fjrewhisky · 7 years
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rightalongpond · 7 years
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comment: I LOVE !!! how your icon matches your theme if that makes any sense?? and like how its all the same color of purple??? its so pretty and organized !!!!
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prydon · 7 years
hi yes I just wanted to say thank you for that amazing eight and charley scherzo art!! it made my day lmao, I love seeing art with the two of them + the way you draw them is so cute! (and it's scherzo how can you not love it)
asfijsaofij aw man!!  this makes me so happy because behind the scenes secret here: i actually drew that picture like a week ago but didn’t post it til now because i didn’t think it was very well-drawn or a good enough representation of this audio that i love so much.  i only posted it now bc i was like “wth, screw it, i don’t LOSE anything by posting it and i can always make something better later.”  but hearing this from you really makes me glad i did!!!  thanks so much! >////
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Yo hi! Ok so this is a bit of a random question but you're a superb writer so I thought I'd ask: how do you decide whether to write a fic in the past or present tense? I've been trying to get into writing again but I can never decide which to use rip and was wondering if you had any advice on this. Thanks in adanvce!
ahhh, thank you so much!!
this is a really interesting question! (and once I’ve answered it I REALLY need to go do my assignment lmao)
basically, I used to write in past tense for everything. I wrote in past tense for years, over a million words of past tense. 
but I’d dabbled in present tense for a oneshot or two, over the last year or two, and quite liked the feel of it, so when it came to writing my big Class multichap, I wrote in present tense because it felt right for it. 
I think, now, my default has become present tense, and it’s tricky when I go back to the multichaps I’d started in past, because obviously I need to continue them as such, I have to keep going back and editing the tenses as I write because I slip back into present so much. 
I think which one you use is just completely up to you. I like the feel of present tense because it feels like it flows a bit more, and it’s happening in the moment and I really love that? it all just feels a little more real and sudden to me? 
but it’s a very negligible difference, frankly. 
I know if I’d tried to write in present when I was just starting out, it probably would have sucked, I think present requires a bit more development of personal style to pull off well, but that’s just my opinion and I could very easily be wrong, tbh 
I would recommend just trying a little bit of both and seeing how each one feels, I imagine one will come more naturally to you than the other. 
best of luck with the writing! 
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colewald · 7 years
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gallifreyland replied to your post “ooh, that's so cool!! is it a con?”
WAIT YOU'RE MEETING JENNA THATS AWESOME!!also I love your blog title countdown ahshhdjd scream have fun don't die I'd die if I met Jenna lmao but !! have fun!!
YES I AM!!!!!!!!!!!! I’VE BEEN FREAKING OUT THE PAST TWO WEEKS OR SO!!!!!!!!!! i’ve cried so many times just thinking about it i’m an actual mess. a very happy mess though. 
and thank you so much, i’m gonna try not to cry and be an embarrassment in front of her <3 
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brightnessrandom · 7 years
Lol hey I just wanted to say I love reading your tags! Your little happy comments on everything always make me happy :)
Wow! Thank you so much?? This is the sweetest thing omg... I’m always just rambling in the tags about how much I love things? but it’s so nice to know somebody else reads them too :)
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timelordinaustralia · 7 years
1, 2, 7! :D
1. I’m a fan of (bold where applicable): New Who | Classic Who | The Movie | Big Finish | Novels (EDAs, VNAs, BBC, other) | Comics
I’m into all Who, but moreso TV shows. Mainly read the target novels of the eps. And in the past some other dw novels, but I wouldn’t know where they fit in those mentioned. I don’t read comics so… and I have started getting into big finish a bit. Mainly Torchwood, but also some Doctor Who. 
2. (I answered 2 here)
7. (I answered 7 here)
Thanks for asking though :)
Doctor Who Questions
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pickingstars-blog1 · 7 years
Replies under cut:
welcome-to-my-mind-shed a réagi à votre billet “the problem with series 10, for me, is that it never ultimately...”
