Gaming talk with Mari... IO interactive and Hitman.... and Deus ex...
So this was some wierd news i wasnt expecting this morning, IO interactive is splitting off from square enix... Now i havent been a super long time fan of Hitman, but i enjoyed absolution and really enjoyed my time with the newest Hitman episodic reboot-game-a-ma-thing. And i swear i thought i read Season 2 of Hitman was gonna be a thing... but if it is i guess IO isnt at the helm? This raises alot of questions about the future of Hitman and at this point the future of all of Eidos's IP's for me personally i dont doupt Tomb raider will continue but Deus Ex and Hitman seem to be in serious trouble which is worrisome. Deus Ex was finally heading in a good direction after Mankind Divided and i was really looking forward to seeing how the Jensen trilogy would end... then *yoink* square put it on ice and threw Edios montreal onto there upcoming Marvel games. Hitman as well seemed to have a bright future but obviously something went wrong maybe the disc version didnt sell well enough for them to greenlight season 2 in the end? Maybe Square wanted IO to make a marvel game but didnt want to so they requested a split? I dont know im spitballing here.... Honestly im not gonna hold up any hopes for more Hitman at this point from IO atleast... I really hope the company finds solid footing and is able to continue creating games like Hitman... In a perfect world i would love Bethesda to come in and give IO the chance to create the kind of game they want to make like Arkane and Dishonored, or Tango gameworks and Evil within. Shit at this point Bethesda... just buy the Deus ex and Hitman IP's have Arkane create a full on Deus ex reboot remake... and have IO conintue making Hitman. And yeah thats pretty much my thoughts on that subject just wanted to write what was on my mind after reading that wierd bit of news this morning~ Thanks for reading~! Love you all~! Mari XOXO
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Mari's Friday blog....
Hiya everyone, so gamefly has in fact sent me Prey and i should be getting it Monday~! (^-^) I for sure will write a review for it as i play but it wont go up ti'll i beat the game which could be a week or two~ Also i gave paladins a solid try last night and ended up playing for 4 hours... yeah its kinda fun lol, and simmilare yet different enough from Overwatch that i can enjoy it and dont find myself wishing i was just playing Overwatch instead, its pace and feel, reminds me alot of old arena shooters like quake, Unreal and Halo. and the Time to kill feels quicker as well! (or maybe thats just the bot matches talking) And lastly for my little update i have in fact been playing the Nioh DLC, Dragon of the north, but progress has been slow, i didnt do much endgame so i feel a little underpowered but im making my way through it slowly and last night i just beat Date Masamune! So far i love Odachi's and AND!! Female transformations were added in!!! For the low low price of 70K glory perskin.... 100K for okatsu.... *sarcasm* The prices are annoying but somehow i had nearly 70K anyway so i got Ginchiyo Tachibana, Next they need to add some skins from other Tecmo games like... Ayane, and Ryu! Ok thats about it for this entry, i hope everyone enjoyed the Corpse party story, and as allways if you have suggestions or ideas for what kinks/characters you wanna see let me know. Love you all~ -Mari XOXO
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