#galatea confused
moeblob · 2 years
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Just casually dropping relationship statuses after Azure Gleam or something.
(I really should play more SB but hhhhhh)
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charmixpower · 2 years
Inktober request: Krystal in this dress (from future S5 episode) and Galatea talking about being gay xd
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It's such a shame that Galatea didn't get a new fancy outfit for whatever this is, so I gave her one in a similarly traditional style as her dad, and I made Krystal's dress sensical bc I took one look at the thing she was originally wearing and said no
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astoriadeco · 9 months
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Triton taking Nereid and Galatea away from a confused (flustered?) Europa , I loved that I sene sm they are so little and so cute >:3
second art style for times I’m not so motivated
(also gotta say I never consider triton like a father to them I always kinda thought of him as their cool older brother they idolize but if you are a triton dad truther, do you man have fun)
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ch6douin · 9 months
Hi hi! Recently I got into playing idv again and they have released a christmas map where you can play snowball and ice skate it's really fun and cute I am wondering how that would work out in the self aware au, I think most of the characters would be confused why the map is there and what it is even for but maybe some would use the map to play around for a bit? I would love to hear your thoughts!
Christmas in Oletus Manor was so eerie and gloomy in the first few years. None of the survivors or hunters could ever imagine celebrating in the state they were in, but of course, with more and more invitations sent and people coming in to participate in these games, the tradition changed drastically.
They were all used to organizing the event with no external help and trying to have some fun with what they had in their hands. The veterans were busy cooking large amounts of food and others were busy decorating the manor with handmade ornaments (props to Luca and Tracy for making the flashers). They would feast, some would pray, and then party!
So imagine their surprise when they receive a letter that one of the interdicted parts of the manor is now restored, giving them a chance to have more fun and distractions. At this point, some of them imagine that it was your influence as a player, while others think that it was you who restored the space, after all the only thing that was akin to that before you was Leo's Memory, but it was reserved for matches and they couldn't always enjoy knowing that they were being hunted. Fortunately, it didn't take too long for them to want to cease their curiosities.
What a magical sight it is to see the kids indulging in snowball fights, some survivors like Andrew and Ganji trying to get used to the slippery ice while others like Mike and Martha skated around naturally. On the other side, Anne, Galatea, and Emma trying to build as many snowmen as they can (there are at least 10 of them already, stop them before the whole snow terrain is filled 💀.) while the rest such as Norton, Michiko, Fiona and many others enjoy some hot chocolate and talk. Joseph of course doesn't waste his chance on taking pictures of basically everything.
I don't like how this went but I'm just trying to clarify my thoughts anyway lol
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
You, I made this post, somewhere, anyway, what are 10 minor deities u know of. This is just for fun 😎
Your wording at the start kind of confuses me, sorry. ^^; But I'll gladly talk about some minor deities I know of!
Triton, a god of the Sea, is one that I was paid to make a subtle worship post on and will be doing one for soon here. Galatea, goddess of calm seas, is another I paid to make a post about! Hippocrates, the god of Silence, was one I hadn't heard of before someone requested I make a post about him; his history is pretty interesting! There's also Thanatos, god of Peaceful Death, who is often confused with and overshadowed by Haides, interestingly. Asclepius, god of Medicine, is a son of Apollo who was actually deified after being killed for discovering a way for humans to not die (seems the gods aren't big on immortality for humans in the myths, and I don't blame them XD). Nyx, goddess of the Night, is pretty lesser known as well but is said to be one of the most powerful goddesses within the myths - someone who even Zeus himself feared the power of. Tyche, goddess of Fortune, is another deity who gets often overlooked but is known to control both good and bad fortune, among many other things. Harmonia, goddess of Harmony, is a daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, actually, who was transformed into a snake along with her lover. Morpheus, the leader of the Oneiroi and God of dreams, is a pretty interesting figure who is a son of Hypnos. And last, but not least, is Iris, messenger of Hera and goddess of Rainbows, who is very often overlooked in modern worship circles, unfortunately.
An honorable mention goes to all of The Muses, who are lesser known than they should be, for sure. Clio (Muse of History), Calliope (Muse of Epic Poetry & Eloquence), Melpomene (Muse of Tragedy), Thalia (Muse of Comedy), Erato (Muse of Erotic Poetry), Polyhymnia (Muse of Religious Hymns), Ourania (Muse of Astronomy), Euterpe (Muse of Lyric Poetry), and Terpsikhore (Muse of Choral Song and Dancing).
