#gangnam 1970
bongdojin · 23 days
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강남 1970 / GANGNAM BLUES dir. Yoo Ha
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gangnamsearch · 2 months
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SPOILER #002 — conheça a família Engetsu!
A Corporação Engetsu traça suas raízes ao conglomerado fundado em 1860 como uma trading company no modelo sogo shosha, dando luz a uma keiretsu maior ainda, atuando em diversos segmentos incluindo energia, finanças industriais, bancos, maquinários, químicos e processamento de alimentos. Com o nome já consagrado no mercado, a Engetsu lançou a loja de e-commerce ClickHub em 1997, que ficou conhecida como a “Amazon asiática”. O ClickHub se tornou uma das maiores plataformas de e-commerce do Japão, oferecendo uma vasta gama de produtos e serviços aos consumidores; a Engetsu, porém, também opera globalmente, facilitando o comércio entre vendedores japoneses e compradores internacionais, além de investir em infraestrutura de logística para suportar suas transações mundiais.
Crescendo ao redor de um comércio elevado ao limite, os Engetsu alegam desenvolver tino comercial e lábia antes mesmo de dar os primeiros passos. São capazes de vender areia no deserto, com línguas prateadas que causam confusões homéricas nas cabeças de pessoas menos brilhantes. Para eles, é muito divertido utilizar terceiros como peões em seu jogo de tabuleiro, aproveitando o fato de que dispõem de um dos mais caudalosos rios de dinheiro em Gangnam — e na Ásia inteira. Foi por isso, talvez, que se envolveram com a política e diplomacia, afinal, poucas pessoas acreditam que Hiroshi e Haruka se casaram por amor... E Hideyuki, bem, nós não falamos do Hideyuki. Os Engetsu cresceram viajando do Japão para a Coreia do Sul quase todos os anos, em uma constante batalha entre o código social que deveriam adotar em cada nação — mais polidos em Japão, mais descolados na Coreia. Eles aprenderam as maneiras dos pais e tios, a persuasão que escorre tão fácil de seus lábios como o veneno de uma serpente, e eventualmente sabem que podem ocupar os lugares deles. O problema é: o que acontece quando se coloca tanto poder nas mãos de pessoas tão jovens? Eles vão escolher queimar o mundo ou salvá-lo?
MUSE YEN: Engetsu Hiroshi [ CEO, 1962, japonês, NPC ] — quem vê o manso Hiroshi nunca poderia entreter o pensamento do quão selvagens suas técnicas de venda podem ser. Ele tende a ser uma presença tranquila e calmante em eventos da alta sociedade, poucas vezes chamando atenção até anunciarem seu sobrenome, mas uma vez que abre a boca, ninguém pode ignorá-lo. Pessoalmente, Hiroshi é um sábio, e acaba desprezando aqueles que não conseguem acompanhar seu raciocínio rápido. 
MUSE WON: Engetsu Saori [ Diplomata na Coreia do Sul, 1963, japonesa, NPC ] — em contrapartida à personalidade do marido, que pode se apresentar um tanto arrogante, Saori demonstra um ar de força maternal difícil de se encontrar. Para seu secreto desagrado, tende a lançar tendências de moda no mundo corporativo com brincos lustrosos ou terninhos estampados, mas tudo o que realmente deseja é a paz. Seus filhos se acostumaram aos retiros espirituais, longas sessões de meditação e aulas de ioga da mãe ao longo do tempo.
MUSE EURO [ 1993-1997, etnia japonesa ] 
MUSE DOLLAR [ 1998-2002, etnia japonesa ]
MUSE STERLING: Engetsu Haruka [ Presidente do conselho, 1969, japonesa, NPC ] — irmã do meio e mais nova de Hiroshi, mas tão feroz quanto ele. A diferença é que Haruka de fato aparenta tal ferocidade, conhecida como a “rainha de gelo” da ClickHub. Suas aparições públicas são precedidas por ovação pública devido à elegância e assertividade de suas respostas em entrevistas. Para os filhos, é uma mãe um pouco rígida, que muitas vezes falta no quesito afeto e exagera no quesito exigências. Peso é sua prole do primeiro casamento. 
MUSE FRANC: Ahn Wonjin [ Socialite, 1970, NPC ] — também chamado de “boy toy” nos círculos sociais, Wonjin parece apenas o marido meio banana de Haruka, que entrou no casamento trazendo apenas um filho de outro casamento e um rostinho bonito. Wonjin é alegremente vazio e fútil, passando tardes tomando sol na piscina da casa e flertando com as empregadas. Haruka já tentou presenteá-lo com uma empresa, para ver se pegava no tranco, mas as coisas não deram muito certo e ela apenas desistiu. Real é sua prole do primeiro casamento.
