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A Cozy Mundane Life
Lama banget nggak buka tumblr karena gue sekarang udah mulai belajar jadi narrative designer di game. Sekalinya buka nemu topik tentang kenapa belum menikah di usia segini?
Di usia 33, gue berada di tengah temen-temen yang anaknya baru masuk SD dan dari kolega gue di kampus, banyak juga yang anaknya udah lulus kuliah dan menikah. Perasaan tertinggal tuh sebenernya udah selesai dari dulu. Makin kesini yang pengen dilakuin ya justeru pengen punya kehidupan sehari-hari yang bisa dinikmati. Bukan yang mentereng banget. Pengen yang hangat aja.
Gue tuh sering banget dapet stigma bahwa perempuan yang belum nikah di atas usia 30 an tuh kalo nggak feminazi, problematik dan galak banget. Meanwhile gue hari ini malah bikin game sama gen Z yang rentang usianya belasan tahun lebih muda dari gue plus gue juga bukan leadnya. Beneran memulai belajar dari nol.
Soal menikah, ketimbang merenungi kenapa di usia segini belum menikah, gue malah berharap bisa pelan-pelan memperbaiki habit aja sih. Khususnya dari sisi mengelola ego dan keuangan.
Sebagai penderita ADHD, mood gue rentan terganggu oleh rutinitas yang berubah-ubah. Dan kalau mood sudah terganggu, belanja juga jadi kurang terkendali karena nggak sempet menyiasati gimana spend money dengan wise selama seminggu.
Instead of punya cita-cita yang tinggi, gue cuma berharap kelak punya lingkungan kerja dan keluarga yang ramah ADHD. Apakah lingkungan kerja gue yang sekarang udah ramah? Jelas belum.
Orang kayak gue cocok kerja di bidang yang gue suka dan banyak deep thinking di situ. Gue menikmati banget menghabiskan malam-malam gue untuk riset tentang konsep game ataupun ngoding. Ngerasa lebih hidup aja.
Sementara jadi dosen di Indonesia tuh ritme kerjanya sering terganggu karena interupsinya banyak sekali. Dulu sering stress banget kalau banyak kerjaan yang nggak selesai. Sekarang beneran mengusahakan yang terbaik. Tapi kalau nggak selesai, udah pasrah aja sambil berharap Allah mengampuni segala keterbatasan gue sebagai manusia.
Di luar belajar jadi narrative designer dan dosen, gue juga kadang masih menikmati drama korea. Pulang ke rumah kalo weekend dan ngasuh ponakan. Atau kadang-kadang random nonton youtube mukbang. Kayak hari-harinya manusia biasa aja.
Makanya kadang-kadang ketika ada judgemen yang gimana banget tentang perempuan yang belum menikah di usia segini, gue merasa perlu bertanya:
"Kenapa tidak memulai segala judgement tersebut dengan praduga yang baik?"
Tentu tidak semua di dunia ini adalah tentang gue and I don't take it personally. Tapi memulai segala penilaian dengan praduga yang kurang baik tuh seringnya menghasilkan stigma yang tidak baik juga. Sebagai orang yang sering banget kena stigma entah karena belum menikah, entah karena fisik yang beda, entah karena gue perempuan...................untuk mengenal manusia lain tuh kita jadinya harus nembus barrier. Kalau kamu bukan di pihak yang kena stigma, kamu nggak akan relate.
Nggak akan relate gimana rasanya ketika kamu cuma menjalani kehidupan sehari-harimu yang biasa banget lalu tiba-tiba orang menilai kamu sebagai orang yang sombong dan seleranya tinggi soal pria. Atau kamu yang lagi berusaha menyelesaikan masalah finansial keluarga lalu tiba-tiba dijudge sebagai orang yang takut menikah karena takut bertanggung jawab.
Gue rasa, ada banyak manusia medioker kayak gue yang sebenernya hanya ingin menjalani mundane life yang nyaman. Kebetulan aja takdir hidupnya nggak kayak orang kebanyakan. Jadinya harus dealing dengan opini orang lain yang embuh banget wkwkwk.
Saling mendoakan saja semoga hidup kita semakin baik dan hati kita semakin tenang.
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Instead of replaying no more heroes, I have decided to play some on the indie games refferenced in travis strikes again. Here is what I am playing/played.
