nhdiary · 2 years
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irisslove · 2 years
Travelogue: Annyeong Seoul (See You Again!)
Travelogue: Annyeong Seoul (See You Again!)
We booked a driver through Seoul Private Driver for our day tour which would take us to Alpaca world, Gangchon Rail Bike & Nami Island and pickup was at 7am. I thought it would take us 3 hours to get to Alpaca world hence I timed it at 7am (cos the place opens at 10am). If I knew it would only take 2 hours, I would have scheduled the pickup at 8am -.- And the driver also didn’t initiate to let…
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wordsvomit101 · 5 months
13. Chilled Romance
(1 year after the death of Mr. and Mrs. Lee)
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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the snow-covered slopes of Elysian Gangchon Ski. The air was crisp and cold, with a light breeze that carried the scent of pine trees. The ski lifts were buzzing with activity as skiers and snowboarders, clad in brightly colored jackets and helmets, zipped past, making their way up the mountain. The snow glistened like a million tiny diamonds, reflecting the sunlight and creating a dazzling spectacle.
The crowd was a mix of families, couples, and friends. Children bundled up in snowsuits dashed about, their faces flushed with excitement. Young adults showed off their latest tricks on the slopes, while older couples enjoyed a leisurely day on the mountain.
The snow-covered trees formed a white forest that stretched as far as the eye could see, with distant mountains dusted in snow providing a picturesque backdrop for the ski resort.
Amidst this vibrant tapestry, Minhyeok and Raon stood out in their matching cobalt blue snowsuits. Minhyeok's brother had already disappeared into the more challenging terrain of the snowboarding course, his reserved attitude thrown to the wind as pure excitement lit up his face.
"Be careful out there, Hyunwoo!" their mom called after his brother as he took off.
Minhyeok's parents glided across the white expanse on their snowboards, wrapped snugly in layers of warm clothing. Effortlessly and with grace, they navigated the slopes at a leisurely pace, their movements synchronized as if they were performing a delicate dance. Despite the wintry chill, their faces glowed with comfortable peace as they kept a watchful eye on their children's progress. Engrossed in conversation, they appeared completely at ease, their quiet laughter mingling with the crisp mountain air. Their demeanor exuded a sense of quiet romance, as if they were on a private date in a bustling crowd, engrossed in each other's company. Their striking appearance, a blend of style and sophistication, caught the attention of onlookers who couldn't help but turn their heads to admire the scene unfolding before them.
Minhyeok was busy giving Raon a snowboarding lesson, guiding her through the basics. While Minhyeok and his family were seasoned snowboarders, Raon was a first-timer, her movements tentative as she struggled to maintain her balance.
"Okay, Raon, first things first, find your balance," Minhyeok instructed, his voice calm and reassuring. "Imagine you're standing on a surfboard on snow." He demonstrated by shifting his weight smoothly from side to side, gliding effortlessly on his board.
Raon nodded nervously, feeling the weight of the snowboard beneath her feet. "Alright, got it. But this feels way different than surfing, and you know I'm not good at that either!" Her expression betrayed her uncertainty, and Minhyeok was convinced she probably already wanted to retreat to their hotel room and bury herself in bed again.
Not about to let her give up, Minhyeok replied cheerfully, "Yeah, it's a bit different, but you've got this!" He gestured for her to mimic his movements. "Now, try shifting your weight from side to side. That's it, nice and easy," he praised as she clumsily replicated him. Her efforts were endearing, reminding him of how his Eomma had taught him.
Taking a deep breath, Raon attempted to follow Minhyeok's next instructions. With each movement, Minhyeok gently guided her, his hands hovering near her waist to offer support. But as she shifted her weight, she couldn't help but wobble precariously and let out a yelp.
"Whoa, whoa! Easy there!" Minhyeok steadied her gently, his touch light yet firm. "Don't worry, it's all part of the learning process. I would've already smothered my face into the snow by now when I was like you, so you're doing great!" He tried to cheer her up and get closer to her just in case. "Try to relax and go with the flow, okay?"
Raon's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she frowned. "Easier said than done... Sorry, you don't have to—" Before she could finish, Minhyeok gave her his most pitiful eyes and pout, a trick he had learned she was somehow weak to. "... Ah... Haha! I mean, I'm willing to give it another shot!" She laughed nervously and looked away from him. He snickered as he saw her red ears but kept it to himself, knowing she would actually throw him down if he called her out on it.
"Hehe, that's the spirit! Let's try again, shall we?"
With Minhyeok's encouragement, Raon made another attempt, this time more cautiously. However, maintaining her balance proved to be a challenge. Minhyeok moved alongside her, mirroring her movements with ease as he provided gentle guidance and patient corrections.
