#gaining knowledge for pleasure not because it is absolutely necessary for my survival
i-wanna-b-yours · 2 years
i think i should've been born as a second son to some high standing noble lord in medieval times (not having the responsibility to be an heir but still enjoy the lavishness yk). or maybe i should've been a nepo baby.
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casspurrjoybell-22 · 5 months
The Art of Sin - Chapter 6 - Part 1
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•Blue Nekozuka (Neko)
•Lycus Tupou (Phooka)
*Warning Adult Content*
I knew I said I wouldn't be a part of their game but I've never been more sexually frustrated in my life. 
Since the situation with Ire and Lycus a couple weeks ago, no one has done anything.
No sex... no kissing... nothing.
I've never been a situation where sex was withheld or at least not in one where I wasn't the one withholding it but it's not like I wanted to have sex with them specifically.
I just needed a good fuck.
I don't like how friendly I've become with my right hand. I suppose, in a sense, not having sex was relaxing.
I didn't have to look over my shoulder as much and customers weren't using my body for their own pleasure but damn.
I really wanted to be pounded into oblivion.
I studied myself in my the mirror, running a hand through my hair.  
I looked different and not just because of the shorter hair, though it did make me look younger.
I didn't look like the pathetic whore who was sold.
Though I wanted to fuck like crazy, I had gained some dignity during my short time here.
Not much, mind you but enough that I had freewill.
For instance, I was currently on strike.
It started two days ago.
We were in the library, a two story room lined with what seemed like thousands of books.
I had found a section of books in my native language and began reading through them, much to the other's shock.
"Dude, you can read those?" Lycus exclaimed, walking to the love seat I was occupying. The others, curious, wandered closer.
I gave a laugh, understanding their shock.
Though the language wasn't something extremely complex, others would be hard pressed to get information from a book written by incubi or succubi.
"My people are extremely secretive in just about every aspect of our lives. We use glamour for everything even if it doesn't seem that big of a deal to an outsider."
Noir frowned, noticing my choice of words.
"I didn't know incubi were capable of glamour," Tate added, interested by the discussion.
I was amused by their lack of knowledge.
Giving a small grin, I motioned for Lycus to come closer.
I touched his arm, the skin beginning to shimmer and spread across his body.
His previously dark, sun-tanned skin had become as light as a newborn Sun Elf's.
He gasped, waving his arm in front of him in disbelief.
"I can't even sense the glamour..." Tate stated, moving closer to inspect Lycus.
"Well, yeah. It's part of survival for my people. An undetectable glamour can, at times, be the difference between life and death. For that reason incubi and succubi take great pride in their glamour, becoming experts."
To prove my point, I gave Lycus a pair of horns and a long, scaled tail.
Bain, too amazed to stay with his book, came over as well... leaving only Lord Nikoli who stood away from us, looking at me with a slight frown.
"Are you using glamour on yourself now?" he asked but it came out as a demand. 
I swallowed, suddenly nervous and the others fell silent, glancing between us.
Minutes passed before I finally gave a slow nod, my wide eyes not leaving his narrowed ones.
His frown became more of a grimace.
"Glamour is one thing I do not allow, please release it."
"NO," it came out harsher than I mean, shocking not only the others, but myself.
Softer, I repeated myself.
"No..." I could tell he was clenching his teeth and he gave me a stiff nod before turning abruptly and walking out the door.
The others only looked at me in both sympathy and surprise.
Numbly, I released the glamour I casted on Lycus, proceeding to pick up the book I'd been reading.
After returning it to the shelf, I left... not glancing at the others though I felt their gazes like laser beams burning holes in my back.
For two days I barely spoke, answering questions in as few words as possible and only when it was absolutely necessary.
I knew I was grating on Lord Nikoli's nerves.
Everyday at breakfast he asked me to release my glamour and everyday I said no, refusing to say why.
After our exchange of heated expressions, we'd both sit in silence, neither willing to let up.
I knew it was awkward for the others.
The tension was almost overwhelming.
I felt slightly guilty but I wasn't going to give in.
I had my reasons but I didn't want to say them out loud.
I avoided glancing in a mirror I passed, walking down the hall as I looked for Blue.
Tate said he wanted me to help him with something.
I was about to give up when I spotted him out the window, stopping me dead in my tracks.
He was on top of the roof, jumping around without a care in the world.
I quickened my pace until I was sprinting to the other wing.
I found the flight of stairs leading up, taking four steps at a time.
When I burst through, my breathing erratic, he jumped, turning to me with wide, slit like eyes which quickly narrowed.
