#gallerian almost made this list
dubioushonour · 1 year
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Compilation of project sekai KAITO cards where he just especially looks like a lesbian to me
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dollwrites · 7 months
Just stumbled to your page, if you dont mind i wanna see you write for kaito again😭🙏 like the fic you made about him is so shskshsks🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶‼️‼️
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— ⟡ dizzy drabbles disclaimer !!
all dizzy drabbles are written when i am extremely high ( or, dizzy ) and they don’t contain a trigger warnings list. if there’s no indication by the request, you can assume that the fic is nsfw + dark-leaning, if not blatantly dark. these pieces are never proof read so mistakes are probably present. < 3 enjoy your experience
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thunk! thunk! thunk!
it was all you could do to keep your focus solely on the sound the desk made underneath you— the legs pounding against the solid floor in tandem with the judge’s rabid thrusting into you from behind— so that you didn’t have come to terms with what this was.
what you were.
a bribe.
the jingling of golden coins are muffled in the small purse as you grip it with one hand close to your chest, whilst the other tries desperately to hold on to the edge of his desk for some sort of stabilization. you bite your lip, in hopes to muffle the pathetic, humiliating mewling that seemed to seep out each time Gallerian bottomed out, filling you to his hilt, but it was no use.
you’d never been so roughly handled, nor had you been prepared for the judge you’d visited so late at night to bend you over, hike up your dress, and make your pussy part of the bargain.
struggling to stay balanced, pressing your balls of your feet and your toes against the floor in an attempt to plant yourself there, you can feel the harsh recoil of his hips when they snap against yours.
you would’ve simply dropped your head in shame, splayed your upper body across the desk in hapless submission but hid your pleasured expression from him if only he’d let you. if only his hands were both clasped around your neck, fingers locked at the front of your throat to keep you steady as he fucked you without remorse, or concern. the shame of being so exposed— dress pushed down around your waist to reveal your jiggling breasts and skirt tossed over your lower back, panties around your ankles, and your legs spread to accept his greedy cock barreling what felt like a hole through you— was almost too much to bear. “S—stop…”
it’s a whispered plea, one that Gallerian either didn’t hear, or didn’t care about, because his fingers tightened around your neck, and he pulled you back against him. he was derobed, and you could feel the sheet of sweat that covered his chest as it smeared against your back. “Let’s feel that sweet, little cunt tighten up, my pet.” he pants against the shell of your ear, “Show me how grateful you are for my… generosity.” he didn’t have to command it; his cock was digging into a hypersensitive bundle of nerves within your depths and sending you into a gasping, whining, squirming tizzy. “Very good, girl.” Gallerian grunts, keeping his grip on you firm and unyielding, holding you in place as he battered those nerves until your whining turned into yelping, and eventually, ragged panting. your squirming turned to twitching, then to trembling as he ripped the orgasm from your body.
you screamed out, and closed your eyes against the ferocity of the sensations, stomping your feet and bucking your body forwards, only to be pulled right back in as he forced you to ride out the unwanted pleasure, all the while he planted hot, sultry kisses against your ear and down your neck.
sometime in your erotic turmoil, Gallerian also came undone. he gripped your throat tighter, his drilling became more precise and deliberately cruel and deep, and to punctuate your climax’s conclusion, you felt warmth engulfing your insides— filling a pouch in your lower belly, and you gasped, nails scraping at the desk. “W—wait—!”
but it was much too late for that, and you knew so when Gallerian sighed and pushed you off of him, taking a step back to admire his handiwork.
you were still shaking, legs cramped and spread, with his release leaking from your thoroughly used core that still twitched and clenched, remembering the way his girth stretched your sensitive, inner walls. you took a couple of heavy breaths, feeling his gaze upon your destruction, before you finally found the strength to straighten your posture. your skirt falls down into place, and you take baby steps, a small series, to turn around and face the main that had just deflowered you so brutally.
he was smiling, his eyes drifting from your puffy, swollen eyes and your tear streaked cheeks, down to your bare breasts and the coin purse clutched in your hand. his own reaches out, fingertips tracing your breast in a soft caress, but they don’t stay there. they careen to pluck the purse from your grasp.
“All your little hovel was worth fit in such a tiny purse, not nearly the sum I usually accept.” he chuckles softly as he weighs it, bouncing it up and down in one hand, before he looks at you with the devil sparkling in his eyes, “but I suppose the feeling of your warm cunt milking my cock settles the remainder of the balance.” he takes a step closer, and runs his hand up the length of your chest, neck, and finally caresses your warm cheek, smearing a tear into it as he grins wider. “Don’t cry, silly girl. You should be overjoyed. You just saved your mother from the gallows.”
