#game: equinox's journey
Had a funny idea for an optional recruitable character that could potentially be "added" to Equinox's Journey as either part of the "The Dragon that Faces the Earth and Sea" update or some more minor, less-plot-important update down the road;
Alexander, a bounty hunter/anti-imperial vigilante of some notoriety who's been operating out of a tavern on the edge of some kind of mystic forest that's a major area in the game. He's a somewhat tall human man with brown hair (including a short but stylish mustache) wearing a mostly grey-blue classic D'n'D-Ranger-type outfit made for both protection and mobility, and primarily wields some kind of magitech crossbow...gun...things (since from what I've seen in the posts so far I figured it would be the kind of game to have stuff like that).
He's pretty obviously a Beyonder like Root, seeing as he can't remember anything prior to being found half-mauled by a monster in the woods by the Tavern owner (other than his name at least), he doesn't quite fit the game's artstyle... aaaand almost all of his dialogue is in stereotypical mid-2000's gamer slang.
...Yeah it's Swag. He got noclipped like Root because that seems like Exactly the sort of thing that would happen to him. Unlike Root his amnesia wasn't the result of the transportation itself but due to his injuries and trauma from that mauling I mentioned. He's going by Alexander because I'm making that his real name (remember; when he first met Chris in the first Guards 'n [REDACTED] episode he refused to give his real name and demanded he be addressed by his Gamer Handle), and I figured that 1: it made sense that with the amnesia he'd potentially remember his given name but not his preferred alias, and 2: if he still went by Swag it'd be a Dead Giveaway for who he is and where he came from. Instead his somewhat generic appearance and name allow him to just read as a Funny Metajoke Character.
The reason he's against the Espi Empire boils down to "Of course the Empire's evil, all empires are evil. It's logistically impossible for one government to rule that many nations without committing numerous horrific ongoing atrocities" He had no idea about the cultist stuff but considering the setting he isn't surprised by it when they get him up to speed after his recruitment sidequest is done and he joins the party.
(just thought it would be funny. feel free to ignore if it doesn't work with the story you're going for)
Yeah, I'm definitely going to add Alexander/Swag, especially because Root would get the feeling she knows him. But she doesn't get why, so she keeps her mouth shut, especially because of her tolerance to the slang he uses, meaning to her, he is someone she probably knew of her in her past. Still, doesn't mean she doesn't get a little annoyed..
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fernthewhimsical · 2 months
Fern's Cernunnos Deep Dive pt. 3
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🦌 Animals: stag, dog, bull, horned serpent, wolf, all animals 🦌 Crystals/rocks: adder stone, green goldstone, moss agate, petrified wood, golden pyrite 🦌 Flowers/plants: the oak, trees in general, moss, ferns, briars 🦌 Food/drink: game meat, whisky, dark red wine, mushrooms, decadent chocolate, blackberries 🦌 Colours: greens, bronzes, golds, dark browns 🦌 Moon phases: new and dark moon 🦌 Festivals: Beltane and the autumn equinox 🦌 Magics: cycles, hunting, protection, liminality, journeying, fae magic, wealth, success in business, release, ancestor work, connecting with nature, re-wilding 🦌 Nature: the forests, cattle, trees, animals, decay 🦌 Other: bow and arrow, furs, bonfires, torcs, coins, antlers
How to honour:
🏹 Go on a forest walk (or run) 🏹 Make a donation to forest preservation 🏹 Clean the natural spaces around you 🏹 Go on a spirit journey to visit him or his realm 🏹 Build a bonfire 🏹 Dance 🏹 Practice witchcraft
Praise be to you, oh, Horned One Lord of the crackling flame, and sun swept meadow Father to all those who hunt and run King of the wildest nights and deepest woods I honour you.
Cernunnos Lord of the liminal, the in-between The place between life and death, man and woman, hunter and hunted Lord of the cycles of life, of both ancient moss covered forests, and hallowed burial mounds King to all who live in your realms, plant and animal, witch and Fae, and all that lies in between. I honour you
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kuwdora · 2 months
Saturday Morning Vid Recs - Video Games
@poetikat ! So you like video games. WELL! I come bearing video game recs from around the Internet, deep into old vidshows of yester-vidding fandom-year, and my bookmarks and recs posts. There’s always way more video game vids out there, esp on AO3 - search for your video game fandom and the Fanvids tag and see what comes up in your results.
Some of these vids date back a decade or more and some are very recent. They’re all awesome and so interesting to watch.
Video Game Vids!
America by @beccatoria. Mass Affect: Andromeda. #colonialism
Hard Times by absternr. Portal. I laughed and cried. Gonna make you wonder why you even try.
Riverside by milly. Tomb Raider (2013). I see how everything is torn in the river deep", Lara PoV. Vid for the 2013 Tomb Raider game.
River by milly. Tomb Raider (2018) This is so fucking gorgeous. Stand and deliver. / Made for VividCon Challenge "Full Circle" in 2018, a sequel/parallel to "Riverside". Reverse Dance by @aurumcalendula. Dishonored. A great character vignette! Billie through the years.
Pop Galaxy by AbsoluteDestiny. Super Mario Galaxy. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I’m really in love with the use of the camera angles from the game, and this pop medley is very much a banger of 2013. It’s so much fun.
Scream and Shout by @rhoboat77. Assassin’s Creed. I’m forever screaming about how awesome this vid is in my head but now I share it with everyone. Forever shouting because rhoboat captured all of the game footage!! To make THIS VID. The skill and talent and sheer fucking perseverance to perform some of these actions in the game specifically for this vid. Everything is permitted.
Pop That Lock by @kuwdora. Final Fantasy VII: Remake. Cloud/everyone. Final Fantasy + Adam Lambert = my groove. You got the key to your release, so pop that lock until you’re lighter than air.
D U S K by niyalune. Outer Wildes. This game is gorgeous and this vid is so fucking beautiful and full of wonder and heart "The universe is, and we are."
We’re Here Because We’re Here by violace. Journey 2012. We're here because we're here. Maybe it's really that simple.
Brother (Last Ride) by @kuwdora. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The wolves of Kaer Morhen. I captured all my own game footage for this vid! A first for me. We face the fire together, brothers 'til the end. Never Seen The Light of Day by violace. Bioshock Infinite. This character study really takes you on Elizabeth's journey! Amazing song choice and what a game. And the truth shall set you free. -- A tribute to Elizabeth.
