#galdino x oc
ztarvokwrites · 2 years
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a/n: oh shit oh fuck i'm back! hi! it's been a long ass while hehe!!! hope you're all doing well and have had a wonderful - if not, pleasant holiday! first of all, i apologise for leaving so suddenly. i was hit with major writers' block after i tried to finish the starmeppo fic and just... couldn't. but, i'm back!! well, idk how long for, but i am back!! i'm gonna try and slowly start posting again. basically i'll just post whenever i finish a fic that i have/had creativity for and maybe dip again lmao. anywho... enjoy this very late festive fic!
warnings: NSFW FOR LIKE A PARAGRAPH SO MDI! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MDI!!! and also just a bunch of sweetness hehe
synopsis: galdino has a surprise for his beloved this christmas season ❤️
word count: 4,654 (this took me WEEKS cos of procrastination and writers block lmao enjoy)
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Snow fell upon the deck of The Big Top as the crew had approached the nearest festive island for a much needed vacation - although, it took a lot of bribing from Galdino for Buggy to agree.
“Why do you want to go there so badly anyway? That place isn’t very flashy, y’know.” He snorted as Galdino crossed his arms. Buggy’s finger tapped on his desk as he impatiently waited for an answer, watching as Galdino seemed to hesitate his response. His expression turned to a soft scowl as he watched his mouth open and close like a fish on land. With a grit of his teeth, Buggy slammed his fist down on the desk, making Galdino jump.
“WILL YOU SHUT IT?! I’m trying to find a way to tell you privately and this-” Galdino responded, looking around to see Cabaji standing by the door, eyes closed and arms crossed as he leant against the wall. “Isn’t very private.”
Buggy cocked a brow, confused as to why he was now sweating and very curious as to why he wanted to tell him the reason in private. He sighed, throwing a pen at Cabaji to get his attention. How the unicyclist napped through the yelling was beyond him.
“Out.” Demanded his Captain, to which - although as confused as Cabaji was - he complied, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. Galdino leant back in the chair he was sitting on with a sigh as he thanked his superior. Buggy did the same - minus the thanking - and crossed his arms, a deep frown on his painted lips.
“Well?” Questioned the Clown. “Why do you want to go to this specific island so desperately?”
“Well, Christmas is coming up in a few weeks,” Began Galdino, making Buggy’s eyes roll. “And I thought it’d be nice to surprise Rose with her gift.” Buggy’s eyes perked up a bit with interest. He leant forward with a brow raised, completely confused and intrigued.
“‘Surprise Rose’? What gift?” Quizzed the man, elbows now on the desk as he narrowed his eyes at the Wax Man, who began to sweat a little bit harder. “Just what are you going to give to her that’s so surprising?”
Cabaji only heard muffled voices for a bit, so he closed his eyes again, fully prepared to fall asleep at the door once more, until a loud shriek made him fall flat on his face.
“I SAID SHUT UP!!” Galdino yelled back, hands giving the arm rests of the chair a death grip as Buggy immediately quietened down, a grin wide on his painted face. Galdino did not like that look. Buggy rested his cheek on the palm of his gloved hand, still grinning.
“So, Romeo,” Buggy slightly mocked. Oh God. “What’s your plan, hmm?” Galdino sucked his teeth, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms as he glared softly at him.
“There’s no way in Hell I am going to tell you.” He responded, making Buggy feign offense.
“What?! Why not?!” Shrieked Buggy, again.
“Because you’ll ruin what I have planned again,” Galdino bluntly spoke, eyebrows furrowing. “You ruined our last date, remember? And that was almost three months ago. We haven’t had a proper date in 3. Damn. Months, Buggy.”
“Alright, alright,” Buggy sighed, putting his hands up in defense. “I promise I won’t foil your plan this time… Now, tell me? Pretty please?”
“Ugh,” Galdino cringed as the Clown batted his eyelashes at him. “Fine! Just, stop that and listen. Before I start, I do not want you telling everyone here about my plan. I’d rather be dead than have Rose find out about what I’m going to do.”
Buggy nodded and listened closely as Galdino began, telling him his plan in a hushed voice.
Outside, Roseanne shivered. Despite being in one of Galdino’s thick-as-fuck coats, she couldn’t help but shiver. Alvida stood beside her in one of her own thick coats, however she wasn’t shivering at all. The taller woman sighed.
“Why the Hell are you shivering? You’ve got a coat on.” Alvida remarked, making Roseanne shoot a glare at her.
“Shut up. I’m more used to warmer climates, okay?” The shorter woman argued, teeth chattering and cheeks rosy.
“Darling,” Called Galdino, making the two women turn towards him. Roseanne briefly glared at Alvida as Galdino deadpanned as he made his way over to them. “I didn’t mean you.” Alvida tutted and rolled her eyes.
“Charming.” She spat before walking away. Galdino sighed, watching her leave before turning to his dear with a soft smile. He chuckled a little as she shivered.
“Still cold, my Dear?” He rhetorically asked. Roseanne shot him a glare.
“The fuck do you think?” Spat Roseanne, making him flinch a little before shivering himself. He cleared his throat before taking one of her hands in his and bringing it up to his lips, placing a kiss to the back of her palm. Roseanne felt her cheeks become warm as he smiled at her, his other arm wrapping around her.
“Let’s go inside for now, hm? We’ll be arriving at our destination fairly soon.” Galdino spoke as they walked together to their shared quarters. Roseanne blinked, leaning into him a little more as they walked.
“Hey, why are we even going to that winter island?” She asked as they entered the room. Galdino took the coat off for her and hung it up before leading her to sit down on the two-seated couch, sitting down beside her. Heat rose to her cheeks once more as his hand rested on her thigh.
“Buggy said the island always had - and I quote - “flashy parties”. We basically have no choice.” Galdino quickly explained, his thumb gently caressing her thigh, making her squirm a little. Roseanne sighed, trying to keep her cool.
“That’s just great. Let me guess; he’s not gonna give us five minutes to ourselves?”
“He has now.”
“I said,” Galdino spoke, his hand now resting on her inner thigh as his other hand cupped her cheek, making her face him. She could see a glint of something in his eyes that made her heart race and heat pool between her legs. “He has now.”
Roseanne’s face turned red and before she knew it, she had already leant in and pressed her lips to his. Fireworks went off in her belly as he kissed back with such vigor and passion, his hands now gripping her waist as her arms wrapped around his neck. It had been so long since they actually spent time together like this, she almost forgot what it felt like. Galdino took this opportunity to hoist her onto his lap before laying her down on the couch, breaking the kiss briefly to speak.
“He’s promised me he’d leave us alone for a while,” He began, his hands caressing her thighs. A smirk painted his lips as she blushed, the contact making her squirm. “So,” One of his hands moved to slide down one of his suspender straps. “Shall we, my Princess~?”
“Shut the fuck up and touch me already.”
“As you wish.”
Alvida knocked on the door to Buggy’s office, a gruff voice telling her to come in made her enter.
“Any clue as to why the Waxman is all perky today?” Questioned the lady, sitting down on one of the bean bags that Buggy insisted he is to have in his office. Buggy kept his lips closed, persing them. Alvida raised a brow. “You’re keeping secrets now? You and your big mouth?”
“THE FUCK DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY NOSE-” Buggy stopped yelling as they both heard muffled music coming from a certain couples’ quarters. Alvida and Buggy shared a confused look before they heard some soft moans, the two of them looking away from each other awkwardly.
“Well,” Spoke Alvida. “That answers my question.”
“Three told me to leave them alone when we get to the island.” Buggy suddenly explained, making Alvida raise a brow.
“Oh? Why? And why are we even going to that island?” She asked. Buggy sighed, looking her dead in the eyes.
“If I tell you, you must promise to not tell Roseanne or the others. I know for a fact that if you tell them, the crew would tell her.”
“Just tell me already.”
Clearing his throat. Buggy leaned in and told her. Alvida’s eyes widened and she began to smile.
“Are you serious?? Can… Can they even do that? I mean, we’re all Pirates.” She asked. Buggy smirked.
“I said I’d deal with it. All we need to do is find a priest and-”
“Force him to work with us?” Alvida guessed. Buggy chuckled.
Silence overcame them both as the soft moans from the quarters became a little bit louder. Alvida rolled her eyes as Buggy grimaced.
“Should we tell them to keep it down?” Asked Alvida. Buggy shook his head, standing up.
“Let them have some flashy fun and try to ignore it. I’m gonna go and see how close we are to the island-”
“CAPTAIN BUGGY!” One of Buggy’s lackeys burst through the door, making them jump. “WE’RE ABOUT TO REACH THE ISLAND!”
“Excellent,” Exclaimed the Clown with a big grin. “How long until we reach the shore?”
“About 2 hours, Sir! Also, should we go and tell Brother 3 and Sister Rose?” Asked the lackey. Buggy shook his head.
“I’ll tell them when they’re done.”
Rose’s legs shook ever so slightly, the feeling of his cock finally releasing deep inside of her making her quiver, his cum leaking out of her occupied hole. Galdino’s lips detached from her neck, his breath hot and heavy against her skin as he rested his head on her shoulder. He groaned as he felt her walls clench around his shaft, her pussy milking him for all he’s got. And he smiled at this. He’s certainly missed this feeling.
Lifting his head, the couple met eyes; her tired red irises meeting his own. He smiled down at her as she caught her breath. She truly looked like a rose in his eyes. His gorgeous, beautiful Rose. Without saying a word, he captured her lips in a long, soft kiss in which she returned tiredly. Galdino pulled away to look at her flushed face, a soft smile gracing her pretty features. He felt like he was falling in love with her all over again - like he had just met her for the first time. The Waxman gently pushed some hair out of her face and mouth, her bangs moving in her eyes.
“Ow…” She mumbled, blinking in an attempt to get the hair out of her eyes. Galdino chuckled, pushing her bangs out of the way so her forehead was visible. When she opened her eyes again, she softly chuckled. Galdino’s eyes softened before he leant down and began to pepper her face in kisses, making her all giggly. Rose’s giggles turned to laughter when his stubble tickled her skin. Galdino chuckled with her, planting kisses anywhere he could while whispering words of praise.
“So cute, my Rose.” He murmured. Rose’s face grew warm.
“With the prettiest eyes,” He kissed her eyelids, causing her to giggle. “And the prettiest laugh.” He kissed her nose and chin, making her smile. Galdino looked at her, completely smitten as his eyes darted to her shy grin. He sighed, lovestruck.
“And the prettiest-”
“HOLYFUCKINGSHITGETOUT!!” Galdino screeched, quickly covering up both of their naked bodies with a blanket and holding Roseanne in his arms tightly, shielding her from the intruders’ line of sight. He glared at them, noticing their striking blue hair and big red nose immediately.
Buggy’s eyes went wide, blinking in some form of shock before he shook his head and grinned.
“We’re about to reach land!” He exclaimed, a big grin on his face. Galdino narrowed his eyes, pissed off.
“GET. OUT.” He spat through his teeth as he held Rose closer to him. Buggy threw his hands up in defense.
“Hey, tell me to get out again and I won’t give you two alone time-” Wax was thrown at him. “AHH! OKAY OKAY! I’m leaving! Just, come out when you’re ready, okay?! God…” Buggy grumbled before swiftly leaving, closing the door. Galdino grumbled, gently placing Rose back on the bed with a soft apology.
“He didn’t see much, did he?” Roseanne softly asked, a harsh blush on her cheeks. Galdino shook his head.
“Don’t worry, my Love. I didn’t let him,” He reassured her, gently stroking her face with the backs of his fingers. “Did you hear that, though? We’re going to be arriving at the island soon.”
“I still don’t get why he wanted to come here. And how come you’re so excited all of a sudden?” Roseanne asked, kissing the palm of his hand. Galdino couldn’t help but internally swoon at the contact.
“Because he’s finally going to leave us alone for a while? Besides, I’m going to give you the best day of your life.” He promised with a grin. Roseanne cocked an eyebrow.
“Oh? But you already give me the best days of my life. What could make this one so special?” She innocently asked, hands reaching up to run her fingers through his long, black hair. Galdino blushed, both at the contact and her words, before he smiled, pecking her lips.
“You’ll see,” He pecked her lips again before sitting on the edge of the bed. “Now, get cleaned and dressed before Buggy barges in again. And make sure to wrap up warm,” He continued as Rose did the same. He stood up, walking to the bathroom. “I’ll turn on the shower while you pick out the best outfit you can find,” Roseanne walked up to him, legs wobbling a little as she looked at him in confusion. He turned to her, grinning. “I’m going to spoil you, my Dearest.”
Roseanne blushed as he pecked her lips again before heading into the bathroom. A giddy smile creeped up onto her lips as she immediately rushed over to her closet. A few minutes passed and her outfit was chosen, the couple had just gotten out of the shower and had begun to dry themselves off and get dressed.
“Want me to help you, my dear?”
“No thanks, Galdi,” Spoke Rose, blushing a little as his hands rested on her shoulders. “I’ve got it.”
Bangs were heard at the door and the couple were told to “hurry the fuck up”, so they did. Once they stepped on deck, Roseanne gasped. The winter island they had docked on had been decorated head to toe in multicolored lights and various festive decorations. Galdino’s gloved hand rested on the small of her back.
“Come on, my Love,” He mumbled, kissing the top of her head as she zipped up her coat. “We have a special room waiting just for us.”
“You said that last time and it was literally just a wax house in the middle of nowhere.” Roseanne spoke as they both got off of the ship. Galdino frowned a little.