Here is the list any suggestions
2064: Read Only Memories
The American Dream
Ape Out
Bit.Trip Runner
Blazing Chrome
Children of Zodiarcs
Crossing Souls✅️
Dead Cells
De Mambo
Disco Elysium
Double Kick Heroes
Earth Atlantis
Enter the Gungeon
Fallen Legion✅️
Floor Kids
Gods Will Be Watching
Golf Story
Hatoful Boyfriend
High Hell
Hollow Knight
Hotline Miami✅️
Hyper Light Drifter
Just Shapes & Beats
The Messenger
Morphie’s Law
Mother Russia Bleeds
Nuclear Throne
Papers, Please
Pato Box
Pocket Rumble
The Red Strings Club
Salt and Sanctuary
The Stanley Parable
SteamWorld Dig 2
The Swords of Ditto
Treachery in Beatdown City
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
#no more heroes#indie games#hotline miami#undertale#hollow knight#disco elysium#earth Atlantis#stanley parable
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Galak-Z: The Void (PC, 2015, 17bit Studios)
Still one of my favorite roguelikes. (I still wish the soundtrack release had the "Void" BGM
Im still surprised im part of the top 10 worldwide
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(via https://youtube.com/watch?v=Fqv1tEv-N28&feature=share)
Oxenfree is a supernatural thriller about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift. You are Alex, and you’ve just brought your new stepbrother Jonas to an overnight island party gone horribly wrong. SUMMER 2016's HUGE CONTENT UPDATE: The most mind bending game of the year has new storylines, scenes, and endings, plus a multi-episode behind-the-scenes documentary. "OXENFREE: The emotional adventure game you need to know about" - IGN "A mix of Freaks and Geeks, Poltergeist and the best teen films of the ’80s" – Polygon "Part teen drama, part terrifying ghost story" – Kill Screen Oxenfree is a supernatural thriller about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift. Play as Alex, a bright, rebellious teenager who brings her new stepbrother Jonas to an overnight party on an old military island. The night takes a terrifying turn when you unwittingly open a ghostly gate spawned from the island’s cryptic past. How you deal with these events, your peers, and the ominous creatures you’ve unleashed is up to you. YOU determine every aspect of Alex's story while exploring Edwards Island, uncovering the base's dark past, and changing the course of your friends' lives. Features: An intelligent conversation system that changes the story and your relationships based on every decision A unique radio mechanic that allows Alex to communicate with mysterious spectres and manipulate her world Art from Disney alum and an original soundtrack by scntfc (Sword & Sworcery, Galak-Z) Multiple mysteries to unravel, spanning decades and lifetimes Inspired by little-known events of World War II Featuring voice talent from The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead, Borderlands and more Starring: Erin Yvette (The Wolf Among Us, Tales From the Borderlands) Gavin Hammon (The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Tomb Raider) Britanni Johnson (Borderlands, Borderlands 2)
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Finally got these today from a New Year sale! Can’t wait to try em out. <3
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Galak-Z Nintendo Switch Port Now Available https://nichegamer.com/2019/03/27/galak-z-nintendo-switch-port-now-available/
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GALAK-Z: Variant Mobile APK Hack Online Generator 2018
New Post has been published on https://f1open.com/galak-z-variant-mobile-apk-hack-online-generator-2018/
GALAK-Z: Variant Mobile APK Hack Online Generator 2018
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[5/26, 18:45].
"Ennn, Mau nanya wkw"
"Gimana sii caranya enn bisa akrab sama papa? Dulu prosesnya gmn sampe bisa deket, padahal kan dulu pas awal awal blm bisa terima kan hehe"
Bismillah, mau cerita dulu.
Dari A to the Z yang Allah izinkan terjadi di keluargaku, alhamdulillah, banyaaaak banget hikmah dan nikmatnya:')
Inget banget. Sesaat setelah akad, papa jemput ibuk ke kamar. Di sana ada aku, Dzikri, dan beberapa saudara. Habis ibuk salam sama papa, aku salam, dipeluk, dan papa bilang, "Makasi ya ta" 😊
Mendinginkan hati aku yang waktu itu ga karuan karena belum bisa seikhlas itu mengaplikasikan syukur, banyak beban yang padahal gaada wk. Astaghfirullaah, hamba taubat yaaAllah.
Mulai episodeepisode lain, pernah ketemu di Jakarta, pernah beberapa kali pulang, ada yang 4 hari, ada yang semingguan, ada yang 2 mingguan, lanjut sampai ini yang terlama, pulang begitu covid-19 mulai subhaanallah, tepatnya 16 Maret 2020. Untuk hitungan ketemu papa di liburan ini, pas 3 bulan, karena alhamdulillah Allah memindah tugaskan papa ke Balikpapan, berangkat 17 Juni malam kemarin.
Dari awal masih canggung yaiyalah yaa. Terus lama kelamaan sesuai dengan jawaban aku ke temen yang ngasih pertanyaan di atas, alhamdulillah bisa Allah izinin mata sama hati ini fokus ke semua kebaikan dan kelebihan papa. *Eh, bukan fokus sih, alhamdulillah emang baik semua yang papa lakuin tu menurut aku:')
Jadi, papa itu hampir gapernah lewat shalat berjamaah di mesjidnya. Emang pada dasarnya aku butuh banget ini di rumah. Dan alhamdulillah adekadek bisa jadi ke mesjid terus juga, gacuma ramadhan aja ditambah memang alhamdulillah mesjidnya dekettt. Ini jadi jatuh hati pertama aku. Mana kalau pergi ngajak-ngajak, bikin aku makin sering ke mesjid kaan:')
Ditambah, pernah di libur perdana aku pulang, aku izin pergi lagi buat karantina tahfizh 6 hari di Bandung. Waktu itu, aku ngabarin ibuk buat minta izin sambil ngasih info-info pendaftarannya. Etttt, terus ibuk bilang, "iya, udah papa transfer ya nak"😅 Nahloh habis itu bingung padahal kan cuma izin plus aku udah bayar sendiri:' Alhamdulillah rezeki, plus pas diantar naik travel, papa bilang, "semoga lancar, semoga bisa jadi hadiah buat bapak(ku) (rahimahullah) di syurga". Hahah denger itutu rasanyaaaa maasyaaAllah auto mbrebes mili, alhamdulillah udah di dalam travel dan sendirian:') Yang fasilitasin beliau, tapi doain pahalanya buat bapakku. tabaarakallah paaa!
