#gallory rambles
coruscantguard · 2 years
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tragedykery · 3 years
mallory calls gunilla weird nicknames just to annoy her
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coruscantguard · 2 years
Just saw your Barriss Offee time travel one shot. And you gave me a ploy bunny so I'm sharing it. Ahsoka/Fulcrum and Barriss/Survived Order 66 and is so very much not Light Side both being in the past and in a MAD scenario, also back to young Padawans and trying to prevent a lot, and disagreeing on methods. Barriss apparently is very very good at being quiet Force wise and Ahsoka survived. So all the PTSD scars and not letting Palpatine figure out they know. And dealing with undone growth.
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I am so, SO sorry my response to this is so atrociously late, but oh my god, I am obsessed with this idea, holy SHIT. Ahsoka and Barriss having to deal with their own trauma while also dealing with being in the past and trying to change things is SUCH a brilliant idea, especially when they're both trying to change the outcome of TCW. With the way that their traumas overlap, and how difficult trying to deal with that while also fixing things would be... YES oh this is absolutely brilliant. And Obi-Wan, Luminara, and Anakin being so worried for their padawans just breaks my heart in the best of ways, because no matter how good Barriss and Ahsoka might be at acting, hiding THAT MUCH LIFE EXPERIENCE would be so difficult, and hiding that from the people who they care about, the people who they lost, would be 10 times harder. Oh my god I'm going to be thinking about this one for SO LONG DJSHSASH, I don't know if you're planning on writing it/have written it, but I'd love to see it if you do! (And if you're okay with me doing so, I would love to write a drabble in this universe maybe? I would absolutely credit you, and it's totally cool if not haha— this idea has just TAKEN UP RESIDENCE IN MY MIND LOL) Ahhhh thank you so much for sharing!!!! <3
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coruscantguard · 2 years
writing the time travel fic is WACK because well. basically it relies very heavily on the political state of the gffa, specifically what planets are republic-aligned vs which ones are separatist-aligned and the consequences of changing that, so i'm working on this INCREDIBLY COMPLEX WEB OF NOTECARDS on my wall that marks out every individual clone wars episode, what happened in that episode, what is changing, and how that change affects individual planets & future episodes. because a lot of tcw happens at crux points for planets regarding their allegiances, so changing how those canon events go down has EVEN BIGGER CONSEQUENCES THAN I WAS EXPECTING. it's fascinating to explore
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coruscantguard · 2 years
this is so embarrassing holy shit i straight up FORGOT to post the final part of chapter one of the truth lies NOOOOOOOOO
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coruscantguard · 2 years
downloading swtor is a lot like getting your ass kicked in the dennys parking lot at 3am
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coruscantguard · 2 years
i think i should learn art solely so i can draw tcw characters in teuta matoshi dresses
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coruscantguard · 4 years
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Darth Vader: "Commander. Why did you not provide your troops with my description?" Commander Fox: "I... I didn't expect anything like this to happen, sir. I just didn't think--"
(fox tripping over his words in this panel makes me 😥)
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coruscantguard · 4 years
So, all I'm saying is that Gree and Obi-Wan would've been the absolute BANE of Luminara Unduli's existence, and I enjoy that so so much. (I'd say Cody's as well, but Cody has to deal with Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan on a regular basis, and at least Gree and Obi-Wan don't explode things every time they're together)
Listen, first we have,
1. Gree, an expert in alien cultures, aka Mr. "I named myself after an incredibly obscure alien species"
And then we also have,
2. Obi-Wan, who when confronted with a mind controlling worm, went, "No, no, wait, I'm curious. Do you think it'll go in through the nose or the ear?"
These two are NERDS that are completely FASCINATED by science and they definitely encourage each other in the worst of ways. Because if High General Kenobi thinks they should take a detour to examine that glowing moss, well, of course Commander Gree agrees, it's a strategically strong decision. And if Commander Gree says that the beetle that scurried over their battle plans isn't native to any Republic-controlled planets, well then of course General Kenobi agrees that they should investigate further, this could be a Separatist plot.
Basically, this is how I imagine it would go down whenever the 41st and the 212th are deployed together:
Cody: "General, have you made contact with General Kenobi and Commander Gree yet?"
Luminara: "Yes, I have. They should make it to the rendezvous by nightfall, if they don't get sidetracked by the flesh-eating moths."
Cody: "The flesh-eating moths, sir?"
Luminara, long-suffering, regretting the fact that her five year-old self befriended the tiny redheaded youngling who gave her half of his space dessert: "Yes, Commander. The flesh-eating moths. Could you inform your company's medic that we might have a... situation on our hands soon?"
Cody, literally seconds away from murdering his brother and his General: "Yes, sir. Right away, sir."