"Fuck, man, you scared the shit out of me."
I noticed a tail flick behind him in annoyance, my gaze traveling up to his hair where a pair of cat ears sat.
"You're a Neko," I stated dumbly, my previous panic being released knowing that he was safe.
"Duh. Now come help me catch him," he said, pointing towards what seemed like a small, black cat.
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feywildheart · 8 years
Sybilshitposting’s Characters.
Just in case anyone’s interested in the characters I play/want to play, I’ve made a list here. Feel free to ask about them, or…hell, anything, please just talk to my lonely ass
Kharaa Khurdan: Druid X (5), Land (Grassland), Centaur, Outlander, Neutral Good, Dragon’s Revolt. 14/12/12/10/18/12 + War Caster Feat.
Sporting striking black hair and dark tan skin, Kharaa heralds from the steppes far from King Azelstan's reach, bordering a great mountain range, thick forest, and bountiful lake within the Que-Kiyn (Kay-Keen) tribe. During one particularly horrible attack from what they called "Planesraiders" many of the centaurs, herself included, were displaced around the land via the chaotic magicks that the Planesraiders use, with no way to return. Now, she begrudgingly seeks the help of other races in Stohion to find a way to halt the invasions for good, and bolster her home's defenses should such an attack happen in the future. If she can bring antimagicks and abjuring spells, she will consider herself successful. Her journey lead her to a world of steel, smog and fire, where she has become distraught, empathising with the dying world’s aura of pain. Her motivation has not changed, but now wishes to return magic and life to a dead world, doing whatever necessary to restore natural harmony.
Nylah Al-Tazi: Bard 3 (X) Warlock 0 (3) Lore & Archfey/Tome, Half-Elf (Desert), Acolyte, Chaotic Good, Ocean of Sand campaign. 8/14/14/12/12/18 + Actor feat, Combat controller and support, Out of Combat illusionist, spy and party face. Born to Delasia, an elven Maiden of Shaeyna and an unknown human client in Penrith, Nylah was raised from birth under the roof of her mother’s goddess, and learned everything she had to offer, leading to her finding her identity as one of the Maidens, something that she had wanted to do, and simultaneously cast off her assigned gender at birth as male. In her early years of maidenhood, she learned the many arts that maidens were notorious for, with music and the Tanbur calling to her the most, showing great talent for musical prowess, magic and the gift of speech, training as a bard to further her goddesses dogma and the tasks, jobs and reputation that a Maiden of Shaeyna is responsible for carrying on her shoulders. Her most recent trip took her to a dwarven mountain town on the edge of a barren desert, where a wealthy elven noble, Lord Varnelis, has hired her and a handful of adventurers to expand into the desert through airship shanty towns, where Nylah hopes to share Shaeyna’s love and care to denisens, and demonstrate the resourcefulness and trickster nature that people overlook in the Maidens.
Kinsy Merrim: Bard 3 (1) Wizard X (5) Lore & Illusion, Forest Gnome, Harper Agent, Chaotic Good, Adventure League. 8/14/10/18/12/14 + Observant feat Combat control and deception. Out of Combat trickster, comic relief, and voice of reason.
Kinsy, a gnome with short, messy brown hair and freckled complexion, was raised in Mistledale within the Great Dale in a small community of Forest Gnomes, She is a sweet little gnome who absolutely refuses to swear, not one to adhere to the laws of the land just because they are laws, but prefers to ensure that people around her are happy and safe, regardless of what rules might say. As by Merrim family tradition, she sought to become a maker of magical items and spells, but the Harpers had other plans, especially after Kinsy had showed a great deal of cunning, cleverness, care and positivity, using her illusions and tricks to keep fights from breaking out, or weigh the odds in her favour. Under Harper training, she sought towards the city of Neverwinter, under the guise of training at the Neverwinter Academy as an illusionist and transmuter, all while aiming to keep her eyes and ears open on what the new Lord Protector, Dagult Neverember, plans to do with his control of the city, more so after being dismantled as Open Lord of Waterdeep. She has also been told to keep an eye on the newly ‘elected’ lord of Nightstone, a paladin of Bane, god of fear and tyranny, who has passively mentioned overthrowing other lords and exploit the civilians for personal gain. She is accompanied by a small owl familiar she refers to as “Zippt.”
Sybil Embermane: Druid 3 (0) Ranger X (5), Hunter & Land (Grassland), Wood elf, Outlander, Neutral Good, unused. 10/16/13/12/16/8 + Mobile Feat. Combat Area Control and Ranged support, Out of Combat survivalist, scout and herbalist.