"This is ridiculous," Raon said, struggling to stay upright as she occasionally held onto his shoulder. "Min, how do you make it look so easy?"
"Well, you could say I'm just naturally talented," Minhyeok replied, his tone dramatically reassuring. He laughed when he received a slap on his right shoulder, continuing to demonstrate the proper technique. "But honestly, you just need time and more practice. Take it easy; it's for fun, after all."
Raon let out a frustrated sigh. "But I feel like I'm never going to get it right!... Maybe I should just stick to building snowmen."
"Hey, don't give up just yet!" Minhyeok encouraged, recalling something she had said during a theater play they went to last month with their friends. Flashing her a grin, he added, "Who knows? Once you get there, you might be the one to carry me if an accident happens." He didn't know why she was so interested in making the female characters in her writing the more dominant ones in the relationships or being the "man" in it, but if it was her preference, he wouldn't question it too much. It was unexpectedly beneficial right now when he glanced at Raon's face and saw her excited and blooming expression as if she were promised her favorite book by Santa.
Trying to hide her eagerness, she tentatively asked, "You think so?" Her eyes widened, and her grin grew. It was cute, so he answered, "Yes, so let's try again, okay?"
With that, vigor returned to Raon as her entire body seemed energized just by the thought of guiding him. She proudly nodded. "Alright, fine. But if I faceplant in the snow one more time, I'm calling it quits!"
Minhyeok chuckled and gave her another promise. "Great! Now, let's try that turning technique again. Remember, lean into it and trust your instincts. I'll make you hot chocolate with cream later."
"Deal!" she replied, speeding up and then wobbling again as he caught up to her.
With Minhyeok's guidance, Raon made another attempt at turning. Once again, she stumbled and nearly fell. Minhyeok swiftly moved to catch her, his movements fluid and precise, before helping her regain her balance.
However, Raon's perseverance finally paid off after 2 hours. With each attempt, her movements became more fluid, and her balance more stable. She managed to conquer the slopes one turn at a time, leaning into the curves with confidence as her body responded instinctively to the rhythm of the mountain.
Minhyeok's gaze lingered upon Raon with fondness, noting her newfound fluidity with each descent. A bright smile radiated across both of their faces, unaware of its pleasant effect upon the hearts of the onlookers.
"Look at you go, Raon!" Minhyeok cheered, his voice ringing out against the snowy expanse. "You're a natural!"
Raon beamed with joy at his words as she carved another turn, her confidence soaring with each passing moment, a smug smile upon her lips and feeling the moment.
'She probably feels like those main characters in comics and anime. Cute,' Minhyeok thought to himself.
"Again?" he called out.
"Again!" her once downbeat voice now full of energy.
As they reached the top of the slope and prepared to disembark from the chairlift, Minhyeok's snowboard suddenly hit a small bump in the snow, causing him to lose his balance. He stumbled forward, his arms windmilling as he struggled to stay upright, about to fall back when he felt an arm hugging his waist from behind.
"Geez, look who's the clumsy one between us now?"
As he peered up into Raon's countenance, he could hear his own heartbeat pounding thunderously within his ears. Her lips were curved into a mischievous yet haughty smirk, while her gaze held an odd weightiness as she peered down at him. There was an undeniable attraction to her features, an almost handsome quality that added an intriguing layer to her action... Oh.
'Oh, so this is what she means,' Minhyeok thought to himself.
In a burst of laughter, Raon grabbed onto Minhyeok's arm to steady him and prevent him from falling. Her grip was firm as she started to guide him safely down the path. She looked back at him mischievously. "Hold onto me, my lady. Can't have you eating snow on your way down."
He blinked his wide eyes and could feel the heat rise up to his cheeks. The cold air around them was a stark contrast to the warmth of his embarrassment.
"Mm," Minhyeok murmured quietly, then held onto her hand tighter, looking down at their jointed hands and letting his silence convey his feelings as he blushed. Surprised when she didn't hear his retort, he also didn't know why she continued the silence when she looked back at him.
"D-Do you not like it?" her nervous voice broke the tense stillness between them. She tried to peer up at his face, her own scrunched up in a mixture of worry and anticipation, her height around the same as his so she had to bend a little bit.
"No, no, it- it's not that," Minhyeok stammered, feeling even more silly and flustered by the revelation he had just made. His face turned a shade of crimson that would rival those fresh tomatoes his Eomma bought at the supermarket. His cheeks burned, and his heart pounded like a drum in his chest.
"I... I like it," Minhyeok murmured quietly, his voice almost lost in the crisp mountain air.
Raon's eyes widened in confusion as she looked at him, her cheeks now flushed with a rosy hue, perhaps from the cold. "What?" she asked, her tone laced with surprise.
