loveryss · 1 year
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unofficial-sean · 2 years
Review: Deliver Us Mars
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I will separate my review into sections so that you may jump to the aspects of the game that you may find most important in your purchasing decision. I will also include a spoilered section where I will wax poetic about the game's themes, because I'm feeling inspired. Table of Contents: [1] Gameplay [2] Graphics and World [3] Story and Talent [4] Bugs [5] Wax Poetic
[1] Gameplay
As an adventure game, Deliver Us Mars provides an accessible and engaging set of rather simple mechanics. Nothing is too hard to learn or grasp. While the puzzles are relatively simple (compared to puzzles from, say, The Talos Principle), they provide a nice pace breaker and a good challenge of the mind. None of the puzzles were particularly mind-boggling to me; and that's okay. I appreciate the context they provide to the world and story. Climbing represents a unique traversal challenge when moving through the world. It sometimes is not tutorialized very well, as is the case in chapter six, but it is not absurdly difficult to understand. After enough practice, you will develop the muscle memory and techniques to adeptly and quickly traverse walls in climbing sections. It is quite satisfying to climb a surface with no errors and see the progress you've made in this skill. In sections when you are helping control a ship, you engage with the instruments in a satisfying sequential quick-time event. It provides excellent context and fulfilled my dream of being an astronaut. None of the controls are particularly hard to discern, even amongst the clutter. It is pleasing. I will say that in some circumstances, I, as a player, made decisions that the devs clearly didn't account for. For example, in the prologue, Kathy's father, Isaac, asks Kathy to come back from the lakeside dock to keep her moonbear plushie out of the water. I stopped and walked back to Isaac on the porch, and he just stood there with no interact prompt. A couple more times throughout the game, stuff like this happened. Other than all that, the gameplay is pretty walking-simulator-esque; and that's okay. With the puzzles, plot, and climbing, I truly felt like I was on an adventure.
[2] Graphics and World
Here, the game takes quite a few hits. The world, from Earth to Mars to space ships, do not feel lived in. They feel artificial and uncanny. NPCs are often just standing or sitting in simple animation loops. They do not comment on their surroundings or do anything a normal person would do, even if you walked up to them or bumped into them. It creates this unnatural and unsettling tone that persists throughout the entire game. Facial animations outside of pre-rendered cutscenes are lacking, even on max settings, and sometimes character will speak without their mouths moving or syncing correctly. Body movements are stiff and unconvincing. Even in cutscenes, you can clearly see where the developers spent most of their time; that being with the player character, Kathy. These rigid NPC animations and details often defuse crucial emotional moments in the plot. I don't feel as though I'm being unfair when I say that this world feels unnatural. The opening chapter of this game has you play as a child version of Kathy. Her body and face don't look like that of a child. They look like a squished adult form. This transfers over to the adult version of Kathy. I don't fault the developers that much for this, however, as even critically acclaimed games like The Witcher 3 struggle to make convincing children in video games.
[3] Story and Talent
This game's redemption arc concludes here. The story is wonderful. It has enough mystery to keep you engaged and it explores themes that make you stop and think about where you stand. Despite the poor facial and bodily animations, the voice acting is amazing. It carries every moment where people are talking to one another. With fixes to the animations, I think this game will be a slam dunk. I always wanted to come back and continue the story to find out what happens next. To piece together what exactly happened to Outward. I even got teary eyed from time to time. The writers and talent directors clearly knew what they were doing, and it paid off well.
[4] Bugs
As I mentioned, there are times when the in-game NPC's faces do not emote inline with their speech. In addition, there was a moment where I ran ahead of two NPCs in a flashback sequence and they did not follow. I walked all the way to the destination and had to run all they way back to them in order to trigger their movement and dialogue. It was a bit irritating. Other than that, no issues.
[5] Wax Poetic; the following contains spoilers for the game's story.
