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" Surely this will solve all problems for thousands of years to come " he thought Hadrian of the Roman Empire, 132 AD, enacting the merging of the province of Judaea with Galilee, into an enlarged province named "Syria Palæstina "
#palestine#roman empire#Hadrian#Judaea#galillee#conflict#prompt art#leonardo ai#ai art#oil painting#generative
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𝙖 𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 — 𖠁 i dream of a day the lord tells me i'm doing good, i'm not a good christian but my temper is plated with his gold words, like an open wound patched with colors of his sealed dreams as he slept through the frenzied lake of galillee. the blood of my temper is mixed with what's precious, with what remains.
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I'm not surprised, people are people in any time period.
I mean, I live in Montreal. Culturally, it might as well be Rome. You can live in Montreal without speaking a lick of French or English, and there's more ethnic groups and cultural identities to consider than I can think of. It's led to a ton of small concessions - and to all sorts of groups learning to live together peacefully, and to learn to accept one another.
It ain't perfect, and we've got gang violence aplenty as of the last few years, but it's still a place where little Jewish bakeries and delis don't mind selling to cosmopolitan goyim, and a place where almost all of the big Québécois dietary staples also exist in kosher and halal variants. Pork used to be a huge part of our diet, now it's possible to sub other meats for it in most end-of-year celebrations - and I've even had neighbourhood potlucks where my very Québécois parents tried their hand at Baba Ghanoush or our Lebanese neighbours very proudly showed off their first meat pie of the winter.
Politicians probably pushed anti-Jewish sentiment in Rome and beyond (as in Pompeii), but I'm convinced there were a lot of households (what's the plural for domus anyway?) that didn't mind trying out "barbarian" customs.
Racism was more than definitely a concern, sure, but it was probably articulated in a way we'd recognize, with some Roman citizens sort of left shaking their heads and wondering who had time to be so hateful, anyway. I can imagine a Roman commoner turning to a coworker from Galillee and more or less ask them "Who's that Jesus fella, anyway?" over a lunch of figs, tomatoes and panis quadratus.
incredible pompeii book fact that i will think about forever:
Garum, a sort of Roman fish sauce, was everywhere in Rome and apparently Pompeii was particularly famous for their garum industry. There’s lots of sources both in and outside Pompeii, and several different manufacturers and sellers have been found in the city.
The part that I can’t stop thinking about: jars of garum have been found with labels advertising it as kosher.
I mean, of course you hear about the conflicts between the Romans and Jews. They were very much in one another’s orbits. But still, the fact that there was apparently enough of a market in Pompeii to specifically create and sell kosher fish sauce… you know?
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the skeletons as famous paintings pretty please!!! this is need-to-know information I swear
It's super need-to-know! I hear you, I see you, and I'm on it. Also, I would like to say thank you to this ask, you really made me take a look at my interests in fine art and realize I gravitate towards Dutch Masters.
Corrupt — Assumption of Mary — Petr Brandl.
Threats — Aristotle with a Bust of Homer — Rembrandt, 1653.
Purpose — Flaming June — Frederick Leighton, 1895.
Creator — Vanitas Still Life — Peter Claesz, 1630.
Resurrect — Christ Driving the Money Changers out of the Temple — Valentin de Boulogne, 1620 - 1625.
Apparatus — The Swing — Jean-Honoré Fragonard, 1767.
Revival/Diana — The Raft of the Medusa — Théodore Géricault, 1818-19.
Generate/Charlotte — Girl with a Pearl Earring — Jan Vermeer, 1665.
Venture/Jack — St. George and the Dragon — Raphael, 1503-05.
Confession/Jo — Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galillee — Rembrandt, 1633.
Vessel/Rowan — Breakfast Table with Blackberry Pie — Willem Claeszoon Heda, 1631.
Pressure/Lucas — Supper at Emmaus — Caravaggio, 1601.
#semi appless rp#discord rp#original rp#skeleton rp#university rp#corrupt#threats#purpose#creator#resurrect#apparatus#revival#generate#venture#confession#vessel#pressure#my targeted ads are about to be so weird#also#brandl's has no specific date#that's not an ommission
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"His Exhibits." From the Gospel of Saint John, 2: 1-12.
The Fourth Gospel which focuses on enlightenment, which in Jewish means the transition of the intellectual self, ie. conscious fact-based decision making to the actual Self, the one that dalliances through life in a way that is brilliant without very much effort. John called this state of being "the Word made flesh."