Minhyeok's gaze briefly met hers before he quickly averted his eyes, a shy smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It's nothing! Let's go back. Come on!" he exclaimed, reaching out to take her hand as they glided back down the slope together.
"Huh? Hey! What did you mean by that?!" Raon protested, her voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and exasperation as she tried to keep up with his pace. But Minhyeok only laughed in response. "Really, it's nothing," his gaze fixed ahead as they made their way down.
"I just thought about making hot chocolate for us, that's all."
"Really? Yay! - Wait, don't change the subject here!" Raon exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of excitement before realization hit her, and she looked back at him in annoyance. Yet, she couldn't help but smile despite his attempt to divert her attention. The biting cold of winter seemed to melt away as laughter bubbled from Minhyeok's lips, his eyes dancing with amusement as they navigated the snowy slopes together.
'Let's hope she doesn't pound me too much for an answer this movie night,' Minhyeok thought to himself, a grin playing on his lips.
End Notes:
Elysian Gangchon Ski Resort is a popular ski resort located in Chuncheon, South Korea. It offers a variety of slopes suitable for skiers and snowboarders of all levels, from beginners to advanced. The resort features modern facilities, including ski lifts, rental equipment, and accommodations. Additionally, it boasts picturesque views of the surrounding mountains and offers various amenities such as restaurants, cafes, and shops. Elysian Gangchon Ski Resort is known for its convenient location near Seoul, making it a popular destination for locals and tourists alike during the winter season.
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twice-inamillion · 2 years
Jihyo’s Date
Part 156(TIS)
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It’s one week before Christmas and everything is going smoothly. The Christmas tree decorations have been completed, the Korean members are visiting their families, while the momo, sana, dahyun and tzuyu are at the house.
You remember the promise that you made to Jihyo about taking her on a date before Christmas. You ask the remaining members if they could take of jisoo, Ari and Hina for the day, while you and Jihyo go on a date.
“Of course, you can leave the babies to us” says Sana.
“Go have fun and enjoy yourselves” says Dahyun.
“Thank you, you all have been very helpful” you say.
You let Jihyo know that it is best to leave within an hour to avoid any traffic.
Jihyo responds “Kay” and begins to get dressed.
In the meanwhile, you take this opportunity to get things ready.
A lunch and snack bag is packed for the trip as well as other items you all might need.
Stopping by dahyun’s and Sana’s room you say farewell to both Ari and Hina since they are both asleep.
Jihyo finishes getting dressed and gets Jisoo dressed up as well. Once she’s dressed Jihyo takes Jisoo to sana.
Having everything ready you both get in the car and head out.
You find the main road and head out onto the highway towards Gangchon rail park.
It’s been a place where Jihyo had been asking to try out for a while. Since she adventurous and enjoys trying new things you decided to take her there.
You did a bit of research and found some near by spots to eat and spend time together.
It’s been about thirty minutes of drive when you hear Jihyo say “aww no! Why now.”
Hearing her say that directs your attention to her “what… what’s wrong Jihyo?”
She turns towards you and you see her shirt a bit wet. “I’m starting to leak” she says.
“Do you mean that you’re lactating?”
“Yes, I normally feed Jisoo and the twins around this time I don’t usually have accidents but since they were all asleep, I wasn’t able to. I also didn’t pump or have anything with me” she says in a sad tone.
“Do you want to turn back and maybe try again another time? you ask.
“No! I was really looking forward to spending some time with you. Me leaking shouldn’t stop us from having our date. What if you help me out with this?”
“What do you mean?”
“What if you help me by drinking some of it” she says with a shy of embarrassment.
“Hey, Siri. Look for the nearest rest stop.”
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“Nearest rest stop located within 10 minutes, updating route to location.
The sound of the engine roars as the accelerator is stepped a bit harder. You arrive to the rest stop and find the nearest shaded spot and park.
“Do you want some coffee? you ask.
“Yes, actually here, ask them if they can pour the coffee into the thermo. Ohh and can you buy some some bread?”
“I’ll be right back. Give me a couple of minutes.”
While you get the coffee, Jihyo takes the opportunity to put the visors on the windshield for privacy. She moves the seats forward and takes a seat in the back.
You arrive with the coffee and bread, you open the door, only to find Jihyo in the back seat with her blouse half way undone.
With excitement you jump into the back seat of the car and close the door. Placing the food and drinks in the cup holders you turn to admire jihyo.
“Sit comfortably, I’m going to mount you” she says with a smile.
There is no thinking twice about it and do as you are told. Sitting as still as possible, while Jihyo gets on topic of you.
Feeling the weight on her of her body on yours was something you missed.
She undoes the buttons of her blouse until there is nothing but her showing bare chest.
