jungkxook · 4 years
Hi alyssa, how are you. I am currently not very much alive. Saw this on twt and thought i should share it with you because its blonde painter kook dying his hair. thank you. Bye
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AKDMSODMSO THIS IS SO GOOD 😳 thank u now I am also losing my mind over this
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adonis-koo · 3 years
Jungkook is so endearing you just wanna boop his nose.
"maybe he is a space fuckboy" 👁️👄👁️ i laughed so hard. So like i guess you cant escape from them, they are everywhere
I’m glad you liked it baby 😭😭 something about an extremely innocent and confused alien baby koo just makes my heart go !!!! bUT Jimin got a point for all we know this man could very well be a space fuck boy 😭 even half way across the galaxy you can never get away from the fuckers! HOWEVER I don’t think we have to worry about our little alien man being a fuckboy he’s a pretty sweet boy 🥺
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angelguk · 4 years
Omg dad!jk please? 🥺I am a sucker for him
Like absolutely in love 💕
i dont think this is the dad!guk you were expecting but here you go!
There are many things in Jeongguk’s life that he has grown to regret. One of the biggest, of course, is falling in love with a woman who didn’t seem to care for him the way he cared for her. Although, that regret brought him the two greatest blessings in his life so he’s knocked it down a few pegs in his list. However, this moment, occurring right now, might be one of his biggest regrets ever. It’s all because of his children, a consequence of how susceptible he is to falling for their demands, that this is even happening in the first place. And as he stands in the heat of the bright Busan sun, the carrier slung over his shoulder digging into the muscles there and the faint sound of Jungeum diligently listening to your guidance as you help Sungjoon out of the car, that Jeongguk feels his heart grow heavy.
this is from AH :)
wip folder tag📝
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subvk · 4 years
Today i am presenting you tiny koo 💕🌺
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BABY KOO!!!! 🥺🥺🥺
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hansolmates · 4 years
My exams start on the 15th and i am a bit 🥴 but like now am soooo looking forward hehe you are a life saviour we dont deserve you 🙏🏽
awh man good luck mayra! i hope distance learning gives u a lil break when you’re done 
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yeojaa · 4 years
Omg now that you mentioned ghost in my bed i have a confession to make 😔 when i was reading ghost in my bed last summer i wrote some lyrics (i had totally forgotten about it but now i remembered 😭) because 1) i am a h0e for angst. Yes. and 2) i was so ispired by the vogue article you made and the prologue, because i was a bit amazed by the work and though you put into it honestly.
So i have to search through my notes cause i am pretty sure i had finished the song but at some point i got frustrated because i didnt know if the vibe was right 😔 and also couldnt find a fitting melody i had written 200 different ones.
But now that i remembered this song exists somewhere in my notes i am gonna record it and send it to you. Maybe? If you want to of course. 🌺
MAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I GENUINELY LIKE. SCREAMED. not a loud scream. but a gasp, maybe, more like. because oh my gosh? i just?????????????? 
i would love nothing more than if you recorded it and shared it. i can only imagine it’s incredible, just like you!! ahh. MY EXCITEMENT? like. i cannot. i am just. flabbergasted. amazed. delighted. etc!!! there’s no rush at all but i look forward to it 👉👈 
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wwilloww · 4 years
Dear my wonderful willow i just finished "i'll be home" and i am a bit speechless and completely overwhelmed by the beauty of your work. First i wanna clarify that English is not my native language and therefore i wont be able to fully express my feelings the way i would have wanted to and thats really a shame because i just read a masterpiece. I still cant believe that this is out there for people to read for free??? You are just too good. Also i feel betrayed because you definitely tricked me. You said that this was gonna be mostly fantasy and smut and here i am crying from halfway through the story and till the ending.
So i was in the part when they had started taking their clothes off and i had ALMOST stopped crying and then.... This happened
"your eyes flick up to him and you see it. The loss. The anxiousness. The space of love, emptied, but unable to be filled by another."
And also this
"you have taken expectation and and stomped it into dust. You have shed the skin of what you ought to be, and the person beneath is stunning, glimmering in the light of new life"
Willow, you cant just throw these phrases into a smut scene, you just cant 😭 i was literally crying through a sexual scene...like this is embarrassing but i did. Your way with words is...amazing, beautiful, magical you managed to completely transport me in a whole other world. I could hear every little sound you were describing every scent, every feeling. There love was just so pure. Maybe i am overeacting? Maybe i am reading too much into it? But i dont know... I think i kind of saw myself into oc. I am very passionate about my freedom. I dont like to be held back. Or being told what should i do, what should i be.
I dont know how to explain it but this story touched me deeply. It was an unforgettable experiece. Something that will be following me, something that will be stuck in my mind for a long time. I promise i am not exaggerating or being dramatic. I am still so overwhelmed.