Kedua, papa itu luarnya galak, tapi beuh aslinya lucu daaan jail wk. Kemarin pas ngobrol 6 mata di meja makan akhirnya ngejelasin kalau memang dalam hubungan itu kadang kita perlu melakukan halhal yang mungkin gaperlu supaya hubungannya aman dan bahagia😂 kek papa kalau joget2 terus diketawain ibuk, iya gitu.
Jail ini mulai kerasa setelah ada kejadian di hari terakhir ramadhan 2019 lalu. Papa benar-benar tibatiba jadi agak cerewet nanya banyak ke aku. Mungkin sehari sampe 3 kali, gatau ini mungkin karena seneng dan dibawa doa terus ya😅 Ini bener-bener ngefek karena dari sini dikit-dikit papa kerjanya ngejekin aku, dikitdikit juga bisa ngasih petuah serius, dan memang papa itu prototype yang baik perihal sabar wkwk karena terlihat jelas di depan mata. Biasanya ngusapngusap muka sambil istighfar, plus sambil manggil namaku buat pembelaan kalau ini terjadi depan mata😂
Buat aku, satu dari empat anak barunya papa, aku jadi bener-bener punya figur ayah yang baik. Yang benar-benar aku syukuri, dan tanpa sadar aku sesali kesempatannya karena 17 Juni kemarin papa udah pindah ke Bpn dan belum tau kapan serumah lagi.
Pa, makasi ya udah mau jadi orang tua tita yang masih banyak kurangnya kayak gini. Makasi udah mau terima tita, belain tita, jagain tita, kasih contoh baik dan semua solusinya ke tita, bikin tita ketawa, makasi udah mau tita eluselus, tita peluk, makasi juga udah mau matiin lagu shubuh tita kalau sudah terlalu lama bunyi, makasi udah acak-acak rambut tita tiap pergi dan pulang kerja, makasi sabarnya apalagi pas harus bukain pintu jam 1 malam padahal janjinya jam berapa, makasi buat semua tawaran jajannya, makasi karena udah jadi obat rindu tita ke bapak, karena tita ngerasa deket ke papa sama seperti yang dulu tita lakukan sama bapak T,T
Berkalikali ibuk bilang, "Papatu keliatan kali sayangnya sama tita ya nak".
MaasyaaAllah rasanya..
Semoga Allah kasih tita kesempatan buat selalu berbakti buat ibuk dan papa, bahkan setelah tita nanti Allah izinkan menikah, aamiin yaaAllah.
Semoga tita bisa selalu berusaha mengutamakan orang tua, sama seperti apa yang ibuk dan papa contohkan saat ini. Semoga kita semua bisa kumpul di syurganya Allah setelah ini, bareng bapak, tante yayu, dan seemua keluarga yang udah duluan, aamiin yaa mujiibassaailiin, insyaaAllaah!😊❤
*inframe: Papa, yang lagi baca kepingan life plan aku yang waktu itu di atas meja😅😂
Plaju Raya No.3, 20 Juni 2020
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Ladko Ke Naam Ki List Or Boys Name List
Source: https://www.logicalfact.in/ladko-ke-naam/
Hello friends, welcome all of you to a new and interesting article.
It is said that children are the form of God. Similarly, children are naive as well as cute. If we look at the mouths of young children, we do not know that a strange pleasure arises in the mind. So that every person feels good. But if Ladko Ke Naam is as beautiful as his face along with Ladko's mouth, then it will be icing on the cake.
In Hinduism, the name of a person is very important. Because this is the name in the society, which helps to make him talented. There is a belief in Hinduism that a person's name should be named by the scriptures.
The person's qualities-demerit, profit-loss, character, etc. should also be in his name, only then that person's name is considered good. Your character should be known by your name, as well as the meaning of your name should also be reflected in your name. Only then the name of the person is considered all-encompassing.
There are many such parents, who have a lot of trouble in thinking of the names of their children. For this, friends, in this article we are going to share the list of children's names from all the letters from A to Z with you. Along with this, we will also tell you in detail about the meaning of the name of the children starting with each letter.
If you also want to keep a beautiful and cute name of your child, then friends must see the Ladko Ke Naam List below once. This will help you in naming your child.
