he stopped walking, and she noticed only after four or five steps. Then she stopped too. Good. That was good, right?
“Are we done?”
Three words, once again voiced by Brandon, who had thrown his coffee in the nearest bin and was clutching his jacket in both hands.
Stella turned around and looked at him.
“You’re gonna ruin that.”
“I don’t care.” He replied, taking a couple of steps to get closer to her.
“I should go.” She said, still avoiding his gaze.
“Please, Stella.” He offered her his hand, which she didn’t take. “Why did you come if you can’t even look at me?”
“I don’t know.” Only then she looked at him, really looked at him. It was a mistake, now he could see her watery eyes.
Brandon’s eyes grew bigger and, with another step, he had her in his arms, as she started sobbing in his chest. Stella's cup fell on the ground, Brandon's jacket too, but neither stopped to retrieve them.
“Please, don’t cry.” He whispered in her hair, holding her close. He had missed her body, her scent, the feeling of her in his arms, but not her tears. He hated seeing her cry.
“Do you hate me?”
“Hate you?” He looked down at her. “Do you hate me?”
It took her a couple of seconds to answer. “I thought I did.” She replied, sincere. “But I don’t. I … I came here cause I wanted to hear your version. I … I only know Mitzi’s.”
“Mitzi talked to you?”
Stella nodded, wiping away the tears with a napkin she had conjured from the nothing. “She came by the shop the other day with her friends. She was saying how good of a kisser you are …” She wasn’t talking directly to Stella, but she was sure she’d done it on purpose, she knew she was listening.
“I never kissed her. I swear it.” He gently took her face in his hands. “She kissed me. She put her number in my phone. She made sure to always be wherever I was. I never asked her to. I never wanted her to. I promise, Stella. I don’t care for her.”
“But … that kiss … it seemed that …”
“I was too stunned to react immediately. But I didn’t kiss her back. I promise. I swear. You’re the only one, Stella. You’ve always been.”
Stella looked at him, at his beautiful big brown eyes she had never seen that sorry, that sad and scared. And it was all her fault. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him like her life depended on it. Maybe it did. She kissed him and kissed him, until she needed to come up for air.
Brandon was breathless too, his cheeks red, his eyes hopeful.
“I am sorry.” She said. “It’s like you said. I … I jump to conclusions. I saw her in your arms, and I lost it. I thought you didn’t like me anymore.”
“That’s right. I don’t like you.” He interrupted her, and Stella’s eyes filled with fear and sorrow.
“But …” She asked, with trembling lips.
Brandon took her hands in his. “I don’t like you, Stella. I love you.”
All it took for Stella’s demeanor to change from fearful to hopeful to utterly joyful were those three words. She kissed him again, smiling. “I hate you!” She exclaimed, while the contrary was written all over her face.
“Do you really?” Brandon beamed, holding her close.
“No, not really.” Stella stroked his cheeks with her hands. “I love you.”
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thearchvillain · 1 year
Gardenias is so so so good??? Got me hooked when i should have been sleeping and i crave more!! Great work there!!!
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you are the sweetest, thank you! 💖 and i do apologise for making you go through 5k+ words when you should've been sleeping!! i hope the next part is posted at some more appropriate time both for you and your REM-sleep hahaha again thank you so much for this, it makes my little writer's heart so warm 🥺🥺
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eorzeanflowers · 2 years
Eorzea has been through its fair share of 'cataclysmic' events - from the Seventh Umbral Calamity to the Final Days. How did your character cope with these apocalypses? Might their circumstances have been different if they were close to or further away from the trauma?
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The Lily was as far away from either calamity as she could be. During the Seventh Umbral she was still in Hingashi, and during the Final Days she was in Eorzea still, where it had not spread as radically. She was only marginally close to either, so it only became a talking point with other individuals. If she had encountered them, it probably would have went as well as her losing her princess. And would have ended with her running as far away as she could, again. She does enjoy occasionally exploring the ruins of Dalamud however. So if that never happened she would just be out of experiencing Allagan ruins.
Others below the cut.
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The Archeologist has survived through several Umbral calamities by the present day. And she responded each time with the same determination to save as many people as she could... With little regard to her own life. She was in stasis with the Fourth Umbral Calamity that destroyed the Empire of Allag, missing the potential deaths of her comrades and friends. So when she awoke, she tried to find them to little avail. The calamities pose little worry to her, one of her deaths and aether regenerations happened during the sixth umbral calamity as she was saving people.
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A'tyla and Yasha, both members of the now defunct Scions, were assisting the Loporrits during most of the Final Days, and as such were spared most of the devestation. They both worried for their friends and family back on Etheirys however. They both survived the Seventh Calamity by pure chance of location and occupation, so they were doing their best to avert the Final Days as they could.
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Benoit did what a pirate does best with world ending scenarios. He hid, bided his time until it was safe once more, then rejoined the broken world.
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Tatiava wasn't in Eorzea when the Seventh happened, so she is unsure how she would react. When the Final Days started to happen Garlemald, she stuck close to Riol and with his encouragement, did not give in to the despair of her homeland being destroyed. She set her mind to working on making Garlemald safer for everyone until the Final Days were averted.
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Lhei fought back against the various calamities the best way they know how, with science. They returned to Old Sharlayan for a time to help with finishing the Ragnarok. Being an Archon with considerable knowledge of how crystals store aether, they knew that they had a duty to fulfill, regardless on how they feel about their homeland.