I just realised how long this is 😭 i am so sorry. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. 💜
First of all when I told you it was mostly going to be fluff and smut, I truly believed that and I’m so sorry to have lied! I have also been deceived, but by my own story, which.... which is not a great look. 😂  I started writing and then the angst, it KEPT COMING. Like I mentioned earlier, if I was going to write a piece with angst in it, I also wanted to make sure that it was meaningful within the story and that there was some resolution to it by the end so that it wasn’t just emotional sucker punch after emotional sucker punch for the readers. I hope that resolution is there, and if you’re crying I’m coming over with tissues and a really really big hug. 
I love that you mentioned that you saw yourself in yn/oc (i don’t know, i never know what this character is 😂). It was so interesting because while writing her, the more she interacted with Jungkook, the more clear her character became to me. I truly think that what drove this fic to 22k was YN’s character and her need to establish herself within the world, not necessarily her relationship with JK, although that was hugely important too. I texted a friend while wrapping up this story and told them that I think I learned something about myself through this character. I think I walked away feeling like I need to take more space in my life to be things, just to be them, not just because I ought to. It feels magical to me that you resonated with that message too. 
Whether or not your first language is english (mine isn’t either!) your support and loveliness is everything to me and goes above and beyond what you’ve written to me tonight. I have so much love for you in my heart. So much!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ 
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gguksgalaxy · 4 years
I know no one asked for this but i wanted to share my opinion with you. I think its such a same to do/write something youre not comfortable with or not really enjoy, cause thats the whole point of you being a writer here on tumblr. I also know that when you create something and pour your entire heart into it you are gonna want feedback and recognition for your work and getting none of that is really disheartening. And dont get me wrong I know what i said about doing what you really enjoy rather than what is doing better its easier said than done. There are people who are gonna support you no matter what. But not everyone likes the same things and thats okay. For example i dont really enjoy reading noona reader, its making me kind of uncomfortable and its not really my cup of tea but that doesnt mean iam disrespecting the fic nor the author (though i always reblog fics even if i dont read them, cause there is gonna be someone that would want to read it). What i am trying to say its that i think its more of a matter of reaching the right audience for the things you enjoy writing and want to share with us. Like there are loooots of readers in tumblr and there are lots of people who want to read the things you want to read. You just have to reach that kind of audience cause you are an incredible writer. Thats just my opinion though and how i see it, maybe i am completely wrong. I dont know how being a writer on tumblr is and i dont know if i expressed my thoughts well.I hope i didnt come off as rude or anything I only ment well. 💜
I'm not entirely sure what to answer, I'm sorry. I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea but it still stings that not even 10% of people who follow me appreciate the things I am passionate about. I don't know where to find people who do. It's not easy. The vast majority on this platform wants one thing and I'm not the first person to speak up about it.  Thank your for the message though, I hope that you have a nice day! And I hope that you enjoyed the fic if you read it. 
— Gwaen
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jeonsweetpea · 4 years
I wasss soo looking forward to moonstruck 6 i cant believe its here 😭 so many things happened. I love this story so much, its so well written, keeps you interested. I have my suspicions as to what is really going on but i am gonna leave that to your big, creative brain. I totally trust Hoseok though. I hope i am not wrong hehe
Also jungkook's confession at the end 😭😭
He finally did it, the timing was a bit off though
But we love him anyways
Ahdklfsdkflkds, this is so cute. Yes love, it’s here and ohhh boy did it take a lot out of me! 😂 
Thank you for saying such wonderful things. I can never get enough of hearing compliments like this. They really motivate me 🥺👉👈❤️ I LOVE YOU! 
Hahaha, it’s boiling down to the point when what’s going on might be easy to guess but the how it’s happening is where I’ll take over and throw in some plot twists! Anytime something is obvious, it makes me anxious if I don’t mix it up somehow. You all have such big beautiful brains who pay attention to everything and I absolutely LOVE it. 😭💕
Another one who believes in Hobi! Alright, alright, alright. 😏
LMFAO right? She’s dead and he’s over here yapping away. But he really thought he lost her, so he might as well pour out his heart. He really believed if the emotions were strong enough, maybe the sire bond will help revive her quicker. But she’s half-vampire so that wasn’t it. Lol. Ah, the romantic at heart that is Jungkook. 🤧 We love him so. 💝🐰
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latetaektalk · 4 years
"its fake untill its not" and "contract love" are my two favourites 💜 but thats just my opinion ☺️
i really like these two as well!! thanks
it’s fake until it’s not : 1
contract love : 1
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iamjungkooked · 4 years
Thank you 🥺 And yeaaaaah kook is the man than can ruin your life in the sweetest way possible 😭💜
I honestly can’t imagine a life where I didn’t know he existed/care he existed you know? Thank god he was born ya know what I mean? This is super emotional and shit but like he’s the best thing on this planet 🥺
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jungkxook · 3 years
I really can decided between suck it up and pride and prejudice 😣😣😣 ahhhhhh
Surprise me? I dont knoow 😭
Suck it up??? Nooo wait
Pride and prejudice. Yes, okay okay i am sure
Pride and prejudice 🥺💗
I can tell you about both if you’d like!!!