The more word experiences of the essence of the Light of the Word we incorporate into this Fourth State the more we add to an experience of "the interlinear."
The second chapter explains the process of being a man in his manner as "turning water into wine." As we all know the body is made up of mostly water. It is through the addition of food the water becomes the blood. Jewish sages compared the process of the reddening of the blood to the tending of the vine, its harvest, pressuring, jaring and fermenting to the process of enlightenment. All Torah texts state this is not possible until after a man sqwerts and learns how to behave like a lady in society, i.e. after the Third Day.
This frame is filled with important metaphors as to how to jump the broom and enter the Fourth Day, the prize mankind does not yet understand how to achieve. This is because we do not know how to throw a wedding.
Weddings are 969, טוט, tut, a "strawberry" "To swoon over a schlong."
"The masculine noun עשת ('eshet), which our dictionaries translate with plate (BDB flaccidly suggests: "as smooth or shiny?"). It's used only once, in Song of Solomon 5:14, where the Bride reviews the מעה (me'eh) of her beloved. This wonderful word has to do with the lower torso and may either refer to the inner abdomen or womb in case of women. It may indeed describe both genders' sexual parts, and metaphorically the feelings and emotions of a person.
Most translations will have the Bride talk of her man's shiny six pack (or even more general: his "body"), but when we realize that perfectly decent sexual considerations weren't deemed inappropriate until a few centuries ago, we'll readily receive the obvious, namely that she was swooning over his schlong. And what of it? It was an ivory עשת ('eshet), topped with sapphires."
The wedding between some lucky Jewish gal and the guy with a shiny six pack (more on this to follow) takes place in Cana in Galillee, "in the cylinder of truth."
The six Jars that are filled with water are the Six Days, each is used to find a particular pool of attributes of God. At the conclusion of the Wedding, the Seventh Day, these become the wine as man graduates from being a student of the truth to being an aspect of it.
Jesus Changes Water Into Wine
2 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”
4 “Woman,[a] why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”
5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
6 Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.[b]
7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim.
8 Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.”
They did so, 9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside 10 and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”
11 What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.
12 After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples. There they stayed for a few days.
After the main event, the Holy Family goes to Capernaum, the Village of Nahum, the Village of Comfort. After a wedding, everyone wonders how long the marriage will last. The Holy Family must have been shitting rivers over whether or not the miracle Jesus performed would be enough to convince the people to revolt against Rome and destroy the Christian Church, thus freeing humanity forever.
The Values in Gemtria are:
v. 1-3: They have no more wine. Certainly we don't.
Wine is 954, טהד, tahd, "to consolidate." Because schmegmas are in charge the police are busy complicating things, we are a disjunct, desperate human race. The Gospel says to fix this, we need to perform a wedding.
The Number is 13217, יגביז, yigbiz, "stop the warping and perversion, we need a bottom line."
v. 4-7: Jewish law states man is clean after washing for only an hour then he must rinse again. Jesus says man is not ready for the wedding, what is called Mashiach in Hebrew and neither was anyone else. Mary, His mother whose name means "rebellion" told everyone in the house to get ready, and fast.
The Number is 16355, י״וגהה, "the yoga of the 13" = the glitter, the shine, AKA Baptism in the Holy Ghost, AKA shaloshah, "the strength of three times."
So John said we must wash and get dirty again three times before we are ready for the bridegroom of Shabbat.
v. 8-9: Now take the water to the master. Once a boy can sqvuish, he must obey the Torah, his master and experiment conscientiously. There is no doubt puberty is an uncertain time, but about certain aspects of the Self, however there must always be certainty.
The Number is 11323, ג יאגב, c yagev, "his exhibits." Everyone wants the stud with trimmed pubes and big muscles and lots of apparent powess that he shows off in the shower room, but the Torah says wait and see.
v. 10-11: Men and women of all ages are worried ordinary looking and acting persons are incapable of satisfying their erotic needs. I have never had this experience. Jesus says the best wine, the best man is the one we wait for. This revelation is called Cana of Gaillee, "wait and see if he is honest or if he is a flea."
The Number is 13301, יגלא, yagla, "wait and find out first."
v. 12: After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples. There they stayed for a few days. The Number is 8174, חאזד, chazd. "Beware the party on the side, on the flank."