Ladko Ke Naam Ki List: - List of Boys Names in Hindi
Ladko Ke Naam from A Alphabet
1: - Aadesh, Akshay, Ashish, Abhay, Abhishek, Adarsh, Atul, Ajay, Ajith, Akash, Alok, Aman, Amit, Anand, Ankur, Abhinav, Abhinandan, Anmol, Anshuman, Anuj, Anupam, Ambar, Amitesh, Amod , Amulya, Anandamurthy, Anant, Amitabh, Anupam, Anoop, Anurag, Arjuna, Arihant, Arvind, Arya, Ashutosh, Ashwini, Ashwin, Incredible, Arun, Ayush, Ansh, Amardeep, Arpit, Earne
B Alphabet
2: - Bajrang, Badrinath, Badrinarayan, Balveer, Baldev, Balaram, Balwant, Ballav, Basant, Bikram, Badal, Basu, Vinod, Vinay, Buddha, Baijnath, Brahmagupta, Brahmanath, Babu, Bharat, Bhanu, Bhanupratap, India, Bhima , Bhishma, Bhuvan, Bhuneshwar, Bhoomidhar, Bhairav, Bobby, Physic, Bhavesh
C Alphabet
3: - Chetan, Chandan, Chiranjeev, Chandra, Chandradev, Chandrakant, Chandragupta, Chandrakumar, Chandrapal, Chandraketu, Chandrabhanu, Chandrasekhar, Charan, Chaman
Ladko Ke Naam from D Alphabet
4: - Daksha, Daman, Dayakar, Dayanand, Darshan, Dharmendra, Damod, Damodar, Dixit, Digambar, Dishant, Digvijay, Dinesh, Deep, Ankur, Dilawar, Dilip, Divyanshu, Deendayal, Deenbandhu, Deenanath, Dipankar, Deepak, Devnath , Devendra, Deva, Dwarkesh, Dhanesh, Dharan, Dharmatma, Dhana, Dhanaguru, Dheeraj.
E Alphabet
5: - Ekambar, Ekam, Ekdev, Ek Bandhu, Ekkitra, Eknath, Ekalavya, once, Eravat, Eknath, Ekendra, Eilaputra
F Alphabet
6: - Phagun, Falgun, Phanindra, Phanishwar
G alphabet
7: - Gangadhar, Dnyaneshwar, Gangadatta, Gyanendra, Gange, Gyani, Gangesh, Gyan, Gandharaja, Gaurang, Gandhar, Gaurav, Gambhir, Govind, Gagan, Gorakh, Ganapathi, Gopinath, Gajendra, Gupta, Gajamani, Gautam, Gajadhar, Gokulnath , Ganak, Gokul, Gaya, Gulshan, Garudadhwaj, Gulzar, Garur, Griva, Garvita, Geet, Girindra, Galak, Girish, Ganesh, Giriraj, Girija, Girja, Gangdeep, Gagan, Gurmeet, Govind
H Alphabet to Ladko Ke Naam
8: - Hansnabh, Hansraj, Hanumat, Hanuman, Hanurodh, Hagriva, Hayanand, Harichandra, Harpreet, Harpriya, Harmal, Harshit, Harihar, Harishankar, Harit, Harinam, Harish, Haridas, Haridev, Harshavardhana, Harshit, Hemant, Himvant, Harmal , Harmage, Hirang, Harikesh, Harinath, Hemant, Hagri, Hemchand, Hemat, Harsil, Harman, Harpreet, Himanshu.
I alphabet
9: - Indradatta, Indraputra, Induman, Indraketu, Indrasena, Indra, Indravadh, Ishwar, Indrajit, Indramani, Indrayayu, Indulal, Indumal
J alphabet
10: - Jagam, Jagdamba, Jagat, Jagdish, Jagdeep, Jagan, Jagmohan, Jagbir, Jagannath, Jadoo, Jagpal, Jagraj, Jaduram, Janpal, Jamtram, Janaranjan, Janardan, Jinendra, Jayhind, Jaychand, Jayachandra, Jaydev, Jayadhwaj, Jayapriya , Jayaditya, Jalendra, Jawahar, Jatin, Jitendra, Jeevan, Jinendra, Jeet, Jeevesh, Jogendra, Jwala, Javed, Junaid
K alphabet
11: - Kamesh, Kunwar, Kunwarjeet, Kulranjan, Krishna, Khushal, Kushal, Khemchand, Kaushal, Kartar, Kanwaljeet, Kantilal, Chandan, Kaman, Kamalanayan, Kalidas, Art, Artist, Artist, Kailashnath, Kailash, Kabir, Kamdev, Kedar , Kaushik, Kesari, Kuldeep, Kundan, Kunal, Kavindra, Kaviraj, Kailash, Kalicharan, Kalinath, Kalanath, Karan, Karuna, Kapil, Kapidhwaj, Kanthamani, Kanak, Karthik, Keshav, Karandeep.