pride and prejudice is about college business major jungkook somehow ending up in an english class all about jane austen novels because he needs one more english credit in order to graduate, except he hates everything romance (and reading). but he can’t seem to keep his mouth shut when he’s in class, always pointing out flaws in austen’s work. then comes english lit major reader who’s wholeheartedly in love with everything austen, and constantly argues with jungkook in class. but when they’re paired up for an assignment for the class, they realize that they might have more in common then they first realized!!!
suck it up is about dumbass new world vampire college jungkook who is completely incompetent as a vampire but only because he doesn’t realize he’s been bitten. he’s your best friend except lately he’s been acting strange. like, won’t come into your apartment unless you invite him in kind of strange; suddenly can’t sleep anymore but says it’s because he’s been binging a new netflix series kind of strange; and can’t stay out in the sun in the middle of winter for too long or else he’ll burn kind of strange. he literally shows every sign of being a vampire but neither you nor him believe it because vampires exist???
i honestly just really wanted to write a vampire fic where they aren’t these super cool/mysterious/ancient beings, but actually just millennial/gen z vampires who have no idea what they’re doing!!! 
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adonis-koo · 4 years
Hey missy 🥺 i dont know maybe i am a bit late but could you maybe do a reading for me? If you have time and feel like it of course. In no way i want to pressure you. Maybe career wise? Currently i am studying molecular biology but my big love has always been music. And i dont know why i havent started uploading covers and eventually original songs yet but i am so scared
And maybe its stupid but i cant figure out what i should do. 😣 Thank you so much in advance weather you do the reading or not 💕
Awwwh it’s not stupid! It’s an important decision and you definitely have lots to think about!
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So I can totally see a lot of inner turmoil going on inside you as to what to do! The five of wands is considered a card of conflict and disagreement (as you can see the pandas all toppling over each other), and I can tell this is clearly internal as you struggle to figure out what to pursue and what to not. And I’m also seeing with the Eight of Pentacles in reverse you may be worried about finances especially if you choose to go into music and thus potential struggle of whether to stay in molecular biology.
However, the Knight of Wands in reverse is here to warn you to not make a decision to quickly, even if you feel like your energy is scattered it’s important to take a moment to contemplate the pros and cons. But the Ace of Wands is here to encourage you to try out with music, there’s definitely opportunities there for you and you have the potential to succeed.
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WHEW that’s a lot of major arcana hahaha, the Chariot is here to encourage you to first explore music before completely abandoning molecular biology for it, the Sun shows that you’ll definitely have fun and brighter days ahead as you explore music and upload those covers and, if you’re ambition make originals! The Hermit and Justice are here to remind you to just be patient and reflect on what you truly want most, with the Knight of Pentacles finishing this reading, you’ll definitely have hard work ahead of you but with that as well, you’ll have a productive and busy outcome! Good luck on your decision love! ☺️
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angelguk · 3 years
Hey love hope you are doing good 💕🌺
For the song au: Be okay by victoria nadine
Its the song i have been listening to non stop these days 🙈
omgg this song is so sad 😭😭 it's all angst and pain
yeah im gonna go on a whim here and give you a fantasy au where jungkook is a prince and whats to keep his kingdom intact but theres a lot of disparities between social classes. oc is part of the lower classes (she was a kitchen maid for jungkooks family) and she ends up joining the rebels even though! both her and jungkook are in love ith each other. i think in this moment with the song they both realise they are fighting for different things and the love they have for each other cannot fill the gaps in anymore.
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subvk · 3 years
Gonna miss you 🤧💖 but i am very supportive of quitting things that make you feel stressed or dont give you the same amount of joy they used to. Please take as much time as you want and dont pressure yourself to do things that you dont feel like doing.
Love you lots 🌺💕
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thank you mayra 🥺 ily and i hope you’re doing well! 💕
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hansolmates · 4 years
Youre the sweetest and we dont deserve you 😭 but all wishes aside i wanna say that not best friends to lovers two was sooooooo cute all your drabble series are amazing basically 💜
Jungkook is soooo sweet and i wanna kiss his lil nose
Though i have to confess something 👉🏽👈🏽
On the poll.... I voted for remote learning buttt in my defence remote learning jk is an absolute catch THE man and who on their right mind would say no to him???
grahhhhhh thank you mayra you really are my dose of serotonin 
omg the poll!!! at first not bffs was in the lead and then it went up to church girl!yn x bad boy!jk and i was like aaahhH!! conflict!!! eventually i will post distance learning 😭😭😭 i wanna spread out my posts a lil i feel like the faster the post the faster i’ll run out of ideas. but definitely will be posted i will keep u on your toes
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