Birds, Birds, Birds by bironic. Wingspan. Tabletop game play, video game, trailers. Bironic has done it again and created something so incredible and something I haven’t seen before and inspired me and struck everyone full of awe and love. I got birdies, dawg.
9 to 5 by @eruthros. Lego Star Wars. This is so damn cute! It's a tough life for a clone trooper or stormtrooper.
One Foot by @kuwdora. Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. Cal Kestis my beloved. Taking this one step at a time.
Start Wearing Purple by @findmeinthealps Mythic Quest. Not a video game per se but about the people who make them. Poppy Li and Iann Grimm. Hot messes who end up making some great and terrible choices along the way. All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish, I promise.
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry by @marahsarie. Outer Wildes. This vid!! is so cute!! and wonderful!! All my friends and all the loose ends and this love of mine, 'cause I'm running out of time.
Anything For Love (Including That) by caramarie Mass Effect/Dragon Age. Thanks for the terrible romantic choices, Bioware.
For more video game vids:
Vidding community on dreamwidth - see the games tag: dishonored, carmen san diego,resident evil and more.
Vividcon Database: 2013 Video Games Vidshow
Spring Equinox 2013 theme: Game On! which includes video games (and sports game themes)
Vidding Discord: ask for recs from more vidders!
Previous Saturday Morning Vid Recs:
Space and Robots
Follow the tags to keep up with recs this summer:
#saturday morning vid recs
#kuwdora vid recs
#kuwdora recs
A helpful guide I wrote:
How to Leave Feedback on Fanvids
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aninkwellofnectar · 2 months
Author Questionnaire Tag Game
Tagged by @tryingtimi and figured I'd give this gauntlet a go, lol.
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About Me
When did you start writing?
Very, very young. I'd say about 6. I used to get on the computer and type out storylines similar to the animated movies I was watching (some mixture of Disney stuff lol) so they were kind of fairytale-oriented then I later moved into Neopets territory and then outright fanfic. I started writing seriously in my late teens to early 20s. Before that it was exclusively something I did for fun.
Are there genres/themes you enjoy reading different to the ones you write?
I used to read a lot of contemporary fiction though I've started reading a lot more fantasy in order to write it better. But my background in reading is very heavily oriented towards contemporary fiction and classics. It's weird now because I find I can't... get into contemp as much anymore. Part of that might be to do with how much I feel alienated and disenchanted with the real world, idk. Indie has gotten me into more things I otherwise wouldn't have touched like romance and horror (the latter I'm not opposed to on principle it's just not something I would pick up on its own) and I'm grateful for the expansion.
Is there an author you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
Before I read Patricia McKillip I would say no but she absolutely has what I want in one package. I admire her greatly. I wouldn't say I've ever been compared to an author but I'm open to comparisons if anyone has any.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space?
I do a lot of my writing at my desk with my desktop or on my laptop in my bed. I also write on my phone (blasphemy) but I suppose my desk is my "writing space" as it were and it's very cluttered ever since I start publishing with an array of stuff I use to run a business out of my bedroom.
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Reading excerpts of books that have inspired me or re-watching scenes on Youtube of dialogue and characterisation that strikes the mood I want to bring to my own scenes. I find this helps overcome the "empathy gap" because I'm not a very emotive person. I'm very rational and what some people call "repressed".
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
I suppose the family dynamics I write but I never really considered it until other people started talking about it in terms of "oh, it'd be nice if some families weren't dysfunctional" to me it's the normal families that are weird, even growing up with my childhood friends it was very abnormal for anyone to have like a stable two-parent dynamic. Perhaps this is just a class/background kind of thing but I write what feels emotionally true and familiar to me.
Are there any recurring themes of your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Self vs society, power vs love, escaping the constraints of a toxic community to seek liberation. And it's not really a surprise why that would crop up continually because it relates to things that I've continually had to grapple with in my own life.
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favourite character?
Laila Rose. She's the protagonist of my fantasy series and I love her to pieces. We've been through a lot together and even when I eventually stop writing her I will probably always love her the best and the most and want to continue her journey. Working up the courage to say goodbye to her has been immensely difficult, more than I anticipated. It's like trying to part ways with my soulmate. I feel like I've spoken at length on why I love her and I don't really want to repeat myself so please read The Essence of the Equinox and I hope you'll come to love her too.
Which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
I'd definitely befriend Lyra, she'd be a riot honestly. Laila I'd be too intimidated by in real life to even think of approaching. Maybe I'd befriend Sabina as well, I could fix her, but not many of the others.
Which of your characters would you dislike most if you met them?
Dominus. He's pretty much like... everything I hate rolled into one package.
Tell me more about the process of coming up with your characters.
I often get inspired by favourites in media and I pluck pieces of them and fit them together like a little puzzle until it becomes one definable template and then I sort of keep expanding that puzzle piece by adding little bits here and there. Dialogue, voice, ways of moving and emoting, until they become real to me.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
A lot of them are not very "likeable" people. They're not underdogs. They're not bastions of purity and goodness. They fuck up a lot. They hurt people, even and including those they love, they can have unchecked bigotry, they lie and cheat and scheme. But they're all very real and human in a way that, again, feels true to me. For me a character is defined more by their flaws than by their virtues.
How do you picture your characters?
Some are more vivid than others but once I get a face claim something clicks in my mind and it's like I'm seeing them even clearer than before.
My Writing
What's your reason for writing?
It's just a part of me. It's like asking me why I eat or sleep. It's a compulsion and it makes me feel useful, accomplished, grounded. The fact that all of my current friendships stem from me writing doesn't feel like a coincidence because it connects me to the world in a way I wouldn't bother indulging if I didn't write.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
I don't get many comments from readers but my closest friends reached that level by showing that they spent a lot of time truly thinking and dissecting and ruminating on what I write and why I choose to write it that way. When I get a lengthy comment from them showing that they've truly turned something over in their head or pointed out themes or little hints I've tried to pepper through... it makes me feel seen and appreciated.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
I want to be seen as talented, of course, I want to be seen as someone who is skilled in my craft and meticulous with detail. I want to be seen as an accomplished wordsmith. And I work very hard to try and attain that standard for myself.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think it's being very visually-oriented. I really feel like I can paint a scene with my words in a small amount of them, especially when I discover that right combination.