MUSE PESO [ 2000-2003, etnia japonesa ou metade japonesa ]
MUSE REAL [ 1998-2002, etnia coreana ou metade coreana ]
MUSE BITCOIN: Engetsu Hideyuki [ Investidor, 1972, japonês, NPC ] — o caçula dos Engetsu e um tanto quanto… Perdido. Veja bem, todos tem um tio envolvido em negócios meio obscuros, até mesmo os ricos. Hideyuki sempre tem uma nova invenção criativa ou algo incrível para mostrar aos irmãos mais velhos que, após muitos fracassos, já não lhe dão ouvidos. Ele se transformou em persona non grata na maior parte dos eventos de família. Sem muita explicação, adotou uma criança aleatória há alguns anos, mas ninguém sabe a razão. 
MUSE YUAN [ 1996-2002, qualquer etnia ]
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my-vanishing-777 · 25 days
Commentary: In South Korea, the mere mention of feminism can end a conversation
MELBOURNE: One of my former colleagues from Ewha Womans University recently went on a blind date in Seoul. Her date was elated to learn that she attended one of the finest institutions in the country. However, things took a turn when my colleague mentioned her research areas: Gender and women’s studies.
“My research interests literally scared that man away; luckily it was not me,” she told me.
That’s a bit of an odd reaction by her date, you might think. Not so in South Korea, where gender equality and the feminism movement are polarising issues.
Korean men generally admire the prestige associated with Ewha Womans University graduates, yet they are simultaneously unsettled by the very academic pursuits that empower these women.
It reflects a contradictory blend of admiration and apprehension, where respect for the graduates’ intellect (jiseong) clashes with unease towards feminism. The tension highlights the complex dynamics of gender relations in modern Korean society, where women advocating for equality are sometimes shunned or even targeted.
In the presidential election two years ago, conservative candidate Yoon Suk Yeol courted “anti-feminist” male voters and pledged to abolish the Gender Equality Ministry, accusing it of treating men like “potential sex criminals”.
The 2024 World Economic Forum global gender gap report ranks South Korea 94th out of 146 countries in an index that examines economic opportunities, education, health and political leadership.
The situation is further exacerbated by rising violence against women. According to a 2023 report in The Korea Times, crimes against females rose to 28,228 in 2021 from 16,006 in 2007. Additionally, 86.7 per cent of victims of violent crimes in Korea were women from 2011 to 2020.
The Burning Sun sex scandal of 2019 that involved high-profile K-pop stars is an example of the issues plaguing South Korean society.
The scandal, centred around the Burning Sun nightclub in Gangnam, Seoul managed by former megastar Seungri from BigBang, involved drug-fuelled sexual exploitation, gang-rape and illegal filming and sharing of those acts by well-known figures such as singer-songwriter Jung Joon-young and celebrity Choi Jong-hoon. The scandal also revealed collusion between various celebrities and the police.  
The sexually explicit videos and images of unconscious women were disturbing, and reflected a pattern of dehumanising, incapacitating, loathing, and objectifying of women.
Seungri was convicted on multiple charges including procuring prostitutes for potential investors and served an 18-month jail sentence. He was released in February 2023. Choi was released in 2021 after serving two years and six months, and Jung was released in March this year after serving five years.
The case returned to the spotlight recently after a BBC documentary released in May revealed the high personal price suffered by the two female journalists who exposed the scandal.
Viewed as feminists waging an unsubstantiated assault against innocent K-pop stars, Kang Kyung-yoon and Park Hyo-sil were harassed both online and offline. They endured abusive comments, death threats and phone calls in the early hours. During this time, Park suffered two miscarriages.
The various forms of violence against the Burning Sun victims as well as the journalists stem from a mix of anti-feminism and deep-rooted structural problems.
Women’s studies in South Korea can be traced back to the 1970s, but the feminist movement in the country largely began to ride the wave of the global “MeToo” movement in the 2010s.
In 2016, the senseless killing of a woman in a toilet by a man near Gangnam Station catalysed a powerful feminist awakening in South Korea. The man told police he had chosen a woman as his victim “because women have always ignored me”. The attack became seen as a symbol of misogyny.
From that moment, Korean women began to rally and harness their collective strength, fully embracing the worldwide feminist momentum. It was during this period that communities like Megalia and Womad emerged. However, their form of feminism was associated with radicalism and hostility specifically towards men, turning feminism into a “dirty word” in the country.
In November 2023, a man in his 20s launched an indiscriminate attack on a part-time worker at a convenience store simply because she had short hair, labelling her a feminist.
This reflects a broader societal tendency to stigmatise women. Men often blame women for their own struggles, such as low marriage rates, without acknowledging structural issues in a patriarchal society.