Hope this gives you a good answer! Take care! 🧡
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sothisblessmysoul · 1 year
Can I ask for a bouquet of flowers for the blue lions? That sounds so adorable. 🥰
(I never knew if you wanted all of them or selected few so I did all of them)
༓ʚ A Flower's Meaning ɞ༓
Summary: The Blue Lions react to you catching a bouquet at a friend’s wedding
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༓Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd He watched you catch it without blinking or flinching, mainly just confused as the realization slowly took over your face as you finally met Dimitri’s gaze. There was something about how the flowers looked in your hands and the look that you gave him that made Dimitri feel so flustered. So pretty, is his single thought as Dimitri’s made his way to you, feet on autopilot.
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༓Dedue Molinaro Dedue’s eyes were completely on you, holding the colorful flowers that all mean a term of love in language as everyone else is looking between you and him. He doesn’t flare up in a blush or appear startled but you can see Dedue is feeling embarrassedly flustered by the awkward stiffness of his movement as the tall man makes his way to you.
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༓Felix Hugo Fraldarius Felix does not want to be here with unimportant people, if anything he wants to be comfortably at home with you. But he will admit that the other wedding is pretty. Felix wonders if you’ve ever thought about marriage, but any further thought of the subject changes when you catch the flowers that nearly smacked you in the face. The image of what you would look like holding yours flashed quickly in his thoughts as for once Felix quietly watched you.
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༓Ashe Ubert A blush marked his freckled face with a happy smile but a shy expression at the teasing that Ashe knows his friends and siblings will give him as you walked over to him. Subconsciously Ashe reached out his hand for you to take, gently pulling you closer to his side as Ashe studied the flowers. The bouquet was pretty but it wasn’t your favorite, he thought to himself. The following thought is how beautiful you would look, holding your favorite flowers while neither Ashe nor you let go of each other’s hands because it felt like two missing puzzle pieces found a place to fit perfectly together.
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༓Sylvain Jose Gautier Immediately starts to sweat nervously as the flowers are perfectly in your hand while his hand subconsciously touches his pocket where the ring is that he’s planning to ask your hand for later. He had been carrying it, not having a day or place in mind until right now. This is a sign, he thinks as you lock eyes with him and smile which he returns.
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༓Mercedes von Martritz She was standing right beside you when you had caught the flowers, she leaned over to sniffle the flowers with a smile growing on her face as she looked up at you, pulling away from you but not before kissing your cheek. She giggled quietly at your reaction to the flowers and the kisses. She is going to tease you but this will bring up the thought of marriage and the future with her.
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༓Annette Fantine Dominic Instantly a crimson blush blooms on her face as endless giggles of excited bundles of nerves, reaching how to touch one of the flowers’ petals. Annette went quiet, wondering what flowers she would pick for her wedding, she subconsciously looked at you. She isn’t going to say anything immediately today or tomorrow but there will be hints of marriage, hoping that you’ll catch on and talk about it with her.
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༓Ingrid Brandl Galatea She never really thought deeply about marriage, it was just something that her father wanted for her. But when Ingrid saw your reaction to catching the bouquet to look for her and finally smiling when you found Ingrid, she wondered for a fleeting thought if you would smile like that at the altar. She can’t explain why it made her face blush although Ingrid didn’t hate that idea at all because without question she knows that Ingrid would say yes if you asked her.
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unreadpoppy · 6 months
Poison kiss
Minthara x Tav (Galatea)
Read on AO3
A/N: Minthara's poisoned kiss happened to my Tav the other day and I couldn't be happier. I decided to write a little something, with my own spin on the scene.
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It was almost like a ritual. Everytime she wanted one, Galatea would ask “Can I kiss you?”, and everytime, Minthara would reply with “I am yours. Come to me.” 
The drow strided towards her, grabbing the tiefling by the back of her neck and bringing her head forwards, kissing Galatea roughly. Minthara was domineering, her tongue pushing past her partner’s lips as the tiefling held her waist, moaning slightly. The drow kissed like she fought in battle - hard and fierce. 
Once they were done, the drow’s hand stayed on her cheek for a moment, the two looking into each other’s eyes, smiling softly. 