Hat= terror
Zed= party
Recall God told John in the beginning of the Gospel, "I saw you were unhappy." While my pen is inking the story of a gay romp through marriage, and none of Jesus's advice about this is bad, the lesson is for society itself, regardless of orientation. We are running into the arms of scoundrels all of the time. This is happening in our personal lives and now in our political lives. An age old problem is still with us. But now the Master has given us a fresh look at the Gospel in order to help us make our way into the arms of another.
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"The Spittle." Mark 7: 31-37.
Jesus continues to evangelize about the possibilities of a Jewish-Greco-Roman culture, a product of a real modern world. At the time this Gospel was written however, an upstart was sneaking up on Him, a vile thing called the Early Church, and we know how that turned out. We are still living with it.
But at the time, there was the possibility the rubbish Saul of Tarsus and the state were peddling might be overcome. This is why Saint Mark says "Jesus left the Vicinity" to hunt for fertile fish in the Sea of Galillee, "the region of the cylinder" (the Torah) wherein was found the Decapolis, people familiar with the Ten Decrees. About all of this Jesus says we must speak "plainly". Imagine that!
Jesus Heals a Deaf and Mute Man
31 Then Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon, down to the Sea of Galilee and into the region of the Decapolis.[h] 32 There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged Jesus to place his hand on him.
33 After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue.
34 He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be opened!”). 35 At this, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly.
36 Jesus commanded them not to tell anyone. But the more he did so, the more they kept talking about it. 37 People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 31-32: They begged Jesus to place His hand. They wanted to know more about the Maha Shabbat, the Passover.
The Number is 11161, יאאוא, wow.
"The particle ו (waw) is the most occurring verbal unit in the Bible. Its name means peg or hook and its shape resembles one, and its job is to tie words, statements and sentences together."
v. 33. He spit. The Number is 7043, עדג, edg, "A fish that is caught with a spear." Jesus went to the Sidon to find people who were familiar with the Law after his discussion with the Amphora. The Passover was a mere 35 years old at this point, and not widspread in a Romanized world, so he spat when he spoke about it, meaning he unrolled the cylinder:
"Together with the preposition ανα (ana), meaning on or upon: the verb αναπτυσσω (anaptusso), meaning to un-fold or rather un-roll (Luke 4:17 only). Note that Luke's use of this and the previous word suggest a similarity between the two lips of a mouth and the two rolls of a book scroll: when unrolled, the mouth speaks, but when rolled back up, the mouth closes and the audience chews."
v. 34-35: His tongue was loosened. The Number is 9044, ץד, "The party aspect."
Compare to the absurd and oppressive material found in the Epistles of "Saint Paul":
"Paul writes, 1 Corinthians 14:33b-36, as in all the churches of the saints, 34 the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. And if they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.
From 1 Timothy 2:
11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet.
And then there is Paul's famous injunction against women even being seen:
1 Timothy 2:9: Women should dress modestly and appropriately, avoiding elaborate hairstyles, gold, pearls, or expensive clothing.
1 Corinthians 11:2-16: Paul addresses women in the Corinthian church who were not wearing head coverings while praying or prophesying. Paul affirms the cultural practice of women wearing head coverings as a symbol of submission to their husbands. He also says that women should consider what their appearance implies about their relationship with God.
Finally there are his famous words about gays and lesbians whom he says should suffer capital punishment in Romans 1.
Christ said nothing about these things, and we know He began His ministry in the household of a gay couple, Simon and Andrew. None of the female heads of household in the Torah were told to be silent nor to cover their hair or be submission to men.
The stark contrasts between the treatment of men, women and gays between the Epistles and the actual Gospels was heralded by John the Baptist as the Good News and indeed, it was.
Except Saul of Tarsus was a heretic and a piece of shit. Read on, how Jesus says He plans to change the directions on everything that freak Saul told people about being Jewish:
v. 36-37: He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak. The Number is 13343, יגגדג , yagad, "to bind."
"Possibly related to or derived from the verb יחד (yahad) is the noun, adjective and adverb אחד ('ehad), generally meaning one. It should be noted that the Hebrew language of the Bible doesn't make use of numerical digits, and deploys words for amounts with the same poetic lack of precision that gives any word its true charge. Our word occurs 960 times in the Old Testament and "stresses unity while recognizing diversity within that oneness," in the words of HAW Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament.
Our word may simply mean one (Genesis 27:38, Joshua 23:10, Malachi 2:10) or once (2 Kings 6:10, Psalm 62:12), or a certain one (1 Samuel 1:1), or only (1 Kings 4:19), or first (Genesis 1:5). But it also expresses a oneness of obvious multiple elements: of the joined curtains of the tabernacle (Exodus 26:6), of Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:24), of peoples (Genesis 34:16).