L alphabet
12: - Lakhan, Liladhar, Lohit, Lokanetra, Lomash, Lakshnya, Lochan, Love, Lekhraj, Lal, Lavesh, Lavanya, Ladu, Lalit, Lakshyaraj, Lakhan, Lakshmigopal, Lakshmidhar, Lombodar, Lakshmana, Lakshmikant, Lakshminarayana, Lakshmivallabh, Lakshmiraman , Laxmish, lion, lion, lala, lalit, lalla, lav, lavan, lavanakar, lav, lama, lal, lalan, lalit, lokabandhu, lokayan, lochan, lolark, lohitak, lohitaksha, loknath, lokpal, lokaranjan, lokchan
Ladko Ke Naam from M Alphabet
13: - Mangat, Mangal, Mandlesh, Makraksh, Mukund, Manoj, Magan, Manik, Manidweep, Maniraj, Manivar, Manindra, Madan, Mathuresh, Madiraksh, Madhulochan, Madhuvrat, Madhuman, Madhuraj, Madhurit, Manmod, Manmohan, Manhar, Manohar , Manish, Manu, Manush, Mayank, Mayan, Malang, Malay
N alphabet
14: - Nandak, Nandkishore, Nandlal, Nandpal, Nandikesh, Nandeshwar, Nakula, Nagendra, Nachiket, Naman, Narakesari, Naradev, Narpal, Narasimha, Narendra, Naresh, Naval, Navalkishore, Naveen, Nagar, Nagarjuna, Nageshwar, Nachiketa, Narang , Narayana, Nahar, Nikunj, Niket, Nikhil, Nityananda, Nidhish, Nirbhay, Niyogi, Niranjan, Neeraj, Nirala, Nirjar, Nived, Nishakar, Nishad, Nisht, Neerad, Neel, Neelkanth, Neelkant, Neeladhwaj, Sapphire, Neelambar, Nripe L, Nrisinh
O Alphabet
15: - Ojasvi, Omkar, Om, Opendra, Aurangzeb
P Alphabet
16: - Pawan, Param, Paramjeet, Parikshit, Parveen, Pahlada, Prabal, Prabhakar, Prabhu, Prabodh, Pradeep, Prakash, Adverse, Pramod, Pran, Pranav, Prashant, Premal, Pritam, Prithvi, Pukhraj, Puneet, Purana, Padmavat , Padmakar, Padmalochan, Pallava, Pankaj, Prayag, Parmanand, Parmar, Paras, Paritosh, Acquaintance, Park, Pashunath, Pashupati, Pawankumar, Pitambara, Prabhat, Piyush, Parbhajan, Prabhas, Influence, Prabodhan, Exhibition, Pradeep, Prajapati, Prakash, Prashant, Pratap, Pradeep, Pravardhana, Premanand, Priyadarshan, Priyaranjan, Pundarik, Pyarelal, Purushottam, Paresh, Ambiente, Pallava
Ladko Ke Naam from Q Alphabet
17: - Qasim, Qutub, Qutubuddin, Qadir, Qamar, Kaddam, Qayyam.
R Alphabet
18: - Rohit, Rahul, Robin, Rakesh, Rupam, Rudra, Rupesh, Raman, Ranjak, Ranjan, Rakshpal, Rasid, Raghu, Raghunandan, Raghunath, Raghunayak, Raghupati, Raghuraj, Raghuvansh, Rajat, Rajneesh, Rajinikanth, Ratnakar, Ratikant , Randhir, Raman, Rameshwar, Ramesh, Ravikant, Raghukul, Ravindranath, Raghav, Rajan, Rajshree, Rajaji, Raju, Rajendra, Rana, Radhakanta, Radharaman, Ram, Ramchandra, Ramathirth, Ramdas, Ramdev, Ram Vilas, Rambhajan, Raibhaadur, Rawat , Ra And, Rahul, composed, Roshan, Rohtas.
S alphabet
19: - Shankar, Shantanu, Shambhu, Shakti, Sushant, Sharma, Shashank, Shashikant, Sahadeva, Shekhar, Shivkar, Shivnath, Shishupala, Shyam, Shailendra, Srikanth, Sri Krishna, Sridhar, Srirama, Srideva, Srinath, Srinivasa, Shripati, Music, Sangram, Sanjay, Sanjeev, Sandeep, Sachin, Sajan, Satguru, Satya, Satyavan, Satyasheel, Sadashiva, Surya, Samar, Sudhanshu, Sudhakar, Samay, Sumit, Sarvesh, Sagar, Sadhu, Sarang, Savat, Sawan, Sahil, Sidhu, Sitanath , Sukant,
Sukesh, Sukesh, Sukhpal, Sudarshan, Sunil, Suresh, Sumangal, Suraj, Suryakant, Suryadeep, Suryashree, Somnath, Somraj, Somanshu, Sohan
Ladko Ke Naam from T Alphabet
20: - Taksha, Tanay, Tanuj, Tanuprakash, Tanurag, Tanubhav, Tamil, Tarun, Tarunraj, Tilak, Tushar, Tirupati, Tribhuvan, Trilok, Trilochan, Trivedi
U Alphabet
21: - Uday, Udip, Umang, Joy, Upendra, Uma Prasad, Festival, Umang, Ulhas, Uttam, Ujjwal, Udham, Udit, Upanshu, Upendra, Umakant
V Alphabet
22: - Vinay, Vyom, Vaibhav, Vikrant, Vikrant, Vicky, Vinay, Vamana, Vamdev, Descent, Varun, Vashisht, Vedaprakash, Veer, Vibhishan, Vihan, Vikram, Vaikunth, Vipul, Vayan, Vyomash, Vimal, Choice, Vandan. , Vansraj, Varun, Vardhaman, Vasudev, Vasudev, Vijay, Vinay, Vineet, Vinod, Vipul, Vaibhav, Virag, Vivek, Vishwakarma, Vishnu, Veeraketu
W alphabet
23: - Washim, Wakesh, Walid, Vaman, Vasudev, Vasan, Wazir |
Y alphabet
24: - Yogesh, Yogi, Yograj, Yogendra, Yogeshwar, Yogiraj, Yashwant, Yukti, Yaksharaj, Yajat, Yajnapati, Yadunath, Yadupati, Yaduvir, Yaduvanshi, Yemen, Yamesh, Yavan, Yash, Yugesh, Yudhvir, Yoganath, Yuvraj, Yashpal , Yashodhan, Yadunandan, Yatindra, Yashwant, Yajat, Yajnesh
Ladko Ke Naam from Z Alphabet
25: - Zahid, Zakir, Zuhair, Jaheb.