“You give me courage.” Minthara said after they broke apart. 
Galatea smiled at her. “You t-” The tiefling swayed in place, not finishing her sentence. Minthara frowned, calling her name. Galatea’s body slumped forwards as she fell, and the drow was quick to catch her before she hit the ground. 
“My love?” She said, worriedly. She put a hand on the tieflings cheek, and tried checking for any mysterious injury when she realized what had happened. 
Minthara was quick to use a lay on hands to cure her lover and soon, Galatea was waking up. 
“What…what happened?” The tiefling asked, confused. 
Still holding Galatea, Minthara smirked. “Apologies. It seems that a trace of drow poison still clung to my lips after I took it this morning.” 
Galatea put a hand on her face and sighed. “Minthara…why were you drinking poison?” 
“I take small doses of various toxins with my meals to build immunity.” The drow traced her thumb on Galatea’s bottom lip. “You should do the same.” 
“I could consider it.” The tiefling raised a brow, smirking. “But only if you kiss me again.” 
Minthara chuckled and bent her head down, kissing her again, this time, more passionately. 
In the distance, Astarion, upon looking at the scene, shouted “Go to your tent, you two!” 
The drow quickly stopped and shot him a murderous look. She stood up, helping Galatea, and said “Just a moment. I must show the little vampling what happens when I am interrupted.” She gave her a quick kiss on the lips again and marched towards the elf, who had began running. 
Galatea laughed, shaking her head. ‘By the gods,’ she thought, ‘I love her.’
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niseag-reads · 2 months
Ouch my brain /pos - a ramble
Right. I want to say something sensible about this book, but I have been reading it since January, and I would be damned if I remembered what happened in the first half of it in any detail. This is a ramble/review for "Forges of Mars." the full trilogy. by Graham McNeill
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Taking so long to read it was not the books fault. Indeed, that was me running into burnout and being preoccupied with university stuff. But being somewhat less than fully emerged in this book probably didn't help the book at all.
There are so many characters, holy shit. And some of their names are so similar! Hawke and Hawkins come to mind. Additionally, characters will be named by their first name, last name, or nicknames and keeping apart who is who is no joke. The dramatis personae provided is somewhat useful, but annoying when you have to refer to it too often. this does come with the caviat that I do, as a rule, not really remember names (I think it's the autism) making this all the more difficult to me. Where characters are diverse enough in their thinking and acting i will be able to tell them apart by that, but for side and background characters that really doesnt work.
With this, there are also multiple storylines, and my issue with that in many books is that there is always some I prefer over the others and then I get annoyed when they switch to the ones I do not care for as much. Also because I often didn't immediately know where we were jumping to. it really grated my gears that when a POV switch happened it wasn't always immediately clear whose POV the book had switched to, causing moments of confusion. Perhaps if i remembered which names belonged to what people it would be easier, but sadly it was not. for fairness, I was reading the ebook. Maybe this is clearer in the paper version.
In this trilogy, I found myself intrigued by the characterisation of the mechanicus characters whom I wanted to stick with, only to be forced to read about these other groups as well... if I wanted to read space marines, I'd have picked up one of their books, you know? Regardless, the arcs of kotov, linya, and tychon were all very interesting to me, and eventually, around the second book, I started to appreciate locke as well. The way the warhounds were written actively annoyed me, but I am someone who has read a lot of books involving (were)wolves, and my expectations from that may have influenced how I looked upon these chapters. the many POVs in this book felt somewhat unnessecary, too, like, I am unsure what the marines or the warhound POVs truly added to the storytelling. I get why there was both mechanicus and bondsman perspective though, that was a very interesting and clever choice in worldbuilding that allowed the reader to see the two ends of the coin when it comes to the runnings of a mechanicus expedition. the eldar perspective was not one I cared for much, but I do not fault the book for including it because it did definitely add a completely different angle to everything going on in this book.
The last book in the series is significantly more intense and action-packed than the other two, which I had not expected. It solidifies the feeling of a finale, I suppose, especially since the other two books lacked proper ending points. I thus believe that this was written as one very long book that was chopped into threes for marketability. That's not a negative, just an observation. the final confrontation is a-tier. very good, very satisfying. Galatea deserved worse. All in all, this was a decent enough experience and I can see why some people go wild for the characters in this book, they're very good. I left this review sitting in my drafts for so long I forgot where I was going with it. anyways. 3.5 stars. do recommend, but is very long and requires brain.