Sybil, with auburn hair and unfeminine build, was raised and trained as a druid by a splinter faction of the Tel’Quessir hoping to restore the lands that had been damaged and lost to the Elves in generations past when they were annexed for the sake of war, now, her nomadic tribe hopes to survive, living off of the forests of Faerun, cutting down those who would wish to harm ancestral grounds, be they human, dwarven or goblinoid. Sybil had been given a task by her tribe to explore Faerun on her own to understand the hardships that isolation and distrust can bring.
Theresa Webber: Rogue 2 (X) Warlock 0 (1-2), Swashbuckler & Fey, Half-Elf (sun) Sailor background, Chaotic Neutral, unused. 10/16/14/8/12/16. Combat assassin/off tank, 1v1er. Out of combat sass, stealth, party face. Theresa has had the adventurer's blood in her veins since she was young, born to a seafaring sorcerer mother and the elven captain of the “Emerald Sun”, who had raised her into a life of harsh conditions, where no town was her home for longer than a week, leading to the growth of an adventurous, clever and reliable soul who saw others who didn’t live similar lives on the deck as dull and unfortunate. Her bias towards them meant that she wasn’t hesitant to scam them out of their money, or use her elven blood to her advantage. In her teen years, she grew more and more facinated with Sirens and the tales of luring men to their deaths, and hoped to imitate this in her own manner, where she took up the rapier, her own cunning words, and the allure her father had given her through his blood.
Eirthi Bannithlarn: Cleric 1 Wizard X (4), Knowledge & Divination, Moon Elf, Acolyte, Lawful Neutral, unused. 8/16/12/16/13/10 + Lucky Feat. Combat Area Control and Debuff oriented, Out of Combat Scryer, Knowedge buff and judge of character.
Bald, clever and lanky, Eirthi had a strong affinity for study, language and the future, even claiming she had clear images of possible future occurrences in her trances, and had thought that everyone had said images. She was handed over to, and taught by a temple of Ioun after some of the Acolytes had heard about her ability, and hoped to hone them, and excelled in historical, multi-lingual, arcane and religious studies as a Wizard. As she furthered her study, she began to spend more and more time consulting and learning from the acolytes in hopes to enhance her natural ability with the help of the Goddess of Prophesy. In her time in the temple, she has been commissioned by a great many people for readings, translation, and education, but one such commission has gone sour, and the acolyte of Ioun predicts that things are likely to worsen. Saheera: Warlock X (5), Fey & Tome, Fey’ri (Elf equivalent of tiefling) Guild Artisan, Chaotic Neutral, unused. 8/14/12/11/13/18 + Actor Feat. Combat ranged dps and debuff oriented. Out of Combat Party Face, Spy and Disguiser. With a natural lure towards beauty and perfection, Saheera saw her outwards appearance as something she sought to move past to be seen as socially accepted. Unfortunately, she wasn’t given the pleasure, and, in spite working as a tailor for a guild for noble goods and services, she still was scorned and hated, which slowly turned her towards a mutual distrust and spite. Her quest for normality and riches lead her to Yseult, a Sprite of the Unseelie court, who saw this curious individual as a puppet to use for her mischief and desire to break order and the norm. Granting her powers of deception and beguile, Saheera took the form of a High Elf to hide her demonic appearance of smokey skin and jet black hair to that of golden hair and skin like sunlight, to woo the hearts of unsuspecting folk, and since then, has not regretted her decision to work with Yseult.
Rebeka Remora: Cleric 1 Bard X (4), Life & Lore, Half Sun Elf, Acolyte, Chaotic Good, unused. 8/14/10/12/16/16 + Inspiring Leader feat. Combat Healer, buff and control oriented. Out of Combat Party face, skiller and negotiator. Orphaned at a young age as an unwanted birth, a temple of lliira lead by a Half Elf by the name of Lyra Varson along with other acolytes, took in said unwanted births and began to raise them as acolytes to the Joybringer. Rebeka, born with striking black hair and the gorgeous golden skin of her Elven bloodline, had a strong affinity for music and healing, be it physical, magical, mental or emotional, using her talents to care for those who had come for refuge in the temple and aiding in group prayer with the calm sounds of either a harp or flute, equally adapt and capable with both. She is of gentle nature, but Lyra feels that her sheltered life could be bettered by travel, asking her to leave the temple under the guise of a “quest” to spread the teachings she has been given through her music, and to heal those in need of aid. 
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