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ehud1564 · 3 months
This is really Knawing at my head right now. I wanted to make a numbered list of all the things I don't like or find wrong about master of the heveanly yard. And one of the things that I constantly think about is Michelle. I was going to give it a jokie title like "who the f*** is Michelle?".
Because Michelle is a bizarre random choice. She is less than a side character, she's just a motivation. We have like less than one episode of her being alive and that's it. She feels like such a bizarre random choice to be the Sleep prince.
Why? Why dose she have the so called "highest compatibility with sloth"? Why would she be a part of MA's perfect shell?? When did she get here? When did Gallerian and her have time to meet and plan all this?
Also. Galerian would not sacrifice Michelle for the world. I think that's just a given honestly. Considering all this time and all the things he did for her.
The only possible reason to choose her, is that she looks like Eve. So Mothy could do the whole "Is she Eve? Where is Eve?" Setup. I think this choice is wrong.
I found three options I prefer for the Sleep princess.
The most reasonable one I think is Bruno.
He's a main character we know well. From both "Judgment of Corruption" and "Muzzle of Nemesis". He's been loyal to Gallerian. He has a strong sense of justice, so I can see him potentially sacrificing himself, if Gallerian tells him it will save the world.
The connection to sloth is not as "out of touch" (that's probably not the right word. I'm thinking of the right one, but I just can't remember it.) as it seems.
Bruno is loyal to Gallerian for a long time, even after he becomes evil. Which I think is kind of connected to sloth because. It's a sort of refusal to look at things objectively. And just kind of doing what feels right. A laziness, a sort of refusal to face the truth.
There should probably be a better explanation for that.
He stays loyal to Gallerian even after he trials Bindi Innocent. Fighting against the Freezis foundation was once his main goal. So galerian in a way made him abandoned his life mission.
I think that makes sense.
This analysis doesn't really take into account the actions Bruno did after Galerian died well. And having Bruno work under Gallerian again will definitely not help with the racism. Of having Bruno serve Gallerian with this loyalty in the first place.
And also, he's quite recognizable and he does not look like Eve at all. So you can't really do the whole Eve thing.
But I think Bruno is the most "non-random" choice there could be. Vast majority of characters are either from The pride arc, or from the recently over Greed Earth arc, he fits right in. It's almost weird to me we haven't seen him. I think pretty much any other character will take will feel extremely detached from everything. Which will make it feel extremely random.
Second option is Mikualia
She looks like Eve, so you could do the whole Eve thing. She also would not really be recognizable to anyone, so you could use it as a sort of element of mystery
She was (kind of) an actual contractor of sloth.
She's extremely naive, and treats her life as a fairy tale. So it makes sense for her to jump at the chance to be a hero.
And it would be nice to get some more characters that aren't in the afformentioned "Greed and Wrath" arc. It feels like the choices of characters is very limited. I can't really think of any more characters that should be added (except maybe Pere Noel), but it's really weird these are the only arcs with characters in the story. Kind of feel like the rest of the arcs were completely forgotten.
I can't really see how Galerian and Gammon would find her though? Gallerian and Gammon know about Kayo, so maybe just the same source as that knowledge.
And I can't really see her fighting someone, and using the gift and such.
My last choice would be Gammon
Not much more than the fact that he's just there, and he doesn't really do all that much more.
Something could be said about how he leads his army to do his dirty work for him while he stays in the theater. That could somehow be connected to sloth. It can also kind of signal Gammon turning from an avid fighter of Justice to being stuck in the theater. And also the simplistic thinking of the contractors as pure evil.
Maybe there's a little bit more to this than I initially thought. But still not much.
Also he does not look like Eve.
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Episode 2–Encounter with the Screenwriter; Scene 3
Judgment of Corruption, pages 56-61
The first public hearing for trial number ELL84 came to pass a week later.
There weren’t many people in the visitor’s gallery. Many “witches” had been judged and executed over these past decades, and now that it had become almost commonplace there were less people who wanted to go out of their way to see a “witch trial”.
Even so, this was the first trial in which Gallerian was acting as head judge. Perhaps feeling some degree of fate in its subject matter being a “witch trial”, his features carried a little more tension than normal.
“Ahem…With this, court is now in session.” After coughing once, Gallerian announced the beginning of the trial. “Please bring in the defendant.”
When the aide opened up the door, the defendant Kayo Sudou entered, brought along by the court guards.
She then sat down at the defendant’s seat.
Gallerian showed the slightest bit of shock at seeing Kayo’s dignified bearing. Perhaps he was shaken by how alike Kayo and Elluka were, just as when he had seen the photograph before.
On Kayo’s part, the moment she saw Gallerian’s face her expression changed slightly.
But it seemed the reason for that was different from Gallerian’s surprise.