“Yes, but you know why it was there.” He responded, smirking ever so slightly. Rose blushed profusely, mumbling for him to shut up as they made their way to a hotel. She raised a brow. The place was surely fancy, which was odd considering they were pirates and all. As soon as they got in and walked up to the reception desk, the receptionist behind the counter gasped, her face going pale.
“Y-You’re pira-”
“We’ll pay you to keep quiet.” Galdino interrupted, pulling out a small bag of berries and placing it on the desk, effectively making the receptionist shut up. She pursed her lips.
“...How much?”
“One hundred thousand. Take it or leave it.”
“...Here’s your key. Enjoy your stay!” The receptionist beamed, handing Galdino a room key, to which he thanked her before holding Roseanne’s hand and making their way to their hotel room.
“...What the fuck just happened?” She asked, completely confused. Galdino squeezed her hand with a smile.
“Just some basic negotiation, my Dear.” He spoke, unlocking the door to their room and leading her inside. To her surprise, all their luggage was already inside, however the balcony door was wide open and she saw a hand flying away. Galdino groaned softly.
“I told him to leave us alone for tonight…”
“What was that?” Roseanne asked, a small smirk on her lips. Galdino panicked a little.
“I- A-At least that saves us from doing it ourselves!” He spoke with a chuckle. That certainly was not what he said, but since he was treating her, she didn’t say a word. He then cleared his throat, wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled down at her. She looked up at him, confused.
“How about we do some sight-seeing, hm?” Galdino suggested.
“Okay, but,” Roseanne began, wrapping her arms around his neck. “What’s there to see?” Galdino just shrugged, making her pout.
“Awh, don’t make that face, my Love,” He spoke, kissing her lips. “It’ll be our own little adventure. How about it?” Roseanne hummed, seemingly thinking before nodding.
Time seemed to fly as the two wandered around the island, Roseanne’s eyes glistening with wonder as they looked at all the festive decorations and structures. Galdino couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he watched her point to things excitedly with a child-like grin. Then, they reached a ferris wheel. Roseanne pointed to it and turned to her tall boyfriend, a big grin on her face.
“Can we?” She asked, voice full of excitement. “I bet the view is beautiful from up there!” She sighed before her stomach grumbled loudly, making her embarrassed. Galdino laughed a little.
“Maybe after some food, eh? Come, let’s take you somewhere special, my Rose.” He spoke, linking their arms together and walking towards a nearby restaurant. Roseanne got nervous; this place looked fancy! But, before she could suggest someplace else, Galdino had already led her inside. The man at the front desk was the same as the lady from the hotel; scared. But after some negotiation, he took them to a table for two in the corner of the restaurant.
Roseanne didn’t want to ask anymore questions, she was just happy that they’ve got some time alone for once, albeit in a strange way. They had both been looking forward to something like this for months and she was glad they got it. As they ate, they talked; mainly about how grateful they both were to get away from the crew for a while.
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Began Roseanne as she ate her pasta. Galdino raised a brow. “How did you manage to get Buggy and all his… Delusional followers to leave us alone? I haven’t seen them or heard from them all day.” Galdino couldn’t help but feel a little jealous at this, her main question was about Buggy? His heart stung a little.
“Simple, I bribed him.” He answered, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. Roseanne hummed, eyes narrowing.
“With what?”
“Please tell me you didn’t give him any of our share, Galdino.” Roseanne pleaded. Galdino sighed, clearing his throat.
“No, I told him that if he left us alone for tonight, I’d find some treasure for him.” A lie. A simple lie was all it took for Roseanne to make a noise of understanding.
“Oh. Okay, then. And what about the crew?”
Galdino deadpanned at her question, getting rather annoyed and Roseanne mumbled an apology. The man shook his head with a small smile, his free hand reaching out and gently holding her own, his thumb running over her knuckles. They continued to eat and talk, Galdino giving Rose the occasional compliment and sweet words to make her blush. Once they ate all their food and left a tip, they left for the ferris wheel that Roseanne had pointed to earlier.
On board their little pod, the wheel began to slowly move. Roseanne was giddy with excitement. Galdino was sweating with nervousness. He had to keep it together until they reached the top. He had to. A gasp left her mouth as they finally reached the top. But it wasn’t a gasp of awe.
“The Marines are here.” She stated, making Galdino whip his head to the direction she was looking. He swallowed, cursing under his breath.
“We need to leave,” He spoke, making a bat out of wax and breaking a window. Roseanne nodded and took his hand before jumping out of the window with him. They landed on the soft snow and began to run towards the hotel, only to be stopped by the Marines. Hands through up into the air as guns were pointed at them.
“Stay right where you are and don’t move a muscle!”
Roseanne and Galdino briefly glanced at each other. Poor Galdino looked stressed while Roseanne looked like she was about to kill them all. Maniacal laughter made them jump.
“Captain Buggy has come to save the day!” Buggy screeched as two hands lifted the couple up by the hands and began to fly them back to the ship as some of their crewmates began to fight off the Marines. Roseanne scoffed.
“Why aren’t we down there kicking some ass?!” She exclaimed. Their feet hit the deck of The Big Top as Buggy dropped them. The Captain growled, agitated.
“Because if you were to die then Loverboy over here won’t be able to marry you-!” Galdino’s hand clasped over his painted mouth as he glared daggers at his superior.
“SHUT. UP.” He warned as Roseanne looked at them both with confusion written all over her face. Galdino turned to her and sighed, releasing Buggy’s mouth from his grip.
“Uhm,” Roseanne began, putting a hand on her hip. “What’s he on about?” She asked, now crossing her arms. Galdino sighed again, clearing his throat as he slowly walked up to her, getting something out of his back pocket.
“I was going to ask you this on the ferris wheel, but now that someone has ruined the surprise, I suppose I must ask you this now.” He spoke, shooting a glare at Buggy before turning back to Rose and getting down on one knee. Time seemed to slow. Roseanne’s heart rate slowed as she watched him take out the little black box and open it, presenting the most gorgeous diamond ring she had ever seen. Little Rubies encircled around the Diamond on the golden band and the shimmer the gems made were almost magical. Her hands clasped over her mouth as it opened in shock, eyes welling up with tears.
“Roseanne, you make me happy that I wake up every single day. Even when Buggy screams at me to get up when everyone else is sleeping, I take one look at you and I know that I’m going to have a good day, no matter how miserable it is,” Galdino began, his heart racing a mile a minute as he began to sweat. He swallowed the lump in his throat. He was far too nervous for this. “Granted, we didn’t get along at the beginning, but as time progressed, I felt myself falling deeper in love with you. You are the most perfect, most talented woman I have ever laid my eyes on and I cannot believe that I am with you,” His voice cracked a little bit, yet he continued. He had to. “Roseanne, every single day, I can’t stop thinking about you. About us. My Love, I- I…” He trailed off, seemingly lost for words before he sharply inhaled through his teeth. He was melting at this point. “Will you marry me, my dear Rose?”
He did it. He finally did it. Buggy held his breath. Galdino watched her reaction carefully through his glasses.
Roseanne couldn’t move, the heat rushing to her face made it hard to do so. Was he serious?
“... Are…” She began, muffled behind her hands. “A-Are you serious? Y-You wanna marry someone like me?” She was shocked.
Galdino slowly nodded, bringing his arm down a little, thinking he was going to get rejected.
“...S…” Rose whispered. Galdino straightened up, looking at her with confusion and shock. “...Y-Yes… Yes! YES!! A MILLION TIMES YES!!!” Roseanne exclaimed, tackling him to the ground in a hug with tears streaming freely down her face. Once Galdino caught his breath, he grinned, tears in his eyes and heart full of relief. Roseanne pulled away just enough for her lover to put the ring on her finger. When he did, he kissed her finger before looking deep into her eyes and kissing her, holding her face with both hands before they pulled away, Roseanne giggling to herself as they caught their breath.
Applause from all around them alerted them to their surroundings, they both looked around to see that the entire crew had boarded the ship and the anchor had been lifted. They were now sailing away from the island and trying to get away from the Marines, who were hot on their tail.
Roseanne chuckled before standing up, wiping away her tears as Galdino stood up, too - a soft scowl on his face. He pointed to the Marines that were now shooting at the ship.
“DON’T YOU SEE THERE’S A FLOCK OF MARINES CHASING US?!” He exclaimed before sighing, rubbing his temples. Roseanne placed a hand on his arm, grabbing his attention. His face immediately softened as she smiled brightly up at him before walking away. He watched as she faced the Marines - a canon coming their way making him panic.
“Don’t worry, my Love,” She spoke, looking at him over her shoulder with a sweet smile. Her hand felt under her coat and grabbed out a leaded microphone. She turned back and grinned. “I’ll be fine.” With a spin of the cord and a swing, the cord wrapped around the cannonball. Using all of her strength, she pulled the cannonball towards her before swinging it around and around until she finally let it out of the cords’ grip; the cannonball flew back towards the Marines’ ship, hitting its side successfully. Although dizzy, she stood strong, reclaiming her microphone and grinning victoriously as her crewmates cheered. Galdino stared at his girlfriend- no- fiancé, jaw slack in shock and awe.
“Buggy,” Rose called. Buggy snorted, eyes wide and mouth in a thin line. To say he was shocked was an understatement. “Let’s get outta here, yeah?” Buggy just nodded, snapping out of it and ordering his men to do whatever it takes to get away from the Marines. Roseanne’s legs felt like jelly as she suddenly began to stumble. Galdino was quick to catch her just before her legs gave way. She giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck as Galdino picked her up bridal style, grinning.
“I can’t wait to be Mrs… Wait, what's your last name?” Rose asked, raising a brow. Galdino sighed softly.
“Terza.” He answered, taking her back to their shared room. Roseanne blinked. At first she thought; ‘So third in a different language?’. But then, she smiled - beaming.
“I can’t wait to be Mrs Terza.” She softly spoke, burying her blushing face in his shoulder. Galdino’s eyes widened a little, a giddy smile on his face as a blush rose to his cheeks.
“I can’t wait either, my Dear. So,” He spoke as they walked in the room. He laid her down on the bed and closed the door before turning on his heel to her. He grinned. “How does February 14th sound to you?”
Roseanne sat up, alarmed. He panicked.
“O-Or, we could do March 14th??”
“WHITE DAY????” Roseanne yelped, shocked. Galdino panicked even more.
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4 notes · View notes
ideas-4-stories · 2 months
Cross Guild Romance Prompt: It's a regular day on Karai Bari until the alarms are raised as bodies start to wash up on the shore. It's a devastating and horrific sight, especially when they see that there are women and children among the dead. Buggy sees some debris floating towards the island and is shocked to see a pair of tiny little bodies clinging to it. Mihawk wastes no time swimming out to the debris and rescuing the two young survivors clinging to it. The children are a brother and sister these adorable pale eyed twins who are just 5 or 6 years old. Mihawk, Buggy, and Crocodile rush the barely alive kids to hospital where they thankfully recover, and when they go to see the twins, it is love at first sight between them all. The siblings practically pounce of Mihawk the moment he comes near. Buggy and Crocodile are surprised when they see how gentle and good Mihawk is with them and they both kinda fall in love right then and there. Mihawk and Crocodile have the same thing happen to them when Buggy chop chops himself to get the kids to laugh, and then Mihawk and Buggy fall for Crocodile when he gently uses his sand powers to help clean the kids up some more. The kids share the harrowing and heartbreaking tale of what happened, how the captain of the ship they were on had just gone nuts and decided to intentionally wreck the ship, their poor parents lifting them onto the debris they were found on before the ship full on sank on them. It's gutwrenching, but Buggy, Mihawk, and Crocodile come together to take care of these new arrivals to Cross Guild. It's the crash-course is triple parenthood not only for Mihawk, Buggy, and Crocodile, but for their main crew as well, with these two little darlings causing all kinds of happy cute chaos and deciding that their three protectors/new foster dads need to get married so they can be a proper family.
Oh dear, those poor children. Man, why the hell did that captain just decided to go nuts. That’s a question I really want answered, but I might never know. Was the kids the only ones that survived? I mean if there are other people that survived it, they could tell why the captain decided to go fucking nuts and crash the boat.
I’m glad Buggy spotted those kids so Mihawk could get them to safety. The two must of saw Mihawk coming to help them if the twins go to Mihawk when the leaders can go and see them. The love started with them seeing each other being kind and caring to kids is great.
Buggy doing little shows just for the twins, whether it's puppet shows (like @wyvernslovecake’s puppet show with Buggy, Crocodile, and Mihawk having puppets styled after them, which is such a fun idea) or card tricks or like Richie lazily going to through hoops causing Buggy to be dramatically “annoyed” with it. Mihawk and Crocodile would be watching the shows when they can. Do they make time for it… maybe?
Mihawk is definitely taking them to his gardens and teaching them how to be a gardener because that's very useful to know those things. Also, he will teach swordsman training if the twins want to (I’m sure one of them would want to) Mihawk would be cooking their meals and Buggy might be helping at times if Mihawk lets him. Of course, Mihawk will embroider the kids’ clothes if they want it to happen or when they accidentally tear their clothes.
Crocodile would totally teach the kids how to bargain, so they would get the better out of a deal. Unfortunately for the trio, the twins started using it on them… Yeaahhh, neither Mihawk or Buggy are happy with Crocodile about that. I can see Buggy and Mihawk are making sure Crocodile doesn't teach the kids gambling. Moving on, Crocodile being the one with most of the money of Cross Guild, he will be spoiling the twins. He would, we all know he will.
