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Ich gehöre jetzt auch zu den Menschen, die einem Elternteil Spatort gezeigt haben :D
Hier meine Notes zu den Reaktionen meiner Mama von DfL bis FdG (EdN schauen wir noch im Lauf der Woche, dann kommt vllt ein pt. 2):
Rainer von der Steuerfahndung war direkt ein Lacher bei ihr, bisher mochte sie auch jedes Rainer-Meme, was ich ihr gezeigt habe
Heide: "Adam, Vater ist aufgewacht" meine Mama: [audible gasp]
unfortunately wusste sie von mir schon, dass am Ende des sechsten Teils einer der männlichen Kommissare verletzt wird bzw. unklar ist, ob er überhaupt noch lebt
und sie hat mich nach unserem gemeinsamen watch von DfL literally gezwungen, ihr zu sagen, ob es Adam oder Leo ist
sie meinte, dass Leo eh mehr Sinn ergibt, ihre Vermutung war, er könne sich wegen der Angst vorm Schießen vielleicht nicht vor einem Angriff verteidigen
sie fand die Leiche/den Tatort in HdW schlimm
,,Hoffentlich bekomme ich davon heute Nacht keine Albträume"
große Bewunderung für Esthers Französisch-Skills (meine mama spricht ganz gut Französisch)
als Wildnis- und Outdoorenthusiast war sie ein großer Fan von Rasa Huiblot
und hatte bis zum Ende Angst, dass er der Mörder ist
,,Zum Glück war es nicht mein Einsiedler aus dem Wald"
nach dem Cliffhänger von HdW war sie extrem invested und wollte unbedingt wissen wie es weitergeht
,,Und nach sowas musste man ein Jahr warten?!!??" - oh sweet summer child
nach HdW hat sie Roland kategorisch nur noch als ,,das ✨Arschloch✨" bezeichnet
(which is so Adam-coded lol)
als Outdoor-Expertin hat sie schon bei der Szene, in der Adam das Safe vom ✨Arschloch✨ öffnet vermutet, dass er mit dem Froschgift vergiftet wurde
ganz viel Angst um Adam im Gefängnis
als er sich ausziehen soll: ,,Oh je, sieht man jetzt seine ganzen Narben?"
Große Empörung über Adams Einzug in den Bunker in KdE
Laut ihr würde Adam das niemals tun, bei allem, was ihm dort widerfahren ist
Während des Überfalls von Moritz Leimer auf Adam: ,,Nein, warum passiert Adam schon wieder etwas schlimmes"
,,Schleppt der jetzt wirklich das ganze Geld in der Sporttasche mit sich rum?"
sie war ein großer Fan von Adams Bauch-Beine- Po Kommentar/Antwort
über Alina (nach ihrer Kündingung bei den Spinden): ,,Die Frau hat ja auch nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank" (i guess da sieht man die generational difference, ich als nicht-Boomer liebe Alina ja & i support all her rights and wrongs)
Leo und Adams Gespräch auf der Brücke: ,,Also, was wollte der Typ von dir?" ,,Geld" "Welches Geld?" Meine Mom zu Leo: ,,Du fährst es ohne es zu wissen den ganzen Tag in deinem Auto spazieren" LMAO
Lachende Zustimmung zu Leos ,,Außerdem kann ich dich so viel besser im Auge behalten, damit du keine Dummheiten machst"
und ein großer Lacher zu Adams ,,Ab morgen zahlst du Miete"
generell hat sie bei KdE am meisten gelacht, Esthers Fußballtrikot-Reveal ist da noch ne honorable mention
sie dachte die ganze Zeit es war safe der Arzt wegen der präzisen Einstichwunde
während des Alina vs. Adam Kampfes: ,,Warum wehrt Adam sich nicht?"
erneute Frust über einen Cliffhänger, dieses mal bei KdE
ich war nach unserem KdE watch ein paar Tage woanders, sie war anscheinend sehr tempted alleine weiterzugucken
FdG opening: [audible gasp] als Leo das Geld auf den Boden wirft
Sie hat die Gambler-Freundesgruppe instant gehasst, als sie Leo fast überfahren haben
so sehr das sie direkt zu den neuen ✨ Arschlöchern✨ wurden
Zum Stadion-Date: ,,Ach, die sind da ja zu zweit/zusammen! Wie schön!"
Leo übergibt sich im Casino - meine Mom in einem vorwurfsvollen aber auch amüsierten Tonfall: ,,Och man Leoooo"
Sie war extrem angetan von Spiegel!Adam
Leo fährt nach dem Casino zu Adam: ,,Wie war das nochmal mit Alkohol am Steuer?"
inkorrektes Fahrverhalten hat sie bis jetzt schon bei Leo und der Freundesgruppe aber NICHT bei Adam kommentiert, scheint so als wäre der mit seinem pretty privilege (dare I say Adam privilege) für sie above the law
Adams ,,Ich mach Homeoffice" war ihr größte Lacher dieser Episode
dicht gefolgt von Esthers "Du versaust es, genau wie Schürk sonst immer"
zu FdG allgemein: ,,Naja, ich hab schon bessere Tatorte gesehen" (not the shadeee i can't-)
Hab sie gefragt, ob sie einen Favoriten aus dem Quartett der Ermittelnden hat:
(nachdem ich meine Notes gerade nochmal durchgelesen habe war es im Nachhinein doch sehr obvious lol)
,,Ja, der Adam. Der ist irgendwie cool. *lacht* Auch diese Sachen, die der immer sagt"
sie meinte, sie freut sich darauf im nächsten Teil mehr über Pia zu erfahren
Teil 2 mit der EdN Reaction
#spatort watch feat. meine mama#turns out she's a hardcore Adam-Fan#honestly this was so much fun#freu mich schon auf ihre EdN Reaktionen#spatort#tatort saarbrücken
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6 👀… you should def flex (if you so feel like it )🙏🏻🙏🏻
despite the wip title, I DO actually want to write more of this fic and post it. sometimes you have a lot of knowledge about early 20th-century organized crime and you decide to write an AU about it!
I already posted a snippet of rum runner nikolai with wwi trauma, but since this is a vignette-style fic I will give you a peek from the "what if demon in the wood, but a tenement in the 1890s" section
The streets at night were alive and they had teeth. The gamblers and whores and gangs, the hop dens and bawdy theaters. Couples fought and argued on the stoop in more languages than he could count, babies cried in the same language of hunger and cold and soil. One night, coming home later than he ought to—and he knew better, heard his mother’s admonishment rattling through his mind even as his head bashed into the alley wall—someone grabbed him. Spat at him with the words that had not taken long to learn. They sounded different in English than in Russian, but the meaning was the same. New words for old stories. At thirteen, he killed for the first time. He could hardly see in the dark of the alley, but that truth cut both ways as sure as the man’s knife. He did not come all the way to America to end up in the sludge of the East River.
send me a wip and I’ll give you a snippet of fic
#thank youuu!!#my boardwalk mutuals looking at me rn like#'oh are you writing about an ice cold russian-jewish immigrant doing survival murders in new york? how unusual'#look it's hardly my fault if that's the natural way to adapt canon from the magical russian-jewish metaphor book series!#aleksander morozova#grishaverse#my writing#mercutiotakethewheel
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Come Back..Be here.. (Captain Swan’s Version)
Based on Taylor Swift’s song Come Back, be here
I have always thought this song fit Captain Swan so well during the missing year and I finally decided to write it so I hope you enjoy it!
Also I’m trying to write a lot more this year I have a lot of WIPs that I’m eager to get posting so if you like my work please support me and tell me you like it, and if you’re a Taylor swift fan I have a couple more Taylor x captain swan inspired fics to come (also manifest eras tour tickets for me)
Summary: Killian's inner thoughts and feelings as he battles the missing year alone, knowing he will never see Emma Swan again.
Also on AO3
And this is when the feeling sinks in
I don't wanna miss you like this
Come back, be here
Come back, be here
I guess you're in New York today
I don't wanna need you this way
Come back, be here
Come back, be here
He managed to catch her alone just before they drove off in the strange yellow vessel. She already had her goodbyes with her parents, she could have easily brushed him off or ignored him. But she didn’t. She looked as though she had a million things to say to him, Zeus knows he did.
“There’s not a day that will go by that I won’t think of you.” He doesn’t know why he says it out loud, it’s for his benefit more than it was hers. He had to let her know, even though she would have no memory that there was someone else who cared very much for her.
“Good.” She didn’t need to say it. Although it was just one singular word. She could have smiled and he’d be left with that image for the rest of his days. But ‘good’, she was happy to hear he would be thinking of her. Was she afraid everyone else would forget her after a few years? The thought of forgetting her was absurd. She would always linger in his mind, she would be hard to forget.
And that was the last time they spoke. The final words exchanged.
Was it meant to hurt the way it did?
They were never anything. One kiss is all that was shared, and she turned around and said it meant nothing. But to Killian, it meant everything .
If they had more time together, if this damned curse didn’t rip them away, would it have changed things? He said he was in this for the long haul, he told Baelfire that before they left. Sure, he was Henry's father and that would never change, but he broke Emma’s heart and trust, and when you have lived as long as Killian had, those things were not as easily forgotten. And patterns such as that repeat themselves.
Could he have had a chance with Emma? Would she have allowed him past the walls she had up?
He can’t be around her family. Her father and her mother trust him now, they want him to stay. But he can’t. It’s too much of a painful reminder of her.
When he leaves the Charmings he rides for almost two days and doesn’t sleep. When he eventually does pass out from sheer exhaustion it’s her face he sees. Her smile, her green eyes lighting up when she’s happy. He can’t not imagine her lips on his again.
He sleeps for barely 3 hours before he’s on the road again headed for the nearest tavern.
“Rum.” He says to the barmaid, throwing a few coins her way. “And keep it coming.” As he quickly downs the glass in front of him.
At least half a bottle later, his visions become blurry and his mind isn’t sharp. A woman with blonde hair comes into focus and starts up a conversation with him. He doesn’t remember what happens between that point and ending up in an alley next to the tavern, lips on one another hungrily. Leaving marks on areas exposed to him. He knows it’s not her, her lips don’t taste the same, her hair doesn’t smell the same. As hard as he pretends it is her, this woman is nothing like her. And it wouldn’t be fair. So he leaves on his horse before he does something he regrets.
The Tavern he’s in the next night is a new kind of torture. He’s sitting at a table, lone with a bottle of rum. It’s a lively Tavern, filled with gamblers and gold coins just waiting to be won on a game of cards. But instead he’s on a table in the corner wishing for someone he can’t have.
There’s a singer with a lute. They’re playing songs all night he vaguely recognises. Until his ears pick up on a familiar tune which is the punch in the heart he didn’t need.
It was called the ‘Swan Song’. He’d heard it many times in his time in different taverns, but this was the first time hearing it since meeting his Swan. It was about one last hurrah before death, quite fitting really. Whilst he knew Emma was alive, she wasn’t here, she had no memory of their time together, the beanstalk or their kiss in Neverland. So he intends to drink more of the rum until he finishes the bottle, or he passes out, whichever comes first.
This pattern continues for months. He barely sleeps or eats, gets drunk and passes out most nights. He doesn’t want to dream of her. He doesn’t know how long until he would be over her, but he wishes it would be sooner rather than later.
He ran away to Neverland on the hunt for revenge for almost 300 years after what happened to Milah. But Neverland was gone. He didn’t have that long. He could live out the rest of his days as a wasted drunk, the shadow of the infamous Pirate Captain he used to be. He loved Milah, they spent some amazing years together. But it was different this time. Emma was never his, all they shared was one kiss and a few adventures. But it felt different, she felt different. He loved her, maybe more than he loved Milah. He didn’t understand why or how it was possible, and he will never be able to know how it would feel to have her reciprocate his feelings.
Smee and a few of the other men eventually find him one night as he’s being thrown out of the tavern. He was a mess. They don’t get it, they don’t understand why he feels this way
‘It's because I don’t have her .” He would tell his men when they questioned his mood swings. Most of them assumed he was speaking about the Jolly Roger, and he did miss her, missed the feeling of freedom she brought. But it wasn’t his ship he was referencing. Smee knew this..