This game is set in a near-future where humanity has failed to tackle the climate crisis of our age. The ice caps have melted and sea levels have risen; swallowing lowlands across the globe. This is immediately apparent in chapter one where a new globe can be seen with the new shorelines of the flooded Americas. There was an energy crisis and a group of scientists formed an organization called Outward which secretly set out to take Earth's most advanced minds and technology to Mars to begin anew on flagships known as Arks.
This departure wreaked havoc on Earth, causing a 5-year blackout. Your father was one of the scientists that boarded the Arks destined for Mars, but you were accidentally left behind. It is now 2069 (nice) and you are Kathy all grown up and exceptionally gifted. Through some eavesdropping, you weasel your way into a vital mission to travel to Mars to retrieve the Arks and their technology and deliver them back Earth in order to save humanity.Upon arriving, you find the arks to be suspiciously empty. Throughout the game, you slowly piece together what happened, and discover that discontent between Outward scientists led to 2/3 the colony behind killed off. The other 1/3 still survives, Isaac among them. After your reunion with your father, you press on with your team to take the arks home; leaving behind the failed experiment of starting anew on Mars. I see, here, connections to contemporary views on the climate crisis.
Humanity's history is riddled with conflict. Our inability to confront the climate crisis in a meaningful way continues to spell our doom. It's not hard to envision a near-future where we are our own worst enemy. Where it is clear that humanity, at its current scale, is incapable of saving itself. So why shouldn't the brightest minds set sail for a similarly destitute planet in the hopes of making a better society? There are many visionaries across history who have looked to Mars as a refuge. A destination. A frontier. Only, it is all folly.
While Elon Musk's ilk look to Mars for escape, the rest of us have to deal with the crisis at hand. Mars will never be our home. It is a distraction. This is pointed out in the early chapters, too. The main characters discuss--while on their way to their rocket to Mars--that they are the lucky ones; that those in the shantytowns and refuge's were simply born at the wrong place in the wrong time. What are the poor to the wealthy but hands to gather and assemble the materials to bring the wealthy their salvation?
The colony on Mars is a failure. The same human error Outward sought to escape followed them to the red planet. Conflict is in our nature, the game says. But the game also says that that's okay. It is natural. Earth isn't worth throwing away because of disagreements. It's a simplistic view of things, but it is fair. Technological development has resulted in increased quality of life in the global north, but at the cost of environmental degradation and human rights violations. If the cost of progress is so grave, is it worth it? What would it take to regress? Who deserves to be spared?
It's a complicated topic, to be certain. No matter how you slice this cake, someone ends up in the trash bin. And no one wants to be discarded. Ultimately, humanity is determined to be worth saving. The arks are brought home. Whether this works or not is up to our imagination.
I was born in the awkward space between millenials and zoomers. I've inherited a broken, dying world. Every day, I hear of greater tragedies, habitat loss, civil rights abuses, wars, bullshit bullshit bullshit. Apathy and helplessness. In the timeline of this game, I'd be 70 years old. My entire life, I'd have seen this world shrink and tear itself apart. What would I do if I were skilled enough to be counted among those allowed on the arks? Would i try to save Earth or abandon it?
I cannot answer that question for you. That is for you to decide. Earth is worth preserving, in my opinion. Even if we have to sacrifice modern conveniences.
Earth is the only planet in the universe than can support life, as far as we know. As far as we can reach. And looking to Mars is a fool's errand. Deliver Us Mars seems to agree.
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henlp · 1 year
Astria Ascending
I don’t know why this game has gotten so little attention, especially compared to others that’ve come out in recent years. While not breaking any molds or doing things uniquely, it’s a perfectly serviceable, functional turn-based RPG. 
Chances are that I’ll never pick it up again, and I didn’t 100% all the journal entries busywork, but I spent 20 bucks for it and was satisfied, and I’m sure you can get it for cheaper and enjoy the pretty art and straightforward experience.
As mentioned above, there’s not much I can say about the gameplay: combat uses an action boost system kinda like Octopath Traveler, and it’s fine; the overworld platforming and exploration skills are there; the bootleg Tetra Master minigame is fun enough as a post-endgame distraction to extend your playtime if you so choose.