I really loved series 10, right up there with series 9 in my opinion. I hate it when I don't like something and I wish I would. I'm sorry you didn't like series 10 very much. All I can say is I hope series 11 is all that you wish it to be. :)
Thank you! I’m glad you loved series 10! I didn’t dislike it at all, it was just a bit sort of...same old same old. I’d have just loved something self-contained but meaty and emotionally complex, which is something I think every other series has given us! I’m pumpppeeed for series 11! It’s probably a year away and yet...I want everything now. New companion reveal/Thirteen’s costume reveal/filming photos. It’s all coming and I’m beyond excited!!
steamedbunns a réagi à votre billet “the problem with series 10, for me, is that it never ultimately...”
i find that s10 is my favourite capaldi season, probably because i had more of an open mind when watching it than I did with his earlier ones. but yeah, I don't think I'd actively go back and rewatch episodes. I wouldn't buy the dvd set like I did for most of elevens episodes. they were fun but not particularly gripping.
Yeah that’s kinda the way I see it too. It was fun, I had a good time, but nothing substantially gripping, (World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls notwithstanding!). For me, my fav Capaldi series is s9. Regardless of what you think of the stories themselves, (I think the Zygon two-parter is well-intentioned, but messy at best, insulting at worst...), series 9 did something super interesting and different with it’s structure, and took a lot more risks with it’s storytelling throughout, even Sleep No More had a good high-concept Black Mirror-esque premise, while, naturally, Heaven Sent was a huge risk worth taking, and the ‘forgettable’ The Woman Who Lived is at least emotionally driven and stylistically unique thanks to its lyrical dialogue ...  plus like. I’m a sucker for that Twelve/Clara dymanic. Plus that glorious finale. Plus that Twelve development. It’s just wonderful to me!
lullapiee a réagi à votre billet “the problem with series 10, for me, is that it never ultimately...”
I understand you here. I was a bit 'meh' with some of the episodes this season and had no wish to re-watch them- namely the Empress of Mars and Knock-Knock. I'm not sure why this is but I just didn't find them that gripping and so the element of re-watching them isn't there. However, I am warming to the season by forcing myself to re-watch from the start. I'm hoping this time around I might get a better feel for the episodes and might enjoy them more.
I’ll certainly do that too at some point! I mean you’re talking to the person who agressively hated the Moffat era until they did a rewatch post The Time of the Doctor and then, well, everything changed! I absolutely find that when removed from the in-the-run-up hype and the week-to-week...waiting...things feel so much better so fingers crossed I find something super memorable in it too! 
gallifreyland a réagi à votre billet “the problem with series 10, for me, is that it never ultimately...”
I feel exactly this way too! It was fun while I watched it and I loved the finale, but the middle episodes just feel kind of average to me in retrospect. I think it might be because this series was a bit lighter on the 'powerful emotions' stuff – all the eps you mention above have a powerful emotional element, whether it's fear or love or the sadness of saying goodbye. S10 it seems saved it all up for the finale (which was great!) but it sort of suffered around the middle imo.
Yes exactly! The emotional element was missing. I think a lot of that has to do with the side characters tbqh? Heather/Penny/Erica/Hazran are the only side-protagonists I remember, (All four of whom are Moffat written so like..no surprises there!), And from them like...Heather and Hazran were from the opener/finale and...Penny and Erica are just dropped for no explicable reason like you would think given the story is a 3-parter that they’d have both played a role in The Lie of the Land but...nope! Toby Whithouse just...drops the ball so hard from literally every angle that even the story-specific side characters just flat-out...dissapear! Maybe I’d add the LGBT+ teen Romans from The Eaters of Light to the mix, but I’d have to watch it again. Without memorable, consistent side-characters with episode arcs then where are our emotional hooks? It can’t come from Bill and Twelve every time! Where is our Nancy or Elton Pope or Joan Redfern or Jenny or Liz 10 or Rita or Merry Gejelh or Ada Gillyflower or Kate Stewart or Ashildr? I feel like we really didn’t...get one...this series...which is probably a massive reason why it’s so eh in my mind!
florencedrunk a réagi à votre billet “the problem with series 10, for me, is that it never ultimately...”
