svmnium · 6 years
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" you - you look beautiful , “ etienne smiled , fondly looking at his girlfriend. he kisses her cheek quickly and hands her a drink. “ you’re - having fun ? “ he was having a nice night , he didn’t like dances that much due to the amount of people that were attending but it was bearable for him. 
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narciissiistic · 6 years
@gammasgirl // starter.
“does it ever bother you that you’re probably gonna live alone with 30 cats?” he asked. “and when you die they’re probably gonna eat you.” it was a little morbid for someone so nun like as the redhead but it was funny watching her scream in horror. or cry. if he made her cry through that sentence alone he was going to consider it a record. “i mean do you actually ever think about that?”
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volatileforces · 7 years
[ text ]: winnie.
NAOMI: winnie!! hi!! they're not allowing non-family visitors but noah got me my phone!! i hope you didn't worry too much :((
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sigurdofasgard · 7 years
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Fully dressed in his costume, including an authetic helmet thanks to his father’s grace, Sigurd Lokison made his way to the room of the woman who was portraying his better half for the evening, knocking on the door and waiting patiently for her to answer. “Winnie, it’s me.”
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cfchanging · 5 years
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Ross had never found the same joy in libraries and books that their sister had, but these days the safety and comfort they found in traveling in pairs made Ross willing to risk a little boredom to make sure Winnie was safe. Ross was currently sprawled on top of a table top flipping through some graphic novels, and occasionally taking a break to peer over at whatever Winnie and whatever ancient books (at least that’s what Ross chose to believe they were, regardless of actual age) she was pouring over. It was on one of their checks that they broke the comfortable silence between the two of them after sparing a glance at the time on their phone. “It’s getting kind of late, do you have what you need?”
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unstoppablehq · 5 years
hugo is @ starkedheart !
FOLLOW ! ( @starkedheart ) thank you for reporting back, and welcome to the group, feel free to message the main for access to the ooc discord, to message any family specifications if you haven’t already, take a look at the CHECKLIST to get started !
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nctquiteroyal · 5 years
Finding Winnie was easy enough, really. T’Charra figures some things haven’t really changed, especially when it comes to one of his closest friends. If she’s not in class, he’s pretty sure he knows where to find her - and sure enough, after checking out a few areas of the library he sees her, head stuck in a book like always. A smile appears on his face - one that only grows as he approaches her, pausing right behind her to lean over the top of her head and peer down at the book in her hands. “I can’t believe a book is more important than welcoming me back.” He teases gently, stepping back and leaning against the wall as he watches her with an amused - and very happy - grin on his face. [ @gammasgirl ]
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svmnium · 6 years
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“ keep your eyes closed , no peeking !! “ tye kept his hands over winnie’s eyes as he guided them forward and towards a beautifully laid out picnic that tye had spent the last hour laying out. the summer was ending and school was going to be starting soon , so he figured it would be easier to do something together before they both got really busy again with school. and he really just wanted to spend more time with his girlfriend. “ just a few more steps ... “ tye stopped right in front of the blanket that he had set out and dropped his hands from covering winnie’s eyes and yelled a soft “ surprise !! “ as he did it and leaned to the side so he could see her reaction. 
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sidekickhq · 6 years
portia is tickinghearted !
— ✧ EVERYBODY FOLLOW ! you have 24 hours to become active or you may lose your role ! if you’d like a link to the ooc discord just send us a message as well as with any specifications about siblings/children !
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cfshcdcws-1 · 6 years
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Noah hadn’t really anticipated so many reunions, but perhaps he shouldn’t be surprised. Besides - this is one he’s glad for. Despite their very stark differences, Winnie was always one of the other children in their group that Noah seemed to get along with. And seeing her again is.. interesting. “How do you still look the same as you did six years ago?” When I left goes unspoken of course, and Noah can’t help but wonder if she’ll call him out on it. [ @gammasgirl ]
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yariwaync-blog · 7 years
📱// winnie.
the last five texts from my muse to yours 
[ text // redhead ]: you know you’re getting too old when you actually have hangovers [ text // redhead ]: but i refuse to use that stupid vomiting emoji
[ text // redhead ]: have you ever thought about how bizarre it is to have skin? 