The major complaints I have are: 1) the difficulty/challenge balance is non-existant, there was no work done besides numbers changing depending on your choice, and it’s no wonder that the devs allow you to change difficulty at any point;
 2) the bullet hell minigame that at times you have to do to progress is so token, it hurts, and is also affected by the crappy difficulty balance;
3) my BIGGEST gripe, which might also be the most petty, is how you have to choose where to assign each of the character’s three extra jobs, and not only are these locked to the slots chosen (main job, sub job, support job), and you can’t change it at all in a playthrough; but your choice of main job also removes your base job’s equipment options.
If this game was spectacular and quick, maybe it’d be understandable as a means to offer replayability. But I’m not gonna play it again, and I doubt many would. If you wanna limit things, then at least make it an endgame option to switch between jobs, or that you need to fill out a skill tree before you’re allowed to switch which job is assigned to each slot.
A small token acknowledgement that, at least on Switch, the game is a bit slow with its loading screens, in-between areas and getting in and out of combat. Nothing compared to fuckin’ Cris Tales, but still worth bringing up. Maybe it’s different on PC or other consoles, but I find it an important factor in turn-based games to be expedient and to not waste your time. 
Also, the game is severely lacking in its options menu, and some areas can be WAY too dark to make anything out. A serious problem, when considering there’s still some platforming elements to deal with.
Astria Ascending’s story is just there. It’s very basic, it’s not particularly engaging, and the characters don’t have enough to them that made me like them any more or less. Especially when you have 8 playable characters right out the gate, but you don’t have to use all of them, you get nothing to have you connect with the protagonists of this game.
That being said, SPOILERS: I find it kinda stupid/funny how the story is set in a totalitarian, dystopian world, where everyone must abide by the governing body’s mandates... and you’re playing as the enforcers of this system, without ever once questioning if their world and society is fucked up. A system where people are chosen to be given superpowers for three years, serve as enforcers, and then die, and if they refuse or attempt to flee, are hunted down. And that it all leads to the utter destruction of the whole thing. Nah, it’s the disinfranchised escapees not eating their brainwashing Harmelons that are the problem, not our authoritarian theocracy that’s giving rise to dangerous anarchists looking to burn it all down.
Zero self-awareness, and I can’t help but laugh. The complete opposite of a conventional JRPG story.
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insiderkilop · 2 years
Dayz standalone .60
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The last lines (Saved ) are repeated every 10 seconds.
I've started the server with simply double clicking _crashbase.bat, since the howto video is down on youtube it is very difficult for me to figure out what I have to do now? Is it maybe possible to upgrade the server files to 0.61? A little howto / readme would be nice.Ġ:44:35 SUCCESS: SteamGameServer_Init(0,8766,2302,27016,3,13)Ġ:44:35 Mission dayz_Auto.ChernarusPlus read from directory.Ġ:44:59 Ġ:45:00 Loading core file Ġ:45:00 Reading dynamic events from hive.Ġ:45:00 Loaded properly: 12 dynamic events 22 total types 2478 total positionsĠ:45:00 Loading storage file Ġ:45:40 LootRespawner: Initial loot:15098Ġ:45:40 Saved file event types.Ġ:45:40 Saved data file items.Ġ:45:40 Saved data file 0 items.Ġ:45:40 Ġ:45:43 Saved file event types.Ġ:45:53 Saved data file items.Ġ:45:53 Saved data file 0 items.Ġ:46:03 Saved data file items.Ġ:46:03 Saved data file 0 items.Ġ:46:04 Saved data file 0 items.Ġ:46:13 Saved data file items.Ġ:46:14 Saved data file items.Ġ:46:14 Saved data file 0 items. This change has been a long time in the making, with fans having to put up with bugs and glitches that have lingered since the DayZ standalone released into early access. I always receive "connecting failed" on client side (connecting to, server log shows nothing. May 4th, 2016 by Kyle Hanson DayZ has finally released the long awaited 0.60 update, which brings the game into the new DirectX 11 rendering engine. server with an unmodified, bought on steam, DayZ SA 0.61 client (can't find 0.60 client in this thread)? Is it possible to connect to server files 0.60. "0.60 has come to DayZ Standalone and with it a whole load of new updates that are amazing! Here I give you a guided tour of Cherno and the changes to this in game hot spot.ĭayZ Standalone THE zombie survival game was created by Dean Hall and is a Bohemia Interactive Production.Was trying to setup a server with v 13 Server Files.
