zenith-at · 1 year
wggly bug
eated by galina
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mybuddyjimmy · 4 months
Gallinaceous [gal-ə-NAY-shəs]  Part of speech: adjective Origin: Latin, late 18th century  1. Relating to birds of an order (Galliformes) which includes domestic poultry and game birds.  Examples of gallinaceous in a sentence  “We raised a number of gallinaceous birds on the farm, including chickens, turkeys, and pheasants.”  “Ducks are not gallinaceous — they are considered…
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
“Many of the physical features developed by males, such as exaggerated canine teeth, claws or horns, larger muscles, more vivid plumage in birds, are the result of the competitive struggle between males to attract females. According to Alexander Wetmore, among the special weapons developed by birds are ‘the spurs of male gallinaceous birds, the sharp claws of coots, the knob-like projections on the wings of geese.’ It is generally the male, he says, who ‘at the approach of the nesting season selects some tract’ and ‘defends it against encroachments from other males of his kind. . . . These battles often lead to the serious injury or even the death of one of the contestants. Feathers fly and blood is drawn, and the struggle may be prolonged until both birds are exhausted....’ He gives this illustration of combativeness even in the absence of females:
Sometimes the seasonal antipathy of male for male be comes ridiculous and may even lead to the injury of the bird, as when a robin or cardinal becomes obsessed with fury at his own reflection in a window-pane, and returns day after day to struggle futilely with a phantom antagonist against which he beats and struggles until he falls exhausted. This shadow fighting sometimes becomes so aggravating that the householder is forced to sereen his window. (Warm-Blooded Vertebrates, Smithsonian Scientific Series, vol. IX, pp. 68-70)
This easily triggered combativeness is commercially exploited by men today in the form of cock fights. Such exploitation is not possible with hens but only with cocks, condemned as they are by nature to strut about and fight other members of their own sex. Since this combativeness is present in mammalian males also, it represented a biological handicap at the beginning of human life.”
-Evelyn Reed, Woman’s Evolution: From Matriarchal Clan to Patriarchal Family
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
A kindred spirit, and a sibling. I can imitate very well the mating call of a male capercaillie.
oho! always been a favorite gallinaceous utterance ever since I saw Dave Attenborough knocked on his rear by one of them making the sound.
clickclickpippip pop <but angrier>
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locke01 · 1 year
My favorite words
I collect them because why not
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bigegomagick · 6 months
Horoscope for March 2024
If you’re watching hours and hours of bird videos on YouTube, Gemini, today might be a good day to start weening yourself off. Keeping chickens on the roof of an urban apartment is not feasible for someone who has been unemployed for six weeks. Maybe, instead, think about applying to a grocery store. Your mercury in cancer suggests that your luck in the career sector may be turning around. If you can harness that Gemini charisma for a 15-minute interview, there’s a fantastic chance that the next part-time job you apply for will be yours.
Your Neptune is in Aquarius, which means you need to clear the chicken wire out of your kitchen. The bizarre cage you’ve constructed is now more elaborate than any chicken could require, and presents a hazard when trying to get to your brita filter.
Gemini, chickens do not require hoods as a falcon would, and while anyone could see the tremendous time and effort you’ve put in to hand-sewing delicate headwear for your future gallinaceous friends, the stars implore you to direct your energy towards more lucrative pursuits. Your industrious nature is a boon, but must be shepherded!
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ainews · 8 months
There's nothing quite like a juicy, perfectly cooked roast to satisfy your cravings for a delicious and hearty meal. But have you ever stopped to wonder why recipes for roasts often call for dollops as a unit of measurement? It turns out that there's a surprisingly gallinaceous reason behind this culinary convention.
To understand the connection between dollops and roasts, we need to take a closer look at the birds known as gallinaceous. This order of birds, which includes domestic poultry like chickens, turkeys, and ducks, as well as game birds like pheasants and quails, are known for their plump and flavorful meat. In fact, "gallinaceous" comes from the Latin word "gallus," meaning cock or rooster, highlighting the importance of these birds in the culinary world.
One of the defining features of gallinaceous birds is their size and shape. They are typically plump and round, with plump breasts and thick, meaty thighs. This unique shape makes them ideal for roasting, as it allows them to retain their moisture and flavor while cooking. It's also why recipes for roasts often call for specific amounts of dollops rather than weight measurements.
So why dollops specifically? The term "dollop" originated in the 16th century and refers to a small, round lump or blob of something soft and semi-liquid. In the context of cooking, a dollop typically refers to a spoonful or scoop of a soft ingredient like cream or butter. In the case of roasts, it refers to spoonfuls of fat that are placed on top of the bird before roasting.
The reason for using dollops of fat for roasting gallinaceous birds is twofold. First, the fat helps to keep the meat moist and juicy while cooking. As the dollops melt, they baste the meat from the inside, adding flavor and preventing it from drying out.