[ text // redhead ]: i just watched a documentary on sex robots[ text // redhead ]: i’m gonna be a virgin forever
[ text // redhead ]: coffee and donuts?[ text // redhead ]: i’ll meet you there in 20
[ text // redhead ]: you know what i hate more than anything[ text // redhead ]: finding someone else’s SOCKS in my LAUNDRY
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volatileforces · 7 years
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“ HE WANTED TO SEE YOU , “ naomi admitted , fingers holding tightly on the leash. “ and i told the nurses said that it’s okay , i think that they think that he’s a ptsd dog , “ which really wasn’t all that far from the truth. eros was helping with everything that has been going on. “ i hope it’s okay. “ @gammasgirl.
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cfempcths · 6 years
The fact that Winnie has reached out to meet them is a good sign. At they very least it means she wants to meet Tye’s family which has to mean good things, right? It has to mean someone who’s interested in making sure Tye’s family actually like her and approve of her being with him. Which has to be something good. Coralie wants to believe that.. mostly because they need to believe something good has come their brother’s way, something that will give them the happiness they deserve.
“Please don’t mind the scrubs, my shift ran a little over and I didn’t have time to run home and change.” Coralie explains as they approach the girl, a pleasant, friendly smile on their face. They don’t want to scare Winnie off, of course - they need to be sure this won’t go the same way as their brother’s last relationship, but.. Winnie deserves kindness just as much as anyone else does. “I’m Coralie, it’s nice to finally meet you.” [ @gammasgirl ]
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ofstcrk · 6 years
*/ @gammasgirl   said:  ❝ oh, good gracious! what is that? ❞
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"what?” he asks innocently, his gaze shifting from his little project to the girl. “thought you could use a little help with the baking and stuff. you can go ahead and name it,” he smiled, patting the small sous chef robot. 
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queenoparkrow-blog · 6 years
Headed to the church, wearing a simple orange dress and heels for the occasion, Laura went inside and sat in her usual pew. The new Preacher was good at his job, and Laura paid attention to the sermon, saying all the proper things at the right time. After Mass, Laura got up and made her way to the coffee and cake area where the old bitties looked judgingly at her with tiny clicks of their tongue. Yeah, she knew she wasn’t the favorite girl here, what with her record of causing mischief being well known even to the townsfolk, but what ever. It was one reason why she never joined any of the church events, she knew she wasn’t really wanted, and besides, no one ever asked her too. @gammasgirl
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thebcdpreacher · 6 years
{ @gammasgirl }
Every church, whether in dry, arid Nevada, sweltering, swampy Louisiana, or frigid, dark Alaska, has a few things in common, with small regional variences. Steeples, doors, crosses. Statues of a saint, of Mary, of the Christ Child. A Pulpit. A Priest, a Pastor, all under a Cardinal. Small bowl of Holy water by the door, so those who enter may genuflect. Candles to light, and a place for Confession.
And one worker who is utterly devoted to their job, to making the Church run as smoothly as possible.
In Annville, it had been Emily, although she wasn’t paid enough to raised three children on that alone, not with how small their parish was. Hell, it had barely been enough to feed Jesse, and he survived mostly on alcohol and cigarettes. No favors for his lungs here, but after giving so much else in his life up, his vices weren’t going any time soon.
No time for violence here, though, meant to be a balm to that particular nastiness.
Paragon has their own Emily, of course, young girl by the name of Winifred. Their first meeting, to dicuss the church, services, etc, had started about... 15 minutes ago. And Jesse was still a block away, though he was speed walking faster than he’d usually dare. Never did like to appear frazzled or off kilter, but he was cursing himself for being late now.
Finally getting to the Church, rushing through the doors, and he manages a smile to a group leaving. Polite nods, friendly hellos, and an internal monologue begging them to hurry the fuck up. Moving, moving, and finally getting into his own offices, much nicer than those in Annville (which had just been his bedroom, really).
“Sorry I’m late,” he apologizes immediately, smiling at the young woman. “Jesse Custer, and you must be Ms Banner.” Hand out, manners as good as his Daddy taught him.
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