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docgold13 · 13 days
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
After being injured in battle, Supergirl was cared for by Dr. Emil Hamilton at STAR Labs.  Hamilton secured a sample of Supergirl’s genetic material which he later shared with his colleagues at Project Cadmus.  The material was used to create a cloned version of Supergirl as part of a plan to have a Kryptonian agent under government control. 
The clone was named ‘Galatea’ and artificially aged to her physical prime. Indoctrinated in Cadmus's philosophy as their personal weapon and rigorously trained to develop her abilities to the pinnacle of her potential, she was also more ruthless and deadly with none of the moral conscience that made Supergirl hold back from killing people.  Although initially developed as a safeguard, the inner counsel of Project Cadmus ended up using Galatea as an assassin to eliminate potential threats as well as individuals who could spill the project’s secrets.   
An unexpected side effect of the cloning process was that Galatea and Supergirl shared something of a psychic link.  Supergirl experienced Galatea’s activities in the form of nightmares; whereas Galatea found herself confused by the sensations of Supergirl.
Galatea became intent on destroying Supergirl, not only to prove herself as the superior entity, but also to be rid of the intrusive thoughts and feelings generated by their psychic connection.  As such, Galatea lured Supergirl into a trap.  They proved evenly matched and their battel only ended when Cadmus triggered an explosion that took down an entire building.  Supergirl managed to escape unscathed, yet Galatea ended up injured.
Following her recovery, Galatea was given mental command of an army of Ultimen clones and tasked with invading the Justice League Watchtower.  Once again Galatea and Supergirl battled, only this time Supergilr proved victorious, catching Galatea with an unhooked power coupler that electrocuted her.  The foe was left incapacitated and in a comatose state.  The Justice League were successfully able to repel the Ultimen and Cadmus was eventually taken down.  Whatever became of Galatea remains untold.   
Actress Nicholle Tom voiced Galatea, with the character first appearing in the sixth episode of the first season of Justice League Unlimited, ‘Fearful Symmetry.’
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half-dead-ham · 2 years
Everyone knows that Cadmus cloned Superman to make Kon-el, right? Old news type thing.
But does anyone know about Galatea? She's Supergirl's clone. Cadmus made different genetically engineered metahuman babies because they wanted a team to stand against the Justice League in case they went rouge, and Galatea is one of their experiments. Didn't know she had one till I was watching the Justice League United show. They weren't a big event, but I'm just thinking about Dani now.
What if Dani finds all these test tube baby metas and Supergirl's clone while adventuring? Just, floating in stasis? Idk if it's an active lab or just a storage facility, but either way she freaks out and breaks them out. Now she's got a gaggle of confused slightly unstable heroes and a clone of Supergirl with a psychic link to her gene donor.
So what does the little clone do when she has a bunch of "failed" experiments with no purpose or direction and is way over her head?
She calls Danny.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Part 1
After getting the decree from the queen, Jonathan went right into the center of the square to make the announcement. The queen wanted as many people in attendance, all the better for finding a spouse for her son.
"The prince is having a ball", Jonathan said, getting everyone's attention. "His Royal Highness Stefano William, son of Her Majesty Queen Genevieva Ambre Angelique Anneliese Delta-"
"Delta?", a voice in the crowd called out in confusion.
"Delta", Jonathan continued without a beat, "Galatea....is having a ball!"
That was all anybody needed to go into a frenzy. In the crowd was Murray, who was immediately scheming. A prince on the prowl for a royal companion could be very advantageous indeed.
Meanwhile, Jonathan was on the move, going to florists, bakers, butchers, and tailors to begin setting up for the ball. Obviously any royal affair had to be big and loud but finding a suitor for the prince was even more reason to go big.
News of the ball reached far and wide and even Eddie heard of it. While he typically didn't give a rat's ass about royalty, even he wasn't immune to the implied romance of possibly meeting the love of your life at what was basically a lavish dance party.
Any excitement he would've had was instantly squashed when his family decided a ball meant they had to do extravagant shopping and use him like a beast of burden. The lack of consideration was so much that even when they got home, they expected him to open the door even with his arms full.