What have you been frequently told by others is your greatest strength as a writer?
People have said it's crafting immersive imagery, whether that's with food or settings or even when it comes to eroticism and sex. I'm very sensory-driven as a writer and I want to really transport you somewhere else when you read.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I think that I'm good but that I can be much better and that's always the mindset that I carry into my work. I internalise criticism a lot although I'm also very good at pushing back against it if I don't fully agree but whenever I sit down to write something I always think "how can I make this much better than the last piece I've written" and I do think I've accomplished that.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Yes, because honestly my writing isn't nearly so dependent on external validation as I thought it was. I used to think the thing I wanted most to be read and adored and while I do long for recognition it's more about being awarded for merit and being acclaimed for hard work, talent, and vision. I do sometimes get sad when people don't love my work and I took it quite hard when I first published When the Stars Alight, I will admit that. But I've found that I've come to terms with being constantly at odds with the world, having less popular tastes and interests and viewpoints, and I feel like my writing is just an extension of that. So rejection was not only to be expected but accepted. I myself will still always love my stories deeply and think that they're great stories worth being shared with the world regardless of what anyone else thinks.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? if it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
Before I published? Absolutely not. But as a businesswoman I have to be a bit more shrewd. I never write entirely to market tastes because it'll stifle my authentic voice and I don't really think I could do a paint-by-numbers job without my lack of passion showing. But I do weigh up a lot of my ideas based on what I've seen work commercially a lot more than I did before going indie. At the end of the day I'm a pragmatic creature who will do what needs to be done.
tagging: @laufire @words-after-midnight @pinespittinink @ladyniniane @rose-bookblood @i-m-p-a-v-i-d-u-s @sometimesraven @jazmine-here @zmwrites
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staringdownabarrel · 1 year
hey, where do I start with star trek?
It really depends on whether you want to watch all of it or if you're mostly hoping to do a bare bones viewing of the older shows before you see the shows currently in production. There's a lot of viewing guides out there if you want to do a completionist viewing, so I'm going to answer this with the assumption you want to do the latter.
Before I begin, I'm not really sure if there's such a thing as a non-contentious version of this list, so keep in mind there's going to be different people with different opinions and some are going to take some pretty big issues with this one.
The Original Series: The Cage, Where No Man Has Gone Before, Mudd's Women, Balance of Terror, Arena, The Menagerie Pts. I and II, Errand of Mercy, Amok Time, Mirror Mirror, I Mudd, The Trouble With Tribbles, Journey to Babel, The Enterprise Incident, Spock's Brain
The Animated Series: Honestly, I'm probably going to get some flack for this one, but you can safely skip it entirely
The Next Generation (the best series): Encounter At Farpoint, The Battle, Hide and Q, Datalore, Skin of Evil, Conspiracy, The Neutral Zone, Elementary Dear Data, The Measure of a Man (I have issues with this episode but it is very popular regardless), Q Who, The Emissary, Peak Performance, Who Watches the Watchers, Yesterday's Enterprise, The Offspring, Sins of the Father, Tin Man, Transfigurations, The Best of Both Worlds Pts. I and II, Family, Brothers, Reunion, The Drumhead, The Mind's Eye, Redemption Pts. I and II, Ensign Ro, Reunification Pts. I and II, I Borg, Chain of Command Pts. I and II, Tapestry, Birthright Pts. I and II, Rightful Heir, Descent Pts. I and II, The Pegasus, All Good Things
Deep Space Nine: Honestly, just watch the entire thing. A lot of the episodes, even the earlier ones, end up tying into ongoing arcs in this show. If you want just one episode to sell you on it, go see Duet or the Past Tense two parter.
Voyager: Caretaker, Jetrel, Threshold (c'mon, it's one of the holidays), Death Wish, Tuvix (notoriously one of the most contentious episodes of any Star Trek show ever made), The Q and the Grey, Worst Case Scenario, Scorpion Pts. I and II, The Gift, Year of Hell Pts I and II, Message In A Bottle, The Killing Game Pts. I and II, Living Witness, Drone, Equinox Pts. I and II, Q2, Author Author (aka what TNG's The Measure of a Man could have been like if it was good), Endgame.
Enterprise: Broken Bow, The Andorian Incident, Shadows of P'Jem, Shockwave Pts. I and II, Carbon Creek, Minefield, Cease Fire, The Expanse, all of season three because it's a season long arc and honestly one of the better seasons, Storm Front Pts. I and II, Borderland, Cold Station 12, The Augments, Babel One, United, The Aenar, Affliction, Divergence, In A Mirror Darkly Pts. I and II, Demons, Terra Prime, These Are the Voyages (also a contentious episode)
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leafkingofbirds · 15 days
Little preview of Boundless Chapter 3.
“The Midnight Market is not easily found. Give me a single reason why I should trust you.”
Opal holds out the shimmering ticket for Kieran’s approval. 
He scans it quickly. “Assuming this isn’t counterfeit, this grants you entry as a merchant. It says nothing about bringing guests.”
“Guests? No, no. Employees,” Opal corrects with a grin. “Carry some wares with you and I won’t even have to find my way around a lie. And I’ll ignore that impugnation of my honor. If I were you, I wouldn’t trust me either. However…” Opal takes the ticket back and tucks it away. “Ask yourself what I, courtless and with but a scrap of magic at my disposal, would gain by luring the Ruler of All Fae and his all-powerful, un-killable consort into a trap.”
“You could stand to gain quite a lot,” Ella says coldly. “If you were clever enough.”
“Then put me under a geas,” Opal says, throwing up her hands, finally growing tired of the game. “If I betray you, strike me down. But I swear on my rightfully-dead cousin: I have no hidden motives.”
“She’s mad,” Jack scoffs. “We can wait and find the Cham-seller somewhere else, at a market far more accessible and less dangerous.”
Opal taps her chin. “Hmm, yes, you could…But who knows how long that may take?” She clicks her tongue like a clock. “Are you willing to wait for a chance at maybe catching her at some festival six months from now? Ten years from now? You have my guarantee that she is always at the Midnight Market on the Autumn Equinox. It’s the biggest day of the year for the dark underbelly of the Fae world.” She stares at him. “Well?”