Months later when Killian had most of his crew back, and his ship, he felt better about his life. Sure, he kept drinking, but he wasn't getting thrown out of the tavern at the end of the night, he was gambling again. Starting to feel like he did before he even met Emma. Although his crew's gratitude towards him was getting out of hand. The first time they treated him to a lady of the night, he considered it, but he had the painful reminder of his first night and how wrong it felt. So he led her into the market and gave her a bag of coins. “Your services are not needed tonight, but you shall let the men who paid you know you had a wonderful evening.”
It happens more often than Killian would like, but he keeps up the ruse that he enjoyed a peasant night. He wonders how long he will be able to look at another woman and not think of her . Why was it so hard to move on? She had, she was living in bliss in the land without magic with her son, no worries of curses or ogres trying to kill her every minute.
She was an entire world away. He needed a magic bean if he wanted to see her face again, just to hear her voice, but it was something he had no access to.
She was gone. The one woman who had shown him a glimpse of light after centuries of darkness. The light was snuffed out as soon as she drove over the town line, with no memory of him.
Love was cruel. Everyone he loved was gone. His mother died, his father left and when it finally felt like he and Liam would be okay, fate snatched him away too. Milah became his light for a while. Killian finally wondered if it was him, he was darkness, and any light around him would snuff out after a while. Same with his Swan, though she was never his , she was sunshine personified in the same way he was clearly the epitome of darkness. Never meant to be together. Darkness would always snuff out the light. So maybe they never would have worked anyway. but her kiss haunted his dreams ever since.
It wasn’t fair.
He would drink and drink until he felt nothing. He tried so hard to forget her, it had been almost a year now and she was living in the land without magic, likely happy. But could she be truly happy knowing she had a whole other life she didn’t remember, a family and a town filled with people who cared about her. Who loved her.
He sees her in his mind. Every time he closes his eyes, he sees her. As much as he wants to forget her, he knows if that did happen the darkness would overtake, he couldn’t forget the sun. So he draws her, he hasn’t picked up the pencils since his days in Neverland. It was something he inherited from his mother. He doesn’t remember much about her, but she was always drawing, likely keeping out of her husband's way. It brought him comfort in Neverland, when he’d lost Milah. He drew Milah to ensure he would never forget her, and he does the same with Emma. He tries to capture her true essence in the drawing, it takes multiple attempts to get it perfect, but nothing would ever come close to the real thing.
That afternoon is when the bird lands on the helm of his ship.
It was fate, he was being asked by her parents to go and save her and bring her back to Storybrooke. At last. The light was returning in his life slowly.
Emma Swan, I will find you, he thinks to himself, no promises . He was going to save her. She may have no idea who he was, but that's where the memory potion came in handy.
There was just one obstacle.
Land without magic. He needed a bean. Something to get him there.
If anyone had one, it would be him. It wouldn't be easy, likely some gambling. He just had to make sure he beat him, he had a few tricks up his sleeve to help him out in that field, he just had to hope the other pirate would be stupid enough to fall for it.
“I may or may not have the item you desire.” The bastard was playing games already.
“Well if you don’t have what I desire, then I’ll be sure to let everyone know the infamous Blackbeard is not a man of his word. That he lies.” He had to hurt his pride, hit it where it hurt.
It worked. “I need something of value to trade for it though, these beans don’t come cheap.”
Killian debated for a moment, he could offer him handfuls of gold, but he was a pirate too and could pillage that in less than a week. There was only one thing that Killian knew had value, something Blackbeard wanted very much. “The Jolly Roger. If you hand me a bean, then the ship is yours.”
For Emma, it was worth it. She was worth everything he had. And seeing as the Jolly was the only thing he truly had, then he meant that literally. He didn’t care about his ship, there would be other ships. But there was only one Emma Swan. And he needed to get to her.
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Ok so I’ve been thinking about Payday 2 ship names. Here are my ideas:
Sokol/Jacket: Hotline Grinder (Referencing Sokol being a hockey player ((grinder)) and Jacket’s source being Hotline Miami)
Hoxton/Wolf: Stolen Turrets (Referencing their roles, Wolf’s being technician and Hoxton’s being Fugitive/Crook)
Bain/Dallas: Mastermind Duo (referencing Bain being the mastermind and Dallas being the crew chief + essentially being Bain’s right hand)
Duke/Jimmy: Coke And Rum (referencing Duke’s role being stoic and constantly drinking, and Jimmy with his coke addiction)
Clover/Bonnie: Four Leafed Clover (referencing Bonnie being really lucky/a gambler and Clover being well… named clover)
Sydney/Joy: Spray Painted Joysticks (referencing Sydney being an anarchist and ((presumably)) liking vandalism, and Joy being a gamer)
Houston/Hoxton: Texas Terrors (referencing both of their names being Texas cities and just how feared they are)
Give me some more ships to give names!!!
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❥˚ ── There's a detectable and building twitch in his right eye before it leads into a full roll of both eyes. "Tch." this jackass—having the nerve to keep at it, the whole shtick, patronizing in every possible way, the bartender loathed it; Al knew damn well the former overload had nothing to be happy about given the circumstances and they weren't friends but that was how things had been between them ever since he'd signed over his soul to the red, grinning, lying asshole.
❥˚ ── "Yeah, yeah, whatever, the drink I can do, it ain't like I got any other choice in th'matter but cut the chatter 'bout bein' pals, will ya?" he was contracted to do any job the contract owner doled out to him so the gambler figured the radio demon just liked to put on these small little acts just to get under his skin, lording it over him any chance he got. The thought of it causes a subconscious growl to be emitted as his ears fold back and he turns to grab a freshly cleaned glass.
❥˚ ── "What'll it be?" he grumbled, "I'd take a guess and pour ya a good solid whiskey, our best shit is on the top shelf if ya prefer to take a look fer yerself." he gestured with a thumb over his shoulder towards the shelves of various flasks and bottles collected there, shelved along the bar's back wall. "But from what I know of ya, yer not 'bout to pick something typical, nah, a screwball like you, yer more likely to be lookin' fer absinthe or some exotic rum typ-ah bullshit, if I had t'wager. While we're on the topic, we got some real hard shit from the gluttony ring too. So, you pick and I'll get t'pourin'." he finished, setting the glass down with an audible clack against the bar-top.
As bitter as ever. Alastor pays no mind to Husker's displeasure as he appears before the bartender, a large yellow grin consisting of multiple sharp, discolored teeth spread wide across his face. He's emerged from the darkness as though manifesting from the very shadows themselves, an alarming quirk for anyone unacquainted with him and perhaps even for some of those who were. But Husk ? Husk has known Alastor for a long, long time now. Around four whole decades, in fact. He was no doubt more used to the radio demon's antics than almost anyone else.
His ears flicker to the side, his hands held behind his back as he remarks on his thralls attempt at a rebuke. He's not taking no for an answer, especially given his ask was hardly out of Husk's way. ❝ Oh, don't be such a grumplepuss ! ❞ He dismissed playfully, his filtered voice crackling jovially as if he wasn't here intruding on the other demons time.
❝ Surely you can spare a moment for an old friend; all I need is one stiff drink ! ❞ He's sitting himself down now, leaving no further room for that "No" Husk has already tried to give him ❝ Now theres a good fellow. ❞ It was true that Alastor always seemed to find something for Husk to do and thus some way to ruffle his feathers, so the other demon's animosity was understandable.
Not that it bothered Alastor in any way. As far as he was concerned, he'd won Husk's soul fair and square and 'Husker', as he so affectionately and tauntingly called him, was just a sore loser who needed to get the fuck over it. Afterall where else was he supposed to drink ? Any old bar in hell ? He thinks not !
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The Ultimate Gambler’s Strip Poker Party A Danganronpa drinking, stripping, sexual innuendo-laden fic. Initially just something dumb I started writing while I was sick with covid, I ended up really enjoying and and decided to expand it Having won some alcohol from an upperclassman in a bet, Celeste decides to invite her friends over for a party. Of course, what kind of alcohol-fueled party would be complete without a little strip poker? Sample: Celeste dropped the box by her door with a huff, shutting her dorm before anyone could see that she had carried such a heavy item back by herself; such a thing would hardly befit the nobility she presented herself as. She’d won the box from an irresponsible and easily distracted upperclassman, one who either didn’t know or didn’t respect her talent. The fool. He was lucky she had only taken the boozy libations of the Ultimate Brewer instead of completely cleaning out his bank accounts. Still, the pudgy little rat didn’t seem like he had that much money anyways, despite the airs he put on. Celeste nodded to herself with a small smile. She had most certainly come out on top once again, even in her choice of ante.
Retrieving an ornate letter opener, she quickly cut open the crate of goodies to inspect what was inside. About 32 bottles of beer, four bottles of different types of wine (including Moscato, Celeste made a mental note to give that away if there was any left after the party), a bottle of mead, and two bottles each of 100 proof vodka and 80 proof dark rum. And though it wasn’t part of the ante, there was even a pair of shaker tins and a cocktail spoon. Celeste thought over all the drinks she could make with just these two spirits and the drinks available in the dining hall.
But then again, this was a lot of alcohol for one girl. And while she’d be happy to drink it, its would be terribly unrefined to drink it all at once. In fact, it would possibly even be deadly. And while the Hope’s Peak staff was mostly content to leave the students to their own devices, keeping a stockpile of alcohol this large would certainly raise some eyebrows, especially since its not as though Celeste had a relevant ultimate that might give her a pass. Quite the predicament.
Then suddenly, Celeste had an idea.
Against her better judgement, she had grown quite attached to her classmates. Indeed, they were the most cherished friends she had ever had. Even that pig-who-calls-himself-an-artist, Hifumi, had earned himself a C-rank, not that she would ever admit it. And while it might be crass, there were several among them who Celeste certainly admired the look of. What if there was a way to examine her friends more closely, get rid of the alcohol, and seem like the ever-gracious Queen of Liars she so clearly was, while maintaining total control over the situation the whole time?
“Oooh a party! Count me in, Taeko!”
Celeste grimaced. She regretted telling her friends about her past while Junko was still in earshot. It had become one of her favorite ways to mock and tease the Ultimate Gambler, and she wasn’t sure if she preferred this or Junko’s previous nickname for her, Wannabe-chan. The whole class had learned to be on-guard with Junko upon realizing her true nature as a despair-obsessed woman-child, but for some reason she always seemed to be kept in check. Whether that be by her sister, by Makoto, or by the shock-administering ankle-tracker that would render her unconscious if she was ever more than 50 feet from the school grounds without an armed guard to watch her. And failing that, a lock was installed on the outside of her room so she could be locked inside if there was no one available to deal with her, leaving her unable to exit and terrorize other students until someone let her out. Something about an attempted riot that Mukuro was very apologetic about or something. Since then, Junko’s antics had settled down considerably. As long as you didn’t genuinely trust her, she could be downright enjoyable.
Celeste set those thoughts aside however, instead crossing her hands under her chin daintily and giving her winningest smile, “But of course! And worry not, I’ve taken the appropriate measures to ensure we will all have a wonderful time!”
Junko raised an eyebrow, “I assume you mean drink-related measures?”
“But of course,” Celeste took a moment to lean in conspiratorially, “And if you must know, I have made other preparations as well. What good would a party among young adults be without some risqué games?”
Gears turned in Junko’s head at breakneck speed, and at similarly breakneck speed lifted her pigtails into a long and elegant ponytail, shifting her weight confidently back and retrieving a pair of thin glasses from… Wait where did she get those from? “You are referring to such games as spin the bottle, never have I ever, and dare-I-say-it, strip poker are you not? Based on the talent you possess, your sexual preferences, and the flush and temperature of your skin, I’m going to assume the latter suggestion to be most accurate”
“I will neither confirm nor deny… Can I leave the invites to you then?”