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coruscantguard · 4 years
so, sometimes your name is gallory, and sometimes you have thoughts about how in legends canon quinlan had his memories wiped on palpatine’s orders. and then sometimes you have thoughts about how palpatine was almost definitely fucking with the coruscant guards’ memories throughout the war. and by you, i mean me. now, these kinds of parallels are my goddamn bread and butter y’all, they’re my cup of tea and the apple of my eye, so buckle up kids, it’s talking about vox time here on coruscantguard.
now, firstly, let’s just start with this: quinlan would notice the little redirects fox was pulling to hide the fact that he was missing time, because they were the exact same things that he’d said after losing his memories, the exact same things he’d said when the topic of conversation was something he should remember, but didn’t. he’d said them to mace, to tholme, to aayla, to obi-wan, to luminara, and to countless other jedi, countless other civilians. listen, these were the exact same things that quinlan had said himself whenever he was confronted with memories he never got back, okay, there’s no way he’s not going to notice it.
like recognizes like, and all that. trauma recognizes trauma. victims of memory wipes done by sheev brian palpatine recognize other victims of memory wipes done by sheev brian palpatine.
so, secondly, we now know this: fox is going to notice too.
it happens less often with quinlan, yes, as that memory wipe happened ten-ish years ago, but it still happens. quinlan didn’t get all of his memories back, so even though it’s a more rare occurrence now, he still occasionally finds himself pulling out those old evasive maneuvers when he’s confronted with something he doesn’t remember happening. and fox... well, there’s no way fox isn’t going to notice that. the man works in the senate! hell, he probably has to testify as an expert witness all the goddamn time! he’s going to notice if the jedi he’s with suddenly gets cagey.
it’s kind of unnerving, at first, for both of them. actually, scratch that, it’s extremely unnerving. to randomly, completely out of the the blue, just see this reaction to trauma be mirrored in another being? that’s just kind of unsettling. to realize that this person knows the ins and outs of all these vulnerabilities you have? that’s kind of terrifying. the only thing that makes it a bit less terrifying is the fact that it’s a two way street-- they both know more about each other than their comfortable with.
blah blah, to be known is to be loved, blah blah, no, we aren’t there yet, but yes, i am thinking about that too, and yes, that is absolutely one of the reasons i adore this pairing so much.
but actually, now that i’m really thinking about it, it’s very much a same hat kind of thing, you know? except instead of same hat, it’s same trauma, which is both a lot less funny, and a lot more funny. i mean, come on, what are the odds that fox manages to stumble upon one of the only jedi who has personal, hands on experience with losing memories? and what are the odds that quinlan manages to stumble upon one of the only clones that has that exact same experience? that’s a helluva coincidence, and it’s a beautiful one, with so much potential.
hmmmm. hmmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
so many thoughts
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coruscantguard · 3 years
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"Brain Invaders" is one of my favorite clone wars episodes, mainly due to the fact that it's actually INCREDIBLY HORRIFYING and I am a terrible chaos gremlin who thrives off that kind of shit. Mind control! Betrayal! The irony of the clones saying that they're good at hunting/killing Jedi! Barriss dramatically telling Ahsoka to kill her! Tango Squad! Trap's GRUESOME DEATH OH GOD — Barriss, darling, love of my life... this is easily one of the most BRUTAL takedowns in the show, holy SHIT. And then that lingering shot of Trap's dead body, with the lightsaber wound that killed him still smoking?
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Fuck, this episode is a lot. Poor Lieutenant Trap :'(
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coruscantguard · 4 years
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Lexia Ginorra in Coruscant and the Core Worlds
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coruscantguard · 4 years
I think the fact that Riyo Chuchi canonically has no issue with blackmailing people is a fact that is CRIMINALLY underappreciated. (It's also a criminal offense, but that's not what this post is about lol.)
Like, Padmé and Bail and Mon are all famous for being honest politicians, and Riyo hangs out with them, sure, but she's also just nonchalantly committing felonies in front of Jedi Padawans on the side, and I find that extremely amusing. I mean, all I can think of here is this:
Padmé: So, what do you already know about politics?
Ahsoka: (blah blah politics stuff)... and if you want a business that's secretly working for the Seps to get rid of the blockade on your planet, you should threaten to expose them unless they do what you want!
Padmé: NO Ahsoka, that's called blackmailing someone, and blackmail is a crime.
Ahsoka: But Riyo said it was just business!
Padmé: ... ᴵ'ᵐ ˢᵒʳʳʸ ᴿᶦʸᵒ ˢᵃᶦᵈ ʷ ʰ ᵃ ᵗ
Ahsoka: That it was just business! Anyway, she was doing it to the Trade Federation, and they're the bad guys, so it's all cool.
Padné: ...
Ahsoka: ...
Padné: ...
Ahsoka: Hey, Senator Amidala, who are you calling? Senator??? Senator???????????
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coruscantguard · 3 years
Good evening Tumblr, I've returned from the void to say that Alpha-17 makes the Star Wars equivalent to "Little Audrey" jokes.
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coruscantguard · 4 years
Hm. This hurts me.
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Clone Commander Fox in Lego.com's Giant Spiders Are Awesome... and Darth Vader 2017 Issue 10
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coruscantguard · 4 years
Hanging Out 101
Whumptober Day 1 - Let’s Hang Out Sometime
Bad Things Happen Bingo - Chained To A Wall
Commander Cody/Quinlan Vos/Obi-Wan Kenobi
(Ao3 Link)
“You know Kenobi, when I said I wanted to get to know your Commander better,” General Vos begins, tone light despite their... current situation. “This is not what I meant.”