Kieran doesn't know how Opal knows he doesn't have much time to waste. Almost certainly, she knows more than she's saying - but perhaps his desperation is simply written all over his face.
Everyone’s eyes are on him. He must decide quickly if she’s worth trusting, or if there is some secret plan that will destroy him lurking behind those blue-green eyes. 
Kieran sets his jaw and steps toward Opal. She is like a muted version of her cousin. With less magic to glamour herself with, some small imperfections become apparent up close. A slight twist of her nose. Some frizzled hair out of place. Marks of the sun on her forehead, eyes set slightly too wide. The imperfections make her almost look human, and somehow, more trustworthy. If she cannot even glamour herself properly, she couldn't possibly be a threat.
Kieran taps into the deep, cold well of the Moon Source, now freely and entirely his to command. The candles flicker in an icy breeze that comes from nowhere in the small, windowless room, and silver magic twinkles like ice crystals between them. “I bind you with the power of the Moon Source,” Kieran intones coldly. “Should any harm befall me or my companions in the course of this quest, the same harm shall befall you.”
Opal blinks rapidly in the swirl of magic that coalesces into a shimmering storm, flying around her torso and limbs like a swarm of insects before sinking into her skin and exploding in a cascade of sparks. The candle flames come back to full strength and the warmth of the room slowly returns to normal.
Opal takes a only a moment to look stunned, examining the front and back of one hand, as if she could see the magic that was now inlaid within her body. “Well!” She claps her hands with an almost childlike glee. “That should do it, then. I assume you have a room to spare where I can freshen up before the journey? No worries, I’ll find it myself. I’m well used to finding my own way.”
With a laugh, she brushes past Kieran and Ella. She throws a look back at Jack, Kieran, Ella, and Oleander, who are frozen with matching confounded expressions. “Better hurry!” She taps her bare wrist. “Only a few hours until midnight. Must get there before the door closes again for another year!”
“Wait - we must be there at midnight? Exactly?” Ella asks. “How can we possibly make it in time?”
“It’s not so far a journey when you know the way,” Opal says.
“Are we truly doing this?” Oleander asks. 
“I’m going,” Kieran says. “I won’t ask anyone in this room to accompany me, but I must do this.”
Oleander pinches the bridge of their nose and sighs. “You say that while knowing none of us will let you do this alone.”
“No weapons allowed. And make sure you leave those silly crowns at home,” Opal advises as she leaves. “You won’t need them where we’re going!”
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the-hermit-at-midnight · 11 months
The Sabbats and the Wheel of the Year: Celebrating Nature's Rhythms
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The Wheel of the Year is a sacred calendar observed by many modern Pagans and Wiccans, which revolves around the changing seasons and the cycles of nature. At the heart of this wheel are the Sabbats, the eight festivals that mark key points in the annual cycle. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of the Sabbats and how they contribute to a deeper connection with nature and the divine.
1. The Wheel of the Year
The Wheel of the Year is a symbolic representation of the Earth's journey around the sun, divided into eight major festivals, equally spaced throughout the year. These festivals are known as Sabbats and are celebrated to honor the changing seasons, the cycles of life, and the elements of nature. The Wheel is divided into two halves: the Light Half and the Dark Half, with four Sabbats in each.
2. The Quarter Days
The Wheel begins with the Quarter Days, which are the solstices and equinoxes:
- **Yule (Winter Solstice)**: Yule, celebrated around December 21st, marks the longest night of the year. It's a time of rebirth and renewal as the days begin to grow longer.
- **Ostara (Spring Equinox)**: Ostara, around March 21st, welcomes the return of spring when day and night are in perfect balance. It's a time for planting seeds and new beginnings.
- **Litha (Summer Solstice)**: Litha, around June 21st, marks the height of summer and the longest day of the year. It's a time of joy and celebration of the sun's power.
- **Mabon (Autumn Equinox)**: Mabon, around September 21st, celebrates the harvest season. It's a time of gratitude and reflection on the fruits of one's labor.
3. The Cross-Quarter Days
The Cross-Quarter Days fall between the Quarter Days:
- **Imbolc**: Celebrated around February 2nd, Imbolc signifies the first signs of spring's return. It's a time to honor the goddess Brigid and the hearth.
- **Beltane**: Around May 1st, Beltane is a fire festival celebrating fertility and the union of the god and goddess. It's a time for maypole dancing and bonfires.
- **Lughnasadh**: Occurring around August 1st, Lughnasadh is the first harvest festival, honoring the Celtic god Lugh. It's a time for games, feasting, and gratitude for the harvest.
- **Samhain**: Celebrated around October 31st, Samhain is the final festival of the year, marking the end of the harvest season. It's also considered the Celtic New Year and a time to honor the ancestors.
4. The Spiritual Significance
The Sabbats are not only a way to celebrate the changing seasons but also to connect with the spiritual aspects of life and death, growth and decay. They remind us of the cyclical nature of existence, encouraging us to live in harmony with the world around us.
The Sabbats and the Wheel of the Year provide a framework for those who follow nature-based spiritual paths to honor the Earth's cycles, connect with the divine, and find meaning in the ebb and flow of life. By celebrating these festivals, individuals can deepen their connection to nature and gain a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things. Whether you're a practicing Pagan or simply curious about these traditions, the Wheel of the Year and its Sabbats offer a beautiful way to celebrate and embrace the ever-changing world around us.