Sure. Yeah. Of course. Not a tall order at all.
The moment he opened it and tried to get inside, Tommy practically ran into him like a bull trying to get in first, nearly making everything fall from Eddie's hands.
"Edgar your lack of grace is staggering", Murray commented.
Eddie kept from muttering under his breath. No need to put anymore attention on himself. Turned out he didn't need to. Murray gave a put-upon sigh and went into his old spiel without Eddie saying a word.
"To think, people told me to throw you out. But I didn't! No, my saintly soul wouldn't allow it." Murray fiddled with Jason's hair until it was how he liked it. "Even though I already had two stallions in my home-don't slouch Thomas-I let the lame horse continue to live in my abode."
"You're almost a martyr, father", Jason kissed ass like there was no tomorrow.
Murray put a hand to his heart. "I know. Edgar, prepare us some tea and bring it to our rooms. Boys, we need our beauty rest if we're going to be ready for the ball. Come along now."
Tommy and Jason followed diligently as Murray went up the stairs. Eddie watched them go, holding his tongue until they were out of ear shot, but he only needed to wait until their backs were turned to flip them off.
Then he turned on his own heel to start making their tea. They'd probably be asleep before he finished making it but if they weren't and he wasn't it'd be hell.
"Who needs a ball anyway, I'll give em some balls", he muttered to himself as he got a kettle going. They could go off for their one night of splendor and entertainment. Eddie could get all that right here in the kitchen. His own little corner of paradise.
As the tea was being brewed, Eddie turned, making his hair flourish around his head.
"Your Highness, how do you do?" He gave a deep bow to the broom. "Lovely evening isn't it?"
Eddie had never laid eyes on the prince. But someone who had the whole kingdom fawning over him couldn't just be riding the royal title. He was probably as handsome and as charming as the rumors said. Eddie tried to imagine someone like that and to his surprise, he came up with the guy he met earlier.
He certainly had a cordial air about him. And handsome, there was no doubt about that. What had his name been again?
"Me? A dance?" Eddie pretended the stranger had just extended his hand. He was dressed to the nines, probably in blue or green, those colors suited him. And he wanted to dance with Eddie.
"Oh I couldn't. But if you insist~"
Eddie started to sway with the broom, thinking of what it would feel like to have arms around him. To have someone look at his mess of a hair and call him beautiful. To kiss his hands, raw from work, with love. To want him, to actually want him, from now until-
"Where's that tea!", Tommy's shrill voice barked from upstairs.
Well, that was it for play time pretend. Eddie poured three cups and balanced them all pretty masterfully if he did say so himself. They could keep their balls and temporary delights. Eddie had a world of wonder in his head to keep him content.
Part 3
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lottiecrabie · 1 year
the significance of galatea in ‘galatea, take one’
the song and the concept of galatea was an important metaphor throughout galatea, take one — pretty obviously as it is part of its title — and i really needed to talk about it. i decided to pour my thoughts out and send this bottle into the wild. i hope it finds you.
reader starts the fic as galatea, very obviously and even hinted on later. she’s just come out of this relationship with a painter who, at least in her point of view, saw her as ‘unfinished’ and aimed to ‘complete’ her. these feelings have left her reeling at the idea of being a muse and the material consequences of an artist-object relationship. there’s this initial reticence about matty because she doesn’t want to fall into this same dynamic again.
she starts the writing of this song with a clear objective. the first verse describes the beating, electric love between pygmalion and galatea, keeping a purposeful nebulous understanding of who exactly is the speaker. later, the song reveals it’s galatea, leaving us wondering if the mentioned ‘love’ is really this pure if, in the end, she’s literally made for this man.
but as she writes more and more songs about matty, she finds herself blurring her position as galatea. falling in love with matty and finding inspiration from him, reader is acutely aware that she’s placing him in the position of muse. now, there’s a fear that she’s romanticizing him, making him like her very own statue.
the galatea song, always being worked and reworked, changes because of it. the speaker becomes convoluted— it’s unclear if the point of view is of pygmalion or galatea, just as it’s increasingly clear to the readers how delusional she is getting in contrast. though there seems to be genuine care and feelings between the two, she makes them grander, wishes him to be better. she’ll twist his words until they sound like she wants them to, reflecting the sculptor of her story.
