svmnium · 5 years
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“ it sure does SMELL like it , “ etienne noted. “ yeah - you must be right. a campfire. that makes perfect sense. “ etienne was slowly trying to get on better terms with his old friends , especially the ones he had pushed away & cut out of his life due to what he was going through at the time. he was almost there with tova - he hoped he could get there with the others as well.
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❝ fire ? no, i don’t smell anything. ❞ hands poised behind her back, she hopes they can’t see the smoke coming from that direction, lit branch still smoldering as she tries to unsuccessfully put it out without looking or moving enough to draw attention. ❝ that really is so odd. maybe someone’s having a campfire. ❞ 
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svmnium · 5 years
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etienne had never struggled with school - it was OBVIOUS. he graduated awhile before everyone who graduated who was around his age and was also incredibly ahead in his studies for someone who was only twenty-one years old. so etienne has never had to struggle with his studies and has never had to worry a lot about it. but he tried his best to empathize. “ isn’t the goal somewhere close to one... or... none ? “ 
“Yes!” Rohen jumped up and yelled in excitement, something rather unbecoming of him. “I submitted a seventy-five page thesis and didn’t break down more than twice!” He burst to tell the nearest person.
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svmnium · 5 years
❛ we’ve all gone too big too fast and then run out of the room. ❜ / @sangriiasister.
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" i can confirm that. every time i send my dads birthday cards i start out really big and then end up squeezing everything into the tiny space left over. i never learn from my mistakes. “ 
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svmnium · 5 years
❛ yeah, but the past is the past. ❜ / @tofuisms.
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etienne felt so much GUILT for pushing everyone a way. everyone told him that it wasn’t his fault and he did what he felt like he had to do during that time of his life. “ are you sure ? “ tova was so adamant about becoming friends again and after what HE DID, but etienne couldn’t help but still feel so guilty STILL. 
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svmnium · 5 years
incredibles   2   /   starter   sentences.
all  these  starters  are  taken  from  the  2018  movie  ‘incredibles  2’.  feel  free  to change  the  pronouns  as  needed!
‘ done properly, parenting is a heroic act. ‘
‘ to fix the law, i gotta break it. ‘
‘ looks normal to me. when did this start happening? ‘
‘ i’ve got to succeed! so she can succeed! ‘
‘ when was the last time you slept? ‘
‘ that is freaky. ‘
‘ if you wanna get out of the hole, first you gotta put down the shovel. ‘
‘ num num, cookie? ‘
‘ we wanna fight bad guys! ‘
‘ suit up. it might get weird. ‘
‘ you don’t talk, you watch talk shows. ‘
‘ boys are jerks and superheroes suck. ‘
‘ it’s time to make some wrong things right! ‘
‘ why would they change math? ‘
‘ what? is this all vegetables? who ordered all vegetables? ‘
william | daniel | scott
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svmnium · 5 years
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“I didn’t know it yet, but Landon was in Kansas looking for his mom. He had no idea what he was walking into.”
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svmnium · 5 years
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“Oh that’s good.” She said and gave them a smile. “I think I got lucky that they’re good and well-behaved or maybe I was good at training them.” Irey said. “Though its funny that the words well-behave are coming from me since I’m not always.”
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" well - you did a good job at training them , “ etienne smiled. he had never had a pet before - his life had never quite allowed for one since he was in the foster care system for AWHILE before being adopted. “ at least you’re honest , right ? “ 
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svmnium · 5 years
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“better with you here,” she admitted, the feeling growing the more time ticked by without her annoyance in her ear. tova… probably would have been fine. probably. she could handle herself, her mum and dad had made sure of it. but that didn’t curb the fact that tye had done her a huge favor, tonight, and that she was… beyond appreciative of that. “she better be sweet as sugar - it’s what you deserve.” 
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“ oh - yeah ? “ etienne smiled. albeit , a small one. but still a smile. he had lost so many of his friends during a bad part of his life and he regretted it so much but he especially regretted losing his friendship with tova. “ she is , “ it had taken him some time to realize that what he deserved wasn’t what he had been through. he was in a much , much better place now and he had some hope that he could try and rebuild the friendships that he had lost. “ did you - did you want to meet you ? “ 
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svmnium · 5 years
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“dial up isn’t a thing anymore?” if she sounded embarrassed, it was cause she was - her imitation of an olden day computer ( because clearly, that was what they’d become ) all for nought. there wasn’t any disappointment, though, no matter how much her words wanted to be construed that way. dial up had been a pain in the ASS. “that’s really cool. and you don’t have to do anything? is there a button i should press, or something?” her gaze raked over the computer like she’d see one, somewhere, flashing red and saying ‘push me’. “i’m sorry for all the questions, étienne. it’s all very new.” 