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hellsite-yano · 9 months
As usual: The List of Completed Games 2023
Arrival (DOOM) Sunder (DOOM) Mibibli's Quest Action Doom (DOOM) Action Doom 2: Urban Brawl (DOOM) Assault on Tei Tenga (DOOM) Maptroid: Worlds Demons of Problematique (DOOM) Demons of Problematique 2 (DOOM) Newgothic Movement (DOOM) Newgothic Movement 2 (DOOM) Legacy of Heroes (DOOM) TNT Revilution (DOOM) /pol/ (DOOM) Equinox (DOOM) Thunderpeak (DOOM) Pizza Tower Automaton Lung SMBNext: Sunset Shores Heart of the Killer Elderand Kama Sutra (DOOM) Brotherhood of Ruin (DOOM) Brotherhood of Ruin: The Lost Temple (DOOM) Metroid Fusion: Special Edition No End in Sight (DOOM) Counterattack (DOOM) Consolation Prize (DOOM) Golden Souls 2 (DOOM) Super Metroid Redesign: Axeil Edition REKKR The Legend of Dark Witch Episode 2 Castlevania: Simon's Destiny (DOOM) The Legend of Dark Witch 3 Micro Slaughter Community Project (DOOM) Cave Story 3D Plutonia Revisited Community Project (DOOM) 200 Minutes of /vr/ (DOOM) Hell Ground (DOOM) Mutiny (DOOM) Diabolus Ex (DOOM) Rusted Moss Dread Templar The Machine (Knytt Stories) Ashes 2063 Enriched (DOOM) Carnage Oasis (DOOM) Ashes Afterglow (DOOM) MAYhem 2048 (DOOM) Doom 2 Redux (DOOM) Bungle in the Jungle (DOOM) Anomaly Report (DOOM) MyHouse (DOOM) Dementium Remastered HROT BACULUS (DOOM) Doom 2 Reloaded (DOOM) Vracks Botanicals (DOOM) Resurgence (DOOM) Invasion UAC (DOOM) SuperDoom (DOOM) 2048 Units of /vr/ (DOOM) Cydonia (DOOM) Happy (DOOM) Tetris Effect: Connected Moonblood (DOOM) Liminal Doom (DOOM) Tetanus (DOOM) Plutonia Revisited Community Project 2 (DOOM) Shadow of the Wool Ball (DOOM) Monuments of Guilt BABBDI NaissanceE Post Void I wish it was morning all the time HOLEHOLE MAZEMAZE Kowloon's Curse: Lost Report South Scrimshaw Part One Outcore: Desktop Adventure Nyaruru Fishy Fight Viewfinder Sludge Life 2 Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer Herald of Havoc Pseudoregalia Deadlink Lone Fungus Fox Flares Turbo Overkill Blasphemous 2 AMID EVIL - The Black Labyrinth Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Inscryption Neyasnoe Northern Journey Wonderputt Forever Super Junkoid (Super Metroid) Manifold Garden Contra 4 Metal Slug 7 Space Invaders Extreme Space Invaders Extreme 2 Outer Wilds Ion Fury: Aftershock Submachine 1: the Basement Submachine 2: the Lighthouse Submachine 3: the Loop Quake II - Enhanced Edition Escape Escape PRIPRI MELLOWOLLEM Submachine 4: the Lab Submachine 5: the Root Submachine 6: the Edge Submachine 7: the Core Venturous (DOOM) Devotion Good Morning Phobos (DOOM) Winter's Fury (DOOM) OBZEN (DOOM) Rush (DOOM) HAPPY WORLD SJ-19 Learns To Love! Graze Counter GM Hypnagogia 無限の夢 Boundless Dreams Beeny The Sun Will Rise Again
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kahran042 · 9 months
Some cool Star Trek episode titles
Original series:
The Enemy Within
Dagger of the Mind
Balance of Terror
The Return of the Archons
This Side of Paradise
City on the Edge of Forever
Journey to Babel
The Deadly Years
Wolf in the Fold
Return to Tomorrow
Patterns of Force
The Omega Glory
The Paradise Syndrome
And the Children Shall Lead
Spectre of the Gun
For the World is Hollow, And I Have Touched the Sky
Whom Gods Destroy
The Mark of Gideon
That Which Survives
The Lights of Zetar
Requiem for Methuselah
The Way to Eden
The Cloud Minders
The Next Generation:
Angel One
Coming of Age
Heart of Glory
The Arsenal of Freedom
Where Silence Has Lease
Shades of Gray
Who Watches the Watchers?
Remember Me
Future Imperfect
The Mind’s Eye
Silicon Avatar
Time’s Arrow
Sub Rosa
Deep Space Nine (a pretty cool subtitle, itself!):
Apocalypse Rising
In Purgatory's Shadow
Sacrifice of Angels
Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
In the Pale Moonlight
State of Flux
Persistence of Vision
Future's End
Blood Fever
The Killing Game
The Omega Directive
Latent Image
Unimatrix Zero
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4toldbygyromancy · 2 years
The Walk of Shame
940 words, canon(vincent) x oc, sh3, humor, rated... I mean it's not bad but there's a few innuendos and the fact that it's, you know, about the walk of shame.
(For the best experience, please read this in your best David Attenborough impression.)
The Walk of Shame.
A college tradition of early-morning journeys across campus, from dorm to apartment to wherever. Sometimes carrying shoes, other times trying to hide in a sweatshirt pilfered from a beau. 
However, not all Walks of Shame happen in college dormitories. Take, for instance, this particular event occurring shortly before dawn. Now, many walks of shame take place a bit later in the morning, but in this instance discretion is truly the name of the game.
You see, this observed Walk of Shame is taking place inside of a church.
Now, this particular church does have some lodgers. Some stay just for the weekends, sequestering themselves in prayer, while others call it their only home- ah! There she is, right there. If you look closely, you’ll see one of the doors opening, and our churchmouse makes her appearance. To her credit, she looks a great deal more put-together than many of the college Walkers. Indeed, one could almost be fooled into thinking that she simply stayed up too late studying, perhaps if she weren’t exiting from a priest’s bedroom. With her cowboy boots in one hand and her steps muffled by socks, she looks almost confident in her ability to make it to her room at the end of the hall without being seen. 
Ah, no, one of the floorboards beneath her creaks and she practically doubles over in a cringe. If someone were to see her now, there would be no doubt that she had been performing rather unholy rites over the course of the night. She doesn’t seem to have the skill of subtlety that many of these church members have, and it’s a survival tactic she will have to pick up sooner rather than later. This situation could be seen as good practice for her, a situation with rather low stakes.
Or, that’s how it might have been, had she not been thrown to the wolves. Or “Wolf”, as it were. 
Claudia Wolf, the natural predator of this churchmouse, just so happens to step into the hallway, perhaps on her way to show her devotion to the rising sun. She’s near the far end of the hall, though, so perhaps luck will shine upon our– oh, look, Claudia has caught our churchmouse in her stare, powerful enough to freeze any lesser being. 
Yes, our churchmouse has frozen as expected. Without the protection of her beau, she is completely vulnerable to the priestess’ wrath. 
“Bethany,” she calls the churchmouse by name. “I’m surprised to see you up and about so early. Have you perhaps risen to begin preparations for the equinox next week?” 