Playing DayZ is the thing I enjoy doing but I also hope that I can help make your DayZ Standalone experiences better with some tips and info you can find here on my channel ĭayZ Standalone THE zombie survival game was created by Dean Hall and is a Bohemia Interactive Production. Hey guys I wanted to see what people are looking forward to in the new update (.60) I am looking forward to the new Render because its going to make dayz. Game Version: - 0.60 / 0.61 Anticheats / Protections: - BattleEye / UNDETECTED - AntiLeak Protection OS Support: - Windows 7 / 32/64 bit - Windows 8 / 32/64 bit - Windows 8.1 / 32/64 bit. Gameplay will be Screenshared to a customer via skype before he/she will buy a subscription.
Im looking for how to see players in-game, but thanks anyways. When using the in-game vsync enabled the fps unlocks itself when you alt-tab. on the Steam Server Browser > Steam > View > server > choose the one you want. ★★★ Subscribe to me at Patreon and support the channel.Thanks!!!! ★★★ĭayZ Standalone Gameplay features heavily in my Youtube Channel. when i try first time 0.60 i has about all the time 60 fps but now 1-2 days later i got about 15-20 fps everwhere 4 comments. Dayz Standalone External Hack This cheat is engine based. Enable V-sync (set your monitor refresh rate to 60hz) or use software like RivaTuner. My Twitch channel can be seen here where I stream this game: Chernarus has changed a lot with the DayZ 0.60 update in this video we get to go over the map changes and look at Altar Radio Station, Tisy Military Base, El. 60) - 2020 NISSAN DAYZ Highway STAR X ProPILOT. How To: DayZ 0-60 Hunting Scope Guide, where and how to find itDayZ HUNTING SCOPE GUIDE - for STANDALONE GAMEPLAYA guide on where and how to find a Hunting S.
RaptorM60 Brand & PR Manager - Bohemia Interactive tweeted. Ivan Hofman - Dayz Origins Ep.9 - DayZ Mod ARRIVAL - Tales of DayZ EP. 0.60 has come to DayZ Standalone and with it a whole load of new updates that are amazing! Here I give you a guided tour of Cherno and the changes to this in game hot spot. DayZ Developer Tracker tracks post across multiple social platforms to help you stay up. Youre right, even though my current rig runs any game on ultra with good fps, I should buy a completely new one to play dayz standalone at 40fps.
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asimmingpunsquared · 3 years
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Wanda: Remember me? I am cute (:
only from certain angles, but, yes.
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gameplaya · 8 years
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CASH ME INSIDE COSTCO STRAIGHT PUMPING! HOW BOW DAT?! The new video is up! Braun D is back with another ridiculous way to lose weight. As always the link is in the bio for your viewing pleasure. Share this with anyone you think needs to lose a couple pounds! #YouTube #Gameplaya #Comedy #Jokes #funnyvideos #workout #gym #costco #fitness #weightloss #weightlossjourney #cashmeoutsidehowboutdat #subscribe #youtuber #youtubers #ImTryingToHit100kThisYear #guns #muscles #share #PeopleKeptStaringAtMyButt (at Costco 好市多/台中店)
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theomeganerd · 2 years
Agent 64: Spies Never Die PC (Steam) Demo Gameplay
A retro FPS inspired by classic 90s console shooters. Explore new locales, accomplish varied objectives and fight against state-of-the-art 1997 enemy AI. Enter a world of espionage and action.