In July, Seoul City councillor Kim Ki-duck was criticised after he made unsubstantiated comments connecting a rise in male suicide attempts to an increasingly "female-dominant society". He argued that women’s increased participation in the workforce over the years had edged men out and made it more difficult for them to find marriage partners.
According to a survey in 2021, 84.1 per cent of women in their 20s believe that discrimination against women is serious in South Korean society. Conversely, 78.9 per cent of South Korean men in their 20s feel discrimination against their gender is serious too.
To navigate gender conflicts in South Korea today, my former colleague - and others like her - will need to keep advocating for change. Perhaps one day, friends will be able to speak freely among each other about gender issues without being afraid of judgment.
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squideo · 1 year
Advert Alchemy: The Jingle
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In this series, Squideo is breaking down the eight key ingredients to turn your advertising content into gold! In the last edition of Advert Alchemy, we examined the importance of location when releasing your marketing campaign to the world. This week, we’re looking at the effectiveness of a jingle. 
This short, catchy advertising technique is similar to a slogan except it’s set to a tune. Unlike a soundtrack, a jingle is only a few seconds long but they can wriggle into your customers’ memory – ensuring they remember your product for a long time!
The Power of an Earworm
An earworm is a song or melody that keeps repeating in your head. Some of the most commonly reported earworms are songs like It’s a Small World (Disney), Who Let the Dogs Out? (Baha Men), Gangnam Style (Psy), Karma Chameleon (Culture Club) and YMCA (The Village People). 
A truly well-crafted jingle has the potential to become one of these insanely catchy earworms. Before we dive into some of the best jingles to grace our screens, let’s explore how to create a jingle. 
Keep it simple. In the examples below, no jingle is longer than thirteen words. The shorter it is, the easier it is for your audience to remember! Use repetition, rhyme and keep your language simple.
Choose the right music. Make sure it has the right tempo and speed for the voiceover artist to sing along to. Do your market research as well to discover which music genre your audience will respond to.
Know your product. What is the unique selling point you want your jingle to convey? Do similar products use marketing jingles? How can you set yourself apart from the competition?
Jingle Jamming
Think you’re ready to create a jingle of your own? Before you do, look through Squideo’s top ten picks for the best advertising jingles. Consider what these jingles say about the brand. Which ones would work for your brand?
01. Haribo
Kids and grown-ups love it so, the happy world of Haribo.
Jingles are perfect for child-targeted advertising. These catchy songs catch their attention, ready to be repeated to their parents nonstop. The German confectionary company Haribo has used this jingle across all of its English-speaking markets for over twenty years, making it instantly recognisable to people of all ages. 
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02. McDonald’s
Ba-da-ba-ba-baaa… I’m lovin’ it.
First used in 2003, this jingle was implemented at a time when sales for this enormous American fast-food chain was in trouble. Its stock prices had dropped and they needed to attract more customers – fast! German advertising firm Heye & Partner created this simple jingle which was rolled out internationally. It was only meant to play in McDonald’s adverts for two years… twenty years later, the jingle is still going strong. 
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03. Cadbury’s Fudge
A finger of fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat.
To a younger generation, Cadbury’s most iconic advert is likely the Gorilla campaign which ran in 2007. Go back a few decades, however, and this jingle for Cadbury’s Fudge bar created one of the most popular advertising campaigns of the 1970s. There is a longer version which was played as a song in some adverts, however this shorter jingle remains more memorable. 
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04. Hastings Direct
0800 00 1066.
Jingle’s usually contain one of three key pieces of information – the company name; the product; or how to get in touch. In 2005, Hasting’s Direct impressed their telephone number upon a nation – making 0800 00 1066 almost as well-known as 999. By choosing a familiar date (1066, the year of the Battle of Hastings which is taught to most Britons at school), half the work was done for them. Through repetition and the use of a catchy tune performed by their mascot Harry Hastings, the full phone number was soon memorised. Very clever!
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05. Compare the Market
Compare the meerkat; compare the market. Simples!
First launched in 2009 on British and Australian television, the advertisers behind this campaign were dedicated to its success from the get-go. Creating a Facebook and Twitter account for their mascot Aleksandr the meerkat, and a fictional website for comparethemeerkat.com, the advert series runs to this day. And at the end of each advert comes this memorable jingle. 
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06. Calgon
Washing machines live longer with Calgon. 
Whether or not the statement made by this jingle is true – trust us, there’s been a lot of debate over the years – the memorability certainly created a huge boom for Calgon sales. Despite Which? making a complaint to the Advertising Standards Agency in 2011 over the validity of its marketing claim, the jingle is still used in their adverts thirty years on from its introduction. A true credit to its effectiveness. 
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07. Lilt
With a totally tropical taste.