“—You’re awfully young for a head judge,” she said, slowly pulling out a long tobacco pipe from her sleeve and putting it to her lips.
Gallerian quickly spoke up in objection. “Smoking is prohibited in the courtroom. The defendant will please put that away right now.”
“…Tch.” Kayo obediently put away the tobacco pipe while clicking her tongue disapprovingly. “Well, whatever. In that case I’d like to get this so-called trial over with quickly.”
“Does the defendant have an issue with the age of the head judge?”
“Oh, did my earlier remark rub you the wrong way? It’s not that I mind, really. Seeing such a handsome young face as yours is more of a diversion than having to look at some elderly, stinking old man.”
“…Then I would like for us to begin…”
Gallerian looked around the courtroom again, before stopping his gaze on the defense attorney’s seat.
Then, he once more looked over the documents he had on hand.
“It appears that there will be no defense attorney today…I have it written here that the defendant will be acting as their own counsel, is that correct?”
Kayo nodded. “I don’t mind. I’d imagine the outcome is decided regardless of who’s defending me, after all.”
“I would ask that the defendant refrain from making such statements in contempt of court.”
“That’s not how I intended it. I’m only speaking the truth.”
“Right…Well then, can the defendant please list their name, nationality, and occupation?”
“—Kayo Sudou. I hail from Jakoku. I am a screenwriter.”
And then Gallerian read aloud the written indictment.
Its contents were the details of Kayo’s charges.
--Once Gallerian had smoothly read through all of it, he once more asked Kayo, “Those are the charges in full. Does the defendant have any objections to the contents thus far?”
“Objections? A slew of them. I have never glorified magic, and I have no memory of ever trying to kill anyone.”
“Then you are saying you deny these charges?”
“Understood. Then let us proceed…Prosecution, please give your opening statement.”
The trial proceeded without a hitch after that.
The prosecution provided their statements and proof, and Kayo would then make her counter-arguments towards them.
Aside from the fact that the defendant was charged with her own defense, it felt rather like your average witch trial.
During that time Gallerian made no move to voice any opinions, acting wholly in his role as facilitator for the trial. There was nothing unusual about that. It was very important for a judge to be able to hear the points of both defendant and plaintiff, and to pass down a final verdict from a position of neutrality. There was no need for him to cut into the debate before then (outside of situations when there was an issue with the court’s proceedings).
--I was only able to hear what Gallerian was thinking about the trial when he was taking lunch, as the trial had gone into recess.
Gallerian was eating alone in the cafeteria set aside exclusively for bureau staff.
“Hey there. You mind if I join you?”
It was Loki who talked to Gallerian then. He sat down in the seat next to him without waiting for permission.
“How goes your long-awaited first trial as head judge?” Loki asked with a business-like tone, his expression with neither a teasing smile nor carrying a grave air.
“Well…It’s been going…smoothly.”
“I see. What kind of pattern is the defendant showing?”
“…? I don’t know what you’re asking.”
“I mean are they agitated and protesting their innocence, or have they given up and accepted their fate? In most witch trials it’s one of the two.”
“Uuh…If I had to pick one, I guess it’s the former. But she’s not all that agitated. Rather, she seems scarily calm.”
“Well, in any case you must be pretty disappointed that after all this time your first trial acting as head judge is a witch trial. The outcome’s already been decided for you.”
“…I wonder about that, Loki.” Gallerian stopped eating and turned to him. “Why do you think that a witch trial will always end in a guilty verdict?”
“Ah? I thought that was obvious. Because we have no way to judge for ourselves. In the end, whether the defendant is a witch or not is something we can’t know no matter how much we debate over it. But the real issue is that these problems afflicting the world caused by witches continue to get worse and worse. …So then, in order to stop them, the only thing we can do is systematically execute anyone who is under suspicion. ‘Guilty until proven innocent’, and all that.”
“Is that…really the right thing to do?”
“…I don’t know what you’re getting at.”
“You said it just now. That the problems afflicting the world caused by witches continue to get worse and worse. Over these few decades, the Dark Star Bureau has given the death penalty to anyone suspected of being a witch. And despite that, these problems aren’t getting better. Rather, they’re increasing. Doesn’t that mean then that all the witch trials up to this point were mistaken--”
“Keep your voice down, Gallerian. You shouldn’t let the other members of the bureau hear you say that.”
He must have meant that he shouldn’t criticize the bureau so openly. Having managed to grasp that, Gallerian shut his mouth and stopped talking.
After seeing that, Loki put a hand on Gallerian’s shoulder.
“You’re…tired. Working hard is a good thing, but you’ve got to relax sometime—Yeah. Let’s you and I go on a trip together for your upcoming vacation.”
“Another invitation to go hunting? Didn’t I tell you I’m not interested?”
