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#GameGearMicro #MicroGameGear #GameGear #GameGearTecToy #GameGearSega #TecToy #Sega #Portátil #Portable #VideoGame #VideoGames #GameGear #SegaTecToy #TecToySega #Game #Games #Gamer #Oldgame #Oldgames #8Bits #RPG #Puzzle #RPGGameGear #PuzzleGameGer #RPGDrasgonDigger #PuzzleDrasgonDigger #GameGearDrasgonDigger https://www.instagram.com/p/CTGSqKeBNmz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Too cute ❤️ #GameGear #Micro #gamegearmicro #retrogaming #Aleste #Shmup #SEGA #アレスタ #ゲームギア #セガ #ゲームギアミクロ https://www.instagram.com/p/CKUXYVNBB98/?igshid=1ueyjy8tap7a6
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Discussion Topics: #GEEKBROS approved #videogames, #XboxSeriesX Backwards Compatibility, EA Postpones #MaddenNFL21 Reveal Following Nationwide Protests Against Police Violence, The #GeorgeFloyd incident protests riots, Tweets from #Sony’s #Playstation5 & #IGN’s gaming events, #GameGearMicro announced for #SEGA’s 60 year anniversary, #AttackonTitan season 4 trailer review, #RubyRose Said She’s “Stayed Silent For Now” About The Reason She Left “#Batwoman”, #MarkHamill Came Out of Voice-Acting Retirement to Play #Skeletor for #MastersoftheUniverse, #HBOMax Is a Mess & #ZackSyndersJusticeLeague, #CentralPark – Official Trailer review, What We Know About Peacock’s New ‘#BattlestarGalactica’ Series, #PokémonBattleAcademy Turns The Trading Card Game Into A Board Game, One Japanese Bus Company’s Solution To Travel In The #Covid19 Era, #SpaceForce #Netflix series review. All this and more on this week’s episode of the #KeepinUpWithTheGEEKBROS #podcast! NOW PLAYING now playing on your favorite #podcasting app or listen here - https://webegeekspc.com/keepin-up-with-the-geek-bros-podcast-the-99th-7/ (at Vibe_Revelation Studio(s)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBMarEDjO1c/?igshid=1dtv8okr8jqwz
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De tal palo, tal astilla...Sega Shiro y el legendario Segata Sanshiro (hijo y padre respectivamente) ocupan la portada semanal de la revista Famitsu, en ocasión por los 60 años de SEGA • Para los que no tienen idea de quiénes son estos dos, Segata Sanshiro fue el personaje publicitario de SEGA Japón entre 1997 y 1998 • El viejo es un maestro del Judo ermitaño que vive en las montañas y que se dedica al entrenamiento intensivo de Sega Saturn. A su vez, Segata es una parodia clara a Sanshiro Sugata, el personaje protagonista de la película de Akira Kurosawa "La leyenda del gran judo" • Para los 60 años de SEGA; la compañía retomó el espíritu de esas campañas publicitarias y dio vida a Sega Shiro, hijo (en la ficción y en la realidad) de Segata y el mayor fan de SEGA en estos tiempos que corren • En final de la serie de los videos que ocuparon la campaña Sega Shiro envía a su padre, de un patadón, al espació exterior y este implosiona contra el planeta Saturno. ¿Algún mensaje oculto? El futuro lo dirá. • #sega #gosega #segatasanshiro #segashiro #famitsu #japón #sega60th #dreamcast #segasaturn #gamegearmicro https://www.instagram.com/p/CBLhDxbHORk/?igshid=1057p2ualwm7v
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@RobotsPlayingGames 🤖💜🕹️ On June 3rd, during Sega's 60th Anniversary, I've posted about Sega's online browser game "Earth Ufo Catcher" where you can collect many Sega's virtual prizes. 