Launched in 1975, the drink soon became associated with its jingle thanks to some memorable advertising campaigns that ran in the 1980s and 90s, including the popular “Lilt Man.” Unfortunately, in February 2023, it was announced by Lilt’s owners, Coca Cola, that the drink would be replaced by ‘Fanta Pineapple and Grapefruit.’ We’ll certainly be sad to see the last of these adverts but glad the tropical taste survives. 
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08. Toys ‘R’ Us
I don’t want to grow up, I’m a Toys ‘R’ Us kid.
This jingle for Toys ‘R’ Us, which was used in the 1980s and 90s, and was co-written by the crime novelist James Patterson. That’s an interesting piece of trivia for your next quiz night! This memorable line was produced by the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency. The idea was to create a simple jingle that children could easily memorise and sing along with when it came on the television. It was later extended into a song. 
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09. PC World
Where in the world? PC World.
Considering the brand no longer exists, it’s a testament to the power of a jingle that it is still remembered long after the company it represented. After its merger with Curry’s, ‘Curry’s PC World’ still used the jingle for a time in its new adverts, clearly recognising a useful marketing tool when they saw it. Removing the PC World name in 2021, the only trace left of this former retail chain is a jingle that refuses to leave the head of anyone who ever heard it. 
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10. Cadbury’s Smash
For mash get Smash.
As the second Cadbury jingle to enter the list, it really goes to show this company knows what it’s doing! Launched in 1969, Smash is a brand of instant mashed potatoes – although it is no longer owned by Cadbury. Cadbury introduced the iconic Smash Martians in 1974 to promote their product through a catchy jingle. It was so memorable that in 2005 it was voted the UK’s most popular advert. The Martians even received their own fan mail while the advert was aired!
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Content Worth Gold
Get in touch with the Squideo team today to find out how we can improve your advertising strategy with video production, motion graphics, social media management and much more! 
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LEE MIN HO - Making Film Gangnam 1970 / Gangnam Blues (ENG SUB)
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gangnamstylehqs · 1 month
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SETOR ⸻ varejo, logística e e-commerce. ETNIA ⸻ japoneses. VAGAS ⸻ 05 vagas. EMPRESA ⸻ Corporação Engetsu. INSPIRAÇÃO ⸻ Mitsubishi, Itochu, Seven & I Holdings, Aeon, Rakuten. GATILHOS ⸻ traição.
A Corporação Engetsu traça suas raízes ao conglomerado fundado em 1860 como uma trading company (sogo shosha), dando luz a uma keiretsu maior ainda, atuando em diversos segmentos incluindo energia, finanças industriais, bancos, maquinários, químicos e processamento de alimentos. Com o nome já consagrado no mercado, a Engetsu lançou a loja de e-commerce ClickHub em 1997, que ficou conhecida como a “Amazon asiática”. O ClickHub se tornou uma das maiores plataformas de e-commerce do Japão, oferecendo uma vasta gama de produtos e serviços aos consumidores; a Engetsu, porém, também opera globalmente, facilitando o comércio entre vendedores japoneses e compradores internacionais, além de investir em infraestrutura de logística para suportar suas transações mundiais.
Crescendo ao redor de um comércio elevado ao limite, os Engetsu alegam desenvolver tino comercial e lábia antes mesmo de dar os primeiros passos. São capazes de vender areia no deserto, com línguas prateadas que causam confusões homéricas nas cabeças de pessoas menos brilhantes. Para eles, é muito divertido utilizar terceiros como peões em seu jogo de tabuleiro, aproveitando o fato de que dispõem de um dos mais caudalosos rios de dinheiro em Gangnam — e na Ásia inteira. Foi por isso, talvez, que se envolveram com a política e diplomacia, afinal, poucas pessoas acreditam que Hiroshi e Haruka se casaram por amor. 
Os Engetsu cresceram viajando do Japão para a Coreia do Sul quase todos os anos, em uma constante batalha entre o código social que deveriam adotar em cada nação — mais polidos no Japão, mais descolados na Coreia. Eles aprenderam as maneiras dos pais e tios, a persuasão que escorre tão fácil de seus lábios como o veneno de uma serpente, e eventualmente sabem que podem ocupar os lugares deles. O problema é: o que acontece quando se coloca tanto poder nas mãos de pessoas tão jovens? Eles vão escolher queimar o mundo ou salvá-lo?
* Todos os filhos possuem o sobrenome Engetsu, com exceção de Real, que tem o sobrenome Ahn.
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MUSE YEN: Engetsu Hiroshi [ CEO, 1962, japonês, NPC ] — quem vê o manso Hiroshi nunca poderia entreter o pensamento do quão selvagens suas técnicas de venda podem ser. Ele tende a ser uma presença tranquila e calmante em eventos da alta sociedade, poucas vezes chamando atenção até anunciarem seu sobrenome, mas uma vez que abre a boca, ninguém pode ignorá-lo. Pessoalmente, Hiroshi é um sábio, e acaba desprezando aqueles que não conseguem acompanhar seu raciocínio rápido.