the more she wants him, the more the song changes. it’s briefly a love song— some desperate attempt to force feelings onto matty. ‘galatea loves pygmalion’ is a very comforting thought when you’re the sculptor. there is a certain sense of aphrodite breathing life into galatea to these new lyrics. in practically saying ‘matty loves me’, she’s essentially trying to make it magically true because she wrote it down. however, matty calls her out on it and she quickly goes back to her original meaning.
the song ends in this confused state, though leaning further into pygmalion. as a lyric uses ‘she’, it gives us an idea that it is him telling the story. she even borrows lines she wrote about matty for the song, making it clearly about him on a certain level. her friend does mention being unsure who the speaker is, which shows us that the nebulous point of view remains. still, by the end of its creation, the song and speaker has completely shifted. it is why she affirms ‘galatea’ would not have been the same without matty: this change would have never happened.
in parallel, by the end of the story, she also realizes how much she romanticized and made matty up in her mind, and has to come to terms with the fact that she is the creator of their relationship. this grandiose summer romance was mostly lived in her head. his marble crumbles to the ground and he’s left just like her at the end of her past relationship: bloody and bruised.
she is the muse and the creator, she is the object and the artist. she is the victim and the perpetuator.
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otakusparkle · 2 years
I'll translated them all
(Survivor ver.)
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Alva : "Valentine ball? Research that day... No, nevermind. I would like to repay you for the usual care you have given me at the academy. By the way, what should I prepare for the day...?"
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Joseph : "Do you want to go to the ball with me? Hehe... I can't refuse an invitation honestly. You'll be dressed beautifully for the day. Nice? Why of course for me to record. To keep your beauty forever."
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Fan Wujiu : "... Bu-Dou-Kai? Do you want to fight? It's not it, do you want to dance? Inviting me is also a curiosity. I don't mind... Can I join with you?"
Bi'an : "Oh my oh my... Thank you for the wonderful invitation. If I'm going to spend Valentine's Day with you, I'll have to dress appropriately."
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Galatea : "I'm sorry. I don't think I'll be able to attend the ball, but I'm honored that you invited me. Come to think of it, did you do well in sculpture class the other day? Hehe, next time I'll tell you..."
Note :
- Wujiu said Butoukai (ぶとうかい) instead of Budoukai (舞踏会). He say it in full hiragana, which is like a children speaking. I think he's confused because he never going to a ball before
- Budoukai (武道会) can also means Martial arts, but the kanji is different. 舞踏 means dance (舞Dance, 踏 Steps) 武道 means martial arts (武 Martial, 道 way/path) while 会 means place/meeting/assembly/association/club
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teecupangel · 2 years
I'm sorry you probably have a lot of fic ideas but I need to get this sentence out before I lose my Staying Up After Midnight Nerves
Den Mother Desmond
Feel free to leave fic ideas, nonny. Even if I get busy, I’ll get to it sooner or later. XD
Not gonna lie, I was tempted to make this a continuation of Desmond Jerusalem Bureau’s Lighthouse since I did have him asking Malik what he wants for dinner last time but you used the word ‘den’ and that immediately reminded me of the Assassin dens in Assassin’s Creed Revelations soooo… have a confused Ezio.
When Ezio saw the bright form running across the rooftops, he chased after it immediately. It wasn’t just curiosity…
It was like his entire body had moved on its own.
A few moments later, any questions he had were wiped off his mind.
Only one thought persisted.
‘Get it at all cost.’
He didn’t even know what ‘it’ was until he was closing in. At that point, it was as if all the Assassins in Constantinople were chasing it as well.
Not it.
A man.
Or, at least, that was what he said his name was after Ezio caught him and asked his name.
Ezio… wasn’t entirely sure if he believed everything Desmond had told him once they were alone in an empty bedroom in the den in Galatea.
A part of Ezio didn’t want to believe it.
After everything he had seen, Desmond’s explanation did give him the answers he had been searching for all these times.
But it also left him…
A bit lost.
And that was the reason why he was unwilling to believe it.
Then Desmond kept running away and Ezio always found him.
It had gotten to the point that Yusuf talked to Ezio about it.
Desmond was too bright in their Eagle Vision. The Assassins would either get blinded or they would find it hard to focus whenever they used their Eagle Vision and Desmond was nearby.