The "one" language spoken until the tower of Babel collapsed was not a common tongue (because the languages had already diverged; Genesis 10:5, 10:20, 10:31) but rather a unity of the human condition. The famous phrase "YHWH is God; YHWH is One" (Deuteronomy 6:4, also see Zechariah 14:9) may not necessarily defend the monotheistic dogma, but rather be like the phrase "God is love" (1 John 4:8) which reflects inter-human behavior (John 17:22-23, Acts 2:46, Romans 15:5, Ephesians 4:3)."
Who doesn't want to be invited to a party where people are having fun? If you know of one and can bring a guest, I'm free.
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he is reading the gospel of saint john, the illustrated parchment crinkled and yellow. he had been painting the dragon helm of a letter of this story, when the monastery got raided. he is in the house where they had escaped to, in running away from earl haraldson. it was a beautiful story, he knowing other stories in the bible too, yet that was the only thing he was holding. ragnar had noticed him clutching this story, a short story which he drew and breathed illustrative scenes in, he seeing this priest had story and promise to offer. he prays ragnar would live, he rescuing him from the sea of galillee. as he reads the gospel, he thinking mary meeting jesus was beautiful. he seeing her in blue and white, he feeling a bit more alive and hopeful. she bore the same name of jesus' mother, yet was a disciple of him who witnessed his resurrection.
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Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand, From Matthew 15: 29-39.
The miracles of Christ are proof He was the Son of God. As we explore proper translations of the Miracles, let's explore the ways we can apply APEST to each one, specifically, what is a rational, contemporaneous application of each one to the possible liberation of all of God's people from the war, poverty, corruption, oppression, and depravity that are being unleashed on us today by our world's leaders?
The Presence of the Christ, the God of Israel in the flesh was not a sign humanity was to compensate for the cruelty of the world, but to remind us of the institutions God gave us that were designed to prevent its onset.
One of these is called Beersheba, the Seven Wells, the Seven Noachide Laws which are referred to in the following:
29 Jesus left there and went along the Sea of Galilee. Then he went up on a mountainside and sat down.
30 Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them.
31 The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel.
32 Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.”
33 His disciples answered, “Where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feed such a crowd?”
34 “How many loaves do you have?” Jesus asked.
“Seven,” they replied, “and a few small fish.”
35 He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. 36 Then he took the seven loaves and the fish, and when he had given thanks, he broke them and gave them to the disciples, and they in turn to the people.
37 They all ate and were satisfied. Afterward the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.
38 The number of those who ate was four thousand men, besides women and children.
39 After Jesus had sent the crowd away, he got into the boat and went to the vicinity of Magadan.
The story of the Miracle begins in Galillee, the "turning of the wheel." The turning of the wheel refers to the Hebrew calendar and the timing of the Seven Festivals. Each has specific instructions for the kind of knowledge that is to be gained and applied. The same knowledge is to be displayed in public in the visible signs of the conditions of the government and people in the commune that observes the Calendar.
Jesus climbs a mountain and preaches down. This the process of Galilee at work. By reading scripture, we go up, the Spirit of God comes down.
The trouble we are experiencing on earth right now is a sign our leaders are not doing a particularly briliant job of occupying the position Christ takes in the scripture, but have hope, it means we still can.
Note that this word is also identical to the Hebrew version of the name Galilee (Joshua 20:7, 1 Kings 9:11, Isaiah 9:1).
The previous noun made feminine: גלילה (gelila), meaning circuit, boundary or territory (Joshua 4:4, Ezekiel 47:8).
The noun גלול (gillul), meaning idols (Ezekiel 22:3, 1 Kings 15:12). This word occurs only in plural. Scholars can't decide whether this noun came from the idols' shapes (round/curvy?) or whether they were considered "dung-things" or crap, so to speak.
The masculine noun גלגל (galgal), meaning wheel (Isaiah 5:28) or whirlwind (Psalm 77:18).
The masculine noun גלגל (gilgal), meaning wheel (Isaiah 28:28 only).
The feminine noun גלגלת (gulgoleth), meaning skull or head. Note that the noun פנים (panim), meaning face, comes from the verb פנה (pana), meaning to turn. Also note that in Biblical times the head did not hold the same regard as it does to us today. To us the image of a skull represents death or danger, but that symbolism is not Biblical. In Biblical times, the head was also not regarded as the seat of the mind or the intellect, but rather as the most public part of the body, comparable with the door of a house or city.