MUSE WON: Engetsu Saori [ Diplomata na Coreia do Sul, 1963, japonesa, NPC ] — em contrapartida à personalidade do marido, que pode se apresentar um tanto arrogante, Saori demonstra um ar de força maternal difícil de se encontrar. Para seu secreto desagrado, tende a lançar tendências de moda no mundo corporativo com brincos lustrosos ou terninhos estampados, mas tudo o que realmente deseja é a paz. Seus filhos se acostumaram aos retiros espirituais, longas sessões de meditação e aulas de ioga da mãe ao longo do tempo.
MUSE EURO [ 1993-1997, etnia japonesa ] 
MUSE DOLLAR [ 1998-2002, etnia japonesa ]
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MUSE STERLING: Engetsu Haruka [ Presidente do conselho, 1967, japonesa, NPC ] — irmã mais nova de Hiroshi, mas tão feroz quanto ele. A diferença é que Haruka de fato aparenta tal ferocidade, conhecida como a “rainha de gelo” da ClickHub. Suas aparições públicas são precedidas por ovação pública devido à elegância e assertividade de suas respostas em entrevistas. Para os filhos, é uma mãe um pouco rígida, que muitas vezes falta no quesito afeto e exagera no quesito exigências. Peso é sua prole do primeiro casamento.
MUSE FRANC: Ahn Wonjin [ Socialite, 1970, NPC ] — também chamado de “boy toy” nos círculos sociais, Wonjin parece apenas o marido meio banana de Haruka, que entrou no casamento trazendo apenas um filho de outro casamento e um rostinho bonito. Wonjin é alegremente vazio e fútil, passando tardes tomando sol na piscina da casa e flertando com as empregadas. Haruka já tentou presenteá-lo com uma empresa, para ver se pegava no tranco, mas as coisas não deram muito certo e ela apenas desistiu. Real é sua prole do primeiro casamento.
MUSE PESO [ 2000-2003, etnia japonesa ou metade japonesa ]
MUSE REAL [ 1998-2002, etnia coreana ou metade coreana ]
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MUSE BITCOIN: Engetsu Hideyuki [ Investidor, 1970, japonês, NPC ] — o caçula dos Engetsu e um tanto quanto… Perdido. Veja bem, todos tem um tio envolvido em negócios meio obscuros, até mesmo os ricos. Hideyuki sempre tem uma nova invenção criativa ou algo incrível para mostrar aos irmãos mais velhos que, após muitos fracassos, já não lhe dão ouvidos. Ele se transformou em persona non grata na maior parte dos eventos de família. Sem muita explicação, adotou uma criança aleatória há alguns anos, mas ninguém sabe a razão.
MUSE YUAN [ 1996-2002, qualquer etnia ]
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skz-rin · 7 months
『📜』 ── Her family
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Mother -`♡´-
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╰ birth name — Bae Gyu-mi (최광민)
╰ other name — Grace Bae
╰ birthdate — February 22, 1964
╰ birthplace — Gangnam, south korea
╰ hometown — Gangnam, south korea
╰ race — Asian
╰ ethnicity — Korean
╰ nationality — Korean
╰ mbti — ENTJ
╰ occupation — Financial Advisor
╰ contact name — Boss lady 👑❤️ / chér ❤️❤️
⸝⸝ about ↴
Rin has always been very close to her mom ever since she was a child always wanting to match outfits with her and do the things that she did. Grace is the one how thought Rin how to sing and is the reason that Rin is so passionate about wanting to debut as an idol.
Grace as a parent is a bit stoic and considerably rigid about certain rules that she has set always wanting to make sure her kids are independent and can make work on their own. She has always had certain expectations from her kids but never implies them to the point of hurting the kids. Although she is definitely the stricter parent it's just because she wants to make sure her kids are able to stand on their own in the world without any support. She is overall a more calm and rational person.
Father -`♡´-
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╰ birth name — Bao Weizhong (鮑 伟忠)
╰ other name — Daniel Bao
╰ birthdate — August 4, 1970
╰ birthplace — Hefei, China
╰ hometown —Hefei, China
╰ race — Asian
╰ ethnicity — Chinese
╰ nationality — Chinese
╰ mbti — INFP
╰ occupation — owner of his own company
╰ contact name — 爸爸 🥺♥️ / 小鸣鸟
╰ about ↴
Rin's father is probably the most supportive man known to mankind. He has always supported whatever dreams she may have had always playing into her whims and fantasies regardless of however silly they may be. He was and still is her biggest hypeman.