“Come on, i cant be the only one with their shirt off, right?” This makes you quickly take yours off. She places her hands on your chest and says “yes, that’s better.”
Looking at her beautiful and large breast, you place both hands, trying to cup them. Giving them a nice squeeze you see that Jihyo is enjoying it.
“I love the way you touch me. Haven’t felt your hands on my body in a while.”
“I’m sorry Jihyo, I’ve been so busy that I’ve neglected you.”
“It’s okay, we will have our time but right now you need to help me with my problem.”
You continue to squeeze and play with jihyo’s breast and notice that her nipples are getting hard. They poke out even more, which captivates your attention.
You give them a nice and soft pinch which causes milk to squirt out and hit your face and chest.
“Don’t pinch my nipples like that. You’ll waste all my milk like that” jihyo says with a pout on her face.
“I’m sorry jihyo, its… its just that your breast look so good that I couldn’t help myself.”
“Well don’t just stare at them, give them a taste.”
There is no need to tell you twice, with excitement you quickly take her right nipple into your mouth and begin to suck.
Jihyo moans as you continue to suck on her breast, the liquid flowing down your throats as a sweet but unique taste. You try your best to suck as much as you can and only stop when you have to catch your breath.
Letting go of her nipple, you try to catch your breath. You look into her eyes and see her smile.
She cups her breast with her hand, gives it a nice squeeze and milk comes shooting out of her nipple.
Milk drips down your mouth as you try to catch as much as you can.
“Aww is my poor baby tired of all that sucking? What am i going to do with my other tit? she asks.
You bury your face again and suck until there is no more milk left.
After emptying the right one you move on to the left. Before you take her nipple into your mouth you see that her left is leaking.
The semi clear fluid runs from her nipple, down her breast and unto her stomach.
You trace your tongue along the trail of milk until your reach her breast. You shape your mouth into an O shape and attach yourself onto her.
Once you are done with both breast Jihyo gives it one last squeeze to confirm that there is nothing left.
“There…there is no more left. You were able to finish all of it, you even bit my nipple.”
“I’m sorry Jihyo, it’s just that I wanted to tease your nipple.”
Jihyo scoffs at your comment and smacks you on the lap.
After getting dressed you head back on the road towards your destination.
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After driving for over half an hour you get to Gangchon rail park. It used to by an old and used railway but was repurposed as an attraction for visitors.
You buy a pair of tickets and are ready to get on the ride.
“Y/n, I’m really excited. I’ve been wanting to come here for a while but since we are so busy I’ve never got the chance.”
“Yes, I remember you talking about it with the members and wanted to take you.”
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You both get on the two seater and begin to pedal. The view is amazing, snow on ground, trees and the surrounding areas.
Jihyo holds your hand as you both pedal through the tracks. “I’m glad you brought me here y/n, it’s nice that we have some alone time together.”
“I’ve also been wanting to spend some time with you, alone.”
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Both of you continue to pedal together and have fun. After some time you reach a tunnel in where you both use the opportunity to share a nice an passionate kiss without are.
Once the ride is over you both head out for lunch. Jihyo uses her phone to find a nice park where you to could eat.
Placing the basket on the picnic table, Jihyo begins to take out the food that you prepared. She takes out some side dishes, different types of sandwiches and a couple of drinks to share.
You both enjoy your lunch, while Jihyo tries to take as many of photos of you and the scenery.
Trying to do the same thing you try to sneak some funny pictures of her as well as some good ones.
After finishing your lunch Jihyo asks to go for a walk around the park to let the food digest.
“You wanna work out right after eating Jihyo?”
“We need it so we can digest better, also I’m trying to get back into shape. Once the new years of over we might get a bit busy so I want to make sure that no one I got pregnant.” You nod in agreement and go on a walk with her.
You see ducks with their own children in the water, swimming. Other parents with children in their strollers, going on morning walks.
It has been a while since you have been so comfortable going outside, most with your loved one.
You look at jihyo and admire how beautiful she is and can’t believe that she is a realtionship with you, especially have a beautiful child like jisoo.
Both of you continue to walk together holding hands until you get to a nice location where Jihyo wants to take pictures together. She takes out her Polaroid camera and takes a couple of shots. You do the same as she poses for you. In the end she wants to take a selfie together as a keepsake.
It’s time to head to the next location and jihyo asks you if she can drive this time. You agree and give her the keys to your car and head out.
Out of all the members, jihyo is the best driver out of the bunch and casually likes to drive around whenever possible. This really shows as she is able to handle the curves of the highway with ease.
When you reach your destination she asks you where you two are going.
“We are going to get some really good beef for bbq” you say.
“Really? Are we really getting some meat? she asks with excitement.
“Yes, we are getting a combination of meats and side dishes. I rented a camping site for the evening and we are going to have a small cook out.”