All at once Junko’s responsible, librarian-esque guise exploded, her hair becoming frazzled and her eyes crazed, “FUCK YEAH! This party is gonna rock! I’ll make sure everyone is there, or my name isn’t Junko fuckin’ Enoshima, baby!” After a moment that mood disappeared and was replaced by a distant and depraved look, drool running down her chin, “Oh seeing everyone stripped to their unmentionables, forced to show off their most private of places! Oh, the despair from that embarassment will be the best I’ve had in weeks! I knew you were alright, Taeko! God, your tortured death would be delightful to watch.”
Celeste maintained her composure, even as Junko ended that’s sentence with a pleasured shudder, “Mhmm, that’s great. Well, I look forward to seeing you and our classmates at the party tonight!”
Celeste turned on a heel and made her way off to the kitchen, to make herself a cup of tea and gather snacks for the party. Full fic can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40992747
#danganronpa#Dangan Ronpa#trigger happy havoc#THH#danganronpa thh#dr1#celestia ludenberg#celesgiri#kyoko kirigiri#ishimondo#kiyotaka ishimaru#mondo owada#junko enoshima#mukuro ikusaba#makoto naegi#sayaka maizono#aoi asahina#sakura ogami#chihiro fujisaki#trans chihiro#leon kuwata#hifumi yamada#byakuya togami#strip poker#drinking#protagonist celestia
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Northern Star by Dom Fera
Three Rum and Cokes and a couple beers in Some lucky drunk stood up, heavy with where he'd been And he held onto someone and he sung out compelled "You're why I was right to trust myself", he said"Keep me up, keep me out late Keep me close, I need your faith Keep right where you are 'cause I've followed this far Like I'm sure that you're the northern star Oh, I'm sure that you're the northern star"Three hours in to a three-minute call Some gambler wondered if she'd just won it all And she laughed when he asked if his head seemed alright, singing "I've seen the bright sides my whole lovely life", she said"Talk me up and talk me down Talk too long, I'll stick around Talk me into following you somewhere far Like I'm sure that you're the northern star Oh, I'm sure that you're the northern star"Three weeks away from a year since the score And the reckless thieves reckon they could get even more They ain't casing out weddings, nah those are too big a sign They're just looking at dresses and rings that she likes, they said"Keep me up, keep me out late Keep me close, I need your faith Keep right where you are 'cause I've followed this far Like I'm sure that you're the northern star Oh, I'm sure that you're the northern star I'm sure And I'm sure that you're the northern star"
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Girls night at a casino and you meet Spencer during that episode in season 7 where the guy grabs his wrist🤤
i know nothing about casinos can u tell (this is a weird spin on the casino scene) (tw alcohol!!)
“oh- oh my god-“
it slips out, low and unintentionally breathy, and your best friend looks up from her cards to stare at you in horror. you’re looking away, of course, straight at the unassuming man perched at the table next to yours, who just had his wrist captured by some other guy – unimportant in this scenario – and you can’t get over how good he looks and how- how smug…
you’re tipsy in a casino playing a game you don’t know the name of and there’s a really hot guy within arm’s reach. you’re not exactly lucid.
and, really, he seems way too enthused about the miniature form of manhandling he’s just experienced. it goes without saying that you’d like him to manhandle you.
“Y/N!” one of your friend hisses. you turn and realise the whole table is staring at you, your other friend laughing into her coke and rum.
“uh… stick.”
“no- that’s not-”
she gives up before she’s even begun, pushing you out of your seat. the handsome stranger just left his table and is heading for the bar. you happen to be heading the same way.
it takes a shot for you to turn to him. he’s fiddling with his watch, tap water untouched before him, and he seems genuinely shocked when he realises you’re talking to him.
“you really pissed that guy off,” you giggle, gesturing over your shoulder.
he straightens up in his chair - there’s a very pretty person acknowledging his existence so now isn’t the time to have a hunch like a camel - and there’s a glint of that same smugness from earlier gracing his features. “some people don’t like losing.”
you hum, sipping your drink. “everyone’s a sore loser every once in a while. what about you? are you a sore loser?”
“i never lose.”
you can’t help but bite your lip to suppress the grin that’s building. there’s something so endearing and attractive about how matter-of-fact it sounds - i never lose. like you’ve asked him what colour the sky is. “never?”
“never. well, actually-” there’s a faint uh oh from his subconscious. “i am banned from casinos in las vegas, laughlin and pahrump because of my card counting ability.”
he shouldn’t have told you that. he shouldn’t have- he shouldn’t have opened his mouth, because he’s currently undercover and supposed to be a simple gambler who just got lucky and he’s just revealed to a stranger that well, actually, if the casino got a whiff of who he actually was he’d be hauled out before he could say his own name. all because you’re looking at him with twinkling eyes and a sweet smile and spencer is putty in your hands from so few words.
“i shouldn’t have- pretend i didn’t say that.” in alarm, he’s beginning to stand from his chair, and your slightly intoxicated mind can only focus on how he’s leaving and you don’t want him to.
“what’s- are you okay? what’s wrong?”
“i wasn’t supposed to say that.”
“okay. i’ll pretend i didn’t hear it.”
he looks at you like he’s waiting for the but or for the following joke. instead, you pat the stool he’s hovering beside and smile.
“stay. i’ll buy you a drink, and we can talk about anything but your big secret.”
technically, he’s on the job. technically, he should’ve left the second he was done at the table. technically, he should run for the hills because you don’t even know his name and it’s unlikely you’ll track him down.
still, he’s sitting beside you, asking for a mocktail and blushing when you call him a man of good taste.
he’ll stick around for a little while, just to make sure he can really trust you with his secret.
#ask#headcanons#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid fanfic#spencer reid fanfiction#the team in the van outside like: 👁👄👁 is this guy serious#can you tell this is rushed?:) and terrible?:)#q
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Summary: Killian Jones has never been much of a gambling man, but after a stroke of good luck at the poker table in a Vegas casino, he's propositioned by James Nolan with an offer he can't refuse. With Killian's skills and James' money, they could walk away with half a million dollars each. The stakes are high, but get even higher after Killian loses and finds out the money he lost is actually James' brother's, a notorious mob boss.
Now Killian has to come up with the money he lost and fast, or else he and everyone he loves will pay.
Just when Killian gives up all hope, David's daughter, the same blonde siren Killian had an unforgettable night with in Vegas, shows up to negotiate with her father. Not only will Killian be freed from his debt, but his and his loved ones' lives will be spared. All Killian has to do is marry the boss's daughter.
A/N: This story was inspired by and based on one of the storylines from Always Mine and Always Yours by Kennedy Fox. These are books from the same series as Baby Mine and Baby Yours, which Through the Rising Tide is based on. I love these books and I thought it would be fun to see the ouat characters in these roles. If you've never read books from KF, check them out!
I know, I know, I shouldn't be starting any more fics. But I couldn't wait to post the prologue of this new fic I'm working on. Don't worry, I plan on finishing up SMSOF, TTRT and TPAHS over the next few months.
Seeing as David is a mob boss, he's darker in this fic than normal and he may be the boss, but Emma has him wrapped around her finger haha.
Also, this fic will not be a slow burn like TTRT is! Things between Emma and Killian go pretty fast in this one, so brace yourselves ;-)
Also Available on: AO3 FF.N
Rated: Explicit due to violence, death threats and smut
Catch up: Pro // Ch 1
Chapter 2
Killian is still basking in what he can only describe as heaven when Emma starts to wake. He’s not exactly sure how she’ll react after she realizes where she is. Will she flee? Will she regret last night? Emma didn’t have that much to drink last night, at least not after she arrived at the casino. She didn’t even finish her rum and coke before she left with him. She could’ve had a few drinks before she arrived, but she didn’t seem drunk.
He definitely had more to drink than she did, but it takes a lot for him to get drunk. He takes after his father in that department. Brennan was a gambler and a drunk, and Killian made a promise to himself when he was younger he would never grow up to be like his father. But that doesn’t mean Liam won’t constantly worry about him if he knows Killian gambles and drinks occasionally.
Emma blinks up at him, making his heart skip a beat. Her eyes are sleepy but soft and she gazes up at him with a lazy smile. “Morning.”
“Good morning, love.” He smiles warmly at her, brushing a hand through her disheveled hair. “Sleep well?”
“Like a rock.” Her smile widens as she stretches and leans in to press the softest of kisses to his lips.
They may not have slept for very long, seeing as they didn’t pass out until well after three a.m. but the sleep he got was very restful, and he can tell it was the same for her.
“Mmm.” The kiss was meant to be short and sweet, but he wraps his arms around her, not wanting to let her get away. Her body is fused deliciously with his as they get lost in a toe-curling kiss. Emma drapes her leg around his hip, her juices coating the tip of his cock.
He groans in her mouth, completely delirious as he pulls her on top of him. Their panting increases, and he cups both of her ass cheeks in his palms and squeezes as she rolls her hips against him, his erection sliding through her slick folds.
Jesus Christ.
They spent all night fucking, yet he can’t seem to get enough. Nor can she.
“Fuck, Killian,” she whispers, her voice shattered. She sits up and takes his cock in her hand, presses him to her waiting entrance and slides down on him, taking him in her cunt.
He groans and grabs her hips, letting her ride him, aiding her, their skins smacking and filthy curses echoing off the walls.
“Gods, love.” He rubs her clit as his other hand grabs her tit and then the other, his thumb brushing over the soft buds until they’re both hardened peaks.
She moans and increases her pace as she leans in and captures his lips, her tight nipples dragging through his chest hair. He brings his hand to her ass, increasing the depth and speed of his cock thrusting into her pussy. She feels like heaven, and he doesn’t want to stop.
They both come within minutes, which surprises him, considering how many times he exploded last night. He thought he’d be able to last longer but with her tight walls clamping around him and her reactions as she sits up, tips her head back and screams out his name, he can’t seem to last very long.
They’re both panting as she leans down to kiss him again, their breaths and tongues mingling deliciously. His heart is slamming, his head is spinning and just when he thinks they’re finished, her lips leave his and she’s making a scorching hot trail of kisses down his chest and stomach.
Is she actually…?
Oh, yes...yes, she is.
Her lips are wrapped around his cock, and she’s licking up his shaft and taking his entire length in her mouth as she fondles his balls. She’s either very good at pretending or she genuinely enjoys sucking him off.
He buries his hands in her wealth of golden hair, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. He loses his load in record time, considering he just came in her pussy moments ago. She swallows his cum down and licks her lips, her eyes full of devilry and her smirk tainted with satisfaction.
Oh, she definitely enjoys sucking him off.
Can this woman be any more perfect? Can his time with her get any better? He doesn’t even know how that would be possible.
But boy, is he wrong. Because after he invites her to stay for breakfast and she says, yes, he orders room service, and they have breakfast out on the balcony. Emma’s in nothing but his shirt, which fits her like a nightgown, and he’s wearing a Bellagio robe. He ordered eggs and bacon and fruit and mimosas. It’s the perfect morning. The perfect weather, the perfect place, the perfect woman.
“So, how long you in town for?” she asks, taking a sip of her drink.
“A week.” He forks some scrambled egg and shoves it into his mouth. “You?”
“Well, considering I live in Las Vegas, I’ll be here until I decide to move.”
He swallows hard and arches a brow. “Really?” She couldn’t possibly live any further away from him, other than if one of them lived in a different country. “I enjoy it here, but I’m not sure if I could live here.”
She shrugs and sets her glass on the table. “I’m used to it. My family has always had property here.”
“Ah, I see. What do you do for a living?”
She takes a bite of her bacon. “I work for my family’s business.” Her face sours, and he notices a hint of distaste in her tone, as if she’s not too thrilled about working for her family.
“What kind of business?” he asks, intrigued as he takes a sip of his mimosa. He can’t help but want to know everything about her. And not just because she’s given him so many orgasms between last night and this morning.
“Real Estate investment,” she says simply.
He wants to comment on how her family’s company must make good money considering all the cash James spends at the casino and all the expensive-looking jewelry Emma’s wearing, but he doesn’t want her to think he’s interested in her money. He came here to gamble, after all. But her money is the last thing he cares about.
“I hope to get out of the family business soon, though,” she adds, taking a bite of her toast.
“What’s stopping you, love?” he asks curiously, hoping he’s not crossing a line by asking too many questions. Which is kind of funny considering they haven’t even known each other for twelve hours, yet know each and every inch of the other’s body.