The Cross Guld inner circle are totally babysitters when the trio can’t take care of the twins because of work or wanting personal time to relax and chill. Alvida is definitely the wine aunt, she is giving fashion tips (maybe one of the twins might get into fashion or not) Cabaji and Mohji are the excited uncles, so happy to spend time with their niece and nephew. Mohji and Richie are showing the kids all the show animals and the Wanis on the island while Cabaji is showing them acrobatics and unicycling. Galdino is the uncle in charge of the tea parties because he's great at them while Daz is teaching them self-defense and teaching them the best poker face for when they are convincing everyone they definitely weren't the ones stealing from the cookie jar. All of Buggy’s followers are keeping a eye out for the kids too.
I kinda of want the twins to be very chaotic in the sense of pranking people. Some people blame Buggy because he somewhat a pranker, he was hardcore when he was younger and the twins doing pranks makes Buggy want to get back into the groove of pranking people again.
So Buggy is loving the pranking and is in cahoots with the twins. They won't ever in a million-billion years say it, but Crocodile and Mihawk have laughed at many of the pranks the twins have come up with on their own or with Buggy helping the brainstorm process.
The twins are definitely going to get their foster parents to marry. Somehow the kids will find a way to have this happen. All I know that it might take months or a year to do it, but they will get it done and there’ll be a flashy wedding for them. The twins are going to be the ringbearer and flowerchild in that wedding, no doubt about. Richie is going to help the flowerchild and a Wani will be helping the ringbearer.
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the-orion-inexpirience · 10 months
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Mostly Wren and Buggy doodles, mostly impel down
The thoughts I have swirling around in my head 24/7 are like 50% them
I forgot to post these I'm like, in dressrosa rn
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shoguns-second · 2 years
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Having a horse Bf can either be a blessing or a curse depending on who you ask-
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sugxrslushy · 2 years
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🌊 a/n: here's my side of a trade for the lovely server I'm part of!! I got @ztarvokwrites for my draw and decided to give writing Galdino a try :) once again writing for ocs when I can't ask questions is hard so I hope it's not too ooc ;0; I hope you like this dear <3
🌊 details: SFW//Galdino x OC//w.c: 1k
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The waves were calm, crashing softly onto the pale sandy beach and leaving seafoam in its wake. The birds cawed above, their voices swept up in the gentle breeze that ruffled Roseanne’s hair, the brown strands tickling her face. She pushes it away from her eyes, hand moving to shade her eyes from the bright sun above that lights up the baby blue sea.
The summer island was quiet, the loudest noise seemed to solely be the sound of the shaking leaves when the breeze snaked through them. For such a beautiful day, the beach was empty which left plenty of room for the couple to sit and enjoy the lovely day. Roseanne’s hand took Gladino’s, squeezing lightly and fixing the umbrella tucked under her arm.
Galdino’s feet dragged lightly on the sandy walkway down to the shore, his last interest on the sea in front of him. Like cats and dogs, devil fruit users and the sea were sworn enemies. Despite his pirate lifestyle, he’d never seemed to grow any sort of fondness towards the sea. Not to the waves, to the seashells or the sand.
Well, with the memories of a former boss, Rose couldn’t blame him for his distaste towards sand.
“It’s so beautiful outside, isn’t it?” She holds lightly onto the brim of her hat as another breeze ruffles her hair, facing Gladino beside her. Her sun kissed skin glows under the light, red eyes glimmering like rubies and he can feel his heart skip a beat.
Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. 
“It is,” he hums as sand is swept up and brushes against his skin in the breeze. “But I would personally say you are much more beautiful.” A knowing smile paints his face even when Roseanne’s hand shoots her face to cover up the dark blush creeping across her face. Not even the sun beaming down on the couple could compare to how hot her face seemed.
The blue waves looked much nicer, a possible way to wash the red hot blush from her cheeks but Galdino holds her hand in his was  a gentle grip, continuing their stroll down the walkway towards the shore. It was a date and a date is well spent enjoying your time. So they take their time, sharing sweet words almost swept away in the breeze and plenty of kisses till the sand crumbles below their feet.
“We don’t need to be close to the water to enjoy our time, there’s plenty of things to do on the beach!” Roseanne smiles widely as Galdino and sets down a blanket, tossing her shoes off to the side and patting the spot next to her. He grimaces at the sea water drawing close to their spot but finds his spot next to Roseanne.
She flops down on the blanket, already warming under the sun and pulls Galdino down by his Hawaiian shirt she’d gifted him. She could barely hide her excitement at seeing him in it for the first time, it fit him perfectly by hugging his body close and making him seem all much brighter with the birds and flowers printed on the fabric.
Falling down against the blanket with her, his hand seeks out Roseanne’s once again. As warm as the sand below them, he threads his fingers through hers. Taking in his surroundings with a deep breath, he breathes out. “It’s really… nice here.”
“It’s nice to be on a beach without being worried about being hunted down.” She giggles and buries her feet in the sand, happy to just soak up the sunny atmosphere.
“Oh don’t remind me.” Galdino rolls his eyes, not too fond of entertaining ideas of marines at the moment. “Isn’t this a vacation in which we should be having fun?”
She laughs again, voice sweet and airy. Sweeter than the coconuts hanging on trees above his head or the little fruity cocktails you’d drink on beaches like this. “Well we need to make it fun, don’t we?” Although a day of rest was appealing, the excitement of a day off sent energy flowing through her veins.
In the bag she had left Galdino to carry, she digs deep below layers of towels and hats to fish out a plastic bucket shaped like a castle. Marianne had left in the bottom of the bag long ago, her little paintings and drawings decorating the bright red bucket and leaving Roseanne without the heart to remove it from the bag. It was a cherished trinket and piqued Galdino’s attention at the familiar doodles.
“Have you ever made a sandcastle?” A simple question that she doubted her would say yes to. He raises an eyebrow, an answer in itself but he lays a hand flat. White candle wax drips from the open palm, swirling around and slowly building up a castle in his hand. It was barely bigger than his hand but had the tiniest details etched into the white surface. Roseanne couldn’t help it but gasp in amazement.
“Not quite a sandcastle but a castle.” He smiles proudly at his little creation, taking her hand in his and placing the little castle gently in her hand. The surface is already cool, the wax hardened and set in place. “But if you wish to make a sand castle I would be willing to try.”
Setting it off to the side, she shoots him a smile and motions him to the edge of the blanket. “It’s best to use wet sand, just digging down we can find some. It’ll make a solid base for us to use.” She gives her instructions, digging her hands into the hot sand and digging down. It feels like teaching Marianne all over again, a sing-song voice falling from her tongue while excitedly demonstrating.
Gladino finds a spot behind her, his chest pushed against her back, the Hawaiin shirt slightly parted and skin warm against hers. His hands cup over hers, digging into the sand with her and humming softly as they scooped the sand into the bucket. It fills up slowly, being topped off with a final scoop then patted down. 
“You have some sand on your face.” She giggles.
“There’s sand on your face.” A much more sandy finger pokes at his cheek and his eyes go wide. She laughs again at the blot of sand left behind, his face turning red and making it all the more noticeable. She squats by him and takes the edge of her dress in her hand, wiping away at the little specks of sand.
“Your dress-” He breathes out, slightly panicked at possibly ruining her sundress.
“We’re on a beach, it would have happened no matter what I did!”
He holds the fabric in his hands, wiping away all of the specks of sand to clean up her dress. He was never one to like pretty things getting dirty, especially his beloved. “It's too pretty for me to just let you dirty it like that. We’ll clean it up later sweetheart.”
Rose stutters over her words, patting down her dress and fighting her rising blush. “We should finish up the castle!” She blurts out and picks up the bucket of sand. Galdino scurries back over and holds the bottom, fingers grazing against hers and help her flip it over. It hits the sandy ground with a whump and both thrumming with excitement, they shimmy the top off.
No cracks are left in the sandy walls of the castle, not a single blemish or missing piece of the castle. A beautiful structure created gently with love. Roseanne beams at the sight of the castle and Galdino mirrors her proud facade. It was perfect, more perfect than anything they’d ever made (and possibly greater than any sand castle Crocodile could possibly make).
But then Galdino’s face drops, a thought crossing the man’s mind. 
Shuffling forward, he holds his hand above the castle and the white wax drips down onto one of the balconies made from sand. As slow as the dripping wax, two little figures begin to build up with the tiniest details sketched into them. Her breath catches in her throat when she recognizes the actual figures.
Two little figures of them stand happily atop their castle, little hearts stemming off of them. 
“There, finished.” He grins contently and presses a kiss to Roseanne’s face. “Thank you for showing me something so fun.”
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
@donivanessdoodles and me did a trade and they did an awesome piece of art for me! I also enjoyed writing for their OC she's so fun. I really hope you like this!
Buggy x OC
Word Count: 2,641
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There was no need for a morning alarm because the screeching from the across the deck was enough to wake her, she sighed, rubbing her eyes and noticing the bed was already empty, a warm smile made it’s way to her face, she knew Buggy left her sleep in despite how much work there was to be done, always gave her certain privileges, of course she never took them, other than the extra hour in bed that is.
She groaned sitting up, the pain in her shoulder was going to cause her issues today, she knew it already, the air outside was thick with Autumn temperatures, the childhood injury tended to act up more in colder weather, the ache thrumming through her system she managed to pull herself out of bed.
The sound of her captain, her partner, yelling across the deck wasn’t the best sound to wake up to and she was sure the crew were praying for her to come along and calm him down. Getting dressed she noticed a hole in one of the knee’s and furrowed her brows, it took every fibre of her being not to sit back down, pull out the mini sewing kit she kept in the bedside draws to patch it up.
Long pink hair swished behind her as she brushed out some of the knots and kinks from moving around in her sleep. There was a loud bang on the deck, she sighed, that was definitely her sign to join the crew for a day of fun.
Stepping outside she brought her hand to her eyebrows, shading her face from the sun and squinting into the distance to see what was going on. Buggy was stood there gesturing wildly to the cannon and tugging at the hair that fell either side of his hat when no one could answer his squawking.
“Oh no, did someone mention Shanks?” Canary asked looking between Alvida and Galdino. Alvida slapped her hand against her face, peering at the display between her fingers, shaking her head slowly, it was obvious the woman wasn’t in the mood to catch the other up.
“No, not this time” Galdino sighed and folded his arms over his chest “Someone used the wrong cannon ball during target practise and now he’s going ballistic because the good balls are so expensive”
Canary nodded, that explained the bang, he was firing off random shots into the ocean to demonstrate they didn’t grow on tree’s in doing so diminishing the stock and costing more money in the meantime. He was strange she thought, despite that she couldn’t help herself smile in amusement.
He was ill tempered, ridiculous, loud and often just a general chaotic mess of a human but gods did she love that mess. She walked over to where Buggy was stood, stamping his foot on the deck and spitting curses st the ex-Impel Down prisoners leaned back with their hands up in defence, scared of the man half their size who was dressed int bright colours.
“Buggy” She called, a sing song in her voice, fluttering long eyelashes at her captain.
His eyes widened and he paused mid shriek, his angry expression slipped off his face, replaced by a goofy grin, his cheeks started to turn pink but he noticed the eyes of his men on him, he puffed his chest out, offering her his arm, which she gladly took.
“Sorry you had to see the great Captain Buggy disciplining these ingrates” He huffed, still trying to remain intimating to his crew, but it was hard when he didn’t feel particularly tall compared to his girlfriend, her large pink hair making her look taller. He tiptoed to give himself a little more height, she laughed inwardly, she was reminded of a peacock in moments like these.
“I’m sure they learned their lesson captain, Cabaji can take it from here, I have something to show you” Canary’s tone was sweet, knowing just what to say and how to say it to calm the irrational man down.
Turning his rage into a simmer as he mumbled under his breath about how lucky the crew was to have him off their backs now. They gave the long-haired woman a look, a thankful expression that she waved off as she led Buggy back towards her own workshop.
“So, what was so important that you had to drag me from scolding those idiots” He mumbled as he took off his hat once in the room she proudly called her workshop. He threw it on one of the many tables before flopping on the large armchair, chin resting on his hand, waiting for her explanation.
Canary put her hands on her hips, eyeing him up, seeing he was still in a mood, he didn’t get over things quickly, she knew what his temper was like, and she also knew the things that changed it to a pleasant one.
“Guess who’s finished with your new outfit!” She chuckled when she saw Buggy’s expression change, his mood lifted instantly. He was a strange man she thought to herself as he sat up, watching her as she picked up a stack of bright clothes and accessories, they all seemed to be a mix of golds and a brilliant sapphire colour.
He didn’t have anything like that, not until now and he was excited he couldn’t wait to have a flashy new outfit, strut around the deck and show off to everyone else, show off how great he looked, he would be the envy of the crew and everyone who saw the great captain Buggy. He felt like a giddy child as he watched her walk across the room.
Piling all the items into her arms, taking the well-matched gold trinkets and accessories that she’d collected up during their travels, always thinking of those extra details, she was proud of this one, excited to see how he would react, once she was sure the pile was neatly balanced, she turned around, smiling as she headed to her captain.
She let out a pained sound, her arm twinging, stinging, she caught the stack in her arms before they all hit the floor, a rouge bracelet hit the ground, she bit her lip, Buggy’s eye twitched, the temper he always had bubbling under the surface could be unpredictable.
But he loved her, he knew what she had been through, wordlessly he detached one of his hands, it collected the bangle that had fallen, placing it on top of the stack one more, she didn’t miss how he tried to be subtle about his gloved hand brushing her shoulder, a small, simple gestures that out weight all the gold in the treasury to her.
The smile returned to her face as she walked over, setting the pile down on the table next to him, she lifted each piece, holding it with a flourish for his eyes. Buggy grinned, sitting on the edge of his seat, watching as she explained each piece, what she had done and why.