“Omg y/n, I’m really excited. I always wanted to do this. Thank you.”
You both walk into the shop and walk towards the counter. Jihyo presses the bell and an old lady comes out from the back.
“Dining in or Take out?”
“Take out, I ordered in advance for a bbq set with side dishes” as you show her the confirmation email.
“Okay, let me get the items from the back” as she walks to get your food.
The woman comes back with a large box with multiple bags and says “in the bottom are you meats, on top your side dishes and some plates and utensils.”
“Thank you so much” says jihyo as she walks up to the counter.
“You’re welcome sweetie, enjoy.”
Jihyo and you drive to the camp site that you rented in advance. It takes less than an hour to arrive but we you do jihyo is amaze at the beautiful scenery.
“Wow, it’s so pretty here, I’ve never been here before.”
“Me neither but I looked online and found this place. It really had some good reviews. If you book in advance they even set up the camp for you.”
Jihyo take out the box of food and sets it out on the table while you turn on the grill. Once it’s on you help jihyo with seasoning the meat and getting it ready for the grill.
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“Can I help you cook”
“Haha… you think you can do it without burning it?”
“Stop… that was only one time. Why do you have to remind me all the time about it” as she punches your shoulder.
“It was really funny. I cant believe you actually brunt it to a crisp, even mom wouldn’t eat it” as you laugh.
Jihyo cooks the meat but you lend her a hand, here and there. You get everything else ready.
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Once the meat it ready jihyo brings it to the table and you both begin to eat. The table of filled with different types of meat like short steak, short ribs, brisket, flank steak and pork belly.
You can see how hungry jihyo is by the mouth of drool coming out of jihyo’s mouth. You can’t complain either because the smell of the cook meat is great.
“Okay let’s eat!” Shouts jihyo as she grabs a couple of piece of meat and places it on her plate.
“Ahh, don’t forget that meat goods really well with some beer” as she takes it out of the cooler.
“When did you have time to get some beer?”
“Ohh i got it from the store next door while you were waiting on the meat to come out.”
“Oh my god jihyo, don’t go back to your old drunk jihyo ways” you laugh.
“I know, I know, i can’t drink as much because if jisoo but i saved a couple of days worth of milk and she is alway eating soft foods, so it not that bad okay?
“Alright but don’t go too overboard okay? We still have to drive back home.”
“Okay, I promise. I’ll keep drunk jihyo in check” as she opens the first beer.
You do the same and enjoy the wonderful dinner that you and your amazing partner made.
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Once you’re all done with the food the both of you relax on a large hammock as jihyo lays down on top of you. You hold her by the waist, having your hands inside of her hoodie, touching bare skin. Jihyo has her blanket covering you two from the cold mountain air.
You both look into the sky and admire how beautiful it is. “Remember when we first met and how you came up to me” she jihyo. “Yes, i was so nervous.” “Look at us now, together after how long?” “A long time haha” you laugh. “Stop joking around, im serious.” “I’m sorry” you say. “Crazy how we have a baby together” says Jihyo. “yes, our baby came out soooo cute just like her mother. She’s a literal copy of you, Jihyo.” “I know, i can’t believe it. Even my mom tells he that jisoo reminds her of me when i was little, it’s crazy.” “You think she is going to be as competitive as you.” “I think she might be even worse than me. Don’t you see how she tries to fight Ari for my boobs when it’s time to breastfeed her? She’s a feisty one.” “Yes she is.”
You turn your head to jihyo and says “but i’m glad we had her. I’m glad i met you and have you in my life.” Jihyo smiles and grabs your face and brings he lips towards you and goes for a passionate kiss.
The stars shines bright in the clear skies of this cold winter night.
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Previous Chapter 155. Next chapter 157
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2d1nseason4 · 7 months
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📍Mokpo Marine Cable Car, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do
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📍Mungyeong Saejae, Mungyeong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
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📍Yeonginsan Natural Forest, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do
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📍Gangchon Rail Park, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do
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📍 Deogyusan, Jeollabuk-do
2D1N + Locations (7/?)
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seoulessrp · 2 years
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⛷️ SKI RESORT | DEC 28 - JAN 2 🥂
Let’s get sledding! Or however else you’d like to enjoy your trip! The Elysian Gangchon ski resort will be hosting our idols during their stay. Each idol will have their own suite, unless, you agreed to get a roomie! Like before, the resort will be closed to the public to allow your idols privacy and the chance to enjoy the location without worrying about Dispatch interrupting them. 