The head was seen as the seat of individual personality, or rather a person's public profile. It was the part of a person with which that person engaged others and the world around him.
One consumed food via the head, listened to others, spoke to others and viewed others, but the head was not seen as a repository or reservoir of anything.
The consumption of food, of one's views, the ways one listens, hears and then speaks is determined by the ingredients. The Seven Loaves and Fish are examples.
Since the Miracle is laden with Numbers, let us go verse by verse and get to the bones of the real Gospel Torah hidden in the English and the Greek translations:
v. 29: The Value in Gematria is 6224, ובבד, "and in the fabric." I have said many times Jesus was a facade. He was the Spirit of God, woven in, hidden in the flesh and is now hidden in the words of this scripture. He came to the earth to put an end the belief the practices of Rome, which included conscription and slavery and the belief human sacrifice was pleasing to God.
All other concepts of the Christ are incorrect. Sane persons will understand and agree.
v. 30: The Value in Gematria is 4548, דהדח, "roared." To tend to the needs of the lame and crippled is to roar like a lion, AKA to bring the law and justice where injustice was the apex predator. Lions are needed if the world is ever going to begin turning as God intended once again.
v. 31 : The Value in Gematria is 9097, טאֶפֶסטז, tapestry. The Hebrew word for tapestry is marbad, which means "to become myriad, to be multi-colored."
This means to be and observe the mysterious ways the God of Israel cures us of the crippling power of ignorance, freeing the real persons within and around us.
v. 32: The Value in Gematria is 13112, יגיאב, yagiav. "God is the father of all that is in one's midst."
It denotes land as that which yields vegetation and produce (Matthew 13:5), or land as supporting a political entity: a country or region (Matthew 2:20), or the whole human realm (Luke 11:31, Romans 9:17).
v. 33-34: The Value in Gematria is 13915, יגטאה, igatea, "the wish for God's wine."
Bread is the process of sowing, tilling, howing, growing, harvesting and hulling grain and milling it into flour. We take for granted how arduous and complicated a slice of bread is, and how essential to life until it starts disappearing from the shelves or becomes too expensive to afford.
Bread is civilization itself. We depend on the land for bread, and we depend on each other in the same way. Fish, which school, represent the wishful thinking mankind has always had that it will teach itself to depend on the bread in good faith and enjoy life on a very beautiful and comfortable world.
v. 35-36: The Value in Gematria is 11011, יאאֶפֶסיא, yaepsia, "Jesus teaches the Disciples about the importance of Shabbat."
ya= god
Then there are two more words that are identical to the two previously mentioned: אי ('i). Then there is the similarly spelled interrogative adverb אי ('ay), which spawns a small array of inquisitive particles.
The root אוה ('wh I) isn't used in the Bible, but an Arabic equivalent means (according to BDB Theological Dictionary) (1) to betake oneself to a place for dwelling; and (2) to be tenderly inclined.
This root's sole Biblical derivative is the masculine noun אי ('i) meaning coast or region (according to BDB: a place whither one betakes oneself for resting, etcetera, originally from a mariner's standpoint).
v. 37: The Value in Gematria is 7884, זחחד, zachhad, "remember to go through the motions":
Do establish laws.
Don’t curse God.
Do not practice idolatry.
Do not engage in illicit sexuality.
Do not participate in bloodshed.
Do not rob.
Do not eat flesh from a living animal.
v. 38: The Value in Gematria is 5182, האחב, "the love."
v. 39: Jesus went then to Magadan, which means "the harp" or the psalter, which means He mixed his voice and the sound of the instrument together in order to conjure a vision of the future.
The Value in Gematria is 7275, זבזה, wasted for which the Hebrew word is gamur, which is much more optimistic. The verb גמר (gamar) means to complete, end or come to an end. It occurs only five times (all in the Psalms; Psalm 12:2, 77:9, 138:8, 7:10 and 57:3) and has the basic meaning of to complete, finish, but can also be used to indicate a sudden stop or termination.
The real meaning then of the Miracle is...if we have the right leadership and goals, and they engage us through the belief every life matters and has a purpose to play in the rearing and fulfillment of the rest, the dream of Christ comes true.
If we continue as we are, following madmen and women into or around the craters that used to be farmland and cities, life on earth will end and never return.