"Yeah, no osik Vos," General Kenobi replies, annoyance clear in his voice. Cody has to swallow down his amusement at the look on his General's face,and instead focuses again on the cuffs around his wrists, testing the slack of the chains connecting them to the wall. He has a greater width of motion than either of the Generals, but that’s really not much.
Vos makes a sound of affront, and his General speaks again-- "Obviously you didn't want chains involved."
"Well... I wouldn't go that far," he says, and General Kenobi groans, knocking his head back against the wall dramatically. Cody looks up and over, makes eye contact with Vos, and-- yup, that’s amusement on his face. Huh. "Listen, all I'm saying--"
"No one wants to know what you're saying."
"Well..." Cody hedges, and General Kenobi groans again. Cody doesn’t quite grin, but it’s tempting. "I'm intrigued now General, I'll admit that."
"Please, call me Quinlan."
"Sorry sir, can't do that."
"Oh come on."
At Vos' petulant tone, Kenobi rolls his eyes again, and, well... annoyance is a look his General wears well, he'll admit that. It's half fond anyway, and that's enough for Cody.
(... He’d prefer General Kenobi not to be bleeding, though. But he can’t do anything about that right now, so it’s best that he doesn’t focus on it.)
"Guess you'll have to hang out at another time to get that one to stick," General Kenobi says, and Cody blinks.
"Sir, did you just really--"
"Absolutely not Commander," Kenobi says, blatantly lying. "I would never jest about a situation as serious as this."
"Botajef?" Cody reminds him, and at the same time Vos speaks up again.
"Chaasch?" he says, and he makes eye contact with Cody, grins. "I'm sure your Commander knows a few others off the top of his head-- I certainly do."
"You exaggerate," General Kenobi lies, like a kriffing liar. Then he changes the subject. "Do you think there’s a way to get out of these chains without turning the Force dampener off?"
Vos pauses, makes a face, presumably tries something, then groans, leans back. "Not without outside help," he says, and Kenobi frowns.
“I didn’t mean that you should--”
“I’ve been dealing with the visions since they took my gloves, Obi-Wan,” Vos interrupts. “It’s fine.”
“Purposefully trying to induce--”
General Kenobi makes a face, but relents, sighing as he leans his head back against the wall. Cody side eyes him, subtly trying to check the wound on his head. His hair is matted, bloody, but it has mostly dried, and head wounds tend to bleed a lot. It doesn't look very serious-- at least it doesn’t from where Cody is hanging-- but whoever captured them made sure that they were far enough away from each other that neither him nor Vos can get closer to check.
Which... really? Yes, obviously it's to prevent escapes, but if they want to actually have alive Jedi generals to get whatever bounty they want, they need to actually keep them alive, and it's not like they sent a medic in.
"General, how are your arms?" Cody asks, choosing to focus on asking a question he might actually get an answer to. Strain from the position they chained the General up in is obviously going to be an issue-- it’s going to be an issue for all of them, and a bad one if a rescue doesn’t show up soon-- and since it's not a problem unique to Kenobi, he might actually answer honestly.
"They're fine, Cody."
Or not.
Vos snorts, and Kenobi cuts him a betrayed look. Vos makes a movement that could be called a shrug, if Cody is being very generous about what, exactly, constitutes a shrug. "Hey, he's got you there. The strain is affecting me-- not that badly, don’t give me that look, I'll be able to move as long as we aren't stuck here for too much longer.”
“Yes, well, I’m--”
“Kenobi, my man, don’t lie, it’s absolutely affecting you too. After all, you're shorter than I am.” Cody makes a choking noise at that, which Vos kindly ignores. “You don't have any extra arm length to offset any of your weight.”
General Kenobi sputters, but doesn’t reply, and that’s telling all on it’s own. He glares at Vos for a few seconds, but it’s obviously half-hearted, before turning away from Vos to look Cody in the eyes. “Yes, Commander, I am beginning to feel the strain.” He sighs, then: “Anakin is going to be absolutely insufferable when he rescues us.”
A snort. “I mean, you were the one that raised him...”
The flicker offense that flashes across General Kenobi’s face is a specific type of offense that Cody’s realizing General Vos is very good at electing. It amuses him perhaps a bit more than it should. “What, exactly, are you implying, Quinlan?”
“You can’t deny that the two of you do have some similarities, sir,” Cody cuts in, and he keeps his tone purposefully bland. Kenobi sends him a look that says he knows exactly what Cody is doing, but Cody has spent the last two years working with General Kenobi. Hell, Cody was practically raised by Alpha-17. He’s immune to that look. He’s more than immune to that look, and all of its variants.
“I think I liked it better when you didn’t know each other,” Kenobi says primly, and Vos snickers. Cody’s lips twitch up at the sides, and--
Kenobi lifts his head up from the wall, then winces at the movement, and lets it fall back down again.
General Skywalker better get here soon.
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