From sledding to golfing, your idol can enjoy their stay at the resort. There will be a party held at the hotel on December 31st to welcome the New Year. Come in your PJs this time. We want everyone to be comfy and not worry too much about their outfit! 
things/prompts to do:
golf driving range! don’t want to be outside? then try screen golf!
eat at the food court located around the hotel. have breakfast, soup, pizza, barbecue, coffee, and more!
get some drinks at the bar!
not enough food options? try the alphouse that’s located at the top of the ski slope! you’ll get a beautiful view while enjoying your meal! 
get your workout done in the gym located inside of the hotel. 
skiing, sledding, tubing, snowshoeing - your idol will have be busy deciding which activity to try! 
rent all equipment or take a quick class of any activity you want to try. 
try all of the baby or advance slopes!
still don’t have any ideas?
get stuck on the top of the slope with a friend. your mission is to head down before the night comes!
have drinks to get warmed up, but you overdo it, and now, you’re spewing out your truth to whoever is around you. 
get overcharged at the rental location, and have your idol make a scene. now your friend or whoever is around you has to fuse the situation. 
gossip while you have your coffee!
get a private lesson at the winter ski school to perfect those moves of yours!
want some drama? the hotel never had your idol on their system, and now, your idol is without a room, and has to ask around to bunk with someone. 
Of course, you can adjust some of the plots to your liking. Remember that we have our New Years party happening on the 31st. It’ll be a sleepover. All of your idols will have sleeping bags so make sure that they’re dressed in PJs instead of something fancy! 
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aventurasdeunatortuga · 2 months
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Thursday, July 11th
A much lighter and hopefully shorter post today as I get caught up.
Today I went on a day trip to Nami Island, a small island in the Han River about 50km from Seoul.
It is a very touristy artificial place designed for people to take photos of, but it was very pretty.
I went with a Chinese tour company somehow which was interesting, all the info was in Chinese and English.
We visited 3 places. First we visited the Garden of Morning Calm which was designed by an artist and architect in the 70’s to be an idyllic garden. It was very pretty.
Then we went to Nami Island. Nami Island apparently declared itself “culturally independent” which I don’t know what that means but they have their own flag and currency. They mainly have water sports and gardens and cafes and is the site where many dramas have been filmed. It is only about square 5km. They used to have ostriches running loose on the island but then they started attacking tourists and taking their things, so they were referred to as “gangster ostriches” and enclosed in a pen for their crimes. They have merchandise and their own lager named after them.
The last place we visited was a railway bike station in the nearby village of Gangchon. I had no idea that railway bikes were a thing, they’re kind of like those boats you peddle to move but it’s on a railroad track. It was really fun even though it was so hot out the government issued a health advisory warning. The best part were the tunnels, there were 4 themed tunnels, one was just fake plants, the next was filled with bubble machines, then there was my favorite, the total darkness tunnel with stars on the ceiling while Sarah McClachlan’s “In the Arms of the Angel” song blasted on repeat at an ear splitting volume, and finally was the electronic dance and lazer light tunnel which was wild. We biked about 4km along a lake which was really pretty, then we got on the “romance train” back to the town which played a bunch of songs from romantic dramas. It was very funny.
In the evening I had delicious bbq with a girl I met on the tour from Taiwan named Vivian. It was a very idyllic day, despite a weird incident on the metro back to my hostel where a tiny old lady started yelling at me and hitting and grabbing me out of nowhere. I didn’t understand what she was saying or what she wanted, but there were a lot of shocked people around staring and eventually someone had me get off the train with her and get back on a few cars down. It was very strange.
Until tomorrow,
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loenadiary · 6 months
📍 Gangchon Rail Park - 강촌레일파크
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here are the top 20 places to visit in Korea, including both South Korea and North Korea. These places offer a mix of historical sites, natural wonders, and modern attractions.
1. **Seoul** - The vibrant capital of South Korea, Seoul is home to numerous landmarks, including Gyeongbokgung Palace, N Seoul Tower, and the traditional Bukchon Hanok Village.
2. **Busan** - South Korea's second-largest city, boasting beautiful beaches like Haeundae, lively markets, and the stunning Haedong Yonggungsa Temple.
3. **Jeju Island** - A popular island destination with beautiful beaches, lush forests, and iconic volcanic landscape. Highlights include Hallasan National Park, Jeongbang Waterfall, and Manjanggul Lava Tube.
4. **Gyeongju** - A historical city with many ancient temples and tombs, such as Bulguksa Temple, Seokguram Grotto, and the royal tombs at Tumuli Park.
5. **Andong** - Known for its well-preserved traditional Korean culture, Andong is home to Hahoe Folk Village, Byeongsanseowon Confucian Academy, and Andong Mask Dance Festival.
6. **Chuncheon** - A scenic city surrounded by lakes and mountains. Must-visit sites include Nami Island, Gangchon Rail Park, and Soyanggang Skywalk.