The clown would never admit to anyone, not a damn fucking soul how much he loved to hear her voice, how he basked in the joy of her smile, seeing her beautiful face light up as she talked him through her process. He didn’t understand the technical seamstress terms.
That didn’t matter, not when he understood that glowing smile. Buggy tried to push away his thoughts; he didn’t want to be soft after all. He simply nodded as she brushed the fur of the elegantly crafted blue coat.
All he could do was think back, the day he’d met his beautiful bird, it seemed like forever ago.
“What the hellll are you wearing?” Buggy snapped at Mohji when he walked back on the ship with such a swagger that Buggy wanted to through the smug prick over the fucking side of the ship. In his arms he clutched the fabric he’d been sent for, at least he did something right.
His duty was however not to come back, looking better then him, having nicer clothes, he seethed when other members of the crew rushed over, touching parts of the outfit and chattering about how great everything looked.
Buggy grit his teeth and stomped over to the white-haired man, grabbing him by the collar of his new top and shaking him. “Where did you get that outfit” He demanded, screeching in Mohji’s face, he started to shake him, the answers not falling from his mouth fast enough.
“I didn’t buy it if that’s what you care about!” He managed to get between being shaken by his captain. Buggy dropped him when he heard that.
He narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing the man, was he telling the truth? Knowing where his captains train of thought was going, he decided it was best to make this a less painful experience then it already had been. Mohji pulled out a town map from his pants pocket and tapped on the parchment paper a few times.
“A woman lives here, I just wanted to buy fabric for the sails, and she told me she didn’t want money she wanted to make this for me” He recoiled when Buggy’s attention suddenly snapped from the map, his face inches from Mohji’s his nose pressing against the others, an out of place honk could be heard.
“Free you say?” Buggy mumbled and stood back, rubbing his chin in thought, looking at where his crew mate had pointed on the map, he should pay this store a visit he mused.
Without telling his crew anything, he snatched the map from Mohji’s hands and headed towards the store, it was pretty, it fit in with the cute little island vibe, he shrugged his shoulders and kicked open the door, it swung, banging the wall and rattling some jars of buttons. Canary looked up and stared right at Buggy, she was hoping she’d see him, knowing his crew was on the island, she was itching to get to meet him.
Pink that matched her hair dusted her cheeks as the man she’d admired the wanted poster of came marching up to her table, he slammed his hands on the counter, maybe a little too hard because he made a muffled squeak, a tear pricking the corner of his eye but he tried to style it out, this woman was, wow, he was going to slap that bastard when he returned to the ship. He’d not mentioned how stunning this person was.
He was expecting some old hag he could just bully into something for free, he hadn’t expected this woman, he hated how he felt his cheeks heat up, any chance of intimidation had flown right out the window when his voice came out as a squawk.
“You should make me an outfit!” He coughed, he wasn’t making eye contact, he was glancing around the store, he focused on patterns, linins, silks, the selection of ribbons she had along the wall. Anything but her face. Anything but those beautiful eyes and long lashes that blinked at him confused.
“Ah you saw what I did for Mohji!” She clapped her hands together, standing up and grabbing a measuring tape, Buggy stared as she came around to his side, he felt himself trying to tip toe, she was only a little shorter than him and his pride wouldn’t allow that.
“Just like that?” Buggy wasn’t sure if she was up to something, did she like giving everything away? She unrolled the tape and snapped it tight, the sound making him flinch, her bright beaming smile put him at ease after the erupt sound.
“No” Canary said simply and started to take the pirate captains measurements despite his protests. He was made to stretch his arm out, then his legs, she wrapped her arms around his waist to take that measurements and oh, was it, was it hot in here? He tugged the collar of his shirt, stumbling over his words.
“I’ll make you the best outfit you’ve ever seen, it’ll be flashier than anyone ones, warlords, yonko, all of them will be jealous of what I put you in” She saw how he stared at her, he licked his lip, the temptation of what she was peddling was now appealing to his vanity.
“What do you want in return?” He asked, deadpanned now, trying to play it cool, he could put on a poker face when it came to business, regardless of how beautiful she was, he was good at deals, he was good at being a pirate.
“I want to join your crew!”
“What?” He felt his voice turn into a high-pitched noise as he stared at her dumbfounded, she chuckled and took his hat from his head, letting his long blue hair pop free, messy pony tails framing his face, taking her same measuring tape and placing it around his head with care.
“I’ve always admired you; I remember hearing about your story as I grew up, how you were on the pirate kings ship? How you got closer to his treasure then anyone, how you can stand toe to toe with Red haired Shanks, all of it… I didn’t think the life of being pirate was for me but…” She paused; she could tell the ‘S’ word was a sour note.
“Looking at your wanted poster I’d think ‘wow, I wish, I wish I could be as flashy, as brave as him’” The tone in her voice, so soft, so honest, the genuine feelings behind her words, he could tell she wasn’t playing with him, she wasn’t messing around.
He did his best not to turn as red as his nose, turning around when she was briefly finished with what she was doing, he coughed into his hand, she was for real wasn’t she? His heart hammered; he felt his knees weaken.
“A new outfit and you’ll join my crew?”
To have someone pack up their entire life to follow someone like him? He couldn’t believe it, he wouldn’t accept it. He’d laugh and joke it off, make a fool out of himself when those pretty eyes were focused on him.
She was also his voice of reason, kept him on a more stable path and out of everyone, he listened to her, he paid attention to her words, she was like the angel on his shoulder, always prompting him to make the right choice, the good decision.
Sometimes she indulged his silliness. But above all else, she was there by his side, even when his less then rational mind won out, when he’d fucked up, made a mistake. She’d gently place her hand on his, smiling softly.
His true treasure.
He blinked when Canary waved her hand in front of his face “What?” Buggy grumbled, feeling embarrassed that his mind had gone on a journey.
“I was talking about how this outfit will be the best I’ve ever made for you! Sort of … an anniversary outfit of sorts” She said, brushing back stray pink hair as she gestured for him to stand, nimble delicate fingers worked off his current coat, setting it aside.
“Anniversary?” Buggy asked, raising an eyebrow as Canary worked on the large fluffy blue coat, adjusting the collar, next was the hat, she perched it on his head with a smile. “You’ll have the model the entire thing for me later but right now, this will do.. you look so handsome captain”
“This was the day you joined the crew, wasn’t it?” Sometimes people forgot that the captain had a softer tone to his voice, how it was always saved for her, she nodded as she tugged him closer to her face “Happy anniversary captain” Kissing his nose she stood back, seeing him red and stumbling over his words.
“Ye..yeah happy anniversary”
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ask-rosino · 3 years
((hello! star here! welcome to my oc x canon ask blog! made this cos i was bored as fuck then forgot abt it for a while lol. send in questions u wanna ask roseanne and galdino and i'm sure they'll be more than happy to answer!))
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laws-hat-headcanons · 5 years
Masterlist Part One
Hi All! 
Here is Part One of my Masterlist (since apparently I have written too much to put in one post!) 
Part Two can be found HERE!! And again at the bottom of this post if you’re making your way through!
Updated 09/04/2021
One Piece:
Straw Hats & Multiple Characters:
Sleeping Patterns
With a crewmate that can turn in to a sea dragon
On an Easter Egg Hunt (Feat Arayya)
Pillow Fights
April Fools Day
Arayya (One Piece OC):
General Headcanons
General Headcanons Part 2
Arayya on Kid’s DF power
Straw hats thoughts on Arayyas books
Arayya x Law: Melting
On an Easter Egg Hunt
Writing, Opinions on Law and General info
Kid x Arayya: Pull
Music associations
Fluff Alphabet - H, J, K
Arayya x Law: Books
Basil Hawkins:
Kissing Headcanons
With an overly affectionate S/O
Relationship Headcanons
Fluff Headcanons
With an S/O that saves him from Dellinger
Fluff Alphabet - Y, O, J
General Fluff Headcanons
Cuddling with a short S/O
Helping his S/O with period pains
NSFW Alphabet - C, E, G, I
With an S/O that cleans his face
With an S/O that shows him panties she isn’t wearing
With an S/O who loves to kiss him
With an S/O who learns piano so they can duet
With an S/O who gets turned in to a toddler
With an S/O who wants to take a bath with him
With an S/O who has a fear of silence
With an S/O who is a relation of his old captain
With a Forensic Anthropologists S/O
Buggy the Clown:
NSFW Alphabet - C, E, G, I
Helping his S/O with period pains
With an S/O Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet - D, F, G, W
Charlotte Amande:
NSFW Headcanons
Charlotte Cracker:
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O who gets injured by Mama
Getting Jealous of Mont D’Or
Getting Jealous over his S/O
Charlotte Galette:
NSFW Headcanons
Charlotte Katakuri:
Katakuri x Reader: Soulmate AU
With an S/O seeing his face for the first time
With a worried S/O after his fight with Luffy
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O that is insecure about their body
With an S/O who is hunted for being a witch
With an S/O that gets kidnapped
With an S/O that can control their size
With an S/O who wakes him with a blowjob ( NSFW )
With an S/O who gets injured by Mama
With an Oni Fiancee
Saving a Dragon shape shifter
With an S/O who cares for injured animals
Overhearing his shy S/O singing a flirty song
With an Oni wife (cont of Oni Fiancee)
With an S/O who is usually calm but can kick ass
With an overly affectionate S/O
With an S/O who loves it when he gets turned in to an animal
With an Oni wife and baby (cont of Oni Wife)
Getting a crush
Word Prompt - Ice, Heart, Night 
Word Prompt - Flower, Heart, Rain
Word Prompt - Night, Cake, Bathing
Word Prompt - Hand, Heat, Stone 
Katakuri x Reader - Fangs
Ticklish Headcanons
Word Prompt - Glass, Sun, Hail
Katakuri with an S/O who has a mask with his teeth on
With an S/O that gets too close
A Letter From: Katakuri
Charlotte Mont d’Or:
With a Witch S/O
Fluff Headcanons
Charlotte Perospero:
NSFW Alphabet - K, C, V, O
NSFW Alphabet - L, I, C, K
Fluff Alphabet - D, L, O, P
With a nervous/shy S/O
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O who hides their sketchbook from him
With an S/O who gets injured by Mama
With an S/O meeting his family for the first time
Comforting an S/O after a nightmare
Fluff Headcanons
Chu Headcanons
Caesar Clown:
Word Prompt - Heart, Gold, Silver
NSFW Alphabet - B, M, O, A
With an S/O who slaps his butt in front of the crew
Relationship headcanons
Word Prompt - Heart Emoji, Blood, Gold
NSFW Headcanons
With a Quail Devils Fruit user
Little!Law calling Coras S/O mom
Ticklish headcanons
Word Prompt - Gold, Cloud, Bloom
With an S/O suffering from depression
With an S/O who wakes him with a blowjob ( NSFW )
With an S/O that likes to tease him
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
Apologising to an S/O after hurting their feelings
With an S/O comforting a lost child
With an S/O who likes to snuggle up in his coat
Going camping!