10 players may be eligible to get real Sega commemorative medals but they need to complete the virtual collection to apply. We had 1 week to played it and now there are less than 24 hours left. From Sega's Earth Ufo Catcher website: "UFO Catchers® have been an icon of SEGA's amusement centers since its introduction in 1985. SEGA FES 2018 was marked by the appearance of 'Big UFO Catcher', followed by an even larger 'Mega UFO Catcher' presented at SEGA FES 2019. The giant prize amusement machine shocked and awed many. But in 2020, for SEGA's 60th anniversary, SEGA has gone even bigger, with a planetary scale UFO Catcher! Bringing together all the characters, icons and hardware from the entire SEGA history, we've gathered 139 digital prizes to celebrate 60 years of SEGA. How many can you get? Work together with SEGA fans from all over the world and get the whole collection!" You can play it here: https://ufo.60th.sega.com Have you been playing Sega's "Earth Ufo Catcher"? Follow me 🤗: @RobotsPlayingGames 🤖💜🕹️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ----------------------------------- RPG: Robots Playing Games #ufocatcher #prizes #gamingnews #sega #anniversary #sega60th #sega60thanniversary #gamegearmicro #gosega #segafoggaming #sonic #sonicthehedgehog #retrocollective #retrogamer #retrogames #retrogaming #gamergirlsofinstagram #girlgamersupport #girlgamer #gamergirl #gaminglife #videogames #playinggames #gamestagram #gamerlife #games #gaming #videogame #DigitalArt #Designer https://www.instagram.com/p/CBLg1fCnavS/?igshid=1ickmmyzga9fd
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Sega Ekim'de Minik Bir Game Gear Micro Satışa Sunacak
Game Gear'ı hatırlayanınız var mı? Diğer ismiyle Sega Game Boy? Sega altmışıncı yıldönümünde küçük retro konsolların bitmeyen trendini devam ettirerek Nintendo'nun el konsolunun tek rakibini diriltti. (Ayni zamanda Game Ger'ın otuzundu yıldönümü.) Game Gear Micro isimli 8-bit konsol ger.kten minicik, 80 mm genişliğinde ve 43 mm uzunluğunda. Avuç içine sığacak boyutta. Ekran yaklaşık 1 inç genişliğinde bu yüzden Sega ayrıca eklenti olarak büyüteç satıyor. Konsole is 6 Ekim'de sarı kırmızı siyah ve mavi renkte yaklaşık 46 dolara satışa sunulacak. Her renk kendine özel bir oyun koleksiyonu ile gelecek. Konsolun diğer bölgelerde satılıp satılmayacağı bilinmiyor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJD0VZQzK1s Kaynak : https://thenextweb.com/plugged/2020/06/03/sega-announces-a-tiny-game-gear-micro-launching-in-october/ Read the full article
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If you are a gamer and a collector, this may be the right item for you! SEGA is definitely taking a different direction than other gaming companies. Thoughts? #Sega #GameGearMicro #gaming #gamerdad #RETROGAMING #GameOn https://www.instagram.com/p/CBBpXr2jGyS/?igshid=1cfo7l4ymywcz
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#SEGA anuncia #GameGearMicro #ElMundoDeShiro #CorporativoArcanos #Noticias #ElMundoDelNeko https://elmundodeshiro.home.blog/2020/06/03/sega-anuncia-gamegearmicro-elmundodeshiro-corporativoarcanos-noticias-elmundodelneko/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_X5VSDqq5/?igshid=16qp7y3p04du
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Sega Game Gear Micro Is Coming! #gamegearmicro #gamegear #gamerz #gamers #retrogamers #gamerzdownunder https://www.gamerzdownunder.com/post/sega-game-gear-micro-is-comming https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_OkTrng52/?igshid=1ma0ghy05b4rf
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So, #SEGA is 60 years today, congratulations! A few shots from Mega Force 1. More to come... #sega #sega60th #GameGear #GameGearMicro #retrogaming #videogames #gaming #nostalgia #videojogos #MegaForce #sega #sonic #tails #tvtuner #gaming #retro https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_KSwegFsr/?igshid=4nr245dqb9ql
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#sega news !!! What did you think of the #gamegearmicro ?? I am actually happy, missed on this awesome console Foxviewchannel (YouTube) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA9Q_wZHxXe/?igshid=xgxlwl5tkahv
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GAMEGEARMICRO is here. The main body is so small that even I who loved GAMEBOYmicro will be surprised. It is limited to Japan now, but I would like to buy it if the overseas version also comes out. Applause to the great SEGA staff!