Ultimately, I think the problem is that they trusted the Monks Trilogy to be that, but because of The Lie of the Land the previous two episodes (which are rather good episodes, in my opinion) deflated like one of Oswin's soufflés.
Agree 1000% - Extremis is wonderful, and Pyramid is at the very least conceputally interesting with some great set up for potentially iconic villains. yet. it’s totally. utterly. wasted. in The Lie of the Land, which is effectively one of the worst episodes of Doctor Who ever, in my book. So much potential squandered. So many plot points just? leading nowhere, (is it ever explained why the Monks can cure The Doctor’s sight? Or where they come from? Or...anything about them beyond ‘ooh here they are for a 10 second montage of them doing vague...electrical...stuff’, they literally do nothing in their big climactic episode 3 finale. It’s laughable). so much...character assassination...(Why is Bill so trigger-happy this episode?  Not just in shooting her teacher/mentor/best friend 4 times but in??? wanting to beat up Nardole? Like?? Where the fuck did that come from?? You could try and argue 6 months of opressive despotism but when the entire point of the episode is about how Bill manages to hang on to her good-old-happy-go-lucky self despite all that it just makes no sense! What part of wanting to “beat the shit out" of Nardole is in any way in character for Bill Potts? And then there’s...The Doctor...merrily standing by while the human population is tortured and exterminated by invaders under an opressive reigime, and merrily partaking in said murderous opressive reigime before...calling the human race “annoying” for??? forgetting everything that happened? and running off to NASA totally guiltless of the months of mass torture he was complicit in.) Not even Missy can salvage it, thanks to some horrendously unconfident, patronising, writing. “You’re so Caliente!  That’s Spanish for hot!” yeah thanks for explaining the joke that was totally neccessary! (that said the “pretty shapes in the smoke/your version of good” speech is A* A* so...) But yeah no overall that episode is just a hot mess...
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clara-is-brave · 7 years
3, 13, 15! :D
3. Favourite quote
“When there’s tears, there’s hope.” 
13. First story you saw on TV 
The Day of the Doctor was the first one I watched on TV. Before that, I had only watched it on Netflix or a link from here. It wasn’t the first showing of it though. I had to wait for BBCA’s second airing of it to watch it. 
15. If you could travel with one Doctor, who would it be
Twelve. For way too many reasons to list. 
Doctor Who Ask Thingy
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fjrewhisky · 7 years
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fantastic beasts series: 2/?
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clarraoswald · 7 years
😊: You’re sweet. You’ve made me smile before😶: I’m honored that you’re even following me tbH.👾: Your theme is awesome!👒: You come off as very friendly!😇: Every single interaction we’ve had so far has been positive.😃: I love seeing you in my notifications!😆: You’ve made me laugh out loud before.👍: I like you. Just, in general. I think you’re a genuinely good person. 