All Judaic scripture follows certain tracks. In the Miracle of the Loaves and Fish, Jesus explains how to avoid the end of civilized life on earth:
God is the governor.
Social justice was instituted by God. It is written in the Torah and the Gospels it is also written into Federal Law. It is not optional, not anywhere on this world for any reason.
Human varietals are free to express themselves. The government reflects the unity and variety and protects it.
The land is also a governor.
Civilization is the intersection of the land and the government.
Shabbat -freedom from ignorance about the former preserves the land and the government and gives them meaning and value in our lives which is demonstrated to our children.
Promoting the law in all we do is how we ensure future generations become self-sovereign.
The voice and the music must become one. The world needs to recognize the above principals all at once, not a little at a time through legal agreement.
We know the Greeks learned everything they knew from Jews, so it makes sense translations of Greek accounts of the Christ can easily be decrypted using Hebrew Gematria, the original language of the God of Israel in order to understand His explicit directions underneath the ornamentation used by religion.
As the verse says, "I have great compassion for these people, they have been with me three days."
The Three Days are behind us- we now know we have to move on to the Fourth, to use what God gave us to be good, to attract to ourselves what is inevitable and set by God.
To achieve this, we need to look into our past and see if somewhere, somewhen, the human race used good sense and inquired of the Spirit of God for a way to exceed the annals of a troubled world. By consulting the Gospels and digging, applying the formula of APEST, our prospects for success seem more realistic.
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the sea of galillee . Wrote by Billy Waters as Billy the kid Forest City NC
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MAY 21, 2023: Dear Friends, Thank you for following this blog on learning to know and understand the Bible, God’s Holy Word to it’s readers. We are currently in a series that is teaching learning the Bible by how to search for and find Bible verses to read and contemplate, learning the locations of the books of the Bible, including which books are in the Old Testament and which are in the New testament of the Bible, the approximate timeframe of when the books were written or when the events written about in a book took place, and learning how the books of the Bible are related to each other. Go to keeganbooks.com to review the past 5 blogs on learning the Bible.
The focus this week will be on continuing our study of how the books of the Bible are related. We are currently learning how specific geographic sites, like the town of Bethlehem that is written about in many books of the Bible, helped relate some books of the Bible to each other. To add interest to the Bible study, add the timeframe of the books that had the geographic site (Bethlehem) written in the books to add and broaden perspective on what is being read.
In this week’s study, the geographic sites of Jericho and the Sea of Galillee will be followed through the books of the Bible. Return to the previous blogs mentioned above to learn the approximate timeframe of when the book that the site is written in was written. Growth in knowledge and understanding of the Bible will increase, allowing one to gain confidence in what is being learned in Bible.
Geographic Sites: Be aware that there may be hundreds of years between the books with the site named, but the geographic site was still there in the timeframe written and is still there today. JERICHO: Joshua, chapter 2 and chapter 3: (1500 BCE). Luke, chapter 18 verses35, through chapter 19, through verse 28. (approx 28 AD. more than 1500 years since the Israelites crossed over into the Promised Land into Jericho) THE SEA OF GALILEE: Also known as the Sea of Chinnereth: Numbers, chapter 34, verses 11-12 (1500 BCE) and Joshua, chapter 12, verse 3. (1500 BCE) also known as the Lake of Gennesaret: Luke, chapter 5, verse 1: (Approx 28. AD). and the Sea of Tiberias: John, chapter 6, verse 1.(approx 28 AD, approximately 1500 years from when first written in Joshua).
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“Homeless Jesus —- the Last, the Least, the Lost” 💞 🇮🇱 Capernaum, the town of Jesus Galilee Israel Trails and tales of my wandering 🐾 ... #capernaum #galillee #israel #faith #love #hope #charity #christianity #homelessjesus #nihaokitty_travels #wheremysize7feetinnikeswilltakeme #trailsandtalesofmywanderingpaws #traveltheworld (at Capharnaüm Israël,) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBYHPkcJ1l1/?igshid=68tri7cawbky
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Galilaeans Received Him
John 4:43-45.
Now after two days He departed thence, and went into Galilee.
For Jesus Himself testified, that a prophet hath no honour in his own country.
Then when He was come into Galilee, the Galilaeans received Him, having seen all the things that He did at Jerusalem at the feast: for they also went unto the feast.