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Beatrice and Mai weren't in Eorzea for the major effects of the Seventh, but they were in Thavnair when the final days started. So they ran. They ran as far as they could, hopped on a ship leaving the island, and did not spare a look back.
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gardenofvoid · 4 months
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📼 !
rewinding history // @dreamingofmuses // youngblood
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There was a time during Oliver's young life where he'd be the enactor of many pranks. Often, he would take his breaks as a chance to cause some mischief in Mark's family's manor, just to spice up his work day. His favorite would be to fashion a tripwire in front of the activity room for Mark and his friends, using some of the older maid's black yarn to blend in with the dark wood of the hallway floor.
Today was no different, and with a golden opportunity like this, he couldn't not do it again.
"Damien! Damien, can you come here? I can't lift this on my own!" Oliver called from the hallway, his face split into a grin and his red hair wild but slightly damp from the sweat of working outside during the summer. Damien came walking out, looking for Oliver as he went to cross the threshold. Whatever he was going to say was interrupted by a yelp as the young boy tripped over the wire, the two hall tables jolting from where the string had been tied to their legs and pulled taught. Oliver busted into laughter, snorting and cackling as Damien barely caught himself and stumbled to get his balance back. "Oliver!!" Came the giggling shout, and the boys started running through the hall in a chase. Damien, despite the near fall, was giggling as they ran upstairs towards Mark's room. It ended just inside on the bedroom floor, where Mark was getting ready to bring down some toys for him and Damien to play with. He was greeted by the sight of the freckle-faced red-head and the panting, raven-haired boy in a pile after a tackle gone mostly wrong.
"Wait, did you prank him again? No fair! Last time, you said you'd get me so I could watch next time!" Huffed Mark indignantly, dropping his wooden soldiers as he stamped his foot childishly, but the growing smile gave him away. Oliver gave a helpless grin of own as a reply, then he laughed when Mark joined the pile.
It's a memory that often, when life starts weighing heavy on his shoulders, Oliver remembers when he needs a smile.
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2 for gardenia!
2.Who is your best friend?  Tell us about them!
"Oh...my...best...friend...? Hum..."
"I only...made many friends...recently...so it feels a little...bit mean to choose one of them...as a better person... because everyone is so kind to me...ah..."
"I think... maybe... Jai... because they're always trying to...make me laugh...and... tell me stories...and I think they're... genuinely a good person too..."
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demonic0angel · 12 days
DPxDC Omegaverse Request
Request for: @purplereaderfans
Robin looked at Batman with pleading eyes and a wide smile.
"... Robin. Who are they?" His voice was deadpan.
Robin beamed. "My new siblings! Pleaseeeeeeee??"
"Robin!" Batman scolded, though in a light tone to not scare Robin's new wards. "You can't just pick up pups off the street!"
Robin lifted the one in his arms to show Batman. "But he’s in heat! He needed my help!”
The pup did smell sugary sweet and looked dazed, lying in Robin’s arms securely like a kitten. Batman saw his dark hair and bright blue eyes and immediately felt an odd sense of parental affection for him.
Still, he could not just allow Robin to take to kids off the streets and adopt them!
A shy voice called out, "It's okay, Robin is a hero."
Robin preened.
Batman looked down at the young omega in heat, who was trying in vain to bury underneath Robin's skin. Then he looked at the alpha that was sticking close to Robin for comfort, who was looking at him with shy gazes through long red hair.
"And who is this?" He asked slowly, sounding far less angry. The young girl looked soft and sweet, and his heart melted further.
The young alpha peeked out again and said, "Hello, Mister. M'name's Jazz and this is Danny. Robin is saving us from our parents."
"Yep! So we can keep them, right, B?"
Batman closed his eyes and looked up to the sky for divine intervention.
The alpha, Jazz, spoke up again, lifting big turquoise eyes to Batman's face, "I'm sorry, sir. Danny is in heat, and mom and dad aren't going to come home yet for another two weeks. If... if it's okay, can we just stay with Robin for a few days before we go back?"
As if on cue, the omega in heat whined and then looked up at Batman with big, watery eyes. He smelled like rain and mud and gardenias, and he looked so small and so scared, and Batman melted.
“Fine,” he said with a sigh. “Just get in the car.”
Danny gave a small whimper of relief, and he relaxed, burying his head back into Robin’s shoulder. Jazz beamed and crooned, “Thank you!”
Robin grinned. “You won’t regret it, B!”
Robin pulled the two into the Batmobile and then immediately began looting the trunk, pulling out snacks and blankets. Jazz curled around her brother while he sniffled and writhed in silent agony.
Batman sighed, climbing into the drivers seat and handing him a water bottle. “Are you sure that you want to stay with us?” He asked again.
Jazz smiled tiredly as she rubbed her cheek over Danny’s sweaty hair. She nodded and bundled up her brother in the blankets that Robin passed over.
This time, it was Danny who answered in a scratchy, exhausted tone, “Yeah. Thank you, Mr. Wayne.”
Batman nodded and turned back to the front.
Then he whirled around, eyes wide.
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zora-ark-067 · 2 months
heya, i heard your becoming more pokemon, and i wanna help give you a choice...
INCLUDES: Item(1) ITEM: Attempted Anti-Sleeby Potion
you can decide to take it or not, choice is yours!
I’m fine with being a little floofy critter, and besides…
I don’t trust this thing.
I’m going to find somewhere secure to dispose of the damn whatsit.
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