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Sega annuncia il Game Gear Micro, la console che sta in un palmo di mano #bigwindow #gamegearmicro #retrogaming #sega
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Discussion Topics: #GEEKBROS approved #videogames, #XboxSeriesX Backwards Compatibility, EA Postpones #MaddenNFL21 Reveal Following Nationwide Protests Against Police Violence, The #GeorgeFloyd incident protests riots, Tweets from #Sony’s #Playstation5 & #IGN’s gaming events, #GameGearMicro announced for #SEGA’s 60 year anniversary, #AttackonTitan season 4 trailer review, #RubyRose Said She’s “Stayed Silent For Now” About The Reason She Left “#Batwoman”, #MarkHamill Came Out of Voice-Acting Retirement to Play #Skeletor for #MastersoftheUniverse, #HBOMax Is a Mess & #ZackSyndersJusticeLeague, #CentralPark – Official Trailer review, What We Know About Peacock’s New ‘#BattlestarGalactica’ Series, #PokémonBattleAcademy Turns The Trading Card Game Into A Board Game, One Japanese Bus Company’s Solution To Travel In The #Covid19 Era, #SpaceForce #Netflix series review. All this and more on this week’s episode of the #KeepinUpWithTheGEEKBROS #podcast! NOW PLAYING now playing on your favorite #podcasting app or listen here - https://webegeekspc.com/keepin-up-with-the-geek-bros-podcast-the-99th-7/ (at Vibe_Revelation Studio(s)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_r3f8jMiW/?igshid=13lwndeuexoxe
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Empezamos celebrando los 60 años de SEGA con la imagen promocional de Game Gear Micro, la versión miniatura de la portátil de la compañía, que vendrá en 4 colores a elegir (negro, azul, amarillo y rojo) • #sega #gosega #sega60th #gamegearmicro #anacrogames #pendodelespacio https://www.instagram.com/p/CA9Q7KFH9Zn/?igshid=13vq2ky99nwp4
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@RobotsPlayingGames 🤖💜🕹️ I'm not done with Sega's 60th Anniversary. Sega announced a new Game Gear Micro (I've shared it yesterday). So let's talk about the console that it is based on: the original Game Gear that turns 30 this year. It is a handheld game console (8-bit 4th generation) released in 1990, selling more than 10 million units by March 1996. It shares much of its hardware with the Master System, and can play Master System games by the use of an adapter. It Later received ports from Mega Drive/Genesis games. Over 360 games were released, including Sonic the Hedgehog, The GG Shinobi, Space Harrier, and Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse, Streets of Rage II, Gunstar Heroes, Road Rash and more. Besides those above other of personal favorite games on the Game Gear were Batman Returns, Lemmings, Woody Pop and Ariel the Little Mermaid. Several accessories were created during its lifespan including a TV Tuner with an antenna, a Super Wide Geart that magnifies the screen and The Gear to Gear Cable that connects two Game Gear systems using the same multiplayer game and let gamers play against each other. The Game Gear Micro will be available in 4 colors each one including 4 specific games. Black: Out Run, Puyo Puyo Tsu, Royal Stone, Sonic the Hedgehog Blue: Baku Baku Animal: Sekai Shiikugakari Senshuken, Gunstar Heroes, Sonic & Tails, Sylvan Tale Yellow: Nazo Puyo: Arle no Roux, Shining Force, Shining Force II, Shining Force: Final Conflict Red: Columns, The G.G. Shinobi, Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible, Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible Special Check Sega's official 60th anniversary page: https://60th.sega.com/en Follow me 🤗: @RobotsPlayingGames 🤖💜🕹️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ----------------------------------- RPG: Robots Playing Games #gamingnews #sega #anniversary #sega60th #sega60thanniversary #gamegearmicro #gamegear #sonicthehedgehog #sonic #mastersystem #megadrive #segagenesis #retrocollective #retrogamer #retrogames #retrogaming #videogames #gamergirlsofinstagram #girlgamersupport #girlgamer #gamergirl #gaminglife #playinggames #gamestagram #gamerlife #games #gaming #videogame #DigitalArt #Designer https://www.instagram.com/p/CBBDC50ntZ5/?igshid=i62kswomthlo
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