And that was a dangerous risk that they would not afford here in Constantinople.
So… Ezio made a deal with Desmond.
The reason why Desmond kept running away was because he was trying to get all of Altaïr’s memory seals to get Altaïr’s Apple, hoping the Apple could tell him why he had been sent to this time.
Desmond insisted there must be a reason why he was here and Ezio had to stop himself from telling him that he was here for Ezio’s sake.
Ezio didn’t understand why he was so sure of that and he couldn’t just say that out loud. Not when it was clear that Desmond was pretending that he was alright.
But Ezio could see it in his eyes.
Desmond was also a bit lost just like him.
So Ezio promised him to find the remaining keys and they would travel to Masyaf together to get Altaïr’s Apple.
The look of grief in Desmond’s eyes when he said that made Ezio’s heart clench.
There was something in Masyaf that Desmond had lost and…
Ezio knew what it was almost immediately.
Who it was.
If what Desmond said was true, if he truly did relive not just Ezio’s memories but Altaïr’s memories as well, then it was normal that Desmond would still grieve his death.
To Ezio, Altaïr has been dead for centuries.
But to Desmond…
Only a month or so has passed since he learned of Altaïr’s death if his stories were to be believed.
So Ezio asked Desmond to stay in the Assassin den in Galatea. It was the most fortified of the dens and it had the biggest space. He only hoped his time in the den would give Desmond some time to relax (or distract himself with something not life-threatening).
Ezio had hoped this would help Desmond with his grief as well. Not just to grieve for Altaïr’s death but to grieve over what had happened to him, to grieve for the life and the people he lost by being thrown into Ezio’s time.
What he did not expect was… the changes the den would go through because of Desmond’s boredom.
It started out small.
When Ezio returned to the den to resupply his bombs, he noticed that all of the bomb components have been organized. Each component was even already placed into specific pouches with the exact amount needed for one bomb. There were even instructions nailed to the side of the boxes, explaining the steps needed to make a bomb as well as a brief explanation of each component.
The Arabic handwriting was unfamiliar to Ezio but then he saw the Italian instructions written below it.
It was Ezio’s own handwriting.
He was sure of it.
Which meant… Desmond had written it.
He had noticed Desmond had the same handwriting as him and Ezio was sure he was missing a few key pieces of information about the Bleeding Effect but Ezio did understand that it was the Bleeding Effect that helped Desmond copy many of Ezio’s skills and techniques.
And, apparently, handwriting…
Ezio didn’t say a word about it though. If Desmond was keeping himself busy by organizing things in the den, he was free to do so.
Maybe he’d even find a way to organize the mess that Yusuf called the record room.
But Ezio did not expect it to escalate to this level.
Now, the Galatea den feels like… home.
The scent of a homemade meal in the air made Ezio’s mouth water. There was no more equipment or paperwork lying haphazardly on one of the tables or on the floor (and that one time that Ezio saw a sword stuck to the ceiling that Yusuf just waved off but offered no explanation to). The novices were busy preparing the tables with plates and cutlery while other novices were trying to finish their chores so they could eat as well.
The other Assassins seemed excited to eat as well, some even going as far as poking their head into the kitchen before quickly ducking away as if they had been caught.
Curiosity getting the better of him, Ezio walked inside the kitchen and Desmond immediately turned around and smiled at him as he said, “Welcome back, Ezio. Lunch’s just about ready.”
Ezio walked towards the table where a novice was chopping fruits that would probably be served together with whatever Desmond was cooking, “It smells wonderful, Desmond.”
Desmond turned around to focus on the cooking pot as he replied, “Thanks! I tried adding a few more herbs this time. Yusuf brought back some meat he got from the market and-”
“Ow!” Ezio shouted as Desmond quickly turned around and hit his hand by throwing one of the ladles near him. Ezio turned to stare at Desmond with a betrayed look on his face and it took all of Ezio’s willpower to not cower when he saw Desmond was now glaring at him.
“Have you washed your hands, Ezio?” Desmond asked.
“Of c-” Ezio’s mouth immediately closed when Desmond raised an eyebrow. Ezio sighed as he said, “I’ll wash them now.”
Desmond nodded before turning to face the pot once more. Ezio looked at the slice of fruit he was just about to take and blinked when the novice chopping fruits slid the plate filled with sliced fruits away from Ezio.