Her face saddens a little, as though getting out isn’t easy. “It’s complicated.”
Before he can ask her any more questions, she announces she has to use the bathroom, wipes her hands with a napkin and gets up, heading inside the hotel room. He can’t help but wonder why getting out of the family business would be complicated. Maybe she feels pressured to stay, or maybe the business has been so ingrained in her, she doesn’t know how to get out.
He has so many questions but doesn’t want to go out of bounds or upset her by sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong.
When Emma returns, she grabs a few grapes and climbs into his lap, straddling him. He wraps his arms around her as she feeds him a grape, then kisses him, exchanging the taste of the fruit juice between their tongues.
“Mmmm,” he groans in her mouth, not wanting this morning to end. Not wanting to let her get away. Killian unbuttons the shirt she’s wearing, freeing her beautiful breasts, drawing her nipple into his warm mouth.
She moans as he enjoys the heady combination of her and the grape, wondering what other things would taste like on her. Reaching behind her, he grabs the strawberry jam packet, peeling back the top, scooping some up with his fingers and smearing it around both of her nipples.
She giggles. “That’s cold.”
“Let me warm them up for you, then, love.” He smirks and licks the jam off her tits with his warm, broad tongue, lapping up every drop and sucking her nipples into his mouth. “Gods, love, can I keep you?” he mumbles, burying his face in her breasts
She laughs, thinking he’s joking, but he’s not. If he could spend every morning like this with her, he’d die a happy man.
He grabs her ass with both hands and presses her into him, letting her feel how hard he is again.
As she moans and thrusts against him, he wonders at what point they’ll get enough of each other. But they’re outside, so they behave...well, as much as they can without fucking on the balcony.
They eventually head back inside.
“Can we do this again, love?” he asks hopefully, zipping up her dress and pressing a soft kiss on her neck as he swipes her hair over the other side of her shoulder.
Instead of answering him with words, she turns around with a smirk and grabs his phone out of his pocket. She has him unlock it and hands her his. They exchange numbers and enjoy one last long, heated kiss before they say their goodbyes.
As soon as she leaves his hotel room, his phone pings with a message. Killian runs a hand through his hair and heads to the bathroom as he reads the text.
James: So, what do you think? Have you thought about my offer at all?
Actually, his offer was the furthest thing from his mind, but he can’t say that. He can’t say what was actually on his mind, considering Emma is James’ niece. He’s not sure if James knows where Emma went off to after he left, but Killian’s not about to volunteer the information.
He has to admit, James’ offer is tempting, though. He’d basically be gambling with free money. He’ll admit, he was skeptical at first, but right now, he’s thinking he’d be stupid not to do it. But his change of heart might be because he’s on cloud nine. After sharing a perfect evening with Emma, and then an even more perfect morning with her, he’s on a high and never wants to come back down from it. This feeling is even better than being drunk.
Killian: Sure, mate, I’ll play a few rounds.
James: Hell yeah!
As soon as Killian receives the text, he gets an incoming call from James and answers it.
“You up for playing today? There’s a high roller game going on soon. And I know of a private, invite-only tourney in a few days. Winner takes a quarter of a million.”
Killian’s eyes widen as his mind reels from the thought of making that kind of cash. It would take him forever to make that amount of money from bounty hunting. “What’s the buy-in for that?”
“Hundred grand,” James says the amount casually, as though a hundred grand is nothing. It probably isn’t to him, though.
“Winner takes all?”
“Six-person hold ’em.”
Killian’s palms are sweating from just thinking about it. He doesn’t even know what he would do with that kind of money, but with higher stakes, comes more risk. And he can’t ignore the possibility of losing. He imagines the blokes gambling with that kind of money don’t fuck around. “And what do you know about the players?”
“They’re poker sharks. They’re good, but you’re better. You’ll have to be more strategic if you want to beat these guys in a six-person game, but you can do it.”
“I need some time to think about that. It’s a huge risk.”
“Okay, but if you do it, you can’t tell anyone who you see in there. It’s a private, invite-only game.”
Killian furrows his brows. “Then how will I get in?”
“Don’t worry about that. All I have to do is say you’re taking my place. No one will ask questions, but I won’t be in there with you. No onlookers are allowed, just the players, dealer and a referee to make sure all the rules are being followed.”
James must be pretty confident in Killian to let him take his spot, but this only adds to the pressure and anxiety he feels. “Bloody hell, that sounds intense.” The more he learns about this tournament, the more unsure he is about it.
“It is. But that’s normal when you’re paying a hundred grand to play. So, you in or not?”
Knowing he has a few days to mentally prepare for something like this, Killian agrees to it. “I’m in.”
“Alright,” James says in excitement. “The other game is later this morning in Bobby’s Room.”
Killian’s eyes widen. “Bobby’s Room?” Since there are always guards stationed at the entrance and the only people allowed in are those who can spend a minimum buy-in of twenty grand at one of the two tables, Killian’s only heard about Bobby’s Room and has seen it through the viewing windows. It’s the true jewel of the Bellagio’s crown and it’s where people go to battle the best poker players in the world. It was recently renamed, but the regulars still refer to it as Bobby’s Room, which was named after Bobby Baldwin, who won the World Series of Poker Tournament in 1978.
“Yeah, I’ll meet you downstairs in an hour.”
Killian’s glad he has some time to get ready because first, he needs to take a shower to wash away Emma’s scent. He doesn’t like the idea of it but also doesn’t like the idea of James socking him in the face for fucking his niece.
After Killian showers and dresses, he heads downstairs, meeting James at the bar.
“The private game was moved to tomorrow. You good with that?”
Killian nods. He thought he had more time than that, but he guesses it’s better to just get it over with. “Works for me.”
“I’ll put your name on the list then. Ready to win us some money now?” he asks with a grin.
Killian nods, offering a slight smile, feeling anxious as hell. “As ready as I’ll ever be.
When he enters Bobby’s Room, he immediately senses the difference between this game and every other one he’s played.
First of all, he feels like an outsider. He’s never played with thousands of dollars’ worth of chips, or with millionaires wearing expensive luxury suits and sporting Rolexes and jewelry.
Killian sucks in a deep breath as he takes a seat at the table, wondering what on earth possessed him to agree to this. He hates the idea of losing James’ money. But if he wins, it will be the easiest money he’s ever made, and he won’t have to take as many bounty jobs.
He starts off cautiously at first, learning everyone’s quirks and tells and folding more than he plays until he feels more comfortable.
The pit boss walks around, monitoring the game, making sure everyone is following the rules. Killian loses thirty grand in one round but ends up with five times that after playing for eight hours. When he cashes in his chips, he lets out a long breath, feeling like an enormous weight has been lifted from his shoulders. He’s never held this much money at once in his entire life, but at the same time, he’s so happy and relieved with the outcome.
“How’d you do?” James asks eagerly when Killian leaves the room.
Killian grins in success and hands him seventy-five thousand dollars. “That’s your half.”
James’ eyes widen in excitement as he grins and slaps him on the shoulder. He’s obviously pleased and impressed. “See, I knew you could do it.”
“Thanks for giving me the opportunity.”
“What do you say we celebrate? Dinner and drinks on me?”
Killian declines his offer. “I’d love to, but I’m pretty beat after that. I want to be able to bring my A-game tomorrow.” Even after winning, his mind is spinning, and his stomach is still full of butterflies. Between the amazing morning and evening he had with Emma, and how hard he had to concentrate today, he’s going to need a lot of rest tonight.
“Good idea. The big game starts tomorrow at two, so don’t be late. Slight change of plans, though. It’s now a three hundred thousand dollar buy-in. Winner takes home a million. Still a six-player game.”
Killian’s jaw hits the floor. After he pays James his half, Killian will be taking home half a million. Winning that game tomorrow means all his debts will be paid off. And he won’t have to take as many bounty jobs. Hell, he could pay his niece’s way through college with that kind of money.
When Killian returns to his room, he orders room service and watches some TV before going to bed. When he lays his head down, he can smell Emma’s perfume on his pillow, and he’s unable to stop thinking about her and how incredible it felt to be inside of her. How incredible she tasted. How much more he wants of her. But he doesn’t want to appear too eager by getting a hold of her so soon after their night together. So instead, he just spends all night thinking about her.
“ID?” the bodyguard demands once Killian reaches the room at the end of the hall on the top floor of the hotel.
He pulls out his wallet, grabs his license and hands it over as he scratches behind his ear, hoping he doesn’t give away his own tell once he gets in the room. But it’s going to be difficult, considering he’s nervous as hell. His stomach is coiled in knots and his heart is pounding. He was already nervous about being late since that would’ve meant an automatic forfeit, but he became more nervous the closer he got to this room.
After scanning the ID, the guard hands it back before opening the door.
The room is quiet, other than the hammering of his heart in his ear.
“Any weapons?”
Killian shakes his head and lifts his arms to be searched and patted down.
“He’s clean.”
Killian gulps, knowing this tournament is the real deal when he sees a table of Glocks and knives. But it’s expected, considering these players are millionaires, so of course they’re carrying weapons. The pit boss introduces the game and explains the Texas hold ’em and regular tournament rules, which means they’ll play until only one remains.
After they’re given their chips, the dealer shuffles the cards, and another person cuts the deck.
It doesn’t take Killian long to realize James wasn’t lying when he said the players were good. He definitely has his work cut out for him.
But these players aren’t any better than him, and that gives him hope.
They’re not any worse, either, though.
He keeps his composure, though, doing his best not to scratch his ear. Typically, that’s not a problem when he’s playing poker, but then again, he's never had so much on the line before.
A few hours later, they’re given a small break, and Killian goes to the men’s room to take a leak. After he washes and dries his hands, he finds himself clutching the edge of the marble counter until his knuckles are white. He needs to stay focused if he’s going to win this, but his mind keeps going back to the gorgeous blonde he met the other night. He wants so badly to contact her again. And he makes a promise to himself that if he wins this, he’s going to call her. He stares at his reflection and breathes in, trying to clear his thoughts. He breathes out slowly and breathes in again, gathering the courage to go back to the table.
Three guys have already been eliminated but they can’t leave until the game is over. Two of the guys he’s playing against are older and obviously more experienced. And it’s just Killian’s luck one of them always has a blank expression on his face. Normally Killian can read people like an open book, but this bloke is a blank page. Like a robot. The other one licks his lips when he has a good hand, as though he can taste the win.
The dealer passes out the cards, and Killian folds before betting, but the other two have a showdown. Lip licker goes all in, and Mr. Robot calls him before realizing what a terrible mistake it was after lip licker lays down a full house. Even after losing so much money, the guy is still businesslike and emotionless.
Then it’s the two of them left, and Killian can feel his heart beating in his throat. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt so much pressure in his entire life. And he chases fugitives for a living. The money he has is peanuts compared to what his opponent has, but Killian has enough to make a comeback if he’s careful. When it’s just down to two players, though, they’re forced to bet. He’s never been a praying man, but he’s praying he can turn things around in his favor.
Killian puts in the big blind, and lip licker matches it. The dealer flips over the first three cards, and Killian has two pairs—sevens and threes—and all he needs is one or the other for a full house. He bets ten thousand. His opponent calls him, and the dealer turns another card. Still holding his two pairs, Killian scratches behind his ear. Lip licker goes all in, forcing Killian into a showdown. He sucks in a breath as they show their cards. Even though his opponent only has a pair of eights, Killian doesn’t get his hopes up just yet.
When the final community card is dealt, it’s an eight of spades.
Giving Killian’s opponent a three of a kind.
Which means Killian lost.
He lost a million dollars.
Half a million each.
The blood drains from his face, and he feels nauseous.
The guy shakes his hand and tells him it was a good game, and then they’re all escorted out of the room as if nothing happened.
A whirlwind of emotions swirls inside him. He’s in shock, he’s angry with himself for going along with this, he’s upset, he’s afraid to tell James he just lost his money.
As soon as he’s out of the room, he calls James, his heart hammering so loud, he can’t even hear the other line ringing.
“Hey, Killian!” James shouts enthusiastically, making Killian feel even worse. “Where can I meet you to get my share?”