“Oh, come on. I’ve found a great hunting ground here in Levianta recently.”
“—The recess is about over. I’ve got to go.”
Gallerian walked out of the room, leaving his lunch behind.
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mewtonian-physics · 6 years
What are your top 10 Evillious characters?
Finally back from church, trying to get my fingers to type properly(i’m a dumbass who doesn’t wear gloves at 32 degrees fahrenheit), thank you for your question anon :D
as usual I’ll go in reverse order ‘cause I like to do things that way
and like last time, honorable mention goes to... Lich Arklow! Why? Man, I don’t know. He’s just entertaining.
10. Seth Twiright
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This is one evil dude! I mean, he is the ‘father’ of all HERs in the Third Period, and the demon of Wrath. If I tried to make a list of how many people’s lives he’s screwed up, either directly or indirectly, I’d be here for a very, very long time! It’s almost impressive... Why do I like him? Let’s see.
He created Irina, which makes me happy. I love the concept of a sentient mask as a renowned physicist. His life’s pretty wacky--he goes from mask to person to key to mask to octopus, not necessarily in that order. Plus, it kinda cracks me up how he basically went from ‘DESTROY THE GODS, WREAK HAVOC, DO CRIMES’ to ‘I don’t... even care...’
While I was thinking about this, I had a weird thought. Isn’t he basically just a writer entertaining himself by wreaking havoc in the world he’s created? No wonder I like him.
9. Banica Conchita
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The woman who won Evillious! No, seriously, she basically got everything she wanted out of it. She’s really cool, all right? Her childhood sucked but by the time she was an adult she basically had it all together(aside from the whole demon thing) which I find pretty darn impressive.
Plus, her story is seriously chilling, I mean, she goes and eats everyone who crosses her!
The end of her life is just... Awesome. Instead of eating her baby, she eats herself... and an entire demon for dessert! And then she doesn’t change a bit as Master of the Graveyard, and when it’s all over she just flies off to another universe to find more to eat! She’s an absolute legend. 
8. Behemo Barisol
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What is there to say about Behemo Barisol? Quite a character, that one. Kinda chaotic. Entertaining as heck. [Wilhelm scream]
7. Gammon Octo
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Emo communist bundle of scarves. If he removes them all he will die. Perhaps he is made entirely of scarves? We just have no way of knowing, not without risking his life anyway. He went into the time loop and then just disappeared... maybe he’ll come out in the wash.
6. Gallerian Marlon
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My eye’s always drawn to any character involved in the legal system, and Gallerian Marlon did not disappoint.
Well, he did disappoint, because he’s corrupt and has no sense of justice beyond what’s determined by money, but hey.
At the very least he’s a good dad, to the one kid he knows exists, I guess.
Plus, ‘Money is the best lawyer in hell’ is kind of an epic line!
5. Kayo Sudou
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Okay, I know the Envy novel plot twist got a lot of people mad, but it’s actually the reason why she’s so high on my list. A cunning murderer who convincingly faked insanity in order to prevent all-out war and destruction? That’s simultaneously terrible and awesome, and also really scary. I mean, killing people with scissors... wow, she’s hardcore.
4. Nemesis Sudou
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Nemesis... She’s a really angry girl and she’s got a lot of reasons to be, but she also is very, very, very over the top. You know, as one could call it for someone to decide ‘humanity sucks, so I’m going to blow up the entire world’. 
Still, she’s super epic. I like her a lot.
3. Eve Moonlit
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Yeah, yeah, that’s a picture of Margarita. I like all her incarnations, okay? Eve, Mikulia, Platonic, Margarita, et cetera. She’s just a giant fusion of coolness. Also, her story is really tragic. She loses everything and spends lifetimes trying to get it back.
Though she does commit a lot of murder along the way. Ahaha. Par for the EC course, am I right?
2. Irina Clockworker
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Nya... Nya... How I love her. Small evil girl, blown up by her big brother, gets her soul shoved into a stuffed cat. Just wants kids. And also massive worldwide havoc and destruction. 
Smart, sarcastic, and fond of arson as well... she’s awfully evil and she does a whole bunch of stuff that I disapprove of, but I love her anyway.
And finally, in a move that shouldn’t surprise many, the spot of my favorite Evillious character goes to... drumroll...
1. Lemy Abelard
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*intense screaming* CLOWN SOOOOOOOOOOON
He’s so small and adorable in his little costume... He’s a clown that doesn’t freak me out. He has catchy music. He’s a good boy... even though he kills people... he’s still a very good boy. He needs better authority figures that won’t lead him to kill people.
Look at his face paint... *sobs, overcome by love* 
He’s doing his best. I adore him. Let him be happy. 
Thank you so much for asking, anon! :D
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