Demo available on Steam
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loadinghandy238 · 3 years
Age Of Wushu
Age Of Wushu 2020
Age Of Wushu Rg
Did you watch Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and think “hey they should make a game like that?” Well have I got news for you, Age of Wulin, otherwise known as Age of Wushu, by Snail is a free-to-play MMORPG that allows you to flip and fly around the Ming Dynasty and fight foes with a variety of legendary combat techniques.
8 schools, thousands of martial arts, airborne combat and more! Experience the authentic life of Jianghu heroes in Age of Wushu! Developed by Ace team of Snail games USA, Age of Wushu is an Exotic MMORPG which provides natural realistic graphics, unique QingKung battle, strategic Feint-Overt-Block combat system, guild assassination and team Jianghu adventure! Age of Wushu is a free-to-play 3D martial arts action MMORPG, developed by Chinese company Snail. The game revolves around the Wuxia-inspired lore surrounding martial arts and adventures in Ming Dynasty China. The European version, Age of Wulin, which had been published by Webzen, closed in July 2017, with players being given the option of.
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As you would expect in most MMORPGs, there is a lot of gameplay to be discovered in Age of Wulin. You decide which of the 8 factions you wish to join: Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, Beggers’ Sect, Tang Clan, Scholars Academy, Royal Guard or the Wanderer’s Valley all of which provide internal skills that are unique to that school. If you leave that school, you lose its abilities. Best web browser best web scraping tool.
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You run around this world completing quests and other activities like crafting, combat and fetch quests; all of which allow you to gain cultivation points that let you upgrade fighting skills. As its an MMORPG, there is also the Raid element that allow you to team up or solo a dungeon to earn cultivation points.
The Game doesn’t stop there as it also adds a lot of other systems that improve the overall gameplay from professions, housing, mounts and more, all of which increase the immersion afforded to the player. It felt a bit like Jade Empire by Bioware but with a bit more to it. It allows you to “live” in the world not just pass through it. Age of Wulin also offers a much more satisfying vertical movement aspect, where you may jump and run up walls and is just more kinetically fun to play.
The combat system is something I quite enjoyed as it moves away from the standard class and level system with all its restrictions and instead prefers a genuine skill based game. The one with the better proficiency wins, not the one with the higher numbers. A lot of its martial arts contains realistic interpretations of the art forms all while maintaining a superhuman element as shown in films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Combat falls mostly into a 3 tier system; Attack, Feint and Block. Each requires you to know the animation that’s performed when one is happening. If you or the enemy feints and you accidentally drop your defence afterward, they can get an easy strike on you. It’s a thoughtful combat style that implores players to stay mindful throughout the encounters.You can fight PvE and PvP so the content doesn’t get boring quickly, which I am grateful for.
The World
A vibrant world is presented to the player. As an RPG, it gives you lots of villages and towns to explore with jungles and woods to travel through. You’ll see a lot of what’s offered simply by playing the game, fetch quests frequently require you to travel into other areas and explore. I personally really enjoyed seeing the games take on Chinese architecture. It really helps sell the feeling of being where the game is set.
A surprisingly well thought out game that allows for a great amount of play time. If you like Chinese culture or just a good MMORPG, then this is for you.
Age Of Wushu 2020
Skill based game
Great character manoeuvrability
Age Of Wushu Rg
Low visual quality
Slow running speed
Overall rating: 7.5
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jasnociemnykolorowy · 4 years
Zapraszam do obejrzenia gameplaya z Vampyr(horrorgame)
oraz z resident evil 2 remake(horrorgame)
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yourgamecheats · 5 years
Watch Dogs Legion Devs Discuss Replayability and Avoiding Permadeath
Watch Dogs Legion Devs Discuss Replayability and Avoiding Permadeath
At the E3 2019 conference this year, we finally got to see some Watch Dogs Legion gameplayas Ubisoft took center stage to showcase the titles vast array of characters players can take charge of in its huge open world. I think it’s safe to say gamers around the world instantly fell in love with one of the games most colorful characters Helen – an old lady who complains about no longer being able…
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Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 - kolejne trzy i pół minuty gameplaya - Onet.pl
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 - kolejne trzy i pół minuty gameplaya Onet.pl W najnowszym gameplayu ze Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 możemy zobaczyć kolejny fragment gry, w którym po ciemku bohater eliminuje kolejnych separatystów. Na filmie nie brakuje drona, skradania się i spowolnienia czasu z widokiem na lecący pocisk.