aH tysm dude 💖💖same for you :))
send me what you think of me ( in emojis ) 💖
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sircarolyn · 3 years
PLEASE get back on your Herclas bullshit
i’m operating on like, a totally different plane of reality at the moment and my various niche obsessions with audio drama have aligned to make me into a crazy person so sorry to everyone that at least half of the bullshit i’m spouting at any given time is probably incomprehensible to you <3
anyway herclas!!! might listen to newcastle -> rotterdam -> yverdon later bc i know herc is in other eps but they are like, the fundamental trifecta of herclas eps. like there is something there, bubbling away between them! ‘haven’t seen you since... well for a long time’ there’s an implication! it’s there! something bad happened there! douglas being grumpy about herc in rotterdam too, ‘i’ve known him longer’ like! i dunno what jf intended but the context we’ve constructed of herc got douglas fired and then had to leave for aircal because no one liked him any more... tragedy of the highest order
i guess i’m just obsessed with the reading that they ruined each others lives and not in a pretty and faintly nostalgic way - like i want them to be messy and awful and to have fully expected to have never seen each other ever again after the sacking and so to see each other in ncl is like ripping off a scab all over again because it never properly healed - here’s this guy who’s marched into douglas’ new life and is still a captain and is flirting with carolyn and is mocking douglas’ new job, and that’s what they’ve always done! but it’s just not okay any more! and maybe herc took a quite change of country to escape douglas, but he didn’t get his life systematically destroyed by their relationship and lose everything - in fact, he’s barely faced a consequence at all
and after zurich, he’s got the nerve to be sore about douglas being the captain, and douglas just loses it one day and it feels just like they’re reverting back to the sort of fights they used to have while they were breaking up, but it feels so good to just yell at him because herc doesn’t know! herc hasn’t been there, he doesn’t know what a wreck douglas’ life has been and how hard it’s been feeling like he’s on track again and then suddenly out of the blue, herc’s showed up again. i guess they’ve got a lot to work through yet in a post-zurich world...
i was gonna rifle through my fic folder and share something unposted but i’ve honestly posted every single herclas thought i’ve ever had so i’ll leave you with the herclas fic i’m gonna write one day, which is herc and verity organise a birthday party for douglas and it goes, uh, wrong
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prydon · 7 years
gallifreyland replied to your post: anyway, when i die i want the entire script of...
BRUH i don’t actually have the script myself where can i download it????  :’O
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15, 16, 19, 25, 27... I hope that's not too many lmao :)
15 - If you could travel with one Doctor, who would it be?
I feel like I have to say Twelve, but Six is a close second. 
16 - Favourite TARDIS interior? 
Definitely Eleven’s first one, the Series 5-7a interior. It’s just bright and lovely, and holds a special place in my heart. 
(Classic interior is my second fave.) 
19 - Favourite one off monster?
……………this is a bit of a cheat because technically this person appeared in two stories but the first was a setup for the second so I’m considering it a singular thing ok
I have a LOT of favourite one-off monsters, but the first thing that immediately came into my head is Nobody No One (from Seven’s audios, The Word Lord and A Death In The Family)
Nobody No One is one of the most intriguing concepts for an antagonist ever, he’s utterly chilling and such a fearsome threat
he’s a Word Lord, and so basically words give him power. the idea is that he’s capable of truly horrific and impossible things, because you’d say:
“oh, no one can get through that door” and then, because you said that, he CAN, even if he couldn’t before
“Nobody can get inside the TARDIS” well, now he can
“Nobody can turn off the sun” well, shit, now he can, thanks for that
25 - Favourite EU companion?
I feel like it’s probably Charley, but honestly I also adore Evelyn, Helen and Liv so much that I really can’t choose. I love all my gals so much, okay? 
(C’rizz and Erimem and Lucie are great too, but… yeah. I know my faves.) 
27 - Weirdest piece of merchandise you own
Sorry, I don’t think I have anything super weird! Maybe the set of coasters that I think I got as a present once but never used? 
I know someone in my hall once mistook my sonic screwdriver for a vibrator, but that’s not really the same thing lmao
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unitsoldier · 7 years
gallifreyland replied to your post
So were Charlie supposed to die on that ship or...
Wellll, both ;) She got on secretly, the problem is the Doctor saved her when she was supposed to die though. :)
Yeah, i got that. :) Its just that he seemed to make a fuss about her really not supposing to be on the ship that made me think it might be something else was going in
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notfrayclary · 7 years
doctor who?
fav character: amy pond
least favourite character: idk danny maybe
otp: amy & eleven
brotp: eleven & clara
notp: river & the doctor (sorry)
send me a fandom
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