As a parent Weizhong has always tried to introduce his kids to new adventures and make as many memories as possible. He loves to live in the moment often taking his kids on spontaneous trips. He does try to pass down his values through trips or stories. He hopes to make sure that his kids are aware that he will always be there to support them and that they shouldn't be afraid to make mistakes.He is in general a sweet and carefree sort of person.
Brother -`♡´-
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╰ birth name — Bao Longyu (鮑 隆雨)
╰ other name — Julien Bao
╰ birthdate — N/A
╰ birthday celebration - April 14, 1999
╰ birthplace — Shanghai, China (assumed)
╰ hometown — Shanghai, China / New york city, New york
╰ race — Asian
╰ ethnicity — Chinese (assumed)
╰ nationality — Ameican
╰ mbti — ISTJ
╰ occupation — Chief operations officer at their dad's company
╰ contact name — ogre 🧌🤢 / shrimp 🦐
╰ about ↴
Rin's brother has always been the biggest constant in her life, the first time that she was away from him was when she moved to Korea to be an idol. He is the calm to her chaos, her voice of reason ever since she was young always making sure she didn't take any rash decisions.
Rin's parents adopted him on a family trip to china when Rin was barely a year old after doing some medical tests and such it was found that Longyu was two years old which made him a year older to Rin. Longyu has always been a calm person preferring to stay quietly at home and read books and talk with his mom rather than go out but he'd often go and hangout with Rin's friends to 'chaperone' and make sure she stays safe. He is a very collected and level-headed person with Rin being the only one who can actually test his limits.
Pets -`♡´-
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From L -> R
name — XueXue
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Her name is just the chinese word for snow repeated twice to make it sound very cutesy
Xuexue is a pure white persian cat
XueXue is one of the more recent adoptions to the family. Rin's dad bought her home from the shelter after she refused to even be looked at by someone else often hissing at people wanting to adopt her.
XueXue is a princess to put it simply she is very much spoilt and she adores it. She has her own closet and picks her own accesories of the day!!!
2. name — Spiky
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His name is pretty self explanatory. He has spikes so he's named spiky
Spiky is an African Pygmy hedgehog.
Spiky was found on the roadside under heavy rain one time when Rin's dad was on his way home from work so he picked the little hedgehog up and decided to care for him.
Spiky is a solitary animal preferring to spend time in hos cage or walk alone in the garden although he loves bath time and has shown to get extremely excited during that time playing around in the water even accepting pets and cuddles
3. name — Xun
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His name means 'dusk' in chinese referring to his mix of dark and light fur
Xun is a pekingese dog which is a breed native to china
Xun along with his mother and siblings was rescued by Rin's father from a breeder. Xun's mother sadly passed away from the extensive stress of the breeding corporation. Rin's father decided to adopt Xun after all of his siblings had been adopted by various people.
Xun has a constant case of the zoomies always running around and wanting to play and have fun, constantly barking to draw attention. running up and down the stairs even occasionally tripping people or breaking artifacts. But it's all okay cause he's a cutie.
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From L -> R
name — Ttang
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His name is basically the ending of korean word 'seoltang' and 'satang' meaning sugar and candy respectively.
Ttang is a toy poodle
Ttang was the first pet that Rin got as a child, she got him as her 6th birthday present and was ecstatic
Ttang is a very quiet and low energy dog preferring to cuddle up with someone rather than play around
2. name — Coco & Cece
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Rin tells people that they were named after coco chanel and celine dion but really coco was named after chocolate and cece was named after cece from shake it up...
coco and cece are two chinchillas. Rin adopted them in the year 2013 from a friend who was moving to Australia since they're illegal in Australia.
coco is the one with darker fur while cece has lighter fur
personality wise the two differ greatly coco is pretty playful and loves interacting with the other pets or people who come and go into the house where as cece has a specific list who are allowed to touch her.
3. name — Thirio
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His name means 'beast' in greek. He was named by Rin's brother who was obssesed with dinosaurs and wanted to give him a dinosaur-ish name.
Thirio is a leopard gecko
Thirio was adopted from a pet shelter only sometime after coco and cece were adopted since he was the closest Longyu could get to a real life dinosaur.
very much unlike the meaning of his name Thirio is a very silly guy and loves to make funny faces. The only beastly thing he does is eat the way he eats.