from sniper-ghost-warrior-3 - Google News http://ift.tt/2ku7x9X via IFTTT
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dzeikobb · 5 years
Labirynt. Immersja. Constraint (nie mam na to odpowiedniego polskiego słowa, chyba że: linia oporu). Takie określenia narzuciły mi się po seansie. Świat skonstruowany tak, by się w niego zanurzyć, ale nic z niego nie jest wyjaśnione. Wiemy tylko, że jest Budapeszt, że jest rok 1913, a główna bohaterka, oczyma której oglądamy ten świat (lub nie do końca oczyma, jesteśmy jak duch uwiązany do jej szyi, trochę jak w Beyond: Two Souls) jest równie, a może nawet jeszcze bardziej zagubiona niż my (bo wiemy, czym ten świat będzie za rok, za trzydzieści, za sto lat później). Jest to rodzaj doznania, jakie można mieć przy oglądaniu gameplaya z open worldu (może którejś z części Assassin's Creed, ale bardziej realistycznej, bez biegania po dachach i fruwania między budynkami) - zagranego przez dość wścibskiego, społecznie wyobcowanego, nieco chaotycznego, zdeterminowanego by osiągnąć własne cele gracza, a nakręconego i zmontowanego przez artystę.
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gameplaya · 8 years
PJ CHICKEN DIPPERS IS BACK! Check out his official music video on my YouTube channel (Link In Bio). For those who missed my birthday yesterday, make it up to me by watching it! #YouTube #YouTubeBlack #youtubers #youtuber #comedy #rapper #rappers #hiphop #PJChickenDippers #jokes #chef #chickendippers #Gameplaya #mercedes #rangerover #funnyvideos #funnyshit #ImStrugglingToFindMoreHashtags
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Chippoke Ralph No Daibouken - The Adventure Of Little Ralph(PS1, NTSC-J Japan)
Przygoda Małego Ralpha to wspaniała gra platformowa 2D z elementami typowymi dla gatunku ‘bijatyka’. Gameplay jest bardzo zróżnicowany. Autorzy serwują nam sporą ilość sekretów do odkrycia, jazdę kolejką górską, diabelski tor przeszkód oraz oczywiście walkę z bossami. Walka z bossami od razu przypomina walki z popularnej serii Street Fighter w 2D. Każda plansza do przejścia podzielona jest na podetapy, co znacząco wydłuża rozgrywkę. Do wyboru mamy dwa poziomy trudności Easy oraz Normal. Wybrałem poziom Normal i powiem w ten sposób gra jest piekielnie trudna i nie przez przypadek została umieszczona w ‘The Guardian’ jako jedna z najtrudniejszach gier wszechczasów 
Ralph na swojej drodze spotka przeciwników, pułapki, ‘skoki wiary’ i wiele innych. Na pewno nikt nie będzie się nudził przy takiej mnogości pomysłów. Przeciwnicy dzielą się na kilka typów: Słaby - ginie po jednym ciosie Ralpha, Średni - ginie po mocnym ataku Ralpha, Mocny - nie ginie po mocnym ataku Ralpha. Bossowie dzielą się na: Mini-Bossów oraz Bossów Głównych. Odnośnie samego gameplaya warto wspomnieć również o bardzo przydatnych ‘power-upach’ jakie Ralph może zebrać podczas przygody. Są to wzmocnienie ataku broni, dodatkowa ochrona życia Ralpha, atak na odległość za pomocą ognistej kuli czy dodatkowy kompan atakujący na odległość pociskami. Ralph posiada właściwie dwa ataki zwykły - szybki oraz mocny po ‘przytrzymaniu’ X-a na konsoli trwający dłużej i mający możliwość odbijania pocisków przeciwników i często także bossów. Walka z bossami często wymaga znalezienia odpowiedniej strategii ich pokonania. 
