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#Repost @playtoysforever.co.ltd with @make_repost ・・・ 一年一度的 Playtoysforever & Friends 遲來的登場!! 今年我們照例與好朋友們一同帶給玩家們許多有趣的創作, 超過30位創作者,與大家一起在玩具的世界裡打鬧。 - - ▱ 參加��請| -因應防疫政策,本次展售將採線上抽選的預約制度。 -申請時間:11/6 – 11/8 24:00止。 -展覽時間:11/13 - 11/14。 -申請辦法: 請參考臉書:玩老玩具 貼文 *室內空間單次入場人數為10人,請於門口照號碼順序等待入場。 *請準時到現場等候,將依照確認信件中號碼結帳。 *若過號,請於此時段尾端重新排隊入場。 *預約成功將無法任意轉讓資格或更動時段,若未出席,將自動取消。 - - 如有任何疑問,請於營業日洽詢: - - ▱ 販售須知| -部分設計師作品將於11/13, 11/14兩日皆有配額。 -現場僅收現金。 -部分展品將於展覽結束後通知領取或寄出。 - - ▱ 展覽資訊| PlayToysForever & Friends Group Event ▍ 2021/11/13 活動展開! ▍台北市大安區泰順街40巷29-1號 No. 29-1, Ln. 40, Taishun St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City ※ 詳情請洽”PlayToysForever玩老玩具“臉書專頁 *展覽期間沒有開放一般參觀,入場一律依照預約時間。 *入館貴賓請配合實聯制措施,全程配戴口罩,保持安全社交距離。 *並配合量測體溫及酒精消毒,共同維護安心的觀展空間。 *體溫過高將無法入場,請於觀展前確認自身體溫以保護彼此。 *玩老玩具企業社保有更改活動的權利 #ChinoLam #DevilToys #GamiToys #HAKURO日ノ元重工 #Hinatique #LittleSquirrelByLookplu8 #MAO #MASHKING #MerryGoRound #MomocoStudio #NakoYamaguchi #OHIGEnoPON #NgaewNgaew #OKLUNA #OtazWork #Quiccs #RjToys #RyoTaniguhi #TanakaSaki #TerrysFactory #Tiyoko #TorryDesign #TOUMART #VapourPark #YoyoYeungStudio #ZombcatsStory #幻狐舍genkosha #胡子碰碰 #電脳大工 https://www.instagram.com/p/CV9LcIbvJPz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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がみトイズ ワーキングマ/勝色 Katsu-iro 【アイテムセットモデル】(gamiToys)
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About the Welcome to Marwen Dollies
If Welcome to Marwen gets a wide release just before the holidays how many let’s take the kids to the dolly movie parents are we going to get?
Anderson “Mini” Cooper of DNN investigates.
If you’re already asking to speak to the manager then the $$$ price of a boxed full set isn’t the issue here. It’s not even going to be all the itsy bitsy accessories and choking hazards your kid will lose the moment they open the box.
See the wrist on the Gamitoy hand? The bottom of the hinge joint looks like a part has chipped off. Dragon wrists just do that. Flexible finger hands suddenly come off the wrist peg. Then again the hands are designed to come off so you can change them. If you haven’t lost them somewhere.
I believe I said my Medicom RAH disarmed himself. By which I mean he literally disarmed himself because they come off at the shoulders do to a design flaw on what is otherwise a great figure.
The body I use for Thomas of Daft Punk randomly drops pieces if you look at him funny. I’ve had a Volks girl who’s elbow joints pop apart from the moment I got her. Several of my figures have fallen apart at the seams because of random shit happening.
These are adult hobby dolls because most of us have the patience to put up with Dolly Falls Apart because it came with cool clothes and accessories.
As for black uniformed mean bad guys, if you can even find the uniform on the left and are willing to pay more for it than your clothes welcome to stain city. If he’s wearing gloved hands imagine what it’ll do to your kid’s fingers, your car upholstery, and that trendy white couch you like to Instagram.
Those fancy equipment belts? They’re soft rubbery easy to tear if you handle it wrong. Or it’s a miniature complete with a buckle.
Shoes can be hit or miss. Like put the socks on, good luck getting the shoes on too. Some of them lace up. And they come in different sizes so some figures can’t share.
Those clothes come with snaps and buttons, not kid friendly hook and loop tape. They aren’t one size fits all either. Soldier on the left’s pants won’t fasten on any of the others’ waists. Pull overs are literally that. put the arms up, possibly pop off the hands, hope the collar goes past the head, hope the arms are down the right way, put the hands back on, hope a wrist peg doesn’t break.
If your little one wants a toy soldier stick to those in the toy aisle. GI Joe, Power Team Elite World Peacekeepers, store brand have passed the age 3 and up test. Some of those come with working parachutes.
Your replacements for the parts your kid/dog/vacuum swallowed will arrive whenever from China, unless you plan to pay $$$ shipping for a $5 set of hands.
Or just keep the dolly in its box. The more pristine and unopened those are the more “value” they have. These can be an investment. An investment your kid will want to tear open the moment they see it.
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