Ezio raised an eyebrow at the novice who began to glance between him and Desmond for a moment before finally staring at Ezio with an apologetic expression on his face as he slid the plate further away from Ezio.
Ezio sighed…
And went to wash his hands.
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ch6douin · 9 months
Silly idea. You somehow are in game and accidentally brought around a couple of your idv plushies. Immediately upon going into idv world they are now the little characters that follow you around.
thats really cute, thanks anon for sending that..
first, confusion settles quickly when seeing a bunch of mini characters following you around like lost kitties, adorable, tiny and with so much love to give. Then, if you explain to them, some of them may be weirded out but won't question further. Others are honored, I can see Anne being very happy in knowing that a part of her, cotton or not is always with you. I feel that Ganji would also secretly feel proud about it (one of his listed likes is toys). For other survivors:
Victor: giddy, finds his plushie version quite daring for following you around, and although he cannot speak nor show a lot of emotions, he always seems to bring a smile to your face
Demi: she definitely would chuckle at the scene of her silly and small plushie running around with her little feet.
Fiona: Although she finds a little embarrassing how the plushie seems to mimick her actions when it comes to adoring you.
Mike: Wants to teach the plushie a few tricks so it could surprise you, sometimes he may even steal him away from you a bit. What can he do? He is just too captivating.
I have a gut feeling that Lily too but I didn't read her lore yet so sorry lily stans
Hunters worth mentioning? Joseph, Geisha, Violetta, Jack, Galatea (amused, a small statue of you to accompany her during matches would do the same job, no? She is asking Bane to lend her some wood.)
Watch their reactions as you pet the plushies or hug them close to your side while they are near, it's going to be interesting I promise.
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ask-majoko-and-pals · 8 months
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Hey everyone! Welcome the blog! My name is Majoko Kaneko Violet. My mentor Mr. Hassel said I should start a blog to meet more people. When I asked if I could include some friends of mine, he said it was a great idea!
Of course, Geeta overheard and well... She meant well, I'm sure. But she went a little overboard with recommending things to do, and what to say. Thankfully, my friends and I got her to tone it down. But she did set up up with a nice moderator known as Modjoko! She'll be the one to put up some rules (under the cut) surrounding ask content, as well as our introductions so the rest of us can focus on answering.
Modjoko, ooc: Hello everyone, what you saw was the in-character introduction of this blog. Right here is a more detailed explanation of what the blog is and how it functions, as well as the rules of asks.
This is an rp blog in which I will answer questions about my characters— Majoko, Dante, Hack, Rye, Galatea, and Lucibelle. They are Pokemon trainers in the pokemon Violet Universe/Timeline, set soon after the events of the game, the Teal Mask and Indigo Disk, along with Mochi Mayhem.
Within this blog, I will respond to your asks in character as Majoko or one of her pals, most likely with text (as it is fastest,) art, and sometimes photos. I will also directly interact with them, hence the ooc//out of character dialogue tag present in this post.
The characters will interact through this blog as if they all share a social media account, such as making posts outside of answering asks (a good example would the Majoko's warm welcome,) and posts the blog reblogs will correspond with things the characters like. Reblogs will also say which character has reblogged it, and might include short conversations between them!
Ask Rules:
- Aside from basic respect and good manners, please refrain from NSFW asks. While all the characters here are adults, any asks that aim to harass them or put them into explicitly NSFW scenarios will not be answered, and will be treated as making the characters uncomfortable. (Such as asking Majoko her bra size.)
- The only "exception" I can make is if the character brings up an NSFW topic first. For example, if Majoko were to make a post on this blog asking about a sexual innuendo, then sending an ask that interacts with that post is okay and will be answered.
- Harassing the characters for their gender, pronouns, sexuality, and disabilities will not be met with a response. (Such as telling Majoko being bisexual makes her an attention seeker.)
- All things in this blog take place in the pokemon universe, and asks/reblogs/posts pertaining to the real world will likely be met with general confusion. (Such as asking Majoko if she knows what a Jaguar is.)
- Roleplay blogs are encouraged to interact with Majoko and her pals through asks, so long as they comply with the first four rules.
- Magic Anon is on, as well as Pelliper mail!
- This list will be updated as time goes on.
- Most importantly: If you're not sure about something, ask about and find out!
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