Second, the dollops of fat promote crisp and golden skin on the bird's exterior. This is because as the dollops melt, they create a barrier that prevents the meat's juices from evaporating and escaping. This results in a beautifully crisp and flavorful skin that is an essential part of any perfectly cooked roast.
In conclusion, the use of dollops as a measurement for roasts is rooted in the unique shape and flavor of gallinaceous birds. These plump and round birds are perfectly suited for roasting, and the dollops of fat ensure a moist and flavorful bird with a crispy skin. So the next time you're preparing a delicious roast, remember the gallinaceous reason behind why dollops are the perfect measurement for this beloved dish.
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Artykuł w języku angielskim z pogranicza o vertebrate creatures
03.04.2014. short manuscript for Strangeark.
Vertebrate creatures: evaluation of adequacy by Thomas Quatl
There are a few animals around in regions, recorded previously as uncommon or strange by natives. It should be to known that these examples are animals in local knowledge and that analysis is different to scientific-based classification (Ossendowski 1922, Shuker 1996). Finally, we realized that some ethnoknown animals can be unknown for science. For ethnozoology important is distinguish human-environment relations in socio-spatial analysis. Analytical programs should be developed for confirmed empirically peculiar cases (see eg. Eberhardt 2002). E.g. dragons or humanoids are folk local names with different perspective than scientific-documented approach or naturally-recognized perceive by macrocosmos perspective. Folk names are in the fact human-biased, science should be most macrocosmos-biased (macrocosmos or holism perspective known in pop-knowledge as gaia philosophy). If we do not include nature and method in ethnozoological studies it is dangerous of pseudoscience in our investigations.
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Abominable yeti or "any kind of bear" in kyrgyz areas (following by Schetnikov 2001). Kyrgyz hunters locally known as local aksakals described wild fat creature, tall yeti that is humanoid creatures and is able to moving on two legs."Yeti" is totem animal of ancient tribes. High in the mountains is good places for encounter the yeti. Plenty of stories associated the yeti in village of Choo. Yeti was occasionally seen by travellers.  In scientific or pop-knowledge analysis yeti is any kind of bear. It eats wild goats and rodents. It is mammalian carnivore.
Leshy is mythical forest man in slavic legends. Althought stated as pre-christiany paganism it can be treated as durable symbol of wild human (human being) and nature. That person was believed to be forest and fauna protector.  It is believed to be powerful being appeared as bear or senile men with long beard. He was surrounded by forest animals anywhere. Sometimes around his companies was despatch czort, bad creature with horns on head and hoofs.  In modern consideration leshy can be properly treated as leśnik or forester. His role is sustainable management of forests.
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Senegal stone partridge as one of the gallinaceous mystery birds. Records was provided as overview by Dr Karl Shuker in 1991 by first scientific contribution to mystery feathery vertebrates. It was recorded in western Africa by the Owen Burnham in the middle of 1980s.  Local hunters recounted to him about these birds existed in mixed thick woodlands. It is believed to be distinct race of senegalese subspecies or even another population not mentioned before.
Kaha was gigantic bird recorded from Tajik tales previously (see Friedman 2003). Animal posses gigantic wingspan and silver plumage. It is possible to be one of the largest mythical eagles in the region.  Identity of the species was not yet confirmed. Legend could be linked with long-lived tradition of hunting and fishing with birds of prey. The important is method for evaluation of kaha bird in folk-taxonomy.
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Question from the northern Africa: case of Taguarga. There are ferocious stories from historical military about dragons lived in the and around caves of Atlas Mountains. Some authors recounted that forms grows 12–15 feet long. It has been able to drink motor oil. In a fact dragons reported by various folk stories is reconnected with giant african rock pythons P. sebae, but some reports was responded for venomous horned vipers sp. One of the provided skins of alleged dragons was artifically stretched as recounted C. Tisset (following by Heuvelmans 1978). It could be one of the possiblities to linked cryptozoological research with synthetic ecological paradigm.
Into the method and  then "other human race" and theory of spirits. Method is describing of practices in theory and in-situ. Knowledge is a way to congizance the being of facts and events. Proper knowledge should be controlled by methods. In the greek tales island satyrs living on african island Satyrides is believed to be hairy race of human and is of course any species of island red-haired monkey, probably Macaca sp.. In the fact plenty of "hairy people" of tropics are monkeys of any kinds, including unknown.
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Gods of Solomon islanders are spirits living in eels or sharks or any creatures than running or flying or swimming in waters (Ratzel 1896). Locals possess energy of the bodies of spirits after eating them. Supernatural gods in constructions are energy and matter that durable in the nature and is describing e.g. in phisics and biology.
Basilisk, jumper snake and the axiology of science.  In european bestiary there was one deadly venom creature as half reptile, half cock provided yet by Pliny the elder. Another one reptiles are jumper snakes of various origin. Once is viper, once an esculapian snake Z. longissimus. The question is when is end folk taxonomy and started pop knowledge which is based for scientific analysis. The answer is quite simple in this overview, folk taxonomy is prescientific recognitions of local creatures. Perceiving of taxonomy has been changed throughout time by contributions of scientific axiology into that. It is also known as result of progress.