Word Prompt - Snow, Night
Word Prompt - Bone, Snow, Heart
Emoji Prompt - Confessing, Soft, Breakup
With an S/O who has a secret pet Bananawani
Angst Prompt - 3 & 10 
Word Prompt - Blood, Wood, Glass 
Winter Event: Mistletoe - Awkward - G/N Reader
Donquixote Doflamingo:
With an S/O half his size ( NSFW )
With an S/O who isn’t afraid of him
With an S/O who loves him unconditionally
With a Virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With an S/O who wakes him with a blowjob ( NSFW )
Purchased as a slave
With an S/O who becomes a criminal to free him
Relationship Headcanons ( SFW & NSFW)
What Doflamingo looks for in an S/O ( NSFW )
Comforting an S/O after a nightmare
Fluff Alphabet - S, K, C
Finding out his S/O is hiding a dog 
Emoji Prompt - Drunk 
Dracule Mihawk
With an S/O that gets kidnapped
With an S/O who is a domestic goddess
NSFW Alphabet: C, K, A, Z
With an S/O that gives up being a noble for him
Fluff Alphabet - C, L, K
Finding out his S/O is blind
With a oblivious/shy S/O
Eustass Kid
Reacts to his crush seducing someone else
With an S/O who has a Rapping D/F Ability
Dealing with and confessing his romantic feelings
Kid x Arayya: Pull
As a Parent
Dealing with a Reckless S/O
Kid x Reader: Wet
Kid x Reader: Wet Part Two
Overhearing his shy S/O singing a flirty song
Kid x Reader: Apology ( NSFW )
Kid & Killer Friendship Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet - C, J, R, V, X
Being rescued by an S/O
With an S/O who is usually calm but can kick ass
Getting Jealous over his S/O
Childhood Headcanons
Cuddling headcanons
With an S/O that flinches during an argument
Fluff Alphabet - F, M, Y
Fluff Alphabet - H, O, T
What Kid looks for in a crew mate 
With a sick S/O
With an S/O that goes away for a while
How they act when they’re drunk
Word Prompt - Rust, Bone, Twist 
Word Prompt - Bone, Wild
Emoji Prompt - Kiss, Random, Confessing
Kissing Headcanons
Accidentally hurting his S/O in a fight
Drunk Kid visiting his S/O
Word Prompt - Sand , Bloom
Word Prompt - Hail, Stone, Wild
Emoji Prompt - Drunk, Jealousy 
Crying Headcanons
Kid x Reader: Caring
Ticklish headcanons
“It’s Just a Bruise” - Sentence Prompt
Angst Prompt 4 - Argument
Angst Prompt 10 - Crying 
With a Mechanic S/O who’s inventions keep blowing up
Word Prompt - Glass, Grass, Heart 
With an S/O that gets too close
Winter Event: Gift - Awkward - Female Reader
With a usually serious S/O who loves cute things
With a crush that tends to their wounds
Galdino (Mr 3)
SFW & NSFW Headcanons
Word Prompt - Moon, Soot, Bone
Getting jealous over his S/O
With his mermaid S/O
Winter Event: Mistletoe - Fluff - G/N Reader
Winter Event: Mistletoe - Fluff - Female Reader
Adopting a daughter with a dragon DF power
Kaido’s Daughter HC cont
With a workaholic S/O
Noland x Kalgara Headcanons
Kid & Killer Friendship Headcanons
Being rescued by an S/O
With an S/O who loves it when he gets turned in to an animal
With an S/O that flinches during an argument
With a sick S/O
Word Prompt - Moon, Wave, Mountain
With an S/O who also wears a mask
Killer x Reader: Romance 
Word Prompt - Rain, Stone, Thunder
Having a wet dream about his fem!S/O (Mild NSFW)
Confessing to his crush
A Letter From: Killer 
Killer x Reader: Romance
Finding out his S/O is in a band
With a usually serious S/O who loves cute things
Visiting his crush while drunk
Killer x Reader: First 
Little things he loves about his S/O
NSFW Alphabet - C, E, G, I
Fluff Alphabet - I, C,E
With an S/O that flinches during an argument
With an S/O who can control their size
Reacting to Cosplay
Overhearing his shy S/O singing a flirty song
Word Prompt - Blood, Storm, Hand 
Word Prompt - Night, Cake, Bathing
Word Prompt - Blood, Bone, Hand
Winter Event: Mistletoe - Fluff - Female Reader
Monkey D Luffy:
Luffy BFF Headcanons
With an S/O that has a DF power that makes them feel like a monster
Attraction and Need in an S/O
With an S/O that runs out of Chocolate
With a shy S/O in a bikini
With an S/O who has Epilepsy
With a crew member who is an Alien
As Asexual
Getting turned in to a girl by a DF User
Running in to his Ex
NSFW Alphabet - C, J, R, V, X
What he looks for in an S/O
With a daughter who eats too much halloween candy
Word Prompt - Blood, Hand, Wild
Crying Headcanons
With an S/O who is depressed
Ticklish headcanons
Mont Blanc Noland:
Noland x Kalgara Headcanons
Fluff Alphabet - D, K ,Y
Relationship Headcanons
SFW and NSFW Headcanons
Kink Headcanons ( NSFW )
With an S/O who has a Rapping D/F Ability
With a shy virgin S/O ( NSFW )
With a Male S/O headcanons
Nefertari Vivi:
Relationship Headcanons
Kink Headcanons ( NSFW )
Nico Robin:
Comforting a crewmate (Reader) who suffered abuse as a child
Relationship Headcanons
Kink Headcanons ( NSFW )
As a Parent
With a Forensic Anthropologists S/O
Masterlist Part Two - Click Here
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ztarvokwrites · 4 months
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How the Cross Guild propose to you (+ Galdino)
a/n: i'm in a sappy mood today and altho i did have oc x canon headcanons lined up, i went overboard and now i cba to finish it lmao. instead, here is some cross guild loveliness to make up for it💜
not nsfw! just a lot of fluff and chaos in buggy's part ☺️
enjoy and don't forget to reblog if you like it!
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Man does not know how to pick out clothes for himself, let alone a ring-
So he drags Alvida along with him because God knows how badly he'll be mocked by Crocodile and Mihawk if he asked them for help lmao.
"I want something flashy for them! Something that truly makes them mine for good!"
"Do you even know their ring size?"
When Alvida finds out your ring size, she ends up dragging him along to pick out a ring, despite his loud protest.
In the end, they end up picking out this ring, much to Alvida's dismay.
The proposal itself was unplanned and, as usual, chaotic.
Despite Buggy desperately trying to keep it to himself until he got you alone, one of his lackeys discovered the ring and loudly yelped about it, much to Buggy's annoyance.
That lackey was not seen for a while afterwards.
You knew. Of course you knew. He wasn't being subtle about it, the way he was trying to get you alone but sweating his makeup off and trying oh so desperately to hide the small box in his large red pillow-y suit was a big giveaway.
So when the box dropped and you picked it up, you opened it and smiled, ignoring Buggy's pleas to try again.
He only froze when you said yes to his fumbled proposal and slipped the ring on your finger yourself with a grin on your face.
The loud cheer from everyone snapped Buggy out of it and he yanked you into his arms and sped away with you, desperate to make it up to you for his failed proposal with promises and kisses littered all over your face.
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Sir Crocodile
He's done it once before, he can do it again, right?
Don't ask me what that means, idk his past, but for some reason it makes sense that he's proposed to someone before.
Any-who, this man knows what he's doing.
He doesn't need to ask for your ring size, he already bought you a few promise rings before, so it just makes it easier for him to pick out the perfect ring.
Except it doesn't.
There are so many rings that seem the perfect fit for you, yet he can't decide on which one to surprise you with.
He tries to find one that matches your eyes, or your smile, or your physique, yet nothing pops out to him.
Until he finds this ring.
It's beautiful, priceless — it's you.
Sir Crocodile doesn't care about how expensive it is, as long as it's you.
Now the only problem was getting you alone.
As much as he wants to whisk you away, he can't, not when he's busy fending off Marines or trying to deal with Buggy's antics.
The way he ends up proposing to you is subtle, displayed and masked as a simple gift for your upcoming anniversary, despite it being a week away.
He adored the way your eyes lit up when you received the gift bag he got you, promising him that you'll open it that evening when you were both in the comfort of your own bed.
And so you kept your promise, your eyes filling with tears once you opened the small box to discover the ring and the words "Will you marry me?" engraved into the lid.
Needless to say, you couldn't let go of him for the rest of the night, cuddling into him so tight that he held you against his chest even tighter — but not tight enough to hurt you, he'd never do that.
After all, you're his fiancé now :)
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Dracule Mihawk
This man is absolutely thorough when planning anything, so a proposal is no sweat.
He already had his hawk-eyes set on the perfect ring for you, so now all he had to do is whisk you away from the party that Buggy has stupidly hosted, despite the protests of those who are serious about the purpose of the Cross Guild.
Mihawk isn't a man who gets nervous, nor is he easy to read, which is why you're confused as to why he's brought you so far away from the rest of the crew.
He's quite romantic with how he proposes; encouraging you to gaze up at the sky with him as you two sit on the grass and wait for the sunset.
When the time comes for the sun to disappear, the soft blue of the sky turning into a darkened orange, he pulled you up to stand.
That's where he got down on one knee and proposed.
"I know our situation is less than ideal, my Dear, but I promise you this place is only our temporary solitude. I want you to live peacefully with me, until our dying breaths. Will you do me the honour of becoming my spouse?"
Oh, you absolutely said yes and peppered his face with kisses once he slipped the ring on your finger.
And yes he held you in his arms as he carried you back to the party, upon your request to celebrate with him, much to his dismay.
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BONUS! Galdino/Mr 3
I feel like people forget he can just... Make stuff out of wax.
So of course he makes a ring out of wax, accompanied by a nice shiny diamond he 'discovered' in Buggy's office.
The only thing now was to propose to you, yet that was certainly a challenge.
Buggy kept hogging his attention from you, making him ignore you completely for days until he finally realised that he hadn't been giving you the attention you deserved.
Cue him dragging you away from the weaponry tent and into the woods with a basket of food in hand, making a wax canopy for you both to enjoy a candle-lit dinner in.
He kept feeding you compliments and flirting with you to the point where you got suspicious.
"...You're awfully flirty this evening, Galdi. Is something wrong?"
"Nothing can go wrong when I'm with you, my Darling~."
He begins to melt and you get even more suspicious.
Eventually he gets too melty and gives up on the lying and just gets down on one knee in front of you and creates the ring, putting the diamond on it and presenting it to you with a nervous smile.
The sweet gesture of the dinner and the making of the engagement ring before your very eyes was enough for you to kiss him as you took the ring and slid it onto your finger.
You two finished your dinner, but didn't return after a little while as you two were too busy being sappy with each other.
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starnote: guys how tf do you get rid of a cough that gets worse when you're trying to go to sleep-
creds to @/saradika for the star divider!
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ztarvokwrites · 4 months
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2022 Masterlist
"That hurt, you know." - Eustass Kid & Izo x GN! Reader Angst Prompt
"Is that... Blood?" - Buggy the Clown x GN! Reader Angst Prompt
"You're Bleeding." - Red-Haired Shanks & Dracule "Hawkeye" Mihawk (seperate) x Fem! Reader Angst Prompt
Piercings - Oc x Canon NSFW Fic
"Don't you dare die on me!" & "...Who did this to you?" - Eustass Kid x GN! Reader Angst Prompt
Hanahaki - Oc x Canon Angst Fic for the oplovelikeyou Event
Happy Birthday, cyborg-franky - Oc x Canon Birthday Gift
Re-written in the Stars Project - Usopp, Buggy and Galdino's reaction to their S/O straddling them
Untitled Oc x Canon NSFW Fic
2022 Masterlist Part 2 HERE
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creds to @/saradika for the star divider!
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ztarvokwrites · 4 months
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2021 Masterlist Part 3
Keeping You Warm - Oc x Canon NSFW Fic
A Wilting Rose Still Has Thorns - Oc Backstory (OLD, HAS TRIGGERING SUBECTS, NEEDS TO BE REWRITTEN)
Period Comfort Fic - Selfship Fic
Jealousy - Mr. 3/Galdino x GN! Reader NSFW
This concludes the batch of my first year here on Tumblr! If I've missed anything then I'll most likely go back and edit this!
2022 Masterlist HERE!
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creds to @/saradika for the star divider!
0 notes
ztarvokwrites · 3 years
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hi!! here's my contribution to the @oplovelikeyou event! hope you enjoy!
SHIP: Galdino x OC (Roseanne)
TW: Blood, Roseanne almost fucking dies, a lot of angst but with a fluffy ending :)
NOTES: RED is Roseanne, BLUE is Galdino, ORANGE is Chopper, PURPLE is Ivankov. Chopper is called Blue Nose-Sensei. No gane's this time cos I got lazy and I feel like that will ruin the mood lol
AU: Historical Boss Luffy AU/Grand Japan AU, because why not :)
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It started with a small pink petal, a headache following soon after, making her stomach churn. At first, she just thought it was her head playing tricks on her, yet when Rose felt the soft scratching up her throat again, she coughed up another petal, the colour being tinted slightly with a small drop of blood. She swallowed hard. Roseanne knew she had to go to Blue Nose-Sensei about it, but she didn't want to trouble him. Still, even when a week had passed and the strange coughing fits got worse, she had to hunt down the little reindeer for help. 
“Flowers? Are you sure?” Blue Nose-Sensei spoke, a small brow quirked up in concern and intrigue as he read through multiple books. Roseanne nodded. “Yeah, flowers. It started last week when I coughed up one petal a day, but this week I’ve been coughing up more and more. It’s beginning to get difficult to breathe, too.” When she explained this, it clicked in the little reindeers’ head that this illness was real. Getting up from his spot and running to his bookshelf, he pulled out another book of diseases and scanned through the pages. He planted his hoof on the page he was looking for and showed it to the woman. “It must be Hanahaki Disease.” He simply stated, watching as her reaction of concern turned into one of confusion. “Hanahaki?” “Yeah, it’s an extremely rare disease. It’s so rare that a lot of people think it’s fictional. Here,” Spoke Blue Nose-Sensei, handing her the book so she can read it. “It gives you a brief description of what it is and it gives you the known ways to cure it.”
Roseanne hesitantly read through it, stopping at the words ‘one-sided love’ and ‘confess’. She swallowed hard. “Are…Are those the only options?” “Yes, they are. The only ways to get rid of the disease are to confess your feelings to the person you’re in love with or get the plant removed. Now-” “I want it removed.” Blue Nose-Sensei let out a choked gasp at her quick interruption. “W-Wait! You need to hear about the repercussions! If you get it removed you won’t be able to feel love again! Or it could remove your feelings entirely! You’ll be a different person!” He whined, gripping onto her shoulders as she stared down at him. Roseanne only hummed, turning her head. “Please just think about it! I don’t know if I can live with myself if I let a patient die!” Tears formed in his eyes as he begged, her eyes softening as she sighed. “Fine…I don’t have long to live, it seems, so I’ll come back on Monday to tell you my choice.” Roseanne spoke, getting up as Blue Nose-Sensei hopped off of her. The little reindeer let out a sigh of relief and nodded, saying goodbye to Roseanne as she exited his building.
“And where have you been?” “None of your business, Commissioner.” Roseanne spat as she walked through the door, closing it behind her as she sat down beside her younger partner, Marianne, who was sleeping. His eye twitched. “I told you to call me by my name.” “And I told you that I don’t care.” Her witty response made the man glare at her as he made food for the three of them. “The Kitsune is supposedly performing tonight, have you heard?” He spoke, a knowing smirk playing at his lips. Roseanne glanced between him and Marianne with her eyes wide. “Galdino, do not. Not in front of her.” She hissed, gently placing Marianne’s head on her lap. Galdino sighed, putting out the heat and plating the food he created. “Fine,” He began, handing her the share of food. “But you mustn’t skip this one this time. She was disappointed when she didn’t see you up there last time.” Roseanne sighed softly, looking down at the sleeping girl in her lap with sadness in her eyes. “Alright. I’ll…See what I can do.” “What do you mean? You are going to be there, right?” Galdino questioned, taking note of the slight panic her eyes held when he asked. She swallowed, a small, unsure smile painting her features. “Yeah, of course, I will.” Galdino hummed in scepticism, seemingly mulling over her words before muttering a simple “Alright. Eat now, before it gets cold. And wake her up.” “But she looks so sweet sleeping on my lap…” Roseanne softly whined, stroking Marianne’s hair. The man’s eyes softened, a sigh escaping his lips. “Oh, alright. I’ll let her have a few more minutes. But she must wake up soon.” “Yeah, yeah. I know.”