The churchmouse seems stunned. Claudia Wolf used a lot of big words so early in the morning, and they appear to have thrown our hero for a loop. She finds herself unable to tell a lie in the face of her adversary, instead croaking out a horse: “No.” 
“I see,” Claudia continues. “Are you then perhaps looking for something?” 
The priestess doesn’t know how close she hit to home, for even now the churchmouse’s eyes are darting about, looking for an exit.
“Yes!” the churchmouse blurts out, giving an eager nod. “Yes, Sister Claudia, I am looking for something.” 
“If I can offer any assistance, you have but to ask,” says Claudia.
Excellent! She has cemented a purpose in her being out in the hallway so early. But she will have to come up with a reason. Will she be able to do it? 
Perhaps not.
“No, no,” she follows up weakly. “No, thank you, Sister Claudia. I’m fine.” 
The ridges where the priestess’ eyebrows should be shift a touch. Just enough of a touch to alert our churchmouse of impending danger.
But the door behind her opens, and she is steadied by a hand on her shoulder. 
“You forgot this, Bethany.” 
And it’s our churchmouse’s beau to the rescue! He’s handing her a book she must have left in his room during their time of… ahem. Study. 
“Thank you, Father Vincent,” says our churchmouse. It’s clear from the way that she’s looking at him that she is completely enamored with this priest. If you were to peer into her eyes, you could note how they shine with all the radiance of Cupid’s affliction. 
“Vincent?” Claudia’s expression seems rather surprised. “I wasn’t aware you were the one hosting morning prayer.” 
“I wasn’t planning on it,” says Vincent, giving a shrug that looks almost bored. “It was just hard to go back to sleep… I’m sure you know how thin these walls are.”
The churchmouse squeaks out a barely-audible apology, and Claudia shakes her head. 
“Do what you will, Vincent.” 
“I will,” he replies. “And you’d better hurry, or you’ll miss that sunrise of yours.” 
The two clergy members shoot a few more barbs at one another, but our churchmouse has already let her posture relax. She has survived this encounter with Claudia Wolf! Though her survival likely came from her predator’s inexperience with debauchery, our churchmouse doesn’t know that and she is mentally celebrating her victory.
A gentle push from Vincent’s fingertips signal to our churchmouse that it’s time to make her escape. She gives the both of them a nod, though by this point Claudia is thoroughly rattled by her rival and is paying her no mind. 
Our little churchmouse’s victory is sealed and sweet. As she quickly makes her way to the safety of her lodgings, she affords herself a glance over her shoulder. 
Vincent doesn’t even have to shift his eye to give her a wink. 
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Equinox's Journey
The game that Root ended up falling into in the Small Town Hero AU. It's the developers copy, and she was hastily added in the newest patch for all servers.
It would follow the story as Hilde(F)/Xavier(M)/Arun(NB) as they traverse the lands in the hope of ending the fued between Kaiah and Mar. Root came in the newest update after the protagonist was expelled from the Espi Empire after trying to reveal its corruption.
It's a game similar in style to Genshin Impact, but.. better.
The protagonist of Equinox's Journey. The protagonist is choosable and customizable, but the creator's version (the one Root fell into) is coded to have all three. Their standard looks are brown hair, blue eyes, and a standard mage's outfit.
Hilde is the female protagonist.
Xavier is the male protagonist.
Arun is the gender neutral protagonist.
The protagonist was originally the Celestial Mage of the Espi Empire, keeping it safe from Kaiah and Mar. However, after stumbling upon the emperor plotting with cultists to allow monsters to invade, the protagonist rebelled. They were banished following this, though the people who believe them (other playable characters) come with.
In the new update, called 'The Dragon that Faces the Earth and Sea', follows the protagonist as they head to Shorefront to meet the 'Dragon' that can go against the minions of Kaiah and Mar without being hurt.
Ozymandias's opposite in this world. He's a giant snake made of rocks, known for causing earthquakes and splitting the ear from his mere presence. He's Kaiah's favorite creation, and often clashes against Ersa.
Leto's opposite in this world. She's a giant sea shake made of water and seaweed, known for causing typhoons and giant whirlpools with a flick of her tail. She's Mar's favorite creation and often clashes against Ardi.
The Dragon that Faces the Earth and Sea
The update follows the protagonist as they make their way to Shorefront and get to witness the 'Dragon of Shorefront' in action. It's a beautiful dragon that oddly has no wings. It's scales are a pristine white. Soft white horns twister and curled, almost like the branches of a grand tree, and around the smaller branches were pure white vines. The creature's claws were long and sharp, yet scuffed and dull.
Once the monster is defeated, the protagonist introduces themselves the dragon, who transforms and reveals herself to be called Root Mallory. She's very reluctant to help out the protagonist, and a lot of it is trying to convince her. During this, Root's inability to remember her past comes to light, and the protagonist (and fandom) believe her to be a Beyonder, someone who came from another world.
However, she and the protagonist eventually uncover a plot from a noble, and it gives Root the amount of trust she needs to agree to leave Shorefront and come.
The protagonist places a spell so that Shorefront is protected from the monsters, and the party sets off. But not before being met by a Wandering Arcanist and a Wandering Merchant, both in cloaks. The Wandering Arcanist warns the protagonist that they may have more things to worry about in the future. More pressing than the Espi Empire and Kaiah and Mar.
After that, they vanish. There are some people who comment that Root looks pretty seemingly similar to SMG4!Root, but their concerns are drowned out. After all, the update is great!
(But the developers don't even know who the hell the Wandering Arcanist and the Wandering Merchant are meant to be.. they don't even have models about them..! Oh, well. At least people like the update.
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miniaturemoonheart · 1 year
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𝗖𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗯𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗟𝘂𝗴𝗵𝗻𝗮𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗵:
Lughnasadh, also known as Lúnasa, Lùnastal, Luanistyn or Lammas, is a Gaelic festival of the first harvest, which also corresponds with other European early harvest festivals. It is held on the 1st of August, halfway between the Summer Solstice (Litha) and the Autumn Equinox (Mabon).
The festival is named after the Celtic god Lugh, and part of the festival is often offering some of the first harvest’s bounty in gratitude, and feasting or athletic competitions. Historically, journeys to sacred wells or holy shrines, or climbing mountains or hills have been popular, and in some places are still observed. Lugh is often seen as a personification of the first harvest, or the corn itself, and he is sometimes recast as folkloric figures such as John Barleycorn.