So friends, this was some Ladko Ki Naam or Ladko Ke Naam ki List. We hope that you guys will like this article. If you like this article, then share it with your friends.
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Trailer Park - Galak-Z: Variant S (Switch)
Playable in actual Space!
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Boring gameplay + Heavy punishments for death = Blacklisting
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Nintendo Switch | Free 2 Play Arsenal
Sokaknak elveszi a kedvét a Nintendo Switch-csel kapcsolatban, hogy a vásárláskor nem elég csak magát a gépet megvenni, hanem egy minőségibb fólia illetve hordtáska sem árt, ami meg tudja dobni a végösszeget. Ja, és akkor még játékokról nem is volt szó. Ezzel a bejegyzéssel most elsősorban nekik szeretnék segíteni, hogy lássák mennyi minden elérhető már ingyenesen a Nintendo Switchen.
Realm Royale
Arena of Valor
Prime World: Defenders
Fallout Shelter
Kitten Squad
Pokémon Quest
Dawn of the Breakers
Galak-Z: Variant S
Lightseekers (handheld only)
The Pinball Arcade
Pinball FX3
Coloring Book
Color Zen
Super Kirby Clash
Deltarune Chapter 1
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions
A 22 free 2 play játékon túl a klasszikusok is várnak rád! A Nintendo Switch Online díja évente mindössze csak 6 000 HUF-ba kerül, amelyért cserében a következőket kapod:
Tetris 99
NES Classics
SNES Classics
A retro játékok tárháza folyamatosan bővül és az Online díjon kívül nem feláras! Így már nem is tűnik olyan reménytelennek a vásárlás, ugye? :) Ez után pedig még mindig lesz idő gyűjteni a nagy játékokra!
Fontos még kiemelnem, hogy az ingyenesen játszható online játékokhoz – a konkurens konzolokkal ellentétben – nem szükséges Nintendo Online előfizetés!
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Haven’t been arting lately.
Cuz honestly, video gaming been more enticing than drawing lately. Especially this personal project of playing 30-60 mins of every PS4 games in my library. Click more if you’re curious about what games I been playing.
So far I played (since Oct 4th)
Dead by Daylight
The Bridge
2064: Read Only Memories
Rocketbirds 2
God of War III
Another World
Space Overlords
Laser League
CoD: Black Ops III
King Oddball
We Are Doomed
Mafia III
In Space We Brawl
Foul Play
Don’t Die, Mr Robot!
Mad Max
Escape Plan
Drive Club
Stealth Inc 2
Here They Lie
NBA 2K16
Road Not Taken
Hotline Miami
Rocket League
The Unfinished Swan
Destiny 2
Hardware: Rivals
Skulls of the Shogun
Galak Z
Magicka 2
Switch Galaxy Ultra
King’s Quest
Table Top Racing
Towers of Guns
Pumped BMX+
Tiny Troopers
I have about 27 games left (in no particular order)
Super Time Force Ultra
Valiant Heart
Titan Soul
Let It Die
This War of Mine
Disc Jam
Laser Disco Defender
Killing Floor
Sky Force
Strike Vector
Worm Battlegrounds
Dungeon Punk
Uncanny Valley
Deus Ex
Drawn to Death
#shoetext#also kinda gave up on inktober#which is sad cuz i was doing so well#maybe i should talk about this on twitter#i need some sort of outlet of this thoughts
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Menurutnya, meminta maaf = kamu salah
20 September 2022.
Malas berdebat adalah aku. Tidak mau bertengkar dengan orang lain adalah aku. Hanya ingin menjadi bagian yang netral adalah aku. Dan tidak ingin memiliki masalah dengan orang terdekat adalah aku.
Aku sudah mengalami naik turun dari suatu hubungan dengan orang lain sejak lama. A sampai Z sudah aku lalui. Aku hanya ingin memproteksi diri sendiri dengan tidak memiliki masalah dengan siapapun.
Jujur saja, itu akan melelahkan. Terlebih bagi seorang people pleaser.
Satu waktu aku marah padanya. Marah atas pertanyaannya yang membuatku berpikir, ‘kok bisa kamu bertanya seperti itu?’. Marah karena pertanyaan yang ia berikan sangat baru aku lalui. Semalaman bahkan berhari-hari aku dan yang lainnya setia melalui dan mengikutinya. Namun, dia pergi begitu saja padahal itu tanggung jawabnya. Dan dengan mudahnya ia bertanya bagaimana semalam? Bagaimana katanya?!
Jelas aku marah. Memarahinya hingga ia lari dan menangis. Aku tidak tega melihatnya berakhir menangis. Semakin lama pun akan semakin banyak orang yang datang dan aku tidak mau dituduh macam-macam karena membuatnya menangis.