There is some controversy about why Jesus went into Galilee, and…
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זריחה בין הגדר, Sunrise through the fence #yaspics #sunrise #israel #fencedesign #redsunrising #roshpina #galillee #golanheights #shaddow #designs #wakingupearly #vacation #magicalsunrise #isreal_view #tmunot_israel #photographerfocus #israelmustdo ##travelisrael #israelmylove #israeli_moments #urbanisrael #mountains #ראשפינה #ישראל #זריחה #שמש (at Rosh Pinah) https://www.instagram.com/p/By7DW5HDe0y/?igshid=3g2e9yk3xym8
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Today we also celebrate the Holy Prophet Joel. The Prophet Joel (800 B.C.) predicted the desolation of Jerusalem. He also prophesied that the Holy Spirit would be poured out upon all people, through the Savior of the world (Joel 2:28-32). The hymnographer Anatolius links Joel’s prophecy to the Nativity of the Lord. In the Praises at Matins on the Sunday following the Nativity, he refers to Joel 2:30, saying that the blood refers to the Incarnation, the fire to the Divinity, and the pillars of smoke to the Holy Spirit. May he intercede for us always + Source: https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2022/10/19/102997-prophet-joel (at Upper Galillee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3hhtcLzWZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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David Pawson - The Gospel of Mark - Unlocking the bible
@Calvin Bonner Could you please relay the information you compiled to arrive at these assertions. Your hypotheses were well constructed and your reasoning is sound.
Tom Wilson In 1990, I was teaching Sunday School to High Shcool students and the superintendent said something at Easter that I later found out originated with the Eastern Orthodox Church to the effect that Jesus had to die in order be Resurrection and it stopped me cold,
I decided that I needed to gain a deeper command of the Bible as a matter of due diligence and started with William Barclay's commentaries on them, starting with Matthew. When I got to Mark, the next in the series, I had an ephiphany reading the forward that Cornelius was the author. It just came into my mind, unbidden, and I knew I had to provide a lot more evidence to support the premise before I could take it public,
I was an English major in college and had several courses in the literature of the Bible, so I never came close to the apologetics of solo scriptura, which, in its present form, is, like Luther's commentaries, forensic in nature and a product of the Marxist dialectic historic deconstruction that became popular during the 6l0s. But it was apparent to me immediately that the Gospel According to Mark begins when Jesus appears above the Roman military horizon as a potential insurgent and the rest I've pieced together, bit by bit, over the years, the most important obstacle, as it turns out, being the structures of the Roman military.
My eye sight is such that I cannot read comfortably any long and, starting in 2012, began depending upon YouTube videos, such as Pawson, to provide context separate from the doctrine that it may be embedded in. Bruce Gore's extensive commentaries have been particularly useful because he is Presbyterian and my early church life was Presbyterian. I have his Historical and Chronological Context of the Bible (which he also presents as a video series) that is invaluable.
The thing is, I am an Army brat and a combat veteran and the narrative of Mark, in particular, falls stylistically into the genre of military journalism and history. And it would have been due diligence on the Roman's part to pay attention to this remarkable event. They had absolutely no expectation of resurrection and I can guarantee, from experience, that something like that would have gone through the legions like grass through a goose. It's just the way soldiers spend their time,
Now, for example, from Bruce Gore's series on the historical context of Revelation, I learned that Tertullian had a citation from the Roman archives that Tiberius had proposed elevating Jesus as a legal diety from intelligence he had received from Palestine (Apology V) and that, in his presentation to the Senate, he introduced the nomenclature "Christian" to Rome by 36 but it doesn't show up in Acts until 43 in Antioch, which had a very cosmopolitan population and routine trade with Rome. "Christian" is the sort of label soldiers give to indigenous populations in the way we called Vietnamese terrorists "Charlie". This indicates to me that a Roman portfolio around this whole Resurrection business had been developing Before Cornelius debriefed Peter in 40 and, of course, that portfolio is Quelle.
So, that's the way my defense of the premise that Cornelius is the author of Mark has come together: bits and pieces here and there, over the years. Another example is an on-line course I took from N.T. Wright on Acts when I first encountered Acts 24:22 "Then Felix, who was well informed about the Way...". Well, of course he was, because the Romans had at least as formidable an intelligence service as MI6 and, to a lesser extent, the CIA. Both PIlate and Cornelius were creatures of the Praetorian Guards, Pilate on the same career path as Julius Caesar and Cornelius a centurion at the apex of his career in Rome but seconded to Palestine as Pilate's administrative Chief of Staff with an eye to retiring in the Galillee.