𝗟𝘂𝗴𝗵𝗻𝗮𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗵 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿𝘀: gold, orange, yellow, green, light brown
𝗟𝘂𝗴𝗵𝗻𝗮𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗵 𝗰𝗿𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗹𝘀: amber, citrine, aventurine, peridot
𝗟𝘂𝗴𝗵𝗻𝗮𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗵 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱𝘀: Bread, corn, soup, root vegetables, berries, mead, rice, barely, nuts, seasonal fruits, roasted meats, honey, beer
𝗜𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗟𝘂𝗴𝗵𝗻𝗮𝘀𝗮𝗱𝗵 𝗰𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗯𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀:
★ 𝗕𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱! Baking bread is one of the most traditional ways of celebrating this festival, and the first of the grains have been harvested. Consider baking different types of loaves, experiment with plaiting the dough or drawing designs on the top. Add seasonal berries, nuts or seeds to the dough to add flavour and interest
★ 𝗣𝗶𝗰𝗻𝗶𝗰 -Have a picnic with friends and family – with lots of bread!
★ 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗱𝗼𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗻𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲! Go on a walk up a mountain or hill, or visit a sacred place such as a shrine, holy well, stone circle or burial mound (or just somewhere sacred to you if none of those are available)
★ 𝗦𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 - Play games with friends or family, have a sports contest such as a running race or a tug of war.
★ 𝗕𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 - Make a donation of food to your local food bank or donate money to a charity
Hold your own Lughnasadh ritual, light a fire and offer some food to the god Lugh and thank him for your harvest, and feel gratitude in knowing that all your efforts are coming to fruition
★ 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗻 𝗱𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘀 - instructions for lots of interesting designs can be found online, or make sculptures and decorations out of salt dough
Light a candle and make a list of all that you are thankful for, and meditate upon this
★ 𝗚𝗼 𝗼𝗻 𝗮 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗽 - look for early apples, plums, berries and edible fungi (ensure you are certain of what you are harvesting before you eat it!)
A blessed Lughnasadh to all, however you chose to celebrate it, and may your August be fruitful, prosperous and full of joy 🙂
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nyctophobia-au · 2 years
For the headcanon game, Imma yeet (not literally, cause she'd kill me lol) Dryya your way :3
O yes, Dryya, my beloved. (This will be my last post for tonight because I need to record art footage for my next video. Feel free to ask more, but I probably won't get to them until tomorrow.)
For sexuality headcanons, Dryya just hits all of the lesbian vibes. She is also just mean high-femme lesbian, but with a soft, gentle interior as well. For gender, she's not intersex like many of the other characters. Just an average lady. :] For ships I like her in, the primary one is Dryya and Vesla. Dryya is actually her dedicated gf and protector, and cares about her pretty deeply. They've been in a committed relationship for a while, and Dryya does not mind being the side gf/concubine to Auric (though, she wishes Auric would treat Vesla with the love she so clearly deserves). For BROTPs, I think she's pretty decent friends with the other four Great Knights. I'm not going to get too much into them, because I don't have that many headcanons about them, especially not in comparison to how many I have about Dryya herself, lmao. Besides that, she has a real big sister type dynamic with Hollow. After Hollow is accepted formally as a member of the Royal Family, Dryya starts treating them like she would a younger sibling. She actually calls them "Squirt" since they're a bit shorter than her, and she noogies them right atop their head. They love the affection. uwu Also, I feel like I should mention it here, but because she's Vesla's protector, Dryya also knows Grimm relatively well (since Grimm often visits Vesla). She and Grimm,,, do not get along and I think it's funny. For NOTPs, pretty much just any underage characters. :p A random headcanon: After Auric stopped accompanying Vesla on her journeys out to the Queen's Garden's each spring equinox for the New Life Celebration, Dryya accompanies her and it is very sweet and I like it. :] Overall, I like Dryya a lot and she is a really fun perspective for me to write about. She really works as Hollow's big sister bestie and Vesla's pretty, badass gf.
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linuxgamenews · 11 months
Roll the Dice For An Epic Adventure with At Winter's End
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At Winter's End cozy narrative dice rolling RPG game is making waves on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. The imaginative minds at Slandercast Studio deserve a big thank you for bringing this unique and engaging title to life. Available now on Steam, at worth playing. If you're looking for a cozy narrative game that's not just about winning or losing. Then delve into a heartfelt story, At Winter's End is something you should definitely check out on Linux. The central character in At Winter's End is a 12-year-old named Noel. Who also lives in an enchanting forest brimming with spirits. These aren't your typical spirits; they're elements of nature like the Wind, Lake, and Stone. Noel has a unique bond with them, but there's a catch. According to Stone, the oldest of these spirits, this magical connection is fleeting. Since it only lasts until a human turns thirteen. As Noel's 13th birthday approaches, they face the touching reality of this fading relationship. This year is different for another reason too. Stone, the spirit responsible for signaling the end of winter, is unwell and has lost its voice. In At Winter's End, Noel has a critical task. Since he has to convince the spirit of Winter to retreat, making way for spring. This conversation, pivotal for the transition of seasons, must happen on the Spring Equinox. This also happens to be Noel's birthday.
At Winter's End Trailer
In this journey, you'll guide Noel in interacting with the forest spirits. These interactions aren't just simple conversations; they involve making important choices. These decisions are determined through dice rolls. Due to adding an element of chance to this cozy narrative. It's not just about the roll of the dice though; as Noel assists the spirits in preparing for spring, they learn valuable lessons about responsibility, maturity, and the art of letting go. The setting of this cozy story dice rolling RPG is a lush forest, a place of childhood wonder for Noel. As you guide them through the At Winter's End setting, you'll uncover trinkets and meet both old and new friends. This is an exploration of both the physical and emotional landscapes. Furthermore, there's a customization aspect. You can modify and enhance the dice, ensuring that you're prepared for that crucial conversation with the Winter spirit. At Winter's End is not just cozy narrative for Linux. It's a story-driven journey, focusing on growth, friendships, and the inevitable changes that come with growing up. For anyone seeking a dice rolling RPG that's charming yet profound, and filled with charming characters, this is a perfect game. Available on Steam completely Free.