Meminta maaf. Aku putuskan untuk meminta maaf karena telah berbicara dengan nada tinggi.
Tapi setelahnya, ia hanya menganggapku sosok yang galak dan keras tanpa melihat bahwa saat itu bukan hanya aku saja yang harusnya meminta maaf. Dan pandangannya itu dia bawa dengan bangga kepada yang lainnya bahwa aku telah memarahinya hingga membuatnya menangis. Baginya, meminta maaf adalah sebuah tanda bahwa kamu salah dan kalah.
Lucu. Lucu bahwa di masa kini, dirinya menggembar-gemborkan bagaimana harusnya seseorang meminta maaf. Bagaimana dia merasa sangat tersakiti hingga tersayat-sayat karena orang lain tidak bertindak sesuai keinginan dan aturanmu. Sementara aku disini masih hidup dengan label galak yang diberikanmu dan tanpa permohonan maafmu juga.
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E3 2018 Thoughts on Nintendo
So Nintendo over the years has learned to show only what’s coming out soon rather than bait fans with a teaser for a game that is way out in production (Looking at you Sony and Microsoft). In addition, they used their direct this year to push forward the versatility of the Switch as well as give a huge show of appreciation to the Smash Pro community that pretty much built itself from the ground up. I will give Nintendo this much, their booth this year, while not as cool as the Mario one last year, did have a lot going on and the game lines for just Smash and Let’s go Pokemon were over 4 hours long. They had to cut them off on all three days and set up areas for people to watch others play on big screens.
Also both of their tournaments did strong numbers this year, showing that Splatoon and Smash are still hitters in the E-sports area. Though now I hope Arms gets in there because that game is fun.
Dameon X Machenia reminded me a hell of a lot of the Super robot Wars games that come out for Gundam and other series. Yet this was very different. Flying robots to fight what looks like monsters/mecha seems like a fun way to pass the time. Also, based on the Tree house showing, there’s a customization element going on not just with the avatar (which you can chose your gender) but also the robot itself and it’s weapons. There’s also an area that looks to allow online play along with a single player campaign. Again, mixed feelings, unless you can invite people into the server that you want playing with you so that you know no jerks will just jump in and ruin the game. Over all I like what I see, but it’s a ways out. Nice of them to start with something exciting.
Super Mario Party looks amazing. So apparently we can have four players to one switch via the tv set up, but also two switches can be made to change up the board, which brings up the question, can you have more than four players playing if you have three or more switches? It’s Mario Party so most people know the drill for this one. I do like that they kept in a lot of things from the older titles and apparently we’re going to have Bowser as an option to play. This should be interesting to see, and probably will be a buy for me once I’m done with my back log of games.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna the Golden DLC. This could practically be a game in and of itself given the way that the story is taking shape here. It looks really interesting and is certainly filling in gaps in the story that we had from XC2. What I’m wondering is if Xeno will rival FF, Tales and DQ in the future with the story telling and now the world building. I should note too that the Challenge mode brought back in Shulk and Fiora from the first Xenoblade Chronicles story. Visually the game looks amazing and really got me excited to buy the DLC, and, apparently there is a second edition that let’s you get both the DLC and the original game. Similar to the FF XV Royal edition.
This one is the one that I’ve personally been waiting for. As a Fire Emblem Fan since way back from the Game Boy Advanced Version, it’s exciting to see an new FE show up on the Switch. Fire Emblem Three Houses showed up and wow. Since this is clearly an incomplete game there’s things that need to be worked on, but from what we saw I would say it’s really visually amazing. Reportedly the artist that did the art for the Uta wa no Prince Sama series is providing the art here. Though I don’t know because others are saying it reminds them of the artist from the Persona Series. I will say though that the character’s look amazing, and the fact that it’s not an Avatar in this game means that a lot of the story and depth of the story will rely on the characters interacting with one another. Another cool thing was the system where you can train the characters in different triangle weapons, which can become useful. From what we’ve seen there appears to be an open world aspect of this, and you can run around. Also units now have warriors with them and can create formations based on what you need. Over all this looks fun and the animation for the cut scenes are top notch. I won’t lie I’m a bit biased on this one.
Fortnite was a good move on the switch’s part, and the fact that they showed it in a way that is different than how Sony, Microsoft, or PC shows the game means that they can pull in players that normally may not want to play this. The vibrant color had me going “Wait…is that Fortnite? What the hell? Is it really that goofy?” as most version I’ve seen have had people wearing serious clothing rather than the goofy stuff that you can get. Honestly, if I was good at shooters and liked them, this trailer would have made me pick it up. I hope that people playing on PC and Xbox are having fun with Nintendo players…Sony, I know you were burned in the past by Nintendo, and have issues with Microsoft and for some odd reason hate PCs, but come on…stop locking people out of playing with others. Sheesh!
Hollow Knight, another interesting showing here. Hollow Knight I heard was a good get for the switch, given that it’s a fan favorite. Mix of platforming and fighting will work well on the switch. To be honest while it’s cute and all I’ll have to see if I want to get it.