The evening had soon transitioned into the night, strings of lanterns decorating Grand Japan signifying that the festival had begun. The wooden stage was lit up with candles and lanterns and a spotlight was positioned to shine on the next act. “Ladies and gentlemen, we apologise for the delay,” Spoke the Announcer, bowing slightly. “Our next act is one that hasn’t been on in quite a while. Please welcome, the ever so elegant, the Kitsune!” Rounds of applauds and booms of cheers filled the February night air as the audience excitedly anticipated the singer to come on stage. “Are you sure you’re alright, Rosie?” “Father, I’m fine. Just worry about the performance, okay?” Roseanne spoke to Ivankov, her father, who continued to look at her with concern. Putting on her mask and opening her fan, she slowly stepped on stage and began to sing, the spotlight shining on her. Everything was going well.
A harsh scratch up her throat was more than enough to interrupt her halfway through the performance; a rather harsh cough ripped through her throat followed by a bloody flower falling past her lips. The music stopped as the crowd watched with a gasp as she fell to her knees, eyes wide in fear. Blue Nose-Sensei, who was in the crowd, put two and two together and quickly ran to the stage, standing next to her. “Roseanne?!” The reindeer whisper-yelled in panic. “Get me,” Roseanne whispered, another cough of small flowers escaping her throat and onto the stage, interrupting her mid-sentence. Ivankov got beside her to cover her from the crowd. “Get me out of here, quick!” At her command, they were quick to escort her away, following the little reindeer to his building and closing the door behind them. With haste, Roseanne ripped off the mask and ran to the nearest sink, coughing and throwing up flowers in a sickly sea of blood. Her knees began to buckle, feeling weaker and weaker by the second. “What’s going on?!” Ivankov exclaimed, rushing to her side and parting her bangs out of her face. “Are these…Flowers?” He asked, gently rubbing her back. “She has Hanahaki Disease. Judging by the sudden surge of flowers she’s throwing up, she doesn’t have long to live.” Blue Nose-Sensei explained solemnly. Ivankov looked at the little reindeer, tears welling up in his eyes. “Isn’t there a cure?” “There are two. One is to get it removed, but that comes with serious repercussions…” The doctor explained. “...What’s the other option?” Asked Ivankov, clearing out the sink and giving Roseanne a drink of water as she stopped coughing. “To confess her love for someone.” Ivankov froze at the reindeer’s words, his head turning to Roseanne, who just stared at the sink. “Love?... Rosie, are you in love with someone?” Roseanne only nodded, sipping her water. “...Who is it?” “...Take a guess.” At that witty remark, Ivankov gasped. “You’re in love with the Commissioner?” He asked. Roseanne nodded and silence fell.
“Rosie,” Ivankov said, suddenly and sternly, turning her around and placing his hands on her shoulders. “You must tell him.” “What’s the point? He hates me. Besides, I’m gonna die anyway, so there’s no point-” “Roseanne. Please.” Begged Ivankov, looking at her with fear in his eyes. Roseanne paused for a moment. “Fine… Just give me some time, okay?” “Roseanne,” Spoke Blue Nose-Sensei. “You don’t have time. It’s better to just tell him now rather than die not knowing what he’ll say.” “ROSE! There you are! Are you alright?!” Spoke a frantic, familiar voice as it opened the door. Turning around, Roseanne gulped as she saw the Commissioner himself standing in the doorway, panting as if he’d been running. Roseanne quickly wiped her mouth, looking at him with tired eyes. "I'm fine. Just go back home and wait for me-" "No! Why should I when you've given us all a scare?! You were coughing up blood and… Something else! How can I go back home to Marianne without you there knowing damn well that you're not okay?!" Galdino protested, moving closer to her. Roseanne blushed a little, just why was he being so caring? "If we go back together then Marianne will put two and two together and figure out that the Kitsune is me. She's a smart girl…" Roseanne trailed off, thinking about something she could do. "Tell you what, if you go home now, I'll meet you tomorrow under the cherry blossom tree. I'll explain everything then." She proclaimed, crossing her arms. The man blinked. "...What about you? Aren't you coming home, too?" Galdino's voice sounded desperate, words of worry painting every syllable and dripping into his veins. Something was going on and he did not like it. Roseanne could only look away from his concerned and confused gaze, her heart beating faster and faster by the minute, a tell-tale sign that she might have another coughing fit again. "I'll… Stay here for tonight. I'll get Bentham to tell you when I'm ready." She spoke with a sigh, finally meeting his eyes. Galdino looked her over for a minute, eyes scanning her body then to her face, taking mental notes on how tired and pale she had gotten, as well as the strain in her voice and the slight wheeze of her breath. He sighed, adjusting his glasses. "Alright. I'll tell Marianne that you're out somewhere," He spoke, before suddenly engulfing her in a quick hug, his arms wrapping around her and eyes taking a quick glance at the soggy bloody petals that decorated the sink. His breath hitched before he parted. "I'll see you tomorrow." That was all he could say before he left.
Roseanne felt her heart beat faster and faster, her breathing getting quicker and quicker before the all too unpleasant feeling of bile rode up her throat, making her turn around and throw up petals into the lazily cleaned sink. "I'll tell your brother about this, okay, my Candy? Just take it easy." Ivankov softly comforted her, holding her bangs out of her face for her as she threw up roses in a sea of lotus flower petals and a bath of red blood. Blue Nose-Sensei swallowed hard. "She's coughing up real flowers now. Roses and Lotus flowers have formed. If you don't tell him soon, you won't ever get the chance to again…" He spoke, his tiny voice only getting smaller. Roseanne coughed and sputtered up the last remaining flowers with a quick nod, spitting out a single petal that didn't make it out of her mouth. "Yeah, I know that. That's why I'm gonna tell him tomorrow." She responded with a swift nod. The little reindeer nodded, telling her to lay down and get some rest in his building for the time being.
Roseanne had some trouble sleeping through the night, her coughing fits becoming more violent and alerting the little reindeer that slept across from her. She ended up getting little to no sleep, watching the sunrise through the open window as she coughed and threw up flowers into a bucket. “Today’s the day.” She mumbled to herself, taking a swig of her water and wincing as it cooled her aching throat. “Blue Nose-Sensei,” She spoke, her voice barely above a whisper but luckily the little reindeer was able to hear, turning his head to her. “Promise me you won’t tell Marianne about…All of this. Knowing her, she’ll put two and two together almost immediately and come running here to find me.” The reindeer sighed, nodding before he told her to hurry and go. And go she did.
The sun shone through the leaves of the cherry blossom tree, illuminating the gaps in the shadows of the early morning light, as well as the small drops of blood that Rose had desperately tried to cover up with the leaves and dirt on the ground. But the coughing was inevitable.
“Roseanne, I’m here…!” Galdino paused halfway through his sentence, his eyes widening as he saw Roseanne’s body limp on the ground, her chest heaving and jolting as she hacked up flowers covered in blood and spit, her kimono and olive skin stained in red. With no time to waste, he rushed to her side and helped her sit upright, resting her back against the tree, moving the parts of blood-stained hair away from her face. Almost immediately, he took note of the flower petals that stuck to her mouth, the bags under her eyes and the paleness of her once tanned skin. At the corner of his eye, he noticed the flowers that had fallen from her now dry lips, the blood still dripping from her bottom lip and onto her kimono. Her face felt lukewarm to the touch, almost like she was dying. “R…Rose…?” “I know you saw the flowers,” Roseanne spoke, her voice weak. Her ruby red eyes lost their sparkle as she looked at him tiredly, a small smile faintly plastering her lips.
“...Of course I saw the flowers! Rose, what’s going on?!” Galdino exclaimed, his eyes glossy as if he was about to cry. Slowly, Roseanne reached up and placed her bloodied hand on top of his. “I’m…I’m sorry that I…Didn’t tell you sooner. I wanted to get it removed but Blue Nose-Sensei talked me out of it-!!” She stopped speaking as another fit of violent coughs escaped her mouth, larger flowers and blood spurting from her mouth and getting on Galdino’s sleeves. The man looked on in horror, a mumble of her name escaping his mouth. “Rose…? What are you talking about?” “I don’t have…Long to live…As you can probably tell,” She spoke, her voice raspy. "So do me a favor, okay?" Galdino cupped her face in his hands, fear prominent in his eyes. "Tell Marianne that I've gone to a different country." Her request made Galdino freeze, eyebrows furrowing. "No...No, no, no! Roseanne, don't do this!" "I'm sorry, I never got the proper chance to say…!" The man flinched a little when her coughing came back, more aggressively this time, her body jolting forwards into his own and thorns from roses making her choke as she had to weakly pull it out. Roseanne gasped a breath of air before continuing, her voice barely above a whisper as Galdino held her in his arms, her head craning to meet his teary eyes, his tears rolling down his cheeks as he watched her bright eyes get more dull by the minute. "I love you." He almost didn't hear it, her voice barely audible above the rustling of the leaves against the gentle wind, the way she looked up at him in her final moments made his heart stop momentarily. Galdino both heard and felt the deafening pounding of his heart in his ears, blurry eyes watching the glimmer in her eyes falter rapidly as she grew limp in his arms.
"ROSE!!" He screamed, the '3' on his hair drooping down as he shook her, desperately trying to wake her up as tears rapidly fell from her eyes. "ROSE, PLEASE!" He could feel his voice cracking, his throat becoming sore as he screamed her name through broken sobs. Almost immediately, the tiny thud of hooves alerted him, his head turning to the little reindeer with wide, desperate eyes. "...Help her...Please…" Blue Nose-Sensei solemnly walked up to Roseanne's limp body, putting a hoof to the side of her neck with a bit of pressure for a minute before sighing. "Her pulse is weak and I can hear her faintly breathing, but without a cure she'll surely die." "Can't you do something about it?!" Galdino exclaimed, raising a brow. Blue Nose-Sensei shook his head, turning to look at the bloody flowers. Galdino blinked, his bottom lip trembling as he bit it, taking a glance at the flowers before looking down at the limp woman he was embracing, his tears falling onto the inside of his glasses. "...Rose, please...Marianne needs you; she told me she thinks of you as her mother!" He began, shaking her lightly. "You have an audience and a family that needs you, that loves you!" His heart hammered with fear. "We need you...We love you!" He swallowed hard, a hand cupping her cheek as he leant his forehead on hers, the coldness of her skin making him hiss lightly as he whispered, "Rose, I love you…"
Upon hearing this, the little reindeer turned and walked back up to her body, putting his hoof on her neck and leaning his ear towards her mouth. He smiled. "They're...They're gone! Quick, carry her to my place! I'll explain everything on the way there!" 
A small, weak groan escaped her lips as her ruby eyes slowly fluttered open. She tried to get up, but she felt something holding her hand, making her freeze and look to see who was holding it. There, with his head on her shoulder, laid Galdino, his glasses off and hair down as soft snores escaped his lips. She noticed the tear stains on his cheeks and the blood stains on his kimono, instantly remembering what had happened. A guilt consumed her mind, looking back to where their hands connected. Subconsciously, she squeezed his hand gently, feeling his body tense a little and stir as he began to wake up. Almost immediately, his tired eyes darted to their linked hands, trailing up her arm and meeting her eyes. His eyes widened upon seeing her smile weakly. "Hi." She softly spoke before Galdino embraced her in a hug that she hesitantly accepted, her arms wrapping around his neck and shoulder as he breathed heavily, trying not to cry again as his hands gripped onto the fabric of her clean kimono. 
"Don't you ever do that to me again!" He hissed, his voice wavering as he pulled away from the hug to look her in the eyes. Roseanne looked away, her eyes focussed on the floor as she spoke. "I'm sorry. I-!!" His hand tilted her chin up to meet his intense gaze before smashing his lips onto hers, not caring that they were dry and pouring all of his emotions into the kiss, the sheer force sending her onto her back with him on top of her. The kiss softened, his hands cupping her face as if she was a porcelain doll when she broke out of her shock and kissed back. The air grew thinner and thinner until they decided to part, their faces close together as they caught their breath, looking into each other's eyes. 
Galdino's eyes sparkled when he saw the familiar shine in her eyes grow bigger and brighter, until he realised she had begun to cry. Before he could apologise for being too forward, Roseanne leant up and planted her lips onto his, surprising him for a moment before he kissed back. They parted for air, small pecks on the lips from Galdino as she mumbled a few 'I love you's and 'Sorry's. He sat her up and held her in his arms, planting kisses wherever he could. "I'm just glad you're alive, my love. The reindeer told me everything." His nickname for her made her blush, snuggling into him with a small smile. "So am I." She said after a while, kissing his cheek and wrapping her arms around him.
"...Want to go home?" "Yes, please." "I think that's the first time you've ever said that word to me." "Oh, shush!"
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ztarvokwrites · 2 years
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ladies and gentlemen and non-of the-binaries, i present to you; another self-indulgent oc x canon fic 😌 enjoy xx
PAIRING: OC x Canon (Roseanne x Galdino/Mr 3)
TW‼️: Public sex (in a bathroom stall), No penetration just oral (F!Recieving), Fingering, Subtle marking, Praise, Pussy, Cunt, Thigh scars. if i missed anything let me know!