7. **Suncheon** - A city boasting the Suncheon Bay Ecological Park, Suncheonman Bay Wetland Reserve, and Naganeupseong Folk Village.
8. **Daegu** - A city with a mix of modern and historical attractions. Highlights include E-World, Donghwasa Temple, and Seomun Market.
9. **Incheon** - A bustling port city with attractions such as Songdo Central Park, Incheon Grand Park, and Chinatown.
10. **Suwon** - Home to the impressive Hwaseong Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the Korean Folk Village.
11. **Gangneung** - A coastal city known for its beautiful beaches and the Ojukheon House, where famous Korean scholar Shin Saimdang lived.
12. **Damyang** - Famous for its lush bamboo forests, including Juknokwon Bamboo Garden, and the Metasequoia-lined road.
13. **Yeosu** - A picturesque harbor city with attractions like Odongdo Island, Hyangiram Hermitage, and the Yeosu Ocean Railbike.
14. **Pyeongchang** - The host of the 2018 Winter Olympics, Pyeongchang offers ski resorts and beautiful natural scenery.
15. **Seoraksan National Park** - A stunning national park boasting beautiful mountain landscapes, lush forests, and the famous Sinheungsa Temple.
16. **DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)** - A unique area separating North and South Korea, offering guided tours and a glimpse into the history of the Korean War.
17. **Panmunjom (JSA)** - The Joint Security Area in the DMZ, where North and South Korean forces stand face-to-face.
18. **Mount Kumgang** - A beautiful mountain range located in North Korea, known for its stunning landscapes and hiking trails.
19. **Kaesong** - A historical North Korean city, home to the Koryo Museum and the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Tomb of King Kongmin.
20. **Pyongyang** - The capital of North Korea, where visitors can explore landmarks like the Arch of Triumph, Juche Tower, and the Mansudae Grand Monument.
Please note that travel restrictions to North Korea may apply, and it is essential to check the latest information and guidelines before planning a trip.
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pionia-milly · 1 year
Watch "Korea Walking - Gangchon waterfall forest trail 강촌 구곡폭포 산책로 걷기" on YouTube
Chunchyeon city, Gangwondo Province, Korea
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nhdiary · 2 years
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floatingbroccoli · 2 years
Day 2 Seoul: Alpaca World> Nami Island> Gangchon Rail Bike
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bunnichiwa · 5 years
Seoul Trip | 2019
Finally crossed off Seoul on our must-travel list!  So we officially quit our jobs to move to Seoul to become K-pop stars!
Just kidding.  But we did get a taste of it when we visited and learned K-pop dance and filmed a short music video!
We also walked an alpaca, dressed in hanboks, ate lots of street food, visited a meerkat cafe, explored Nami island where the infamous Winter Sonata was filmed at, and lots more!  (See video below)
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seoulessrp · 2 years
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⛷️ SKI RESORT | DEC 28 - JAN 2 🥂
Come and spend your New Year with us at the Elysian Gangchon ski resort! Just 5 hours away from Seoul; your idols can come to relax, ski, and party into the New Year. Like before, the resort will be closed to the public to allow your idols privacy and the chance to enjoy the location without worrying about Dispatch interrupting them. This time around, your more than welcome to have roommates since suites have up to two rooms! We hope most, if not all, could join! We plan to host a party during New Years Eve so you can welcome 2023 with your closest friends! 
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[Korea Travel] A romantic night_MonteRio Glamping
[Korea Travel] A romantic night_MonteRio Glamping
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A romantic night_MonteRio Glamping
MonteRio Glamping, It is the answer when traveling in a group, not alone, with friends who do not have camping equipment.
What is the best place to stay for me who likes camping? Right in the tent. Glamping is the answer when traveling in a group, not alone, with friends who do not have camping equipment.
Glamping, I’ve never…
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BTS Season’s Greetings
As a lot of Kpop groups, BTS releases a season's greetings for the new year including calendars, a diary, stationary and a DVD featuring the photoshoot and the boys playing games.