Anonymous. Island Satyrs: Myth beats. mythicalcreatureslist.com
Eberhart, G. M. 2002. Mysterious creatures: A guide to cryptozoology. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO Chicago.
Friedman, A. 2003. The Fisherman & the Kaha Bird. An asian tale adapted. Spartanburg Herald-Journal, july 23.
Gould, C. 1886. Mythical Monsters. W. H. Allen and Co. London.
Heuvelmans, B. 1978. Les Derniers Dragons d'Afrique [The Last Dragons of Africa, in french]. Plon, Paris.
Ławecki, T. Sypek, R.  Turowska-Rawicz M. 2007. Slavs. Mythologies of the world [in polish]. Rzeczpospolita S.A, Warsaw.
Ossendowski, F. 1922. Beasts, Men and Gods. E. P. Dutton & Company, New York.
Ratzel, F. 1896. The history of mankind. Animation of beasts, plants, and birds. http://inquirewithin.biz/history
Schetnikov, A. 2001. Mysteries Hidden in Central Asia`s Mountains. http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/mysteries.htm
Shuker, K. 1991. Gallinaceous Mystery Birds. World Pheasant Association News, no. 32
Shuker, K. 1998. The Unexplained [in polish]. Bertelsmann Media Sp. z o. o., Warsaw.
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uk3d · 1 year
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Red leg partridge sketch | Limited edition fine art print from an original drawing. The red-legged partridge is a gamebird in the pheasant family Phasianidae of the order Galliformes, gallinaceous birds. It is sometimes known as French partridge, to distinguish it from the English or grey partridge. My sketches start life as hand-drawn graphite images made on cartridge paper. I often work on these with charcoal, oil pastel or Caran d'Ache to create the look I'm after. The artwork is then scanned and finessed digitally ready for fine art printing. This process often referred to as Giclée printing uses the highest standard of printing methods to give gallery quality results that maintain all the details of the original sketch. The graphite pencils I use are Faber-Castel, the oil pastels are Sennelier and the china-graph is Caran d’Ache. The inks are pigment based archive quality (100years+). The heavyweight specialist papers I use are of the best professional quality having a wonderful surface designed specifically for fine art drawings and illustrations. Very limited editions with only ten per size printed. All artwork is signed and includes a certificate of authenticity. The A5 are 5.8" x 8.25" (14.8cm x 21cm) The A4 are 8.25" x 11.7" (21cm x 29.8cm) The A3 are 11.7" x 16.5" (29.8 cm x 42cm) The A2 are 16.5" x 23.4" (42 cm x 59.4cm) Frames not included in price. Free shipping on artwork to UK destinations.
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miroir-de-sports · 2 years
Franchement avec  ce bouton rouge je crains qu on ait une courte joie olympique ou paralympique. Avec le coq on ne se prenait pas le pied dans le tapis et on savait au moins où on mettait les pieds. Ne pas avoir choisi le coq comme mascocotte, c est se tirer une balle dans le pied. Le gallinace est un symbole qui a traversé l'histoire de France et de ses institutions. Le Phryge à les apparences d’un petit chaperon rouge frigide. Non au chapon, oui au Coq.
 Non au Clitorico. Oui au Cocorico.
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zenith-at · 1 year
Did You Know?
In July 2021, after phylogenetic analysis, 4 species of quail were moved into the newly reformed "Synoicus" genus.
The scientific name of Brown Quail was changed from "Coturnix ypsilophora" to "Synoicus ypsilophorus". See here and here.
Common Quail vs Brown Quail:
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Q: Hello ZenitH-AT the gallinaceous. What does this mean for me, a Brown Quail?
A: Don't worry my child. You are valid. You are enough.
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(source my friend used to make this gif)
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bending-sickle · 2 years
i’m sorry what
Hen commonly refers to a female animal: a female chicken, other gallinaceous bird, any type of bird in general, or a lobster.
emphasis added
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twentysixtyfour · 5 years
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Word of the Day
November 18/2018―November 21/2018
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mia-japanese-korean · 3 years
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Quail in Flight, Ohara Shōson, c. 1928-1930, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
A Japanese quail takes to flight. Sprigs of a crysanthemum-like flower appear to the right. The quail is a gallinaceous bird, identifiable by its rounded body, short bill and small tail. In Japan, it is kept as a domestic bird, and its eggs are highly prized. (Newland 2010) On back: Made in Japan No.12. Later edition printed c. 1928-1930. Size: 9 1/4 × 9 13/16 in. (23.5 × 25 cm) (image) Medium: Woodblock print; ink and color on paper
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ketallpot · 2 years
Gallinaceous birds Roam rent-free, internally Pecking at my mind.
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elizabethvaughns · 3 years
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