Modern AU, Devil Fruits still exist tho
SYNOPSIS: Galdino makes sure Rose knows just how beautiful she is 🥰
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"Okay, I'm ready!" Roseanne called from upstairs, her voice seeming confident despite the fact that she spent about 15 or so minutes staring at herself in the mirror and trying to 'fix herself' to look picture perfect, yet nothing seemed to quell her satisfaction.
Walking out of their shared bedroom with a soft sigh, she stood before her boyfriend, who had lifted himself off of the couch upon seeing her exit the room. Galdino's breath hitched upon seeing her outfit; a red dress hugging her curves, a black leather jacket hanging off of one shoulder, her hair in a high braid, lips painted in the red he adored so much, rose earrings dangling from her ears and red high heels that make her gorgeous legs look even more fabulous.
"Wow..." Galdino gasped, his hair forming a heart as he stepped towards her, taking her waist in his hands. "You look irresistable, my dear." He complimented with a lovestruck smile, planting a soft kiss on the bridge of her nose. Roseanne smiled a little bit before humming.
"Are you sure this isn't too much? We are just going to the movies..." She mumbled, looking herself over again. Galdino cupped her face in his hands, making her look at him.
"Darling, you are never too much," He reassured her, thumbs stroking her cheeks gently and feeling the heat rise to her face. Roseanne sighed, smiling and leaning into his touch. He chuckled, placing a soft, brief kiss to her lips before moving away and holding her hand in his.
"Shall we?"
"We shall."
They made it to the movie theatre and went to get some snacks, yet as they were, Roseanne felt a pair of eyes staring at her. Taking a quick glance to her left, she noticed a man taller than her lover staring right at her thighs, the part of her body she was most self-conscious about. The man caught her glancing at him and smirked, making her scoot closer to Galdino and stiffen up.
"You've got nice thighs, shortstack." The man suddenly said, making Galdino almost drop the popcorn he was holding as Roseanne gripped his arm, a feeling of unease washing over her. Galdino placed the popcorn down with a harsh thud, the poor lad behind the counter looking between the two men with concern as Galdino turned to the man.
"I would appreciate it if you'd leave my girlfriend alone." He spat through his teeth. The man rolled his eyes with a smug smile.
"Hey, man, I was just complimenting her thighs. I'm sure she appreciates it." Galdino's eyebrow twitched at the man's response, holding Roseanne close. He went to respond before Roseanne stopped him.
"Galdi," She spoke, voice barely above a whisper. Galdino hummed. "Can we just go?... Please?" The way her ruby red eyes pleaded up at him made it hard for him to disagree.
"Of course, my love. Let's go." He softly spoke, grabbing the popcorn he paid for and walking off with an arm around her waist. Roseanne could still feel eyes on her, but didn't want to look again. That didn't stop the man from commenting on her body again, though.
"Damn, those scars are pretty big."
Galdino stopped in his tracks, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and anger as Roseanne tried desperately not to cry. She tapped on his chest and shook her head.
"He's not worth it. Let's just go..." She mumbled. Galdino took a deep breath and nodded, holding her closer to him and walking into the theatre. The man went to walk up to the snacks desk, yet he tripped and fell on the floor. Groaning, he looked to see what he tripped over and saw something hard and white. Galdino smirked upon hearing his groan of pain before he closed the theatre door behind them and took their seats.
As the movie played, Roseanne couldn't help but replay what the man said in her head, not to mention she remembered just how insecure she was already feeling. Tears began to fall down her face and although she tried to stop them, Galdino already took notice. He gently grabbed her hand and squeezed it, making her look at him. A frown formed on his face.
"What's wrong? Is it what that man said?" He asked softly. Roseanne shook her head, unable to bring herself to speak. Galdino sighed, already knowing that she was feeling insecure but not knowing how to help her with it. That's when it clicked. Standing up, he offered his hand and nodded towards the exit. Raising a brow, Roseanne took his hand and left the theatre room with him. She didn't bother to ask why they left the room, she was just thankful she didn't have to embarass herself any further. Yet when they reached one of the public bathrooms, she stopped.
"Why... Why are we here?" She asked, confused. Galdino squeezed her hand.
"Because it's an emergency." Galdino simply stated, slipping into the bathrooms with her and taking her into a stall. He locked the door behind them and gently held her, arms around her waist. Roseanne didn't waist any more time and hugged back, wrapping her arms around his neck as she began to softly sob into the crook of his neck. He gently kissed the top of her head, hands rubbing up and down the small of her back.
"What's wrong, my dear, hm?" Galdino softly asked, knowing the answer already but wanting to hear it from her words. Roseanne sniffed, shaking her head and refusing to say. "Come on, my love. You can talk to me."
"I-It's just," Roseanne finally began, lifting her head in shame and sniffling. She wiped away one of her tears. "I'm just so... Ugly today... And what that man said earlier didn't help at all..." She whimpered, refusing to look him in the eyes as he tightened his grip on her waist. His heart dropped at her words, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he dipped his head to rest on her shoulder.
"Do you know why we're in here?" Galdino asked, his breath hot against her skin, making her shiver. Roseanne shook her head. Galdino lifted his head and cupped her cheek in his hand, thumb gently rubbing over her bottom lip. He leant in a little so their lips grazed against each other's. Roseanne's heart skipped a beat, her body suddenly growing hot.
"Because I need to remind you just how beautiful you really are." He softly murmured, leaning in to gently connect his lips to hers, giving her time to respond. And respond she did, almost desperately. Her lips moving against his as Galdino gently pinned her against the door, his hands gently rubbing her hips in a soothing motion. Roseanne hummed, completely melting into his touch.
Parting for air, Galdino lightly pecked her lips before planting soft kisses all over her face, making her giggle as his stubble tickled her skin. He smiled, kissing the corners of her mouth as he dipped down, kissing the underside of her jaw and along her neck to find the one spot that made her weak at the knees. Roseanne softly sighed as he kissed that particular spot, tilting her head so he could get better access.
"You're such a gorgeous woman." He mumbled against her skin before kissing the spot and sucking on it, making her eyes twinkle and a soft moan escape her mouth, the compliment going straight to her cunt. He hummed against her skin, enjoying the soft feeling of it against his tongue and teeth as he lightly nibbled on it, making her arch her back, her breasts pressing against his chest.
Roseanne bit her lip as he moved to suck on her collarbone, desperately trying to quiet her moans as his hands now travelled down to gently grab her ass, making her rub her hips against his, feeling his crotch rub against her damp heat.
"Such a pretty woman," He spoke, kissing along her collarbones and moving south, soft lips pressing against the cloth of her dress and her skin, the sensation setting her heart ablaze. She knew exactly where his lips were headed, putting one of her legs over his shoulder as he got down on his knees. He softly smiled, gently lifting the other one over his shoulder as he looked up at her. "Good girl."
Rose whimpered, his words going straight to her pussy as he began to kiss her thighs and lift up her dress a bit, revealing the wet patch between her legs. She jolted a little with a small moan when he kissed the big scar that ran across both of her inner thighs.
"So beautiful," Galdino deeply spoke, kissing the scar on her other thigh. Roseanne covered her beet red face, attempting to close her legs, but he kept them open. Eyeing the wet patch in front of him, he sighed. "A Goddess." His fingers gently rubbed against her clothed folds, making her jolt and arch her back with a sharp gasp. A moan left her lips, making her slap her hand over her mouth as he began to work her up further, toying with her clit.
Not wasting any more time, Galdino hooked his fingers around her panties and tugged them off of her, the cool air of the bathroom hitting her heat and making her hiss a little. Galdino placed a long kiss to her wet pussy, the sound of her moan music to his ears. The feeling of him licking a long stripe along her slit made her moan a little bit louder behind her hand. A satisfied groan left his body as he looked her in the eyes with a mix of pure love and passion, the vibration making her legs tremble as she stared back at him, babbling his name softly.
Roseanne bucked her hips a little when his lips latched onto her sensitive bud, sucking intently, a choked moan leaving her mouth. The door to the bathroom opened, making Roseanne freeze as Galdino kept going. She looked down at him in a panic, his only response being a tongue entering her hole, making her roll her eyes back. As the person who came in flushed the toilet, Galdino picked up the pace, fucking her with his tongue as his finger began to play with her clit, making her loudly gasp.
"You okay in there?" The person asked. Galdino pulled out his tongue and smiled up at her before latching his mouth onto her clit and entering his finger into her hole, making Roseanne bite her bottom lip as she tried not to moan. Swallowing, she answered.
"Y-Yes!" Thankfully the answer came out normally, despite the fact that whenever he sucked her clit, the bud grazed against his teeth and his finger curled against every crevice that had her seeing stars.
"Alright." The person said before leaving. The sound of the door closing made Roseanne sigh in relief before moaning loudly as Galdino entered another finger, sucking harshly on her clit, the coil in her belly tightening tremendously as she began to reach her peak.
"G-Galdino!" She cried, bucking her hips against him to the rhythm of his fingers. Galdino felt his pants tighten by the minute, determinated to bring her immense pleasure as he picked up the pace, rubbing his teeth against her clit and entering a third and final finger. Roseanne almost screamed when she felt him very gently nibble on her hard clit, the moans leaving her mouth growing louder and more sinful as she reached her peak.
A pleasurable hot wave shot through her body, legs trembling violently as she finally came into Galdino's mouth and fingers, one of her hands gripping onto his hair like her life depended on it. Her love hummed in delight as he gently lapped up her juices, enjoying her taste as he licked her through her orgasm. Roseanne squirmed a little once it got too much, so he pulled away, panting a little and licking his lips before planting soft kisses against her thighs as she came down from her high.
"You always taste so delightful, my princess," He spoke, planting one last kiss to her scar before gently placing her shaking legs on the ground. "Do you think you can stand?" He asked, helping her put her underwear back on. Roseanne nodded, standing on her wobbly legs once Galdino stood up after cleaning the floor. He held her hip with one hand as she stood, watching as he licked his fingers clean before wiping them with a tissue and flushing the toilet once he threw it away.
"Was that enough proof for you, my dear?" Galdino asked, cupping her face with his other hand. "Or shall we take this to somewhere more private?" Roseanne blushed profusely, looking down towards the prominent bulge in his pants before she shook her head.
"Somewhere private..." She mumbled, fiddling with his shirt collar. He chuckled, kissing her forehead.
"Alright, my flower," He spoke, taking her hand in his and exiting the stall. "Let's get out of here."
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ztarvokwrites · 3 years
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ladies and gentlemen, gays and theys, i present to you; the pierced candlestick fic :) enjoy! NSFW, MDI!
WARNINGS: Dom! Roseanne, Sub! Galdino, Galdino being called a good boy, vibrating piercings, dick piercings, multiple orgasms, overstimulation if you squint, NSFW in general
WORD COUNT: 3,269 (hehehe 69)
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Galdino huffed, ravaging the Chester drawers with a look of concentration on his face as he rummaged through the various articles of undergarments in a rushed fashion. Roseanne stood in the doorway, leaning against it with her arms crossed as she looked at him, an eyebrow raised. “Galdi,” She began, moving closer to him. “What are you looking for? You’ve been running around for half an hour stressed out of your mind! We have to go soon, we’re gonna be late for Alvida’s party!” “Sorry, my love,” Galdino apologised, turning to her, defeated. “I seemed to have misplaced my bowtie, gane.” Roseanne hummed for a moment. “Let me look. Move.” Galdino did as he was told, moving to sit on the edge of their shared bed. He watched as his girlfriend closed one drawer and opened the other, taking some time to quickly but carefully look through various articles of clothing in each drawer until she opened the last one, small, clear boxes of piercings flying out and hitting the door of the drawer. She noticed her box of earrings, necklaces and bracelets, yet what made her pause and stop her further actions was a clear box with a small bag of three piercings in it. Galdino’s blood ran cold as she picked up the box and raised an eyebrow. “Whose is this? They’re not mine - they’re far too big to be mine.” She pondered, looking at the box and then to her boyfriend, who cleared his throat. “...Th…They’re mine, gane…” He responded after a while, his cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
“Oh? I didn’t know you got your ears pierced. How come I never saw them, though?” She questioned, mainly to herself. “...They’re not earrings, gane…” Galdino mumbled, looking away. Roseanne cocked her head to the side like a lost puppy. “What? What do you mean they’re not earrings? Are they tongue piercings?” She asked, but only got a shake of the head as a response. He spoke once more, voice only getting smaller and face only getting redder and redder by the minute. “...They aren’t face piercings either, gane…” Roseanne blinked, confusion written all over her face as she tried to put the pieces together in her mind. “They’re not? What do you mean…They’re not…” The pin finally dropped. A blush rose to her face as she registered what her boyfriend meant. She eyed him, red irises darting between his beet-red face and his crotch as her mouth opened, corners of her lips turning upwards into a smile of disbelief. “YOU DIDN’T!! WHEN?!” “Not so loud, gane!!” Galdino hissed, grabbing the box from her hands and placing it next to him, his face still red. He sighed, answering her question.
“...I got it pierced when I was in College, gane. It’s been so long, so I doubt they’d fit now.” “Have you tried?” Roseanne questioned rather quickly, making his eyes widen a little. His blush grew somehow and he almost screeched. “WHAT?! WHY- NO, I HAVEN’T!” “Should we try?” A long silence followed suit, Galdino staring at her girlfriend with shock as she stared back with curious eyes. He swallowed hard, looking at the box with his own curiosity. “I mean…Would it even fit, gane?” “Well,” Roseanne began, on her knees in front of him with her hands on his knees as she gazed up at him, a sparkle of mischief in her eyes. “We’ll never know unless we try.” Galdino felt something ignite in his loins at her gaze and tone, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he gulped again. “Did…Didn’t you say we were going to be late, gane?” He stuttered slightly. Suddenly it got hot in the room, Galdino tugging on his buttoned-up collar as he began to sweat a bit. He wanted ever so desperately to find a distraction to the predicament he had found himself in, but the way her hands now gently caressed his thighs and her pleading look of curiosity made his loins ignite once more. “Please, Galdi? I just wanna see it!” Roseanne pleaded, pouting a little bit. As much as Galdino wanted to keep the piercings a secret, he couldn’t say no to the gorgeous sparkle that shone in her ruby eyes, not to mention that he was a little curious himself. “...Fine. Turn around, gane.” He groaned, finally giving in. Roseanne cheered and did as she was told, turning around on the spot and waiting for her next instruction. Hearing the belt unbuckle sent shivers down her spine and the sound of his fly being opened made her stomach flutter.