Bloody hell.
James is going to kill him.
He said it wouldn’t matter if Killian lost, but he has a feeling it won't be that simple.
He swallows hard, trying to find the words, but “James,” is all he can say.
His tone says a hell of a lot more than he can possibly articulate in words at the moment.
There are a few beats of silence on the other end.
Loud, deafening silence.
“No...” James finally breathes. “Please, don’t tell me…”
“I’m so sorry.” Killian’s voice cracks as he hangs his head. “I’ll pay back my half.”
“That’s not good enough.”
Wait, what?
James’ voice is sharper. Cruel even.
Killian furrows his brows as he steps into the elevator, panic rising in his chest. “What do you mean? The seventy-five I won yesterday is all yours. I just need to get it.”
“See, that’s the thing. The money you lost—it wasn’t mine,” James admits.
Killian’s stomach twists, bile rising in his throat. “What do you mean, it wasn’t yours?”
“I stole it, okay? And I need to replace it as soon as possible before the person I stole it from notices it’s gone.”
Killian’s blood starts to bubble. What the fuck did James get him mixed up with? “Wait, so you stole someone’s money and hoped they wouldn’t notice? What the fuck, James?” he barks, growing angrier by the second.
“Yeah,” James says flatly. “I thought you were better than that. People have been killed for less.”
Okay, this has to be a sick, twisted joke. Killian’s being punked; he’s sure of it. “What did you do, steal from a mob boss?” he jokes, but James isn’t laughing on the other end.
“Actually, yes. My brother.” There’s not a hint of amusement in his tone, indicating James isn’t fucking with him.
Killian stops dead in his tracks. “What do you mean, yes? Your brother’s a…?”
Wait. His brother? As in Emma’s father? Killian tries to think back to the conversations he had with James but can’t remember him mentioning how many siblings he had, or any at all.
“We’re in big fucking trouble, Killian, and when I say we, I mean you. I have my half of the money to return, but you’re on the line for a hundred fifty grand. Minus what you won yesterday. That’s still seventy-five thousand you’ll need to get as soon as possible. My brother doesn’t mess around when it comes to people who owe him money. He won’t hesitate to put a bullet through your head.”
Killian enters his room and leans back against the door, unable to breathe, all the air sucked from his lungs.
He hates himself for getting into this mess. For trusting James. He had no idea James was part of a mob. Emma told him her family owned a real estate business. But that’s probably just a front. Looking back, Killian should’ve seen all the signs. How James was so reckless with his money and careless. He just thought James was a fucking idiot. Well, he is, but James is even dumber than he thought.
Killian swallows hard and closes his eyes, his head spinning. “I don’t have that kind of cash.”
“Then you’ll have to play and win more games. You’ve got until the end of the week,” James warns.
“I can’t get it that fast.” Killian’s yelling now, furious, his hands balling into fists. He’s glad he’s having this conversation over the phone rather than in person because otherwise, he’d be smashing James’ face in right now.
“Well, you better find a way to get it. My brother will be back in Vegas soon, and I really don’t want to have to give him your name.”
Killian scoffs as James makes it sound like throwing him under the bus would be a hardship.
“The clock’s ticking, Killian.”
Killian hears the click before he can respond. He wants to throw his fucking phone across the room. But instead, he lets it fall from his hands and slides to the floor, burying his face in his hands, having no fucking clue what he’s going to do. That arsehole gambled with a ridiculous amount of his brother’s money and made sure Killian was on the hook for it.
Mother fucker.
How the bloody hell is he going to get out of this mess?
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|Duke Lanzaro|
Name: Duke Lanzaro
Nickname: Duke the Nuke
Age: 24
Birthday: November 19th, 2257
Height: 5'11
Weight: 190lbs
Specials: Str 8 - Per 6 - End 6 - Cha 10 – Int 4 - Agi - 4 Luck - 2
Eyes: Bright blue. His default look is a permanently flirty looking stare, but that’s just how his eyes are all the time.
Hair: Black
Body type: Athletic, defined muscle.
Status Currently: A bodyguard for the Kings, he works helping gamblers and out of towners on their way through Freeside to get to the Strip, for a nominal fee.
Relationship Status: Taken
Spouse(s)/Partners: Cliff Delmore, a singer at The Tops
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: “Some kind of Italian"
Family: His father Lorenzo Lanzaro passed away 7 years back while performing in his circus. His mother is Georgiana Lanzaro, former magician, current drug dealer/tattoo artist/stripper. He also has a half-sister, Antonia Euler, but he does not acknowledge that he’s related to her.
Languages: English
Disabilities/Illnesses/Injuries: None. Sometimes has issues moving his left arm too much, because of residual effects and stiffness left by the damage from the gunshot wound in his shoulder.
Allergies: None.
Scars: He has two small scars that go over the bridge of his nose on the left side of his face, one tiny scar on his right cheek. Perpetually bruised up knuckles.
On the right side of his body: a stab wound scar on his shoulder, jagged scar down the inner part of his bicep, a cut and stitches on his forearm, several small lacerations on his hands, one long cut along his ribs, and a smaller stab wound right above his hip, large gash along his upper thigh, bite scar on his lower calf, and a burn on the opposite side.
On the left: Bullet wound in the shoulder, dog bite on that elbow, small cuts all over his hands, several short scrapes/stabs/stiches on his thigh.
Physical traits: Pale, dark hair, bright blue eyes, often has a side-ways smirk on his face. He has a square jaw and a crooked nose from when he broke it at some point in the past, very pronounced cheek bones, and beauty marks scattered along his cheeks. His shoulders are broad and strong, with way more upper body strength than leg strength (from his specialty being melee and hand-to-hand combat).
He has a tattoo of a heart on his neck with “Mom” in it, a mini nuke on his left forearm with the Kings crown, and a lightning bolt with “TCB” above it on his bicep.
Voice: Not exceptionally deep, but lower than a tenor. Kind of raspy while still very lilted; the flirty gravel is definitely his thing, which comes naturally from smoking for ten years. When he’s being snarky gets the “greaser guy” accent going, but that’s completely manufactured and not natural at all.
Clothing: He has about two of the same outfit and wears those constantly: torn up old jeans, random white (or formerly white) t-shirts, Kings jacket, and his high-top sneakers.
Fashion Style/Lifestye: His look and aesthetic are obviously like the greasers of the 1950’s, as all the Kings are. He doesn’t have much of a sense of fashion beyond that, but his boyfriend is a lot more in tune with that and tries to dress him up every now and then – though most of the time it’s the same old dirty jeans and t-shirts with leather jacket.
Weapon of Choice: Baseball bat with random chunks of metal stuck in it that has “Return To Sender” painted on the side. He got his nickname from being able to hit a baseball grenade with such expert precision it was like a nuke.
He also carries brass knuckles as a last resort, a special pair with a spade hollowed out of the center and two long spikes on either end of the hand.
Skills: Extremely charismatic, can talk himself out of almost any situation and flirt his way into getting what he wants, in a direct contrast to his best friend’s terrible social awkwardness. He has no shame about using his good looks to his advantage – and he knows how good he looks, of course. He is also very physically strong and capable in a fight. Tagged skills would be explosives, speech, and melee.
Weaknesses: His loved ones, most particularly Dizzy. If anything happens to him, Cliff, or his mother, he’s going off the rails in defense mode. He is very quick to forgive them of anything they do wrong, no matter how egregious, and overlook serious issues out of a skewed sense of loyalty.
Poor skills: Very bad at restraining his temper. Though he is usually extremely calm and hard to irritate around people who are important to him, minor things from anyone but those select few can hit him like a switch and turn him into a violent, blind rage. Also is completely inept at any kind of wilderness survival.
Affiliations: The Kings, The Followers of the Apocalypse, Courier Six
Former Affiliations: Lanzaro’s Greatest Show in the West (since it no longer exists)
Enemies: The Legion, The NCR, The Van Graffs, The Omertas
Neutral Affiliations: The Chairmen, White Glove Society
Religion: Agnostic
Likes: He likes anything to do with the “original” King, especially learning to play the songs older members know on guitar. He is deeply devoted to the gang’s ideals and is willing to live and die for the idea of freedom as The King teaches it to them. He likes gambling, though he has awful luck and almost always loses. Playing guitar. Cigarettes. Rum. Flirting. Baseball. Feeling as though he makes a difference, through working for the Kings. Dizzy’s dad, Ace Euler.
Dislikes: Doesn’t really like sweets all too much. Caravan; it makes no sense to him. Leaving Freeside or traveling too far from Vegas. Feeling as though he isn’t in control.
Hates: People bullying others who are much smaller/weaker than them; which is how he met Dizzy. People who aren’t from Freeside ruining the lives of locals.
Friends: Dizzy Deeks has been his best friend since he was just a kid after he rescued him from being beaten to death by kids bigger than he was. Julie Farkas, Luisa Flores (Dizzy’s aunt), Sergio, Francine Garret, James Garret, Mick and Ralph, Courier Six.
Acquaintances: Frankie Felice (another King), Vander “Van” DeVilla (also a King), Lucille McKenny (ex-girlfriend. Dizzy’s ex-girlfriend too), Lucky Harris (Dizzy’s boyfriend), Ringo, Niner, Raul Tejada.
Former friends: Rey Euler – he used to tolerate him, not any longer.
Enemies: Johnny Salentino, another King who is his (personally proclaimed) rival, even though Johnny has no idea and thinks they are friends. Rey Euler, Dizzy’s older brother who knocked up Duke’s mom. Pacer. The entirety of the NCR.
Pets: No pets. After his dad died, all their circus creatures were released and he has never had an animal since then.
Fallout OC friends/family: So many. Almost all the characters he associates with are OCs.
Personality: Duke is the super cool guy that everyone wants to be! He’s always confident and always knows just what to say, but just as snarky as Dizzy always is. He’s easily amused, easy going, and generally doesn’t take things too seriously - but his temper can be short and violent if someone fucks with him or any other King. He loves to make terrible jokes and use terrible pick-up lines, but more often than not he can sound charming enough when he uses them that people fall for it anyway.
Favorite color: Yellow
Favorite foods: Anything salty or spicy, particularly the things Dizzy’s mom cooks. Also really likes cram, though Dizzy will pointedly cringe anytime he eats it around him.
Favorite drinks: Rum, or any other strong dark liquor (though he knows to stay away from the “Mistake Maker” - the Alejos Especial, the gin that Dizzy’s mother makes and sells to the Wrangler).
Favorite Sweets: He isn’t too big on sweet foods, but he likes prickly pear candies occasionally.
Other info:
Brotp Meme
Aesthetic Pin Board
Random Extra Info
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HEPHAESTUS THYME called into ORACLE FM. They were a little bit CHEEKY & ENIGMATIC at first, but we kept them talking until they got a little WATCHFUL & GUIDING. They said they’ve been working as OWNER OF EPOCH, and thinking about aligning themselves with N/A since they have been living in Nova Satus for FIFTY-FIVE YEARS, and from what we can tell, they still give off huge THE DRIPPING OF BLOOD ON THE GROUND, POWER THROUGH DARKNESS, & FEEBLE-LEGGED BUT WISE-EYED GAMBLER vibes. [ DJIMON HOUNSOU, HAITIAN LOA (PAPA LEGBA), CIS-MAN, UNKNOWN, HE/HIM ]
TW: Rape Mention, Slavery Mention, Child Abuse Mention, Physical Disability, Death
The vessel of Papa Legba was already embroiled in violent sacrifice when the Loa followed his people from West Africa to their destination in the Americas. The vessel’s mother was stripped of her dignity and clothing, and raped by men who had sold her to Spanish ships taken to the Caribbean.
From gestation on the ships, the vessel was born into slavery and put on an auction block. Legba, being the fatherly figure he was to the slaves, followed the child through the trials of being ripped from his mother and forced to grow up in a stunted world. The boy would develop osteomalacia or Rickets due to lack of nutrients and vitamins he needed. Crying in pain, day and night, the boy became a young man with a terrible limp.