2015 Season's Greetings
Starcast article with B cuts (archive text, picture) (Facebook album)
Instagram of the dog that appeared in some pictures
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2016 Season's Greetings
First teaser
Second teaser
Starcast article with B cuts (archive)
SNS posts from the boys: Jimin’s tweet, j-hope’s tweet, SUGA’s tweet
Outfits and accessories identifiedby@GetOnSwag: Jungkook’s guitar, and his hoodie, J-Hope’s shoes, and his snapback, RM’s sunglasses, cap, and overalls, RM and V’s shirts
Location: Stay Classy studio (cr. Deokutour)
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The concepts for this package were inspired by famous works:
BTS: Kingsman
Jin and V: Dumb and Dumber
Suga: Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians
J-Hope: Harry Potter
RM and Jungkook: the minions from Despicable me
Jimin: Romeo from Romeo and Juliet
2017 Season's Greetings
Preview pictures
Starcast article with B cuts (archive)
Location: 반딧불이야기; the last part was filmed in the abandoned Gangchon station, here (cr. deokutour)
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Songs played in the DVD:
Home menu: Blood Sweat & Tears
00:00 Blood Sweat & Tears
During the photoshoot In School (00:58): Epilogue: Young Forever
03:54 Look Here
05:54 Blood Sweat & Tears
06:49 Look Here
08:34 Blood Sweat & Tears
J-Hope’s refusal (12:27): Converse high
Group shot (13:15): Epilogue: Young Forever
Mini Field Day (16:35): Fire was played here and there and for tension moments (like 21:56, 33:21, 33:48) “Battle Without Honor Or Dignity” by Tomoyasu Hotei was used
At Kong Chon (49:33): Save ME
55:29 Am I Wrong?
Interview (58:38): 2! 3! There will be better days
2018 Season's Greetings
Teaser images
Starcast article with B cuts (archive)
Outfits and accessories identified by @GetOnSwag: main, Suga’s pants, RM’s shirt
Locations: Cafe Capful here (Facebook), Cape Zanpa here, Royal Hotel Okinawa Zanpamisaki here (website) (cr. deokutour)
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2019 Season's Greetings
Teasers (Spot and Spot #2)
Teaser images
Naver Starcast article with B cuts (Naver news article version)
Outfits and accessories identified by @GetOnSwag 
Location: 서후리숲 (Seohuri Forest), 스튜디오언아더 (Studio Another)
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Jin posted a selca from that filming on Weverse.
The final interview was filmed the same day the boys filmed episode 73-76 of Run BTS!
2020 Season’s Greetings
Preview cut
Outfits and accessories: Sies Marjan shirts
Location: 당케스튜디오 (Danke Studio)
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2021 Season’s Greetings
Preview Cuts
Naver post #1, Naver post #2 with B cuts
BTS’ SNS posts: SUGA
Outfits and accessories: thread by Bangtan Style
Locations: Eulji Dabang (cr.), Chungsihang (cr.), Hangang bridge (cr.)
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In the first SPOT video, the boys have surnames based on playwords or referencing things (translation by modooborahae, doolsetbangtan). Bom also gave us context for the ssang-hwa-cha V is drinking and then for the way he’s drinking his Yakult.
While he’s in the same outfit as in the picture above, Jin can be seen with a bus ticket that has details referencing BTS and ARMY (see Claire’s explanation and translation)
2022 Season’s Greetings
SPOT (Star Turned Villain), SPOT #2
Preview Cuts #1, Preview Cuts #2
Naver post #1, Naver post #2 with B cuts
Outfits and accessories: thread by Bangtan Style
Locations: Seoul city dragon
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Each member played a villain character :
Jin: shadow hacker
the programming language he uses is Java
SUGA: gray pianist
j-hope: mystic strategist
RM: mad scientist
he has word son his lab coat: “persona”, “the particular type of character that a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character” from the Cambridge dictionnary (both nods to the song “Intro: Persona”, “Mono” (his 2018 mixtape), “nine one two 912″ (his birthdate, September 12), and “one only single”
Jimin: alley cat
V: fate reader
Italian ARMY made a thread about the card he picks, namely the five of cups from the Rider–Waite tarot deck
Jung Kook: action-taker
Concerning the rock star shooting, alongside custom-made posters with “Butter”, “ARMY”, and “Like dynamite” written on it, you could find : four t-shirts designs made by Michael Hinkle, a Stone Roses poster that came with their first album, a hand drawn rock festival poster and a hard rock music poster designed by emeget as well as three more posters from DGIM studio. In addition, there are three armchairs painted by Kevin Park and that have been added to the exhibition Perception of Beauty after (src).
As for the wall with music band names, here are the ones I could read :
Amy Winehouse
Animal collective
Arctic monkeys
Beastie Boys !
Beach boys
Billy Joel
Bob Dylan
Bob Marley
Daft Punk
David Bowie
Deep purple
Fat Boy Slim
Franz Ferdinand
Guns N’ Roses
Hot Chip
I love rock & roll
Janis Joplin
Jimmy Hendrix
Joy division
Lady Gaga
Led Zeppelin
Michael Jackson
New order
No doubt
Pearl Jam
Pet shop boys
Pink Floyd
Queen, we will rock you!
Rage against the machine
Red hot chilli peppers
Smashing pumpkins
Steve Wonder
Stone Roses
The Clash
The Smiths
The vines
The White stripes
The who
TV on the Radio
Two door cinema club
War in the bed
Yeah Yeah Yeah
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