Soft grunts were heard from behind her, which made her sit straight. “Do you need help?” “No, no…I’ve…I’ve got it, gane. Just don’t turn around.” He ordered softly, a slight stutter in his speech as he continued his actions, the soft whines leaving his throat making Roseanne squirm on the spot. “A-Alright…You can turn around now, gane.” He spoke after a while, his voice small out of embarrassment. Turning around, the woman almost jumped back in surprise as she saw his cock now with piercings and almost at full mast. The three silver piercings along the underside of his base looked like a ladder, whereas there was one that looked slightly bigger than the others near the tip. Her eyes met his with a look of awe and lust, a finger lightly touching each piercing as she smiled. “See? That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” “No, I supposed it wasn’t, gane…Now,” Galdino began, his tone suddenly changing. He glanced at his cock, then at his lover. “What should we do, hm?”
Roseanne blushed, red eyes looking up at him with mischief as she began to smirk. "Lay down and I'll show you." She commanded, hands tenderly squeezing his thighs as he shivered. He raised a brow with an intrigued and amused smirk. "You'll show me? I think it should be the other way around, sweetheart, gane." "Now, now, mi vela," Her tone made him freeze, hands gripping the sheets as he locked eyes with her lustful gaze. She got up, towering over him with a smirk. "Don't get too ahead of yourself. Have you forgotten who got you all riled up for this?" Galdino moaned softly as she rubbed the tip of his dick, spreading the now dripping precum around it. He looked back up at her, submission in his eyes, as he adjusted himself on the bed and laid down, watching as her smirk widened into a smile. Getting on top of him and straddling his legs, she kept eye contact as she licked the precum from her fingers, admiring the somewhat salty taste with a hum.
Galdino whined softly, his cock pulsating at the sight as more precum dribbled down his pierced shaft and onto his balls. Roseanne licked her lips almost sadistically, the scene of her boyfriend being so submissive after talking so big turning her on. She raised a brow. "What should I do, hm?" She questioned, one hand spreading his precum along his shaft before encasing it entirely in her palm, tugging on his cock gently and slowly, making him groan from the depths of his chest. "I could always ride you," She hummed, her free hand undoing the clasps of her strapless dress and letting the top half fall to her waist, exposing her braless chest. Galdino moaned, his eyes tracing the roundness of her breasts and down towards the start of her abs. The sight was mouthwatering. "Or, I can suck you dry," She continued with a small giggle, moving so she can tug his pants off and rest herself on one of his thighs. He swallowed as he felt her damp panties rub against him as she began to grind, soft pants leaving her lips as the friction she created stimulated her throbbing clit. "Or," She whined slowly, "I can just do this for the rest of the night. So what'll it be, Galdino?" The sound of his name being softly gasped from her plush lips made him buck into her hand with a pathetic whine.
Roseanne held his hip with one hand, stroking his cock with the other in a painfully slow manner as she kept eye contact. “Use your words or I won’t do anything.” She warned, giving his cock a warning squeeze, making him grunt. “P…Please,” Galdino whined, glasses in one hand as his other arm covered his eyes in embarrassment. “Anything but the third option, gane…I beg of you to let me feel you around me…” Roseanne hummed at his begging attempt, moving to take his arm and pin it above him, looking deep into his lust-filled eyes. “I don’t know…You’re going to have to convince me.” His dick twitched in her hand at her tone of voice, a low whine escaping his throat. “Please, Rose, let me feel you. Let me touch you, please!” Galdino begged, his voice slightly louder and more desperate, hips twitching against her thighs. Roseanne smirked, taking his hands in hers and placing them on her breasts that he had been shamelessly staring at for quite some time while she thought. She softly groaned as he squeezed them, soft hands caressing the curvature of them before rolling her nipples under his thumbs. “Good boy…” Roseanne softly mumbled, leaning down to gently kiss his lips before trailing kisses down to his jaw as one of his hands reached around to her lower back, helping her to grind harder on his leg.
The woman moaned softly into his ear, her pussy clenching around nothing as she stopped her grinding, the hand on his pierced dick squeezing gently, giving him a warning glance. “It’s my turn, remember?” She softly spoke, her voice low with lust. Upon hearing the apologetic whine and feeling his hand travel up to her waist. Straddling his hips, she removed her hand from his aching cock and licked the precum that dribbled down her hand while her other hand trailed down to his chest. “You said you wanted to feel me around you, no?” She asked and he eagerly nodded. With a smirk and a sultry stare, she grabbed the hand that was on her breast and slowly moved it lower and lower. “Then feel me.” At that simple command, Galdino’s hand was travelling down to her wet slit in a matter of seconds, cupping her mound and gently rubbing it to feel just how wet she was. Roseanne closed her eyes and moaned softly, grinding her clit against his palm. She gasped softly when she felt a finger enter her tight hole, a moan escaping her throat as he thrust it in and out of her slowly, watching her every facial expression intently. Staring back at him, she smiled softly as she took one of his nipples between her thumb and forefinger and pinched it, causing Galdino to hiss a moan as his back arched a little. “Do you feel that, mi amor? Do you feel just how ready I am to swallow your cock whole, hm? Fuck,” Roseanne spurred him on with a moan as another finger entered her. “You’re gonna feel so fucking good inside of me with those piercings…” Her lustful words made his dick visibly twitch as she slid the rest of her dress off before moving to unbutton his shirt, kissing and sucking and biting his neck as she did so, moaning his name in his ear like a prayer. Painting his neck with small hickies, his fingers began to move in a scissor-like motion that made her bite down gently at the spot she was sucking on, making Galdino groan. Taking off his shirt, she pulled away to admire his body with a soft moan.
His shaft rubbed against her clit, making her shiver and clench around his fingers. She felt herself getting close, so she grabbed his wrist. “Stop.” Commanded Roseanne, making Galdino pull out his fingers from her dripping heat. Holding onto his chest, she hovered over his pierced member, the red and sensitive tip brushing lightly against her clit, making such a heavenly sensation run through her veins. Her hand held his shaft and aligned it with her entrance. “You ready for me, mi vela? Ready to feel me squeeze your cock dry, hm?” Galdino nodded eagerly, his hands resting on her thighs as he softly yet desperately begged. “Please, please, please…” He loudly moaned when she finally lowered herself on his pierced shaft, a sharp gasp leaving Roseanne’s lips as she felt the metal piercings stretch and caress her walls. Once he was all the way in, she stopped to allow herself to adjust, panting slightly at the feeling of his piercings hitting every inch of her tight walls and reaching spots she didn’t even know were sensitive. With a deep breath, she lifted herself to the tip with a moan before lowering herself again, bouncing on his cock slowly and relishing in the way he felt inside of her, how he sounded beneath her; a whining and moaning mess. Moans escaped Roseanne’s throat as one of his hands squeezed her thigh while the other reached for the bedside drawer, opening it and pulling out a small remote. He looked at it briefly before handing it to Rose, who stopped momentarily to look at it.
“What’s this?” “One of them can vibrate, gane…” Galdino spoke, swallowing hard. Roseanne blushed, looking at him with slight shock. “IT VIBRATES?!” She exclaimed, looking back at the remote and looking at the different settings. With a click, the low vibration setting was turned on and they both gasped, the humble vibration being more pleasurable than they imagined. Roseanne moaned, almost falling onto his chest had it not been for her other hand holding her up. She began to move again, making Galdino arch his back off the bed. “P…Please! I wanna…!” He stopped midway through his sentence, a loud groan ripping from the depths of his chest. Roseanne smirked, moaning at the sight beneath her. “Use your words, baby. You can do it, fuck!” Galdino’s hands reached up to her hips and squeezed. “I want to fuck you, gane! Please!!” The desperation in his eyes made her want to melt and give in, yet she didn’t. Waving the remote in her hand, she grinned. “As much as I would love for you to do that, don’t forget who’s in control here.” With that, she clicked the remote, the small vibrations turning into harder and quicker ones. Roseanne arched her back as she bounced on his cock again, Galdino’s moans getting louder and louder.
She leaned over and smashed her lips onto his just to shut him up, their moans mixing with each other harmoniously as she continued to bounce up and down on his cock, chasing their carnal desires. Roseanne gasped as he thrust up into her, hitting her G spot and making her moan loudly into his mouth as she slid her tongue into his mouth. Galdino’s hands travelled down to her ass and squeezed, making her moan again as she bounced, the vibrations continuing to promise them a night of pleasure. Sneakily, Galdino took the remote from her hand and turned up the vibrations, making her almost scream. Pulling away for air, she snatched the remote from his hand and carelessly tossed it on the floor with a lustful grin. Roseanne could tell by the way his dick twitched inside of her that he was close. She captured his lips in hers again and mumbled dirty words of encouragement against his lips. “You close, baby? Are you gonna cum for me, hm? Cum for me, mi amor. Fill me up to the fucking brim, please, fuck…” Roseanne was the one begging now; begging for him to cum. He thrust up again and again, making her bounce faster and harder on his pierced cock and bringing himself over the edge, the vibrations drawing out his orgasm as he moaned loudly, her name leaving his lips like a prayer as he filled her pussy with his seed.
The sheer sight of him coming undone beneath her made her orgasm draw closer and closer, the knot in her stomach tightening by the second. With every thrust she felt her slick run down her thighs and onto his legs, the vibrations and friction burning her insides delightfully as her stimulated clit quivered and shook. Roseanne whined. “Fuck…Please make me cum, mi vela. Please, please, please, please…” She couldn’t help but beg, the words leaving her mouth before she could stop them. Galdino growled in her ear, his thrusts getting faster and faster as he flipped her over on the bed, gaining access to a much deeper spot inside of her that neither of them knew existed. Roseanne threw her head back at the position, almost screaming his name as he repeatedly hit her cervix with his thrusts, the vibrations helping her achieve her goal. The knot in her stomach snapped, her eyes screwing shut as she came down hard on his pierced cock, her walls making him cum for a second time. His thrusts slowed as she came, looking around for the remote so he can stop the vibrations and spotting it next to the bed. Roseanne softly whined at the overstimulation, making Galdino gently pull out a little bit to bend down and get the remote, switching it off.
They both caught their breath, looking into each other’s eyes. Galdino leant over and kissed her gently, pulling out and flopping on the bed next to her. Roseanne sighed, leaning her head on his chest as his arms wrapped around her. “...Wow,” She breathed, glancing at his member then looking up at him, who had been staring at her with love in his eyes the whole time. “You should have those in more often.” “Hm, I’m not sure, gane…” He spoke, noticing how hoarse their voices had gotten. Roseanne pouted, making him sigh. “Oh, alright. But only on special occasions, gane.” Roseanne cheered softly at this, pecking him on his nose and snuggling into him. Silence. “What time is it, gane?” Galdino suddenly asked. Roseanne looked at the analogue clock on the nightstand. “...11:36 PM…” She softly responded, looking back at him with slight shock in her eyes. “Ah…We’re late…” He said, getting his phone from the bedside drawer and looking at it to see he had 10 missed messages from Buggy and Alvida asking him where they were. The couple looked at each other, sweaty and still recovering from their night of passion. “Let’s just tell them we’re sick, gane.” Galdino spoke, opening one of the messages and typing as best he could without his glasses. The soft giggling from his lover made him smile softly and place a gentle kiss on top of her head, placing the phone on top of the drawers. “Let’s get cleaned up, eh? Have a night in instead, gane.” He suggested, making Roseanne nod. She softly kissed him on the lips, breaking the embrace to speak. “I love you, mi vela.” “I love you more, my flower.”
“What if they’re fucking?” Alvida suggested, yelling over the club’s loud music. Buggy laughed. “Yeah, they probably are, considering I gave Galdino his dick piercings that I found in our old apartment we used to share!” “GALDINO HAS DICK PIERCINGS?! I NEED TO CALL ROSE RIGHT NOW!” “They vibrate, too. I found that out the hard way.” Alvida turned her head to him, narrowing her eyes. “Don’t tell me you two…” “Hey, it was only a short-lived relationship we had back in the day!” “YOU TWO FUCKED?!”
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Mi Vela - My Candle
Mi Amor - My Love
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ztarvokwrites · 3 years
okay so
i have a twitter au on instagram which atm is pretty dead, but i kinda wanna revive it soon.
would you guys be willing to see it if i decide to move it from instagram to tumblr?
info below:
it's a modern au, a coffee shop and flower shop au to be exact, though i might change it soon to like a college au or something.
it has 3 oc's of mine, 1 of which you haven't seen yet
yes it includes both canon x canon and oc x canon
yes it includes a lot of drama
yes it includes shitposts
and yes it includes smut, angst and fluff
oh and be warned that if you do visit the instagram page and see the trigger warning, it includes roseanne explaining her backstory to galdino, so if i do decide to revive it here then i'll definitely write it as a post or something with the appropriate warnings ofc. (you can also click away if you feel too uncomfortable!)
ok i think that's all you guys need to know for now.
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