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nen-shin-impact · 1 year
Intro!! ✨💫🌙
genshin acc name: nen/nennunth✨
honkai acc name: crux💫
wuthering waves acc name: equinox🌙
^ you can call me any of these names! ^
pronouns: he/she/it
age: 21
genshin mains: aether (all elements), ayaka, neuvillette, baizhu
genshin faves: aether, diluc, wanderer, childe, baizhu, neuvillette, clorinde, ayaka
honkai star rail mains: caelus, dan heng il, boothill, blade
hsr faves: dan heng, bailu, caelus, blade, silver wolf, serval, luocha, tingyun, boothill
wuthering waves mains: rover, mortefi
wuwa faves: rover, jiyan, mortefi, verina, zhezhi
EDIT: this is a hoyoverse game specific blog (genshin impact and honkai star rail + wuthering waves) since the special interest is coming back with a VENGEANCE (will be mine!) and i started hsr against my better judgement. THIS IS JUST FOR FUN!! it’ll be my takes and thoughts and opinions on the characters and story along with silly lil headcanons
nen, crux, and equinox are ALL OCS!!! feel free to ask them questions!! each of them has their own little canon!!
this page is open for anyone to interact with (unless you’re on the dni list obviously).
homophobes, transphobes, proshippers, rabid character stans, people who shit on other people’s opinions (the term i’m looking for escapes me)
that’s all from me!! i look forwards to this blog!!
ad astra abyssosque✨
may this journey lead us starward!💫
our journey is far from ending. 🌙
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ericleo108 · 1 year
06/30/2023 Click here for Spotify, Apple Music, or Youtube. “Freaky Naughty” is my 50th official release. This song is party music. The song was self-recorded but mixed and mastered by Keyano. The beat is by Tantu and the cover art is made by xoxodesigns from fiverr.
This was a track from the 108 album era in 2021. Just like with “god damn” and “we make the party” I talk about global warming because I promised myself I would talk about the subject in my party music to raise awareness. And because my specialty is edutainment I basically have three things I talk about most if I’m not on a special subject matter for the song. Especially for edutainment, I talk about global warming, American inequality, and expanding upon the meaning of 108. Because my song “Atheist Raps” is currently my best-performing song on Spotify, future lyrics will also consistently talk about atheism which also ties back into the 108 stuff.
This is one of the first party songs I did as Eric Leo 108. I don’t know why but for the longest time I didn’t think it was good enough, which is why it isn’t in the 108 album. I left it. I only decided to get it produced when I found I could get it produced for cheap. It’s based off an old demo and is one of those songs that I want in my catalog but I don’t know if it will be popular. 
The next release “With You” is my last tracked released weekly. Due to budget constraints and wanting to promote established material, I will only be releasing twice a month instead of every week for at least a month. I started releasing once a week to build momentum on social media and the like and it hasn’t really worked. 
The reason I’m not more strict on releasing once a week is because it doesn’t matter. You can check the follower numbers in the description of each YouTube long form sunday update. But just to put it in perspective, releasing once a week and a Word of the day rhyme everyday for almost exactly 4 months has gotten me: 8 followers on twitter, 138 followers on TikTok, 45 on instagram, 51 on YouTube, 14 on Spotify, and lost 17 on soundcloud. You tell me if the effort is worth it
You can see me talk about this blog post from last Sunday’s Update here:
I got that hip and insipid God-given ridiculous flow
Take a listen my written rhythm a system to know
That love ain’t cute, love ain’t sweet
Most play it like a game where losers weep
I’m just like a squirrel, Try’na get a nut. 
So I run up on my love and hug her on the butt 
Come through style’n, shine’n, wil’n
Feel’n so fly, like Gambino Childish
Where’d you get this shit at? You’re uncle he knows
He grows it, he showed me, let’s get cozy and stoned
We’ll hibernate and find our nature among bears 
We’ll eat a bunch of mushrooms, act weird, and just stare
We’ll come back to reality when we find ourselves
Where we won’t find our thoughts are too bizarre to help 
Had an introspective journey of self-love and respect 
Took too much, ate a bunch, and just slept
Hands up if you like to party 
You and me get freaky naughty 
Uh, let’s get it started 
We don’t stop til we exhausted 
Hands up if you like to party 
You and me get freaky naughty 
Uh, let’s get it started 
We don’t stop til we exhausted 
Come on, let’s rally, take another tally 
Go big like the finale, get naked like it Cali 
If you don’t got looks, go with personality
Don’t have personality, be happy with not mattering
Everything in moderation like the ancient Greeks 
What you got for logic, come on think don’t be sheep
Don’t know if the glass half full or not
But The sun half-whole on the equinox 
It’s all good, it’s alright, 
We gon’ spread some love and have fun tonight
Cheers to good health, yourself, and women
Your dreams coming true and stay’n true to your vision
It’s all good, it’s alright, 
We gon’ spread some love and have fun tonight
Cheers to good health, yourself, and women
Your dreams coming true and stay’n true to your vision
Hands up if you like to party 
You and me get freaky naughty 
Uh, let’s get it started 
We don’t stop til we exhausted 
Hands up if you like to party 
You and me get freaky naughty 
Uh, let’s get it started 
We don’t stop til we exhausted 
This is for those who like to drink responsibly 
Think about plot’n things, triangle their isosceles
Throw another up after metabolizing probably  
Possibly a consumer commodity
Cogs in the economy with smog for the ecology
Global warming leaves more carbon to feed 
The problem is a lack of carbon vacuums such as trees
Forget about the facts, get the cash, run the track
It’s all good, it’s alright, 
We gon’ spread some love and have fun tonight
Cheers to good health, yourself, and women
Your dreams coming true and stay’n true to your vision
It’s all good, it’s alright, 
We gon’ spread some love and have fun tonight
Cheers to good health, yourself, and women
Your dreams coming true and stay’n true to your vision
Hands up if you like to party 
You and me get freaky naughty 
Uh, let’s get it started 
We don’t stop til we exhausted 
Hands up if you like to party 
You and me get freaky naughty 
Uh, let’s get it started 
We don’t stop til we exhausted 
Day 365, how you measure a year
In degrees that a circle, sphere 
Proof god loves us is in beer
This one’s for you, here, cheers
Hands up if you like to party 
You and me get freaky naughty 
Uh, let’s get it started 
We don’t stop til we exhausted
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