To supplement the vessel’s disability, Legba would come to him and encourage the boy through puberty and he would speak Legba’s name and draw the Loa’s symbol for others who also needed guidance. Mistaking Legba for an indulgent Loa, his first sacrifices were goats in the Americas, but knowing they had so little. Legba advised his worshipers that all they need do was invoke his symbol or drip rum on the ground and call for him.
Legba never asked for the would-be vessel’s body, but when said vessel became a man, he slowly tired of his existence and offered himself again and again to Legba so may the Loa be of this world. Legba bided his time until the man decided to make an escape plan to leave the island with others.
The raft was simple and easily put together under the cover of darkness, they asked for Legba to speak their deities for blessings but there was no time for sacrifice to anyone but Legba. Unfortunately, this angered some of the other Loa spirits and the escape was not a success. When the vessel was shot and clinging to life, he once again called out to Papa Legba to take his body and make it a home. Legba finally saw to the dying wish and entered the vessel’s body while it floated at sea.
Papa Legba took the vessel’s body to what would become known as Louisiana in modern times. The Loa traveled the swamps and waited for the coming of more of his people. Other Loa encouraged Legba to seek out a healer for his vessel, but Legba always saw it as a point of his own existence to keep the vessel’s body intact and disabled.
Over hundreds of years, Papa Legba traveled between America and the island nation known as Haiti where his people practiced Vodou and called for him. Only in the last sixty years did he learn of Nova Satus and he took his time in coming to the city for he knew too well how an ill-timed escape to somewhere better could lead to death.
Being a Loa of peculiar tastes, he opened Epoch, a speakeasy that is not easily found. Being the Loa of roads, doors, and keys he made way for a place to come and have oracles deciphered, fortunes told, or guidance given to people who worship him. The cost at the door? One good, strong memory that you will sacrifice forever. After all, it makes no sense to put more blood on the ground, at least not yet, though such a dripping of blood in Legba’s symbol might bring you closer to the threshold as the rumors are said.
Papa Legba has the ability to shift into an old mutt of a dog with a limp and this is often the form he chooses when someone wanders into a crossroads and calls for his presence. He will usually be a menacing beast in this form because he is not happy that he’s been called to a place of trickery. He expects his worshipers to plan their journeys so there will be no crossroads.
Some additional abilities include knowledge of the location of other deities, but that does not mean he will give up the location without being told what is desired and given sacrifice. It’s going to take more than rum on the ground in most cases. He can also decipher oracles and in that way, fortune telling is also his privy as is the granting of luck in his presence. Also, he has pet rats. Try not to mind them.
Legba’s main ability, however, has to do with travel. He is the keeper of roads, keys, doorways, and gates. You will find his symbol in these places and Legba may choose, depending on the sacrifice if he will allow the person to enter, be it his speakeasy or otherwise. Finally, he can grant the ability to speak directly to a deity, however, he is not responsible for the deity’s mood or the consequences of the disruption.
Legba’s weaknesses are mainly physical. He is always carrying his vessel’s pain and inability to walk without a cane. He also has a slight hunch to his back and cannot stand up straight without help, which he usually rebuked. The Loa is also vulnerable at crossroads, which is why he doesn’t like to be called to them.
For appearances, most of Papa Legba’s clothes are old and out of style, but he finds the loud suits and under clothes to be comfortable and he will wear them until they are rags. He also typically wears a hat and always has a cane as well as a pipe or cigar in his hand. He prefers rum to all other liquor so if you want to appeal to him, buy him one at the speakeasy, if you can find it.
A final note: despite being a traveling and crossroads spirit, Legba is not a trickster. In fact, he is seen as a father figure in Haitian Vodou and West African religions.
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AN 24 25 26
Start Previous
Chapter 24- Digger and Dragons
Captain Hemmett McBean*
Geneva Peachtree*
Two-Toed Tom*
Kiss Curl Carlotti*
Malleus Nyce, retired actor
Monkai-Monkai, gangster whose tattoos were stolen by the Johns
King Claus
Thaddeus George, artist
Finnegan Hob, Princess Boa’s fiance
Maffick Hob, Prince of Day, father of Finnegan
Mariah Capella, witch of the Night, mother of Finnegan
Gravainia Pavonine, dragon who killed Boa
Nemapsychus, Giamantis, Pijirantia Pavonine, siblings of Gravainia
-Yebba Dim Day
-Huffell’s Hill
-Soma Plume
-Repository of Remembrance
-Stone House
-Vesper’s Rock
-Great Zigurrat
-Island of Spake
-Hap’s Vault
-Isle of the Black Egg
-Speckle Frew
-Old Palace of Bowers on the Nonce
The John brothers are recruited by the members of the ship the Belbelo to locate Finnegan Hobb, who is missing on his dragon hunt for 6 years
-Captain Hemmet McBean: The captain of the ship the Belbelo, friend of Finnegan Hobb along with Geneva, Tom, and Carlotti
-Geneva Peachtree: Black warrior woman in charge of the search for Finnegan, from the Isle of the Black Egg
-Two-Toed Tom: Digger and map reader, covered in spiral tattoos, has a stubborn husband, was in charge of the stables of King Claus
-Kiss Curl Carlotti: Gambler who lost his tongue and middle toes, bald but for three black curls
-Tria: Dark eyed, white blonde hair, waif of no more than 13, can find people
-Belbelo: Two-masted sailing ship, captained by McBean, red like all boats, has a gun aboard
Malleus Nyce- wore costumes in the Cacodemonic Carnivals, sixty one with precious jewels sewn with the Threads of Sirius
24 Tribal Territories- What the islands used to be
Repository of Remembrance- holds treasures of people who became great
The Beautiful Moment- painting by Thaddeus George, commissioned by King Claus, in the possession on Pixler, a triptych of the islands of the Abarat
Scarlet skinned man- Tom’s husband, big, long braided hair
Idjitian Jenga- part of Tom’s family
Miniature Blossom Pig- part of Tom’s family
War between Night and Day-
Worms- Dragons, intelligent, heartless, write shitty poetry, royal line included Gravainia
Previous members of the Belbelo- 7 previous members of the dragon hunting team, assumed deceased
Chapter 25- Mischief Undone
Two-Toed Tom
Kiss-Curl Carlotti**
Captain Hemmet McBean
-Belbelo life boat*
A dragon attacks and destroys the Belbelo, the John’s are injured, Two-Toed Tom is eaten by the dragon who is slain by Geneva
-Dragon: Sea based, hooded like a cobra, lined with spikes, demands a toll for safe passage, can regurgitate it’s stomach contents and breathes fire, blood has an acidic quality, narcissistic, killed by Geneva with a flare gun
-Kiss-Curl Carlotti: eaten by the dragon in a final act of vengeance
-Belbelo life boat: used after the dragon destroys the Belbelo, contains rations and a flare gun
A’zo and Cha; For A’zo’s sake- exclamations invocation the names of the Abaratian creator gods
91 goddesses of the Isle of the Black Egg- Geneva prays to them
Testaments of Pottishak- leanred by Geneva in school
Cascatheka Rendithius- fire breathing dragon from Geneva’s schooling
Chapter 26- The House of Lies
Candy, scared of clowns
Kaspar Wolfswinkel*
Archie Kashanian, killed by his feet walking all over him
-Wolfswinkel’s house*
-High Sladder
-The Press
- Infernal Regions
-34 Followell Street
-Widow White’s House
-Lighthouse and jetty
-Yebba Dim Day
Candy is chased by Tarrie cats and arrives at Wolfswinkle’s house, he imprisons her and removes the key from her head that was placed there by Mischief
-Tarrie-cats: twice the size of house cats, orange and black, wardens of Wolfswinkle
-Kaspar Wolfswinkel: short, yellow suited magician with a staff, enjoys rum, magic, and lying, has 6 magic hats
-Malingo: Geshrat slave of Wolfswinkel’s, orange with four horns, leather fan ears, smells of cloves and cinnamon and rotted limes, strong and dirty
-Wolfswinkle’s House: Domed home and prison of Wolfswinkle, sits upon a hill on Ninnyhammer
Pillars topped with fire- dictate the perimeter of Wolfswinkel’s house, magic, makes the ground appear to dance
High Sladder- Tarrie-cat city on Ninnyhammer
Scathrassic acid- poison intended for the cats
Unknown Animal- cross between a giant armadillo and a camel
Hallelujah- used by Wolfswinkle as a celebratory saying
Blue square- magic tile in Wolfswinkle’s house, corned by candles, has an invisible barrier and is used to read memories from the person inside
Key to the Pyramids- blue-green light made of braided ribbon, with tiny crystals on it
#abarat notes#abarat#remember when the last of these I posted 5 years ago?#three more posts of so will wrap up book 1#long post
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‘Just Sorry?’ A Mini Series (Chapter 12/??)
Author’s Note: After an extremely long hiatus I’ve finally updated this series. Thank you to everyone who has kept an interest in this story. It really means a lot to me. Enjoy the read~ Warnings: Following chapters will contain violence, mentions of drugs usage, sexual situations, daddy kink, rough sex and angst. Previous Chapter: 11
“Jaebum….Jaebum…Come on you can’t be serious right now I have to study”.
“But it’s been weeks since we’ve been alone.”
I know it’s been weeks but I really have to pass this nursing mid term. If not whose going to patch you up after your next fight with Yongguk?”
The soft giggle coming from the girl across from Jaebum made him want to grab the nearest pillow and fling it at her. But he couldn’t resist seeing the sparkles that seemed to dance across the young woman’s eyes as he looked at her.
The only person in this world who knew Jaebum better than he knew himself. The pair had crossed each other’s paths the first night of spring back in 2014. The newest member to Yongguk’s team had been invited to the leader’s annual spring bash. Not only was the party a great way for the men to be entertained but it was also easier for the leader to find out who could keep a level head when things got too tense. Gambling and alcohol was one of the party’s main activities and with those two came many arguments that soon turned into physical altercations. Jaebum wasn’t much of a gambler nor a drinker. But he did allow himself a couple of drinks to loosen up. As the brunette sat back and scanned the clubs scenery he couldn’t help but to notice a particular girl standing a few feet away at table with a group of what seemed to be her close girl friends. Her hair was curled with auburn highlights in at one moment black hair but when the flashing lights hit it Jae could tell it was definitely a deep brown. Instead of the classic tight dress he saw most girls wearing at the club, se had chosen to wear a oversized denim jacket over a fitted sharking sliver crop tank top and black fitted jeans . Her lips were glossed just enough to be seen through the darkness of the room and her eyes were decorated with a simple black eyeliner. The brunette must have been staring too long because he noticed one of her friends nudging the girl at her side to signal that she was being checked out. Eyes locking with hers; Jaebum was given a welcoming smile and nod by the other. Using that as a sign to go over and talk to the enticing stranger, he politely waited for the right moment to tap her shoulder and engage in a conversation. “I haven’t seen you around Yonnguk’s Clubs before. Must be a newbie huh?” The girl spoke first as she extended her hand out. “I’m Reina…And you are?” Taken back by not having the first introduction. Jaebum quickly collected himself and pulled his lips back into his confident smile as he shook her hand “I’m Jaebum…Ah, but I hate the word newbie. It makes me feel like a freshman in high school or something.” Gaining a smile from Reina as a response. He moved closer to her as his shoulder brushed against her bare one. Just a slight touch but it was enough to make Jaebum’s hairs raise from sudden goosebumps. “Well I’ll let my cousin know that. But I can’t assure you that’ll work; he’s a real dick” Renia laughed at her own words and looked over towards the bar to see Yongguk with his arm around a girl who she was sure he didn’t even know what her name was. Rolling her eyes and taking a quick sip of her rum and coke Reina looked up at Jaebum not surprised to see the shock in his face. “Yeah I know…. A real cockblock right?” She joked which made the other laugh even though he was still quite thrown off but the new found information. “So you’re the cousin he always tells everyone to look out for. He did mention your name before but I should punch myself for not putting two and two together. Jaebum responded but the interest he had in the young woman didn’t go away one bit. Being even more confident in his movements he placed his drink next to hers as he extended his hand out. “Now I definitely have to see what the fuss is all about. Care to show me some dance moves?” Reina looked the other up and down for a few seconds before looking over at Yonnguk once more. Instead of his attention being on the girl in his lap as he was now seated comfortable in a booth. His eyes were on his cousin. Cocking his eyebrow up surprised to see her with one of his newest recruits, he usually didn’t like the thought of Reina dealing with someone he worked with but Jaebum was different than the rest. Only being with his team for 9 months. Jaebum had already been pulling in double of what Yongguk’s senior members were pulling for drug dealing. That’s what happens when a young rich teenage boy with equally wealthy friends decides to give the fast life a chance. Yongguk never really understood the reason why a kid with such a bright future would want to cross paths with him but all he knew that if Jaebum kept bringing in revenue like he was doing the past few months Yongguk might have a prodigy in the making.. Getting a quick nod of approval from her cousin, Reina smirked and accepted Jaebum’s dance proposal. Within seconds the two were on the dance floor. Bodies pressed close against one other, Jaebum knew he had to find out more about her. Reina had a confidence about her that made him shiver. The pure fire he could see through her eyes could burst anyone into flames if she desired and that made him hooked. “I would like to spend more time with you” Reina whispered into young man’s ear as she pressed her ass so she could feel his bulge that she knew was already there. “Just let me know a time and place beautiful.” Jaebum responded to her moves as his hands wrapped firmly around waist. Pulling her into him as they swayed to the beat, he leaned close against her neck just enough to inhale the scent what seemed to be something floral with a hint of spice to it. A mixture9 of some sort. Not daring to kiss her skin, he wanted her to tell him what to do. She was definitely in control and they both knew it. “How about within the next twenty minutes in my apartment?” She turned to look at Jaebum and smirked when he stopped his movements but his hands stayed wrapped around her frame. Leaning in to have his lips brush briefly against hers, he could feel his dick hardening at the thought of getting her alone.