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“ nobody has really used dial up since 2000... “ he laughed sheepishly and in all honestly , he was EMBARRASSED for her. but it just meant that he had to show her the new age of technology. would it be rude of him to suggest one of the classes that the library has that were mainly for people seventy years old and above ? “ computers use broadband internet access now - which just means that it’s one hundred times faster compared to dial up and it’s always on. unless the internet is down -- “ it was a no brainer for etienne but not everyone felt the same as he did. “ the internet icon ? but that’s just for the browser. but yeah , there isn’t anything you have to do except for bring up the browser. “ etienne shook his head , he’s been a wiz at EVERYTHING since his powers manifested  ( one of his powers was being a supreme intellect ). “ it’s understandable. um , just ask as many questions as you want ! “ 
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svmnium · 5 years
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he hadn’t slept in what felt like DAYS but it could have been longer. he almost always lost track of time and given his powers... sleep wasn’t one of the things on his mind. besides , he wanted to finish his paper by tomorrow ( which also happens to be when it’s due ). when he heard a knock at his door he was definitely CURIOUS - who could be knocking on his door at 3am ? “ oh , uh - , “ he furrowed his eyebrows together. “ yeah , sure. i just made a pot... did you run out or something ? “
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Dalia prided herself on being independent and being able to handle anything on her own but when it’s 3am and she just needed a cup of coffee to help stay awake and she was out she knew it was time to ask for a bit of help, she knocked on the door of one of the other dorm rooms, she looked for one with some noise behind the door so she wouldn’t be waking anybody up “Hey, i know it’s really late but do you have any spare coffee?”
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svmnium · 5 years
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“ oh , it’s n-no trouble , don’t... don’t worry about it , “  étienne smiled and rubbed the ferret’s head. “ he behaved -- you’ve got a well-behaved pet. you probably know that already. “ 
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“ — and there goes my ferret.” Irey said before grabbing the leash and then her pet. "Sorry Zorro gets excited so easily around new people and they just want to say hello. Sometimes I wonder who they learned that from.” She said as a quick giggled came out of her before she composed herself. “Please tell me they didn’t bite you or anything?” She said as giving them a quick look over.
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svmnium · 5 years
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Hal nods as he listens to the introduction. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Tye. Do you prefer that or Etienne?” He asks since he can handle any name after being around so many aliens his entire life. “My name is Harold Jordan, but call me Hal.” 
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“ étienne , “ he knew how much of a mouthful his name was , so he never minded it when people shortened it. but he would always prefer his actual name as opposed to his nickname that was given to him by various foster siblings he lived with before being taken in by jean-paul and kyle. “ nice to meet you , “ focusing on something as simple as meeting someone new was proving to distract him from the affects the mists had on him. 
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svmnium · 5 years
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“I don’t mind at all.” Hal was used to being around other people, and he doesn’t mind being the one to look after kids. He wouldn’t let anything happen to them even with his anxiety stricken mind at the moment — sometimes you have to push through something. “What’s your name?”
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“ étienne. étienne beaubier-jinadu - most call me tye. it’s easier. “ his name was DEFINITELY a mouthful. focusing on something as simple as his name & talking to a stranger was helping him at least a little. it gave him something to think about instead of the fear. 
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svmnium · 5 years
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" you wouldn’t happen to have powers that can make this go by... faster ? “ etienne ATTEMPTED to joke , but it was a horrible attempt at making the air LIGHTER. “ or - nevermind. nevermind. “ he just wanted to get done with this as soon as possible so he could take a WELL DESERVED nap.
( CLOSED TASK STARTER / FT . @ofviictories​ )
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svmnium · 5 years
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svmnium · 5 years
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despite the fact that they’d been dating for months, winnie still got all bright and flustered and giggly at any compliment from tye. beaming at him, catching his free hand to kiss his empty palm, the redhead nodded. she didn’t particularly enjoy big parties, but this was nice, just two of them all dressed up. “thank you. i’m having a lovely time, thanks to you.” she said, taking the drink. “you… you let me know when you want to go, though, okay?“
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etienne blushed BRIGHT RED. he loved being at the party with winnie - it definitely made things so much easier for him. and he was actually going to have a really good time with her by his side. “ me ? “ even after dating for such a long time he still got surprised with compliments and finding out how much winnie liked him. he was surprised that she still liked him as much as she did MONTHS ago. “ yeah , of course , “ etienne nodded. “ right now i’m just happy to be here with you. “
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svmnium · 5 years
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Aspen looked up from the textbook she had taken to reading. (There was, sadly, not much about poison within the pages, and there wasn’t much that was new to her in it, so far.) Lawrence was across from her at the table, grumbling and complaining and insulting her. (Useless fucking brat.) She shrugged. “Someone’s probably trying to kill us.” That, it seemed, finally shut Lawrence up, an amused smirk on his lips. “Maybe when they finally succeed.” 
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“ wh - what ? “ etienne stumbled over his words. “ why would they want to kill us ? who’s THEY ? i’ve... i’ve never even done anything bad. i-i recycle and maybe i’ve lied a few times but there were good reasons behind it ! it’s not like i - i’ve killed someone ! “ 
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