Killer Queen Black is a surprise for some people, as it was a small arcade game that had a loyal following but was believed to not be able to be put on a console system. Apparently they did it. It seems to be a timed exclusive so it may not stay just on the Switch. Looks like fun, but I’m not a bee fan honestly. But it looks nice and I’m sure that other people will love to play it.
Overcooked 2, I can’t wait to get. It seems like an awesome game and one that I will be playing a lot with friends. Reminds me a bit of dinner dash but with puzzle elements and strategy. Should be a good buy for people that want to have something a bit more relaxing to play in it’s own way.
Octopath Traveler showed up again, and mentioned a new Demo. Square later went on at E3 to say that they’re going to make a division for the Switch so that’s a promising thing. The game’s demonstration at the tree house has made this a day one for me, which is rare outside of again, Fire Emblem. So this has me very excited and I hope to see more games like this and others from Square Enix on the Switch.
Let’s Go Pokemon: Pikachu/Evee. Pretty much seemed like Pokemon Yellow. I mean, you play with Pikachu following you around rather than in the ball, and it combines elements of pokemon go. On top of that you can transfer pokemon from go to the game, and you get a mew in the new pokeball add on...although I wish the price was a bit lower for that pokeball. Sheesh!
They had a quick run down of games coming out including: Octo Expansion, SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy, Dragon Ball Fighter Z, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, Ninjala, Paladins: Realm Royale, Roller Coaster Tycoon Switch, Starlink: Battle for Atlas, Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition (may have shown this it went fast), sushi Striker.
Smash Brothers Ultimate, I know some were disappointed that this took up so much time, but there’s something that has to be said. This is really, outside of maybe the bigger tournaments, that Nintendo has shown that they have been paying attention to the pro scene for their fighting game. With all the tweeks that they did to this game, and allowing the characters in there the way that they did, they’re going to be a contender at larger game tournaments like Evo and the like. Back when the switch was first show in 2017 there was the whole E-sports section, and I think that Nintendo is actually looking into that with some of it’s games. The various things, like the one on one fighting being made to be more devastating when you have solo fights means that, for pros, the game will move faster. Having the different stage styles also means it’s better for the competition scene so that the game can be played there.
I’m glad to see Ice Climbers back, all my Fire Emblem characters are still there, Wii Fit is back, the amazing Pit is there still, I love that we now have Daisy –my girl –as a character to play as, and we finally got Ridley –after all this time… Now Sakurai, please put in Takamaru from the Mystery of Muramasa castle as not an assist and I will praise you to the high heavens. Oh yeah and Proto and Base (Bass?) are in Megaman’s smash now. (Proto as an echo fighter please? Or Zero?)
As for the other games that are coming out to Switch, while they didn’t show them all…here’s the list from E3 2018 of the games that are coming:
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion
Bomber Crew
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy –Rumors are going around that Spyro may also be coming too
Dead Cells
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten DX
Dragon Quest XI –apparently yes it is coming for the switch.
The Elder Scrolls: Legends –tired of this being on your phone…use it on the Switch on the go.
Fallout Shelter
Fate Extella Link –Hey what do you know…the Fate series is now on the Switch
Freedom Planet
Gal Metal –music game that has an interesting story
Galak-Z: Variant S –You like Gundam? You like arcade games? Well this is right up your alley
Harold Halibut
Just Dance 2019
Kingdom: Two Crowns
LEGO DC Supervillains
Little Dragons Café –What if you could raise dragons in the world of Harvest Moon, same creators
Mario + Rabbids DLC
Mario Tennis Aces –This was kind of interesting to see in the Tree house, making me consider getting it.
Mega Man 11
My Friend Pedro –Yeah the gag game that is coming to PC from Digital Revolver, it’s on the Switch.
My Hero Ones Justice –For those of us who want to smash things with Lord Murder Explosion (Bakugo)
NBA Live 19
Planet Alpha
Raji: An Ancient Epic
Shining Resonance Refrain –Kind of wish this one was shown, but Sega does what Sega does…
Spintires: MudRunner –basically you want to play with all terrain vehicles…then here you go.
State of Mind
Super Meat Boy Forever
Team Sonic Racing
Trials Rising –wish they would have shown some of this
Valkyria Chronicles 4 –Sega….you should have had your own direct…seriously
'V-Rally 4
Arcade Donkey Kong
That’s a lot of games coming out for the Switch…most of these would be fun to play…and that’s not even listing the ones that were already out prior to E3.
Over all, for presentation regarding the use of the Direct, I’d say A- to a B mostly because of the variety. Though I do think that they could have elongated their direct to give more showings of the games that weren’t Smash that were coming to the Switch.
#nintendo#e3 2018#nintendo e3 2018#mario + Rabbids Kingdom battle donkey kong adventure#donkey kong#wargroove#v-rally 4#valkyria chronicles 4#trials rising#team sonic racing#super meat boy forever#spintires: mudrunner#state of mind#shining resonance refrain#raji: an ancient epic#planet alpha#nba live 19#my hero ones justice#bakugo#lord murder explosion#my friend pedro#mega man 11#mario tennis aces#little dragons cafe#lego dc super villains#kingdom: two crowns#just dance 2019#harold halibut#galak-z#galak-z variant s
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