#game emulator
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dr-spectre · 2 months ago
If it is true that the Nintendo Switch 2 WILL be revealed this week then I wanna discuss something about the console that's got me all hot and bothered.
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So as we all know, Nintendo consoles get hacked pretty easily and it's for sure gonna happen with the Nintendo Switch 2.
However, what's got me incredibly excited is the power on this thing. From the leaks and rumours we've gotten, we know that this thing is gonna potentially have 12gb of ram and have a much beefier CPU and GPU compared to the Switch.
Once this thing gets hacked, it is most likely gonna be able to play nearly every single Nintendo game from almost every single console... and that... gets me REALLYYYY HYPED FOR THE HOMEBREW SCENE!!!!
The new joy cons could work with Wii emulation so well... oh... oh my god I cannot wait for the future of this thing. PS1 emulation is gonna be a breeze, PS2 emulation is gonna be absolutely bonkers.
Hell if we can get PS3 emulation running on a raspberry pi then... oh god... do you think... no.... no it couldn't.... can it?
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emuferal-official · 2 months ago
Welcome to the official tumblr page of Emuferal -- The Fer.al Emulator!
What is Emuferal...?
Emuferal stands for "emulator Feral" -- this is a fan-run revival project of Wildworks' defunct MMORPG, Fer.al, based on modding and server emulation!
So yes, essentially this game is exactly Fer.al! We are still working on the game, of course, and so not every quest, minigame, or season passes are back, but I'd say there's only 10% of content missing :)
This is 100% free -- we arent making anything off this project! Microtransactions are completely gone, we have made star fragments way easier to earn through gameplay!
We unfortunately have no access to OG Feral accounts, so you will have to start fresh. But we offer different game save states for different things! Creative mode for those who just wanna make things, or Experience mode for those who wanna grind and work for everything, just like how OG was!
There's so much more I could say, but all the info on this is in our Discord!
Is this safe..?
I can assure you that this is safe! This is simply just an emulator of Feral. This project is 100% open source, meaning our code can be viewed by anyone or even used!
Our developers are dedicated to user security and privacy, and our community is safeguarded by an awesome staff team :)
Is this page official?
Yes! This Tumblr is being run by finnthefox, the Community Manager of the Fer.ever server :) This is my attempt to branch us out onto different social medias again!
How do I download and play?
We do everything through Discord at the moment! The link to it will be at the end of this post. Read through our rules and go through verification, and afterwards you'll have access to the download and information channel as well as the account creation channel!
If you need any help from us, reach out in the Discord in the appropriate channels! I wont respond to comments seeking tech or discord support here!!
Come join us today!
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velvets-game-blog · 5 months ago
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Been playing a cozy game I enjoyed immensely as a child. It’s so fun! It’s called Wizard Of Oz Beyond The Yellow Brick Road (it’s a DS game but I lost my DSi so I’m playing it through an emulator on my computer!) hence the screenshot quality! 🥹✨
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applestitches · 2 months ago
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South Park Rally is so difficult to emulate you have to get it all laggy to actually play the game
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starr-angelofnarnia · 4 months ago
When I first started watching other people play nuzlocks of Pokémon, it seemed like such a fun idea. But I don't have the patience or the emotional stamina to play a true nuzlock.
Because I'm looking for a distraction from life right now, I'm making my own challenge.
Da Rules
1. Every pokemon must be given a name (from nuzlocks rules). The name must stick with the challenge theme, including the trainer and rival characters.
2. I can catch one pokemon per route, but it must be the first I can successfully catch. Pokemon isn't cute? Oh well (that's the hard part for me). I can reroll on duplicate encounters, but duplicates are not off limits.
3. No leveling past the gym leader's ace (stolen from hardcore nuzlocks)
4. If possible, play without checking the internet for walk throughs (if I were really a trainer, I wouldn't have a walk through)
**Adding for a bit of context. I play Pokémon before bed because the game play mechanics of battling make me sleepy. So I try to update the night after but don't always get the chance. And a lot can happen in between updates. Oops.
My Challenge
Game: Pokémon Blue
Theme: Taylor Swift
Trainer: Taylor
Rival: Scooter
Pocket Monsters:
Charmander/Charmeleon- Change
Pidgey/Pidgeotto- Superman
Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree- Betty
Pikachu- Electric Touch (ElctrcTuch)
Rattata/Raticate- Fearless
Spearow/Fearow- [the] Albatross
Magikarp/Gyarados- Picture to Burn (PictrTBurn)
Zubat- Haunted
Sandshrew/Sandslash- Ready For It
Bellsprout/Weepinbell- Out of the Woods (OutOTWoods)
Meowth- Look What You Made Me Do (LWYMMD)
Drowzee/- Who's Afraid of Little Old Me (WAoLOM) [well, you should be!]