Grałem około 7 godzin bez przerwy(później wytłumaczę z jakiego powodu) i doszedłem do momentu, gdzie Ralph musi przeskoczyć przez podwójne ogniste fireballe. Udało mi się przeskoczyć wszystkie poza ostatnim ‘skokiem wiary’ przy którym mnie spaliło ;(. Zdenerwowałem się i postanowiłem zapisać i wyłączyć grę. I tutaj pojawia się największy moim zdaniem problem z grą Adventure Of Little Ralph. Gra zapisuje progres tylko do momentu etap I podetap II > ‘Stage 1-2′. Co oznacza, że przejście do ‘Stage 3-2′ nie zostanie poprawnie odczytane i wylądujemy jak zawsze w ‘Stage 1-2′. Jest to potwornie irytujący błąd, który uniemożliwia ukończenie gry. Taka sama sytuacja występuje przy graniu na oryginalnej konsoli oraz na emulatorze(!!!). Zostało to dokładnie opisane tutaj:
‘The Adventure of Little Ralph Japanese version also corrupts the save no matter where always save is in phase 1-2 the save after coming out of the game and restart it, have tested several versions of popstarter and always remains the same mistake’
Opis Ogólny:
Tytuł: The Adventures Of Little Ralph
Platforma: PS1
Region: NTSC-J
Kraj Pochodzenia: Japonia
Cena: 100$ - sama płyta, około 400$ - kompletna wersja używana, 850$ - wersja nowa fabrycznie zafoliowana.
Zalety: Platformówka w starym stylu, Walki z bossami w stylu najlepszych bijatyk, Power-upy oraz sekrety na każdym kroku, Bardzo zróżnicowana rozgrywka, Animacje śmierci bohatera, Bardzo wysoki poziom trudności rozgrywki, Kreatywne wykonanie, Ładna baśniowa grafika z mrocznymi elementami , Mnogość pułapek i przeciwników.
Wady: Dla dzieci może okazać się nie do przejścia, Brak możliwości poprawnego odczytywania zapisanych stanów gry na karcie pamięci, co oznacza że całą grę trzeba przejść w ciągu jednego podejścia do komputera czy oryginalnej konsoli.
Ocena Ogólna: 9/10 
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Byłem już na ostatnim schodku i spaliło mnie ;(. Niestety nie miałem siły grać dłużej i na ten moment gra nie jest przeze mnie w pełni ukończona. Nie pomaga także brak zapisu. Jest to praktycznie sama końcówka gry. Dalej są już tylko 4 następne pułapki, mini-boss rycerz oraz dwóch bossów głównych i końcowe zakończenie, które obejrzałem na YT.
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Przykładowa pułapka - młot który może zmiażdżyć Ralpha :) oraz robot - rodzaj łatwego przeciwnika.
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Przykładowe starcie z bossem głównym.
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Oryginalna wersja gry The Adventures Of Little Ralph w folii fabrycznej o wartości około 850$(USD)
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Niestety mam jakiś kryzys pokonania ostatnich poziomów gier japońskich na PS1 - PSX. Na zdjęciu Sexy Parodius - specyficzny przedstawiciel gatunku shmups-ów. Nigdy nie mogę ukończyć ostatniego starcia gdy wybieram poziom trudności hard. Na szczęście w tej grze jest możliwość podłączenia kolegi i pokonania poziomów we dwójkę. Może w ten sposób wspólnymi siłami, pokonamy w końcu ostatni piekielny poziom czasowy(?). Niestety W The Adventures Of Little Ralph trzeba radzić sobie samodzielnie. Ehh gdyby nie błąd w odczycie zapisanych stanów gry, a przecież byłem w Stage 8-3 :( :( :( 
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sniperarmy-blog · 7 years
Agari.o #LIVE STREAM 🔴 COME FOR PLAY WITH US! Agario gameplaya
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femaleworldshop · 7 years
#Atlético_Madrid vs #Chelsea | UEFA Champions League | PES 2017 Gameplaya
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