“Let’s go then.”
“So you’re in school for nursing? That’s pretty fucking cool” Jaebum spoke out as his left index fingers slowly traced the soft outline of Reina’s spine. Messy strands of hair sticking to the girl’s forehead, her hands held a pillow against her naked chest as she laughed. “Cool?! I’ve been losing my hair stressing over school work. That’s what I get for wanting to be a good person” She joked but the slight redness of her cheeks gave away that she was happy for the other’s compliment. “Thank you though. It’s my second year in this program and I still feel like I have so much to learn. Which I do. I mean- I want to learn as much as I can to help someone.” She went on and attempted to fix her hair but the strands went right back against her face. “I’ve wanted to be a nurse since I was 12. It’s the only thing I could actually see actually working out for me.” A soft smile made it way to Jae’s face. He couldn’t help but to picture a young Reina on career day stating her goals to her classmates with the same determined look on her face that she wore now. “Well I know you’re going to be a great nurse. I can sense it” He replied as he allowed himself to stare at the other a few more seconds than needed. “Thanks” Reina replied before the two sat in a comfortable silence. With that silence, there was a shift in the air that Jaebum felt. An excitement of the unknown that waited for them once the sun made it’s way back into the sky. Jaebum knew he didn’t want the encounter with Reina to be a one night thing and he could only hope she felt the same. Sneaking a glance at the girl, his eyes traced over the lines of her neck, the soft curves of her cheeks and the plumpness of her lips as he recalled the first kiss they had shared only a few hours ago. Before he knew it, the sun was making itself known to the world as the birds nearby welcomed it. Taking it upon himself to start getting dressed as Reina was still trying to fix her hair; Jaebum was about to grab his shirt before her voice stopped him. “So….Breakfast?” He heard her say but he couldn’t tell if she was nervous or just tired. However, once he looked at her. The same excitement and curiosity or what the future could hold was sparked in her eyes just as it was with him. Placing his shirt back to where it once was, he nodded and leaned in to kiss her forehead. “Breakfast” Silence Unlike most people in the house, Jackson loved to be alone for at least 2 hours throughout the day. It allowed him to center his mind and body after a long day of work and to also mentally prepare for the following day. Being the right hand to Jaebum could be mentally draining at times. Especially now that he would be working with Yongguk. The blonde knew everything he needed to know about the leader of group X and didn’t like any of it. Especially what went down between Jaebum, Reina and him. When Jackson first agreed to work with Jaebum, he already obtained all the evidence he needed about the other. It was amazing the knowledge a little asking around the right people in Seoul could get him. Jaebum went from drug dealing with the gang ‘X’ for three years to building his construction company that seemed to grow into a powerful million dollar company within a year. Of course such a quick growth raised a few eyebrows with authorities but with the power of Jaebum’s uncle being the head of Seoul’s Police Department. He was able to turn a blind eye to the brunette’s risky past in order to keep the family’s name clean (And a yearly donation of $100,000 to the department didn’t hurt). Even with all this information, the blonde agreed to keep Jaebum’s company reputation intact as along as he was able to advise the young CEO on future business deals from what first started off to be for China but soon turned into him handling both China and South Korea’s deals. It was a lot of work but the pay and friendship that came with working with Jaebum and the five other young men was something he wouldn’t change for the world. He truly gained six brothers within the Im Company However, these days things were different. Never would he thought Jaebum would work with Yongguk again. Not after everything that’s happened between the two. But here he was looking over the camera just like Jaebum had done before to make sure none of the X boys had done anything stupid. Everything about this situation was unethical but when was observing workers sneaking drugs into the company’s warehouse was? He had already went through the plan with Jaebum after they briefly spoke a few days ago . The deal was simple. Yongguk would use Im Warehouse to store 10 grates of cocaine that would be sold within the month to a few of his business partners. Jackson suggested that Jaebum get the names of the buyers but the other refused. It was to be a one time thing only. No need to know everything the gang leader was doing. “I can’t fucking believe I’m doing this right now” Jackson cursed but kept his gaze on the computer not wanting to miss a single second of what was going on. ‘X’ members Jongup, Daehyun and Zelo had one more grate to unload. If an ordinary person was to watch the screen they would tell the blonde he was crazy for watching his employees work so hard for over an hour from his home office but Jackson knew better. One wrong step and the whole company would be shut down. Thankfully everything was happening after hours and it was only the three men in the warehouse to witness the grates being stored. Once the items were placed in a dark corner of the warehouse that would get confused with the other inventory. Daehyun wrapped them in several layers of plastic and placed a paper that read “PURCHASE ON HOLD” which was a sign for other employees not to move until instructed. A soft sigh of relief left Jackson’s lips as he watched the ‘worker’s exit the warehouse to most likely report back to their boss. Pulling out his phone, his right thumb tapped against the device as free hand grabbed his jacket then turned off the computer.
[Text: Jaebum] It’s done. This better be the last time. I mean it Jae I don’t like this at all.
With the text sent, Jackson could only hope his best friend knew what he was doing. If not, things were only going to get worse. But he couldn’t let Jaebum’s greediness jeopardize the plans he had in store. Especially for him and Y/N.
#got7 scenarios#got7 smut#jaebum smut#jaebum scenarios#got7#jackson scenarios#Jackson smut#kpop scenarios#kpop reactions#Kisipie: Update
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Surprise! Cuphead bosses no one asked for :D
The casino is one of the most loved stages in the game (thanks King Dice lol), so here I bring you the first part of the casino staff as humans✨
*More human designs: Cuphead & Mugman/Isle II boses/Isle III bosses
+personal headcanons for you~
This is the same as Cuphead and Mugman: these aren’t their real names, just nicknames :v
The Tipsy Troop, as expected, are bartenders at the place!
Their actual names are: Hudson (whiskey), Jerry (rum) and Tina (martini).
They met when they started working at the casino, actually. They get along quite well!
Chips Bettigan, one of the many dealers that work there.
His last name is Bettigan! However, his real name is Douglas.
He isn’t even from the south, he just grew up watching a lot of Westerns lol
Is his hair really blue? Did he dye it? Who knows, he never told.
Short and young, gamblers don’t take him seriously at first (Mistake(tm)).
Mr. Wheezy, one of the oldest casino members, works as a pit boss :0
No one knows this man’s real name! Some say it may be Drew, but it hasn’t beeen confirmed.
Obviously, this guy smokes, and you’ll see him with a cigar on his lips most of the time.
This guy is huge, it’s ridiculous (and kinda scary :’v). His height and his strong smell really give him away while he’s watching the games.
Pip and Dot, the duo that perform every night at the casino!
Peter and Dorothy Ivory are their names, a newlywed couple that are very close to each other (maybe too much?).
Seriously, it’s rare to see them apart. It’s like they’re stacked together :y
Dot is the one who is easy to anger! Pip just has a serious expression by nature, he’s literally ready to fight anyone.
Originally criminals, it isn’t clear what they used to do: some say they robbed banks, and others say they were con artists.
They sometimes perform with Hopus Pocus, working as his assistants for his magic tricks.
Hopus Pocus, another performer who works as a magician there!
This magic fella’s name is Melvin (aka Mel for friends), but you aren’t supposed to know a magician’s real name >:v
His magic is the real deal. It isn’t tricks, what you see is actually happening! So don’t anger the lil guy, hm?
The yellow on his eyes was an error he made during practice when he was still an apprentice, or so he says.
King Dice doesn’t allow Hopus to drink coffee. Trust me, you don’t wanna mix those two together.
Hopus has been everywhere! If you’re bored, maybe he can tell you about one of his travels? (in exchange for coffee)
Good friends with Mr. Chimes and Mangosteen!
#cuphead#cuphead casino#humanized#tipsy troop#chips bettigan#mr wheezy#pip and dot#hopus pocus#BOI this was hard as FUCK#but them casino fellas are my favorite bunch (after isle 2)#ngl i mostly wanted to do chips and mr wheezy :v#BUT hopus pocus was fun too KSNAJK excellent bun#part 2 will take 90 years so sit tight lol#my art#fan art
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Deal With It (2/2)

Rival Poker Players AU. Emma Swan, poker hustler with more than just card tricks up her sleeve, meets Killian Jones, a fellow gambler, at a shady little casino down south. After a memorable first encounter, they seem to keep finding each other, but are they really ready to gamble with their hearts? Emma just doesn’t know if she can deal with it.
Rating: T for swearing and innuendo, Word Count ~2800 (this chapter)
[AO3 link] [Chapter 1]
A/N:This is not where I meant to end the story. I think we can end it here and be ok, but I also have about two more chapters worth of ideas for this AU. So, here's the deal: we'll say this is done for now, and there may be a sequel or bonus material if I ever get around to it.
This chapter is dedicated to @snowbellewells for her beta-ing and encouragement and to @wheres-your-rum for a really great liveblog the other day that made me think maybe I should keep posting things. Thanks guys!
It's not like Emma was looking for Hook. Not really. It's just that it’s kind of hard to avoid someone if you don't know where they are. So, she kept a casual ear open for mentions of his name. Casually. And someone might have casually mentioned in passing that he might be playing in a tournament in Deadwood. Obviously she had to come here and check it out - to make sure her informational sources were accurate. Or something.
It isn't like she's going to let him see her. That would be incredibly counterproductive. She did take the guy for a few grand after all. Not that it didn't kind of serve him right because who the hell keeps that kind of cash on them? But still… better if he never actually sees her. She did the jail thing once. No intentions of going back.
Then again, she has been doing a lot better at the tables since their little encounter. Honestly, at the rate she's winning, she'll have enough money saved up for her entry fee for Vegas a month ahead of time. It's almost like robbing him ( kissing him ) changed her luck for the better. Gamblers are nothing if not superstitious creatures. Maybe, possibly, one more rendezvous and a little bit more good luck will rub off on her. Yep. Luck. That’s what she wants to rub off.
Besides, he was winning last time. That really chaps her ass. Like she told him, she was having an off day. A good run of bad luck. She needs a rematch to settle the score. Take him down a notch. He really is too damn cocky for his own good, all that swagger and smirk. Except that his swaggering, smirking self doesn’t seem to be here.
Emma turns slowly on her bar stool, swirling the teensy plastic sword piercing the olives in her dirty martini and holding in her huff of annoyance as she surveys the gaming tables, once again finding them Hook-free. Hookless? Whatever.