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pionia-milly · 1 year
Watch "[NIGHTLIFE SEOUL] Gangnam🔥 Come and visit a hot club street_4K HDR" on YouTube
Koreans are white garment race + horse race made one nation. They live in Daedong-yeo, jido which was God's vision map which is Korean peninsula and 1/10 were Yeojin, Margal, Tatar, Mongo but they mixed with Korean and disappeared by early 20th century and 1970s few hundred vote peoples from Vietnamese were joined and Yemen and Afcanistan peoples were became Korean include Ukraine people
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minozdee · 2 years
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Kim Jong Daw for Gangnam 1970 💕 #leeminho #이민호 #李敏镐 #イミンホ #minoz #minozDee #minozDeeTV #promiz #gongryong #askthestars #whenthestarsgossip #pachinko #kohhansu #thekingeternalmonarch #theking #leegon #legendofthebluesea #heojoonjae #kimdamryeong #theheirs #kimtan #personaltaste #boysoverflowers #gujunpyo #gangnam1970 #gangnamblues #gangnamblues1970 #kimjongdae #bountyhunters #leesan https://www.instagram.com/p/CoO8mTXptxl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brn1029 · 2 years
On this date in music history…I’m so embarrassed that I even know who PSY is…or was…
December 21st
2016 - Richard Marx
American singer Richard Marx told of how he had to restrain a fellow passenger on a Korean Air flight after the man, who was drunk allegedly attacked others onboard. The incident happened as Marx and his wife were travelling from Hanoi to Seoul. The man was arrested upon landing in South Korean.
2014 - Elton John
Sir Elton John and his partner David Furnish formally converted their civil partnership to a marriage hosting a ceremony at their Windsor estate in Berkshire. David and Victoria Beckham, Ed Sheeran, Lulu and actor David Walliams were among the guests.
2012 - Ronnie Wood
Rolling Stones guitarist, 65-year-old Ronnie Wood married his fiancee Sally Humphreys during a private ceremony in London. Keith Richards, Rod Stewart and Paul McCartney all attended the wedding.
2012 - Psy
'Gangnam Style' by South Korean musician Psy became the first YouTube video to reach a billion views. By the end of 2012, the song had topped the music charts of more than 30 countries.
2012 - Paul Simon
Paul Simon performed his classic track 'The Sound of Silence' at the funeral of a teacher who died in the school shooting in Connecticut on 14 December of this year. The 1966 song was understood to be a favourite of 27-year-old Victoria Soto, a first-grade teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The singer, a family friend, performed the song in front of some 400 mourners, at Soto's local church on Wednesday. Twenty six people were killed in the mass shooting the previous week.
2005 - Elton John
Sir Elton John and his partner David Furnish became the first gay celebrities to register their relationship as a civil partnership. The 20 minute ceremony took place at The Guild Hall, Windsor, England, guest’s included Ringo Starr, Victoria Beckham, Joss Stone, Sting, Elvis Costello, Jamie Cullum, George Michael and The Osbournes - Ozzy, Sharon, Jack and Kelly.
2003 - The Riffathon
Tommy Hubbard from Whitby, aged 14, won the 2003 Riffathon, a nationwide guitar competition in aid of Action For Brazil's Children Trust. The final was held at the University of Surrey and was judged by Jimmy Page and Brian May. The ten Riffathon finalists each performed a Led Zeppelin classic track with a full live band. Tommy's performance of 'Ramble On' won him the star prize of a 1958 re-issue Gibson Les Paul standard guitar, donated by Gibson Guitars.
1998 - Karl Denver
Scottish singer Karl Denver died from a brain tumour aged 67. Had the 1962 UK No.4 single 'Wimoweh' and 1990 UK hit 'Lazyitis- One Armed Boxer' with Happy Mondays.
1996 - Knockin' on Heaven's Door
The charity record 'Knockin' on Heaven's Door' went to No.1 on the UK singles chart. With the consent of Bob Dylan musician Ted Christopher of Dunblane, Scotland wrote a new verse for the song in memory of the schoolchildren and teacher killed in the Dunblane massacre. The cover version of the song included brothers and sisters of the victims singing the chorus and Mark Knopfler on guitar.
1992 - Albert King
American blues singer and guitarist, Albert King died from a heart attack in Memphis, Tennessee. He recorded dozens of influential songs, such as 'Crosscut Saw' and 'As The Years Go Passing By', and the 1967 album, 'Born Under a Bad Sign.'
1991 - Freddie Mercury
'Bohemian Rhapsody - 'These Are The Days Of Our Lives' by Queen started a five week run at No.1 in the UK, the 1975 word-wide hit had been re-released following the death of Freddie Mercury.
1985 - Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen's album, Born in the USA passed Michael Jackson's Thriller to become the second longest-lasting LP on the Billboard US Top 10. It stayed there for 79 weeks. Only The Sound of Music with Julie Andrews lasted longer at 109 weeks.
1970 - Elvis Presley
A stretch limousine carrying Elvis Presley pulled up outside the White House in Washington, D.C. The driver handed over a letter from Elvis addressed to President Nixon requesting a meeting to discuss how the King of Rock and Roll could help Nixon fight drugs. The President agreed to give Presley a Narcotics Bureau badge - but only after learning that the chief of the narcotics bureau had turned down the same request earlier that day and told Presley the only person who could overrule his decision was the President. At Elvis' request, the meeting remained secret for more than a year, until the Washington Post broke the story on January 27th, 1972.