Geodude- Bejeweled
Eevee/Vaporeon- It's Nice to Have a Friend
Vulpix- I Know Places (IKnoPlaces)
Gastly- Beautiful Ghosts (ButiflGost)
Doduo- Forever and Always (Frevr/Alws)
11.6 Boulder badge earned! Ace was 14, my highest was 12. So I'm happy
11.27 Current Team: Superman (15), Electric Touch (14), The Albatross (12), Fearless (13), betty (11), and Change (14). Just wiped to a hiker on Mount Moon, so that stinks. But this is a challenge, not a nuzlock, so continue on we must!
12.13 Still grinding. But Charmander evolved.
12.16 Took a team to attempt the second gym but we were all underleveled. So I wiped to Misty. Oh well. Back to grinding. But now I know I can level up to 21.
12.23 I don’t think my game has been saving properly because I know I evolved Fearless and the Albatross previously but they just evolved (again) today. So I’ve been saving twice just in case. Right now, Haunted sucks. But Picture to Burn learned tackle so at least he can somewhat fend for himself now. But I have six mon leveled up to 21. So Christmas Eve, we challenge Misty!
12.26 I'm obviously forgetting to save because I earned the cascade badge on Christmas Eve but had to battle for it again last night. I led Electric Touch, also bringing Change, Superman, Betty, Fearless, and The Albatross. They were all L21 at the start of the battle, and Electric Touch completed almost all of it. I don't remember who exactly delivered the final KO, though.
1.1 Grinding. Again. I finished everything there was to do on the S.S. Anne. So I have cut. Misty said Pokémon will obey me up to level 30, but I'm not sure what Lt. Surge's ace is. But I'll feel it out.
1.2 So... I accidentally over leveled. I went in to the third gym with Ready For It in lead, and Fearless, Change, Electric Touch, Betty, and Superman rounding out the team, all at level 25. Surge's ace was level 24. Oops. But it's crazy to me he was only 3 levels higher than Misty. Oh well. I'm not gonna fret over it too much because I'm not doing any research, I'm going through blind. On to the next, I guess.
1.6 The tunnel was a pain in the dark, but I made it to Lavender Town. However, there's not much to do there without the silph scope. So I moved on to Celadon City. This is where the Team Rocket hideout is in the gaming corner. So I'm doing that now, but trying not to overlevel anyone. Also, I evolved my eevee so fast...
1.19 Defeated team Rocket in Celadon City. Silph Scope acquired so back to Lavender Town.
2.6 I'm very lost. I went through the memorial tower (that's probably not what its actually called, but oh well) and helped the spirit release into the afterlife. Which saved the old man and got the pokéflute. Which gave me access to the bike path. Finished that but it was rough because everyone had stronger Pokémon than me (that should have been my hint). The next town is Koga's gym. I know that's not right. Back tracked. Bought a water to bribe the guards. Nope, this gym is Sabrina. Where the heck is Erika?!
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warblogs17282 · 5 months ago
are you fucking kidding me nintendo just got ryujinx (another well known switch emulator) taken down as well, rjujinx staff made an announcement on their discord, and the download links for it no longer exist on their website. (images for these in my reblog because tumblr is acting up rn)
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designatedkilljoy · 7 months ago
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guess what i downloaded and will be playing for the next 47 months straight
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aquaseekerofdarkness · 8 months ago
I just realized that I never posted the video I have of the tutorial. I’m not pressing anything in this other than to progress the dialogue. Ed really took the controls in a chokehold and said “watch!”
The video is also kinda long, almost 5 minutes.
Also, if you want to know where I got the game, send me a dm and I’ll send the totally legal link
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allthegeopolitics · 9 months ago
After Apple loosened its App Store guidelines to permit game emulators, the retro game emulator Delta — an app 10 years in the making — hit the top of the App Store’s charts. But the increased attention also brought the threat of legal action, as Adobe targeted Delta for sporting a logo that looked too much like its own. Delta’s game emulator was built by developer Riley Testut, who had begun his experiments in this space by figuring out how to load games onto graphing calculators, before turning to iOS. The app itself evolved from Testut’s older app, GBA4iOS, which leveraged a loophole to run emulated games on iOS without jailbreaking an iPhone. Consumer demand for such an app was high — millions of people used GBA4iOS while it was available. But Apple eventually locked things down and put GBA4iOS out of business.