But Felix was not part of the Roman Christian Cabal inside the Praetorian Guard that both Pilate and Cornelius reported to, represented by Theophilus.
For simplicity's sake, I assume Luke began writing Acts as an amicus brief to support Paul's defense in Rome and that he relied, initially, on journals he would have routinely maintained beginning around 50, but that everything that he relates before that date is based on interviews and research he does while Paul is imprisoned in Caesarea, when the Jerusalem church, in particular Peter, introduces him to Cornelius and Cornelius makes Q available to him, along with the Gospels of Mark and Matthew (I also assume that the Gospel of Peter reflects the contents of the intelligence report that was forwarded to Tiberius that Tertullian cites and Cornelius provides Peter this version of events from essentially Roman sources)(it's important to recognize that the Christian narrative begins to reflect Roman Standard Time after Acts 10, which occurs in 39 or 40. The Gospel of Mark is rigidly compliant to a Roman chronology, but very compressed. It is my thesis that the Gospel of John was written by John Mark as a memoir from his experience with Jesus between his 12th birthday sometime around the festival of Tabernacles in 26 and the Passover in 30, when he was 15. The narratives of Mark and John coincide in Chapter 6 before the Passover in 29 and converge on Palm Sunday in Chapter 11 of both books: Lazarus is raised from the dead the evening after the Triumphal Entry)
Now, I've also reviewed skeptics and anti-theists such as Ken Humphries and Richard Carrier, who skoff at the notion of Jesus, and Bart Ehrman, who I hold in contempt because he became Born again to be popular in high school and has become apostate to be popular as a college professor (and in solidarity with Dale Martin, a gay episcopalian who teaches a Yale Couse on line I have found very useful). Again, little bits and pieces fall out of their research that fills in blanks I can't find elsewhere.
I also review the videos of Henry Abramsom and Lawrence Troster who proved an essential Jewish perspective on the period and people, particularly in regards to Joesephus and Paul.
The thing is, Christianity ceased to be a Jewish celebration when He died and became the future of Rome with Resurrection. There is on doubt in my mind that both sides of the battle of Milvian Bridge was predominately Christian (a proposition Tertullian reflects) and Constantine's adoption of ΧΡ became a determining Force Mulitiplier for his soldiers and destroyed the morale of the opposing soldiers. And, just for the record, the collapse of the Roman Empire began when Constantine disbanded the Praetorian Guard, which had represented the executive functions of the republic for 1000 years, horizontally, and the decadent verticle structures of what became the Vatican and theocracy replaced it.
Anyway, this illustrates the nature of my sources and the evolution of my defense of the premise that Cornelius was the author of the Gospel According to Mark. In 2012, David Pawson became one of my first resources and once you strip away his Scots predestination, he is a valuable source of both hard fact and important historical trivia.
The biggest obstacle I have is to overcome the conventional wisdom that Mark was written after Paul's epistles had been circulating: it's a political issue of Evangelicals because they want Paul to represent primacy of doctrine and, in essence, that Paul sold Rome on Christianity.
The fact is, the Romans bought into Christianity whole hog with Resurrection, but they didn't have any idea what it was they had encountered except that it was big medicine. The important thing that Paul brought Rome was the Christian ethic contained in Romans 13:1 - 7, which endorses the secular rule of law of Rome. The first 18 books of the canon, the 4 Gospels, Acts and Paul's 13 letters, represent field research in the manner of military evaluation and Hebrews is the finding that becomes the manifesto of the Roman Catholic Church leading to Nicea. I believe that Theophilus is the author of Hebrews and he played a similar role as John LeCarre's George Smiley as the case officer.
I'll leave it there except that it is obvious that the codex is a Roman innovation. The Roman intelligence services kept their spy reports on loose leaf papryus and transmitted lengthy reports comprised of raw intelligence from the field by individual sheets bound on one edge for expediency. And the rough coine Greek of Mark reflects the verbatum reports acquired from the spy networks. And my guess is, Mark was originally written in Latin.
Thanks for your interest.
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The role of the prophet, the fate of the prophet
The role of the prophet, the fate of the prophet
Press Release Responding to John the Baptist’s Denunciation of Herod Antipas A spokesman for Herod, tetrarch of Galillee, has denounced as “further authoritarian righteousness” a condemnation of his marriage by the preacher John. Herod recently married Herodias, the former wife of his brother Philip, tetrarch of Iturea and Traconitis. John, known locally as “the baptist” because of his practice…
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