1967 - The Beatles
The Beatles held a party at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London to preview their new movie ‘Magical Mystery Tour’.
1967 - Pink Floyd
Pink Floyd appeared at the Speakeasy Club, London, England. Situated at 48 Margaret Street in the centre of London, the Speakeasy was a late-night haunt for the music industry from 1966 right up to to the late 1970s. It was managed by Laurie O'Leary (a lifelong friend of the Kray twins) from 1968 to 1977 and Roy Flynn, who was also the first manager of Yes
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bongdojin · 24 days
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강남 1970 / GANGNAM BLUES dir. Yoo Ha
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history-today · 2 years
Today In History:
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A bit of December 21st history…
1891 - 1st game of basketball, based on the rules created by James Naismith, played in Springfield, Massachusetts
1898 - French scientists, Pierre and Marie Curie discover radium
1934 - French film “Zouzou” premiers; stars Josephine Baker - 1st black woman to star in a major motion picture
1937 - 1st full length animated feature film and the earliest in the Disney Animated Classics, “Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs” premiers
1968 - Apollo 8: 1st manned Moon voyage launched
1970 - Elvis Presley meets President Nixon in the White House - the image of this meeting is most requested photo from the entire National Archives
1988 - Lockerbie disaster: Pan Am flight 103 destroyed mid air by a terrorist bomb killing all 258 on board over Scotland
1991 - Soviet Union formally dissolves as 11 of 12 republics sign treaty forming Commonwealth of Independent States
2012 - “Gangnam Style” by Psy becomes 1st video to reach 1 billion views on YouTube 
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chswlqihn · 2 years
강남1970 점순이 이연두 베드신 무삭제판
강남1970 점순이 이연두 베드신 무삭제판 엑기스 추천합니다.
강남 1970 무삭제판 보기 Gangnam Blues 2015 <
타임라인 시간: 135분 출연진: 김은경, 제비, 김유연
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Denise Richards와 그녀의 남편 Aaron Phypers는 월요일 로스앤젤레스에서 로�� 레인지 사고로 트럭에서 총에 맞은 후 무사했습니다. Richards의 대표는 화요일 USA TODAY에 이메일을 보내 강남1970 점순이 이연두 베드신 무삭제판 사건을 확인했습니다. 51세의 Richards와 50세의 Phypers는 2017년 12월에 데이트를 시작한 커플이 약혼했다고 사람들이 보도한 지 불과 이틀 만인 2018년 말리부에서 결혼했습니다. 그녀는 이전에 2002년부터 2006년까지 "두 남자와 1/2" 스타 찰리 쉰과 결혼했으며 두 딸 사미(18)와 롤라(17)를 두고 있습니다. 리처즈는 2020년에 또 다른 딸 엘로이즈(11)를 입양했습니다. Phypers는 이전에 "Desperate Housewives"의 여배우 Nicollette Sheridan과 결혼했습니다. 2015년 12월에 결혼한 후, 부부는 2016년 6월에 별거했고 Richards와의 결혼식 한 달 전인 2018년에 이혼을 마무리했습니다. Richards와 그녀의 남편 Aaron Phypers는 월요일 로스앤젤레스에서 로드 레인지 사고로 트럭에서 총에 맞은 후 무사했습니다. 2019년 Richards는 자신이 갑상선 비대와 관련된 건강 문제에 직면해 있다고 밝혔습니다. "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills"의 팬들이 그녀에게 지적할 때까지 그녀는 알지 못했습니다. 그녀는 인스타그램에 "#RHOBH 동창회 이후 내 갑상선이 커졌다고 지적한 사람이 몇 명 있었다"고 썼다. "당신이 옳았어, 내가 지적하기 전까지 무시한 것이었어."
Richards는 식단에서 글루텐을 제거한 것이 갑상선 문제에 도움이 되었다고 주장했습니다. Denise Richards는 그녀의 갑상선 비대를 알아차린 'Housewives' 슈퍼 팬에게 감사를 표합니다. Richards는 2019년부터 연속극 "The Bold and the Beautiful"에 출연했습니다. Richards는 2019년 USA TODAY에 "매우 기름칠이 잘 된 기계이며 하루에 강남1970 점순이 이연두 베드신 무삭제판 거의 두 편의 에피소드를 촬영합니다."라고 말했습니다.
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mymanylives · 4 years
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short filmography - Lee Min Ho
The bad boy with a good heart™.
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whatever-leeminho · 3 years
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Any gif with Lee Min Ho should be posted. This one is from Gangnam Blues or Gangnam Blues 1970. This character reminds of of his up coming character Ko Hansu in Pachinko
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crazyandromantic · 4 years
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I want to see it tooo
Wish he would go for more variety shows 😣
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