rentagami · 5 years
I had a dream....of a bear
I had a dream that I saw two bears then I randomly see a person with a pet bear and the bear is on a leash, my reaction is like wtf...and then all of a sudden that bear starts going crazy and tries to attack me and chases after me and I'm like f*** no! I'm outta here bruv, it was just too crazy cause that bear was huge. And I was just like whyyyy..😭 I was seriously dodging the bears attack left and right, because I was like if I die here it will be the saddest thing ever. And then boom I woke up, this dream in every way makes no sense because what I was doing all month had no relation to bears, so lemme tell you what I practically did all March so I went to Hawaii for a senior class trip and it was super gravy we went surfing, experienced the Polynesian cultural center, visited a chocolate factory, went on a dinner cruise, etc. Now all of this was on Honolulu/Waikiki, Oahu islands which were like all connected. So I was there for March 3 through March 10 from Sunday to sunday. So out senior trip is over and I do like one well of school then boom next week on Tuesday a mission trip to Tonga (it was supposed to be Fiji but something happened) March 19 we're at San Jose airport at 1:00 ready to leave SJ airport at 4:00 to LA which was a 45 minute flight (I feel like I'm giving too much detail lol) then from LA after the lay over we take a 11 hour flight to fiji, them from Fiji took a 1 hour flight to Tonga we went to Beulah college where we did free medical/dental and construction for nine days, the highschoolers (yeah they called a highschool a college) we're super cheerful and nice to all of us, they were all really courteous and I thought wow besides being poor place you guys are the happiest people ever and that made me think of how much we Americans have and we really so much for granted compared too how little they have and still enjoy life to the fullest. Now getting back to subject I was one of the assistants you assisted the dentist's (we had a total of 6 dentist's) they type of 'operations' we were doing we're fillings, cleanings, and extractions (obviously everyone got x-rays) . And truly I think the whole process of this whole dental setup was super nice, I'm glad that people who couldn't afford their local dentist we're about to come to us, especially for people who had never gone to the dentist before until we came. Now construction was a major job they were making two concrete paths, (it was very humid out there) they also painted some classrooms also (I know I'm making all this sound really simple but it was not XD). Now the first day we came to Tonga they threw us a huge feast and last day we were at Tonga they threw us a huge feast and we got to hear their baned play (and they were absolutely amazing), when we were leaving and we waking to the airplane they shouted that the will miss us, etc. And see being that brought tears to my eyes because how cool was that, we we're a blessing to them and they were a blessing to us. All in all I was super glad we went to Beulah college and helped them out (and not only did we help out with details for only Beulah students but also for the public). Now we take a 1 hour flight from Tonga to fiji and spent a day there doing souvenir shopping, then the next day flew back to LA which took us 9 hours and 15 minutes. Now we are back in LA and never have I ever experienced the hardship of getting on another plane in your home country than I did that day. So we're back in LA going through customs and such, and a random amount of us gets declined and has to go through another long line (luckily I didn't get declined though lol) but! But that whole delay in itself caused us to miss our flight back to SJ so now we gave to stay overnight on Sunday the 31st in LA and the flight that we missed was supposed to be rescheduled in the morning according to the airport worker, the next morning it's April 1st/April fool's day and we all get back to the airport just to find out the airport worker did not put us on the next flight so its hours and hours and hours of waiting in the airport and luckily or mission trip director for manage to send some groups of five onto a plane to get back home (our group had like 60 people in all), but there was about 30 of us left and we had to send another night in LA, then finally we wake up at 4:30 this morning April 2nd to get on an 8:40 flight to SJ and finally we make I got back home one today around 10:00am. Now everyone made it back except for our mission trip director for the actually had to say behind because one of goes boxs with the dental equipment was not coming through. Now how in the heck did any of this relate too my dream of having a beat chasing after me? Well I don't know....have a good rest of your night. (There may be some typos here and there so sorry if some thing's don't make sense lol XD)
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