Emma lifts the little sword to her mouth and slides an olive off with her teeth. Maybe her timing is just off. It looks like a few of the tournament tables are on a break between rounds, but she’s getting antsy. Maybe she should down the rest of her drink and head to another casino. She’s wearing her favorite little red dress tonight, the one that hugs every curve. She is here to work after all. It’s not like she wore it for anyone in particular. It’s for the marks. It shouldn’t be hard for her to pick up a few-
“Now be a good girl and play along, because you bloody well owe me.”
Emma nearly chokes on her olive and that’s probably the only thing that keeps her from whirling around and punching Hook in the face. How the fuck did he manage to sneak up on her?
She coughs, clearing the traces of olive from her windpipe, and the hot breath on the shell of her ear turns to a quick peck on the cheek. She’s furious that he got the drop on her, but she doesn’t know what kind of game he’s playing yet, so she reins it in. Hook steps around to face her, a wide, innocent smile curving his lips, though his eyes are deadly serious.
“Darling, so sorry for startling you, but I’ve been looking for you everywhere. I was just telling these nice gentlemen here-” he gestures to the pair of brutes walking up behind him, “that I couldn’t possibly play a hand without my favorite lucky charm.”
Emma gives him a saccharine smile. “Would that be the blue diamonds or purple horseshoes?”
Hook barks out a forced laugh. “Ha! See boys? That’s why I love her. That delightful sense of humor. Now, if you lads will excuse me for a moment, I’ll join you at the table presently.” He claps one of the men on the shoulder and they amble away to take seats at one of the poker tables leaving Emma and Hook alone.
Hook watches them go, making sure they’re settled and not paying attention to him anymore before he turns again to Emma, that familiar smirk back in its rightful place.
Emma's vapid expression falls away, quickly replaced with an annoyed glare. “You’re pretty damn pleased with yourself, aren’t you?”
"Careful, sweetheart , they could look our way at any moment," Hook warns with a wicked grin. "And yes, I rather am. Fancy seeing you here. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Panic flashes through her at the question. Oh, you know, just low-key stalking you so I’d never have to see you again which is completely logical and not at all creepy. She hopes he can’t read the real answer on her face, but thankfully he chooses that moment to reach out with his hook and brush a lock of hair back from her shoulder. The easy familiarity of the gesture irritates her - irritation is much easier to deal with than the way his stupid blue eyes are doing things to her stomach - so she deepens her scowl and does what she does best: deflect and distract.
"Oh, no. No. We're not talking about me right now. What kind of scam are you running on the Big and Scary twins?" She gestures subtly with her almost empty drink to Hook's companions. Tall, broad and with matching ginger hair indicating some kind of familial relationship, each man looks as though he could bench press a horse.
"The Stabbington brothers over there - and yes, so help me that's their true surname - seem to think I owe them the opportunity to win back the considerable sum of money that they lost to me over a game of dice."
"Were said dice loaded?”
He cocks an eyebrow and shrugs. “Not that they know of.”
“And this all has what to do with me?" Emma crosses her arms beneath her breasts and doesn’t miss the flicker of his eyes down to her cleavage.
"Well, first of all, I'd like for them to be thinking about your neckline rather than their cards when you come over and kiss me on the neck in a few minutes."
"And then?" Emma didn’t miss the brightening of his expression that she hadn’t outright refused his scheme.
"And then I'd like an extra set of eyes on them to make sure they don't attempt to live up to their name when I win again."
Emma nods. "So you want me to watch your back while they’re watching my front. Got it. And you couldn't have just asked me without scaring the shit out of me first?"
Hook narrows his eyes. "Given the nature of our last encounter, I didn't wish to give you the chance to get away. You do owe me, Swan, and don't think I'm taking my eyes off you for a second."
Emma fixes him with her most sarcastic smile. "I'd despair if you did." She huffs a sigh. "What if I’m not interested? You don’t really have me in a helping mood right now, pal."
"I suppose I could report you to security and get you banned from every casino in town."
Emma's eyes widen and she lowers her voice to a threatening hiss. "You wouldn't dare."
"Oh, I'm quite daring, love. Don't you doubt that. But…” He pauses, letting his eyes roam over her face, studying her. “I think you are interested, and I'd much rather work with you than against you. I propose a bargain. Simple, really. You help me and I'll give you a cut of whatever I win."
"Not a chance. 80-20. My 80, your 20 to be clear."
"Not worth it. 60-40."
Hooks features twist into a tight-lipped grimace of annoyance. "If we stand here arguing, you'll be getting 100% of nothing, as will I. Although I may get the parting gift of a broken limb from our friends over there. I'm already down one appendage, I'd prefer to keep those that remain in top form."
Emma leans back against the bar and slowly sips the last of her cocktail. "Then quit arguing with me and give me 40%."
Hook drops his head in defeat, and Emma beams knowing she’s won. He lifts his eyes to hers again, and she’s sure he’s trying to be all commanding and intense, but she can see a hint of mirth dancing in those baby blues. The bastard is actually looking forward to this.
"Fine. But you'd better earn it, love. I need you to be quite convincing as the adoring girlfriend. Feel free to let your hands wander. Don’t be afraid to, you know, really get into it.”
He says it with a scrunch of his nose that has Emma rolling her eyes, but some traitorous part of her is kind of looking forward to this, too. She’s a gambler for God’s sake, the prospect of a little danger and intrigue fires up her pulse. She hasn’t run a two-person job since…
And just like that the spark fizzles out. Hook seems to notice the change, but doesn’t comment, only cants his head to the side in question. Emma braces herself, her old defenses rising, but he doesn’t ask. He just snaps his own mask back into place, and gives her thigh a squeeze as he leans in close to her. Her heartbeat begins racing again, but this time for a very different reason.
“Now be a good lass buy us another round. My tab’s open, and I’ll have anything with rum."
Emma has to admit to herself (though certainly not to him ) that she really did enjoy their little game. After getting the drinks, she’d gone with his original request and sashayed over the table, bending very deliberately at the waist to set the glasses down. Rather than immediately taking her seat next to Hook, she’d moved behind his chair, leaning down to loosely drape her arms around his neck and letting the fingers of her right hand slide inside the open collar of his shirt. Not too far - just enough so she could feel the increasing thrum of his heartbeat when she nuzzled into his neck and grazed a kiss across the corded muscle of his throat. He’d swallowed hard as she drew back, her nails scratching through the coarse hair on his chest as she retracted her hand. She’d smiled to herself at that, and couldn’t help leaning close one more time to whisper in his ear, “ For luck .”
Watching Hook play without having to be concerned about playing against him was truly educational. His powers of perception impressed her, and the few tells and signals he seemed to miss, she was able to silently communicate to him with a subtle glance, brush of her hand or nudge to his leg. He never ignored her cues, either, trusting her instincts as much as his own. Well, except that one time…
“Why the devil did you make me throw that last hand, Swan? I had them!”
It’s hours later and with several hundred dollar bills tucked into her bra, Emma sits next to Hook at the bar for a celebratory drink.
“I didn’t make you do anything. You chose to fold-”
“After you slid your hand up my leg all the way to my-”
“You said feel free to let my hands wander.”
Hook leans toward her and raises a dark eyebrow in challenge. “And how is a man supposed to concentrate when you’re taking such liberties with him? You knew I would fold.”
Emma leans in as well, propping her elbow on the bar. “I knew you needed to fold. You’d won too many hands. I’d already sweet talked the one with the gold teeth into backing down when he started reaching for the knife in his boot. I didn’t want to have to schmooze the one with the eye-patch, too.”
Hook laughs lightly at that. “You were bloody brilliant, Swan. Those dolts were powerless against you.”
He’s practically beaming at her with something that looks almost like pride, and Emma has no idea what to do with that. She doesn’t know what to do with him at all. He’s her competition, but here they are working together - pretty seamlessly if she’s honest about it. And what’s with all this supportive crap? She’s used to guys wanting something from her, to use her to stroke their ego or their cock. But this guy? She can tell he’s attracted to her, but all this other stuff - the listening to her, the actually seeming impressed with her - it’s confusing and unsettling.
To make matters worse, he’s just as likable, kissable, fuckable, everything- able as she remembered, and lord, has she been remembering. As much as she tries NOT to think about it, their kiss drifts into her mind at the most inopportune times. Like right now.
She takes a sip of her gin and tonic (no more olives for her tonight), and brushes off his compliment. “Yeah, well, you’re lucky I saved your ass.”
“Cheers to that.” He raises his glass and she clinks hers against it, but before he drinks, he asks, “How did you know he had a knife in his boot?”
Emma had been waiting for this question and times her answer just as he’s taking his sip of rum. “I was playing footsie with him under the table.”
Hook half chokes on his drink and splutters, “You what?”
Gotcha. Emma shrugs, letting a little of her internal gloating show on her face. “Hey, you told me to keep them distracted. You were no help at all.” She flicks her wrist to backhand him on the shoulder. “You kept antagonizing him! You’re a really shitty damsel in distress, you know that?”
Hook chuckles, rubbing his hook gingerly over the imaginary bruise she’s apparently left on his arm, then leans closer and waggles his eyebrows suggestively. “Ah, but I make up for it with my many other talents.”
His voice is laden with innuendo, and it’s cheesy as hell, and yet it’s all Emma can do to stop herself from shifting in her seat at the mental images he inspires. She manages to limit her outward physical response to a dramatic eye roll. “Hm. At least you won enough money to make this worthwhile.”
“Aye, that I did. You know, I don’t mean to upset you Emma, but I think we make quite the team.”
Emma stiffens at the word ‘team’, unwanted memories from her past returning for the second time tonight. “I work alone. This was a-”
“One-time thing? I seem to have heard that before.”
Emma ignores him, trying to change the subject. “What were you doing playing absolutely-not-loaded dice with those guys anyway? I thought you were supposed to be here for the poker tournament.”
She sees the change in his expression the second her words register and clenches her glass until her knuckles turn white, cursing herself internally for the slip.
“And how would you know I was entered in the tourney?”
Emma presses on. “Why loaded dice? I thought you never cheated. All that bullshit about good form?”
His brows furrow in offense, and Emma relaxes a little, thinking she’s successfully diverted him again. “I don’t consider good form to be bullshit, Swan, and I never cheat at cards. But... “ and here he gives her a rather pointed look, “some pickings are a bit too easy to pass up.”
“And speaking of easy pickings…” Hook looks disdainfully at the half-empty glass in his hand. “This swill is hardly worthy of our celebration, but I did happen to appropriate a very fine bottle of top shelf rum from a storage closet round back that someone had thoughtfully left unlocked.”
“Stealing rum? Loaded dice? You really are a pirate.”
Oh, and there’s the smirk, this time with added smolder. “What do you say, Swan? Fancy a nightcap?”
A little thrill runs through her at the prospect. Nope. No way. Definitely not. Terrible idea. “Yeah.” A small smile tilts the corners of her lips. “I mean, we need to keep up our cover act in case those goons are still around. We should at least be seen going upstairs together.” Dammit.
He answers with a dazzling grin and neatly steps down from his bar stool, extending his hooked arm to help her do the same. She grasps the hook and alights from her stool, but for a split second she sees emotion flash behind his eyes, gone before she can decipher it. He seems frozen in place, his face a blank slate. It takes her giving him a little tug with the hand still holding his hook to get him moving.
“Come on, pirate. Show me to the rum.”
#cs ff#captain swan fan fic#captain swan ff#cs modern au#cs rival poker players au#this has been sitting in my drafts FOR EVER#hope ya like it!
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[[ @high-stakes-gambler I am so sorry ]]
“E’nt seen this place b’fore. Looks fancy as shite.”

“Cor, lookit this! Bet I could nab a trinket ‘r two an’ they’d ne'er e’n notice. An did th’ sign say there be a bar in ‘ere somewheres? I ‘ope they ‘ave rum.”

“Well ‘ello there, lovely!”
“Ye wants I c’d show ye a good time? An’ do ye knows where they keeps th’ rum?”
[[ I’m so sorry, you might want to have a discussion about the types of people security is letting in. Air freshener sprayed directly in his eyes might get rid of him. Or pepper spray. Pepper spray would work. ]]
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