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renshu-artwork · 13 days ago
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kcuf-ad · 17 days ago
Saw a post of someone using an emulator to play a DS game and I am like "That’s fine, nothing wrong with that."
Then I see people flaming the guy for not using a DS and like, bro you want them to spend a 1000 bucks for a handheld that I am sure is no longer being made?!?
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dr-spectre · 3 months ago
Happy Anniversary PlayStation!!
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Go check out Duckstation, PCSX2, PPSSPP, RPCS3, ShadPS4 and Vita3k to emulate PlayStation titles!!
Emulation is perfectly legal and protected by law!
"But piracy!" Okay go buy a used copy of Silent Hill 1 on the ps1. Go on. Do it. Tell me how that goes buddy!! Go buy a vita title! Have fun!!
It's always morally acceptable to pirate PlayStation games. Always.
Sony fucking sucks right now and I'm genuinely so disappointed at the shit Sony has been doing for the past 4 years. PS5 having barely any exclusives and the ones that do exist are not exciting at all, lack of game variety, general disrespect to their older titles that made them who they are today and not allowing their old fans to use their PS1 and PS2 discs to play on emulators that Sony have, despite Xbox allowing you to AT THE BARE MIMIMUM put in a disc and download a file. The Helldivers 2 disaster on PC, requiring PC players to sign in with a PSN account to play single player games meaning games like God of War Ragnarok and Ghost of Tsushima are getting pirated on a wide scale, their expensive accessories, the constant porting of the same titles OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN to PC and PS5 and not doing anything with their games that need support badly like Infamous, MotorStorm, Gravity Rush, Resistance, Twisted Metal, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, Patapon, Loco Roco, Killzone, Puppeteer, i really could go on all fucking day if i wanted to.
Don't let the celebration distract you that you cannot play Infamous 1 and 2 on modern hardware. Some of the coolest PS3 games, you cannot play at all.
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waddledeesthings · 28 days ago
So I’ve gotten into playing rom hacks of Metroid games
But I’m getting overwhelmed with the amount of choices that there are
The only one I’ve played is Metroid desolation
Can you guys suggest any rom hacks for me to play?
Preferably GBA games but any console is ok
I can only play up till the DS since I’m emulating on my phone
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emuferal-official · 28 days ago
In Ferever, we have frequent events and contests! Wanna know whats going on right now?
Our current event is Valentines Day themed!! So: making an Emuferal avatar based off Valentines! Whether it be pink, love-related, roses, chocolate-related, whatever makes you think of the holiday!!
You will have **2 weeks** to enter!! Entry window ends February 13th at 11:59 PM EST, and I'll announce the winner later on Valentines Day!
Now onto the prizes... One winner will be chosen, and they will recieve the winner discord role, a fullbody art piece, 30 lockpicks, 10 of a rare material of their choice, and an unreleased item of their choice!
2 runner-ups will get a participant discord role, 20 lockpicks and 5 of a rare mat of choice.
"Unreleased item" means any season pass item, dizzywing dispatch/twiggle builders item, basically any item not legitimately obtainable in experience mode rn.
(as always if you dont want the exp mode prizes u may chose to pass em on to somebody of your chosing, or ill give em away randomly if u dont have anyone in mind ^^)
Come join the Discord to participate!
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theshaddowedsnow · 3 months ago
Not sponsored or whatever the fuck we're supposed to say when making a genuine recommendation or whatever BUT
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Anbernic has made a legit AMAZING physical emulator for gamboy games
I have specifically the RG35XX SP Handheld and I can't even examine how Right it feels
The Gameboy Advanced SP was Mt first gaming system ever, and Fire Red was my first ever game
It runs beautifully and unlike other emulators that just dump garbage roms, this one has legit AMAIZNG roms, including Earthbound and the Mother 3 fan translation on it
I did have to add some roms but it's insanely easy assuming you have an easy way to put things on a mircoSD which i did have to buy a thing for, but it was like, ten bucks for the USB to microSB so yeah
It's about 80 bucks INCLUDING shipping and comes in a wide range of colors
They have other products too but here's the link to the one I have
It's amazing can't recommend more getting one for my roommate for Christmas
Does NOT come with the Pokémon games I added those myself but like I said very easy just copy and paste the rooms into the appointed folder
Rom hacks work as well! I play Emerald Rouge along with Pokémon Unbound on it AND Crystal Clear and Emerald Seaglass all work flawlessly and arguably better than my computer
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trdygmr · 3 months ago
Pokemon Crystal heading for the Celebi my first time gentleman.
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